Exeter Advocate, 1913-5-1, Page 8`Alta, EXETER MARKETS*: N :.E EACH WEDNESDAY SDAAYY A 8yy 411 ,A# 000******. uuk vheast• .,;.., ,.#.. (►A Peas* AAAA .A.,Y.Y.. .. 93. 93 45 48 48QQ�, 15504 1.00 1 1,5 1,.25 13a 1000 10 00 00 1 50 150 22 22 92a 150 15 22 O 26 00 Patel, ,44% per bag .....,. Hay, teprtor.+•,.A,„l.,,. 'Joni. per ewt,,, family .'lolly, !nee grade per cw Butter .;.,,A...,.. ,..A.. Drried A'pplss per Ib ,... 14'e flogs, per cwt..... Short- net, tgn...,A A,%.#, Bran iper ton Sugar Beet meal,..... FARM TO RENT 109 area grass farm to rent. Apply to W. M. BLATCHFORD 328 Lee Ave., Toronto. Marriage, Zdeenses. feared at the Advo- cate Offeat Exeter, BUGGY FOR. SALE—Good strong second hand buggy, good repair, new- ly painted apply to D. C. McInnis Exeter. Housekeeper Wanted,—A Middle aged woman; light house Work. Apply Nat. Corbett Brinsley,Ont. PASTURE TO RENT Ane Cider Press for Sale. 150 acres being Lot 11, S,Be Con. 6,Hay and W 1-2 Lot 3, Hay. Good supply of water all season. The cider press is in good condition„ Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O. HOUSE TO REIT. -Good frame dwelling on Andrew Street, with 2-3 e ofchoice i gardea; number ho't acre o rden fruit trees and other small fruits. A reasonable rental. Apply at this of- fice or C. S. Sanders, • Farmers wanting iol3 for ti ext sea- son should place their order at nae the Canadian' Government Agent, Advo- cate Orrice, Exeter. CANNING FACTORY . CONTRACT Wel are prepared to contract with farmers to grow peas and corn for the canning season.–Exeter Can- nin0 Co. SEED BARLEY.-Th•h undersign ed has a quantity of No. 21 seed barley grown from: selected seed for four years. Lot 22, Con. 2 Stephen.—W. D. Sanders. GIRL WANTED.—To do , general housework, Apply to Mrs. W. W. Tainan Exeter Gir.' wanted for general housework Must be able to cook and Dake. New !louse with all conveniences. No washing Wages '$20.00 a month. Re ferences required. Mrs. J. E. McCort - pelt Broughdale, London Ont.: Get some neatly printed calling cards at The Advocate. HORSES FOR SALE—At Doyle's, Horse Exchange -2 mares in foal; three 6 -yr -old horses; five 4 -year- old horses two 3 -year-olds. All are sound and in good condition. Suit- able for local demands. CALVES FOR SALE—Choice Dur barn and High Grade Holstein heifer calves for sale, every week privately Apply by card or personally to, Gecrge Sanders, Huron St. Exeter. FOR SALE OR RENT One and a half storey _ frame house and lot on Andrew street, containing 8: rooms Hard and soft water; ,n good state of repair; pleasantly situated on right side of street. Will be sold reasonable or rented to good tenant. For further particulars apply to B, S. PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont. A GREAT OFFER— The Ad- vocate has just completed ar- rangements whereby we can .sup- ply The Advocate, Mail and Bni- •pire aAea Dominion Poultry Guide for the small sum of $1.55. Now is the time to secure cheap and goon reading at low costs. 10,000 CEDAR POSTS FOE SALE All First -Class Quality. A Special Price for Largs Qrd:re. G. ta. HICKS, t ' • • Centralia. FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres of choice land being south part of lot 9 Con 3 Usborne. There is on the premises a good frame house, 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, stab- ling at one end ; wood shed, pig - house 16x24; two good wells of water; 35 acres in grass; well drained and fenced; good orchard For further particulars apply to TTohrt Cornish, Exeter P.O., or on the premises. HOUSE AND LOT, FOR SALEM lltu. ted on Andrew Street; house co.ntaina 7 rooms; hard and 'soft wat x AU in good state rot repair; new fraune stable; will be sold reasonable. For further pa.rtieulare appia to JAMES -OG= DEN, er to B. 5. PHILLIPS, . Beal Ea'ta.te ;Agent, Exeter, Ont, TENDERS. Tenders wanted for wateriee the following streets r—Main, troth the Scuth Boundary north to the themes Road • Huron, from the Corner of Carling West to the coruer of Albert street east'; Wellington,. from IVlaiiu to the G. T. R. track. The teasemer to tender for the pumping arid ivithouc pumping. I' ..0 same to be it the Clerk's fiends not tater than 7.00 o'clock Friday evening•_, "Tay 2114 T. ' ET. Carling, C1erh LOCAL DOINGS. 