Exeter Advocate, 1912-4-11, Page 8BXTThft..s 1 VUGATE, THIntaBAYI
APRIL :11.•
Barley ,,,..,:,..,;.. 05 85;
$tWitteI 55 60
O4ts 44 40
Peat•..*,, ,, ilii 115
Potato-, 4)erbag .. ,.~ 1 40 1 65
aygs",,, 1400 15 00
Flour',, 1" .r nom$„ faintly 2 70
Fl.ottr, 1 +., :,treacle per cw 1 165
Leah +.,- percwt.... -, 8 0
$11or'tt* n,..,- told , . 28 00
Ereal, p-"' rnu , 26 00
guar Beet meal, 2 00
Cn 4 :11' ^3n Sleet.Exeter/
Any person de-
siring a new create s_ePasator will do
wets to sail alt the Exeter B2.rgaF.ai'7,5tare
and see the Premiers This is ,ane of the
heat and rasi-est running separators, tarn
tt e isa tet. Cozrte in and let us talk
Quer ve,th Yolk
Ni°.,. I' .T'i1FORD, 'C+ stet.
re liessnse at the Advocate OU ce,
Odd Skirts. 30 different
styles detest from. This
Travellers' aattnPie Sat.
Prised at $:3.00 to 12.00 --
corresPOOdents wilt kindly lew•Aen they t
thele tine 'of eecl ¢ year
when people have aloe to read and
alrp« oi,ate all e new.t, 2rein your
s etIon. <,....-
.ixtoleums, get the best. WG
Sell Naiarns, You will like the
new patterns.—Stewart's.
Marriage Licenses issued at the advo
case Office, 1 zet
i of „horses f'ar sate, al9
as f JP: APPIy to 'W. H.a.a;:arse
tMR"ii , "wrS£
I. Q,,
Men** Topper Spring Goat, In
a, very neat Diagonal Gloth.
Goat one for Easter *15.00.—
l'.ut away.: the old metre shovel,
Stated it by the woodshed wall—
Spring as :nearly there in earnest—.
Totem be needed tat next fall,
If perchance there coin's, a flurry '
On some day that's cold and ratio'
There's no need for you to hurry,.
Just hang back and .let., her thaw.
Good Frriday Was the} f ,rat real ?aprin'rg
day, and t cerra1111y was a hearty.
Mr, Join Mitchell teas able to be out
a -sound for a shot Etna each day.
Mr. T,. G. Creech. is moving' into hizq
lc:W hams op William street this week,
Harry Gr :ff, wire. has been engaged
witr. swift-. W. J. Statham as batter, lett
Wednesday morning for Borlln, whew
:he has accepted a. s m lad position- -"
Mr. Marls Salted has .accepted a, sit-
uation in London andwith; his family
;;ll ;nova there shortly. and Mrs,
adman Salter we understand intend niov„
'-ng, t4 TO'on[o to reside.
Tie l uffalx Evening Times says" —
`"m f , and'Mrs Treble of Hoyt St.
announce the en agentcnit of *Mesh dough-
to ', Eva Gertrude. to l.tr. Maur::ea B;
Bn'W,.r of P'tastnuz , fo'"nrerly of t ut:a@a
and Exeter, Tlae, Montage tet take
Plow. +1 Juste."
Mr, Flynn of SleGilii,vra " lost a vatu-
4-year old/terse last week, 1t was
led along she road south of Cred
and when pass: -ng over a bridge
'- 'htenned of the rushing water
d in' ' oft the bridge became dtl-
llgked ' t some wire, ain1 was drowrned
folie it, could be freed.
< 51i? I. W. 1 Weideribithimer of ESX•
e' se.raol! s tla^s week attr+ i41 the
apr3nuati+on Section of the Educational
ssoe;at4on Meeting at Torok*. Mr.
deilhanurter tip the aeti;'g president
section and delvers a; address oat
hisses spf =mise weal ucat:ola,. po¢.
ole ;n Vsaantiwatpeal Se%ools,"
R. 11, J, 14. Pe, yearns of, Ingersoll,
,a 3 -uTana 1 rector of the Yttria mentor al'
C-stn;c a. ttas facets: appointed tett at dea».
