Exeter Advocate, 1912-4-11, Page 3IIITISII STRIKE ENDED esu4 of Ballot Means Resumption of Work -Rioting in Scotland, despateh from Lode &lye: "It will be peace with heinor and the men. will return to work," said Thomas Aptiton, Secretary ef the .Miner a' Federa,tion, on day night night Work in the coat Bald& is rapidly extending. Large num- laers have resinned in Staffordshire. The whole ot the miner a in the northern counties of England arid portion a those,. in Scotland have followed the fightine lead of the miners of Laeca.shirc and declared against the r,esumption of woele in the pits until the minimum rates ot wages have been definitely fised, This will give a Majeritv of the min - era in the rfnited Kingdom in fa- vor a continuing the strike. There has been eiane rioting in different parte of the country. At Dunferm- line in Scotland the unionist min- ers stoned the detachment of police which was protecting the rion-un- ionists who had. resinned., work, At Poutypool, in Monmouthshire, there have also been disturbances, crowds o triking miners mashing the windows in the houses of the men who have returnea to work. The coal whieh is being raised is taken chiefly by the railways, JISEASE MOM. PII07NES. Companies Issue RuIcs to G ard Against Infection. The following' roles have been adopted by the Berlin (Germane') te!eplemie companies for the preven- tion of the transmission of disease amoug the telephone operatore: exchanges and public telcnbone offices the transmitter sha,11 b cleansed daily by wiping -with a soft Piece of leather moistened with weak ,selation of pheeol. In o changes which do a. largo business the :tee of the same ret:eiver and transmitter by etwerel operators is to be dist-of...limed, Each operator and each telephoee assistant roust be furnished with a separate trans- mitter for ber personal use. All operators wbo are affected with tvntagions dise,ase must be exeltid'ed from service until the danger of nmonicating the disease is, past. Tn donbtfol MSC'S the questien of eouta:43:9usness must, be...-,ettled the attending physician, The trunient last used by the sick oper atur must be thoroughly cleanse yithout delay, PLANE, • EXPENS Signer Gabriele D'Annunzio, the famous poet, writes very quickly, and be attributes his remarkable powers to tho fact that all his work eTrial rip of NOW Craft To' Navy. A deepateh on LO114011 says: A series of successful tests with a bydro-aeruplano which has been constructed for the British Admir- alty, were made on Tuesday at Har- row under the anspices of Vickers' Solis & Maxim, builders of tbe craft. After skimming across the Cftvon- dish dock at a speed of forty-five milea an hem-, the hydrooteroplane rase birdlike into the air and alight- ed again. The feat was thrice ac- complished successfull. As the wind increased, further trials were postponed. OWN POLICEMAN. 'Walked Prisoner All Night to Reach Winnipeg. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Leading a man with a rope tied arouad his neek and with hisarms honed behind his back'a Galician marched .fellow-countreenan four- teen miles into Winnipeg, ttrriving at daybreak. Wednesday morning. Through an interpreter the man ex- plained that he had Captured his , prisoner at, .miduight in his house, iihen he returned home unexpected- ly; and that be wanted to lay chargo. against him. ne Said that are had walked the man all night to get to Winnipeg. 'ignor (miee D Anuativo. is e at nigh 014 o'clo in the evening a, subetanti eel, he sits down at his desk and as a rule 'works ,ateadily on till nine in the morning. Then after a light brealciast, he goes to bed for the day. Although he is a poet and somewhat of a. dreamer, D\nun- rio has also a groat love for luxury and worldl,y comfort, and he is the best and most expensiVely-dressed man in Italy. The poet's idea of the value of money may be gather- ed from the fact that when he was offered $15,000 to give a series of lectures in South America he tele- graplual as follows : "I was disposed to cross the Atlantic, but not for a packet of eigarettes, Thanks all the same." THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH PRICES OF' FARM PRODUCit Ild-PPENINGS FROM' sf,r, ovE8 'TlIE GLOBE IN A NCTSIIELL.