Exeter Advocate, 1912-5-9, Page 5PROFESSIONAL. CARDS DENTAL. Dr G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., DENTIST elember sof the R,C ?.S. or Ontario and Donor Graduate of Toronto. University.` Office -Over Dickson 4 Carling's law pffice.. Closed Wednesday afternoons, •, DR A. ICIN L l L, Honor Graduate of' Toronto Ien versify DENTIST Teeth exeracted without :Pain, or any bad effects, Office over Gladnnan & Stanbury's' Ofeice, I1araa Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON 4 CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries. Cognveyancero, Cour m ssioners. Solie ttoes for the S oisons Bank. etc. money to man at lowest rates of interest Offices—Slain=St„ Exeter I. R. Carling, B.A, L. H. Dickson MONEY- TO LOAN We lnaYe a large amount of private Conde to loan on .farm and v;ltase prop, eereies at low rates or interest, , G I 1?A? A I?d & 4. T 4NB EAR X' Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter., SENIOR agent `Moetederat;on Le,fo Awsurane ComPanny, also l re Insuraance. ; i lea• lug Canadian :end British Co pen;ies. Main -St, Exeter, OE. SEi2 AUCTIONEER Wei, ANDERSON, i.i,^t""Gleed auctioneer Lor Buren County. Terms reasot,able. Ogee elil1 be made 4 the Advoeete,. Exeter, Pe eleaary Ei%bee'e Office, Cred=. Icon, T. B, CARLING Lite. Wire, Accident and ;Plate Glass. Insurance. Collecting accounts, and Con- "•tint; eoetiorl Pales, Exeter, Ont. eny i3u5,tla4395 Coli ratdoit dUrllt,a tlae flunatnne''. i._LUOTT ONTARIO PROVINCIAL LOAN OF $2,000,000 AND $210,QOO, TtIE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO''•.- INCE OF ONTARIO. ender the author- ity of Chapter 4, oe the Statutes of Ontario, 1911, envites subscriptions from the public:for a. loan of $2,004,000 on bonds of th,e P,rctvnce, of Ontario, or "Ontario Goemeennent Stock,"" The bonds well li be dated 1st flay 1912, and payable an the lot of Nov- ember, 1941, in denominations of $1,000 each, with coupons attached for;interest at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum, payable half yearly, on the ist, of May, and 1st of Nove„tnber re each year, at the office of the, Provincial Treasurer. Toronto or at the offices of the Bank of Mentrea.I, in Montreal, Canada, and in New York, N: 7., at the holder's op tion. Bonds 'well be made payable 'to nearer, but on request wain be regis- tered en tee 'Office et the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed; as payable only to the order of certain personsor eorporat:ons, azid on. request of l oldere vrdl be excl°.ainged for 'Ontario Goveen- ar.ent Stock" at any tante. Also balance of .Algonqu:Zt Park Load of $210,094 on the Paha terms an4 Beth the eame dates, utader the author-, ;4 of Cerapter 9w 1 George V. T:9e :state price during the ,Month et fay, 19,12, 'w*.11 ba t02 for each ;,•,`100 and after the 31st da.y of May, 1912. the issue price will .bati,'192 aide Interest accrued ffronn the 1st at May, 1912. ALL: BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED 'CINDER THE, AUTH, JRIT7 OF TFIE SAID ACT ARE EBBE leROee ALL ONTARIO PROVINCLAL 5., O1-iAl1GEs,, S1'CC.tr$SION 'TY AND IMPOSITIONS WI-1.tTS0- rul�.. aurenasera of Stock or Ronde will be 4^quired to send eertif;ed cheque with app, eat.n, payable to the order of .. "Prey:Meal Treasurer of Ontario," T . loan ' s up tam the credit - �� ra.��d tete Oer"netteirla.ted ,ftev*tnue Fund of Wed s charg'ea'ble thereupota. A. J. MA• T1DSO , P.ro'' Incial Treasurer, Ti•4°;Iedty Department. Perl:annent 13u,id-. "Aorente. Awa. levee 1912. ih71nrs : inert nT t.aTa alive:115e� a'':u�tat vat?;out Iaut,la4ia t from the Depsart roa�rat w.lh trot paid,' ,for it, excellent d)4'.a not', `,gnt:.1 teR Comjettnee,. ii... Write for ea.telegt+c', Electric Restorer for Men osphon01 restores every nertioin the body to flsro er tension' est r s. viva and vitality. Premature decal and restores t sexual 'realness a ersee at once. rboopltonot will mike you a new man. Price 536 best. or two for $5, Mailed to any address. The ScobeU Drug Co., St, catbarinee.Ont. W• ire It you are in need of fencing material call and inspect the, Owen Sound Wire, Our Safe Lock Fence ie without a doubt the best fence anadei in Canada to -day. + Mao Co led Spicing, Barbed Wire,bree0 wire and staples. Prices right. CE7DA.R POSTS or the best quality in prices from 25c. to $1. Also agent for the Toronto Meta1'c Roofing Company.