11r Hurdon has recovered suffici- ently to allow the nurse to return to London. Principal Weidenharnmer gave an ineteresting address to ,the Main St; League Tuesday night, Paddy Flynn splintered a bone in his arrr Friday when cranking anaute It is getting better rapidly, The Conservative members of the Ontario. Legislature have presented Premier Whitney witht 'a $5000 eutod mobile Ott Friday evening Mrs. l�icGilli cuddy had .the misfortune to fall and sprain her arm sa that itwas painful for a few days, Mr E, N. Shier, who has purchased, the W J. Carling Stock, is now put - time on a big Slaughter Sale oin the Cita Stand Exeter. You have seersa person try to snake another person feel cheap. It is only a cheap person that does that kind of thing... We would as' k each subscriber tc kindly read thelabel on his paper. and it in arrears for 1913, we would appreciate an early call, Mr and i'tiirs. Thos. Elliott and son John and daughter, Miss Maud, at-,. tended the China wedding of the, foriner's daughter, Mrs. Fre& Red- mond in Marlette, last week. ' Four more immigrants arrived here this week from the Old Country to C H' Sanders, Canadian Government Employment Agent, and: they were promptly, placed with good • farmers} in this neighborhood. On Sunday last John; Brown ;lied at the House of Refuge, Clinton, after being their only a ,Few months, De' ceased lived with Messrs Stanlake of Sodom for many years. The funeral took place in Clinton. Mr Geo Sanders was painfully in- jured the latter part of last week by the pony he owns kicking him in the faceinflicting a severe wound on the nose Luckily he we; no closer to the animal otherwise the result .night pace proved fatal, A former resident of Exeter died in Philadelphia ` on „Tuesday of last week, in the person of Mrs. Mahon, sister of Mes. John White of town and Mrs. McCauley :of Philadelphia, and mother of Mrs. Ira Spicer of Deni er Col. Deceased was about 83 years of age, and had been away from Exeter many years. The funeral took place on Saturday in Philadelphia. In its report pf the Goderich Counci'. Meeting last week the Sig- nal says.—"Ex-Reeve Taylor, of Exeter was present and on the 'n- vitaticn of the Mayor addressed the council briefly. He expressed his plea sure it, the progress which Goderich was making and hoped it would go on tc continued prosperity and be an ornament to the County of Huron." Nothing is worth doing by halves LI it isworth attempting, put some earnestness into it, so as to make it splendidly successful, and if not worth whole hearted effort, leave it strictly alone. To: do a thing by halves is ar insult to the enterprise that is worth while, and to attempt any- thing into which you cannot put your heart in an insult to yourself. The only responsibility that a snarl cannot evade in this' life is the one he thinks least of, his personal in- fluence Man's conscious influende, when he is on dress parade, when he is posing to :impress those around him is woefully small. But his un- conscious influence, the silent sub- tle radiation of his personality, the effect of his wprds , and acts, the trifles he never considers, is trem- endous. Never send a dollar away from home when the article that _ the dol- lar will purchase can be obtained at- home. Money is our financial blood Its circulation keeps the business body alive. Bleed that body by send ing money away and business will soon put on a dock of lethargy Watch the bargains offered by en- terprising advertisers in this paper and you will learn- the best places to spend those home dollars. Mr W J. Carling having disposed of the balance of his drygoods stock on Thursday last to Mr. E. N. Shier merchant of 1 irkton, left on Friday morning to join his family at their new home near Brighton. Be- ing arnonv the oldest native families in town. their removal from our midst will be of deep regret to a very large circle of friends. lr. Carling has been in business in Exeter ,ver a quarter of a century and by honest and fair dealing commanded the respect of all, Being a .public spirit- ed mar, Mr. Carling has identified him self with every movement .. that would tend to promote the best in- terests and welfare of the town gen- erally and was otherwise a valued cit izen. For numerous years he served on the Trustee Board of the. Pub- lic School and also served on the Council Board in both of which he discharged the duties with credit to himself and best interests of the respective offices, The hest wishes, of al' will follow this worthy fam- ily to their new place of abode. . HICKS' FORECAST FOR MAY, — A Regular Storni Period is central on the 4tb, and