Exeter Advocate, 1913-1-9, Page 5f*- MIINTA jL Q. V. leee0LOTON, DENT ek UMW/or at ula 94: oa4000 and floaor otrukto.to of Tomato ,4•0044. otriv*.sylor Dickson *tenelloirelaw (greet. C1.0401 Needriesean aftiernoone. on, A., R, leINSMAN, Ineede. D.E.4et floras Gesednate of 'Toronto Unitises:Ay DiftPrIST Teeth e.auanteted vekhout patn, on/ bad effect*. Offiee over Glerheme Statibuireet Ofleee, lefeen Street, lileeeteer GR ND TRUNIS'InLlYvEl;,; California Mexico Florida AND The Sunny South • The Gronl Truck liailWay is the most deet Mite from ell Points Beet Barran, nly Double Track Route Round trip be/grist tieleets, oleo orall the best routes, together 'tb. full information, may be ebbaille from any Grand Truftk Agent, ,L DOSE. Stator; Agent, Szeteir, 'ROYAL :PURPLE 'stock& rouitr's Spoc'itien we will mind etesabetelY free, tee iluoub Canada via Chicago, Detot AL Oe 1 DICKSON ee 0ARLINc4, akntrigrout,L 0:: givhg ,eneeneenene, eteetesenem Conveyentenns, cernr el raligeetinerts. ledeletteers fere ihe Xelleellei ev Rank. eke. eeanery tern/an at loweet ratee of Internet Offices -Mari -Ste Sitter I, et, Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson . lePONEE 'TO LOAN I r We nave a lenge eenceent .of entente el needs to. loan on farm and inelliege Drop-, w Ones at loW Melon of interefeee , 21 (114A,EXAN es sarrANI1Usyr c Barrreistem Solligitertn lierrete.r. je SENIOR Aient Coneedesstion. Liao Asettranalt CorrarsteY. *Ito Fere faitunume ea lead- Le trig Clariadien sod BMWs Cceneesidea, el Ateeneeft. 'Ilheetere le, P di LICXXSED ACCeideteNISER. ' wk. At:13'11E11ov; Lic4ifiiid AtictiOnaer ear Plume County. Terme rat:some/seem Dates can be Made at the Advoeste. Exeter. o Eatery leilbee's Crt,tlee., Eked- tton. a T. )3' 0 RLINO el Life„ Fire, Accld • awl Plate Glass e titeueanoe, Collectinn accounts. arid eon- 0 aucting atiotioe sal . - Exeter, Ont. 4 a , , THE LARGE A. y NDANCE TI -IE •' 101 en, •4111,ee Xenneeme, . one, .ee-,e' grid ',.''"e, • 0,,,, ee / / Teranto, Ont., ereiny s hot the reetrit C el ezdeldelete There ., a realer:en, 'Car it. We have room. -ear (entre. Enter now. a Catalogue free. • e I c I. FARM FOR SALE ---- The underaegeeed 'es petering for sale 1 , that desirable 100. acre term, anuated e In the ToWersteep ot reeddulph, being- Let I. 13, Con. 1„. There Is on the premiesesi t a good fragrielitensle, been with, rounds - tion, orelee.ed. The talent .18 well drain- E ed end leg under oalfivation, Thin is an exaelleret Vienne ',e'en situated and will be steel ree.sonablese For further partic- Ware apply to Jebel O'Neil, Mooresville, Ont. -' neee„,, •Neel. ssr.a..,:T. jou ss :,o Seeleet OR RENT. . l The under teener' are offereng for sale 3 or rent len centre new hotlin5,. erect.- f ed On the old Mansion Ileuse property . Math stree , • Enetern This house is :eget:Pee/4 w th bate, cloeote toilets, fur- nace, and 1 root let% , papered and grain- ed, horded to s58 8100. Will be sole reaso, . his. Apply to Wes. Saell. eeleELL In MAROHAND , Dr. 'de ,,, an's Female Pills A tellable Trench reguletor; never fails. These pins erexetedingly powerftil in regelating tbri generative pttion of the female system. Refuse : all cheap in, tations, Dr do Van's are sold'at . 16 a box, or I ree for $10. Mailed to any address. The goobeel Drug -Co.. St, Patharlues, Oats ^ A N .---.---N. , arallia4laalnallgaragiall821,11.11111.111111 HOme.Study 1 Thou ads of extbetiours young Peopi are .beertie Instructed In their ilorrne Study Dept. You Man • , finisle at College if you delete& Pay Wheeever you wish. • Thirte , /*eerie" Eeleerlience, Largest train- ers . ea Canada. Enter any dAY leas*rier guaranteed. If you week to save beard and learn -whilee you earn, write for Pa.rti- • culexe. rNO' -VACATION . ,Cinton Business College , . . 6E0.eSPOTTION B. F. WARD . . President Priticipai mosingingisaigimissii. . . .., , • ., very WoMen . , , t8fl andshould know I\ . about the wondered . , e_ e marvel whirling so.), ' Douche -,..,..- All,. :Tont dregale,t for h. ' If ha crienot amply .. * the MARVEL, accept no other, bat fiend stathp for Ilittt. teeteci beele-sealed, It gives fell • i • perneele. end &actions normal -AB : se u.d.toL .vapsonsurpr..xeneeinitidear, Out Tv ,•penetai Agents for eabeda. lectric Restorer for Men hOSPh01101 reetema °vire nerve 1* the bedi te its proper tension ; restore* and vitality. Premature decay and ell Sealtal. ,aknesq averted at once. leleeeplionol will aro,: Yee a new nese Price Ilitietunt, or two for Awaited Meny address. The Soolsoll Drug CalAttOrbke14.014. SALE BY TENDER, The 200 /wee term Dots 4 and 5, 3rd ceesion, Stephen, known eta th natern pecpranty, offered for Alai. tender, Teltedlern received op to ed/ eb, 1.913. The highest or tkeIy tea Sr :net ,neceeritmeily accepted. ApPl,n E. HUSTON, :Exeter. -Ont • a 'PC VARelee S WANTING MEN: Farmers wanting, hired men for oRtzt earn Should plenee their ordets at mace thern lee there will be litf:cultY In tuiree• been,. Orders left with the °ca.: Government Employment Agenti r this dletrelee, Advocate Ofeice, or dressed thereto, will- receive pronerk entlen, C. E. SANIYERS, Agent,. FREEthe 414404go Peotelled, +me of OUY eueeeog*imowe $4rge 0414,10 $44$140 (19i$U inn sot), on tbe votemott demon/ of stork eind poulert. Teets bow to teed all kiwis of lesvy and light lievese, colts sett oaten ranch MVO, eakiee aad fartealag ateeir4, also how to ken/ sote feed Poultry so then they will ler ste tertle Is -winter as in manner. It manatee Ile meommends from ail over Ceneese from neeele who hare medeer geode. No fanner eereele be nitimut it. you ean fatteo cattle rind bogs, In montles leo time by using out Royal rurple Steek Speciee than You eetild Possibly 4o without it. therein, ealiag Month's Seed and labor end eke met to you will riot be more than $1.50 lot elx pigs or $1.00 fee one steer. It will keep /our leersen in show eondition with ode:1*re tece, If yea haere a poor, raiserabledook- animal se Your Plee, ere it on this me* *rot end see the mereellous. reritilt wider will be obtairied. Ouv Stook. apeeitle Mcrearre the milk flow tem to Ave per cow Tree day, while beeng fed in the st.able, A 590 isseoleten will last a cow or horse /0 days. SOTAL PURPLE POULTRY singonne will *take year hem lay just as well In Our wieter as $4 the etronner, lea will keep them free front diseaee. These goods are pure and amialterated. We do not vs any cheap Slier S. oak. a Urge winks*, entirely different firm* any oe. the umeket. at thee prdeent time. emesti Persil* Steele Specific, 600 peksiee; foam Si penorn„ in an air.tight for $1,50. Akeal rer$5le Poultry Specific, Sc2end &Oa' nekase and $1.te air -tight tine RIO bold fear See nay, • /Oat Purees Lice Xiller, 20c and 60. tire; Aid by mail. *oat "'grate Gen Cave, 25e toed 60e this; See 10' re411. *04 tarple Sweat lepinient, elk! bottle; Os Send Purple Cesugle Cure, ein tied• Soo be Wee Bisset Purple Dedrifeetent, 20a and See this.