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Exeter Advocate, 1912-4-11, Page 5
nnn PROFESSIONAL CARDS DEINTAL Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., DENT/ST Member of the It,C.D S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate or Toronto University. office -.Over Dickson do Carling`s law of ice. Closed 'Ralnesday afternoons. D11. A, R, KIlt1SMAN, L,D S, , D,D.3., Honor Graduate or Toronto Uniaversity ,DENTIST '1'eeti extracted without path, or any bad effects, Office over GIadmaa & Stanbu.'ry's Office, Main Street, Exeter; LEGAL DI,CKSON &' CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com u ss'•oners, Solicitors for the Moisons Money to Loan at lowest rates or irlterent Offices—Maan-.St., Exeter 1. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY' TO LOAN e 21a/re a !sage amount o* prate tends to loan on fa.7i2. and village Prop- ert'es at low rates of interetst- GLAD9IAN 3c STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, •E`reter. JNI. ,IS)B Agent Cotntederatlon I4to Assurarlae Celnnl n lr, also Fre latsniranpe in lead- trig Canadian and 1 itaslt Companfean 1.1 Idatt-Ero Exeter. /CED AlICTIONBIBIR WM, ?4NDElt;f .inti Ltzwc.t+aced ,AuctiOnwtr for Huron County, Terms r6141511,10 111. fats can ba made at the Adxoeats Exeter, or Henry ililber'at Office, .Cres• Poliular l'esOntea Qnt int ipI Higli. Grade I3us.asosas Now Open all Stcs#r Ca siada for atlon. Doter' ogee tree. Horses far Sale I have a nutir'bor of ttrrwt-class ho'eeat Cor sale. Call at the ntalolon and see thorn. Wo are also purchasing; horses that .aro sound and in good condition from 4 to 10 years: of age. Partici; haulms horses for sale will da well la call or writer the undersigned. I'lno;aa 41. M.'nf„ DOY'LE, Exeter, Acreage Contracts We are prepared to contract with. far - Mors to :gnaw peas and coria for the Canning Factory for the seaaonn on 1012. Seed corn and peas w?1l bo furn- esbed by the company an usual. We 'Would ask' tanners to attend to title ;as early as possablo before, the busy season opens. EXETER CANNING & PRES. CO., S. M. Sanders, Man'r T. B. COLLINS Life, $'fro. Accident and Plass Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and, con- ducting auction sales. — 14xeter, Ont. T ZEA wH;X NOT USE FE1.TILIZER IN- SPEAD OF BARNYARD MANURE ?'' It a easier to aPpiy to the land and gives better aatiistaaetion In :every way. It is used for all grain crops and also a good catch of clover on poor meadows. Give your land a good top dressing of Fertilizer before planting your potatoes and it will double your crop: It la good for beans and for all la'nda of root drops It has «been tented and, nounn tobe: bet- ter than other fert',i1rern, Gaive it a trial. Over three hundred Iona sold al- ready. The National Fertilizer, vrnich is plac- ed on the market by the National Land, Fruit and Packing Company, is the, only organic fertilizer made, and sinews the following analysts compared with barn - Yard rnanurat• Nitrogen 3.50, ecrtta1 to 4.0. ammonia. Phosphi rite :acted 5,75, equstl to 12, sol .►ble Ditn iphatet4, Potash 3,50. FRANK W, IiiIVA1+iS, Clinton, *alts r gl t far the county or Huron. Geo. Moir AGENT FOR EXETER Lent Repres talire Waled Permanent. employmeot and a splendid income assured right man, to act as our representative :st the sale of our .fruit and ornamental Nursery stock, Former experience unneeeseary. All that we re quire is hone.aty, ambition and a. Intl- Ilatgneee to w.prk. A handsome outfit furneshed free. Fu11 instructions given inn to forma ement of business. Write at Once Por Lull particulars. TlIE CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY OF ONTARIO, LWITED COLBOBNE, ONTARIO. P7SIABILISHE D 1957. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ON ''WILLIAM STREET, EXETER, on TURD:kV, APRIL 13, at 1 o'clock than ,following articles,— Parlor rticles,Parlor Stine, Sideboard, 2 bedroom suites, 2 parlor tables, dining room table, 2 drop-leaf tables, couch, 1 mahogany dresser, mahogany stand, 1 iron bedtstead, Wilton rug, sowing nnaen- nty, 6 dining room. Chairs, 2 oak rock- ers, rattan.rocker, 3 seta bedsprings, 2 mattresses, stretcher and mattress, 1 stain carpet ,and pada, 3 carpets, floor o:loloth, kitchen linoleum, clock, clothes horse, feather 'bed, step ladder, long lad- der, pair scales, carpet sweeptn', wash tub,7'wringer, dozen pictures, 4 pair of lace curtains, 6 kitchen chairs. dishes' glassware, aevorai pieces of matting; a number of sealers, kitchen utensils, and a lot of useful articles too numerous to mention. All will positively be sold. TERMS OF SALE—CASH. POLLY FISHER B. S. PHILLIPS, Proprietress Auctioneer Dr. de Van's Female Fills A reliable French r gslator; never fails. T lzesa pike, ars ssecedIa 1y powerful ip regulattrg tjio `en,nttive pottioa, of the tepide system. Refuse: all'cheap Imitations. Dr. de Ysir'yn aro: sold at 0 at:box, or t:see for $10.. Mailed to stay address. AIHbelli Drag Co., tit: CallasrfasSi Ants Auction Sale OF DAIRY COWS AND HORSES The undersigned auctioneers have been instructed to sell by put: in a -action at METROPOLITAN 'HOTEL, EXETER, en MONDAY, APRIL .15, 1912, at 1 o'clock P.m. the following property,— A Carload of I)anry Cows, new jnilker§ or Spr-•ngers. ,- Also a few I:rat class young horses. These cows are an; exeept!onnaily- fine lot of decry cows; all young and, tin good eondin on, and should command the at- tention of the best farmers and dairy. nn?n. Parties !wanting choice cows should attend this sale. TERMS -6 month's creditgiven. on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis- count or 6 per cent per annunnr off for. cash. T, CAMEROON & B. S. PHILLIPS,Aucto. CAMPBELL & DOW, Props. Auction Sale OF COWS AND SP.RINGERS, SND YOUNG, CATTLk3 The unders.'gned auctioneer ,han leen instructed to sell by pugtie auction, at METROPOLITAN IiDTEL, EXETER en THURSDAY, A-19UL 11, 1912, at 1. o'clock Pam. the following Property, -.- A car or choice cat 'a and aPrtngers, Also some young cattle. T;a.:se are a par u1a'rly fine lot of cattle, and parties need:ny suer should; not fan to attend this anile,- TERMS—ti mopthe credit given on furnishing approved ,lo:nt nates. A Iia' taunt of 6 per cent Per •annum oto for cash. ,. T. 'SHOWN 7.. J, SHANNON Aust:sneer Proprietor "The Brew hat Grew" Labatt's London Lager Selling fast because made right THE TRUE FLAVOR --ANA PURE, TRY rr t LABATT`s. INDIA PALE ALE XXX STOUT Made and matured in the old way TEE IDEAL BEVERAGES JOHN LABATT LIMITED LONDON, CANADA 30 ESSAGEfrJMINERVk The dictates of Wisdom induce us to buy the best, for it in "always cheaper in the end, and this is particularly true in referepce to such an every -day necessity as Paint. And Painfis a necessity, for it is the only thing that will preserve from decay the lumber which is ever becoming increasingly costly. It also improves the appearance of your building'''andadds to its saleable value. The many articles about the house are improved by painting, which makes them more sanitary and the home bright'. For exterior and interior work, the best painting material that brains and money can produce is MINERVA r .READY PREPARED PAINT. It covers better, wears and retains its appearance longer than the so-called Mixed Paints •orthe. hand -mixed ,lead , and oil. . It is the most economical painting material made. Since 1834, Pinehin, Johnson & Co. have been piling up knowledge and experience as to the best materials for producing durable Paints, specially, adapted to specific uses. There are numerous speeialties-designed for, special.purposes. ; Whatever you have to paint there is a '!MINEJ(VA"Paint Specialty for the'.purpose.