Exeter Advocate, 1912-7-4, Page 4Crediton
axIst prod-1ton
Sanders & t.:1reech, Props. °Wing tY't O or gardens
drying up and dol!.top duge to, the
Row's ThisP
We coffer One Hundred Dollars Reward tot any case
G / Gotorth Ghat. cannot be !rand by Mare Pa4rrh
F..1, GELENE11 at Go,, Toted°, 0,
We, the undersig-ned have known Chepey for
the last15.years, and believe bin; perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and- financlekv able to
entry out any obligations ?nada by his fieu
VITALI:nag, Ztanan
TUITRSDAY/ v eo JULY 4 .911.4) CrOpS. Tile, bUs.1.0,eS5 PeOPItl lia„ve • been
• - waterim" '1•T'Y ,a'ree, ' -"th pa4i ad th
---- --- - ,-------- dust 'gas ba.ei et
L€ e; ,SoSte extent!
001k./.. \vac springs, aral barley:3.rd grow- 'k'' rt•'-'''' w 4 '4''
' 'd t'''''c' the'r - '-''''•-'& lisavas,
' 'weather never seem to, bay, an, -tits printlag offlee to ditscuas the gust
flus efrcWholinaleDniggiefs Tole•do 0
,,rleet upan wok ro,*,vtot.,.." Probi.o.:11* -ita' b'r''''oll fi.nallY ''ll''''4"1 t° lialVagatarthOureis taken'i
grow eed thrive eadee the .fitest .6.34 th':' 'Ireet.' 11'.°La 3-33.'"X°.*4 t''''Q're. 'eti-r °a th4 41°':4
George, Charlie, Sainuel WhIkettwader,
of Maatana, and, Jade of. Saska.tehewan,
alto were here attending the .,.turteps,I
of their apther, ved, with friends be.
torleav4rig; f:?1: their boats kin the
Vesr,-Vs Wfinkenweder et
and E. Iteddi
were in 1Thgarra Fails for a rew days
before returning- to Naperville, 111. --Mrs
i P. ro,f.t has returned from Detroit,
Mrs. Stacey and l‘ti$s Fannie Preteg
attended the funeral of relative
Nt-alkertou last week.
Sir. F, Genthaer left Monday to
spead a few days Wig*, 11,LS daughter
'Katie at Courtoveight.
Miss Rea.vett, ltaPtlect nurse, WtO has
been taking' care of Mee „George Sere":
roeder. lett tor her benne la Lon-
don Tuesday. Mr. Schroederim
. is proe-
errs, -11.0PWits and son, of St. Toone.
•ae ePe enerafting a few weeks with eee
parents Mr, and 3Z 3' Geer.
Mr. and Mrs.; Geol. Shore aid farn.IIF
• a.ccornparried by the latter's!? mettle?: Mr
Miller speak tee holidays with the ter -
ears mother *in Park BBL
Mgas Addle Ehlers left Moaday or
Grand 13eed, where he has taker.; a Poeir
rion ho the Hotel
HergInn ERIE aind son Lloyd ef
Forest SPeTtl the tuattd.17cst at Ws hanDO
Air. Chas, Gossatart of, Bort' ,IInrart, and.
Mr. Wm, Goesmatt of. London hoildaYeM
at thedr home here.
Ente Schroeder of Ace sPeet
E • 0:04aY with his. Parente, Mr* and
Mrs, George Sehreetiee,
Mr, Louie Preeteri Strattfelt! vseet"
ea 10,e family here deren4 the hoildaye,-e
Rey. nudoptii mort ot TavlotQck
apent the halidaYa at the borne ,Mr.
Joseph Riflt.
Ameng other ivieetors we notice:toe-Me
Edwin Seneo.eder of eletchell, Louis Zel-
ler of Stratford,711.adelplit Stade, Zueleh,
rnold Stephan, MItchtli: 3os• Dales
and daughter I,4111.*0.)Exetter Mica Clara
and Ids W4Ilert. 1...ondatt; Mr. White,.
London, who /vted ilia) untie, Dr, Me -
Miss Bawl Kellerman, who hall been
a Toronto for th." 'net eix menthe, ;IS
ending 1.1 ton ,der the perm -
t roar.