- Canada, the.Empire and the World tit General nefero Your Eves. CANADA. REPORTS. FROM THE LEADING TRAP CERTFIES OF AMERICA. Prices of Cattle Craio Ctieose and Produce at Homo and Abtaad. • BREADSTUFFE- Toronto, April 9,-Plour-Wittor wheat, 99 per cent. patents, .$3.80 at .seaboard, and at 53.90 for home consulantion. Mai4. toba goers -First patents, $5.60; second Patents. $5.10, and strong baker*". 54,90, on track, Toronto- . he FO1111,TEEI\ YEARS IN IL he Most Remarkable Trip Ever Made Within The Arctic Circle A despatch from Dawson, Alaska, says:, Joseph J'aequet, an explorer, has arrived here after 14 Years' ro;111xeed MoannistoabtLiaL;:gislatu re pr 0- 41iidlan:oe.ba :tlio,3;,t.0--6.1.40: )3 ay, aports, reea xackeirrzier iiver cou.1;trs boraerwo There is a great scarcity of a, Wheat, eieraii. 7.51-2 to 76o. Ontario Wheat -Trade verY dull. with on the Arctic,' Ocean. He is aecom- skilled labor at Montreal, Prices unchanged, No. 2 white, rel and 13 1,2, DaY marts' No, zNorthrn. $1,10; continuous residence in the Lewer 1)onainion mills win be :1!.tesd,e.95 to 96c, outside. Glph. 1•1'°u•IiInd 1=1.t 3110 'to 0-25 meyeal from Braeebrirlge to ue The $Wift Canadian °0111PallY is Oats ---Car lots of No. 2 Ontario, out - adding to its, plaat at VerSt Torontoside. at 47 '5:0 48e, and of -,'No, 3- at 451•2 to 45 1-2c. outside No 2 Ontario, FO to Tile 0,1\T-11-• is planning to enet 3 51c, on tra.ek, 'Toro. Ain. ' NO. 1 extra_ W. C. ten -story office building in Toronto, feed, 51. 1-2e. and No. 1 50 I. -2e, Pay ports. Over $.230,000,.. will be spent op. 13,avicY-44 pounds at 45 to 900. outside. Toronto harbor improvements this Tor°ortnR70Y5(';ei3gli.-ttslii, eartifdankiYInel-dl°rwie.a.gatto2502t04 year. 26es A ,,„re at ...,ew ion o es io5e rol3Bunrtae:n-'-;-"eleiiitt.onbseiloobruft5as.nia.5e1;52560. itt,:. .*b2a9..f s, To - B ''',7 TO • t 4 t • - d the Br -'n Copper and Brass Roll- 6. T. R. TO EXPEND $30,000,000. Important Matters to Come Up at Ralf -Yearly Meeting. A despatch from Ottawa says: The heali-yearly meeting of the Grand Trunk Railway Company has been calted for Thursday, April 18., in London. The official notice which appeared in the Canada Gazette on Saturday states that, a resolution sub'initted to the meeting to authorize. the directors to exercise the powers conferred by the Grand Trunk Act, 19151. This is the Act authorizing the raising of $30,000,- 000 by the company for various works of construction and better- ment. na, 'Mills. ' St. Catharines ratepayers haveCOUNTRY PRODI30E. Apides-53 to Si per barrel, Carried the bv-latv to, takeover theBeans-Small lots or aaeteeteliad. gas plant. to 52,40 P e r bushel. Boner -Extracted, in tins, IL to 32e jgr Spring work hs he southern portion o Paled Pay --No, 1 i; nnoted at $16 tO 4.611. on tr.telc, and No. 2, at $14 to 111 lirovineres, the prOpOSal tti take --------------- olzWrd ° 1° $le' c`it track, ‘)' Th011iaS Celli's, aged sevouteea, ei/e1.5e5t"ara':"Ieja))7eelaaewalat 53'74 to SL79. °tit was killed in his father's. mill near .Poiesie:aWiecaesalo. ' eriees of Theeealort, being caught in a shaft. tressed poultry .-Chickens, ts to .1,701 Qpite,r A speeial report issued by the On, leb4e,f`t t.1(/ g3 ,,4"1"' 13;° 'tali() Department of Agriculture ictwor ilieu'9 ife. alie'aTil 'cl'Icr * 41)91" g° foreshadows a prolonged "t . PUTTER, EGOS:. CHEESE. lutter-Ti e" ' of meats. Mr. C. II. Godfrey, the e adidate !Ally largwo 4.NN,111)tfa itro jere4ItilrY!. g" of the reform element, was eleeted Dairy. choice:in NLvrlapperia7,50 tottl4Z1c1;411aregd' c ontrolier in montreoi e., e , ea, rolls. 