Exeter Advocate, 1912-4-11, Page 4Orneeter Alnitnatei Sanders & Creech, Pro PrEFURSIJA.Y, APR. 11, fi2' Dashwood FOR S.A.L.E.a—Vialage propeataa eoaaist- ng Ofaearle-balf acre, on which is a ra'hollse and tbje hard and sect aatal", tIees, etc,APPl.l.:"'"lo olas Nowder, Data:wood. Mr., Wilbur Gaaybeil of, Cheatham Bus- nees CQ1ge spent the holidays with parents heap.. . • — 'Mr. Gossmari of Lendan vis- ited his Torente ever the Easter holi- days. , ** Mr. Kenned7o Ler14.011 wias. the gYleSt -of "Miss Long Good. Friday. air. Oliver Graybeil ot, the stt t ttii Aleisons Bank at Hamilton speht Easter vacation. with his parents. Miss Alma. Itoederl of Lonaltan and alias Mary Koch of Forest aPellt the holidays ,at theire homes here. a ' Miss Tillie Eidt returned hoim?. after spending a month with her baothers at Nerw:ch. and Forest. Lou's Preeter lett Monday for -Stratford where he has secured agood .8*.tuationa We wish! him. every success. airs. V. Ridt left .Monday far aerhorne at Sebrinne, after a, month's visit ;'.rter brohnee•,.-ln-la.vr, Mr. Joa.' Eidt Mas, Fred Preeter, Wile has been very fat is reeaveaingrtce1ywhielf'weare 'glad tg repOrt. " all:et wedding was eoletaniZed at the Lutheran Parsonage Tuesday,afternaan When Wee Scram Shoemaker bee'ante the vale of air. E. 'Goeltetettler. The knot was V.ed by Rey. 0, Tinina wish them a. Wag and happy wedded life. Willie Tiernan. returned to SO:attend Tuesday, after apenellig its vacation with relatives; here. Dr, T. P. 'McLaughlin ape at Tueaday e at week 'London. ' Mr. Joint .Ntall. of London waa a. call - • la the ve.ILI.,ze on Tuesday,. There *Kill be sold by pulite auctioa ltere on Saturday. .A.pra 28t11. houee and 104 and household effectsef • flowder„ Sale at 1.80, L fleseen- berry, aeat'orsear. ira and au SAINTSBURT king 0 a the bar a on Tuea- week Mrs,,Nata. aniel Ogden 'a waY SPrng her aulkie Me verde. She luta been :nee. r. Orlgan, it will ed. Le also sick in Lem - Mr. tPleateas Dieltelle arraral at a bouncing daughte ss Vera Hodgson WnIE4 :".11 Leaden Saturday to eae air.' N. Ogden —Mr. F. A. Dobbs was :n tho a:ay ea busitiees.—Sugar making Is the ot•der of the day and a good runa is reported. Death -0,1 Monday morn ng. April 8, t beam Hodgins. relict of the late 3, Cu1brL, dad at the hem: of her son twae aged 84 years, opanthe and 15 days. The futteral took oll Tuesday to St. James cemetery. , GRAND 13END. mr. Jerry Gravelle of S. Catharines is visiting hie parents, Mr. and Mr. Asaph Gravelle.—Mre. Gadner and daugh Ater are visiting at Jos. Brennar's.— Quite a few suckers are being caught. —Mr. and airs. Amos of McGillivray vis- ited at W. T. Amos' last week,—Glad- ys Patterson has accepted a pas:lion as clerk at, "W. T. .s'.—Mr. and' Mrs. Nelson Ravelle left Wednesday for fill- tr.ore.—Mre. Ferguson, 'who has been waiang on ,Mas. Baker, returned to Ex- etera last we.—Mr. Hoffrnali aid Ezra Tiernan of Dashwood were Ln our burgh larklay.—Vacatdon is en at the scilool and aliss Wallert Is spending the holt- daysat her home, in Dashwood.. CROMARTT . Death ol a Worthy Pioneer.