Exeter Advocate, 1913-1-16, Page 6CANADA'S TRA n of Ne OR YEAR iy 23 Per Cent. Over the Dom on' Record for Previous Year deepateh 0 tame ears; Ottetacia'e total for the ttre,lve Urenthe of thep ye p4dtb. billion -dollar mark by i'l little over Ave end a half million <loners. Final or detailed figures will, not be available foe• 5Onee wee ke yet, blit the returue reeeiv'ed ofar by the Trade and Oonnuerce nd Cue - veins Depa•rtments show that' the billion -dollar mark has been well passed, As eompared with the Dominion'e trade for 1911 thie re- preeents gain el nearly $189,000, - WO. or 23 par cent Imports for the past twelve months totalled ap- proximately $654,000,000, while ex. reorts amounted to neerlY $352, 000i - MO. Tiles gain iu imports was near - as $140,000,000, while exports in - area -sad by nearly $.19,000,000, Only -one eouetry in the world rival,s Oanada in the percentage or trade growth during the past few years, namely, Argentina, By the eLvi of tbe 1s1 year it ie expected that C'anada will have reaehed tenth place among the couritries ef the world in respect of total 'trade, The Domn' s era de has doubled within the past siet yeare and treb- led, within the past thirteen years. The prineipal gains in. exports during the at year have- been in exports of agrieultnre, mines and manufactures, The mereaee In ex- ports of agrieulture hae been over twenty.five millions, in minereeover twelve anillione, and in inanufere- titrea over teven millions. Exports ef the terest and of animals and their products have shown A. falling off et eeveral millions, due, doubt- less, to the, increased deinands the home market, •••••••4•11.1•108,14.......M... FROM TRIESTE: TO CANADA. n Allan AustroXanadian Line by UrnThrilUngC. Passengers oLiter Rave a R. is Rumored. EXperience.„ FflUE IN MID -0 °EA'S. A despatoh from St. John says; A narrow e,scape, from destruction tole fire and Dever° experiencee b paeeengers and er,:w A despatch from Montreal says; Mr, Gt, M. Bofmortb, vioe-Presi, dent of the C.P.R., would neither confirm nor deny the rumor that were reporte the Canadian Pacific Railway will L»t Wtor,;,,,,,d here ,un shortly inaugurate an Austro-Cana- uan,:.W nigh from Liverpool. Th.' ediai ‘c:arihde, fteaMer lofth Liverpool December st. john,s, iffaifax axle "ike not made any definite dews - Philadelphia. Capt. Mcillop said i:on'thl'oegmala'dttleurg 56tauctih,c-toau0B.wetviit,°ief: ciannidy Thni whoa she VMS three days out cargo eaeght fire. in some un- London is that the proposed line spread so rapidly that, it was neces- will run directly, from Trieste to saryto rump an enormous amount probably anacla and that Montreal• will waterinv) the vee..E,..e.i to drown probabl'y be the landing pork in of feern and St out. The fire was finally ex- summer . Jowinter. hn in thiguished. but for twelve hours the INTERESTING EVENT. water was knee deep rm the lower deck. Itia estimated that repairs conofes of Aberdeen opens a to the vessel will cost $10,000, A large part of the gene& carve waa Negro Baby Show. damaged. A despatch from Philadelphia says : The , Countess of Aberdeen, wife of the Lord-Lientenant of Ire- land, _ who, with Miss Violet As- quith, yeungest• daughter of the Britieh Premier, is visiting ads city,- spent Wednesday inspecting the Phipps Inetitute and other in. etitutionvfoy the treatment of te. berisulosis. Miss Aequith devoted her time to 'social engagements dur- ing the afternoon, ;lit, at night an- companied. Lady Aberdeen to the ,opening of a baby.saving show in the negro seetion of the oity. __ere eeping the harbor open after navi- GASOLINE LIMP EXPLODED. gation had closed.The vessels Jonquiere Wotrian Killed, Another were able to move to dilerent ele- vaioro with little or no Stsaistanoe and TWO ChildVen- Knit 'and without any undue rush. lee- A despirtoh from Quebec .