• _ Rival rural* Reip Curl, eas dui ; see Fs • '• ne nee EMI l'isrpIe Wenn Porreer,-,25e sum; no by mg% aye To A r arm Tor Sale? The Publicity Assoceeteare for 'Huron aunty intend to publish a. 'let of ferm roperties for sees in tins county, arid sk any persons having a, farm for la to send at once to any meenben f the Executive, named' below, particle - e o icti farm, describing it and teeing price at which ti -lay will sell. hen advter, of sunficient forme have sea received, the Executive will pub - eh the list in tercular fteera ter gan- net distribution en, the Old Land and 1 the United States, without cbaebee the advertisers. Funnier particulars, may, obtain - from any of the Enecutive.. - J. G. GREIG, President, 'Seteforee- JOBN LECKIE, Tice -Pres., Srusselet In C..efUNNINGS, Treas., Goderich. JAS. MITOHELL, See'y, , Goderich. Executive Com,,, -J. ` Govenlock, cave BIeICillop, \VI:Men:on P. 0-; Mayer Pelton, Wenteldnee; Wen. reeve of tanley, Clinton P. 0.; John Ranseerdi resident, Clinton Beard Trade ; W. J. reatnan, reeve of Eneter, , 1.hore. Ste -th- e, lenrigannon ; R. W. Livingstone, eev'e of Grey, Moncriet f P. O. Auction Sale • -OF-- , CLYDESDALE MARES eb PURE BRED YORKSHIRE. ROGS ee DORSET SHEEP ALSO ORDINARY FARM STOCK ..A_ND, ripo.Lisaarrrs Me; Thos. Cameron has redelved teuctions to sell public auction. Manakfaetared only by TbkaW A.Jerikins Mfg Co • - Levadon,canaUta "Yemysi Paws Supplies and Booklets Noy tint eitaixed front W. J. Heama Exeter Ont Hanlon & O'Brien, Oenra,11$ LOT 26 COM USBORNE On TI-IteReDAY, JAN. 23rd, t 12.30 (Oalock sharp the following- Inerses--1 regleleetred Clydesdale Brood Mare; 9 yeare toed ;- 1 mare by Xing homes, 4. years ofd; e ligibla for zsginteeation 1 metre 4 years old with faen at her side eligeble for. earnaltion ; 1 Yielareerteg enly by King Thotenate) 'eer eegies- beatioin ; 2, :Metes, reset* one year old, elig,ible for nen:lateen:on ; 2 dill/nes rising two yerars (leant 1 elliy • 2 year.s. agricutterrale 2 eiest clase geldings rieeng 3 andr, 4 years deaft 2 first cease geldings, ',ri's'ing 3 years agticulteurain 1 general purpose mere rising four years old quiet and relenble,. These horses are an exceptlenallY fine Ion both as. to size and quality. Cattle- 1 milking coen 2 cases, due In February.; 4 cow's, doe mr Meeheand A,pell. 1 thot1SUbbrd „Teeeey bow due 'ire Mare 1 Gencte Jersey Cove due in Man; 2 eseeeee reset* 3, , yrs. old; 3 :heirene, eiteree three yearee ; steers rieeng 2 Yews old; 8 eleieers rising ?e, years. eats A ateene enieneltere rising toe year old. - Seeepe-1 Pure bred Doreet. Ewes, e- nvie wete• 2 l•aertbee at ;side ; 1' pure bred dons.et nun 2 yeetes old. Pure Bred Toeleethee.' Hogs. --I. boar 3 years Old; 1 brine 1 year old; 1 ocev with litter at rot; e wows due In April and Maly ; a number el nice young sows not bred ; 25 store hogs. Implementis.-1- 3-4 lumber wagen„ Lop buggy, 1 peer of bobsleighs, 2 cut- ters, I 0 -foot binder, 1 lean loader, :eirie delivery mks, mentere spreader, now combined cultivator and been herr- reeler, iletioree cultivator, and cern drill,,E0 teeter beet eeeder; tWeefinteOw: nnileg plow, diteeeng plow, 2 walking plows, dive, sat Iron hal: rtret,a, 10.414 ironer, :sugar beet Weer, '2- hay racks', 2 letoelt recite, root guipor, straw cut - '105 ; 2 sets double earl/pee I, net single leanness , net platform scales 2000 lbs • tanning mill, gasoline engele vv:th tel to, ' circular saw, eitheni b einto senneeteneel., ' neekyokee, chemist forks neevels, hoes a, a. lot of elerst teasel, , barrels, ineree collars and odd haenees ' fadderse and, other' articles to 'nom- • , tretie to Mention. e01) euebole 01 seed Notice to Creditors le REND. ne. Too fo, fr4 t WOOk. SAC1 IV* 1,0a Ede Ill, ern, and earilelei, lele. end Mrs. relver fegot eipOht part ot :the • xe90.11 setts0n, Ipper. O[ end On Reer, $itte Mereeeetetterld- ed 'the- f nnedal lieledeell Patteeefoirene Mere A. Gleahrifiler * the ed.* lien-, eft, and eft*, Angina leettetrinenie at- tended the fleneral, oe the latteree tatin er, Mee 1414.thOr., ').414X CireeletweY< Seeeddir —A col:1P%, 'QM 000 114.11'0 e)eetv Lte VIOOKI iet,Ole744' roO.3:1 toe a enet- wan, Setae oe eitizene ore .e.tentrig, the, train ceinelnee Deatent.-Tlite veeek it becomee. oter .tieed• duty to trieeeecei Ole death of two) more tYt Mir erlotereg, Peened. 11111'3htfla of Mr, Frank Aineitee eves eaddateed TeeeddY afteteneen leY depth cleingeg Ws. eecond .dnergetter Levi:run I:Weaned had teen ante teere Welt;4: ,frOal, brain, 4eeeee seJt eetlieleee ..1seee' ,outsorpd A gittat t)eal WaS 'Aso( 10 yeerenee recnithee trne.1*norat Thtererday we largely attended, her Inmates being laid tee rest in Green4, Bendecerreeterye She leaven to treduen. he< pa.serets nen& ,Dzie ttieler and two lettere-Se:4W r -he home lee Wm, Patter -Won .wee geedderted Teeodair af rerneOn: by death: .clainting the oldest een Roe:1001e Degeoteed • had 'been ill the, lase teeee neanthe -.or that dread ellen stage conerumptereel, The funeret ereee man was pro.01-04 by Carriere and. Rev. Therepeene, Ole retOgrus hariV ehe terree T'ridder afternoon. •the Grand Bend .cerneterY, 'large member being, Peeeente, elle father, =Other, one teen tee need. one ' bra*. enerviie. Pie Well. be treatty mieesed ,as ; he wars liked by neererenee Ile eves 20 'leers of egee The ' bereaved teeniliere have, the eYrrle anhy of all. . OF MARGARET E. STANCOMBE, late of the Village Of, Exeter, in the'County of Buren, widow, deceased. Pursuant to '$.0c. Zee, of Chapter t129 at the revised' nesbultes of Ontario, 1897 nOtite is hereby given that all creditera and others having clams against the estate of Idengaret E. Stancombe, late of the Village of Emetee, the County of Huron, widow, who died, cint about the -Rivet den.. of Septeinnen• La the year of 1.912, '; A. De are en. or before Nee First day of March, 1913, to send by pest