Exeter Advocate, 1913-1-23, Page 8.., (SEA MARKETS* A7'!tl A Tii l k). aAoH WRDNESDA"Y whe,t,t .09104..,, 9292 Barley „ 0..•00 48 Buckwhr t • .,. • 0 , 550 Oats, ,. . 0990,. 10`0 115 Petal eet>,t 4' bag, 0 .0 . , (/ f00 1 0r,00. Bay, #tea , ,rl,....,. 1000 10 /0 Flour, pot 'wt,, #amity Meier. lo , °nolle per ow 150 1600 Rutter,. • , ' 24 22 24 Eggs •,....,.. Dried Anpi„a per lb .... 7 ,80 Live how. ,0e0cwt•..,9.29 00 Short: ti .. 9o2f . , .... Bran pp, • on . 22 00 Sugar Fl,.. t meal.. „, 2e 00 25,000 HIDES WANTED FOR WHICH THE. VERY HIGTIBST PRICE WILLL, BE PAD) 123` CASTEL -,• FRED EXED8Li NORTH, FIAT P.O EVERY LA171IEs' CLOTH COAT TO BE CLEARED AT; BIG REDUCTIONS Dil•KING THE NEXT FEW WEEKS STTEW. RT'S.. HOUSE, TIO, RENT . Raving, had my house otn •Williann ,street r -modelled it is now ready to Tent. For particu&ars, call One door south, or write W. 1SL, Biatehtord, 828 Lee ave., Toronto, BOY'S SUITS, FOR 3 & 4 YEAR OLD BOYS. A GOOD WARM SUIT FOR WINTER. SPECIAL AT $3.00 STEWART'S. Marriage Licensee issued at the Advo- cate Oft:ce, Exeter. LADIES' TWEED SKIRTS.—HEAVY TWEED SKIRTS JUST; A FEW LEFT MUST• GO AT EACH $1.00. `"-• .STEW - ART'S. Get some neatly Printed calling cards at The Advocate.__ MISS G. E. W BISSETT, A. Mus. W.U. Honor Graduate ot the London Conservatory • of Music, Teach- ing Collage of the Western University, Teacher Piano, Theory, Harmony, Count erpoint, and Musical. History. Pupils prepared for Mutsical Examinatio„1ts. iadEN's fSU1TS—IN SMALL MEN'S GOOD HEAVY SERVICEABLE SUITS TO CLEAR AT e8,50.,--STEWART'S. LOOT AT TOUR LABEL.—At this time of yeax when taxes. and other liab- ilities are falling due we are much en need of nnioniey. Advocate subscribers could help us considerably it they would Look at the labels on their pap-: ers and remit at once the amount duel Farmers wanting help for next sea- son should place their order at once the Canadian, Government Agent, Advo- cate Office•, Esetex0., GOOD PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP Apply at this office. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. s n t Lot 20 and 24, Williehm Street, Exeter on which is a :good veneered storey alnd half house, in goad repair. Front of house Is 18x24, kitchen 7.8x20, and the w.o,odshed and summer lditcheni 21x 15. Good Bard wlatber, good stable 18x 24; number large aand small fruit trees For further paaitdculare apple 'to WILLIATM ATKI•NSON Or B. S. PHIL- LIPS, Auctioneer, Exeter'. LOCAL DOINGS.. WCIrr eitsalleeleeekealeAreiliteeteelliesel call) All men axe anlonneles's, tholt;3•h hairy are tome Dels. than others. aTtoeva W» J. Hann has beeui; eon -- tined to the hoeso for a. few de.ye. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fitton ,alto bath Inxdiaposed and cohtilned ,e0 the v home ICoet) an ere on title job %head,. but Keep the other eye and both bands an the job you halve.. A man Menet serve two masters: but the one who has a WLfe and baby comas pretty close to it, Mr. Chas. Northvale has resigned his position at the Staten and returned to hia 'old plaice,elt ;the Grist Mill. Mr, and Mes• A, Fiasting;s, entertained Coven. Fttesbeteela;1 choir on Friday ev'endaig to' a sdciail evening at theer h'Gtii Mr sae Aticlni.sere wrap has been in. disecsed scene time, is now con .red to bis bed 'in a very poor state of hea.lt ti' Dr. Will 