Wes Martha "Oestre:cher of Napery:Ile
rrivoci. home Wet weeki foe the racatioe.
The annual Sueclay School picnic of
Luthealen cheareet whieh wa't,s
weele proved a, great success, ard
'body- ,11,j.eyeet tneensphres very 41)130
en.-2velandartkldrea of Sar
Ida are visiting a. 1.0Ve weekts with hI
ferrners nteticter Mrs. Filcher,
th, Aithccugh Are- uote., t3btobt!
"tate fa,et that ,the, ,ls t•I•Zal"St '"'-•1 that 'ree-11111-4 S3'It"S
Wa'1 d. roain te -c3-tr• rt.TeOsy who were LnJlil
a 3, a.,antuv..414o?conatipation
ke rank growth, and t3 spi-ead over O 3`tond- S'INV• 441'5. aeef"1e4 ad`'
Th a field, where vaht4gett waS have street.s,
s sown. tme3sea„sen Mrs. Daumbra t %Y.°. CMS Frta rt. -k
41,7.1d. h sto growia from•Finkbehlee and Car's. Fenebeiner
•start, weet3s haya tie Lrttodoto spent, DanolAtion Da,r, tn. town,
'to spretel therne;,atves, The grain crap '''`4,'"7"--/-
,74„,t4, ot4,ez. anc, Altes ,••;•rewn..toL.ogloRW./: Or; Alorelaee
eqt,q4,I, or, pc,-„)rly tIna„:4 lar„,d„ ,Paseed, Cdt quietty
<aere„ baekwalt tow. The crowd al,:ded between Cen-
s ever's, chance, t,o. apread
atildi'es$,>a rake floe plane of
:3 ;rat.% EXareptsto$ ttle toaorbp
elere.lhaleafh,..:, be done Co corn-
"Ult, weeds till ;serer harvest, though
in the "C*3•8 41tr„,",:lals at'llete Ca,r4ho ae-
co;atc't:etv.t. -arevetteing them. ripentr
atel tes.oe04tee" the teeld tor aext *seer
ea.i 1,3:-.1d tteceeeary, when
wais banad g0 over
Lite. f-doils and catt thietlea. To-deY the
41.eir'-b!ndor in- um* enti the thistis
1e. •no: reeked upos, 'With, 40 much Ree
eormerlor *lekta
- Cunt for the
U country. 1.14, 0"rIi farmer, hOwever goeihie effect reaelted, Tee totioveing
Rev. I"owell conducted uni011 ser.vices
isft t lel 1')X.C,4 brt church on Sursia)-
An the absentee of Rev. Fletcher, who
is attending the Meeting; of the Assembs
ly Ed n, Foster Bray was
loop* for the week end -The picnic veld
tralte-, Ailsa Craig, and, the Bd. OUT" Vast Thursday was a splendid sueess
stars Played doo-hle 41eador elle weather being all that could. Is
lead Of ta,hs aCcOSUP_ar4ed, tee team ,deeired. Tee baseball game. between all
The g,temes exciting threorebout 4.flti t110, married and seteee man resulted In
are to be congratelated on the Sue- a, tee, tem ,score stapd.itig 1.3-1.3. Mr.
e.44 the boys hast If lastits.11Y 1% Allen refteroed.the gat111,4 in a verY
onweded that the qralg feign, ".!ti .11:1e, satisfactory almoner.
ot the best .geka 'C3,res!J„'. TeddY Pit- The children's races are as
z.110. -5.15 „Biing the 550-, teere being a first prize awarded and
met. Rota Ithrow the ball to excellent ter that au la the various classes
forne The crake" Ditehete kte, the Seeped &eared agee, the name
us conStdered 'dr better tothet W;r1,15.5r 927. test prizeo--.Boys over
i',kers or pet therti en bases on bails 12-1
:.„. Key ; Boys over 10-0„ Cottle;
teed, et g:ving thetzt. etriteree- Eight 'Girls over 10 --Ns Stewart; Boys over
ar, our tellows warts htt with Pitcheet S -C. Jeffery: Girls over 8-R. PoMr.
ntatilY' Parts <et ,hatt, but being risaAa gOod mettle at?