59e; and inferior, tubs. 20 to 220°. u.) "' "`o Creamery. 35 to 36e for rolls, 35 to 340 for Majority . so s, De , The prieea of all grades af sueete yerea-zeowaatd. ee to Per dO•49P. in W' . ' * . unupeg, it elle an at IT to 17 1 4e per lb 3 eneed fi the wee roeleville ratepayers will vote ou n'ecl 61?'' WASHED FEET OF POOR. Also Reprieved Thirteen Men Sen- . -fenced to Death. A despatch from Madrid says: Good Friday-, the King and Queen, according to custom, Washed ..the foci, of twelve -poor rnen-arid women and served them with dinner. ,Ex - President Diaz, of Mexico, and many courtiers. attended. , Thirteen men sertteneed to death were prieved. TO RECEIVE ALBERT MEDAL. , 0•IllitIntry Or Ehvarl -Ecu in ,South Porcupine 'Fire Itecogiiized. /despatch from 'Lendon, says: The King .has,apPreved of' the Al- . beire Medal,aecond-,elesse being Con- ' Derred upon Edward' Belh,ofhe Adannadian Copper. Companor gallantry n cop 'trhtho elisaSteetlie"tlieeeifi? ,OB• F,Pt.t"). power on the ileth itistant, l'Otatoes-Car lOt. of Ontarios, bags pae;ettililenedlli,efilirit)loile1;(1.$edititeoed ttei,"‘ eAtas 0%11,1.LItze, 16,3,4 rie, and teens A two-raillioredollme shipbuUdhig G PROD1W9S, TWELVE EMI S FOR 1tAM. „ -- Canadian Senteneed to tong Term in Mexico. A despatch from Mexico City says: Geo. 1. Ham, President of the defunct United States Banking Company. was en Wednesday sen- tenced to twelve years' imprison- ment on three counts of the indict- ment against him. charging- misap- propriation of the funds of the in- stitution. Ham has been confined in the Federal' District Prison aince the failure of the bank in Sanuary, 1910. plant will be built at Sault Ste. d meats are (incited as follows: - clean. 12.14,to 121-2e. per Pa., Marie by a company orgauized by in ese 3nt Pore. short eta, $22.60; 10 $.2), liatos-M.edium to ,Mr. ("termite. Meet.36 to 161-2e; heavy 14 to 1412e; The Duke of Connaught enter- roils. 103.4 to liO: brOnitfaat Imeon. 16 to tained the delegates from the \Wet neg In'ASa19 to 200. Indies at Government House and v„ -'1.44V -T1""*" 12 1-4e; t11111"5.* 12.14e; addressed them ou trade matters. mad dog hits bitten several her dogs et Sandwich. and stria (alders regarding muzzling will be enforced both in that town and in Panied by Albert Ross, an Indian boy. They eame from Fort Mac- Pherson. ie the record time of 1234; days with fast dogs, They travelled nine, hintrs daily, e.quipped only with three light blankets, sonie flour and bacon. They killed five rabbit, gave mot a the flour to Indiana aud carried neither taut nor stove. The trip is one, of the naost AVIATOR WAS BILLED. Galbraith P. Rodgers' Biplane Fell Front Reight of 20 Feet. A despatch from Long Beach, Cal.. says: Galbraith P. -Rodgers, thefirst man JO' cross the Anacrica,n Continent in an aeroplane, was killed here almost instantly late on Wednesday, when his biplane, in which he liad been soaring over the ocean, fell from a height of 200 feet and buried him in the wreck. His neck was broken, and his body bad- ly lea;shed by the engine of his machine. He lived but a few mom- ents. Iviotbar. Bon. J. D. TJazen stated at Mont- real that the C4overnment had un- der consideration the establishment of a Canadian Lloyds, owing to the high rates of marine insurance on the St, Lawrence, GREAT BRITAIN. The decision of thq .British Min- ersFederation to end the oat strike was generaPy approved by tho miners. The British Chancellor of the, Ex- ehequer showed a record_ surplus for ;the financial year just ended of $394725,000. The flood situation at Caruthers - vine, Mo., is very serious, the river risino.at the, rate of -five inches in the twenty-four hours. A British journalist, returned