7. Knn'iglhO, ele, Exeter Old goy, thae. hunig out his shingle in \red_ :eine Hat, Alttle, a ibwn oaf about 124. OGO population. It is 'better to give a small bou- quet to cheer a sick brother this very day, the n to wild a hushel of roses to adorn his coffin when he is dead. 111r, Jeffry Ieepet ,has sold his proe pert} Ln Exeter Mann and le and les family will sthw,rtly 1110¢'e ,07 Owen Scunnd wthlore he, has accepted a poste thee in a. ia.nnaery. Rev. C. W. Sanders, rektor ,In Brant. ford, assilsted in the services at the lirivitt M>HmoR'llal? /Clhurch oai, Sunday preaching a deeply interesting and able serniotl b the: evening. A man may admire a "high -mended woman, but when; it 'conies Its marry- ing he prefers a 107. Y little thing on his owe level -because; . its awfully tire- some looking up all the "time. The following has been gazetted as the New Board of License CoMm1ssio:nr ens Tor ;South leuran.—John Middleton of Goderirth Tewnshie, Jona Sherri•tt, of Stephen and William. Delbredge of Ulabo'rne„ The Exec tivie of the South Huron Liberal Ass02taltibn ni{e'b at Hensall on Wiedt•1'etsday of lase week and adePted retseiutions 'in tiorsing the polfey of the Oppoisition at Ottawa on the Naval Bill anal on Trade Rtaialt.Ion;st and elsto of the Oppositiotn a Tlaronitlo.; This is pneurreonee wnea;ther, and the best protection against that disease ifs to keep the general vigor of the body as near the maximum as; po'ssiblet. Thio of courtse is desitlablle at all times, but is especially necesehtry when, colic' arc common and pneumonia germs many Mite Lillie 0orn1011 of yiatiette,, elkh., is 'tile guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Dearing, for a few weeks. Mr. Ed. Powell of Seaferth ppent part of the ve It in town. GIRLS WANTBD. Two girls at once - Apply to eine W. ,T, Acheson, Centre' Hotel. Exeter. gr. Alex MvClocic returned to his home in Detroit on Wsdriesdayt Hie daughter, Mists 11:-' who resided with lies grandmother for several years, ac- comp3.nie3 hint to reside;. err. Thos. Cameron will sell, by pub- lic auction for Mr. Wan. Snell here on. Sa:urdaY, Feb. 1st, a 'choice let of cows, and they, are reported to be an exceptionally Pine lot of cattle. The exceedingly wet weather of the latter part of last week flooded many' of the cellars, and ,men.y harath. things' were said by, sone of our citizens about the new sewer. But whether 111 was the fault of the sewer, we, personally-, are not In 'a position to s,s,'7, as we tied 'net have to swine around our cellars for the fruiits and veg•etab:f»s. It wes 'feared for a day otr two that the darn Would be damaged, but the element seamed to be satisfied well flooding the power house for a few hours. The ,fiat' ot sooain is Often ow/Ted,. eirs. a, T. lerooltte la still very 1'aw The Misads 1-Iesitenl entertained a rrunl' ber et lady friends oft Wednesday ev- e,ning. miss. (Dre) Sweet eetyertahbed 'a few of her fribnds. 