--Galvanitzed roofing fie si;ding. Have also been :appointed Local Agent for the Confederation Lite AasuranceCo If you axe needing any of the above give me a call. S. Andrew CENTRALIA Fresh roceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the'best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,— "Fresh Groceries all the time," All kinds of produce taken in exchange. JAS. COULD TBz DFItS 1^,AL D TENDERS addressed to the ululate -010d and endorsed "Tenders for Dredging Ontario," 'will be received un - o 4 p, an. on Atolnday, May 13, 1912; for dredging required ;et the following plstoea en the Province of Ontario,-- Godereh, Napanee, i'deton, Telegraph and .Nigger Iolanda. nders will not be coltsidctcd unless nnade on the forms suppt:ed, and s. 'ned w.ti: the actual signatures of tenderers. Connb`ned spec:fication and form rat .ender can be obtained on. appl]eatie n to the Seeretiry, Department or Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders must 'include the towing^ of the plant to and rival the work. Dredges and tugs not owned and registered »n Canada. shell not be em- ployed la the performance of the Work contracted for. Contractors must be ready to begin work within thirty days after the date they have been. notified at the acceptance of then tender. sopaxato cheque tor each place for veleoli a tender la submitted must ac- company the tender. This cheque must be equal to elva per cent. (5 per cont!) of the amount, of the tender, based on the approx'.lmate quantities set oppos- ite the name of :place, but in no ,case must the cheque be for Tess sura than C M1,o00. The cheque must be accepted on a chartered bank, and payable to the order of the Honorable the Minis- ter of Public Works. If the tender be not accepted the cheque well be re- turned. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order le C. DESROCHERS Secretary. Department of Public Warks, Ottawa, Apnei 27, 1912. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertsment i•f -they insert it without authority from the Department. TENDER FOR SEWER' EXETER, ONT. Tenders will be receved up to Friday noon, May 10 next, for the construction of about 3,000, feet of •sewers ; also for about 3,000 feet of 12 inch and 18 inch ve,rtrified sewer pipe and specials Plans and speoafdcationa and forma of tender may be seen at the oft'ce o1 e:ithr of the undersigned. - The lowest or any any tender not necessarily as eepted. F. W. FARNCOM•B; T. B. CABLING, ^Con'suit31•4'tia licca, T'own"Clerk London, Ont. Exeter, 'Ont Don't hate people; If you -can't love tlhiem laugh at them. It is a. sign ,oY weakness to hate sd vieiously.etl'aat• -you are disturbed by it. ost a.r,_I sistac. TERRIBLE P IGHT' (OF A PENNSYLVANIA MAN -REPORTED BY MINENT N°1 .o CIPIZDN: PR() "About, two yang's ago any hair, .beard not dor • just wihiart ha 'writes . ft did. slid mustache started to coxno' out :n "Th,e hest 't r Id r. adercame ,:rite ;spats. Tines e • repots- *ere 'enc rely bare nay ,Store after purcihastng the PARIS IAN SAGE," writes tibia dirtygglsLs who ofw", •,a`x'^ - sold hien, "his appearancem;, was So Pha See ng P'ARISIAN`SAGE advertised, ,1 ed,I' did hat kiiaw k unir • , pur2,lased .4 bottles and•after using two '`PAR1SIAN•sAc3]C ' tivtlrhout "doubt the fi.the {htpttles, then liar came• ;lb un- 'snow elfxi;ent'''''a.51.'g^rorwer, beautifier. Eta how 7 ha:v! ,'las g . a head of hair and idandruff cure n the