Exeter Advocate, 1912-10-3, Page 6r Complete particulars and current prices on selected, issues Of Canadian Government. Municipal and. Ccar,z poratic,n bonds are contained- n °Ur T RIXLIST GOTOIreElt. 14312 V {S'r4f' ere t GieF3' no obli stion in obteirairig this list:., Torw to Math E FAMILY Elie and Two C OUT ren Per, Rt. 1GI.S $'ORT! FROM VIE # ERDt.iiit TRAGI, CENTiigs OP AMERICA. ill„ e;rarinc "ahttrl0. anttt h^R.173 titres+ #it tiarriw ain4 Abe 11 FS, Torortto, pat, A,Pltitrr Mater whoa 5 per cent. nLenttr, area sinter and steady* ia•stuoteadd t $3.50 $3,ii5 at seaboard, Oa Recurs (these quotations are far cgs lira eat bars It10 bier 9. -Firs;. mss, $5.70; second patents. $he.29, anti bakers', $5, on tarda, `Toronto, a 1? he et --- hei market as quiet. e4 ;e;ister, No. 1 ,new Norther/4 tTtU1 Pay ports, and ate. dei„ d 'wheat. OS to 67c. Bas porta. Wheat -No, 2 white. rets, and tell at 97 to Sec, outside; new 95e t outside, , receipts ate light`, end, 11rIeve . 2 oa;te eructed at 4, to 44e t 47 to 4$4, Te ZOntet. West-, te. purely 40141414,1, 'with ofreringo. troll, at t+3 to bye, outside. e;ttiet, villa No, i 14e. on troch;. Wt. tarts. 4 Wel, 2 etuote t,? ri T� Wetf 1'f lrtat ti Omern 'i, 13t gtnd ush).- ia held ,y Wi assiataxtt stpp1'. Torun Mel l' C�anaditalr oilers^ lcalalerya 41.0 I0'dr urn, . caaerv, ;t scare e‘pedlttl All, Thi and tlteiugb it e a wards even rd It the splashing of halt; Th udy,ra the linin ,gir av IQund alt til, 10 o'clock in tj fling„ when tt second sear recovercal STRAW. CORRESPONOENCE IHTERES11l!4C COSSIP FROM ONTARIO' CAPITAL. Disposal of St. James Square -St. CIair Case a Peculiar One-Tgranto's Phenomenal Growth. Quite 4tprospectsrearrest@ ]edisposns been of createSt,d laantebouet rhe al Square, the yaluabler clock of land bound- ed by Gould. Gerrard, 1 icteric and church streets, in the centre of which a;ands the venerable bnifding housing the i;ducation Dciiai•tntent attd maSclzovl, bb. sores of cogveuiouNorce fhel EdtieiUon Deparrteat' mem, is to for5zke the preciucts Out, ),rave. known it since the dsaYg of i;ger.on -.Ryer. ors, and hencef9Fa4,' will be housed with the oth@r ti6paitments ef' SOv@rnfq@rat in the Parliautent, Buildings. a scetaou of the now tviug berate designed for that 'sQeeial purpose. ;1s. to any removal of the Nor Utah School or Pro' iucial Museum no an- nouncement has yet been, made. But an oliiciat statement, the outer day, calling for offers for the whole Normal Selrco1 proPertY caused evet'yene to 4nmp to the eetielusron that the Qovernment was of- fering it for sale. It Medi;;telt' the city press and officials ante eitisees r,eneraily, perhaps with something of the spirit which has earned. for Toronto. the nickname of "Henle;Lai d bepa.n to clamor that the property ehauid not be ,sold. but that it. should lie pre• sentcd to the corporation of Toronto as a public park. The modesty of the request is appreciated when it Is stated that St, 3atncs Sttuar© 2s ++41;11 ,�PpIP%RfRPLely 49n million doliar5. although it Is ouly a little ifatch of iced boVnnded. by one city block ou each sdc, TORONTO'S MOIId =OW - Toronto's Couto' atrgnraent is that origtttallly I"reVi setal government (said o iy $lunch for the squared, that the tretuen4Qus increase has beau brought :about; by 'Ma, Ott of the (titre growth and improve- ments, and ttiat therefore the 'unearned increment"' is the aity"s; by moral right. It is also .Pointed out that the property has ertjeyed eseuiptiou from taxee,. Which according #o rho ti#t1lfaitiouaty cltsfalaysad figuring 4f one Pa +er, wouldhave *menet., esi;t4 upwards of e400,900, Rut no one to pobnteti fat Heat vi'bne rile kiOFipGd ha benefited by the increase 'ta vaalves in Toronto, the City of Toronto has iu it turn. benefited to an unroll anion It fey boring .had located here the Norma School and the Deiaartwent of tduvation. Wt,:TKit1 P-1^1:::::0 E. 1. N i A.lp ik CON 'TAI N S i O 0 ! Lt r CONFORMS TO THE HIGH STANDARD OF. I L .'T`T'S GOODS. NIIM i ERMI141IIl IIl11lII II 111MI R lI IIIMINNI !111Ili{1fiili{11111111{Il1li1111111 LIFE F F F F UR FRF W. A. F rguson