$8.ys: lae,Juers ere breaking ice two feet! fatal ac,cident ocourred on Thum - :hick in the harbor and will con-, 4,9,y night e,,,b Jonquiere, 10 miles tint,e to keep the river open until fr,oro ohicentimi, by which one „co. JCL, kkary 20. Practically an man lost her life and another wo- eceeeels here have been loaded, atm!, man and two children were badly '`r" win bano"c;683-itY `..'f work burned. In the residence of one ,being done after the los breakers Hick employe in 'prices paper ...Ewa* mill, a gasoline lamp' exploded, in - PA NADI'S WITE vr IN BRITAIN SIXTY VESSELS READY. Unique Result of Sending Icebreak. era to Fort William.. riespatch from Fort William : Ready with, the first breaking ef ice in Thunder Bay and Lake Su - to steam% out of the harbor ,bo their destinations, sixty •vessels are tied up at the eleva-tors in Fort Willi:an: with 13.000,000 bushels of grain in their holds.. This work, which has never been equaled at tier head of the lakes, is due to 11.1 Imports From -Dominion Exceeded Only by Those Prom India. A despatch. from London says: _4 Government returu shows that Canada, eent here last year twenty- one and a half million huudred- weight of wheat, the next largest figure to twenty.five millions from the East Indies. Canadian cattle imported totalled (7,800, ko ag.ainst 42,239 in 1911, The value of Cana. 4:den bacon sent here was R1,1'75, 000. over six hundred thousand lese :than in 1911. The United. Kingdom sent Canada 1,600,000 gallona spir;e. The most noticea,ble thing b,,,)itt British exports to Canada is tly killing Nies. Lilaburn, servant the family. Mrs, Hick and two of her children we -re badly burned. How the explosion oc- curred is unknown, The hottest was only slightly damaged, SECONfirDEATII FROM POISON. Putrid Bacon. Eaten by 'Loudon Family Kills Two Children. A despateh from London, On -L, says: joint Murphy, the eighteen - menthe son of John Murphy o Blackfriaest street, West London, died at Victoria Efoepibal on Wed- nesday of ptomaine poisoning. Hie four.year-old sister, Ohristiria, canabed be c,onvuIsions induced by the same cause on Tuesday. The the lt-ead drop in raw material, malady is attributed to the eatirig end (lie --,..early increase in' finished of bacon which is said to have been pi -oder ts in a, stilie of putridity. • 111DAIRYING IN L itarting Results Announced by Chas, F. Whit ey at Eastern Dairymen's Association Meeting A, ,deepe,teh from Kingston aay an address far roore romantic than the steiy of Cobalt; the great poe4bilities of the dairying Indus- eey Ontario were revealed to the Dairymen's Aeeociatiori iy.f Eastern Ontark. by Charles F. WIlitic,v- of the Dane. Division of the Federal' Department of Agrieultu re, Even the moat inveterate ,OpdfOrint thut have been . "'Ontario ha e 3 .t1,5,000 ,' aid Mr. 'Whitley. "With' of only $10 oath the revenue derived from them might easily be or $12,000,000 a 7eir,r, arta tbilt is very eoneervative. The pessible extra profit ia $g4,- 900,(39(,),'' Mr. oplet 11$4 ,vtternatio iw.t,e6tirfg. the becireck principle o "rs• herd improvernott, was' 6P021J) ore genera! 