c6r Q fords
stlecesstng Rev. T. 0. \T al -
as reJueved trent Weadstoek
oto `T 0. Rev. 'Perk is ;a eminently
goes# f ed Efate Aa:s steW duties and Are will
Anava The core-zatulations of lite many
til° fiids e On big new appointment,
The traria sower stoMing bottle along
^tai -ate street to the t1W r seems to have
Played out altogether and the earth has
eavtd "n .an several Plaecaa, resulting :la
many lots and cellars being flooded. A
new sewer will las necessar$' and will
cost at, least ;4000. In the aaneantaank
clangor signs are up adnriialzr&' MOWS to
drive on the east side of the street,
Au schoolboy: on being askedto write
an essay on, eats, 'nude the foklowieag
anntairtg, and or, mmol statements
Cats that's made for little boys and
girls to resat and tease is called 1Ia1.
tese eats. Sante cats are known by
ttrw'x queer purrs; these are called Per -
an eats. Cats with every bad tern -
sot are called Arrg'orStte cats. Sonic,
t:Ores a very fink cat is called a ma;-
n.f=eat. Cats 'with very deep .feelings is.
called Feline cats".
The streams and rivora of Western
O tar»o have been as the rampage dur-
ns the past week and in many places
farm lands and tow and village- pro-
perties have been submerged, and a
number of bridges and dams carried
away. The dam at Exeter had a narrow.
escape, but stood the test fairly well,
although the =breakwater at the south
and the bank at the north were consid-
erably damaged. Workmen with, bags of
clay succeeded in preventing very seri-
ous damage being done. The flow of
water has greatly decreased and all den
ger is passed for this spring.
Therennalns of the late 'Tarry r_
Boon arrived here on Thursday evening
last and were taken for the residence of
the father-tn-law, Mr. G. E. Anderson,
from where ,thefuneral, which was of
a private nature,- took place to the
Exeter Cemetery on Friday afternoon.
Among those present from a. distance
were Mr. and Mrs. Yrooznan of Cope -
town, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walsh of
St. Thomas. Mr. ' Boon was the third
Harrisburg boy, killed in a similar man-
ner at the same brittle. Deceased, he -
sides - the wife and 'child, is survived
by a brother in Saskatcineiwan and a,
sister tai England.
JAP SOLD.—Last week Mr. Wm. Kunz
sold the cerebrated .trotting staIl:on, The
Jap, to Mr. George Moir, 'who will take
,liiM, to Traverse City, Mich. The Jap
is One of the best pedigreed stallions
that has ewer been owned tin these parts
and it Cs regrettable that the .animal is
gong out of the, country.
VETERAN GRANTS.—The forms of
application for the grant made by the,
Dominion Parjamsnt last-session'to'tbe
Fenian Raid Veterans of 1866 and 1870
are :now ready at Ottawa. >Intending ap
pl'-cants for gratuities may obtain forms:
wrdcrsl°or"ed 'Ss offer�rg fitter aaalo txo
chess gees o; pastures land iia Stephen,
bel'aC parts of Lots, 19, and '?0, Co.
10, conta479a"rg 70 acres, There is a.. good
well of water and w'.ndsnlll on the pro-
perty, WOI tae sold reasonablo and on
easy teams, APply tQ THOR B ;ti 1;RT li
Ladles Tailored Suits let
(Sleek and Blue Snrgeo also in
Heat Gray Tweeds. Spacial
induces aat$15.SQ to $1 6.50 --
k'LANQ FOR SALE• --A first-class
piano for sale at a barsa:n—Berlin man.
ufactu:e. .Apply at this °MLiee,
SPEP T'ACLES 'FOTSIhD,--On :,hili-st.,
31Sprch 8th, :a Pair of spretaeles n a
case, Owner Can have :wan' a. by pay "ng
for tlh:a :settee.
Tou ean't afford to miss the W. C. T.
O. concert on. April 19thr, .'faciame Rhoda,
el Intro:t, a. clever ;reader, ia a. whole
enterta""ltsznont in herself.
stove, nearly new; 1 extension table
and a number of other pieces 01 tuxni-
Lure. Geo. Ma'.r, Walla/ft at., Exeter.