Convicted by Jury at Detroit for the Murder of Herbert. A,. despatch from Detroit says Although himself admitting that he. had shot down, a fellow niau in cold blood and notwithstanding that the xaurder was witnessed by at least half a dozen persons, William A... Fergus411, slayer of Herbert L Herbert, tdlei'Canadian immigration inspector, will escape the death It Ferguson's trial ended nit penalty. >* g a 3,25 g'e1Qck Friday afternoon when, After OQueluding arguments by the s Government and the defence, the case wet tt? the jury. Deliberating home„ et ate papers have beeu kicking uP a great fuss about the mutter. Rut. niezaawhile. Sir James Whiteey sits tight, A deputat;on from the City Council inter- viewed him, taut they lost courage to ask aim ,for 4 sift Of the iroperty. Their only request was that, the gill' be given cliance3 to buy before the Sciva.re evaa sfald to a, private individual, and this Sir .lames readily assented to. There is a sespicion that the .Premier bite tto lutea• Bela of selling the property.AAA that hamerely wonted to Bud out `rnt its actual value Is" lir title its the case leu xnusrr be envying the .ateirm *heels being; wag0 fiver,yyone fs itg ed Haat it would be alatuity it the property cussed into -halite bstnda. and thithishreatlung spot iine, of the most co:Tested districts was 10 d up, Balt if it is to become u city. differs/tea of opittitrn arises aa, er the CIO' alight not to PAY for Rated Strstrv- Tbe au u lees of g'owl straw 'traeli• Torenl COONTlt2'l Ai Is elold,. noted at. 0 A despa The auriouneezn taco .fiferGe, the just 'been releas.+ cause of the utterances lid (bring the railway strike, delver a lecture on Weduttsdr night on "Our Country," stirred tip the militant Anarchists, who res Bard Hervc as a backslider, and they determined to prevent the de- livery of his tlddrese They ;ga>fh- ered i11 large numbers in the hail and started a disturbance before the time for tilt lecture to begin. Chairs flew and revolvers were fired, and before the professor started to speak eight wounded mien had been taken to the hospi- tal. When he took the, platform and failed to advise the conscripts to desert, the radical anti -militarist faction and Anarchists, who were present in great strength, raised partd4?ulaniu , rn, In spite of the racket Prof, terve: proceeded ,at deliver his address, The mise and turmoil were so great however, that it was i pos- sible to hear what he said beyond learning- that he explained his fam- ous Mase about planting the flag in a manure heap as a reference to an republican imperial, not a blican d.a p p g. He declared that his: sole error had been in allowing himself to be dubbed .anti -patriotic. He denied that he was an anti -militarist. and saki he believed that it wase only possible to effect a social revolution with then ass eta ce of the army, and to secure this the schools must be captured first. PLANS COAST PLANS OF C.N.lt. el 11 4P 1 EV 3t, IL ST, CL SIR. 0 Strangest prosecutions To., ri 1 o It en In s. long time was the a f 0r, R. B. St. Clair. secretary of nit orgauixutfoe Known as the Toronto 1"istilauee Goraiidttee. on a charge cit Cir. , culatina ohsecne literature. hinny per, 2ttca sons who hurts cowe in contact with lir, flair ,., St.' Clair and the Vigilance Committee e for robs whielt he brought, into being, have not a little more than Half an hour, the verdict was returned finding Fergu .. son "guilty, of murder in the first degree w1lhout capital punish - lent." Judge Judge Sessions theft pronounced sentence as follows ;-+The Terdiet e j caf thury is a fair erne and there oidal alfa entelteu chichi I Can lirtanounce, The sentence of the. e?ta'art is that you be confined in the federal :prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, with hard labor for the f' your natural life." been disposed to take him over seriously.', :7 to 2811, ate has not been in dbronto longi and since ills solonrn hero he has evinced . to 143.4o tar something ileo a monomania on the sub - ted feet oL Clearing up viae. This is the kind ted ext '6S per of Joh that i d ] f Ins. quoted a Is a'1t01ksaf» Sar did ,,,Pttt: till sl L t 30 per lb.; liens, t7 R cattended lctfortnanee nL 0 '141; terkeya, one of the burlesque houses atld wrote about 2e lower out, d description of what he saw, which be tna]led to n number of seen and Ivo on tritelc, men, eittt'fly clergymen anti others speci- ally interested in the suppression of vire. Now, this perfornrance had been passed upon by the local ,police officers as a fit and decent show, proper :for public pro. sentatios. But iznnaecltately Mr. St. Clair sena a description of it, i0 a• few friend ate was arrested (not summoned) by the Sante pollee department on ,iso charge of elreutatiug Obscene literature. In defence of the police action it is eta - ed that Mr. SIt. Cfnie's description was not warrauted by the actual perform- ance, but ns to this there is conflicting evidence. Substantial witneSece support- ing Mr. St. Clair it drastic condemnation of the show were not wanting at the trial, and the whole affair has served to arouse mucic bitter feeling against the class of performance put on at these bur- lesque theatres. They are attended chiefly by men and boys. a womau being ouly occasionally seen in the audiences. They draw houses ranging from 1,000 to 1,500 asat each n Gla c t one f 12 performances 9 p a week, every afternoon and evening, and as their prices are not:particularly cheap they are veritable gold mines for the pro- prietors. ro prietors. Smoking is allowed, and the whole atmosphere is not particularly ele- vating, to say the least. TORONTO QIt•OWING LIKE A WEED. is may very goo peep ,e ?refer to ,leave to soma olio else, an w sh it ono with`: minintniu of pabllelty. But atmoms many activities Mr. 81. . 1 i i i3m.. to go him into the spot - i fits, I a },w Offcials )sake Announcements of Big fneiertaakings. Statements recently made by Col. Davidson and Canadian Northern officials in the west show the cora- pan y' s ora-pany's intentions _ regarding its Pacific terminal at Vancouver and Port, Mann. The former is to be the passerigei- terminus,' while Port Bann; will be utilized for the freight end of the business, and will also be the site of the cern- pang's car and Iocomotive repair shops. In addition it, will likely be the steamer port at such time as the Canadian Northern decides to', Operate a trans -Pacific' service. No less a sum than ; ten million dollars is to be spent. on the C..N.R. location at False Creek, outside Vancor, ver, andthe eo-nneetion be- tween the:station there and the downtown depot, which will be by means of a tunnel: Work there sill begin at the earliest possible' ornent,.' The foundations of the achine shops at Port Mann. will be arced within a, month. according to a• statement',issued by Col.'; Davidson, 7,t ATE RT, • HOU SIR" RICHARD C4RTW R i C HT, OUGHT HE WAS 1LURfERER ►aIt Youth Commits Suicide aS n a Result. A despatch from Cobalt says: p Y After shooting three times at George Wilkes, proprietor of the Ottawa House here, this evening, and thinking he had killed hrirl, J, 1 , (Curley) McDonald, a young American from the Adirondack' re- gion, stepped and shot him- self through the brain, dying in- stantly. Wilkes had garnisheed McDonald's wages at the Nipissing Mine, and ;McDonald's grievances rose over the action. Wilkes threw himself on the floor, exclaiming, "'I'm gone," -when Mc- Donald fired the third shot. He es- caped the'three shots, one barely burning the skin of his hip. The affair occured in the Ottawa House, and the suicide was committed a few feet from its door. McDonald carne to Cobalt and lived for some time under the alias of H. 0."Mc- Carthy, gying the reason confider- tially,-it is stated, that he had. for- merly committed 'a depredation. He was well educated, although in- clined to act strangely at times. BEAR -END COLLISION. Fireansa! Ib heel, „Conadlletor , ilei Iilagincer Bitilly Injured. A despatch from Kenora says:. �A rear -end collision causing the death of fireman C. A. Clark, and possi- bly fatally ° injuring Conductor J. H. TN7'eaal and Pa see.nger Engineer G. H. Ols(,, csscurrerl early Friday morning west of Busdteed between Extra No. 4, composed. ,of dead- head -coaches running east,; and a heavy freight train'also going eiast. to 19e. u n tiro above, otat0es�78pa b0 PROVISION'S. bac n- 3-4 Bacon -Deng Long Choat. 141.2 to 14 o per° Ib„ in case lots. I'orlt-Short eut, S24.50 to $25; do„ Mess, 521,50 Hums -Medium to light, 17 oto 171-2c:. Heavy, 151.2 to 1511 rolls, 1412e; break#us: bacon, 1903 back, 21 to 21 1-20, L' axil --Tin ens, 141.2e; ttibs, 143.41; rails, 15a, BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, Oet 1.--C-ern-•-Ameri an No. 2 velluw 84e to 85c. Oats--Canadlau West- ern, lo. 2, 54e to SSe; extra No. 1 feed, 54e to 54 1-2e. Barley Manitoba feed,. (00 to 61e; malting, 75e to 80c. Buckwheat - No, 2,. 74c to 750. Flour -Manitoba, spelug wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; seconds, $5.20; strong a 95,10; vin i s crag b kora'. winter Patents, choice, 55,25; straight rollers, '54,85 to $5.- 40; 5: 40; do., bags. $2.25 to 52.30. Rolled Oats- Barrels, ats Bar el 55.05; ; a 90 2.4 . Mill- feed-Bran, il - r s S. b a lbs. 0 ;s l fore -Br, 23; shorts 527; middlings, d w. $ S7,l 828 to 829; monillie, 850 to $35. Hay - No. 2, per ton, car lots, 513.50 to 514. Cheese -Finest westerns, 131--2c to 133-4c; finest easterns, 13 1-8c to 13 3-8e. Butter --Choicest creamery, 173-8o to 275.80; seconds, 261-2o to 263.4o, Eggs -Selected, 29c to 30e; No. 2 stock, 21e to 22c. Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, 65c to 70e. Dressed hogs -Abat- toir killed, $12.50 to $12.75. Pork -Heavy Canada short cut mess. barrels, 35 to 45 pieces, 528; Canada short cut backs, bar- rels, 45 to 55 pieces, $28. Lard-Oompouud tierces, $10.25; wood pails, $10.75; pure, 514.50; nuts. vrood nails. 815. dnbmtantial salaried muter aura as ball Sala dentists, others have shops an t�hers urs+ in +yther lines of business. u „aoe" hoIiilly, thefathmanaex•iu-lger, to uveaLUL* 9n ]hdemoal.. tners, a aw - erotto "boss" there ated as seek is said e hold ,in the hollow or las hand all the mun:elpal and other patronage of that large city. They do say that "Joe" hint - self goes on the pay rolltat the rate of +,a'5 a day ;and that his official title is that of messenger. Next year the championship whiners will nil be back, barring aeoidents, as the only Tuan drafted, by the ttig leagues was Fisher, 4 catofter who did net make good and evaa farmed out to a minor league team. or course, some of the stars may bo sold. but this is uesllhely, as tato own - era are understood to have made money, and therefore are not likely to liquidate their tsileot. So that the prospects for rood hall in 1913 are rosy. 141CIROSSF IN T1I I DoW3 tt3\tS. In contrast to the prosperity in base- ball is the financial difiloulty that all the bis, lacrosse clubs Ana thensselves its. Without exception they have lost money. They have paid fanny salaries and have drawn poor gates, sometimes only a few hundred people. 1Tr. it. T. Fleming got a the coveted ehanxpionsbip with his To. routes, but he is reported to have lost the most money of all, because he paid the highest salaries. Friends of lacrosse' are earnestly diseussie the question of what is wrong with Canada's national rame that it hes lost its attractiveness to the public:. Some advocate a lacrosse. commission, which -would keep salaries' w;ithie bounds and control other matters connected with the game, But this. while it might save soiue money would not overcome' public apathy. No letter of ex- planation of that indifference has yet been forthcoming than that the game was killed by long years of mismanage mens in which foul tactics were tacitly enoouragaged finally resulting in'public disgust. Now it is fotutd the game 'can- not be reinstated in a day. It will pro- bably p bl take manylong yearseo sci- ba of n y g v' - etttiotts work to . o erccme. thec of effects the ;period of former disastrous policy. + 1 TUItN`YOUR TIME INTO M O NEY The prisoner displayed not the slightest sign of feeling. His hard, lined face, which a several days' growth, of beard only made appear tits more dogged, was turned to- wards the bench where the judge sat. His g?iarled fingers twitched convulsively once or twice, but be- yond this there was nothing to 'in- dicate that he had a full apprecia tj ton .of his pC>sition. In h,cs .•losing plea for the de- fence, Attorney James H, Pound 'painted a word picture of the cit- eumstanees which led up to and which caused: Ferguson to take the life of Inspector Herbert. "Hare was a British Subject longing to get back to his native land?" he said. 'But as he touehed foot upon Can- adian shores he was net by these petty officials and turned Back, re- jceWl• and insulted. For this, and for the affection he showed his coun- try,"William A, Ferguson .is being put behind walls of steel and stone for the remainder of his life." The main argument of the counsel for defence was justification. LIVE STOOK Its RKETS. Montreal, Oct. 1. -Good steers, $6.25 to $6.50; medium, $5.25 to $5.75;' common, 24 to $5 per 100 pounds. Choice butcher cows sold well at $5.25 to $5.50; medium at 84 to $5, and common- at from the inside price down to $2.50' per 100 pounds. Bulls, common, 52.51 to $3,50 per 100 pounds. Lambs, 55.50 to $6 per 100 pounds, while,... sheep were quiet and unchanged at 53.50 to $3.75 per 100 pounds. The trade in calves was active at prices ranging from $2 to ''$10 each, as to duality. Hogs, $8.75 to 59.10 per 100 pounds, weighed off cars. Toronto,. Oct. 1. -Choice butchers, $6 to 56.25; good, 55,75 to 56; medium, $5.25 to $5.50; common, $4.75 to $5; inferior, $3.75 to 54.50; goodcows, 54.50 to 55.25 medium cows,:' $4 to $4.50; common, $3 to $4 bulls, 53 to $5. Stockers and Feeders -Steers, 900 to 1000 lbs.,` solr1-at $5.30 to :$5:75; steers, 800 to 900 lbs., at $5 to $5.25; stockers, $4 to $4.75. Milkers and springers, $50 to. $90 each. Veal calves $3 to $8.50 per ewt. Lambs $5 to' 56.10 per cwt., with an odd lot now and again at $6.15. Light ewes, 54 to 54.40; jheavy ewes and rams, $3 to 53.50. Culls, r 84.50 per : cwt. " The completion of the city's assessment on which taxes for the year 1913 will be paid shows that the total assessment has increased" in a year by the remarkable nigure of 583,000,000, and the aggregate now stands at 5426,000,000. These figures. • are elouuebt of the city's growth. Over half of the increase was made In ward. three, which includes Yonne street, where there has' not been so much actual growth as there has 'been increase in values, caused by - the general growth of the city, and while , in some instances on Yonge and nearby streets assessments have been doubled over last year, they are, in all cases, stili far below selling values. The assessors' estimate of population is - 410,000. It is admitted, however, that assessors never get them all. so that the police census of 425,000 probably most ac- curately represents the present size of this centre. The increase in a year has been 35,000, and this' does not include an- nexations. In a decade Toronto's popula- tion has increased.; by 106 per cent, a re- cord not equalled by any other city of 400,000 population " in America. Detroit, which in that period has become the "ca- pital of, the automobile industry, had the next best record, namely 91 per cent:; but Toronto's growth has not been eon - fined to any one industry. Then comes Pittsburg with 86 per cent., Cleveland with 70 per cent., New York with 47 - per cent:, Buffalo 42 per cent, Chicago'and St. Louis 33 per cent., 1?hiladelphia,23 per cent.,and: San Francisco 22 per cent, Los Angeles is the only city of approximateiY Toronto's size that has enjoyed a, higher gate of growth. It has now about 375,000 and Inc years ago was nowhere. Toronto is now the twelfth city-, in America. These botstings as to growth and size are be- e0ming the everyday stock in trade of the average citizen's conversation, but under the circumstances a little. boasting may b' forgiven: BALL TEAM'S JCB ENDEb. F001) FOIL TSTE VILLAcili1iS, Ohl Br'okeni-down. Horse Which, Fell' Death ell German Street, A .despatch- from Berlin, • Ger- many. says: The °wTorwaerts in -sup- porting its 'meat campaign -prints a story of an old broken-dov