Prepaid to Messrs. Dielegon te Carling, Solicitors of tho Vieletene on Exeter in the County or Huron, Sollettens for George East,- terbreok, Esq., ezecuttar of deceased; their chrietian "names' and surnames, addresses and deecinnteons, the ,full Par- naulars of their clalms, a statement of 'their aceounte end the nature Of -the ,se. cerreideie (jz -any) hoed ber t*inu, and thee' after the dee laelt raforresnid the Enece neer will rtroeeed to distribute tide assets of the seed deceased aneeng the Parties entitled 'thereto, having re - gave Ito these nionris only of whieti nobtoe shall ha -re been recelvecl as above requered, and !seed executer will net be lestb.le for ehe seed aseetst or any Part 6h0reaf so &Nitre:eked age aforesaid to any person or person. of whoee eleern or claims notice Stall not have 'been re- ceived by hen we the benne ref such ets- tributrnen. . Dated at Exeter; thee Sixth CDan ea.euary, A. D. 19:13-: DICKSON et CABLING Solicitors for Executor Exetereent. Wanted lL'o' vent and Werner montes a sthot. t, reliable perton to sell:our tnnin„grell.,:rimb,ithnoav:rocs,v3sHly:Nata'alli4rid°,i's'u'riTun.nt,3...1 ovBa 600 ACRES of nes,t nursery etoele • grown Stettersold and delivered to lead, • Dereee and goer': delivery guaran- teed. Teerty-teve Years of busi- ilekle eXpertente enables us to er- red the bete • egenen in our line. Write ter tieterti. • PELlterderf , NURSERY CO, Tdeorite., • , leate. ' '''• Tlineete A I tee re, s .oee Cr, • and ti lacier cash dyer thee greed:et' 10" months tared- ' Wel be, glen eee • urre &eerie' an- :P.:need eedien In,ateste A. ,:disc•auelt of ere, ney eve. per aninto Off for ash, es:ay.-0 ors nrooriotor haw his. =Cann, ' • CAMERON, CHAS. HARVEY AUntieleeee Prenreeiter., SouthnFluron Agri- cultural Society TrAntelelfeAR. t, Toe late, for last f'47. Fletcher VtaA, very buten One day, eetently, he 'having two weddIngie in reeizetton neteleborliteed, besides tWe at tromein•The :late Mrs IdaDougai ee -whom we made, mentionlast, week' leave' le • to mourn her demise two children, a bee' end a giel, aged respectively 10 end :6. years, , besides the hutebond. The fun,.. oral. to Staffe. cernetereee was largely at.- teadicineeee. W. 5, Vante does:, not impreere any. 011-1, Tuesdny the • friendee and neighbors' gathered and b.elpedno cut a' goodly seinieler of weede-deleallg these from, a. diallance who attended Iketra. eiclOougal's 'funeral We might .mentiorn, Mr. and, Mese Richard Neil of Lornien,, D. IvenDotenal of Comber, th go:Nicol ,ot Stratford, enern Vance' of Britain, S. S. elitenell ot Wereghatri and seen Simi' Mr. and ?vire, Hepburn moved their effects :to; Granten, Tues- de.Y.-Mee and Mese Mutt of Terentin epent the reeledaye at H. Passretorre'en etre. C. wiefeeemelitatoe a few weeks," -,-Maater Lloeed 'Stewart .spent. the week, with his uncle dreck.-neeseare; Wileam Gardiner and Reg.. Teneribuel ,eperet the holidays their' homes .here, Me. Turn. A:1-11,4 occupying the pulpit ere „the Pres- byterian church, eine 'Sunday, leen. Flet- cher not havine returned from ;Elamite ieten...--Mrs. and 'Miss Robb of Stint- paId our beklertgree a.tentelYttrLgan B'f.Yi1 of Michigan are. vesfeAr, the reeighbedidood south or here. -Mr. and' 'kris. Geoe leer - //lake and Mrs.' B. Williams •;•apent the helidays. with friencle at Bervie.-Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Opimpbell and ehildien. spent the •Pa.st week with friends. at Toronto -and .nlainelltron. Inolteman of, $ es. parents, Mr. and Ne're Elle* eeeleteMen eln enreekle0.`, of ',teen 00sOleri,‚ Lai'tsd ol4. acquelAttaTtOet tem, „ the Pne eree, Oe.,eper lerphee who has Oels141. fol the 'pare six A:oath or 'ea, died an Patc. $3: rat the e4onet 78 yearn, I:4 as.* clap or the early set. titere* In Alt/i,e4 azeoe0Q1a eund a Teeedent of 2.peden or aleenee thirty epee% lee leneen a eeldeed eked, Prawn eP telrelY of ere/us and etteeelheieres who ,haere the felreralatilrY" of lt ta, thetr her'sayer meat, at'c rpmmu* irgid no rest LI tto (lOeehein, Eekno cOrtteeee,M, orTkitt:ra day atterswOn‘ era • 'VARNA-A ver' perettn weeldfrig was ealobra.:%ei at the iionio of ar. .and ars.. BalbeteDcheen.000: at 0 o'clOck on Dee,"213th,, when then dangletere Mien Annie, 'became was of Ai. David A, Jelenesten, a PreePeneue yoeeg fat' mer of the Babeden Line, Stanley. ANNUAL MEETING , The annual Meeting of the errernbetter of the South Huron Agelculltural Stec-. icily will be held in wAlissys BRUCEPIELD on MONDAY, JANUARY the 20th, 1913 ' at 1 O'clock 9. Fir the purpose of receiving the annual Reports, the electioln of Direceers 'and the* tra.n.sactinn., of any ether , business lacquered. t. meeting Of the directoile will be 11414 'al the ,satiree place ..010 the same deer at 10. o'olocle trn " T McLEAle, W'M. BERRY, Seenuttary 'nresidient, BIDDULPI-1. Ate. WlWaItn MeNighle, of near St, Mare*, spent Cleteleterealre '!a). BicidulPh With Irinnthile--ter. end' Ore. le Gt. HitrIeLon and Verney, of Gr,atiten, spent WedlleselAy cent* On old friends on elee Sanible Lene.--A number rOf Young people Who have been away' SPerld 3Criersia at hoenee-41Velater Ida A.tenitagee who ha:0 been fi/WIa6r teaching for the past teren, is .istleendeltee her holeleeres at :borne With her peirenesi, Me. and nes. J, G Annetealge, rencitenenetelette a wet -titer. of YOU* people eaten/read at Mr. and erne, Weise:ease whennan en- jeyable evening went n/Perit.-.-Miets "%Teen': McLaughlin, --Who fon the 41a,at trete raent he has been in McGillivray With Ze Haakete bee re., eoyered frotn his recent illheeee- ede and Mrs. Thanes Teickenie and family bane moved from SaIntsbury to Lucan NC _ For rm Koko sonty to tire Caeedien nee • Ci'overr'mrlmrt, EreePieneneet Agent, •Aeleete Tele( OS),- Ott en Pieter. A wirmson r.,.Arrrfrs APPEAL , ;ESN:SALL Steaey of Celina _spent a few days in towel Ireat week.' -Torn Hor- sley of Winarepeg es here vest -tins his parent,se-Mr. peteir *Burns Buchanan lett no Truesrlay evening for Winnipeg. -Jame Petty of Termite was here for the funeral of MS tellele George- -0 A. Cann tele, wife a nd son spent the New Tear evetn, neenseel friendsn-evfise Weeder= et Chicago is the guest her grandfather, ear. W. Bell. Dr Stele tern does not itteend moving ea Toron- to until learcile.