11,Irrc1n tit ?rodnco, and the .0(,)WAS , that were not /no ey-reakere were being weeded out. Disorder and chaos wer giving way; tr.r system, satis- acticua and profit, ComParieg the perfor nco. of the throe hundred beat cows in, On. tario with the three hundred poor- est, Mr. Whitley said the recorders working under his ‹lireetion had obteeneel ocene amazing information last ateftr. Th,O three hundred poor • animals Lied yielded $3.S extein the 'cost being leaving A profit of 43 cents. The best three hen- dred cietvii yielded $104 &telt; feettei 000t04O, laa,ving $04 profit per mal The bed three hundred- gave two million, pounds of milk than the poorest thvoes ttitn- thtt$ O» startling cliacovory a& that taOki ova of ibt tb.r40 btlAttrek4 Olt* 1110410at ibto' MAP MOWING E'ROBABLE DIVISION OF TURKEY. TORONTO _,0RREsp 0 NDENc, ' a nieneyenakina aaitinet, nas force of •olia.a. :eater and ability. Wheb , he 'round 110 Oovild not sell papers Test enough hint - self, lie' bit upon the siOleme -of buying them 'wholesale and getting othet, boys to work for bisM, has been the leader in the organization of the News Boys Union "and ether nioventelts -looking ,to. lie says he is going to step the newspapee business neat stranger, but it may be a. lona time before Saihnar gives hie stand at the north-east corn-er Hine and 'rouge. Sammy knows how to sell Pilpere and likee the business. INTERESTING errs OF GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN GITY„ The Faverite of a frina--ao unusual event esAn Alderman's Opporiunity-Looal ' Option -A Bright Newsboy. - The yisit of Cathy Deslye pmeented a ellriette StattY 41., 1)37e0h01O5r. 111 fibility ad Mmoaxamoo this famona young wo. Man has little to dietinguash her from thousands of, other aetresses. She is nei- ther A great einger nor a great dancer and her beauty is of the not unfamiliar doll type. But the feet that, itocoading to' a' report, she was once the favorite ot a Hirer is ber great asset. The theatre was crowded at every perforinanee, and hours before the doors opened each after- noon and evening' a string of men ex., tending ' seeeral blocks lined up at the gallery entranoe ready for the rush seats. The unusual eualosity to see the former bourgeois girl whe has taken the. name of Gabrielle of the Lilies, mast be put, down to a speeies of abnormal ilienkYisiii which is curious about everything per- taining to a, King. There may be some eatisfeetien in knowing that Toronto is by eo means alone in this weaknese. Al. though it is reported that Gaby was something of a frost in Montreal, her suocess in practicaaly all Areenean citie has been phenomenal,. Even in Eny,lai. she had a marvellous run and some of the _articles about her appearing even in titaid papers and ma,eannee were of the most gushing type, ehroneing eier with a complexity of character and woetielful mentality which if applied to a Cleoliataa would have been 'high praise. As a mat- ter of fact, elle is an ordinary woman, of not unoommou type, Tele trerella -With her husbaild, who, is also her datteing partner. Mut she has a press agent, Who is making her fertune. ' . - i M. O'Neill's 3110009S. 1 The surerine of the Munioipal election Iin Toronto was the phenomenal vote polled by John O'Neill in the race for the Boarci of Control. Me. O'Neill is a, Liberal Reiman Catholio who in Orange Tory Toronto Dolled the second. higheet vote of the eleven eandidates. This * anst one ,o2 those unneaal eyents whieb sometimee vary the monotony -of voting in this eminewhat, unusual tatty. Mr. O'Neill is a man of no little Per- Railway Co. has given notice of ap- sonal strength. He has a bumaxi„ affee- tiouate element bis maao up Plicabi-cn to Parliament this sessioxi were the betterment 0 tterr eendation, PRICES FAHR.1,1::P10.1)Uuti,.. SA CENTRES Os" et Cattleote0earaollstliso vOns,ell$0 froOktee .44 Hama ana iihraa* Toronto, Ian, Waeat-Lake port% No. 1 aortaern, 94 1.2,0; No. 2 92et No, 3, 69 1.20 feea arbeat, 050, Ontario Wheat -No. 2, 90(e to 91e for oar „lots onteidearauging &ma to 70e for poor Os -'-No. a White, 33c te 34o at western. poiatre 370 to 38o ou traelt, To - Manitoba Cato -NO. 2 0, W. oats, 413.4o, treele bay ports; No. 0 0. W., 39 1.4o; lao, feed, 39 1-4o for prompt ehipmeot. • Cssorn-Amerimen No. 6., all rail, Toronto, Depeniber ,,sliipment, 541-10. firiola0eas-alla. 2, 91.10 to 93-20, oar lots out. Buokwheat-No, 2, 47c to 480. Rye-lao, 2, 75e to 76e. - Rollea Oets-Per ba.g of 90 pounds, 92.