0114 W.edt>w' sday evening•' of last week. Mr, Albert Anelrewe, tylia underwent epi operation 1.oendetti recently, is :m,-. provittla )nicely and, we hope to see line ;cele seen. Several horses in town kava been a•f- flicted with ParelysiS tht"e week, among thele; being a teeter, belonging' to Messrs, Harvey Bros. 111', Charles Cann of Usbo;ne :las purchased a house en Ma.he ;street;, from Mr. "Wm. B1alteheord, and Trill mo,vo to tlawii st10rtly, Ileo• D, \lar, Oodtin,s, A{ D,, G. id.,, with several bfiethaen, Of Leba'noe For- est Ledge, reads his official visit 10 D[Tightoric Lodge, Parinhill, ori Tuesdraty . The road officers were re-elected at Brucefield on1 Money at the ,South; 14uroai Agricultural Soelety's meetings. It We s decided to: hold a'L;o'ther Spring Fair, A melting, of the South HuronFarm- ers' Institute its being held ;in the Town Hall this atfternoen, as we go to press; and mho:beer nleetilig will be held 'this evening.' Owing to the breaking of a snap on his horses harnees on, Friday and, the 'cy roads Dr. 'McGillicuddy wa;s Torted to let him run through. the front street buil succeeded 111 stoppiing. li'rni, 4nthe i-,ondona Bp8.d just south of town: Mrs. Abel 'Walpole oIf Berlin, a forme er reside'n't Of Exeter, announces the cl.lgagtemenvt nm her daughter, La,ttitia Ardelia, to Mr. Hulgh. Lorne McCaughey of Toronto, youngest son., of Major. and efrs. McCaughey ot Cobourge. The marriage will take place early in Feb- ruary Frank Carlin of Hensapl and Roberti Thomas of. JLondonit experienced an un= pleasant runaway oni Tuesday night; while driving frotiii Exeter, to Hensel: When two shines north of town the horse 'shied and heeded forthe. ditch. In bringing Wen. beck onte the, road, the ire broke and the gutter 'overturned, throwing the occupants 'out. Mr. Thomas :sustained a splinter of a small bone in the ankle,, and Mr. Carling a bruised face. They were, brought back tot town and given teed - cal alttentioin, alter which`" they drove o Hensia ,1. The nuttlicip'aa electpofni returns for Huron County show; than in; one case;• at least, the nuitnber thiekeen proved "unlucky” One candidate had been le years in municipal bite; he was de- feated by a rapidity of 13 and the first meeting of the Council, of wreck, he would have beeul a member was held Janutary 13. At the recent tinilebt1Jnb of the Dairy- nlen'e Association be Western Ontario held at Woo'dstobit, Mr. W. G. Medd, of Winthel fea, 'tot first prize tar e 56 ib, box of creamer,/ butter, geJttleg 95.66 per cent; J. PL Scoot of Exeter won third prize -in the same event, get- ting 94.99, mild'• I. 03 Goodhta,nd, Onr- bett, got 4tle 94.81. ?dr: Medd allso won a spe'ci'al prize. A Reactioneey 'Storm Period falls on the 26th, 27th and 28th, Ssoon is On the celestial equaltor the 26th, calling Lor rapid rise in temperature, feeling barometer, wtt'h. possibly winter them,- der sto ne on and to.t hing that date. Rising barometer, snow' and change to touch colder will wind up the period. The indications and that January wf.1l prove a month of hard winter storms and wepltlier, ...'.. . ;. Aidvertlisin'g places a hall meek on the goods gold, 1,6 is, al, guaratntee of quality. The ntta,n who is worldng to build up a permanent business, , and spends money in advertising to that ead, wi1L stand, behind the goods he sells you. Tee diistinguisiv.,ng feature of the store that admeritiaets is lel round lgotod ser -ice. And uniformity of; quality in the goods may •c,onifidentlY be expected,' - Niles Wanted :. All kinds of hides Wanted. Highest prices paid. Also Horsehair Rubbers, Copper Scrap Iron, Rags, Etc. wanted Wexler & Cot 1xeter, 0 t. RUSSELL.,—SANDERS.---A quiet - but very pretty wedding; was solenntnIzcd- at he Trivitt Memoviaai Chulrch or. 