-Me. George of Brant ford has bean spending a few' Se-ye Will Perkin. --Charles Menne of Probes shire, Sask., is. home vereetr:rn'ghis mothe ere-Mtss Blanch petty of Toronto at- e tended the funeral oe her uncle, the Late George Petty:els/les Beatrice Cur), - mart' has gone to Bre nee ord. to tans a. course in a Business College. -- Hal 'White , dental 'student Chicago Col- lege, he -s been visiting Se:ender here for a few days;--Joiten Caldwell received a. telegram. Vent hire doer William of Tluge ashen Seek., was dessl1 ae/ a. result of an •accident. The telegram stated that the deceased had returned to home, on et he previous night and to etart a 'vette tint in the stove, rad anroven cosi Oil Vern it. It blazed up in his face and sit fire, to hes clotelea am' so efte,cted his eyesight that . Ire could ;met nee. He groped for tbe door lex- being tenable to find It need a small. window butt was unable to .ent out. When the nefghboeet arrived and rescued him, he Was so badly burned that he only survived a few' leourte. The remain's, were brought here fon intermente-Owing rto the wiehdrawel of • ntenher ot the cenclidates •the Colm- an in elected by atelaanatilort. They 'are • follows. -Reeve, Ortin Councillorer, Pfaff, T. "lettelson, F: letiste. and S, Beery: e Mere -le -Two of the oldest e 1- dent.s in thin vieeentY Poseed 'away on Sunday, Mrs, Sonia McMillan and Mese join; en Kneehtel; Mese McMillan was the tenet of the late John McMillen: NI,P. for eiontle Huron. ker a member or years, and hard Slettered a eiteolte zee ,Kneetetel WtaiElW'Otet of We Jam PadeOesee eotre Meat* aga. • Ws. xat11=4,4, -victo lOwls," And wasi born core41 'Tinb:feao°'Ca%.9°444144w'ethJ"lin'ele° .5Ptiler4ealte8219n, 1.941 and nettitng En T4e2p1.101, Town - She was treerried 144etele Soho b7CI:nflecht:elirtel, elvi244*g;h1t' othoctee w138.111P11:khgeenthearde7illevectig*tire.:41. To All Women -I will timid free with full Luatruettons, my home treatreent which positively enres Leuterrheee., LTI. corollate, Jelepliteretnents, Of the Womb, PAinftill or Irregular Periode, Uterine end Ovarian Tumors or gra wths alas Hat Plushes, Nervousness, Mel- anc1Y, t'ains in the Iread, Back Or lederele. . end Bladder troubles, where cooed by Werelereests peenlier to oUr If�i ean, tontileUe tedittniont at home eoie.' ttenet *bout 12 e.er4a 0. Week itir bOOIC "*,04inti!ti owri sottit.ou Ad. vlitor,'" also •sent fine on recleeet. Vtaita to -day, Address, . .M„Sttmteere torc. II, B.40 WEe4eerr LeICAN e r Caen i ,toree here n t e i, .Seetneetay, ail* been M lereite.. for ad nor ,IYoirte)tl)K1,0el, Shew3„0 An, ad WAros: her hit.gfba,O.O,fvo wa daughtells,„ JIFtIYCUFIEt.D»-A very pretty • d too4. plAdei recently en tee e Of Mr. arid Nem APPletoe Eleeet ela Cession it, nenekormeneh, whoai knee, eideiet denegener, Weenie. was Mardi to W.Cr,. B. B. COrIxtit, tondorle ceremony Wail pial:Whlec), by Rev. Allan. et Pleniten. PLINTOlie-A. pretty' wedding Tao,. at the neelreare ore tCrater Churehe meg:tatty, when Wen' X.A0uli BIgsoxl of •LOZ:at, beeeirfiet the ertris at Mr. J. Churchill, of Clinton, Rev. erer. Mee Cede Pereermed We ceremony. After a. leceeyertoen trip Ito Detroit, eer. end Ws: Churchill, will reside hi Q141t011. poor :nate PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorptio.-a Method. U you suffer from bleedi„ itching blind or prOtictu Piles, send me your adtlress, and will tell. ynle ilOW to ,..',t.tre your- self at home by the absorption treatment and will also send Aceili•C of *this home treatment free for trial, with referetice,s from your ow it locality if te--- quested. Itntliediate relief and perntanent cure assittert. Send no Money, but tell others or this .offer. Write to-aay to Mrs.' M. Summers, Box 840 Windsort Out. ik , A BLOOD MEDICINE IVITHOtPir ALCOHOL.- loweltrlreiethilertittitittltab74441illtil'itt OUtotibtrdr tettle""inIthat alcohol Pattlfzet" sianlaths eth:rthialtec°0101 Dowell a ,j) blood sad rosierathent unable to take up and destroy disease germs. Discate germs eitise the di4th.-440tOt' ootoludi or the batmen race. A bided medicine, aide. ely without alcohol, which ft 0 Pure tivactiO et, tract of. roots, Mich as Blofttillot, QUeetile root, Golden Seal root, Mandrake and Stone root, has been eitineively sold by druggists for the past forty yeiers as Dr. Pierce's Golden kiedicattilicoVery,. The reftething influence of this extract is like Nature's inItuense---the blood is bathed in the tonic which gives lifeto the blood- theNital liras of the body btinr brighter and their increased activity consumes the tissue rubbish Which /ins accumulated durisig the winter,. '-- "- Dr,.,V :-B, Pierce, the founder oi theilifids'., Hotel end '1:: -.......,.. practice, Was the f rst to make up an Avrtuararwu EiTma . of' Surgicrd.lustitnte, lind a physician of large expeeitence and - • ---.-7- 1' . edee--4- roots, without a particle of alcohol or narcotic. .::„.-1,.......- . _...? "It is with Ringers:dein of plessua that / write to let you know of • ne- ne eon se the great benefit I received from the use of prell, medicines and nin- e- , • treatment at home " writes Mize. Wu. Earns, of istdysmitn, B. C., "1 suf- % fervid for theeeyee'rs from a mete= sore. Consulted four doctors but e eie --e. they failed Mama or giverelief. finally I was told I was in common- ........ r le tionand voiddlaye to =suit a specialist concerning ray ear, that the dead bete mast be cut out before the wound would heal. A kine friend advised rue to -write to Dr. Pierce, whictel did, end after seven/nod:the use of the tmatment the sore is healed. mad I eniay bettor health th ever did, n dressed t.tie wowed -with Dr. Pierces Alnefealing Salve's:id took the *Gelden. Keelieel Discovery' and 'PleasantFelteo..t.K.,,A.