- 90; _per bareel, 94.85, wholesale, Wiudeor to Mantreal, Barley -Good malting, outside, 60o to afillfeed-alanitkba bran, 919.00 to 220.- 90, in bag% trite , Toronto; eliortri, 922.00 to $23.0Q; Ontario bran, 919,00 to 920.00, in bags; shorts, 922 to $23.00. _ Manitoba Eleue-Piret patents, $5.3u in jute bales; sedond patents, $4,60 auto hago; sttoog bakers', 94.60 in jute bap. in ootton begs], ten cents more per bar. rel, Ontario Flours-Wilitor wheat flour, 00 Per cent, patents, is qnoted at 94.05 to 94,10, deliveved Toxente, and 93.90 sea- board, frIc a's MONTREAL'S HEALTH ,BETTER Deaths Have Bdett Reduced to 19.99 Per 1,000 of Popnlation. A despatch from Montreal says: 111011tread ',citizens' health is improv - according to latest report. During 1911 the percentage of deaths was 21.19 per thousand of population ; but in 1912 this had been reduced to 19.99. Deaths of children under five years of age in 1912 numbered 49.92 per thousand. Deaths from consumption in 1912 /4,TEW RAILWAY' PROJECTED. Canadian Central & Labrador to Rilll from Coo -bran° Eastward. Aedespatch from Ottawa saye: A railway from 0o.chrane, Ontario, teeros.s the great new hinterland of Quebec, to Cape bt. Lewis, in Lab- rador, with branches to the mouth of the Hamilton River and to the city of Quebec is projected The Canadian Central & Labrador - Mao makee friends- easily' and holds 'torfa charter for theundertaking. fast Ile is also a, man of wealth, being largely interested in Teal estate and in : several hotel properties, one of which, the St Charles, is a welakuown 'down -town M rssioisrAnrs SON .-KiLLED. property controlled by. his arother. Some oriaielsm has been offered against O'Ne l's Campaigo n p. the 'ground theeto he spent o numb. money. There Five-yearold Soo a Rey. it. 0. uo suggestion that any of this motley wee epee/ for °exeunt purPoseo, but he T„infl,,„ Qur., by Chixiese "'""'"uE" -used priuting and advertising very, ex. A d .1 f • tensivery as wen as ()tiler means of pro- espa JoniPekin, says. Chinese robbers shot and killed john, the five-year-old son of the Rev. R. 0. joiliffer of the Canadian Methodist mission. A party of missionaries were returning' by boat to the town of Tzeliutsing, when -they were attacked, by the robbers, between Chengtu and Chungking, in the province of Szeohuen, One of the robbers was captured, but the rest took •to flight. • tooting his osaiipair,n. One report states that his election cost bian not lase than astIgf.y.nr isclZ111111711 1:,TOP.111 of expenditure makes impossible for a. 'seiG°1D. OirlVgfoh‘i?a(l°131;f t cglut, that of tem ted to get his necassety expenseo Isy graft tr .other improper means at e ultimate expense of the eity. ,11 is likely that the movement to require the atablioa, tiot of all eleetion expenses; „and perhaps to limit them will assume, esonsiderabie proportions. • Al. WIckett's Opportunity. AL the Count:al Board there are. new feees, ineluding Dr. Morley Wickett, t o "high hrr,w"' eandidate Who headed 'bus an excellent l elet ohancs to put bis theollries t e poll ' n'ward.D Wic ett Ow of 2dunio±pal Govertnient into preatieta e dsfivels!rt vartiff hs will mako good. hie! tug eleiitetd to the I3oard Control 10 the eatreter'srL hair,elailLpelolgyb,16as duliug the Loftwes the palilare of Cooxser- vatLvesin ths :6boosoteraioa. es mearly un Go the standard of tho party in Torooto. Per this reason the path of Wieltetto who is -a pxontinent floeser. 