extending from the and, to 7th, expect all the results due under such astronomic condition. The Moon is on the celestial equater on the 2nd, and in ,conjunction withEarth and sun on the 11th. It will grot4 suddenly very. warm on ,and. ' ,about: the 2nd, the barometer will fail to low readings, and a series of threatening thunder storms will set in; passing from west to east over. the Country. The 4th, FJtb and 6th will be the dates of greatest atorm culminations, although the 2nd. (,ails for active lightning and thunder: Change to clearing and cooler weather will follow in the immediate wake of the storms, spreading easterly over the Country and lasting for several days, From about the and to the Oth is a seismic period, calling kr a:return of earthquake sheets in various parts the globe. The dth is the central day of the period. • 13XE PER, The man who buys his friehds generally gets stuck. We never see the worst side of some people: till we get the better of thein. The man wlio gets the §iriis jus as likely to be disappointed in lover ar the .man who loses out. A quiet wedding took place in London on Monday evening last when Mr. Jos. Wambold' or Exeter wasrnar- ried to Mrs. Nellie Mellick. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Whit- ing. They were attended by Mr. and airs. WA 1 Wray of London. Mr, and Mrs, Wambold :arrived here on. Tuesday morning and have taken up their residence here. W hent you see a youth that will do any sort of work no matter how :nen ial it may be, rather than be idle von' ntav make up your mind that he will amount to something. The young reap who would starve before he would do any thing beneath what he conceives to be his dignity,. • is not made of the right kind of stuff to cut much of a figure in. this world. All honest toil is honorable, There is nothing so morallydegrading as that aversion so manual labor which is usuallyt combination of laziness and conceit. Mr and Mrs. J, Jarrott ott • of Exeter were: called to Seaforth to thefun- eral of their nephew, George Hudson, Deceased was 41 years, 13 days old was -well known and highly 'respected. Besides his sorrowing widow two little daughters, 6 and 8 years old his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wre Hudson of Seaforth, and two sisters, Mrs Wm Hogarth and Mrs. Robert Strong, lour brothers, Wm,, James and John of Seaforth, and Colin and Thomas of Hensall, mourn his demise The funeral was conducted . by the res Foes tr, CENTRE HURON LICENSES. -At a meeting of the License. Commiss- ioners for Centre Huron, held in Clin- ton' on Friday last, all the licenses in the riding were renewed for -be year with the exception 0f the six in Clinton which will be cut off on account of local option, two in Sea- forth and one in Brussels granted or three months, but which will be con- tinued for the year when certain im- provements in the buildings asked for by the commission are completed. CONSUMPTION THE SUBJECT. -We are glad to announce that the advance agent of the Sanitarium As- sociation has been in town during the week arranging for a lectu re to be given by Mr. J, B, Watson, Field Secretary.,aad Lecturer of the As- sociation on Tuberculosis and the Work ,of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Comsumptives. The lecture will be delivered on the ZZnd day of May in the Town Hall. The clergymen of the various churches: have agreed to concentrate their Thursday religious service and have all meet at the Town Hall Reeve W. J, Heenan has con- sented to take the chair Auction Sade OF HOUSE Sr LOT AND HOUSE- HOLD` EFFECTS on LOT 85, Eliza- beth street, EXETER NORTH on SATURDAY, MAY 10th, at 1,30 p.m.. sharp the following valuable property viz. Glass cupboard, writing desk, cup board coal heater, wood stove, new Williams sewing ma• chine, kitchen table work bencch, number of pic- tures. hammock, alarm clock, coal oil stove three burners, extension teble iror bedsteads, wood bedstead, man- tle clock parlor lamp, 6 p..rlor chairs couch parlor' rug, Z bed springs, 2 mattresses dresser and commode set eral pieces linoleum, harp, 4 pair lace curtains, stand, 5 kitchen chairs hwee; barrow, many other arti cles. Terms—Effects, cash; real estate, made known on day of sale. Geo ' Gartner B. S. Phillips, Prop. Auct. GATE THURSDAY MAY Mrs W T. Acheson spen lit London. Miss Laura Hobbs hits t, .Brantford Saturday urned .to Mr. Jos. Wambold was in Saginaw, Mich this week. Mr