•,as trouleee. I shell always reeonute,nd your mod:eines:- -- 'ri , e-' • ' - , Dr. Pieretei Pleasant rellote'regidate liver and' bowels, ,..., , bibrs. Earaa, PURE — PALATABLE"— NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERMA.NTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for persaual or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA a. .44VAVAAVAA aVAill.A411AVV‘i. Aei'ltigifAke HONESTY 8 There are lots of honest people ill the nerld. If you have log, some. dine perhaps an honorable peree; found ett. , This Igen honest paper and, honest • , .. peepie read it. •:: , Teti then* about yen:loss: M Ott , ': ctigsined went MS. ' I ..04.4.4*,,, e YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. it K TAKE ALL RIB KS Cured hi the ,New :Method treahneet riel'e NO NAMES OR PlipTOS USED vorsout warms CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY rhoumanda of young and middle-aged men are Manually swept to a premature peeve through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Mosel Diseases. If you haveeatty. of the lowing symptoms :contra us before ie is too late. ..are you nervous and Weak, despot:- . dent abet gloomy, spear/ beforeethennms, 'with 'dark circles mider them, week beck, kidtie s irritable palpitation of the bairn bashful, theatres andleMeeldett ae phim on the time, eyes sunken, Inelletv cheeks, ,careworn express. • oor enenore, Ilfelees, distrustful, melt ebergy anctistrength, tireetimminge, restless nig haneneble 'Weds, weak neetinteed, premature decay, bete pains, bale loose, sere root, etc. YOU WJI..L E A ' 'WRECK, Our New Method Treettnerit can Mire you hod indke amine of you, Under Os.1re:2n-- eters the btaitt becomes aetern the bleed purified, so that all piteples, blotehesanci Mean disappear, the beeves boccie* strong tig steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and dee- poredoece vanish, the eye becomes bright, the face full end clear, eriergy taunts tithe bode nedthe Mobil, physical arid sexual eysteme era itedgeeatedt. all draine ceaec-ner etnead maorevitalawalwe tefrotnuithneeiteyou oror . Dennb 'ieatrepacke soili fee, eob' you of your heed Evr.ayrtaNa PRIVATE AND CONVIDENDAL READER:. No matter who lInt treatee ecn, write for an honeet opInios Free el Moo. Books Free -"The Golden Monitor" (tlluetmted) on eeeretleilettee of Men. ' QUESTioN LisT FOR HOME -TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST , , DiRs,KENNEI)Y&KENNEDY Michigan Ave. and •Giisweld SL DetrOit,Alch. 1110TICEAll lettere erten Canada most be addressed . to our Canadian Correspondence 1)eP#.t.: taent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Instittte In Detseet as we set awl treat no ,patients in our , 'Windsor 740s *hi& are , for Correspondence wad LabOrSforl for c!nnedian husineeti, only, ,Address all letters ad• %novo: DR'S. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Windiot Ont4 *ribs for oar nritlite address. lectric Restorer for Men hOSPh01101 reetema °vire nerve 1* the bedi te its proper tension ; restore* and vitality. Premature decay and ell Sealtal. ,aknesq averted at once. leleeeplionol will aro,: Yee a new nese Price Ilitietunt, or two for Awaited Meny address. The Soolsoll Drug CalAttOrbke14.014. SALE BY TENDER, The 200 /wee term Dots 4 and 5, 3rd ceesion, Stephen, known eta th natern pecpranty, offered for Alai. tender, Teltedlern received op to ed/ eb, 1.913. The highest or tkeIy tea Sr :net ,neceeritmeily accepted. ApPl,n E. HUSTON, :Exeter. -Ont • a 'PC VARelee S WANTING MEN: Farmers wanting, hired men for oRtzt earn Should plenee their ordets at mace thern lee there will be litf:cultY In tuiree• been,. Orders left with the °ca.: Government Employment Agenti r this dletrelee, Advocate Ofeice, or dressed thereto, will- receive pronerk entlen, C. E. SANIYERS, Agent,. FREEthe 414404go Peotelled, +me of OUY eueeeog*imowe $4rge 0414,10 $44$140 (19i$U inn sot), on tbe votemott demon/ of stork eind poulert. Teets bow to teed all kiwis of lesvy and light lievese, colts sett oaten ranch MVO, eakiee aad fartealag ateeir4, also how to ken/ sote feed Poultry so then they will ler ste tertle Is -winter as in manner. It manatee Ile meommends from ail over Ceneese from neeele who hare medeer geode. No fanner eereele be nitimut it. you ean fatteo cattle rind bogs, In montles leo time by using out Royal rurple Steek Speciee than You eetild Possibly 4o without it. therein, ealiag Month's Seed and labor end eke met to you will riot be more than $1.50 lot elx pigs or $1.00 fee one steer. It will keep /our leersen in show eondition with ode:1*re tece, If yea haere a poor, raiserabledook- animal se Your Plee, ere it on this me* *rot end see the mereellous. reritilt wider will be obtairied. Ouv Stook. apeeitle Mcrearre the milk flow tem to Ave per cow Tree day, while beeng fed in the st.able, A 590 isseoleten will last a cow or horse /0 days. SOTAL PURPLE POULTRY singonne will *take year hem lay just as well In Our wieter as $4 the etronner, lea will keep them free front diseaee. These goods are pure and amialterated. We do not vs any cheap Slier S. oak. a Urge winks*, entirely different firm* any oe. the umeket. at thee prdeent time. emesti Persil* Steele Specific, 600 peksiee; foam Si penorn„ in an air.tight for $1,50. Akeal rer$5le Poultry Specific, Sc2end &Oa' nekase and $1.te air -tight tine RIO bold fear See nay, • /Oat Purees Lice Xiller, 20c and 60. tire; Aid by mail. *oat "'grate Gen Cave, 25e toed 60e this; See 10' re411. *04 tarple Sweat lepinient, elk! bottle; Os Send Purple Cesugle Cure, ein tied• Soo be Wee Bisset Purple Dedrifeetent, 20a and See this.• _ Rival rural* Reip Curl, eas dui ; see Fs • '• ne nee EMI l'isrpIe Wenn Porreer,-,25e sum; no by mg% aye To A r arm Tor Sale? The Publicity Assoceeteare for 'Huron aunty intend to publish a. 'let of ferm roperties for sees in tins county, arid sk any persons having a, farm for la to send at once to any meenben f the Executive, named' below, particle - e o icti farm, describing it and teeing price at which ti -lay will sell. hen advter, of sunficient forme have sea received, the Executive will pub - eh the list in tercular fteera ter gan- net distribution en, the Old Land and 1 the United States, without cbaebee the advertisers. Funnier particulars, may, obtain - from any of the Enecutive.. - J. G. GREIG, President, 'Seteforee- JOBN LECKIE, Tice -Pres., Srusselet In C..efUNNINGS, Treas., Goderich. JAS. MITOHELL, See'y, , Goderich. Executive Com,,, -J. ` Govenlock, cave BIeICillop, \VI:Men:on P. 0-; Mayer Pelton, Wenteldnee; Wen. reeve of tanley, Clinton P. 0.; John Ranseerdi resident, Clinton Beard Trade ; W. J. reatnan, reeve of Eneter, , 1.hore. Ste -th- e, lenrigannon ; R. W. Livingstone, eev'e of Grey, Moncriet f P. O. Auction Sale • -OF-- , CLYDESDALE MARES eb PURE BRED YORKSHIRE. ROGS ee DORSET SHEEP ALSO ORDINARY FARM STOCK ..A_ND, ripo.Lisaarrrs Me; Thos. Cameron has redelved teuctions to sell public auction. Manakfaetared only by TbkaW A.Jerikins Mfg Co • - Levadon,canaUta "Yemysi Paws Supplies and Booklets Noy tint eitaixed front W. J. Heama Exeter Ont Hanlon & O'Brien, Oenra,11$ LOT 26 COM USBORNE On TI-IteReDAY, JAN. 23rd, t 12.30 (Oalock sharp the