'Tuesday morning last, when Mr. George Cam- eron Rue;sel, a popular young railroad man of North Bettleford, Sa1sk., :was united 1n nnarritalgel to Mllss M isle L, Sanders, daughter of Mr. and 'Mee, Thomas Sanders, Huron, etreet. The ceremony ,was performed about: eight o'clock in the preaeneet of 'only the bride's immediate family, by Rehr. C W. Sanders, D. Ai, rector of Br'aritford, and brother of the :bride, assisted' by Rev. D. W. : ollin'a, .rentor• of the .Tree itt Memorial Church. The bride wore a beautiful grey whip 'corded travelling suit, with black hat, and a handsome set o3 fox furs, the glee{ of the groom. The young couple took the , morning train for the :South and ewili spend a few weeks on a honeymoon trip - at Stratford, St. Thomas, Toronto and elsewhere-, after which. 'they. will return o Exeter for a leve days and then eave tor the Wiest, where they will prolong their honi(eymoon. at different places before eett]inig down to the sterner realities of life. ;.The young. couple will carry with them the best wishes of a host of O,ntterio fr jand;s for their fulture happiness and prosper ty, INSTALLATION.- The Oddfellows spent a pleasant and profitable even 'ng on Tuesday, 'then the D. D., G. 1• i., G. E. McTaggart, ce Blyth and his in - staining team, visited, the lodge and en - stalled the o'fficer's: Besides the Dis- trict Deputy, the teem; consisted of the following .destlrtct officer's, J. Fettle warden ; R. Slolatl, 2iiarsthall ; EI. Thorne as, chaplain; S. MpVititie, treasure r ; A. W. Robinson., ,secretory: The cere- moray was conducted in a very Fable' and efficient manner and the ;vis:.teris were weirltnflY 'Melded by the j Local brethren folr the e'seellenpe of the work. At the c0;nclusi $nt Of the ceremony the brethren to the nturnbee o,f forty par- took of an excellet9t supper at the res- t'aunaint. ort Dire W.' 3.1 .Statham, On their retu1nr to the, lodge 7,00ne a please ing impromptu program of •reading, speech, song and. story was rendered. The following are the installed officers P„ G., L. Penhale: N. G., W. 3. Steth- iun ; V. G., E. Hvwalid ; ReO.r'Sec., B. N. Creech; Fin. -Seo., W. johns; Treast E. M. Dignan,; Warden, C., Sweet ; Coni. W. Martin; R. S. N. Gi., W..W. Tatman; L. S. N. Ge 14 Wildon; R.:S. V. G., H. Axt ; R. S. e71,..01., A., Penlirapa; R. s. 5., F. Boyle; L. St. S., EL Parsons',' e. G.,: R. N. Roca; 0. G., 0. Vilest;. Chap., W. Brad,: Bus, Dray Dand Teaming Business 'tont' orders in our line. Will he please t in b from yo Th 4tF l i^e eY attended to quickly and eatiefac- torily. _ We are here to be public needing anythingour line, and we aek a triai u, or oth Orders left by phone er- Wise at T1 ADVOGA h'.. too, 1EtON i 20, wit 've prompt attention, T. G. Creech. Exeter has a part to play in the Hydro- E1edt'r,io sche,ine for this dis- tp`ict and it is to bid hoped that no tams will he lost ha teeing ,sp. ,God- erich and Clibltorr are,, doing their part, The eleg,else ,bus nes,s meeting of Goderieh Council wase held on Friday night and a motion was passed 'foe the signitnjrg . or. the hydro-ellectric pen- tlraot for 700 hersepowbr. This took o}niy a feve tmannelnits, as everyone was strongly in favor of signing tt arc once so as net to hiawe any, dlelay in getting it here. Ir, W11,liaml PBiallcw'ilI went to Loner dor: Thursday to attend the funeral of his