should aAeateit weeds' of!, any Ideel tP,g-.4.10 are eee, ecores Of, the twa gattoes.
the. teseendereeer,Byede mtl Jet game 2nd gaxne'101-15*
sweets eattace btlect4e04„ ft•otn; the aeme
1Ce are prevNegtt !a tars'
rteethre fee y,:,:oeto grai.a will bo„10447
cited, I rhe caee toe, crepe every
offere eieotedb ,a, by. the Imo or,
111';t ez,atiyator t17,:e werete. C,heek
04.1ttv,...Coe vita t
Aow.a. but lavlp the znzt.)win,g crop as welt) biro, ,baeo, !„n the !shop la a {-mrt tittle
iz 0-XiWted, that Strathrtyy, teen
ley our boys worees night this wee
reported ats, being an exceed -
leant there 55 veme fight
erlocit has pea on .the sick:
• 4 ' ''''eer(14 1. 0 gew 4.1*.., We hope •to see,
Tle anti treat' 1,k;i1 which wilt ha
introdeved by LheGov:not:meat riex
seasieet of tee Qntetea 1...eotielature wit(
"be, it as ttaderstood, of, a, draetic nature
and wilt ehortemhly eteninate the treat,
dtur eyelogn r 40 hotel -keeper, the bar
tender, the nun who buys the drink wed
the nue who Ls. trearad. we,/be praeo.
04ted, ueder new law. A heavy
will .0-st -::erPoeeet upen netel.keepet's wee
Vielate the law tor the Crat time eed
eltreed time, and 'me the tte.rd occastea
the osa wal be cancelled- 'Th•
e bar
teatiew ilicelYw.fltaeil VI the'
amount or 401 42.00. 34.14 the 'treat, .44, maul
er" and "tmated" will be, Omit with' • ,
in. a ..31,3ar was%
Sun, Rrown le at, Preseet confined tn
th) house ve,lth an altte.elc tone:iitlee
ittany 4.tr;',n4sw be Pleased to see
int ..tlt Agana Wore long.
3unday R. a. R, ICastehel
the new ,pres.Witag elder or this
t occupy the Pulpit in the
Church lbeth ntorning and
eery:co will •los he in •the
aturday after -noon.
srt at the 'Isittocts
44701 Prea-tled i rewelt eerreen,
ver4114,37, to' a paCiCe4 Leese
NS.54 exceptionally inter.
Whae gr. ligeits
he Ita.1 won manY frro-
•w.shing‘ ItIna and 44re.
Hicks every mucces4 ire their new eirettit
'•In Hensel!. H531 successor Rev. •Jaffee.
or Lucknow Is expected, here th:
Iffe 'extend to, „him /and family
y -1,ve1conte.
sting event to?/t 1110..co :0 t
fl'eUchtsrett on June •,ltith, „whet).
Holtnarann, eldest daughter
at rilatt2tatattri, beCante
• Q r Rev, M. Wh:ttlg
ionary und.er appointment
n. M*loan the brilds, leanhog
rn or her kiter, enteretd the
una or the etttirch a Zr, I-Ierb
played Lcinengr-ist's weddinK
, eloatnz virkil Mendelsohn's march
Elva Rogers of 1..ontiott, a ceuein
teern sweetly rend, ed "13
Pettits Of any
4114.021. 'Teeit
TOTTfi; '44
Ir'2,309; ICITrwcoi,
wJ4tC 31630:
74a: . e5 Sherbet Lake
$52,707. ontypool :t•attoo.
$402,1 ; .7ra.Norie o
(lee Qtlier lItnechets-j number a
as mudth as $0,000 titposits,.
ter -On Titursday. July 4
oind housattold effects,
Wilbert Luker, 4n„ Cert -
one oklock,
his •met with a pain-
.. playltre ball Ito
arta Tule' 1st. w
running to fere of te.ts erases when
some sna;irler les violet aver oa o
is a.nklaa totea:Intr.; the joint a
tendo.t. badly, It be etates tines
tore I5Q, NAH leave ttt,., or the :m.far
Tao anttuo s-2ravelo,.r.trzr festival and
p:-.o.;rarn of aports con:wet:or* with
tha Methodist rhurch, on July est,
ware. attended with, a marked tiegreo of
eutteoss. Tee weather roan was a.
ely lamb.? ta tee occasion. tdcl Sol lad
siklia*g Jut` !LI Esa'.',..;47- all day long Toe,
n mei eats breeze temperine te, at -
10030 eer„. tolkiero "eeel weateer Tor such
an eveed.