Tire undersisned '-s offering for sale
part of Lot 1'3, Con. 1, Usbarne, situat-
ed hall mile south of Exeter. contain-
ing seven and one fifth acres. There
:s on the preaayses a good frame house
and barn, good well , of water, about
80 apple trc-es and a nuant:ty of small
fruits. Tits Is a splendid property, well
situated and w11 be sold reasonable
and on easy terns. Apply to JOHN
Mrs. R E. Manning received Word on
Friday of ;r:,e serious illness of steer
Dno;.hrr, Mrs. F_`sher or Denver, Col.
and left next day for that e;ty.'
ton News Record.
Master Paul Collins, who with his.
mother, Mrs. (Rev.) Collins, is' visiting
at Biter, ;s laid up with, an-attaek Ref
r: r
Via Ch.:cage. and i81. Paul, April 16th,
23rd and .3Oh, and every • second -Tues-
day thereafter mita Sept. 17th, .Atlas
:ve. Tcacketa-will also be on:sale ont cer-
tain datss "'i`a Sarnia, and Northern Nav-
1gation Company. Special Train Will
leave Toro.sis 10.30r p.m. on above dates b
for Ethno =lion and points 4n Manitoba
and Saskatchewan, .stopping at , all.
points on Grand Trunk] Pacific-]?ailwa
west of Wnn1peg•. Through coaches. ny,
Pullman Tourist Sleepers will be carried
fully equipped with bedding and poster
n charge. Berths may ;be secured, ;n
yywr'ting.direcctly'to the Militia Depart-
ment tor, them. `'Those who find it con-
enihnt to do so may get des` -+red inior-
tnat.on In person from Major Collins of
To onto.
tVERTED A BLAZE On Wednesday
afternoon during the absence of -Mr. W.
Taman and woi-kanen who Were en-
Z;agred in renovattnt; the store 'a..quan-
:ty,•,of siiia n�;s and other' infiamable'
ana:ex nt lying near t'rre .
hstove took` fire
Sasel Sanders, operator, ap-
p ncd, to be passing ,at tdetime: t:mand not -
sing the blaze igay. the alarm and thus
everted what otherwise ;nig; ht have re-
sulted `_n a serious fire. ••
sleepers at low rate'.:;- W
T"nr.,s is art exceptional opportunity' .dor
those wishing to 'take 'advantage ' -of -t
the 'remarkably- low one way setters
rates or round trip Homeseekers "ex
curo`_ons through the American `,eities
Na'change of Cara,. -
Secure tickets, berth reservations etc
item any Grand Trunk,, Agent, or
write A. E. Daft, District Passender
Agent, Toronto Ont.;
Eo1aware, LaoIEea canna
and liVestertt. Co41
A regular. ,storm;' period runs from the
18L'.i to the 23rd,'havn to :ittf,.o center, on
thy.- PAth. The Venus' pr'ed is • central
ori mita 23rd and the'Mbon'; Os at :great-
St north declination and perigee on the
21St and 22nd. Tilv';s astronomic con-
d t:on calls for steady -wind currents
frrlm the south, low; barometer, very' high
tempe ature, ending n electrical sterrna,
to best hard coal mi.
rns to.a white asli
" l COAL
ta�xtcistr t ;.gat
Tornadsadoes 'w'ill visit various parts es
T c'tai southern regions d t e
a,ftied Took much n porta.nce ca v
&ch o to the bargrneerr.,afro"t
a�i�g ulxlar par ads AbnorxnialY�"wi tent
p ratt%e, 1s R t¢ Ixost iritt
n hts" idlb
sgwa.11s w if iin6l"lrultely' v s}
t one northiwards, �im1n1g th
a4tl �av3c u1? o r .08
Percy Gillies was in London Thursday
Mr. Clark Risher Was in'London Mon-
day last;
Bari Brieksvoed of Ingersoll was home
this week.
Miss' nettle Sweet visited in Hamilton.
tits week.
and Mrs J. Mallet{ were in Lon-
don 'Friday. ,
Gordons Taylo was home ;rain Crrnion
.iis week
Msa T Li ' X'W`hcte visited it Detroit
to" -s +xcel,-
�i ss„ TekhOmtrsori, teacher, holidayed in
Toronto this week, -
Mir. Janes 'Sparks' of Ingerdoll was
here for the holidays.
Mr. vial/Ace P fes ter o1 tont' 1 Y,sited
his parents ;this week,
Mr. and 'Sirs, Mark Witehell of London
were here over the holidays,.
- Mss Gregory, teas ll r of ,Chatham, is
spending the vacation ata house.
Mr, Barry Carling of Brantford fa
spending the holidays at home.
Wallace Fuke, Herb. ;Saute eott and
Lee Wilson were in 'London, Friday,
Mrs. Thos, Coward of London spent
part of the week here and in. Ijsborne,
Mr. Peter lt'tet enald of Wallacetnuraa
was here w{th, friends over Wednesday
Miss Violet Willis of Marlette, Mien,,
was tine west of relatfra here last
Mr. harry Trielanex" teacher of Atibufn,.
aPea'tding the lineation' here with Isis
p!ar eats.
Messrs, Lelloy and Chester Coultas of
0o44r:e3r were boo* this weelt for the
Ell, Willis, teacher of Bright, is
spend_`1ng the vacation at, talo laonr in
Aras Ida Bowe, 'teacher of Fcrlden's
z.1316rs 5 hQ1 daying at he hen
in xawrl.
Mfr, and i4r's. '44ustoh. of London were
the guests of the latter's Parents, "Ata,
and Mrs. Jas, Taylor.
1=as Edmunds. teacher, as spending the
ays at her sts ran AAs/testa,and
sn Campbell a in Goderich.
Ms lata.
S.34.4 and,' Janes: 1a eden ate
;y 1 here •frontEdmonton last Satturday,
near ting. 'T3ney will ,remain for a, Sew
air, ar'rd Lfre. ;Vman� Tfek?to, .ttias Ruby
Treble, YMrs, Fel. Treble, Mrs. it'chard
welsh atnd , lOra. Geo, Mantle visited 111
1 ondop this week.
Miss Labelle lHandford of ,St, Thomas
College 'was sero this 'wt h. 4ia> ,and
Mrs. anil1ord left for . tbe."r home bt
IIngersoll op _ionda ,
Dr, C McCallua 'ef'Buffalo, Mrs. 0,
Willis and Miss Elsie i.fcCallu'arn of Lon-
don visited their parents, 3Ir. and Mrs.
T. II rreC allunn during' the week.
'Messrs. D. 13, Sanders, F. 'recliner,
1?. Hart'letb of l xeter. �A. Wein ;and L.
Wei; of Stephen. and F. Kerr- of erect
:ton took in the Landon Sheetinng. Taurna
;Want on Good Friday
Barley and Peas
1 till 1
We have a lace qnantity of
seed Barleyand Northern grown
Peas for sale far seed; also lots
of feed.
Exeter Ontario
Mrs, Taman was in London Mopday. ?n
Mr, Karns was , Toronto over Sun,
Miss Sarah Sweet was in Wingham
this week. r,
Miss Sade Walker of Hamilton was,
home this week
Mr. John Floyd of Goder:ch visited his
another last week.
Mrs. Jos, Sutton visited in London
this week. •
id.:ss' Ruth Koopar of Lond:apz iS hoia'ze.
for the vacation.
Mr. Ern. R;vcrs-of Buffalo•% holc'dayed
with his parents here:. -.
Miss Banes of Ingersoll visited at
Mr D Davits' this wweek,.,
Mrs. G. Hockeyand Mrs F. Boyle
were _3n London Saturday.
Mss Nettie P,assznore of Toronto spent
Easter with relatives here,
Miss Annie Sanders of Jarvis spent
the holidays at home here. -
Mrs, W. A. Batiewig,l, and daughter viis-
tted at Stratford .this week. .
*mfr. Smoke `of Paris visited at Mr. W.
3, Bissett's .oxer the holidays.
Misses Mary and; Bertha Mack, of Tor:-
ornto were home for the hcllidays.
.M.r. and Mrs..Robert. pireet. of Clinton
visited relatives There, fora week.
Miss L. BeII of London was the guest.
of Mrs, R,' N. Creech' part of last week.
Messrs, Richard, James and Frank
Bissett of Landon were Dere 'tor GeoidFriday,
Mrs. Fear and Thornton of 'Blyth web
guests of ;sir. and Mrs ;tib". S. Plessey
this week.