world, and tab i !head eeelore Jtfhi'.ts trouble started people lvha are ,wastiaJ,g t!ema with ord- j'1•T can tirufa„,ny.o: reco•m,end tib a pre !;mart'' coinanerc'al 'tonics' shorild wake; �par,a,'t;on ,to ,any on ,Il �,vtht a,t°,ir red -•`'up. oaaimended'-Por.' Sam Gilder,', Ja ir•son SA1tIS AN SAGE' W:i, bar.sh..dan- +Ci(tev Col.' Co Pa;, Ort 11; 191't.” d urf stop 'Selene, „hair ,and .tcnln, se ip '1ea.sc i>'eas .:'n mind• that PARISIAN *sat . •pu * L _'e, . lust:^e : a,nel beauty , into, AGE is not b uarantteed to girow ' ha r .j ded ,hra"_I1 ror 'rrni a y back, Itt. :'s a on "bald l excels . rzrost jdel tde fitful ,Unci. refresah1Jn .taule for t \1r. Galder'e dense the ha!s• r t - 1 0 o me nnen- ct d.r ' ra b azn ae.4 an. La. at Pie eras not ,;' �"o d is PO decd aid 1110,^o s ha `i goad r 54crs:"at''W. Si CdL.E'S and drugg°eta. 1�3 PARISIAi7 SAGE y44004151 .: tae country ,.wet, INERY PURE PREOARED 1 Look for this Trade Mark when you buy paint. It ears w n painting as it should be - painting that will look the best and wear the longest under all weathers and hard usage. This Trade Mark is backed by 76 years of world wide 'paint experi enciie--it's the sign of A Rt RVAPAINT P RERPESE„D Perhaps the last lqb blistered, cracked or peeled—because the paint was not perfectly made, Try Iviinerva Faint ihi a time. The Perfect incorporation of the Minerva ingredients produces a paint Tricia great covering capacity while its elastic properties prevent Peeling off, blistering or cracking, x u n$ r o t_ long 'a n a if thus ut • u g # ilii oil the necessity of repainting for th,. longest time..rneaning economy to you. There's a iriinerae Paiat, Soaniel or Vern. is.'a for every purpose. Sold by;tzron4oeot dealers 5159 polos p eluding Hawkins San, Exeter P1NCH1N. JOHN, SON 8: CO. (t„'eeede) Limited Tereete* • Oct, ”"lis et' easy to int oats cert ielleerva" Dr. de Van's Female Pills A'reliable French regulator; never fails. Theso pule are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system, Rehm' all cheap Imitations. Dr. do Van'li aro sold at tea box, or three for 310, Mailed to any address. The 8col ele, Drug Co„ St, Catharines, Ont. Firit4S ta, Ivan welsh. left ar Toronto e ter a �� d,s IIP A'ntends remaining' there and work- ing 41 dads trade.—Tho following ilen- ealletoa tett for the etreat last week James 301Mstone and aon, Brandon, 1fan, Walter Hs obkirk efoberry, Robert Biggins, Port Arthur.—Dr Sell- ery*, Hanson Petty and, Thos., ''Kyle have purchased automobiles.—Ja.ines Clark re celved a telegram from. the, West convey- eng the sad intelligence that his wife's .brotheie.en-law, James Dagg, formerly of Centralia, had departed this lire.— Mrs. ite. Mrs. Johan Henry Petty had the mis- fortune to tall fronv a stable ]oft and fracture her leg between the knee and the 'ankle.—Miss Mabel Neil daughter at Albert Neil, Lunde", 'fried the misfortune to be throwls against, a barbed wire fence on .Saturday last anal' -}lad. her face so badly. torn that the doctor found, 'it necessary to put ere several stitchea. ;, Eric Stcaey left last week for Port Car - !nen Muskoka—Mrs. McMartin and ciail- dren of Toronee are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bon_ thron: W. Welsh bas; de eposed of his planing mill and lumber yard. too II. Solder'. Mr. - l Wale had been in business here tor about twenty years, previous to which he was foreman for the Intel Robt., ratterson. He leaves shortly for Tor- e nto.-On Apriyl /30th the death angel v -anted the heen of Paul D. Balletic] +removed the aged 'partner. Mrs. Bell, who was en leer 87th year, was born, in Scotland and came to this section when :t was nearly all forest. She suffered the nhardshrtps and privations of the early settlers and Lived to enjoy the fruits of comparative Comfiort and ease 'tn her, decliining year's. She leaves a family of grown up. sons and daughters together iweith her bereaved husband to mourn tIle loss .,,of a good mother and "wife. The funeral took place to Hen - sail Union Cemetery.