ITte ateertdenee Wa's fully up to foetre
cr years „"ta gs-o--eads ot the fesieve.1
behre ab.e. $160. Tits goad ladies te
'charge ralliteeteirtiniete,1 tire enviable rep -
'y have enjoyed for so raany
Years pas: F.', cater oe to tee `wants o
thra .istnermatc, atd everybody seetned
a '‘..`*a•PPY araz.d. As usual thare was ar
" The ceeeraony was perfermed
Rev, E. Burreopestor or atkurcbe
a ted by Rev. :Miller .so,f. Auburn, la
preeence or a. iatza OttInber
stu;lbled guests and friends. The bride
carrying a boucluet of btedal, roses.
re, lo3ked cltararilair ea a dainty gown or
as' liberty setin. With, pearl trintraillga and
in bridal veil adonned with pea.nge Woe-
soms. T.55, little, Misses Laura Foster
and Itilde. Burn made pretty little
flower girls. Messn.s. A. el'. Ikoltzmann
and Roy Whirler acted as ashers. At -
ter the 'ceremony was performed a dain-
ty dinner was aaved sit the home ot
the bride, after whieh Rev,. Mr. and
Mrs. Weitiete left for Niaga,ra Falls
and other eaynern points. The wide's
goltur away ge.vin was of royal blue
les' costume cipth, velth, hat .10 match
„ bride was the receptent of many
and valuable gets.
Two at our Popular Young men, Ger-
doe. Treverhick and 'Wesley Kodgson left
or Alberta +en Tuesday, June 2,5th.-
few of tee .eld *school .rtes called
el:se Ire.ne Wizen one evening re-
ly and sPer4,: a very social time ere
leaves „tot -Ibex new home in Girvin;
'r. -Garet Trevetloick is getting
g splendidly alace his accident or
eek ago.
,et ut,c13,:x?, oe eawberries and Cream; tstly
and aa equal 5napp,*- of other delineeies. Sas
ITs/e. Prgrria/u e Ports QrParted in the alon
MOrning Winn a baseball garne between a w
Pile llama team arid .cithron. The game
waS net -one Whrida could be. called good CA
'em11.3bIton Of ball, owing to the many
errors of Cer.tratia, whiich proved cost-
ly and an cverwIteiraing defeat for the C
borne bitach„ a.ad the end ,of sever; who
Tnriing game Clinton. had them trimmed Lice
by a score of. 23 to 3. Ilur
!The afternoon tgatore. betwoo- th
Ne same to -da
WILIi E.A.C1-3; PAY $100
iiiaton, June 27. -The four men
as military canteens 'were raid,ed by
nse Inspector Johnstan of Centre
on at God.enich last week, appeared
y before?MaestrateeReid and were
$100 and costs. The convicted are
ben -Grairale; and Norman Fitz's:in-
glinton; Geo. Atkica,-son,
A. R. Satilitxt 11Sa„rnis..
teams, however, was 'probably .more tined
eveloly eontested, notwiziostartd:ag that Ru
f'aere were nulai*ous errers made by
bath teams atatt tin.q.shors was ,put ,away; and
up on both. be result .hoing 19-
1.7 in tavar of Centralia, at the end of
a seven drindng 2-,ak-nat
The other' sporte"resuiceit Zes follows
Boys race under 8 -Walter I.I.yalop.
Louis Davey; G!*.irls' race under S -Mab-
el. Cronyn, A/rata. Ff•she_t ; Boysrare
untier 12-Gerta1d Hanlon, Leo, .Glavin;
Girls under 12--Euth I-Iedden, Leona
O'Nelt; Boys under 16 -Leo; Abbott,'
Geo. Glavin; Ginds under 16 -Rut. :Bed
den, itfabal Cronyri; Wit-tealbarrow race
and Willis, Crowlin e!nd afar'
via, Pota.to a -ace -R. S:Vals, 81.1npi. Sweit-
zer ; Rooster race -Lea. „Abbott, I-Iacxoy
son;Needle and thread race -in
Essory, 0, .Glayle; Ladies race -Myrtle
Squire, B. Morley-; Three-legged race-
Eissery acid Morley, Crony n a:4
Boot and shoe race -L30. Abbott. Ger-
ald Hanno-n; Sack racc--Lee. Glavin., H.