sister, , Innis; Elizabeth Berryh'.11l,. Wife of Samuel Berri h'111, who died alt her:. residence, Riclimvolnd street north, Broughdale, Wledtnesdtaty, Jain, 15th, aged 80 Years) ISihle clap been in Eng- land, but came to t4ii»on whien a young girl.. Shte ist surveyed b5 ax ,s01 —James of WL'ne peb ; Joseph el Lon- •doni Towlnehi,p ; Quaint of Blatli8hardi; e,tsphen' of Loltadlon;. Themes, of Alberta and A lexfaii•>dlter ott.. i,'oa't Hope; and three, dautghtters, Kee. Henn'' Sinker of Min- neapolie;:.lMrs. Owee Mooney 0f -Lon- don, and Mete. Jas. Ban'cock 02 Sa.rfiat Deceased `was el, dauibltlter .of 'thee 1,ate J'amee t.p.1.kwiu. oft Esetter4 , NOTICE—Oa aoo'aunt of the unfaveze able cdtnditian Of the wee. the'. dur:lige our 8 DAYS SALiEI, we have decided '4 have ONE DAY'S SAiLEi ONLY on SATURDAY, JAN, •25tHe A11 prints new' Imeluded, 100.; Wide width Fla,hr teelieit'e3 l,1, 12%, 1310 olre sale for. 9c MRS., W. D. 'CEG., LIBERJ.L CONS'E+IltVA.T1"J•E rMEET- I1tCl.A ttneetGng of the 3.iberai, Conser- vative Association will be held ''9x1 the Town e On. Thursday blight, ja,n- 'wary 2,:3,` a.' S o'eoolO sharp, toe the purpose ot eleeting officers end other. important business An interested are cordi,a.l.ly, invited to 3teends.T 13 Clat- ares. ; 30 iuxa. Miss 'Si.r0ite 13o1y'J,d Qs «lal'ting in Len. don. Miss .Mel'r7Y apeet Snuideer 10 Here Baal. 1 Mr. 1clle Piper was in London title week, Mrs. A. J. Feed weed,, In London lest week. Miss Winnie Fldnw'ar1 was fn i.andan Over'Sunday. !Mrs. VeOloenia19 !bas returttled ria ler hemp: in Cope -Own,. 10Ir„ Free -1k DOw1I is hdnie ftipin the west on a, visit'. Mr, john Morltookr returned tion Mich tga;n 019 Monday. lefr', and Mes. I. . Armstrong 'spent Monday in London, Miss Mabel Piper ifatt ' Ivulr''srlay ermine for C hecago. Mrs Y'ageer and : Miss Tilly are vis- King italicing in C1;andeboye; llfra' `Slaunlwel S@inellers ivds'ited in Lon don during the Wedel, Wait ltfcMister of Port Colborne spe,nt Sunday in town. Mr, Geo. Powell 0f Thedford visited friends here on !Ihiesda7. Mrs. Frank Sweet is visiting with Mrs, Seereuel Trieun1riele ,lite Detroit. Miss Thompson, teacher, of Toronto spent Saturdaty with 1 riennds here. Mrs. Gladniaxl and Ms's. Sharp visited Mrs, Mar en 1n. Lenndoin on Monday„ Mr. Abdul B7iniltnilell Thais accepted a position as teacher in V.ieterta Square Miss Tholmpisoln; and Mrs, Dibbsi ,ornt Forest visited Mrs, S. Martin Sunday. Mr, W. H. Lelvlett was en ToTbinto and Montreal on business this week, Releve Heatntlain W8. Tnia Godericklt on Friday in conimectIIolre witJh1 the Pubb:icity Am sedation'. Miss Welsh has returned from Blyth where she visited her uncle, NIrs. S. A, Peplestene. Mrs. Hannah 'Sanders. and Mess Nora of Stephen deft; Wednesday to visit for a. few weeks in T.:zee-410. ,Mr. and !Wrier. Fin'dtner Weis'ni, who have bean visiting at Gt E,t ,endersoh's;' left last week foe, iSb Thotmhs. errs. Waubh returned honrne on Wed- nesday, after a four weeks' visit with relatives and friends-- in Toronto. hfr. Fred J. 'Saniders of Toronto was here for a few drays attending the wedding of his Oster, W'ss M.'.mnie L. Sanders. ',i1ir. 3. C. dloh s of the Bank of 'Com- merce stele w'a's calked to his home in Ayr Monday awing to .the death, of a^ relative. Mr and Mrs. Elder Elliott of .Win,- nipeg, Man., arrived here •Tuesday . to visit the fortmer's parents, Mr. and Mars. Tiros. Ellio t. Mr, Wen Brinracomrbe of : Hami,otat, i.'