Exeter Advocate, 1913-1-23, Page 1asNEW SCIBSCatrvo'N Now le the t4ltno tf7 e'al in WI have T ur eutteceii>'tkikiici te Advocate re- riewed, We a:1u , tin: give You all the local - news int ca(ntelee and intereetin$ fortis, and WO bell we tare up tel the claire, 'Help aleng the good week.. TWENTY...SIXTH TEAR • EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, i913. CARLING'S PHONE 18. PUBLIC SALE AT EXETER { W.: J.Carling Retires from usiness and must vacate the build- ing. 0,00 F GOOD And will be sold at less than cost Sale to com- rnence at once for:: r <q ee taken at the sale at Cash Prices w'. CARLING Street Improvements To The altar sof. The Advocate .Art the rloinailnation meeting' Pt seem- ed [that cue calm ens were aetmnest uul.• a.el aously in favor of perniartent ire• prevenient of ;aur! rn!a1'n stmt and one oe our etiatiee eitreelbs, That It should be Peen -Anent `anal deem the coining summer, Befere presenting, a noise, by-law or purchasing machinery it will be well to gel[: all the tnformattan possible on titre merits of the diefereryt hinds eP paving ennployed' in other places, este to : the • first cleat, cont oP rep'aies, interest , on thep ntio'neY employed, Coast IDS watering, general ap- pearence and the lasting qualities. In other weeds the $:.,west aive¢h.,ge an- nual cote[ per yard. pts' .year, per- petually, :for h firs% cleies rsiteeelt. Sotme colasideeratien .ehgluld be given to -such Points we eaniltariy qualities!, ease of cleaning, ease of .traction. Quoting teem a report Or The ]aur- (sau of Research of one of the Amer,- boat mier.[date Cities the 'Polloleenkg results 'were eotend , ,First Cost or the !several, kinds Of pavement averaged as follows-- Granite ollows-Granite 'p& square Yard $3,75 Asphalt pe'r soare yard $2.30' Brick per square yard ,'x'2.25 Bewilder Per, square yard $1.75 Macadam per Beetles yard 95c, These prices lltnciudo excavation, equal to the 'total thickness of tine pavement cohr:sollidatlaon of the sub - grade and a 6 iln•ch concrete fou•nde.- tier) ex rept the cases of Bow1der amid a?acadara. irbe cojett of the above would be saved In Exeter and could be 'deeduoted from: tete figures of firs'r cost, Average annual cost for repairs z - 2.6c. 7.3'et 1.2c. Granite Asphalt Brick' ' - Bewlder - - 3 t2riaaaidaim. `- - - 7.6c.. Total average annual cost per square Yard of the .several kinds and *i- lattive durability. Granite 25 years $2.43 Asphalt '- 15 years $2.34 Brick - 15 *axis - $1.68 ?viacadara 8 years - $1.,.54 Lt will be a!een 'that that most eco - tropical pavement 'to use. under ' any given couidielions !''e that wtr.ch will ahaw the :[.'west averege cost per year during the ameba periiod of its existence. A .pavement having a re- tatively high ice at coat may, owing to lits ioinger lite or, lower cost be re- pairs,' Melee trnitia attaly. rheaapeir than one lower in fireltl role[S.tyIJS. School Board. Tea lniitJitt}1. !meet n el the Public School Board 'whoa held in the . Town. Ha11 on Wedneade'y. Jani. 15th, 1$18. at 8 o'clock, absent F. W. Gladmant Ov innj b' the requiremelnts of a coM- pllete Beard little buaineas were accam- ;Wishedr. The offecilaate asked or last ¢*:ear Vena re=elected, and fhe follow - ink items ware distedsed of: Reports of Cornmirtrtees,-Wend, contractors to Make supplies earthwith amounting to 75 cords; Prlltielfeal,, la/heeds/nee in the High }5kho!ol wb' -16 begun well, new as- sistaant 'eta.tilefalctory, physical, culture to be taken up at reces,k, . •acho'1ars,hiPst're,- corn/trended deer i3, 8. 'Ent/ea-met Pre motions :tram Ferries I. to IT., and II. to ,[Il., sehotel glarde n demon s tr atlo u plow 'desirable, Agricultural College at Guelph Offering: egg sets free to pu- pile interested Inky poultry en preoni see of la return sett when, available[. Per F. 