Hanlon; 130 yard rare-\. C0u7n1,:n.„
Gordo a 1,forl,t,-; 220 .yard ra-ae,--. G.
•arley, Wm. EiSe.:, ' _es Throwing
base • L. 2•Irs1 "..\111-
ten IP...telt:41.
The lo: • -,.o •In the, even:Toe-wag
fitting -conclusion te' the Ca -s
• no, a .<arge bng a '.11'.1 a:ter
. - -
=Inca and Die affe:Er 717.8..F every war,
fro:avoids suaceas.• Owea Smillte of
.cta Is
i-,air±rs. T
ab.ado 5M
0 All Women -I will send free with
turf tastructions, my home treatment
which positively* cares Leucorrhoea,
oeratLoa, Displacements, Falling ot the
-.womb, Painful' or Irregula.r Periods,
Ute.rine and Ovarian Tumors or growths
_Oslo Ilot Flushes, Nervousne,se, Wel-
tncheily, Pains in the Head, Back or
Sotvels. and Bladder troubles, where
;Pulsed by weakness peculiar to our sex
You cart continue treatment at home
t a cost, of ealy 'about 12 cents a week
My book, "Woman's Own Medical Ad-
viser,- also sent tree on request.
‘vrlte. to -day. Address, Mrs.3.1.Surntners
Box II. 840 Windsor, Ont.
Subjects taught by ,etkpert instamters
at the
• Y. I.t.: C. A. 'BLDG..;
,- .
. ..
Students a_aststed to post:bons. -"College
,, _.., . .
in ssion frnen - * '''',- Catalogue
, ..
eee Fell. te.,,r,°,4J1k.1 „
7este6ali ' '''3. W.Werterve1t; Jr,'
. ,
?4,-1,' . , CI: ered II ccoltei;azt ' 2
la : -e-Prlapei "
toys ove.r 6--W, Tomball; Girls over a
Jegtir7; t-EetitliutattX lualPs boys
J.Reclgert, Girle- Id.,Deupo; Leen
' Tarnbell at John Hodgat-
ged reee, bigger girls --G, Dun-
n aed-L. Kay; Stiddie 1,7;rt-V, Stow
ar' W.. ; ltttO girls-- G.
Stewert aed D, Arntstronge little boye.
-0, Stewart and 0, Doepe, t leorse Race
-1X. Turnbull end Jolm lIod.gert ; Sack
race. girls -E. efeLloeald ; Thread and
teedle race -G. Duecan, and, J. Bodgert
Cot$O reCe-V, Stewart and E, Pollen
it race. little tette--Antie Jeffrey ,
Biscuit race, by and girls-- toys won
D v1L rts, erte ,
Town -It -44p
tbv, wo41,-3,V.rn. 'Wagner.
1144 up eince early spring,
any progress lc:warcjs. re
t8 deg:dot:11y :worse
'telt we made brieft
t,11 of Henry 0.17-
boshZ1 only two weelce,
alwaYs or very re -
he Ms prime was
tan in this sec,
' on the DrOn
,ie Wt onc or the
lers,ad' only about
o at he re red from ac
rarm 4tte.Re leaves an agal wid
four teirl'" tend elle son, beside
largo number et other, near -relatives
s, -S011. Idergn, Sr., was iniu
on Tuesday aftertmen, while haul
travel. He want drthln,g to the pit, when
• see'e team, dashed into the rear
P 1110 wairtm and in some manner one
horse gat right f.,nto the ‘wagon and
otrucic r IayI on, the .4tio or Jbe
head, Inflictin,- a gash that required
five st:tches to close.I1z. farttinIs
over 80 years old, and though losing'a
tot of blood ! s not expected thattany
erious results will follow.