following- Inerses--1 regleleetred Clydesdale Brood Mare; 9 yeare toed ;- 1 mare by Xing homes, 4. years ofd; e ligibla for zsginteeation 1 metre 4 years old with faen at her side eligeble for. earnaltion ; 1 Yielareerteg enly by King Thotenate) 'eer eegies- beatioin ; 2, :Metes, reset* one year old, elig,ible for nen:lateen:on ; 2 dill/nes rising two yerars (leant 1 elliy • 2 year.s. agricutterrale 2 eiest clase geldings rieeng 3 andr, 4 years deaft 2 first cease geldings, ',ri's'ing 3 years agticulteurain 1 general purpose mere rising four years old quiet and relenble,. These horses are an exceptlenallY fine Ion both as. to size and quality. Cattle- 1 milking coen 2 cases, due In February.; 4 cow's, doe mr Meeheand A,pell. 1 thot1SUbbrd „Teeeey bow due 'ire Mare 1 Gencte Jersey Cove due in Man; 2 eseeeee reset* 3, , yrs. old; 3 :heirene, eiteree three yearee ; steers rieeng 2 Yews old; 8 eleieers rising ?e, years. eats A ateene enieneltere rising toe year old. - Seeepe-1 Pure bred Doreet. Ewes, e- nvie wete• 2 l•aertbee at ;side ; 1' pure bred dons.et nun 2 yeetes old. Pure Bred Toeleethee.' Hogs. --I. boar 3 years Old; 1 brine 1 year old; 1 ocev with litter at rot; e wows due In April and Maly ; a number el nice young sows not bred ; 25 store hogs. Implementis.-1- 3-4 lumber wagen„ Lop buggy, 1 peer of bobsleighs, 2 cut- ters, I 0 -foot binder, 1 lean loader, :eirie delivery mks, mentere spreader, now combined cultivator and been herr- reeler, iletioree cultivator, and cern drill,,E0 teeter beet eeeder; tWeefinteOw: nnileg plow, diteeeng plow, 2 walking plows, dive, sat Iron hal: rtret,a, 10.414 ironer, :sugar beet Weer, '2- hay racks', 2 letoelt recite, root guipor, straw cut - '105 ; 2 sets double earl/pee I, net single leanness , net platform scales 2000 lbs • tanning mill, gasoline engele vv:th tel to, ' circular saw, eitheni b einto senneeteneel., ' neekyokee, chemist forks neevels, hoes a, a. lot of elerst teasel, , barrels, ineree collars and odd haenees ' fadderse and, other' articles to 'nom- • , tretie to Mention. e01) euebole 01 seed Notice to Creditors le REND. ne. Too fo, fr4 t WOOk. SAC1 IV* 1,0a Ede Ill, ern, and earilelei, lele. end Mrs. relver fegot eipOht part ot :the • xe90.11 setts0n, Ipper. O[ end On Reer, $itte Mereeeetetterld- ed 'the- f nnedal lieledeell Patteeefoirene Mere A. Gleahrifiler * the ed.* lien-, eft, and eft*, Angina leettetrinenie at- tended the fleneral, oe the latteree tatin er, Mee 1414.thOr., ').414X CireeletweY< Seeeddir —A col:1P%, 'QM 000 114.11'0 e)eetv Lte VIOOKI iet,Ole744' roO.3:1 toe a enet- wan, Setae oe eitizene ore .e.tentrig, the, train ceinelnee Deatent.-Tlite veeek it becomee. oter .tieed• duty to trieeeecei Ole death of two) more tYt Mir erlotereg, Peened. 11111'3htfla of Mr, Frank Aineitee eves eaddateed TeeeddY afteteneen leY depth cleingeg Ws. eecond .dnergetter Levi:run I:Weaned had teen ante teere Welt;4: ,frOal, brain, 4eeeee seJt eetlieleee ..1seee' ,outsorpd A gittat t)eal WaS 'Aso( 10 yeerenee recnithee trne.1*norat Thtererday we largely attended, her Inmates being laid tee rest in Green4, Bendecerreeterye She leaven to treduen. he< pa.serets nen& ,Dzie ttieler and two lettere-Se:4W r -he home lee Wm, Patter -Won .wee geedderted Teeodair af rerneOn: by death: .clainting the oldest een Roe:1001e Degeoteed • had 'been ill the, lase teeee neanthe -.or that dread ellen stage conerumptereel, The funeret ereee man was pro.01-04 by Carriere and. Rev. Therepeene, Ole retOgrus hariV ehe terree T'ridder afternoon. •the Grand Bend .cerneterY, 'large member being, Peeeente, elle father, =Other, one teen tee need. one ' bra*. enerviie. Pie Well. be treatty mieesed ,as ; he wars liked by neererenee Ile eves 20 'leers of egee The ' bereaved teeniliere have, the eYrrle anhy of all. . OF MARGARET E. STANCOMBE, late of the Village Of, Exeter, in the'County of Buren, widow, deceased. Pursuant to '$.0c. Zee, of Chapter t129 at the revised' nesbultes of Ontario, 1897 nOtite is hereby given that all creditera and others having clams against the estate of Idengaret E. Stancombe, late of the Village of Emetee, the County of Huron, widow, who died, cint about the -Rivet den.. of Septeinnen• La the year of 1.912, '; A. De are en. or before Nee First day of March, 1913, to send by pest Prepaid to Messrs. Dielegon te Carling, Solicitors of tho Vieletene on Exeter in the County or Huron, Sollettens for George East,- terbreok, Esq., ezecuttar of deceased; their chrietian "names' and surnames, addresses and deecinnteons, the ,full Par- naulars of their clalms, a statement of 'their aceounte end the nature Of -the ,se. cerreideie (jz -any) hoed ber t*inu, and thee' after the dee laelt raforresnid the Enece neer will rtroeeed to distribute tide assets of the seed deceased aneeng the Parties entitled 'thereto, having re - gave Ito these nionris only of whieti nobtoe shall ha -re been recelvecl as above requered, and !seed executer will net be lestb.le for ehe seed aseetst or any Part 6h0reaf so &Nitre:eked age aforesaid to any person or person. of whoee eleern or claims notice Stall not have 'been re- ceived by hen we the benne ref such ets- tributrnen. . Dated at Exeter; thee Sixth CDan ea.euary, A. D. 19:13-: DICKSON et CABLING Solicitors for Executor Exetereent. Wanted lL'o' vent and Werner montes a sthot. t, reliable perton to sell:our tnnin„grell.,:rimb,ithnoav:rocs,v3sHly:Nata'alli4rid°,i's'u'riTun.nt,3...1 ovBa 600 ACRES of nes,t nursery etoele • grown Stettersold and delivered to lead, • Dereee and goer': delivery guaran- teed. Teerty-teve Years of busi- ilekle eXpertente enables us to er- red the bete • egenen in our line. Write ter tieterti. • PELlterderf , NURSERY CO, Tdeorite., • , leate. ' '''• Tlineete A I tee re, s .oee Cr, • and ti lacier cash dyer thee greed:et' 10" months tared- ' Wel be, glen eee • urre &eerie' an- :P.:need eedien In,ateste A. ,:disc•auelt of ere, ney eve. per aninto Off for ash, es:ay.-0 ors nrooriotor haw his. =Cann, ' • CAMERON, CHAS. HARVEY AUntieleeee Prenreeiter., SouthnFluron Agri- cultural Society TrAntelelfeAR. t, Toe late, for last f'47. Fletcher VtaA, very buten One day, eetently, he 'having two weddIngie in reeizetton neteleborliteed, besides tWe at tromein•The :late Mrs IdaDougai ee -whom we made, mentionlast, week' leave' le • to mourn her demise two children, a bee' end a giel, aged respectively 10 end :6. years, , besides the hutebond. The fun,.. oral. to Staffe. cernetereee was largely at.