—It out sad duty to report the death of Isabella McKellar, relict of the late lames Park, after a short illness, of about two weeks from pneumonia. at 'Tate age of 73 years 11 months. Deceas ed was born in Dalhousie town.ship, ,county of Lanark, and came—vath. her parents to Cromarty nearly 60 years ago and settled on the farra where the church now stands. A few years after- wards she married her late 'husband‘ Mr. James Park. Fave sons and. four „daughters are left to mourn her loss. CRINTRALI KIRKTON The horne of Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Fara of the North Beundary of-laicidulpla »was ' last week saddened by the death of iheir atu'ee year old son, Henry, who died. tat Tuesd.ay lae,t, The little fellow had baert sielt only a couple days of, inflam- mation. of dais bcavels, frIont Nvirian he t•apidly sardc till death: claimed him. He as a braght little boy and,will be ratrea missed in the household. The funeral teak place to the Exeter Cemetery Thursday. Ml", italtehell of Pt. Huron, is , v'aiking Ids Parents this week. - Ma. Rohr.. Mitchell ^s,..pent a few days V:a..t,1112. relatives In Loadon Tp. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank SoPlaia spent the aoralays at St. Josephs and Drysdale. 14We-a Salfon of laoadofl is visit - lag wadi, airs. E. Golwill. tn7a3. Mirchell spent the past. -week wat'lla relatives at Loadou aud -Baron, Tart rapid Melting of the allow on Fr - day and Saturday laget caused many a the cellars to be partially filled with -water. The Easter Serves at the Church were !'alloPtv:Lciated. Re.v. Riatd.ifOzck Preached two eTcelleat sermons and the eltdir Put ea several extra selectione yr -beach were suitable for the oeea aion. Tbe many ftaiends of Rev. W. II. Ilutt ref:rat to learn that he is seriously U at hisAtorna. Sa London with but little hopes of hie recovery. , iafta Blatettford spandia-' the iptiiays t4)14r the parm \tat roof,' :s0 Marehall aPataling the holialays s.t her home in Blytta airs,. Spencer of St. Thomas »s visit- titg liter sister INfra, atir. Herb Hanloit of-Larsaan ePent the dholiday,'athii horitaaheite, Walter .Waaineyer butter _maker, epandartg the halidaye at his Itorne in Aron, Mies Besets Andersou of Landan le olidaying under the parental roof. Miss Mabel Elliott returaed from. To- roatto On Thursday eventing, after sperula ing threc months with tier allele. Mr. A. J. S. Ilandeock of Vancouver, after vting his sister, kfrs. W. Pt, Elliott for two Weelts, left far Toronto Merida), aecOmPanied by hie lieiee, Katie Who w:11 visit for a. week. Wes Hazel Ilieks of London is spead- in-a the halidays 'Wider the Parental roof', Was f011an Elliott of Lonpn wae ov-or Geizd Mr. F. AldsworOlt of: Watexhaa was rice guest of lat'ss Atia \Vila= over the hOrdays. 'OSBORNE. OrnOtion Ezatailtatiene itt N. 5, Osborne, based upon general profeney. 41U'ottgit the term. and the teat. It re- atu"red all out of 100 an each subject and 130 on tin witqle to pass. Neale got brlow 30 ;—Frora Jr. IV. to Sr: TV. .),i0ad:11 73; G. McFalla 66. From S-, III, to Jr, TV. --F. Niggias 85; T. :apart 80; Moir 74; I. Kustle 71. From jr. 111. to Sr. Doulter 61; R. Perkina 58. From, Sr. IL to Jr. III.—A, Ford 03; G. Perkins 55; O . Prom 50. From. Middle rx. to Sr. Dayman 58. .Pronv Jr. It to Sr. Ford 78; C. Fisher '60 r 0. Moir 61; A. Fishar ; L. Hicks 57,1., From Jr. Pt. I. to Sr. Pt. I.—R. Rat- clifte, "V, Ratcliffe, T. Yello', 3. Al- dington. Pt. I. G. Mbar, C. Dayman. 3. Alv1) Brintnell, Teaeher. McGILLII7RA.Y George ,Bendell and Arthur- LNViltiams, who have been ""keeping batch'' on the seventh concessilon, of McGillivray dur- ang the -w,inter, appeared on Saturday before Police Magtstrate Smith, Of . "Allaa Crafig on the charge of stealing, meat from .George 'Hindmarsiti. 130th .pleaded gu:Lit-y. They stated that they did 'not -go purposely th t launt sparrows an.Mial-landa-aarsicaabarn When they savathe'Meat they agreed t: inelp themselves. Behdell got,' sahion- ths and Wfilliams two rnont. - WINCHEILsEA, Mrs. Maud aa-leywood spent4a. days Iast week with, her noitlier, `aara George Upshall.