Mr, Jacdb ?+ixrkbeoner who has beep
visiting; here for a; week front, Credltoa,
spent Friday don London.
Mr. and firs, J. C.-anwoad ands daugh-
ter at London were guests of Mr, and
Mrs, S sanders, Main, at.
Tonnilny ; Allan llan Birney and
Willie Snell were hon:, from Chatham
Business College flats week.
Garvey Acheson at London and Dou-
glas Stewart of Toronto visited thetas
parents here o ver the holiday.
Bus, Dray and
Teaming. Business
Tour orders in our line will be
attended to quickly and saatitfac-
torly. We are here to please the
public needing anything in our
line, and we ask a trial from you,.
Orders left by phone or other-
ICE, PHONE 25, will receive"
prompt at tention.
T. G. Creech
Home Study
Thousands of ambitious young
people aro betng Instructed in
their Home Study Dept, You may
fin1ah at. •College if you desire
Pay whenever you wish. Thirty
Years' Experience. Largest train-
ers ?ai 0ariada. Enter any day
Poe:Mons guaranteed. If you
w'ish to save board and learn
while you earn, write for parts-
Linton Dustiness Collegwl
President Principal
Powell's Bazaar
5c. 10c. 1.5c. 25c. Specialties-
Attentio• . Ladies
do Friiday Apra 12th we will put on sale 800 pieces of best quality
German made Blue and White graniteware, all sezes large and small
r of t.- ng over 25" rents. Some as Trow as 5c.. Early shoppers get -busy
choice, so come early, as soon, alai you-•se:;—it you'll want 0t.
Baby's Own Soap 20c. a doz. Clothes `Pegs 10c. per 10.0.
A Job Lots 'of 1 -land Bags.
The Exeter Bargain Store
'first Carload
- ales.
We have received the • first carload of the Canada Carri-
age Company's Famous3, { �t
Brockville ., .Buggies
which are specially designed and specially built, in various
styles. ,, It is an. , education on buggies to examine', these
goods, which are now on exhibition in •our;fwarerooms, There
are over 200,000 of these buggieswin''use, which is the stron-
gest evidence of their worth.,
Tse prices are right'°� mean saething`to yeti'
7heny bl`1 rin�' good. oocls + •! ' YSr''
• We -have a carloa+
buggies now on the,v"
inion Carriage' Company's
ewellery Trade
You will he eutPtiSed and delighted to see the great variety
and eieellenee of onr.stock of
Watches, Jowellry„
Glassware, Silverware,
aid Chinaware.
It is impossible to do better anYWhere than we Can do for
you. We ask you only to visit our store and seefor yourselves.
A. Marchand, Exeter
Jeweller & Optician
Furniture Dealers
Our Lines of Furniture
are beyond a doubt the finest ever shown in Exeter. .All
we ask is that you call and examine the stock, which is most
complete—parlotsuites, bedroom suites, couches, rockers; in
fact, everything in our line,
The Leadine Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
Are You Ready
With Your
Easter Bonnet
Our Milliners are very busy, but are ready to take
your order for your Easter Hat. They are showing
some very dainty styles in the Newest Paris and New
York Effects. See our Hats before your buy:
New Coats 8f, Suits
Still a nice lot of Spring- Suits
and Coats to choose from, r•Iifty
styles', ,and good colors.
Summer Dresses
Our Ready -Made Dresses for the
Ladies, MiSses„and Children . are
just in. They are real beauties
-and .come in all colors, Prices
ery cheap.
Swell Waists
We have a lot'of now' cream silk
spr:ng wearing ; also some good
Ladies Neckwear
In Collars, .Tahots, Side Ja.b,ots
and Coat Collars, some very new
designs and patterns. Just what
you want. .,.S11 pr:ces to choose.
Dress Goods For Spring
ord red Voiles in all colors.
Strip Voiles all colors.
Tan Blue 73 Greens, Browne,
Grey Blacks, in gre
en's New Spring -wear
New ssisss,..,s,s,s Collars,
Lounge Collars.
Bordered and Fane:Y Foulards,
Cotton Ye:ies,„ Marquisettes, Jae-
ouse Cleaning—
Ne Rugs and Car
New Matting Jai) 'Mats
New Lace St Tariestry uurtalna
tors for the coorated W -E Sallf°1'd Clothing