- teadicineeee. W. 5, Vante does:, not impreere any. 011-1, Tuesdny the • friendee and neighbors' gathered and b.elpedno cut a' goodly seinieler of weede-deleallg these from, a. diallance who attended Iketra. eiclOougal's 'funeral We might .mentiorn, Mr. and, Mese Richard Neil of Lornien,, D. IvenDotenal of Comber, th go:Nicol ,ot Stratford, enern Vance' of Britain, S. S. elitenell ot Wereghatri and seen Simi' Mr. and ?vire, Hepburn moved their effects :to; Granten, Tues- de.Y.-Mee and Mese Mutt of Terentin epent the reeledaye at H. Passretorre'en etre. C. wiefeeemelitatoe a few weeks," -,-Maater Lloeed 'Stewart .spent. the week, with his uncle dreck.-neeseare; Wileam Gardiner and Reg.. Teneribuel ,eperet the holidays their' homes .here, Me. Turn. A:1-11,4 occupying the pulpit ere „the Pres- byterian church, eine 'Sunday, leen. Flet- cher not havine returned from ;Elamite ieten...--Mrs. and 'Miss Robb of Stint- paId our beklertgree a.tentelYttrLgan B'f.Yi1 of Michigan are. vesfeAr, the reeighbedidood south or here. -Mr. and' 'kris. Geoe leer - //lake and Mrs.' B. Williams •;•apent the helidays. with friencle at Bervie.-Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Opimpbell and ehildien. spent the •Pa.st week with friends. at Toronto -and .nlainelltron. Inolteman of, $ es. parents, Mr. and Ne're Elle* eeeleteMen eln enreekle0.`, of ',teen 00sOleri,‚ Lai'tsd ol4. acquelAttaTtOet tem, „ the Pne eree, Oe.,eper lerphee who has Oels141. fol the 'pare six A:oath or 'ea, died an Patc. $3: rat the e4onet 78 yearn, I:4 as.* clap or the early set. titere* In Alt/i,e4 azeoe0Q1a eund a Teeedent of 2.peden or aleenee thirty epee% lee leneen a eeldeed eked, Prawn eP telrelY of ere/us and etteeelheieres who ,haere the felreralatilrY" of lt ta, thetr her'sayer meat, at'c rpmmu* irgid no rest LI tto (lOeehein, Eekno cOrtteeee,M, orTkitt:ra day atterswOn‘ era • 'VARNA-A ver' perettn weeldfrig was ealobra.:%ei at the iionio of ar. .and ars.. BalbeteDcheen.000: at 0 o'clOck on Dee,"213th,, when then dangletere Mien Annie, 'became was of Ai. David A, Jelenesten, a PreePeneue yoeeg fat' mer of the Babeden Line, Stanley. ANNUAL MEETING , The annual Meeting of the errernbetter of the South Huron Agelculltural Stec-. icily will be held in wAlissys BRUCEPIELD on MONDAY, JANUARY the 20th, 1913 ' at 1 O'clock 9. Fir the purpose of receiving the annual Reports, the electioln of Direceers 'and the* tra.n.sactinn., of any ether , business lacquered. t. meeting Of the directoile will be 11414 'al the ,satiree place ..010 the same deer at 10. o'olocle trn " T McLEAle, W'M. BERRY, Seenuttary 'nresidient, BIDDULPI-1. Ate. WlWaItn MeNighle, of near St, Mare*, spent Cleteleterealre '!a). BicidulPh With Irinnthile--ter. end' Ore. le Gt. HitrIeLon and Verney, of Gr,atiten, spent WedlleselAy cent* On old friends on elee Sanible Lene.--A number rOf Young people Who have been away' SPerld 3Criersia at hoenee-41Velater Ida A.tenitagee who ha:0 been fi/WIa6r teaching for the past teren, is .istleendeltee her holeleeres at :borne With her peirenesi, Me. and nes. J, G Annetealge, rencitenenetelette a wet -titer. of YOU* people eaten/read at Mr. and erne, Weise:ease whennan en- jeyable evening went n/Perit.-.-Miets "%Teen': McLaughlin, --Who fon the 41a,at trete raent he has been in McGillivray With Ze Haakete bee re., eoyered frotn his recent illheeee- ede and Mrs. Thanes Teickenie and family bane moved from SaIntsbury to Lucan NC _ For rm Koko sonty to tire Caeedien nee • Ci'overr'mrlmrt, EreePieneneet Agent, •Aeleete Tele( OS),- Ott en Pieter. A wirmson r.,.Arrrfrs APPEAL , ;ESN:SALL Steaey of Celina _spent a few days in towel Ireat week.' -Torn Hor- sley of Winarepeg es here vest -tins his parent,se-Mr. peteir *Burns Buchanan lett no Truesrlay evening for Winnipeg. -Jame Petty of Termite was here for the funeral of MS tellele George- -0 A. Cann tele, wife a nd son spent the New Tear evetn, neenseel friendsn-evfise Weeder= et Chicago is the guest her grandfather, ear. W. Bell. Dr Stele tern does not itteend moving ea Toron- to until learcile.-Me. George of Brant ford has bean spending a few' Se-ye Will Perkin. --Charles Menne of Probes shire, Sask., is. home vereetr:rn'ghis mothe ere-Mtss Blanch petty of Toronto at- e tended the funeral oe her uncle, the Late George Petty:els/les Beatrice Cur), - mart' has gone to Bre nee ord. to tans a. course in a Business College. -- Hal 'White , dental 'student Chicago Col- lege, he -s been visiting Se:ender here for a few days;--Joiten Caldwell received a. telegram. Vent hire doer William of Tluge ashen Seek., was dessl1 ae/ a. result of an •accident. The telegram stated that the deceased had returned to home, on et he previous night and to etart a 'vette tint in the stove, rad anroven cosi Oil Vern it. It blazed up in his face and sit fire, to hes clotelea am' so efte,cted his eyesight that . Ire could ;met nee. He groped for tbe door lex- being tenable to find It need a small. window butt was unable to .ent out. When the nefghboeet arrived and rescued him, he Was so badly burned that he only survived a few' leourte. The remain's, were brought here fon intermente-Owing rto the wiehdrawel of • ntenher ot the cenclidates •the Colm- an in elected by atelaanatilort. They 'are • follows. -Reeve, Ortin Councillorer, Pfaff, T. "lettelson, F: letiste. and S, Beery: e Mere -le -Two of the oldest e 1- dent.s in thin vieeentY Poseed 'away on Sunday, Mrs, Sonia McMillan and Mese join; en Kneehtel; Mese McMillan was the tenet of the late John McMillen: NI,P. for eiontle Huron. ker a member or years, and hard Slettered a eiteolte zee ,Kneetetel WtaiElW'Otet of We Jam PadeOesee eotre Meat* aga. • Ws. xat11=4,4, -victo lOwls," And wasi born core41 'Tinb:feao°'Ca%.9°444144w'ethJ"lin'ele° .5Ptiler4ealte8219n, 1.941 and nettitng En T4e2p1.101, Town - She was treerried 144etele Soho b7CI:nflecht:elirtel, elvi244*g;h1t' othoctee w138.111P11:khgeenthearde7illevectig*tire.:41. To All Women -I will timid free with full Luatruettons, my home treatreent which positively enres Leuterrheee., LTI. corollate, Jelepliteretnents, Of the Womb, PAinftill or Irregular Periode, Uterine end Ovarian Tumors or gra wths alas Hat Plushes, Nervousness, Mel- anc1Y, t'ains in the Iread, Back Or lederele. . end Bladder troubles, where cooed by Werelereests peenlier to oUr If�i