.Gau., who ie Mb. the Ease on a nisi:' to his father, Mr. Charles Brlmaeom be of Londton, was,, a pleasant caller at the Advabalte on Saturday. Mrs. Ed. Jonies,, who hats been: resid- ing in London :lar some time lett that city on Thursday; 1iese ton join her' hue- band ' at Filnnlore, 'Sack.,w1*lre they will make their future hoarse. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sweet, who halve been Teething' relatives here left Monday morning f'o'r- Winn1Pee where thee: will spend a short time priort tb taking up their home in Vancouver. Fertilizers The best Canadian Fertilizers always in Stock -0,. R. G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario ROCLIE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER 1 NOTICE .Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Seconds Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in s o m e other secondhand way. 1 am the only authorizes Official Agent here, and ani: the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. A. MARCHAND great Bargains —AT— The Exeter Bargain Store The month of January is devoted to Bargains. Everything reduced We are clearing all linea of Merchandeea consisting of boots, Shoes„, Rubbers, Drygoode, Flats and Caps, Suite, Overcoate, Etc. There is a genuine ctearfng sale, All lines must ge to make room for a new stock. ONTARIO Powell's Bazaar Big 5c. Sale I+orr• :10 benefit ,of triose who did not get in to see us last creek. we. wii,i continue -our BIG SALE umtii 'next ithuredlay;. We are stili adding new anitieles to replace these that have gone. Did, you set, the 8 dandy privies We are giving away in MARCH of the JO -Andy Counter. Next time ydu are in ask, About them. ge have •a big Announcement to make shortly about February. THERE"LL BE HEIAPS OF 73A130'. /NS AT THIS STORE 'THIS YEAR, So Conine in often and lobk for the DRTJG COUNTER. See the values at .15c.. 900 cans of Violet and Idose Talcum Howler to heed this week te 90 on Bargain 'WATCH OtIR WINDOWS AND ()OI ME IN. uo : CLO11iES ?DOS tsc, ANOTHER SUIPYLENT 08' GOLD FISH HAS JUST ARRIVED, The .Sig 'Variety Store Powell s Bazaar g. W. F. EAVERS 1 door north of Post Office We sell the Premier Cream Separator JONES &MAY CIearing Prices After Stock Taking We have just fihished Stock Taking and will now make a clean up of our Wigter Goods. Everything must go. Now for bargains. Ladies Ready-to-wear $10 to $15 Colored Coats $55 Fur Lined Coats for $38. $25 Fur Colored Coats for $17. . , $18 Fur Colored Coats for $12. - $12 Rain Coat for $8.50 $5 Sweater Coats for 3.75 $90 Fur Coats for $50 for $5. Childrens Coats $2 & $3 - $50” Fur Sets For $33 $30 $20 $20 $13 $10 {{ (G LG $7 Blankets Good $7 Wool for $5.00 Good $5 Wool for $4.00 Good $4 Wool for $3,00 Good shaker blanket $1 Good shaker 11 $1.25 ter, Remnants" µ n During Stock Taking' we have sorted out a/°lot of ,Remriats in Dress Goods, Silks, Cottons Prints etc. all at Bargain Prices. See our. Remtnent Counters, 1 Rugs Linoleums Carpets A bl clearing of all Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums Oil Moths and Curtains to make room for Our Spring Stock. Rugs away down Carpets away Curtains 1-4 off Linoleums ie io'West JONES & M,. Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing