Exeter Advocate, 1912-8-8, Page 6Tho lAtorid's Walkieg Champion-Liberalsl In flew Ontario -Yacht Raced The City's, Many Parks, Cynical critics ei the Toronto etreet Gars attach greet signieeence to the feet that the one lone world's championship 'lee,, ionto secured at the Olympic; Oc-mee wase that for walking;. But that single ehzm• PiOnship was very much North while.. Walking may not be considered meets of sa. sport or even au exercise, but it is very much of both, as Qeorge Goniding,: WQ$d's ohaenpiou, walks, From the neo - meat he strikes his pace every musette tit body seems tohe in motion -ass hands, piss and, body all Herm to be helping°his legs n•loug, ;got that he•iaxa the nujainir Rump -handle ,jerkiness which tomo walk, era think gives them speed,,, for, hie uw tions aro evrry ono graeelul and la, movee fop-awar4 'with a speed dint is impressive, impressive that it generally gets the nerve of any oonnpetitor, Goulding's ,stele has been# ,ceitleieed, bnt the hest 1 gi authorities say it, is perfectly i ce t taste walk. liein preilxbly thebest the world bas seen, „And that's something i for IToronto to bo proud of, No wonder it gays him a warm welcome home, serz_POLITIc,Ar, AMENITIES, The is,ea,. of . a leeeer Qf the Oppositte taking ha wITQle party on. a trig ehr'oeg ,t Now Ontario eras a noel one. and 3, Rowell has been a.^eceiving„ a, gctod del* l of eouneerttSan_ praise for oonggivieg and carryings out lam deg -day jaunt. To take: Al k14 'renresentati';e odd Ontario cltizetes, even it they are vote-ixuut,ng, into New Ontario, cann.Pt 110111, but • be goad Or bQt74 Old and Neta Ontario, Ito govern. neat, tons• a� taunts credit for ltdatt annxlt et thawed' in centaeetiOn with. the under. tsataion. ,"A Tremilltersting end Northers& Qatt4s s ,ataailetay. private car was Placed at the disposal of Mfr. Rowell, and ser. crnlacaat afsctaas at. vaciarls i tto taa were instructed to tools after the cemeeit,s,Of the party. The +growin1; interest, In lite Jtiptorlanal le farther mildewed by the Tomato Doord of Trade's eoelnad exptditlol3. into it isl forget: TAORTWO I REV C J ` rl'E.RT1i. 1T1tb international yeah* rate etc Te- route and at Chicago, the drat 'reek ia. tug nsti 'linin the miimaat in the; ataaeazt tatereat in yachting. For some ren sea. Q t' other yachting darts not .increase" in, p10 xnaal;ii'ity sere, Tatem is doubtless tuncla =PO Idol r' divested in faleasttre to izt. Torerrtei' than over before; but that is bee cause every axle iu a evasllci lanae million. alas talus It, IWO lata bead to spend Si4A, air, a steam yacht. and expensive motor beats also are increasing in rnfeznber. Br34', in the eld.fasibioned ,deploys and ether t. aaaililag craft. where every Wait worts:for iris possum, uteric is rant ntualx advanote Isass;bler eseeideute ?lave held pznpiulatlsitY le cheek. u .amateur la a sailbsveat le, about ens zaetleward aunt as dangeitxiria as. combination ete'e to Over stns, told Siam. Oi+egsioaal total nurser t3out± benne—nil AWAY* =nate in es let of collimate behlalg Put, arar, the market, aild. swatter 4 lel; of causer peo- ple deride to Uiptd sportSeale Other 1744., tieeptte the teeny natural advantage* or. fowl by TOroute's haax:, TORONTO 51?'�ADS WP.A'tW Rla, ere etre many people living who r, er `elect it wee Quito an ezpaditioa the 1tvtxalner river, which Sows ie. Ontario souse five tulles west of of Tnn;o street. In the ©ltd days boats ran from the harbor to ober zmouth. That WAS 'long be~ " Nannie" the Nor ern, cud it the ,oa` f teen At the Irunber building* destroyed by fire could talar, they ar matey gsy goings -an, wl1on. makers from tho then distant int. fain a, f tao thus when the whole be I:lumber front its month up Mills, two miles north, Tctu, be take the city limits, and at the ame tizu cane in tile intervening stt Swansea and Runnymede. Mr. Mom Smith. one of the most Tarseetug *ad cm °radio of the younger eitizens. has. with the bathing of a syndicate, hougbt neerly ail the property ou both bonito of the river. The high ground on the banks fel Ittunber Valiey panorama, and 05 the lulte, A year ago he offered to present .lowdying ground beside in Ho attached Certain conditions wbiels eivie thorities balked at, but now the time (lows rill() for Toronto next big annex. tion. se.theme -to go •througlI. When it does they say that tile author of the idea wIll stond a good thence of going into tbe. millionaire class. One of nir. name Smith's oonditions was that 'the cite' would construct told resin- tain a driveway up the number This would connect -with the sea-wall and boulevard. lehielt some dayn it is hoped, will decorate the cityni Waterfront from tile Exhibition geonnds westward, and would provide ono of the longed and most picturesque city driveways to. be fauud annernere in the world. Acting Mayor Church bas improved on the plan witlt tbe etiggeetion that at the moveth of the Moeller ea new city park shbuld be established. The site. he says, should be as large aseQueetes Park, Which contains 37 acre% The location is eeeelient, and if the eatire project le worked out Toronto will have reason to be proud. TORONTO'S PARK s•rsTLat. This is the season when the city gets cthe full benefit of its breathieg epacese queen's Park, Which is probably the best knbevis because of its accessibility and, the looation. there of the Parliament Mind- ing% ie by no means the largest -park- in the city. That distinction falls to nigh Park to the west -end with its 335 acres, chiefly in their. state of natural beanty. This was the magnificent gift to Toronto of the late Mr: Ifoward, win; lived on the p,ropertr and. whose quaint old ITE41- donee, with monnment near by, keeps green .his memory. It is not' altogether satisfactory to' that deSeentlante of tho city's benefactor are not far removed from poverty; for the property, if put on the market nown would yield a stupend- of roadway% and has been spoiled for many citizens in recent years by the ad- vent of motor cars, which make the wind- ing paths a nightmare to the mothers of impetuous children. Then there is Exhibition Park, with ite 234 acres, and Centre Island Park with 21e. eeres. Riverdale Park with its de- veloping Zoo has become the 7310 t inter- esting spot inethe city for children. 7t has.; 108 sores. Then there are literally ' Park ort Bathurst street, -with its seven acros, wa,s formerly, the eesidence of Sir "Casimir Gyowski, and is a‘. delightful re. treat. The Allan .Cfardens_at the corner of Sherbourne and Carltonnevith its sta- tue. of Robert Burns and plant louses, . has 10 acres. Bellwood's Perk 'in the west bit of scenery,. The Grange, Goldwim acmes in the heart of the. city. 7.'hen thee° ere, some 30 acres in the Rosedale ravines - and a gre,at 'nuriaber of other open oases and 'gardens, running frorn half an Acre upwards Altogether, the city -has over 1,600 arres of park land. On t,he warm snmmer evenings they are well:filled, par; ticularly when the hand plays. CHILDREN LIKE 'RIVERDALE. The Riverdale Park Zoo is,the special' delight Of "Dadny" Lainb, formerly an alderman, and now the ultra strict -mem 'Ur of Toronto's Board of License Com - ora', Fly liU cba5es. ;sifts a a Lias iatnidt rxli e. eolleellen dy tinct pllildtert e -delight. alit, +Qtr aiOnst a, titter, rs, Qauaaadlarn, dal+alteSt bean, IfAnga-a090 ar raccoons. dela', IezdJri Hester. sato*, wild' and a large ,pis. they at toter - ad to the and Sun. A zany MANIIOBA MA P. RoV DIN A SINKI?i£fE /FUND. T SETv D PRECIATION- A teat Fields Were Levelled, Making Them Wort.hless For This. Year A despatch from Winnipeg says: 2i„ heavy storms, which crept over the central southern belt of Mani- toba on Saturday asfterra on and evening, has. donne excessive° dam - ago annoaag many farms in that Brea. The storm appears to have originated at some point fust west of Brandon, and to have swept right across the - Province in a ' a outlz-easterly direction, doing the hreratest damage in the neighbor - oed of Austin and Sidney, and h farther � `8 south � vicinity n lk gf Manitou and ?Borden. At this tatter point a strip of. about two malas wide and twenty miles JAilg was swept by as violent hailstorm, wbieh levelled crops aid made many of the fields praaetieally worth- less, frons the farmers' point, of view, ter the present year. At Kit- laraey, Perissevain and Souris there was no storm on tsattitrcla•y, and the rain of Friday was the lat- est complaints ill, those parts. At Ponape there was. ,heavy rain, but >tx hail, At ,Morris 'hero was tidies dilmage done by hail, but atEmer- son rain Mils heavy, but no had, Was, experienced. In. Glenboro' district the Wind; was heavy enough to overturn buildings, and the hail fattened out crop in a. xparrow strip, eau sing damage whish eannnot be estimated until it is seen whether the crclp will revive. The dazaa a jn Not den distrit , whibh was hardest it , fs conservatively estimated at $100.QQ0. Many* bu-ldiaags ware wrecked. At Virden the hail, was bean, and did great damage. Near ,lllaa,zntou a strap five mules long, by three wider was s practically hailed out, although. some farmers report they ze still hopeful that the, flat- tened heat will pial up and ripen yet:, In Brandon district the dam- age was • not very great* hall falling only in spats, bait where it did ape pear it out the crop to; reee6: In Fr`aindou city tba hail fatrappeti. the leaves from the trees like as Mite and destroyed garden stuff, Ratti a utile out of tett-4 there was ictus any trace of bail atoll, ItOlff 4 el TRES 01 lrtt es cos salt i�Pladitaaa ZeroEEtR Per awl at nitoba flours 4tlxe bags. in cotton #Pete, 55:7l tieco' *trolls batters'. 5a o ilzarnt;oba, Wheat- p- , L2 x•�, Day ports; No, 2 3 az 81,04, Bea ports, Ontliriprlaea�,�So. S 1 mp ined. °xa tel, ` 1, out's'ide, Pena-- b7Oaaieal Oele eCer Ions ly of Na, 2f1x el No. at „ 312e. {neateidel at d emelt, Toronto, le C :teem, 4:aK Bay Porti, Au Say ports, '3�9--Nwrzalusal. u -No. 2 American B ag pox, and Slc, Tteoroate, as 76 Mut ft --Nominal. iaraittiba brats, $ irotnzar, freight, host a t ONTO CORRESPQNDENCEI' OF INTERESTING BITS OF OOSSI,P FRO TkIE QUEEN CITY.' The Way the Executors of One Estate are Taking no Chances with an Inheritance -When Holding tnduetrlat Common Stooks a Sinking: Fund Is a Valua»so Ad- punct--Partiquteriv se If ComnanY Is Ertgageti In Mining,. The articles sant: ",uted bS '"Investor" are for the sola purpose of gtefdine pros- Petive investors, and, if pocsible, of say Mg them, from " losing sppney theolegh Plaersg it iu ,"wild -cut" eeteriirfsee, Tho intaar:al and mliublocharacter of tka Itefornaatism 'ass be relied titian?, The Writer of these articles and the publis)aer of tole} peper have no interests ee weed conneotien with; eels matter ocher then those 4t tyle reader, ' (By "Investor In a »ever recently is was announced that the executors of a Canadian estate had decided that large holdings of a 1; $ cer*.. tz3in iadaastria3 stow Sraud hayo. to bo sold because the beneficiary of the estate corseted in treating the entire dividend from the stock as income. Tlae executors eoutezaded the, as the ,stock was .bat of an industrial coz>rpener the- owner ehoulad w:et eside as a sinking theta Dart ' et the amount return oa'las snook, Tlae4►riit caliy the exeeutere Wereentire- lx sacred in taxed attitude, I'za,srtxcally it Mead 40174114, >It greeet, slestL ozx luno, nn taro of the httettlene in wbfckt tbo Pone patty eras etteeeput, .Qs. a gni howonr. tbeir 9roopoeed getter was admirable. 44z. dos•trzal eganpaaniee depend, iter theta' aur" cess on R greet gamy Wage etlxiaih ea?t [ be altered by politica, nature, anonefa statist , the whim of the p opelface. hy politica through tariffs and to si if the tariff on products, of certain of oar industrial eines WAS lowered, or wiped one the elders 'would and their I1Qcurities blit little. The Tecxeadixoidere woetld nits ftp dab tho emote. ha t me rices ittentetrtel eeniliaxatee 't¢> =WAY Yasin and timber .c+xsepal*ite by d conceivably be v[tlle out, Floods troy mills. though 'ibis possibly applicable to any but the saner rio plant industries. l;?iaaaelan al goat au Industrial Venenex y hansom and tbrolagb Vhf sant• aeektritie% and 11.114ily", +au 4114 cies allguy industrial cont. Oust for their bttsitaeinal. Pot. s footcare e;xa'Iaxplee of public) of these retain their papa. Gaza than a few- menthe or atrial common", eryed of eme of rte at, precarious" , trinegiagete d -nowts tip Gey + sad mild nave+ -well not the aile,i•1 armee Ilex grows ii 4 stem; ties TQcg 4, 9tfew g date grades +A'x*ld nt ' Oeuuntan bulls •clients, Schep 'bold obs at 37 pnr cwt,. real a $1 to- 34 (melt for 1iortl ria d lots et £�,f w+ and ins SCe n 0 at the Qi A despatch fin 41w a. k Whitoy" Lezwio, tPlne cal ramp chal,rge dt"1'itb la zn R'Asentiaal sax fent of thii Metropole early in the xiic t11y if3, 'ryas «arreskld on 'Maur, night bA rlenschfibatlaas, Dela- guilty, this Mato, just a1<a he let to get +4u ar train. nut in the keds of ,.ih[s ie gunmen whom "l rack Rose and "Brea- Webber say they hired at the. ti'gatiou of Lieut. Charles A. Aker to murder Rosenthal. Tb ex is "Dago Frsante;'r Cierrasici rens 'captured Several days ago Louie" and "Gyp tli Barry Tiororvitz • stili in hiding. SQ 11Tt0 OF WABSmi'S, ba Butter - inferior, for rolls. EggseeC•cs[se Xois tai new''laald, 25 fresh, 22 to tic, ( Meese-'ddw choose. 141.4 to 141.2o hoge, undone1.2 tin 145-4a for, twins. Bearneelland anieleod.. e5 per bus primes. $2.0.5 to 82.90. Z%nolr--Extraeted, in tine, 111.2 to 12 1-2a per Ib. for Nb, 1. wbolesalel. combs, 52.23 to 83.00, wholesale. i'oultry--Whoresale prises of choice grossed ponItry;--C'hfckens, 16 to Ile Per Ib.; fowl, 13 to lis: ducklings, 16 to 17o. Dive poultry, about 2e lower than the •bore: Potatoes -Naw, $3.50 '4n barreIs O1 T1t Y ETrop ice, 23 to emery, 27 t Ude. slivl tar per ttal. It a p*uT Wan ftniad 'Vaal 4tlit3cittrla to offset door elation in value ouch xaalnvesting', the Woo nitimg tiwd, Amount to t t the investment in a t Ot course, where the sum. in* old It 1s1„ seareely worth -while net it in thin 'say. It is the steak it one cannot sat'•; say ohences with oue'a f raining sloths thin IN et c, It is 11ti;ured out that; 0 of tlaax weerage Mine is ten Yearn.. tould, tiartvier°, put by at least cent. of tine coat of the raining° nYerr Neax, if tbo amine is a cam, ly"'naevi catlti and 'a greater pre - tion It' the ache in older. always, pre- vided it pays enfliMent dividends. Qf warm , anyone risco burs non -dividend. paying ndnirte stocks is a gambler sung: won't be interested is thin sort of urine. nut if ,,you must buy ruining stacks buy those paying dirldtsndst. and figura that ten years will exhaust the supply of oro: If at the and of ten years tins mine still working yen are so niue1 to the stood, xt, alae, it has shut down. you lose, as you probably will. awePtittiA0 CAftErUL, fiAT . O PACKAGp. IS LUE. EVERUQ POYALYEAST : BER MLOR SLUE. .GILLETTCO.LTD, FRONTOT. ' oN7AF'�'L KS TRAFFIC ed ate' Relief' Needed -°to Unload Vessels ,at C RDocks at Port Arthur rthu' alio€ Wald hav-ee to €xrder to pre'ent to tl coat as CADA- eks, Than rail4t lay etnlers h ,va. aiders winter supply, the b previ;oits years gest before the Without men to the steamers Ia Parts and of the larg. 'being held about half will, have to crit tiro ti' k13 two vessels will rzeea the .destination anger to l` tlri All8a7 uperiQ . amen have, lacail t It is thought the city I tee eau look after t Older of Police Angus, ad the two Italian xe resting' somewhat riling to advices fl'ara pital. It is now yz•t*igacrla veil erx although audition PeCEU T Baeon-Long clear 14 to 14 1-Zo per n„, a case lots. Pork ---Short cut, '824.50 tell% 13 to 13 1-esi ;leakiest bacon, 18 to MOITTIM67t MARKETS. Montreal, Atte; 6.-OAtts-Canadian West - extra No, 1 feed, 45 nee. Barler-Man. 07. 2Inckwheat-No. 2, 75 to 76e. Flour - Man. Spring wheat patents, erste, 55:61); do„ seconds, 55.50; do., . strong bakers', 0.10; do., Winter patents, choice. 83.25; do.. straight rollers, 54.85 to 64.9h do., bags, $2.25 to 52.30. Rolled Oats -Barrels, Shorte-326. Middlings -527. -• to 617. Cheese -Finest western% 151-4 to ter -Choicest creamery, 26i-2 to 263-4ox do.. seconds, 26 to 261-4c. Ergs--Seleotod, Potatoes -Per hag, car lots,e51.60. UNITED STATES MARKETS. May, 99 1-4a. Closing cash -No. 1 hard, low e,orn, 761-2 to 76e No. -3 white oats, -First, patents. 85.10 fe 85.45; eeeond pat- ents. 54.86 to 55.10; Srst clear% 133,60 to 63.85; second clears, $2.50 to 52.80. Duluth, Aug. 6. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, $1. - Germany's Reply to Speeches „-Winston Churchill. A despatch from London says: The .Express prints a rumor that the Krupps have for months past been making stps and munitions for a new German squadron of nine battleships, for which the armor plates have been ordered in Eng- land. It is understood 'that the uodron, which may be yonipletecl year, is Germany's reply to Winston Churchill's speeches at the time he took the portfolio of First Lord of the Admiralty. It may be noted that the Ex -press is consis- tently and in an alarming inanner A DOCTOR'S CANCER CURE. Physician Produces 44 Patients Cured Without Operation. A„ despatcla from Berlin, Ger- many, says: Dr. Adolf Zeller has presented before, a conference of physicians fortytfour- patients, whom he declared he had entirely cured of cancer without an opera- tion. Ten of the original fifty- seven are still under treatinent, and only three have died. The method of treatrneiat has not yet been di- vulged. TY 1-10I FEVER EP1 MIC Ottawa's Regular Hospitals Filled and Emergency Ones Being Opened A despatch from. Ottawa says: The Ottawa typhoid epidemic con- tinues to grow. As tests of the city water have shown no contamination for ten days or more, these are qa5nrS Whia apparently -were long in developing. The city hospitals are full and an eMergency hospital has been opened, but seven deaths leave occurred to date. A proposal is now made that the city defray the hospltal ettpenses of the typhoid patients. In the meantime,the civic authorities are unable t,0 decide on Ourse Of. action toward mteuring ermanent supply of pure water. . MeCullough's ultimatum call - for a filtration plant on Le - he river to the pumping station s not been acted upon. The city accepted part of the plan, but Dr. McCulkugh, backed up by his ,,colleagues of the Provincia,1 Board of Health, holds out for speedy- ac- tion on the oomplete proposal. Conferences here and in Tororito have failed to relieve the situation and now Mayor Hopewell has gone to New York tO look up an expert. Ottawa, Aug. 1.—About 60 more oases of typhoid fever have been re- perte.cl .the last 24 hours, the 'to- tal number registered at the City Hall now befug 575: nacre are 48 cases at the Emergency Hospital. By wards the fever patients are lo- cated as follows : Ttideau 23, Ottawa 47, By 37, St. George 52, Central 4'6, 'Wellington 1'45, Dalhousie 120, Oapital 61, Victoria 10, from out- side, city 12. It is expected that by to -night the official' list will exceed 600. GET ACQUAINTED 'WITH YOUR lf you are genteel in elMearetlee end courteen irt your manner, you will be welcome io everY home in Your locality. when you are shoieine samples of our me and reliable remedies. The eatistactiort which our goods give, places fin users under an. obligaf,lon to you, which Wins for yon the same looped, esteem, and, in. clan. or pastor, and you will make more money from your spate time thee you dream of, besides a host of frierids. This is your opportunity for a pleasant, profitable and permanent business. Ad. dress. The Iletne Supple' Coe Dept 200 Iler* rill Building, Taroutd. Ont. Mr. Winston ChurchT announc- ed his acceptance of the invitation to Canada. connection with the naval question.. Save Money and Increase its Earning Power WE have issued a Book- let describing the 46 PERIODICAL PAYMENT PLAN " for the purchase o t.stocks and bonds'. This I3ooklet shows how you can -create oa,pital through a small monthly savings. It also shows "hew these savings are proteeted and how they are a,vaila;ble for use at any 'time if reqzirecl. Write to, Investment Department: • SECGRITIES AGENCY, Se St.. Jameo iflO.NITREAL, fflouritbdta Fire 239,000 Damage utilacirlaymagr ous injury roko out at th 1 I) ir Company's day. The huilding was a. four-story structure, but owing to tile intense poor -water Supply„ tie firemen found it a, diffieult fire to fight. Over twenty firemen were overcome 'by sradlte, and ‘,„Fireinan Martineau, who fell „three, stories, was taken to the hospital. ne fire raged all af- ternoon, and at 4 o'clock over twen. t3r had been pulled out of the build- ing by comrades, overcome by the storage plant. WISH CONTRACTORS WIN. warded One of The LargeS1 Bridge Contracts in Recent Years. A despatch from London S'ays: The largest individual bridge con- tract placed in Great Britain since the building of the Forth Bridge has just been secured by 33ritish engineers in severe competition with .Beiglair, German and Ameri- can structural firms. The contract comprises -the whole of the steel work required for the new, railway bridge whieli will be built th earry the, Eastern Bengal State" Railway over ,the Lower Ganges. The bridge will consfst of fifteen main spans, weighing 1,300 tons each, arid Will involve 'an expenditure of aboul -2 1 125 000 BEDB1.70 FIVE CENTS BALCH. Experimenters Ilse Them to Fiffht great pita: att"adi,`an C'ut toms titrant during, `tlle. Inch totalled $9t - this the largest tlla~ete i during any beat the ineracaiae over the Qrrespanding rtlarltlz' Lust, ye.'ar, viz. $3,015, i:3, is also as record one. With the xiepiclly illereat-ing het rx'ns the revenue of the Poulin, olnfrom Customs alone will be over W0,000 ,000 this fiscal year, asilio ilraia show that for the °four ,hs of the present fiscal year ding to -clay $30,2U0,028 wore col, acted, an,iicorease ever the eerres- ponding four months last yeas of a1o,•41154000. Iuseets in Orchard. A despatch from 'Washington says : A mart, has been found who not only *ants bedbugs, but is will- ing to pay five cents each for them if they are delivered alive. G. M. Zinn -nor; sup e rintendent of the United States Agricultural Experi- ment Station at Vienna, Va., has hung out a sign reading :—"Will pay five cents for each bedbug up to $5 worth." .Mr. Zirmiter com- plains that he has, been unable to bliy all the bedbugs he desires. He puts them at work" extei'minat- inganother insect which is destroy- ing an orchard on the Experimental Farm. SHOT DOWN IN COLD BLOOD. li/'fikesnian Dying While Otualttait. Eludes Police. A despatch from Calgary Alber- ta, says: Brakesman Hoy 'I3lair dying in Banff Hotpital. A .gun- shot him as he stood the doorway of a refrigerator car Morley at large-, and has so far eluded the posse of police a.nd Indians that it scouring the foo PEACE CE United States Seilfal3 F11,01443 A despatch from Washington says ;' The itovenient to 'celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the treaty of Ghent was advanced on 'Wednesday by the Semite For- eign Relations Committee, which agreed to favorably report Senator Root's bill to ttuthorIze the Presi- dent to appoint a, I?eaee Centennial Coramissien of seven to eonfer with Comxrdmions of Great Britain and Candela,. and report to Congress a plan for an appropriate celebrae- tion. No salaries gd.with the jobs, but $100,000 would be appropriated for expenses, SUCCESSION DUTIES PALL. Receipts for ;Tidy Better Than 3Efalf , of liast Year. A deepatth from Toronto says: Succesiion duties reeeived by the Provinoiar Treasurer for the month of Suly amounted to $83,452. For the same nfonth last year the dutieg` amounted to $154,382. So far this yettr the succession duties hre $200,000 behind last yea,r's 'figures. Fox the nine months of the fiscal rleee telids tetdilyre5j-altr:gi' Is B.. b311g111.18r e$as6e2PaLam2r0okLu newtneaLtds; to $847,251 for the same period. 1.1144=B1=1110100,46440,8411101701.14,4 18106E2140111C0e..AMM To Cumulative Preferred. Stock IlloOREA LIMITED (Carrying a Bonus of 0.96 Comin6n Stook). Price and full .particulars will be gladly forwarded ,on request. CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION LTD. ittlontre