ean, tontileUe tedittniont at home eoie.' ttenet *bout 12 e.er4a 0. Week itir bOOIC "*,04inti!ti owri sottit.ou Ad. vlitor,'" also •sent fine on recleeet. Vtaita to -day, Address, . .M„Sttmteere torc. II, B.40 WEe4eerr LeICAN e r Caen i ,toree here n t e i, .Seetneetay, ail* been M lereite.. for ad nor ,IYoirte)tl)K1,0el, Shew3„0 An, ad WAros: her hit.gfba,O.O,fvo wa daughtells,„ JIFtIYCUFIEt.D»-A very pretty • d too4. plAdei recently en tee e Of Mr. arid Nem APPletoe Eleeet ela Cession it, nenekormeneh, whoai knee, eideiet denegener, Weenie. was Mardi to W.Cr,. B. B. COrIxtit, tondorle ceremony Wail pial:Whlec), by Rev. Allan. et Pleniten. PLINTOlie-A. pretty' wedding Tao,. at the neelreare ore tCrater Churehe meg:tatty, when Wen' X.A0uli BIgsoxl of •LOZ:at, beeeirfiet the ertris at Mr. J. Churchill, of Clinton, Rev. erer. Mee Cede Pereermed We ceremony. After a. leceeyertoen trip Ito Detroit, eer. end Ws: Churchill, will reside hi Q141t011. poor :nate PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorptio.-a Method. U you suffer from bleedi„ itching blind or prOtictu Piles, send me your adtlress, and will tell. ynle ilOW to ,..',t.tre your- self at home by the absorption treatment and will also send Aceili•C of *this home treatment free for trial, with referetice,s from your ow it locality if te--- quested. Itntliediate relief and perntanent cure assittert. Send no Money, but tell others or this .offer. Write to-aay to Mrs.' M. Summers, Box 840 Windsort Out. ik , A BLOOD MEDICINE IVITHOtPir ALCOHOL.- loweltrlreiethilertittitittltab74441illtil'itt OUtotibtrdr tettle""inIthat alcohol Pattlfzet" sianlaths eth:rthialtec°0101 Dowell a ,j) blood sad rosierathent unable to take up and destroy disease germs. Discate germs eitise the di4th.-440tOt' ootoludi or the batmen race. A bided medicine, aide. ely without alcohol, which ft 0 Pure tivactiO et, tract of. roots, Mich as Blofttillot, QUeetile root, Golden Seal root, Mandrake and Stone root, has been eitineively sold by druggists for the past forty yeiers as Dr. Pierce's Golden kiedicattilicoVery,. The reftething influence of this extract is like Nature's inItuense---the blood is bathed in the tonic which gives lifeto the blood- theNital liras of the body btinr brighter and their increased activity consumes the tissue rubbish Which /ins accumulated durisig the winter,. '-- "- Dr,.,V :-B, Pierce, the founder oi theilifids'., Hotel end '1:: -.......,.. practice, Was the f rst to make up an Avrtuararwu EiTma . of' Surgicrd.lustitnte, lind a physician of large expeeitence and - • ---.-7- 1' . edee--4- roots, without a particle of alcohol or narcotic. .::„.-1,.......- . _...? "It is with Ringers:dein of plessua that / write to let you know of • ne- ne eon se the great benefit I received from the use of prell, medicines and nin- e- , • treatment at home " writes Mize. Wu. Earns, of istdysmitn, B. C., "1 suf- % fervid for theeeyee'rs from a mete= sore. Consulted four doctors but e eie --e. they failed Mama or giverelief. finally I was told I was in common- ........ r le tionand voiddlaye to =suit a specialist concerning ray ear, that the dead bete mast be cut out before the wound would heal. A kine friend advised rue to -write to Dr. Pierce, whictel did, end after seven/nod:the use of the tmatment the sore is healed. mad I eniay bettor health th ever did, n dressed t.tie wowed -with Dr. Pierces Alnefealing Salve's:id took the *Gelden. Keelieel Discovery' and 'PleasantFelteo..t.K.,,A.•,as trouleee. I shell always reeonute,nd your mod:eines:- -- 'ri , e-' • ' - , Dr. Pieretei Pleasant rellote'regidate liver and' bowels, ,..., , bibrs. Earaa, PURE — PALATABLE"— NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERMA.NTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for persaual or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA a. .44VAVAAVAA aVAill.A411AVV‘i. Aei'ltigifAke HONESTY 8 There are lots of honest people ill the nerld. If you have log, some. dine perhaps an honorable peree; found ett. , This Igen honest paper and, honest • , .. peepie read it. •:: , Teti then* about yen:loss: M Ott , ': ctigsined went MS. ' I ..04.4.4*,,, e YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. it K TAKE ALL RIB KS Cured hi the ,New :Method treahneet riel'e NO NAMES OR PlipTOS USED vorsout warms CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY rhoumanda of young and middle-aged men are Manually swept to a premature peeve through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Mosel Diseases. If you haveeatty. of the lowing symptoms :contra us before ie is too late. ..are you nervous and Weak, despot:- . dent abet gloomy, spear/ beforeethennms, 'with 'dark circles mider them, week beck, kidtie s irritable palpitation of the bairn bashful, theatres andleMeeldett ae phim on the time, eyes sunken, Inelletv cheeks, ,careworn express. • oor enenore, Ilfelees, distrustful, melt ebergy anctistrength, tireetimminge, restless nig haneneble 'Weds, weak neetinteed, premature decay, bete pains, bale loose, sere root, etc. YOU WJI..L E A ' 'WRECK, Our New Method Treettnerit can Mire you hod indke amine of you, Under Os.1re:2n-- eters the btaitt becomes aetern the bleed purified, so that all piteples, blotehesanci Mean disappear, the beeves boccie* strong tig steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and dee- poredoece vanish, the eye becomes bright, the face full end clear, eriergy taunts tithe bode nedthe Mobil, physical arid sexual eysteme era itedgeeatedt. all draine ceaec-ner etnead maorevitalawalwe tefrotnuithneeiteyou oror . Dennb 'ieatrepacke soili fee, eob' you of your heed Evr.ayrtaNa PRIVATE AND CONVIDENDAL READER:. No matter who lInt treatee ecn, write for an honeet opInios Free el Moo. Books Free -"The Golden Monitor" (tlluetmted) on eeeretleilettee of Men. ' QUESTioN LisT FOR HOME -TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST , , DiRs,KENNEI)Y&KENNEDY Michigan Ave. and •Giisweld SL DetrOit,Alch. 1110TICEAll lettere erten Canada most be addressed . to our Canadian Correspondence 1)eP#.t.: taent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Instittte In Detseet as we set awl treat no ,patients in our , 'Windsor 740s *hi& are , for Correspondence wad LabOrSforl for c!nnedian husineeti, only, ,Address all letters ad• %novo: DR'S. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Windiot Ont4 *ribs for oar nritlite address.