John. Mallet was in Sarnia over Sunday and Monday. Mrs WatchornleftTuesday to loin her husband in Winnipeg. Mr Thos. Brock, sr:, is confined tc hi.; bed 'through illness. Mrs Downing of London visited Mrs. Rhoda Snell this .week, Harry Sweet and Eric .Gurdon were home from Clinton over Sunday. Mr, W j. Hearan was in London for a few days during the week. Mrs. John Mallett and daughter re - tin eed e-turned from a visit in Sarnia. on' 9n-• Mis. W, S, Howey and children re- turned Saturday frone a visit in High- gate, Mr Thos. Boyle strias off duty at the store during the week owing tc illness Mrs W , G, Bissett, after. spend - ing the winter in Rochester, has returned home. Miss Hazel Young of London is visiting her grandparents, Mr.” and Mrs John Colwill. :Mr, Norman farrott, after spending a ; week here with friends, returned td Toronto yesterday. Mr and Mrs. Jordan returned to St Thomas Friday after: a few days visit at Mr. Jas, Murray's. Mrs George Lyne and Mrs, .Geo. Winterbottom of London spent Sun- da with Mrs. John Sweet, Mr. 3. J. Tilley of the ,Department o" Education. Toronto, is visiting his niece. Mrs. (Dr.) Amos, here. Mrs, Guy W. Brown of Kingsville har returned to her home accompan- ied by her mothe4, Mrs. J. Dignan Mr. Robert Willis of Marlette, Mich visited here • this • week with his brother Mr. Thomas Willisrllr whois ill at the home of Mr. F. E, . Willis. Re% D. W. Collins, D.D.G,M., o;E South Huron, District, paid an of- ficia; visit to the New Hamburg and Bader., Masonic Lodges on Thurs- day and Friday night respec Lively, Try some Buckwheat Flour for good pancakes also a choice lot of Corn ;on hand R. G. SELDOM Exeter, - Ontario 0. ROWE Phone 20a Residence next to the store, Undertaker and 'License Embalmer EXETER • ONTARIO STEWART'S Special Values In Men's & Boys' Suits This week we offer exceptional values in all Spring Clothing. The new tweeds and Worsteds that • we are showing this season are tailored in Styles that are decidedly up to -date. Whether you want a Ready -Made or a Made -to -Measure Suit. Wehave them at prices you are prepared to pay. Big range at $10,00 to $24.00, New King Hats for Men Its the meet conspieuotts thitig a man wears. You will feel better about your appearance if your hat .is. new, Oaps too at 50e., 75e. acrd $1.00: Beresford Shoes for Men Smart Shoes that are comfortable, Ilt easily and neatly. and wear a long time is fah"at you want That's whatwe sell at $4.00 and $5.00. e POTATOES Our car of Choice "Delaware Potatoes" has arrived. The quality isgobd, Get your supply Erreellent fart seed' or table use. A. STEVVART Of • NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured,,, in some other ,. second=hand way. 1 am the only authorizea Official` Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offices gal Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents, throughout Canada. Special Bargains For May This week we are selling Ladies and Gents Japanese Linen Handkerchiefs, 6 for 25c. Special Window Bargains every day. Watch our windows. It pays. • Try our Jamacia Bananas, and our Fresh Roasted -- Peanuts. They are good. Come in often and look around.` Pwe11's Bazaar Big Variety Sure JONES & MAY PHONE: NO. 32 Spring Time Is Here. ,The balmy breezes ar c blo wing and make us feel good. To - fel good we must be dressed good and this the place to , come for the up-to-date' cloths for Ladies Children, Men and Boys. Ladies Stylish Suits and Coats We are showing 'a beautiful range of Ladies, and Misses ,Suits and Coats in The seasons best shades and Cloths. No two alike. all' exclusive designs. Do: not miss seeing them., WASH DRESSES. For Ladies, Misses ` and Children.. They come in all colors and combination of colors also Whites a big range to choose from, from 50 cents, up. DRESS GOODS • We have a great big show ing of all the New Fabrics and Colors in Stuff Goods that are eight up to ;the min- ute Yoe must 'see them. MILLINERY Nothing too good or New. for Our Millinery Depart- ment. If epartment..11 you want the Just Right Hat you will find it Here, Leave your orders early as • our Milliners are working ovettiine, ' MEN'S AND BOYS SUITS Our Spring Suits have. arrived and are the very height of fashion. • Every suit a good . Model BOYS WASH SUITS Por the little boys all colors to choose from ,end the niftiest styles you cean see 75c., .81.00, and 150 each 40NES ,MAY amp/niters for the celebrated W. E.' Ilford Clothing •