'Wood and I Ah ristt long that the Pkinacipal's revert be received. Per A, E. Fuke and F4 Weed that the regular. night 01 meeting be the ,second Mlonday Ln each month. Per A. E. Fuk!e aria; B. N. Creech that an inspection of the school end 8•xounids be 'mode by the Board on ellondlay Jan. 20 at 11 a.m. Per A,. E. Fetriae and I. Armstrong that W. D. Weekes be reappointed to the Libras Board foe the :years 1913-4-5, Per R. N. Creech, alnd F. Wood that the rollovers p'aymatents be approved„ - Jas. Murray & Sot, inclnderetor 6.75 W. J. Caret& flower •pots, •60c, • S. Fitton, cepa re to typewtriter, 750.; S. Martin & !Son rent of Pietee, etc. 5.95 Per .11. N. Creech, adJatirnnLetnt. a. Grigg, Sec. OLD AND. HONORED RESIDENT OF IIS134.11NtR PASSES, Onc gf the oidk,st residents of the Township of Cabernet paes'eed away oil Wednesday morning or this week, Jan.. 22nd, ira."'the Nelsen of klenry Francis at the advdi'teed age ,of 98 years, 11 months, 15 days'. Deceased had been of a Strong and rabest conatitetion x•11 his lite, and -it was .Allay weevil the last few• monthie that he hard been[ ill, whirh wain dee to a gradual breaking up el the 'syst{eine. For the past seven weeks he had beer$ ceirutined to his bed, tete end eche,*; gradually but none. the less surely. Porn in Devonshire, palated, . he can to Ca:aada 70 years ago orad Zest ,setitieirl In the .Township of. Fullaa+ton, where he lived 1G years, He them all oved to Usliern,e, and lived • the Yarm o,in, :which he died, Lot 15, Cele 12, for 55 years, with the. except - toe of about a year 'and halt In Exeter to which pts pe he had. retired, aend. where his life partner died some 18 yeast ago. The late, elle Francis was ix, Mae of many exoellelnt parts, and was hohered and' respected by all who enew- bine and kris friends were many. He was a i,MI!etdaotdi!s-t in, rel;€i on, and • Coaservattive In poilt ccs. Be3'ore his coming to Canada. he married Elizabeth Towl, who, as, stated, predeceased him 18 years. A. fond::,( of three sons! and Pour tiaugh!ters survive-*-Joim`of Port- age is Prairie, ey°ron of Vancouver, B. C., and Arthur or Cabot -lie, with whpm deceased hard resided, Mrs. Woodley if Fullerton, Mrs. Eatorn tot Leaimngton, Mrs. MitLs of Klrkiton, Mrs- El•'.. Hey. weed er Winchelsea.. The funeral will take' place an Prides, Jan, 24, 1912,. art 1.30 o'elotk, and peocced to Exeter cemetery for intermein;t, 15,000 PAMPHLETS A meeting of the executive committed ot the Huron P.ubliecity Association waer Yield on Friday in Godet;ch courthouse The." dealt of thepiaimphlelt which had been prepared' vitas again revised, and. it wee decided to have the ,lest re- vised edition printed, to the extent of 1.5,000 [copies. Tee book will be meet 'usePui, es it $eeter forth the many advantages of Harem County in fruit growing; stock raising and agrlcuiturea, Tlie books will be distributed all over. Great 'Britste, Europe and the recalled 'Slra,tee. ASK FOB. A RECOUNT: Mr, BernaUxl,Ctunnimg^'hlaenu, lnoteil`teePer. at !Meerton, to:anernt/ of Mhlva., Iirar n Shain of Hyde Park and Hugh Bowman of Denfield, ares, esprit; "or a recount in Landon Teweestnilee of the Local Op- tion ballots. The byelaw; was carried by three votes: FI'hei irregularities men1-.. tic.ned by the •pe'tiltionierls are that ens• qualified perts!ons vatted, to the form^[-. ber c' !six or seven. The petitioners furnished $,200, in( sureties'. which :!s forfeited; in case thee* do not gain their point. . The , hotel -keepers of Clinton. have asked for further •praoef that the local option by-law, which was carried on Jianuary 6th, by is majority of 118,' or 11 over ,the required three - fifths clause, Was - eufificient;13' 111dorsai, and HLs Honor Judga Dloyle w311 conduct a. iscrutioy in the •town hall, Clinton, on Jaiede 'y 28.. GRANTS TO HOSPITALS. The {nilowaig is' a, hist of the grants giver Sy CownatY Counecits. in Western Ontario' to Host itelet •-Weterloo, $2,- 500.00-Berlin 2,-500.00 Berlin Hos'p'ital $1,250, Galt Flo speal $1,250 ; Wellington, $2,886- General' FIospithi, Guelph, $,951, 'St. John's Respite, Guelph, $999, 'Fergus Hospital , $$936 Beebe $2,000= -Walker;. ton Hospital. $1500,' Kinncardioe Hos- pita' e500; Simeet $2,000-C01l11 wood $500, Orillia $500, Batlrie $500, Mid- land $500; Perth $700 -Stratford :1700 Grey •$1,000-Oweld . Sound $1,no0 Lambtoin, $1,000 -Sarna, hospital $1.