-TTbomas and J Hudson and memberls of their families left for home, Marlette, Witch, last week. —1jhie, Rev. eMc. M.ilyard took the Rev. R. Hobb's pulpit .. at Exeter Sunday, and t{tie pulpit here was fulled by Dr. Roulston and Mr. S!autlacott.! GRAND BEND. (Too late for last week.) Mr. Bert, Siattoh, wjho has been yin London for t}he winter, returned re recently brereging emelt auto with hint,' purchased by hes' father. Grand Beed can now boast of fraying an auto' as well as other` vellagges. He intends using lit as a passenger etu,S.—Mr;r and Mrs, Ween. Meyer have gone too Sudbury, where the former has secured a job as tore. man. of. a br-kge•and railway gang. -Mr.. Emery Carriere, wide has been home for a few weeks blas returned to'.Toronto.- Wan. LevJe and Max Oxrraettou are pleas- ed'at the arrival of ,babes—to the fernier a boy on •Apt71 22, and, to fibs latter a girl on'Apri1-`28.=-Wlhile!pruning apple trees •Wrn. Clarkson ,fin preventing him self from failing ,had •his arm pulled out of ja'aat. at tht?•,siioulder, which will lay titan off work fir seine` time.,,-Wri with Wareand Geo w diem ,has:.. hared ata u ^ Oliver ' to wore at cement wnork A^ Tie- denilah r_s' building a erolly-coaste,r. •A. daughter arrratved to 'vtr. and Mrs.. J. G:e11 pn the 28th,—'Messrs Jones 'of Lon- don .Were there part of last..week and itrs. Jos Bienno', Ezra B.rennc,r' bliss Nyittert•,and 1lir. John S a,tten and r n^ - ,week. ser s;rwe o Jr� ond;aii last BRUCEFJELD-idr. J. FI: O'Neil 'he's ,*old her fifty aorea an the London Road north. of the village to Mr, ,Yarn. IIc. kP. nu en • whose farm _s hut. a shot dig- toiee�',Frohn • eft. Thee price wee e180in•, The follo'win€; is •the report of S 8... No, 8, Hay for the month of „April,— Sr. pr 1, Sr. IV J1.. "'iyrusmner T. Kuntz, T. 3feile er, l r, k l enfsldt ; Jr. IV L. Shumacher L, Broderick, C. Ku ntz, 'I, Messner. Sr, Ill H. Semenaker, C. Becker, E. "Veen reldt,' C. Weeyand, E: Messner, Je, III Wiega nd,. N. Miller, C. Hartmaxa, Il, Becker, N. leleeefeldk: Sr. II A..kla^rtmat W. Ze er, E. Miller, IT. •Meeetaer, Messner, Jr.II 11. Truemper S Becker Sr P 11E Pt. Messner, Saner, K. Hartman, 'k7 Eirenfeldt,. Dada, elessner, Jr. Pt. 1 r, Broder'ek, +l, Becker, W. Brokensbir8 Primary—FI "Weeaal1d, I. Deader, A PReckere No, on roll 36. Average atle, u"anee 32, HAY TOWNSHIP,—The foilowin3^ stat £sties balm been taken front the rolls. as returned by Oscar KloPP,, for Hay Towns rep.—,acres 62,473: cleared land 42,290,, woodtagid 2,226,; :alaalr, land 1,587; s'vraunp 6,1851 -value of lands $1,582,539,00, value of buildings $788- 690.00 exesnapte na $48,425,0.0, Bur s.- nese assessment $22,65Q,04 °tneorne 3'2600.00 ; Tonal. aeseasnnent 904.00 populafyon 2882; births, 71 ; . deaths 1� ; No, o7 dogs 350; iso: of, beetles. 28, Y. Oraybal, Teacher: 4`,IPPEN--•Ttwe Alany trEeldds at hfrs, John Petty, of the second concese_oa 07 HAY, 'AA lre„rel to learn or a serious accident that betel here a few days •ago. She was f a, loft in the barn took:ne for `eg„ s, and fell through a trap-door to the !toor below, breaking ater leg just below the" knee.--- Eddie the Tattle ,soca of Mr. and Mrs.Wee/el-It Illi vey, also met antra a pal nfue nN- dent, He was up En an apple tree, rind wee; beeke. xis argta- tilITCFIE.I,T,--A cqu4ee but erect): wed-, d',':.g zooir, pica's ort" May ..; 1, adt,`.e for of Mr, and Sous. 1' nn* . Burton,. when rife. daughter, Miss Mere 13u toiz Wil, aarts fornle2'1y assistant supernntendezt 0f sd'+ Jamestown, ki. T., hose.