Day ar.4 se
fo way t rand
M0rAY 4p1nt w days zwl
Cve Thos. Love last weelo.••••••A latlys
OW, u1t coat of grey wool cloth trieetned,
n the collar and cegte with silk of
and ante color was,,found hanging on John
red Love s gate Post. Ower ca,e
ing saw, by tesilIng at Harpley post aftee.
-The LOY° re -union picnic was held.
Rayfield Thursday, Juno :17th,
'report a good time. -Auto owners and
chaffeurs must haSfei their own trials
One day ncently all auto eamo bate
contact with the ditch on 218b con.
The auto recelYIng the z.yerat of it but
tbe ceuPants aj survivo.-Miss Annie
Warner peat Thursday at the
a a result of sanylagds received
fronl, all parts iot, the Province, the Iol
onto Police Department,w511 take drast-
ic -steps in deal3n7 with faitte Portrait
agents who have been reaping a goodly
earvest during the past .tirets months.
For sometime the local autitorellesh
been. advised bYthe chiefs of police
outlying towns that reProsentatiVes 0
Toronto firm have been soliciting 0
era or enlaVement et photographs a
collet -ug deposits ranging from $2 to
$20 with each order. The agent ex-
platl..ots that the l'Orm Is,,'„Introducing
new line ot work slid thet the order
will be filled ,shortly, to the entire sat,.
4sfattion ol les' customer. There Is one
stipulateare however, and that is that
a deposit must be paid. That Is the last
seen ot the agent, wba departs to pa -
tures new
A ntunber of our young people spent
ho holiday at Grand Beral.-Mr. Albert
Willson or London was the guest or.
art his brother jabez ,Sunday and Monday.. -4
o 1,r. and MIA. 13. Gilbe.rt of Paitithill
0, spent J'ely lat with Mrs, J. IreMillson.
rd., -Mr, and Mrs. John Tales of London,
o6 spent the holiday with her mother, 'Airs.
Sutherby.--Mertiu Ryan spent the past
week with hits sister in ,London.-liec-
Atter 'Willson took, pert An the program
at Weiburnion july Eteddulph
Council has purchased purchased TO
carloads ot crushed stone frt-n St,
Marys and 'are haviing, # hauled on the
roads around Grantom-The spring
crops inithes district are wagering ser-
iously for want ,of, tette
the recent Ineeting of the Farmers' CLANDEBOXE
Institute of South Huron the following•
ers were elected. -Pres., J. T. Al
son; vice., John Eider; Seo -Teas.,
S. Phillips; auditors, 77. .11), Sande
J. W. Ortweetre Ditrectors for the
bus murectpaltnes were else appoint-
ed, as folliaw,-Usbornd-Robert Gard
laer, J. T. AlLson: W. Monteith, J.Johns
a everams, F. Eilerington, J.
Exetr-R. Delbridg-e, T.
Carling, E. Christie. Stephen -G. Pen -
hale, W. D. Sanders, W. Turnbull, John
',ova, S. Hoggarth, J. Kellermann. Hay
-H. Smith, J Eld-r, F EG=es
L. KaisfitaLsch, w. Caldwell, J. Green.
Hensall-S, 'W. Ortwein, 0. Geiger, and
Alex. Murdock.- StalnIEV-W. M. Farest
Alex. muetard, D. Mcieaughton, T. Fra -I,
sere W. W. Cd,aper, John McEwen, R.B.
McLean. Tuckersrmth-John VarleY<
McKay, Wan. ,Elack, Alex. BroadtoOt<
Buchanan. Seatorth--Geo. Turnbull,1
Murdock, M. Y. McLean?. A special e
0.-t is te be made to increase the meni-
barship during the corning year. Every
farmer, at least,"should- belong to the
Tr.,3 trials and tribulations, of annul
ry editor are ravnictold, -but- are born
with fort:1:11(1a be -ca. -use' the country edit'
has a Sense Of ini.radr. There-CC/Ingalls
of 'ills 11:1-a are many, ha-wever, and on
,1.3s sister's at Arftona, 172'5 taken ill
with heart trouble while at church on
Sunday and died instantly. err. Ram-
sey tad, lived en. this part of the country
for '55 years, and, was widely known.
Re is survived by eine ,son and three
daughters, all away. Interment will take
place at Atlanta. cernetetede
• When Butter Was Scarce.
Butter, which is almost indispensable
nowadays, was almost unknown to the
ancients. Herodottis is the earliest
writer to mention it. The Spartans
used butter, but as an ointment, and
Blutarch tells how the wife of Deloto-
A, roue once received a visit from a Spar-
er: tan lady whose presence was intoler-
f- able because she was smeared with
butter. The Greeks learned of butter
from the Scythians, aod the Germans
showed the Romans hoer it was made.
The' Romans, however, aid not use it
for food. but for euointing their hodieS.
-St. Louis Globe-Detn.ocrat.
Right In His title.
"Why don't you have a sponge to;
moisten. your -stamps?" queried the
of 'chase camsfa_ Lis the other day itnth
n dropped in to use the lawyer's tele.
• "Good idea," answered, the disciple
of Blackstone. "Do you want the
• job?"-Cbicago News.
eapa. of the 4,a1l0wing letter front a
•old friend and •subscic1bar,,•=-
"I've stopped pa.par, yes I 'have,
. • . .
I -don't Ilke. .
lei_ the editor, hes , g,ot coo sr -oar -E.,
And I'll a:11ov,- balI rue
nra'nta,S pa bis debts
Anal s311 ,not b -.1,11.SUIttad,
•wItext the edttr gets ts.rnar
• to-
taiOk, the paPsr •-yea`rs,
And bblped tetra, all I, coutd,„
, /hen 1 rams to dualat...-qt
'thlnk hs.•••Aould, sir,
,that h.•a. You...ear. bet.
;nada. me 001 al; tr under,
` 311 stop' ,tlfar sheet, I
auliteo •ttp. :the, '
And, --fer .•474,s ,eten52m' naps:, •
• "n,„•"..;:i-i, 'lever:. 'yea:s ' and quit.
V- stopped, `lne pap -sr."
e man from across the street who had
During the Spat
Wife (complainingly)-1You're not like
Mr. Knagg: They've been married
"twenty years and Mrs. Knagg says her
'husband Is' So tender, -Huh-Tendery
. 0
Well, he ought to be after being'int
water that long. -Boston Transcrlp
fil'atter of 1"olicy
'There's onlo" one thing t ver do fOir
poilcy'S sake.'1
'`Whaes that?'
• 'Pay mY preralnI1M,L43Martfege_
WI* -‚a..20.
• OF lecommERcE
SIR EDMUND WALKER, D.0,1„.., President
General Manager Assistant General. Manager
CAPITAL, $15,009,000 REST; $12,509,000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian
Bank of Commerce to be -operated by mail, and will receive tie
same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the
Bank's business. Money may be deposited or witdrawii in this
way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 5,4
EXETER BRANCH -G. 31.aeagee. 13rancb also at Crediton.
IVIolsons Bank
Loans and
Total Assets
Incorporated 1855
of Progress for Five Years -1Q6 -nu
$310001000 $4,0001000
$3,000,000 4,000,M0
823,677,730 35,042,311
'estments - 27,457,090 38185001'
$33,090,192 0,237,284
gOs $3 Branches in ana4a, and Agents and VorreePorldent514 Uthe
Prinoinal Cities in he World,
atal Branobee, Interest allowed at laighost currentrote,
Qnts lizater tor the Dominion Coversinent,
Ditme 04kIlLi$04 Politoitora, zultDalsr axn
Are cie" FOont England tor tb
Cinndap Natlonal Exbibition,
wo fantails bands trona Englatal w17
'he neee'ica.1 nitre-et:0as at
Nateanal Exhibition thieyeur
sernetblng long to be remembered. Tbe
rde 13ad tram Ductainghato
tbifrd die rentaus be.gade
n bt apros-H the. Ocean by
on 0)ple, will alternate oli
the nblmd staud whh ,the Hosea
O'Th' I3arn, wh4ch atl loverLs or band
music recognize as PritaIn's best brass
band. Two such: musical attract:lona
have never before been bought togeth-
er on the continent,
"Renkiniscences of n Sojourn at
Hudson Bay Pbst" by; Frank lioughtall,
the opening Moaner te the ,July issoe
of Rod and Gun; in),,Cataada. ,7. Tay-
lor, Limited, Publisher, Tiroodstoclt,).
containsan li.'xiteresting Comparison be-
tWeen the characters oft he White pan
and. the Indian, Illustrated Int the almoet
quizotee honesty dlaplayed by “Wabun
Annune when temptation, en the guise
or imMinent starvation, might well have
proved everpoweainge A iprofusely taws-
trated chapter 'Of 'tlie popular cOnitinucd
art1ele, "The Culture of Alacic and, 511-
Dominion Day
SINGLE FARE for Round Trip be-
tween all stations In Canada. Good
goieg Stine 28, 29, 30, July lat. 1012
Return limit Julv 3, Minimum rate 25c
June 25, July 9 and 23, & everysecond
Tuesday thereafter, until Sept. 171h,
via. Sarnia or Chicaito.
Winnipeg & return 534.00; Edmonton
and return $42.00. Tickets goed. 60 days
Special train 'will leave Toreato 10.30
p.m. on above dates, carrying through
coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping
Cars. No change of ears. '
Write for illustrated -literature.
J. 3. KNIGHT, ":Aq.eat, Exeter.
41, 0
fee.ture this
A.17 sitoriee fils4
tbe ankrlous
2nd, and Sri
be one and.
On the aremteeo ts a iarge brick howl
^ n slate roof, and trestle barna and
abitng. Will lie oold separately or
together to suit purchaser. 15 acres in
Call wIteat, 40 scree fall plowing done,
balance in grass. Applyto'
THOS, FrSHER. Exeter.
TrIATFORD. otmr.
Our coerses are up-toeletto and Pratt -
;eat, We have a large staff of epteriene
edinstruetors, and our graduates gat the
bf.gb grade positions. We do mere for
our students than does arty other Wm,
Mar school. Wo have three departments
TELEGRAPRZ. Tett owe It to your-
self to know' What we are doIng.. Get
ur tree catalogue at once.
D A. MCLACHLAN, Principal.
We are now well establish-
ed in business and, we believe
on the best of authority (nam-
ely that of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
a long felt want, and giving
the best of satisfaction.
Remember our motto,—
"Fresh G-roceries all tne time."
All kinds of produce taken
ost His Hair, • Bear
and Mustache
Atpou, "t/wo yoar,s ago nsy ha'. -r, beard
and intustaclie,..started to come put ,!,n
..spots., The 'spots; were. entirely- ,bare
Seeing PAETSIAN SAGE advertised, I
,purel-sed 4• bottles • and after ,nsing two
ot.the, bottles, the h.ait- came tn.- un-,
;now7 liaMe las 4,64 a , head of hair
as -I bad before 'Ws trouble started.,
I' eee 'rutltfully recommend •t'ilo;','S "Pre.:
'tole:rot' etno 'ree
ornrnended Sa.rn C-41citer'',Tarnison
0 0 1: Ca -P,' 1911-"
Please- !en Trend 'the' P
SAGE is not guaranteed. to' g',.row, hair
-1n 0r. G52dcyr' case bbs ,!•.r•
was not, ,dead arnd tkleire hI no
reason .,ivvlba," PARISIAN SAGE should
1T-nynot ;do. dust wiltat lia.writest tt, 3111,
- ?sloe's' after pin asig the PAR'S-
- The neat Ivi)O0Galdee-ecatIle fnt
IAN SAGE," oveettes tittle druggists who
sold, him,. hos aPpgarance•was so CaniTg
ed. 3 11.11 not Icnow 3bbrb1 •
pARisik-tf sa.cin Le wttlieet- doubt the
rnilAT eff4lhflt tialtr grower, heautIfie'r
andjdandruff. cure itn 'thp 'world,'and
people i-v.beo acre wast; t1 ord.-
centmarcla.1 torhcs should. wake
, • • • '
.a.; aura-
PAT-t1STAN bonlab
, a
wit ,-u vier- easI-e and. beauty
ridded hall- or nuente."...v. backi„ Lit ,a
mosikdelightfidaxed ,retresbing toale for
'mem Wemen :and' Eteidren. Largo bottle
.,Qcts. a . tIt 1301 111113 s anti ,druiggItt
avec, ,,. ,