- 000; 1,-000; Oxford $1,500 -Woodstock Hos- pital $1,000, Ingersoi Hospital $500; Hurcn $600-Clinitdn Hospital $100.00, Wingham Hospital $250, Goderieheleo apical. $250.00., Although, the ,a•stsesse meat. of Huron County is very much higher thatn any off the other counties,• its e.s!sessedvalue being the second to the highest in the Province, !its contr'ibe 'utiome to 13!ospitaills; is the lowest. Flour Coupon OF .. H. Cook, Sons & Co. 'lilies coupon De good Lor 40 cents on each 'bag of elelOW DRIFT,. our best famnlfly fteaur, erring you the !privilegeot taking one to Live baffle, providing tihis coupon iB presented to uis 011 .or before Jetraraty 31st, 1915: Our regular' selling price of our SNOW DItIFT, flour without thus coupoia is $2:75, .fir you, present tells coupon eadtr berg of SNOWY, DRIFT will only cost You 0.35 for each bag. Our mill ars egtttped with, the latest and Meet 1ioddrn floutr mill machinery We eieo bane factored the services of a rivet cees,e reel11Or, whee was pre- vieuealy employed by one of the largest Molls fen O,n`tario. Consequent- ly we are offerieng, thee inducement in Order to [give every woman an opperturi icy to try our SNOW' DRIFT Plea. -Every beg guaranteed, We are seilixi bran set $22.00, and elierta at $,28,.40 per ton, in ton tote,. 4Rie L.,tRQPS BUYERS Or BEANS BRING i7S 01.37f' A SAMPLE Presented lay ,++•r. •s..•v, sss+...•..•• .• 13, COOK, SONS . & et), Ream)] int. CLUX3B INO 'X4t+9e �a :the e'en of Om Year when y!o'u are reivewLng ereer ,zrewsPaper nub= ecripti,cirs. The Adeeeete clubs wit* alk tee City Weekly and Palle poses and the Megeteireee at tserra'4 that are a bigQundeeetrierit, CWlt 244 get our rateir. 'OSBORNE 00BNCII. Tee Council el t! foo: 1913 met sit the Towlnehlp kro,11 oh Tate. 111, pur- suant to. skeltute.; :Age t'ho mlembersi were Pms!eet', The 'nieeeiysnry deciareitlons+e office and ettaliftatien were made and subscribed -and lt3nb nveeitabera look their seats ale 'this council for 1913,1 -Seal Rauelly,, re v,a; S. Sk111;ner, A.2vlitebt.i:l Tw Brock, and, e. Dixncan, council'lore !Skbnnei-4fjtetleell-That the sala,'r•'iee for 1913 be a.s Po9:iows,-Clerk $170 and $1G for postage; Treasurer $80; Aelseeser, $70 ; Collector $,65 ; Audi- tors $10 each; caretaker' $7; Reeve, $60, councillors easy' $50. The following officers were appointed -Clerk, F Maley; Treasurer, Paul Coates , tee season, T. Minket; Collect- or, ollect,.o ', an. Brook; Audit ors, 11, Strang and E N.'Shier ; tiairiete'ker of Hall, Gee, 'Kellett ; Fence Viewers. J.Glenn F. Down, F. Deibrldlee, Amos. Do upe and Wilbur Renter; Peundkeepers, T, X,uxton: Sam Rueter, 11, T d,dy, John Westlake, H. N. Taylor, W. Hazel wood T. Caunitiron, J. Shute; Boardnf Health, The Reeve, John Delbridge and. EI. IC, H n dmen, M•Dr, Medical Health Officer, F. Morley, ' .Secretary i Thos. $ma•le, •Sainitary Inspector. The above app. rn!:inn!ecuts were : orrder ed to be con.- firmed onfirmed by by-law's: 'Zile preterite ueuially required by the municipality was let to' tibe "Exeter Advocate." in e.ccorldi3nce ser the item- ized statement et tender, otal het to exceed $83.00. A grant ort $.1.0 wad given; ,-to the Sick Children's I-Io'sp:'ta,L,' Torte:lie, The .clerk wias fres:` eeeted to order nine copies ole this elhijn''.ct:pal would for mernhers o'P Coiuricil, and lvJunic`_pal.,at f xera.'