• Be sure to get _MINERYA ;PAINT for your work. I,00k-''for' the 1MINERVA Head OA every can. It is your guarantee of quality. Every can contains Full Imperial Measure. Prominent'dealers at all points sell MINERVA - PAINTS, including Thos. Hawkins & Son, Hardware, Paints, 'Ete , EXETER : Louis Ravelle,: Gen. Merchant, Paints, Etc., GRAND, BEND G. S.''Lamport. Gen. Merchant Paints, Etc;; FARQUHAR Ask the MINERVA• Agency for Color Folders,and information. Made in Censda bS PINCHIN JOHNSON ;AND ` O. (CANADA) Limiter ''Edtabli.hsd in England in 1834 3;•SO EASY TO PAINT 'WITH !MINERVA" 1 `Ci `�„4.n v i 1V ,Y..,7 <i4,:_ f�i1r{'r'r�,h'..I �S a, . 1T $4', -' 'i P t i J �"a, �' rx, h'"`"h�a::. •xd 'ill - , 4 ar��P��"�kfl+,��,� R3 t���at�h�'ai=�����'�„� of ai�'4„ti5���� i �(a r.���e ,�,� ��r`.a�a ��. ��� 4 �k,�'s`•�£aht,� � ��f�y.?M1��a �1��' dt ew Telephone Directory The Bell 'Telephone Connpany of Can- ada is soon to print a. neer iai81ae1 of fta. OFFICIAL•TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for the la:str et of Western Ontario, in- cluding EXETER.' Parties wbo contemplate, becoming Subscribers, or those, who wsh changes. in their present entry should, place their orders with the Local .Manager at onee to ensure :insertion in this issue. CONNECTING COMPANIES Should also report additions and changes -'n their list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager, or direct ; toiotnthetrealSpec,ial _Agent's Department,. at; THE BELL TELEPHONE CO., OF CANADA ATTCTJCN SALE OF DAIRY COWS The u! ders,gned, auctioneer has been instructed to sell'by public auction at ILDERTON, on SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1912, at 1 o'clock p.m. the follow".itis property, -- A carload 'of dairy Bows, new milker® or springers, These cows are ,art. exceptionally fine tot of 44 47 cows., ell Yetis and in good condwtfon, and altould command the at, tent.oto of the beat farmers and dairy- imp, airyimp, Parties :wanting choice cows should .attend this sale, TERMS -6 months credit given on tin:deh,ing approved Joint notes. A Iia• count of 6 per cent per annum off for cash. JAS, STANLEY YC LMP 1ELL & DOW Auctioneer ' Propz'ieters HENSALL Alf Clark has: returned from Toronto and e=pests to return' there shortly to take a situation.—John Taylor of Gov:. ;on, Seel:,, ,has bean v.:Sting Ills uncle, J'as. Taylor, and other relatives ;n this secCon—Mr, and *Mrs' 3. Taylor via- tt er;r son and daughter in Toros. g.-^Davd B. McLean is fooling into the residenee ;just vacated by A. I3. King —Mrs. A, 11. .Minn lett last week to Jain i yr husband in Ingersoll. --Nelson', Re:cisert, who loft bore eight years ago, :a tion:' on a: visit, HO, is now engaged o f atructura i work for an Indiana com- pany, W INGRELSI Toil' followlny, :s the report of the romp' `r2an E raminatipn held In S. S. No. 0, tleborne in the months of March. 5r, IV Class Pass -400—G. Duncan, 654, Il, Cornob, 632L. Johns, 620 I. Ilcynvood 580 ; D. Corn''s'b, 544, David emery 516; M. Clarice:410. Sr, III Paso —W, Roully 560 V. 'I3ell, 5511; 'Gordon Delbr,42e 486; M, 3'asli,burn 434 V. Heywood 42n; ;1:. Crcery, 362; Lewis Cornish.. 357. Sr• H Class -Pass— L. Talms uLU;. W, Skeiton 507 G. johns. Borne 421; F. IIeyanood . 888; i3 Snunlo 379. HeyWood 243., Mxtdla second eines-Pass—M. Cornish.345 ; W :Heywood' 299. Jr. Second, Cta.ss-Pass- 13- Mead, 405; : F. Skinner 398 ; Gibs son Creory 803; F. Routiy 378 ; Cora 13e11 375; R. johns 368; M. Cornish 312; E. Johlns 300; R. Delbridge 247 T. E-Icywood 26. Jess:e2 A. Bandlton, Teacher. RESULT OF PROMOTION EXAMS. for S. S. •. No. 3, Stephen.—Jr. to Sr IV y Pass ,Zaark 435, L. Shroeder 506 III, to IV,, CL pass 358, P Sanders 506, E I-Iogarth 502, H Schroeder 453, O Treibner 446, A Shipton 441, H Pres.: zcator 432, T Wallis 430, C Parsons 416, L Sanders 368, M Jacobs 360, C Dearing. 