% , was eget tel Dr Wen a. Miller 1S tit Ll t 8attn? city. A1I,S 3 w as ac! y: fro:1 OY C,. e treete fda ;ileac ,corked u, I'tnatn, w':sa lied on Ci.T,1i., at:Dee k Aiat'ft Paine to Ailsa c rtl)o'et. 54 years ago 4E haind on G,T,R, 4Jnt vtara s-ttC^s he retnicnvCd to ilei t'nit drat i5'%la 2iY89 otr4a,o of a sec- loan ort s Cl. T. R. there., and At the Cela of �s death ;rrtsi In drab e, at ,T.T',,. .,€,, iia• W40 79 yearele d. )11TC r t L--eer, Jol',rz Olater, sit ee the D'at1eh geear cl ci^ T:=at;sday kir his Beth ye ad been reeetient of Iitelnell fear telt e, arty tie ?.'t 3 1190W11 8 :trio Delttei laBaan. 8:id wan fond of teell.srll of tt '.tact' Crimenal 'lar'. wlner ,cat „sa iaaianay battlea, ala ore rho medal Seiaae109 A1; an exp Ab Ste; "le 1, whu has bee imuti veee Mr, t . Ilartje b as 7.:zraoesisrretkest ' a. l.n l.aai air w• — ,1. t. T ts7 t Ga lIR Vete. asnatcel cos:of ten New schaela 3e about 0.0l; and its the trustees bad been• l tan'ted to $6000.Ot) by tee recent meet - ng 07 the rate:payere, another meeting wit; likely' ;..ave to be Cailed, CGSAOI;NE. :1 pleaeiI'tJ Gvent took piece on Tlues- dey of last wee4 let the reaedenee of. efr. and 116°s, T.' Washburn, Usborne, when their, daughter Vera was united marriage •to If r. Clarencen. 1toutiy Tee cei'enton.' was performed at Live o't•lock en the afternolen by Rev. Itacey of 1 tr1 ton church. The bride Was assisted by her sister Miss Ella. and the groom by he's brother Guy. The br'.de was ;handsomely attired, in white silk, and the,bridestnaid In Copenhagen blue silk among the wedding presents were a number of handsome cheques. The groom's gift to the bride was a sunburst of pearls. The ceremony over the interested parties and the guests to the number of thirty-five partook of a dainty luncheon. The young couple have the best. wakes of all. 't, BH11 ER THAN SPANKING SeamsRang does no# cure cldidren of bed 1, wetting-.. There is a. cor.slitutional cause or this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box W. 840. Windsor, cr tt, cunt eend free 'to a;"y mother iter.. suceteeeful home treat- ment, with full instructions, Send no nioney but Write iter to -day if ,your children trouble YOU fee tlai's way. Don't blame the child, the '.chances are it can't help it "This treatment also cures acetate and aged people troubled with, urine difficulties* by day or aright, Labatt's Londori Lager Now Perfected – Best finable TRY IT JOHN LAI3ATT LONDON, ONTARI 1 ' You've thought about trying PURITY FLOUR Now Act ! OR some tine there has dwelt inou mind y r the thought of trying PURITY FLOUR— the Lour that cctz sisto wholly of the Mph -grade portions of the best Western hard wheat. That's a good thought. ' ugilt, It indicates a desire for improvement in your balling -talent --an ambition to increase the deliciousness of your bread and pastry. Don't let that good thought perish. Turn on your will power. ACT ! RITY FCOUR "More bread and better bread" EMINDER: On account of the extra strength and. extra quality of PURITY FLOUR, best pastry -results astr -results are obtained by adding more shortening than is necessary when using the ordinary Ontario or blended flours. Also add more water when making bread. Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now 108' Sold in EXETER by R. G. Seldon J�. 9;,m97/4140-- r 11. 0 Pee.Chee Chewing Gum Here are two guns trees as they flourish on selected plantations in Central America. Note the manner in which the sap • of the trees is made to flow into the receptacle. This sap or milky substance is boiled in the bush then shipped to our big, sunlit factory in carefully packed cakes, where it is refined and flavored and made into toothsome O -Pee- Chee, the best Chewing Gum you can bug. O-Pee-Chee means perfection -It is the one perfect gum—the chewing gum that's good for you. Because it contains properties which aid digestion. O-Pee-Chee Gum isalways smooth and 'en- joyable and flavored to suit your taste. State your favorite flavor when you buy O=Pee-Chee 'Gum. It, is sold by all dealers who sell the best gum, and it's "Oh -so -good." "rd 1 1144 ens? ✓.._,aiqti r "�✓: \•x rT ai{I�J /°)l lek r ' f• is n�a t< rI