—Mrs. .W. W. K...rr C'rediton spent Friday with friends, here. —Mrs. T. Ceward and son Percy"Of Lon- , don spcnt it few days withfriends here week s s Jes si'e A. Hamilton 15 spending the holidays with Mr's. Ii.err Crediton.—The social at Sunshine on . Thursday evening last, under the aus- P:CeS Of the W. -M. S. was very, suc- cessful, the woceeds amounting to CLAN DEBOYE Postmaster Lewis of Clandeboye has lpeen removed from °Woe' as a result Of a reeent ltiVestigation, and Mr. ° E. A.. McKenzie, Who was formerly post- master, has received the appointment.— Mr. James O'Dwyer of London spent the hal:days With relatives here.—Mr. G. M. Case of Toronal Is spending a few days with. Mr. T. Hennessy„,--ParIncias 41als vicinity are busily engaged In Inalcing maple syrup. They do alio ex- pn1 a very hag run as the season for makina mapla syrup aas almost expired. F. Drown and lat.` daughter, Mag- -• i- aPaat Easter warn, Mr. Wm. Ka- mour.—Mr. Fred Atkinson, who tor the past two- months has been visiting relativee of Lucan, has returned ,to aas home tin Switt Current, Sask.—Mr. Harold Bice. who Tor the past six months has beep livetakwith' his parents of this place, has left for Detroit, wh ere ha has a good posataan a.s operator.— A_ large number of local young people et the village attended the L. 0. L. ball held in Lucan on Monday evening. The bait was a. grand success and all who were present had a moat enjoy- able even:ma—Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hod- , s'ins spent a few- days recently with relatives in Parkhall.—Mr.and Mrs. W. Hodgans of Centralia spent a few days 1st week with rela.tives _here ' 'Miss Jennie Relaineon contemplates leaving for the West ehortly.—Syrup, utalting fs the order of the day„—At the home or the bride's sLater, Mrs. Fer- gus Baran, "on Wednesday • afternoon, Miss Maggie Oroler, avast united In Maa- r:age. ta* r. Auesall Lindsay et BM- dulpaa Rev 13. 'Snell 'performed the cer- eatony:after Vanach "S. ;dainty lunch was served. Tao youag cope »wlfl reeide on Mr. Lindeay'e farm near Granton, and Vr:,1, I have the beat ariChea oa a, wide ciaele of friends..—The beautiful Canta- ta, "Easter Atigels" by Fear:4a whieh was so acceptably Tendered legit year, was aePeated on Good Friday 'evening in the 3let11o41ist Church, The choir largely augmented 'by sangers, from Woodhant, Andergoa and Salem was as- sisted by Mrs. Illingwortta Miss C,Ilea. and Mie,a G. Butcher of St....iataryst The attaa- was largely atteaded and was suecessful an every way - BRUMFIELD A Nappy Everit—A very -happy event aceurred on Wednesday evening last at the home of Mr, mita Mrs, Alex:ander Ma Beath, aecoad coacession. of Stanley, when their daughter, Itess Bella Aaaa was married to Mr, Ram George Ken- nard also of Stanisy. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. Johnson, of trarna, and was v.a.theased by a large fra number of ends of the young" couple. - - ad Mrs, Kertnard havevery large circle of frieache who will Oulte la wislaiag theta much, haPPirteea and pros- per:ty their near mlatione. 1...11•••••••••• Alfred Bender of Sad Ax,e, Is visiting late fat1lel7. Mr. P. Beadara--Iilies Chapraaa of Beritla wile Was 'isiting wait her frd.exidr, Milo/ maxi Otterheln, hae ratan -tad Elealliar Hari - 10b of Ter.:ante Is v.1814110 at the !wine of ter parerds, 1Mr. altd, 0. Hart - tab, for a. few wlts.—There hare been. a, great deal cif sickness in Bite section far aorne Vane and Our medical men are kept hater' day 4.1.1d. night 3, C. Kalbfleisch'S m:11 yard ls piled bfglt with all lands of bags.