'cativo, Ought to be easier than it other- wise would be. • ,interest., hi Local 'Option, al -anteing,' electionsl throm,thotit the Province have now ooma to be ()versales dewed, as far as intereet In Torontq is 'conoatred. bY the 1.504 ,option easel's gn With the results this year both temper. since and liquor men protege 10 bo tied'. To the Teraperanee tomes the fact that they held area:tam-11y all of the maini- eipalities wbere repeals. of the. azt were sittempterl is proof that in no gectien, ,et theeprovieee hat eentieleut aeguie to turn st,gaiziat late cello% and the feet that. to Mose iallniethalitield already held theY have been able to add a oonsiaerable nomber °theref partleolitrav ericour. ' Rifting • Oh tbo other haod ' the liquot lamas roloite becaitee sash notable eon,. tests fl4 the 1)r9TIOSal tri rednee- the men. bor ef 3.10OnStni ip Itaniilton and'00 local optioa onnteet 1i1 tho pity ofePeterbore weist in their favor, to ear walling of the' lexgO eltriabor 'of impertant and,_ villegee Whiell the* oleo, held.. From aaetio' faett they 'algae filet tile Theat option rele eaohibition' A'aVe' lies' afoot roittexed its 11910,4tileeer 'oo 1-m1U-rig' iilit at on 1:11.; /erne lvore reseivad sit the., liee,51. etu at asps or tee Dora 1 lei) on was 'atio '18a(Taltt's art.egal,t4no. e4'011mPloneterrrirniveluica'ret'h cOId laymen and women Protalnatit, 10 500104 Werk was Reed With Soneathing Of 'the 1:"# elheadaaa. Th." totVp` aWIth whida . :aroe and ng1Ite nOX010gY was ,Sgniboantof tortuer tights. to .and blare trulieuttou of tile raft that It %oral lessee icIlkoly t halo a Ion* .A flewshey's pe.rturitt, ' 'ls. ar?u alWays...ascesiary: ilk:, a eeweboe ,beeitese hoe inaY 10e211 to be, poor. Oftunny Liehtinge,who Papere it the corner 'Of •Xing and gm, is now thl own* of property 'V 610.4 At' $29000; 11, d "�n5 104 thS other tier at 'It pOollt of .hat. /undo thie tnone JsyRAU, ino easseee at leo opieee luta tee investing 1110 erecremee 11. le the Ateuit of fietne 19 aeseassaWork o0 thotitreete Of Toren,. • ' HUGE N. R. ROTEL. Company Shortly- to Erect One • 700 Rooms in Montreal. - , A despatch from Montreal says! Mackenzie & Mann, or the 0a,na- clian l‘Torthern Ra,ilway, will short- ly coMinenoothe erection of a., large seven -hundred -room hotel in. /dont- real. The new. hotel will face on McGill College avenue, and be within two blocks of the new C. N. R. station. INVESTMENT " VO;1' SPECULATION °ciliation Means risking or gambling your money, while investment, ia defined by safe- ty' of, prineip'al, •conabined with a fair -interest,,,ield. 'When: 'we tri to intereat you in .we' offer you the highest, elaie ,of investment, where safety of „pi.,inedpal, i aetturedr:- 4414e%,eatri:84 011 youe money. . "Wet offer bong iri $100, $600, ana OA° denominations, , 610 A* MACKAY & COMPANY , eetttfee AWL, Reyil Rank tIldg, filleeeirtiefAL ' YORtet4,0 ite le Country Prothice. 'gamete vrheleeale selling Paicesee• Eaas-Coldeitorage eggs, 250 to 28a in case lots; fresh eggs are selling at 30e to 3'2o; straitly neveattid nt 40e, and lonerioan hevpaaids at 350. Obeese-Twins, new, 143-4o to 15o and It3"; tr1:61-Vo' il:,c2gF ; Butter -Latest butter quotatiene are: - Creamery prints, 31 to 32e; 29 to 3eo. dairy Prints 26 .tci 27c; inferior (bakers), 23 to 24o. lioney-Buckyraeat, 9a pound in tins and 80 in barrels..etratned clover honey, 12 /,,ge a pound. in 60 -pound tins123-10 in 10 -pound tins; 1.3o in 5 -pound tins; comb honey, No. 1, 92.60 per dozen; extra, 93 Per dozen; No. 2, 99.40 per dozen. Poultry -Live olliokens, wholesale, 100 to 110 per pound; fowl, ea to lao; ducks, ile to 130; live turkeys, 15e to 170; geese, 9c; to Me, Dressed poultry, ge to 30 ebeve live quotations, excepting dressed turkeys at 20a to 21e. Beans -$2,75 for priinee and. $2.85for hand-pickod. Potatoes--Ontaeio potatoes. 