395. Jr. to Sr. III., Pass 293, L Blake 366, R Parsons 312, In mfi 296. II. to III. Cl., Pass 300, tV Hogarth 353, E Stanlake 332, I Jacobs 325, G. Shroeder 308.—Enn3ly Thomp= son, teacher. The followihhg are the IresuLts, of the Easter Promotion Examinations for,. S. S. No. 6 Stephenn. Sr. IV Total 625.—E. W.Iholm 540; R. Johns 489; J. araw,binncy 440. Sr., III to Jr. IV. Total 715. Pass 358 —V. Hanover 569 ; I Mawhinney 520; W. Hzirtnin.n 416; B'. Regier 116 Tr. III to Sr. II Total 605. Pass 303.—, A. Hanover 341. Sr. II to J14- 111. Total 600: Paas 300. -Catharine Mc- Donald 490, B. Hart7nen, 462, E. Maw ahirnhey 395. Jr. II to Sri, II. Total 560 Pass 280.—Sam Brekenshcre 352. Pt. to Jr. II. --J. Hanover, Tillie Halna cher. xd. El Pa.RSONS, Teacher,: ST. MA.RYS.-The hand of death has been busy with St. Marys citizens. There died on: March ,,24 Mary 'McMas- ter, wife of• -Won. C. Stern3t.•'Word has been received. of the watt} lat Port, Col borne, of Myrtle Garner, walfe of Mr., John Schmidt, formerly of St. Marys. The remains' wenn brought here for but=' '.,a1. Mr. Tinos. Woolway, a pioneer of St. Marys, ,passed away on Saturday after a lingering illness, at the advanc- ed age of 82 years. Deceased was born nn Devonshire, `Eng., and came to Can- ada 'wan li "s parents il1 1850, and set- tled len London Tawnsil:p. PROMOTION EXAM). S. S. No t.1, Us- 'borne—Entrance ci., etas. 500, ni'n. 300 J Dougal 363, C. Ha.,rr.is 3413, PS Ro'w- el:ffe 340, M Strang 331, W Dougal 827 O Rdwcllffe 1316,`13 Harvey 302; Sr. IV,, M Dew 485, L Selves 475, F Jarrott 4021n Jr:; P7., K Sanders, FI'-Ne'i, Nabi, V 'Bell, R Dick; III., E" Cann, ,1• MC,tc'na11. Ne,a, 'C'Mlbfti-, IL Oka, M ,Don. gal, IA, D'ck,'"R;lvlo.lr, I. •Neil; Sr.^,il. L Purdy, .'A' Strati g, PrDaugai, W Solve,` E Id)ltckyell, P F3,arris ; Jr. II., G Dew 141 Selves H V,,7ood, B5 Cudmore. Average attendance for March 34.—W. 13. Rydall' Leacher. P12OMCYI'ION ,EXAM. ,S. S, No. 14. Stephen." -Jr. to Sr. P7,,' L'. Abbott, D.; Brooks, G Hanle t , L Baynhem 1-I El- ston. From. Sr. III. to ; JrL.IV.—B iA1 its ('sonl.oms) I Ffssery tY Co m© . V,.Dat s, C Sahn� ;•F(romu Jr : i1I trio, Sr.. III. --F. 'IHurtalbie, L. Hick's. 1 rod: Sr Ii. to. Jr. IIS.—V. I3o,es• dhonore)' C', Colw21, W, S3lu talbl -�C Culbert,:A' I"ck D,D sa(y 4I 13,idw ' ;7 Con Vier' Frohn Jr "SIS: �o Sr'.`'II, F, EI9tor 4Y. No1 "'Fto`m, E',i to Jr: II I.'Essezy: G., Antlren L. $ eke-l+rom' Pik. 1. tc" ▪ II, -,O Culbert A. C:onner.' Kate A. }Marshall, neacher. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW MEniQP TREATMVMENT • We 4estre to call the attention at all trioso, amietea with any Blood or Sldr► Diaeuo to Our Nein Method, Treatment asaguat-.uteed cure for these complaints. " There is no ex- cuse for any. person baying a disfigured fz'tce`.'; from` eruptions and blotches, No natter whether hereditary or acquired, our sPeai8c remedies and treatment .neutralize -.alt pot - 8003 in lite blood and expel them from the system. our vast experience in the treat meat of thousands of the most serious nand cuurre with o t enablesus Yedo b stress on the pian—Pay Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you have any blood disease. corn suit `us t=ree. o€ Charge and "int ua prevo to you how quiclzly our remedies will r move all evidences of disease, tinder the ln0eer.ee of the New Method Treatrueat the ;Ida be comes clear, ulcers, pimples and Liotehes heat pp, enlarged giaeds are reduced, ranee out hair grows in again. the eyes <become bright, ambition and enc return,, o ul the vimim realizes a new life opened tap to YOU CAN ARRANGE TO I 'AY AMR Eta YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FRE.0 Stilifor 800lciet on Diseased of Mem 'TH€E GOLDEN MONITOR," kit= E enzaLis fo nail, writ,* for a Question 12* far ,Fiords Treatment DRS*NNE -. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. a W E lUt letters from Canada must be addressed WV— 1 ion to our Canadian Correspondence"Depart- . inallaillannossalos nreut In Windsor Out, If you desire to t ur; ical Institute Detroit ay d sen us personally call a o lied Ins a in D %rort s we see au treat so 'patients in our Windsor oliices- which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business: only. Address all letters as follows; " DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Sifitzd,ar, <. Write for our private address, How The Body Mils Genres Germs that get into the body so killed in two ways --by the white corpuscles: of the blood, and by a3 ger-*illfs saftrfascc' that is in, the Blood. Xust what this substance is, we do not know. The blood of a healthy Person always has some germ -killing substance in it to ward off the attack of disease, The fountain head of life is the stomach. A roan who has a weak and ;impaired stomach And who does not properly digest his food will soon .find that his blood has become weak and impoverished, and that his whole body is, improperly and insufficiently flour - d. To put the body in healthy condition, to feed the system on rich, red blood and throw out the poisons from the body, nothing in the past forty years has excelled Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a pure glycerio extract (without alcohol), of bloodroot, golden seal and Oregon grape root, stone root, mandrake and queen's root with black cherrybark. "Ny husband was a sufferer from stomach trot He and impure blood." ,writes :hiss, J,islws H. MARTIN, of Frank- fort, Ky "He had a sore en his face that would terry :c scab which would dry and drop off In about a nonei, then another would immediately form. It continued t'nis witsp for it longtime, He tried every remedy that anyow woul suggest but found no relief. Ile then tried Ur. P,erce's Golden Medical Discovery which completely cured hint. 110 has stayed cured now for two years, and I rocomrueud this valuable medicine for impurities of the blood." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, J. H. hL',.a7 N, Ese. Learn why PURITY FLOUR is urilike any other brand PRITY�f,TFLOUR is unlike any other brand of flour. sotwo milling companies follow exactly the same process of milling. In fact, no two different brands of flour in the worth are exactly alike in quality. And here is another fact worth knowing: Every wheat berry contains both high-grade and low-grade por- tions. The process of milling PURITY flour costs more than to mill ordinary flour. The low- grade portions are separated and excluded. PURITY is an ALL HIGII-GRADE, hard wheat flour. It has greater strength, greater absorption and greater expansion. It is a thirstier, more elastic flour. It drinks more water and expands into more loaves. Use PURITY FLOUR for yourr next batch of bread. Count the loaves. You'll find you have made, "MORE BREAD AND BETTER BREAD " Trona PURITY than. when you've used an equal weight of weaker and cheaper flour., More dread and better Dread" JMAGINE, if you can, how much whiter, and more tooth- some, and more nutritious, the 'breadmade from such a HIGH -GRAVE' flour ;must be. Andcan you imagine yourself enjoying the flaky pie -crust and' the light, delicate cake ? —our reward for'PURITY flour Y using When making pastry," please remember tO add more shortening than required with ordinary flour—foron account of its extra strength, PURITY FLOUR requires more shortening for ,best pastry -results' Yes, PURITY FLOUR costs slightly more than ordinary flour. But, use it once and you'll' say it's worth more--m.u'ch more -- than •the difference Add PURITY FLOUR to your blo0ery- list 'right now. 7 old' in EXETER 'bSeiclon si