—Mles Kate Gook, who left a few piontlte ago far Saaltatcheaven. and „"Ar. ,Tos. Metttocer of thatprovince and forMerly et thte townsIttp, wore mareed xecently,--The School •trustees expect to have ,plette ready shortly for therneW school to be erected thfa suntMer. liTHALEIN: Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of London ep3ra the ,holidays here,. the guest of hexamothar, Mire.Sutherbal.--Mr. and De.lbridge of .Wi.nchialsera.• ap5i,"1CSILfiday her parents.—Hect- ori'Mtilson 'visited at, Mr.' ;arries Hebb' -'1.1Landon TownshEip on Sunday.--.Sorne of or yoting pobple attended the con - at Kirk:ton on Good .Friday even- -One of „ahem says he ,saw a allow the saane eiveninta so warn viea- ar must be comirig.—Mr Franklin Solltiss, spent Sunday avatta, a „ friend. in orrnear Exeter. ---Mrs Hern Vis- ited ner daughter Mrsalt. _Peart ' at Rockwood during the Easter riplidays —Mr. J. Hodgson spent tae holiday's' w' f,is..encls in Lortdon. Tho the result the EiSter Prompt -on Exarninati Dos. These obta:ning over 50 per, cent. will be pro- ced,----Sr, TV., C. Morley 77;' J. aaraeid- han 73 ; N, ;Sciuige 67.; T. Gunning 66 Jr. IV., M. Gunn,tala 59,, M. Wilson 58 ; Brook ; Sr. -177., E. Gunning, 43; Sr. II., P. McGee 61, E. }futon:sou 02 ,Whele,han 59; Jr. II.; B. "Duffield - E4all 48;W» „STX-PLY ; 1"."-Irst class, G. -Duffield 63, M. Wheletian, 63; ; R. Er6 Sr. Pruner, C. Hu toll inson Op; E.' 53;Jr; Pruner, W. puffueld . RO,WE, Teacher. ICIPPEN—A happy couple Were. ,united I:le t',n. the• parsons of Mr: "•.) Trorkman and Mies- Mar y- s on by" Inc R. Mr. Rfchardson of St.. Andrew's ahurch. -Al reside an tile „farm, i..-,n,Led by the g'roont from Mr. ' John Lander a.nd. Mrs. William: ur- 'ol,pck• weddf.o,, of thelir youn ' t gest tlaugtiter•M,Iss' Grata who' r . .rs,s 4;,rned her school oh the PaYfleld -Road, €0 MI 1mcl‘Tel1 on ,Tursday, Apail 1It • e Id account ',book aho.v. tha • .1835 eggs. aoldat 8 halite „ , en, , wh,akey ab 2 'cents a quart, liars, at 20 'cents a hundred, butter at .ta cents . a Pound, witne caliee was 30, cell a :yard, str.ped, ,cashInere ,75cts. nitPs We70 8,pent,s• a .on Miss Bernhiti. ale.' The ceramanyt•Wae ,topri 0hd3c ,at the lar',,2,:a4-.brOther,-"ri-1aW- . rti".',.`Walliaan., 'TaY,10r.r. ',WT.' and Mro rpa. have our very e aaviabeea • 0. , . Send me. FREE and POSTPAID a copv of Vie ;Iry edition "TRUTH about ROOFING." and toll me how to i.e., haildinas easiest 1 • „. , e.R.4.,1+10•10,1•1“4“141..,. ,, • .. .• • Publicaile., Exeter !Advocate .. . . ....••„„ ... . • *,..• A roof that defies LIGHTNING That's about the only safe arid sane roof for you to invest your hard. earned capital in. A. roof that will withsthind the fierce Onslaughts of the Lightning Fiend can be depended upon to be weather preof .in every other respect. PRESTON AFE LOCK L3IIINGLE S laid under the new itnprmed speci- fication make an absolutely Light- rtim.•-prcof roof—the only roof that you can affcrd to buy. Now, we want you -to do us 'a favor; we want you to write for a tree copy of a book which fully describes the new, Preston Specifications for Light- ning protection. Read it carefully. Consider the facts impartially. Then drop us a note telling us exactly what you think, whether you are in the market for a roof or not. Your opinion of this book will be highly - valued. Metal Shingle & Siding Co., Ltd. Preston, Ont. 103 $100 Reward $100; rhe readers of this paper will be. pleased to learn 'that there is at least one dreaded dieessetha science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that le Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. (.141,t9X11% being