90o to 95e per bag; car lots, 80c; New Brunewicks, $1,05 to 91.10 per bag, out .of +store; 950 10 oar -lots. Spanieb Onions -Per case, 92.50. Provisions. Wholesale dealers are selling to the trade as followSmoaed and Dry' Salted Meats -Rolls -- Smoked, 14 3.4o to 15o; hams, medium, 17a to 111-00: heavy, 15 1-2c to 16c: breakfast bacon, i8o; long clear bacon, tons and. oases. 15 1.2ei backs (plain), 211.2o; backs (peameal), +22e, Green Meate-Oat pickle, le less than smoked, , Pork---Sbort cut, $26 to 928 per barrel; mess pork, 921.50 to 922. Lard. -Tierce, 13 1.2 to 13 3-00; tabs, 133-40 to 14c. Baled Hay and Straw. Quotations, track, Toronto: -Baled hay, No. 1, $13.50 to 914.00; No, 2, 99.50 to 910.50; No. S, 98.00 to $9.00; Baled straive 99.50 to $10.00. , Montreal Country Produce. Montreal, , jan. ite-Cheesea-Finest west- erns, ,13e. to 131-4c; do., finest eastern% 11 1-2o to 12 3-4o. Butter-Cheicest ermines ery, 30o to ,30 1-4o; do., seeonds, 261.00 271-90. Eggs—Fresh, 55c to 60e; do., select,: ed, 30o to 320; do., No. 2 stook, 21e to 22c. Potatoes -Per bag, oar lots, 76c to ,85e. United states Markets. Minneapolis, ,Tan IC -Wheat -May, 86 3,4o; July, 883 -Bo; No, 1 herd, allaloi 1100. 1 northern, 84o to 8e3 -4e; No. 2 do., 62e to 83 3.4e, Corn -NO. 5 yellow, 41 1-2e to 42e. Oats --No. 3 white, 306 to 30 1-40. 'Ityo-na 2, 54 1.2o to 58 1 -go. 73ran-8$19.00 to 919.50. Floor- lateliang.ed. Jan. 14.-Wheet-31o. 2 hard, 95s 110. 1 uorthern. 84; No. 2 do., 82o; July, 881-4o asked; May, 87c bid: Live Stook Markets, Montreal, Jan. IA. -Choice steers, $7 to 97.25, soma at 96.5Q to 96.75, fair at 95.50 to $6, connnon at $4.50 to 95, and canners sit 92.75 to 4;3.25 per 100 pounds. Lambs, to 87 $7.25 and sheep 95 to 95,25 for owes Per 100 pounds. Calves radged from 93 to $12 each, as to size and gtiality. Sales of selected lots of loge wem made freely at steady prices. Toronto, Ian. 14.--Cattle-Cholee butele er, 96.25 Go 96.86: good medium, 95.25 Go 95.790$52 ‘* 5; MbiliTraFi,419276 3 tO8t°5.259;5.705aInn.e.°eells, 9 s', 925 totx1 92.75. Calvea-Hood veel, 97 to $9; cad - mon, 93 to 93.25. Stotkere and Feeders - Steers, 569 to 750 lbs., at $3.25 to $3.50: feeding biills, 600 to vearlings, $3.15 to $3 1,000 lbs., ea 8276 to $8.00, f.o.b. $4.20; .50. Milkers Heas-$8.60, f and watered, and 98,25 to and SPatiagews-Prom 950 to 980. Sheep arid Litenbs--Li ht. ewes, 94.75 to 95.25 heavy ewes, ; 93.50;, Iambs 98 to $8 66 ' MARINO GOIJO BY ALCHEMY. Two Men Sentenced tor Stealing $2,250 of A.Iclionilo Gold. A despatch from Loudon, Eng- land, says That there exists a company tor the me,king of gold by alchemy was disclosed in a ease heard in the London Sessions, when two men were eharged with steal- ing thirty-one hundredweight of .91elieaUlo geld of +the value of $2,250 from the prosecutors. the -Alchenty Gold Company. Limited, - Tho men were cony/et-eel, and sentenced to terms •of imprisonneent. gginolorortri, nolroyokt oder If Wheed together: to nye ,14, tr.; 541,21, IPINTHACAT dtte'll'Ck_kbf" seen ee Resume se e wilecere=r1„::!14,4.7. THE NEWS IN A PARAtIllAPI1 tiAPPENI.NGS FROM ALI. OVEll TUE GLOBE IN A (314141` dent' 'GtheeeleErn'ed h alIPIIletaoaretYoeurVV°F1 lEyei. Canada, Canada's field crops in 1912 to, tailed in value $900,000,000. John Brooks of Lindsay commit. 'bed suicide without apparent rea, aon. • The Duchess of Connaught is cid of tile 'clangorous etage , 'of her ill, Re T. 