• Tiecotllecttora Rion was accepted he having completed • his weak; and an order. was aerated for nits salary. The Election 'Eve:rses! announting to $38.85 were patd to, the clerk for dis- liri'bution. Aeccunts amounting ,ttoo $267.82, in- eluding $19.22 Tiwckersmitie Telephone rentals. were pledged and orders• is'su- Ccunci&�rnned tto meet Saturday Feb, 1st at one o'clock. F: Morley. Clerk MCCiILLIVItAT coorhnt. ]own Ha l,, Jian. 13, 1913. • Council met pursuant to ,Statute, Phe following Memibeers subscribed tie their declaaetttbins aioii6' quaiirte:cations of ofrke-W T. Utens„ reeve E. E. Murdy, deputy -reeve; John Robtnseon, Frank Nickles and A. E. Rosser, councilbneel Murdy-Rossee-tilhatt By law, No 1 of 1913, conflnmdtnig; this (elbowing ap- pointments as lead a first and -sere and terra, be read a [bind time and passed ;-T. D. Drulmin ond, clerk, sal- ary, $225; A. Fa Seeleh, treasurer:, $125; IR. Hutchitnso1, assessor, $90; Geo. Hindamarsh, and W. T. Amos, aud- itors, $10, each; Geo. Seeders, jani- tor, $15; Jas. Neeil, member board o health end IL. J. Harreltoint, medical H. 0 .-Car'reed, ,Mundy-Robinsoine-That during the year 1.91,3 this council commence :ite regular Meetings at 10 o'clock a. rn. and adjourin, at, 1 O'clock p. m., except. when an. et'teneioere df time to carded by a. sea jarity oe tine cou'nci'l. -Least Nickles!--May-That the salary of each member of this couneil for'ouni,- citl meetings and 'eater: services, be fixed at $2.50 per deg. -Cara -lee. Rcssert-Nickles ihait the Township printing fee the .yieair 1913 be given to the. Exetear' Advocate Printing CO, at the price contained' in thee- commune-. cat'ion.-Qatrnled. 111urdxr-•Robinsotn--Thar accounts, in all amounting td $9.72.10, be' paid.!-: The cou!nOLl. then adjourned to meet In, the Towin. Bali -on, .Monday, Feb. 3, at 6 o'clock J, D.' D,ru¢nsnond. Clerk. FINGER TORN OFF Winghaim, Jan. 16-A very serious accident took Piece Yesterday at Bell's i factory, when John Angles, a lad of 'about 15 yawn's' of aigtel, and wont of Mr. Frank Angus, while working "on the :flat sandier, hard all the fingers and frotnit of his left hand t:orhi off It appears thiee the operator had left tor a. Pew minuted, eine the boy get up above to turn on a ligliit, when the accident took pieeet BIRTHS Claydo!a -In Vancouver, on Jan. 20th, :to Mr. and lees. F. Claydore, nee Stolla Peenhp.le:, ar Bon. Sanders-Iin. Stelphen, Jam. 16, tot Mr. and Mes. Wert,. Sanders, 3rd Con. a eaugh!ber. Plumstte'el--In T;uckeramith, on Jan- wary 12tlhe, tv' elet and Mrs.; Percy Plutnsteel, a son. MARRIAGES Rueselile-Shnd1st s -'Aft the Trivet Mem- orial church, Exeter, TueadaY, Jan. 21st, by the brittle's brothel:, Rev. C. W. genders, .A,., rector Of Brarrte- C'crd, Mr. eGe01rlgd Cameron Russell of North BattiIofored, Sask., to Miele Minnie inlnie Lou'. es, edau!ght!ee Of Mr. and Airs. These Sieriderls, Huron .Street.; P 6:nh;al{e-Houidene-,At the residence of elle bride's parents, ; Mr. and rima. 'Thos. Houlden, Exeter, on, Jan. 22, Edward Pe'nh!a+lo O6 the Lake Road, to Miss Vielet Houlden. DFi1ATHs 'Roach -In Hlbborlt, on San. 12th, Bid- evtard Doable ages abeett 75 ;retire.; McFJwtne-lb.VilterieAl„ on 3ann. 15ttr,. Flllenn McEweet, a4gted 51 years and 10 nnointte. talo --Tri IM'ietchell, 01n Seim :1:1•th, Ed- ward John' Gale, [eked 52 Teets, :.0 ineenths and 2 dbye,i Ftrancis-Ile Ileberno, Ore Jul, 22, Reilly Francls, .aged • 918 Yearns, 11 ;norvtheei. 15 days etertoni: -At Breek, ;Saek., oft Jan. 15; Jelin FTorten,, forimeorrly o rtulnioyb eget 75 Yana.. S!ANDX/itie & +a cct The Reduction Season is now on ate. Wii Nommommor TAMAN'S Men's Furnishing Store Ordered Clothing Reduced From $25 to $20 $23 to $18 $20 to $15 Ordered Overcoats Reduced Prom $25 to $18 $20 to $15 Ready-to-wear Overcoats Reduced 'Frogs $18 to $13 $15to$12 $12to$8 These big reduction are made to clean up our stock for Spring, because our motto IS "New Goods for Every Season' You will do well to, take ad- vantage of these reductions. • 1 Tailor and Furm,,i aniai eter