constitutional diseaae require* A constitu- tional treatment Hairs Catarrh Cure is tskealn, formally, actbagdirectly upon theblood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, aarl giving the patient strength by buildintaup the constdutioraand aselst- bg nature in doing its work. _The proprietors ha!, so much, faith in. its curative powers that they offer taneriundred Dollara for any case that it fails to cure. Send for Of testimonials - Address F. J. CHENEY* CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggiste 73 cents, Take Hall's Family' Pills ror constipation. ShaMS lteeria dte wetelt Virtue Is not wholly entinguiehed from the heart, BDT'rEE THAN 1'.ANKING SPariking does riot cure cidldrea or bed wetting. These is it constitutional cause for this trouble, Kra. M. Summers, Eox W. 840. Wirldisor, °At.. "Will send free to any mother her suecesisful biome treat- mrmt, with. Tull tristructior,e. Send no nioneY but 'vertte tla-dity if ,your children. trouble yiau We way, Don't blame the child, tbe chances are It can't help it. nas treatment also Cures adults afid aged people troubled wittt urine difficulties by day or !tight. Ontario Liquor Licen.se Ac ucetise District ot South o* Noticeis hereby given that the Board er litcenae Commissioners for the 'License District of fieuth Huron -Pal isegt at RING GEORGE HOTEL IN TUE VILLAGE OF 1113NBA.1414 APRIL 20th, 1911 AT 10 A, for the purpose of considering pplicat ions tot I,tquo Licereses for the Licem.e. Year 1912.11. All persons interested will govera themselves ac. cordingly JOHN TORRANCE, Litanselnspeetor. Dated at °Upton en Match:19110912, Native is hereby given that the Persons wboSe names appear in the following $071044 are applying for Wailer Licenses, fer the lavenste Year laltalaaad that Balsams are ma now Liceus pa ueder the Mt or are applying for licenses for preuese4 net now under license Name of of erecriptIonef 'Siam of oplicant ;License rveativita aittnieipality m Cunningham Tin ern Etilia Hotel Ehiva Tp of StsiAle0 Jos. Ziler Tarern ,Ont, Mouve4 Mt. cannel of Stephen For the current year there were talIVZIKa tinlr and no shop acclaim! leaned. The total numb n. of appliestions or I mats for the ensuing year II eixteen ;aver and no shell licenses. Any petition it,,,..ainet grant'ug License to any applicant or proraisee must be lodged with the undersigaed at !eau four days before the meeting. el the LiGeD80 Doan!' JOHN TORRANCE. License Inspector for Noah liuro DatadatClintonthis eon; clay of mm.00= STANDING VII:11.4) CROP COMMIT- ITION -- Ail farmers interested 4tt the stand- ing Field Crop Competition Fall Wheat are requested to forward their names to the Secretary or President of the Exeter Agricultural Soc.lety, or than May lat, 10:12, Prizes offered A20., S1.5., S12., Oa 80., and e4. ED. CHRISTIE, A. G. DYER President Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of DANIEL ICERNICK, late of the To -vat -18111p of Usbarne, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Pursuant to See. 88 of Chapter 129 Of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, notice is hereby g.aven. that all creditors and others having clatms against the estate of Daniel Kiernacic, late pi the Township of Ushorne,Sn the. County of Huron, gentleman, 'who died on or about the 16th day of February, A.D. 1912, are, on or before the 15th day of April, 1912, to send by post, pre -paid, to Messrs. Dicksoa & Carling, Solicitors for the Executars of the said deceased, their chrlstian names aid surnames, addresses and. descriptions, the full par- ticulars