'Woodside, of Cornwall, dropped dead while going home from work. Hatnilton temperance fi:dk rosy oall for a recount of the lioeuse re: auction ballots, London 11,OW hala fifteen Alder. men owth to recent aunexatiot constituting a fifth Ward. James Maokay, aged 20, Of Haim ilton, endedhis life with carbelie acid. - • „ The sii-year-old. son of Lorne Jackson of Mount Forest eyries thrown. off a sleigh, breaking hie neck, A Montreal convent -employee was arrested on a eharg,e of trying to Waist et, little girl nate a fur - Mr. Lewis Toole, Mount Albert, was elected President of the On- tario Agricultural and Experimen- tal Union. ,Mrs. S. H. V. Simpson, formerly Kiss Minnie Bloor, teacher at In. gersoll, was drowned in a British' Columbia wreck. Looking tor'a, gas leak in the „ London, Institute of Public Health, Christopher Peake,. a plumber, found it. Many windows were bro. ken. Mrs. Thos. Taylor is dead from coal gas near W,olseley, Sask., has hiisband: two boys and a demesti4- were all seriously affected, and ths youngest boy may not recover. Reporting "bra the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's. Association,j. A. Ituddiek, dairy commissioner, Ote tawa,, said that in 3.909p11 the valbe of the total ex -ports of dairy pro, duce increased by several dollars. but the figures for 19 ihoweci a decrease in the quan of all products -In total" v .1 $5,000,000 4oul1ared with Canadian letatistics did not eh • single pound of butter as having been. shipped to „England since April 1 last. • Great Britain. The Irish home rule bill made further progress in coininittee. 13ritisli actresses decided to pielt- et House of Commons during frait-' chise bill debate. • , The engagement is announced' o/ Ada, the youngest daughter of Field-lVfarslial Earl Roberts, and Major Lewin,, of the Royal '11%1014 Artillery. Sheirs 37, years of age. United States. There is an epidemic spina' meningitis -at Cairo, The En-tpress and- Dowager -E press of Russia..are, both 111., ...Irretrievable damage Was done to the lei/lob and Orange-eropi in fornia . owing to heavy, frost. Liter-esting,evidence. was given as. , to huge 'Profits before. the United Stites money:trust inquiry. ,: oinan was:6coliXejeltte''cl. teSh . t i.ing : A .**- hai for,Persietierg, in . -the ..n.se ' N • , .It is • rePorted „that 'tliii :powers , -mil, eireoe Turkey to .tede Adriano., pie to „the I3alkan allies.. e ' wound -ed his' seategernist,' : . Tile , P,i,'esideti‘t. e, f t -,11p.', C71.111gavian ,11.iitaber ' fotiglit another clu-el, aticl . . ..........,...„,.,....,.4...- ...,,,,,..,.....-....... EDUCATION Col sal Scheme to be Subject of tb6 Ne Government Legisia,tion A despatch ,froni London. says : The •Covernment has decided that the next great work in its pre. gramme of ttociat reform; to be un- dertaken as soon as -the Home 'Rule the Welsh Theeetablishment and the Praziehise Reform 'Dille are clispoS. ed of, will be .a.'eolessol eeberbe..for improveinent in elementary, eeeon- dary and higher -education, , This important announcemeet wee' Made on Friday on tbe,atobar- ity Premier Asquith And Chan - donor of the BJ?.ohcquer , David tloy4 George by Viscount Haldane, Ehe Lord High Obarieellor, at a po- litical meetizg in Manchester. Vis- ' tint Italdane said the existing eys. B itish tem- of eilticAticen.wrie ehaotie d. -"IMO be altered.. It '',,wieuld..be; 'expensive .prieb,leen. ilto:,:e:ripense :„tiet:btt borne by "Weida be" et ''Pre ditctiVe eXpenditure, .andweaS abeee.•' neeessatir32if 'oute-prOduetive: Pewee'. in to -be 'Maintained ittaiGatte pratiSea with,:that 0! 0239 riyalee'2 The 8j - - - - - - - The -e.otPlanation giVen'"by iht ginieberialister, is that., • ,t,bee , lee) gueation'eaitnet 'be' dealt witW tint the hand' .-ii4,1ttagoN Under taken irthaVid,lteloyd cleorpie!s „tarn, 0)09 httelget .10. Completed. •ti•ecl.' that' 't1i-t wiU require: -,at leak einethett • : coople of years.