n horse which dropped 'dead in the Villasfe of Ma,erzdor•f, ,in Silesia, where the •foodscarcit;i is• extreme., The vil- lagers skinned the animal, stripped ., the flesh from 1:.h5 bonrr56and car- rie•d, it to their homes.. Three firemen were injured by faking from .a ladder at a blaze 0„rr. Bay street, Toronto, on ,S hada•• .he- winning of, the pennant -by • the To- • 'onto Baseball' tonin does ' not 'seem to have created the • ` enthusiasm that -She ptains fear aid five,years ego, llur the eriormarrce • was- clean-cut and altogether creditable, and', the fans are •h:;ippy. Meanwhile the. players; referred to-,jocgl- ;]y a, the'' laired;°hele, have hurried off to tlxeir •r.esoeetive 'hones, all fat- south of . the boundary line, with .the exception of: the seditary •bowe Jhrew, O 'ata, who is a' product of • our own corner .lots: , 1u, ,thewn t rr time, "B-11," in partnership; tack" -White, _unother <baseball";star, runs a br llard'and pool ,roon in his honie towir. Most of the others likawi e have' prontable winter occupations which sup - There is a firm. in Toronto who give hun- dreds of men and women an opportunity to earn from $250.00 to 51,500.00 every year with bet little effort. This firm mani;fac- aures riable family remedies, beautiful toilet' preparations andmany, necessary household goods, such as baking powder, washing 'compounds, stove, furniture and metal polishes, in all over one ,hundred preparations that every„heme uses every day. Just one person in each. focality can secure exclusive right to distribute these preparations to their . neighbors. They pay- 100 per Bent. •ccmnrission to their. agents. Write and secure sole agency be- fore it is too late. • Address The Home Supply 'Co., Dept. 20, Merrill Building, To SEAIt.CJ FOR WEAPONS. Brantford Grand Jury Advises Per- iodic Exam inationp. A despatch from Brantford' says: The Grand Jury at the Assizes here in its presentment to Mr. Justice Riddell, the presiding judge, made the following recommendation "Owing to _the prevalence of eiimes'of -violence amongst -the for- eign immigrants by reason of ttheir•pod session firearms, knives; and other .dangerous weapons, 114: be- lieve that for the protection of, the ccnininnity a periodical search for and confiscation or such . wveapons'. would be advisable, and We would accordingly strongly recominend the same.". ;that he was' Saffering from eon- , suniptiort,'- jaceb who' carne. I' IN AUTO WRECK. Wireless Inventor Suffering From Serious Injuries. A despatch from Spezia, Italy, �r � x y r says William Marconi, of wireless fame,was injured in an automobilo accident near 13urghetto, in the valley o theV,arp, River. The ex- tent of his injuries has not been disclosed, but he was broaight back with bandages around his head. He was suffering from a wound of the right eye and his right cheek and temple ts'ere badly bruised, Marconi was motoring with his wife when in turning.a sharp eurve the machine came into collision with another automobile. Both ears wd•e overturned. Mrs. Marconi was not injured, but Marconi's sec- retary and chauffeur received slight injuries. in the Cather car were five wornezl, all of whom. were found to be, sundering from severe bruises and shook. «v BLUEJACKETS LANDED. Will Protect; Foreign Property ole: the Island of Santos. Constantinople, Sept.t. 26. -Bri- tish and Freud) bIu jackets have been landed at the Island of Samos, to protect the Consulates and for- eign ei n property dulzng the fighting-- 5 between the Turks and the rebel -s. The town of Vathy is now apparent- ly pparently peaceable, the insurgents having 'withdrawn to the hills when the Turks landed. TWO .CENT PATE TO CUBA. Letters Go :For That Sum Now to North American Nations. Ottawa, Sept. 27.-A convention has been concluded between Can- ada and Cuba, bringing into force between the two countries ap ostal rate of two cents .per ounce, Cuba was almost the only country left in North America with which Canada had no such arrangement. St. tawrence Flour Rills Co. Limited 1st Mortgage Sinking Fund I3onds pla.E 1931 Canada Securities London, Eng.