of their claims, a atatement of their accounts and the nature of the se - curt -des (if may) held by 'them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said ex- ecutors wall proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard ;to thosto clainfs only of -which not'ae shall have been received as above 'required, aad the executors will, not 'be liable for the with ..aRsutm or' any' part thereof so distributed as aforesaid t'o any person or persons. or whoiie clatnt or claims malice shall not have been Tea eelved by them at the time of such d! tribution. • Dated at Exeter th119 25th day 01 March, A. D. 1912. DICKSON & CA.RLING • Solitcators for Executors: Father, Mother, Sister, irother. All Should 14e Pa.risiall Sage, PREy ENT'S BALDNESS -:-BANISHES DANDRUFF—STOPS FALLING HAIR AND ITCHING SCALP - PARTSIA.N SAG,E is a "family , hair ton.c 2,14 dress:L/1g that will do much . . „, good „eaaery home. , Tlie man 'Who uses PARISIAN , only occasi.onallY.' never • bald. -Baldposs s ea.used • by .daxidru germs ,Whfich. dig down Into the 'roots a, the devour Rs nouricia- :treat _and, cause the root to die andathe ha4 la, fall andLt ' P th.a."-e• rt2rejttti -vrhic' 11 ineana that the halt becernea . fuli cif hato and lustre, and grows- radiant bauan:ing'''ir* beanaclusPuir''4.pprrovri'ultligiairtlaonld .1"'else,c' a. a..wtt. shenteheythaeiye - Thousands are wasting tarna, losing • may clean the, scalp And', make feta ireara;shed, they 'do hat ' get ta'," the . . , SAGE root Of the haltr wifettla :the 'real' de- grow- at -Toyer et ha, r , the,pern.ctiona andrurt ' E;o-ha.-artlase that' A can HE, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR ,SOMVNO Weekl-4R, PROPENT • ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL NI,i.ivsogg CAPITAL $10,000,000, REST, - $8,000,000 COLLECTION' BUSINESS With its large number Qf branches, agents and CorrespOndellts, The Canadian Bank of Commerce is able to effect collections throughout the world promptly and at reasonable rates, Rates will be quoted on application. FOREIGN BUSINESS A230 Cheques and drafts on all countries 'of the world, drawn itt sterling! francs, marks, lire, kronen, florins, roubles or any other foreign currency, Can be negotiated at The Canadian Bank of Commerce at reaSOnable rates. Emg•TER BRANp1-1--W„ H. COLLINS. Manager. Branch also t Crediton. The Mols�ns Bank Incorporated 1855 Re ord of PrOgrese for Five Teara-1900-1911. $3,0001000 $3,0001000 $2303770 meats 271.45709,0 Capital Reserve Deposits Loam awl Imre Total Assets $000,000 416001000 35p42y311 68185001 $331090,1,$2 48123'4264 Ras 83 Branches in nada. end Agents and Correspoudentafn alithe Prinolpsalaitles in the World. A. iliktlirSin BUSINRSSTIRANSACTRIft. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Mal Branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents nt EXeter forthe 100Minion (invernment, 0 & OASLINI72 f:!liCiteerS. N. D. BITRDON Xszlagor HOMESEEKErts, SETTLERS" . Excult TO WESTERN CANAL!. A CHICA A Apra 20, cot and th and ever aecond Tuesday therea unt:1 17th inclusive. Special Train wilt leaye Toronto 0.30 p.m. on above dates for (00 and and poims 'Manttoba. and Sask- atchewan, N.:a, Chicago and St. Paul, carrying through coachee and Pullmite Tour:st sleepors. NO CHANGE PP CARS Full particulars fromany Grand Trunk Agent, or C. R. McCutchcon, Alberta. Government Agent, Palmer House Block Toronto Ont. ,MONEY' BACK DANDRUFF igVER fie 'hair stare, giires; then noushe u1u1al&1ed;;; a d casaes' .01g 'Caine". ifiiiiiiliehinenV;T',tPkie • causes' tae It is pleasant to use and leans; lire ,to ,the for all trair,Otible; , • • Try PARISIAN ,SAGE THE MOST POPULAR ROUTE TO Montreal, Buffalo, Nov; 'York, Ptilladel- pltia, Detroit, Chicago, Is vla. Grand Trunk, the Only DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE STEAMSHIP TICKETS ON SALE I ALL LxNps :ge'riz,18; t113 ->e* itnci used by eyeri, inonll'aza" 1:4rn- eftM5.?-:'31t.' :°14V4 h:a,t, it is just rug -glare '''everaa ••••••••••••••••• Full !information frcitn- 3. J. KNIGHT, Agent, Exet Fresh rocenes - We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam. ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember» our motto,— "Fresh Groceries all tne time." kinds of produce taken in exchange. Restorer for Bien osp 1101 rtrir every nerve in tbe 'body and vitality. l'resnaltligYeg;131347A7'.211 ,ogtea at once, Pitaaphoreo:ITew 1118 TIOW man. Price SSA b' gr tyro f it any addreas 'IlleScioosIllaruger , t • inairinee. Oat; FARM VOA SA hoica ram 0..U18 1301*15 03 (110 and SO conces ' or Usb one and it half talks from Exeter! On preinlape large brie% house t root, and, trarne'barne and it 'Will leo sold separately or to atIlt purchaser. 15 acres in • 1 40 ;tierce fall plovnng. done, balance In grafts% APPlY to THOS. FISHER, Exeter, STRATFOFIO. ONT. , Our classes are nOw 'ars ever before but we have enlarged our quarter's and we have room tor a few moro studehts, 'Zeit may enter at arlY One. We lira° a. staff of !nine taper- 'enced Anstructors and our courses are the best, Otrr ,grarIuates succeed. Th's week three recant IsTatluates Inforrsed us that they Sava posttions PitYln.lr 465 70 and $345 per month:. We hare three dePartmeints,—COMmerelal. Short- hand and Telegraphy. Write for our free cataldgue now. A. IsibLAMILAN, Principal. Wire, Wire If you are in need of fencing Material call and inspect the Owen Sound Wit's, Our Sate Lock Fence is withbut s. doubt the best feneo,trn;adn an Canada to -day. Also Coaled Sprang, BarbedWireibrace wfre' and Staples. Priees right. CEDAR POSTof the be quality itt PriCes from. 25c. to $1. • ' :Also agent for the Toronto Metal:e ito'Ofing:Company.—Galya.ntized roofing Haire also been appointed Local Agent or.the Coafederataan Lite AssuranceCo ' If '.yota are needing anY give xne a call. S. Andrew „ CENTRALIA • s:oevise •4, 0.••• v *IA • • .4 aro Er or a • iv.t, se as • 3 rat WA 055 • 7.1 Qt. • I GI, vi .• tes,:re 41C 85830.108 • - - - - r To protect'.:yeuvr fankily- from the ravagea of disease and, infeetionl and the rigors of winter;• -to' make yoUrlaorrii the -abode of Reath and RapninesS. Statistios,tell us that there' were over 250.000,deatlis'In Ncirth America ' last yearfrorn fever and Pneumonia. Over 90'per Cent of these eases'. were traceable to out -door closets, and all wereIhe result of insanitary conditions. Are you going to allow' this terrihie "death rate to coatis -1,w. 'Why not insure Health. ./>Y: installing a "PARICYTE" SANITA.RY CHE- MICAL, CLOSET. • ' t Absolutely Sanitary a.nd Odarless, carries the endorsemeat- of Physicians - and ,Health, Officials; and, Our awn. tr on -clad guarantee, Requites *tio expert" sive water -system ; no plumbing; 'no 'Sewage can be installed in ,.T."any.jpart of your' -horrte att,the cf)'st of a ,few minutes or your spare tan3; lasts Vane 'andaeoset lese -"traithaL'atalCENT a. 'day: . „. ,• ' "PARiC.„TT. been Proven by 13acteriological test the most Powerfiii- Disinfectant, Deodorant and Germicide, kno 0 , The l',PARICYTE" SANITARYCCITMICAL CL.GS)ST 1 , , W. J. Heaman Exeker, Ont A. call there avail' e..,barinaa YuG; '/4etr 1203 • — E13°!olo ;svroN , umont NY11`111iPta; lt.APICOUYER