from Tripoli, reported the Italian forces bottled up in their trenches, and unable to advance. Captain Scott, in a private letter before his departure for the Ant- arctic, said be bad no intention Of eornpeting with Captain Amund- sen in a race for the pole. The anthracite operators issued a statement objecting- to recognize the union of the United Mine 'Workers of America, which they assert is controlled by the bitum- inous workers. The British Government, while refusing to subsidize an. Atlantic cable in Canada, announced through ' the Postmaster -General that be Marconi scheme of Imperial wireless stations would. place the British Empire in advance of all other countries. FATE OF 130 SEALlilD. IVreeliage of Steanter Ifoonihana lndicat es All Perished.. A despatch from Perth, IVeStern Australia -,.says e: Wreckage picked' up off tie eeast appears to seal the fate of the 50 passengers and the, 80 men of the crew of the British steamer Koombitna, which has been iniasieg since the disastrous typhoon. that prevailed on the north-west coast of 'Western Australia during the last week- of 1Vlareli. LORD B.YDE FOR CiNADA. Will ,,Develop a P'rotwrty„ Ile Tfas Bolight lettr"Teronto. deSpatett from London Says . • . Lord •Ilyde,‘.the eldest son of, Lora Clarendon, .with his wife and her brother, Lor.d Somers, sailed .for , Canada on Wednesday to work some ,proPerty they purchased near To- ronto. 'They intend staying several years.- Their eliildr.e11 ar's accom-, al,lying them., ale:tie-five menla,e0, of• ' 64 51 GENERAL. MONTUD.VII A VDTS. Montreal, April 9, -'-Oats CanatUan Wertern, No. 2, 521'1 to 63e; do., No. 3, 50c; extra No. feed, filc; No. local white. 50c; o., No. 3, 49e; do., No, 4, 48e„ Darley-Manitoba feed. 63e; malting, $1.05 to 41.10. illteliwbeat-No. 2. 72 to 73e, Flour, Manitoba, Spring wheat, patents, firsts, 85.70; do.. seconds, 5520; do., Strong buiter,,*. 55.60; do., Winter P:ttents, choice, 55.10 to $5.35; do., 5trai4ht rollers. $4.65 to $1.75; do., bags 42.15 tn, 4223. Rolled oats -Parrots, .55.05; do., bags, 90 lbs„ 40. Bran -526, Shorts, $27. Middlings, 529. Monillie. 530 to $34. Ilay-No. 2, per ton ear lets, 514 to 514,50. Cheese -Finest, Western:I, 151.4 to 15 1-2c; do,, finest, east. eriv14 to 15c. Butter -choicest creamery, 35 1.2 to 36c; cia., seconds, 341.2 to 35c. *Eggs -Fresh 25 to 27c. Potatoes -Per bag, ear lots, 41.70. remarkable winter journeys evet made, within the Arctic circle. Ia the week before ,atarting Jac- quet made a little trip of 150 miles toEskimo Lake and returned to get his wife, whom be lett with friends, Dozens of prospectors and trappers are living in the Mackeuzie wilder- ness, several aecompanied by their wives. Mr. Jaequet said, Harry Jones, an.Englishema, is at Eskimo,' Lake gatherii.ig, birds for a. London society, No word has been received at Fort MaePbersou from Stefansson and Alexander, explorers, accord- ing to Mr. Jacquet. It ia feared they are lest, DAMAGE BY FLOOD S. Towns Ittundated and Bridges ansi Dams Swept AlVaY. On Sunday, at Owen $0111141, sev- oral bridges and dams were wreck - ,ed, small eraft were swept out into the harbor and wreaked. and the 0, P. R. and Grand Treek'traelee Were 'WASIled eut„ Two beidges at tfls DYE OF laity ai.-NE-1 A ^rge Oitterop of Green:One Feu NeW Zealand, An important discovery ported ef a large outcrop of green one in a hitherto unexplored mountainotts district on the west eoast of the South island of New Zealand, which is thought to bo Southampton were wrecked and the original mother reef fren1 which much damage done to the electric all the greensteno found in that is - light plant and thec husness PlaC* e S At Galt people in the sections had to be rescned to boats. Several manufacturing plants were flooded and the loss is very heavy. Gnelph reports the bigg-est flood in 43 years. Two or three bridges were damaged and dams also suf- fered, Bore also factories are flood. ed, and the Guelph Carpet Com - pally will lose, a large amount in stock and looms damaged by water. Access to the Ontario ,Agricultural College is cut off. Two dams at Paislev were :..wept away. and Mr. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, April 9,-Cattic-D.ttra, choice butcher steers and heifers, 57 to 57.25; loads good to ehoice butcher, 56.20 to 56.- 90; medium choice. 55.90 to 56; mixed light Witcher, 55.25 w $5.75; choice butcher cows firm, 55 to 55.65; common cows, $5 to 54.501 heavy bulls, 55 to 55.50; canners. 52 to 53. Stockers -Good demand, 5525 55.75. Calves, good veal. 56.50 to58.50: bobs, 52.50 to 53.50. Sheep and Landis-. Market steady to strong for choice ewea ancl lamb's. Ewes, 55 to $6.40; yearlings. 58 to 59; bucks and culls, 54 to 55; sprmg lambs, 55 to 58. Hogit-liarket steady to strong; selects, fed and watered, .58 to 58.10, and 57.75 f.o.b, Montreal, April 9. --The top Price Paid for choice steers was 57 25 and the lower grades sold front that down to 55.50 per ewt. The best cows and bulls brought 55.50, and the commoner ones ranged from that down to 53.50 per cwt. Yearling lambs at $4.50. The supply of calves. was large, at prices ranging from 52 to $8 each: as to Size and quality. Hogs were firm and in 509,4 demand at 59 to 59.25 per CANt. for selected lots, weiglied off cars. An unsuccessful ° attempt was made to assassinate the Viceroy of Mukden. Captain Scott's party discoVered coal and marble in. the Antarctic, and achieved valuable scientific re- sults. Relations between Turkey and Russia, are again reportod to be strained because of alleged Turkish aggressiveness in Persia. A .despatch from Shanghai re- ported a serious anti -foreign sen- timent, attributed to the delay of the poi-ers in granting recognition to the Republic. POTATOES FROM Se (rm.-ND. land is derived. A syndicate has been formed for its exploitativn. It is anticipated that it will hereafter be so plentiful that its use will no longer be confined to sotivenir jewelry, but will be used for mantelpieces, table tops, menu ments, etc, It will a/Set be export- ed to China, where greenstone, in Usa form of lade, is regarded with pecnliar veneration. Up to the present tirn Uiere has been no syndicate mining or cmar- rying. of greenstono in New -Zea- land, though the Maoris have ob- tained it from the beds of streams, James had a, narrow escape from lasing it for axe heads and for per - drowning. l'art of Brantft" was305151 adornment, and it has also ll'e°dect, quite a big il°1.)(1 °eeur" been found with mare or less ire - at Ottawa. Some hear!' losses (money in the South Island in slide - Nine Carloads Are to Arrive in Chicago'. A despatch from Chicago says: Potatoes from Scotland will be served on,Chicago tables within a' week. Nine carloads are on the way here, and will be delivered in Chi- cago at $1.40 a bushel wholesale, as ..i.gairist $1,42 to $1.45 for pota- toes grown in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minne,sota.. Only once or twice have potatoes ever before been im- ported for Chicago from across the Atla,ntic,„ although European sup- plies are Da so uncommon at New York. New potatoes from the south are not coining here freely, and the northern States are alliipping far less than usual at this time of year. ,• iutve bei,ni caused at Beaverton and I byw for gold,. New Zealand ,gron... Meaford, Tbe G. p. R. bridge at' stone jewellery is very popular with l)orbant was undermined and 001--itt-narists in that country, though not lapsed, IRON PLANT GUTTP,D. F e Does $7i0,000 Damage Deseronto. A despatch from Deseronto says • ' • PRIEST HAS TIFF, LEPROSY. Pere Isidore. Ropily is ,Contined in daa.asear. A dospata friiin New York saes : Word has heen received by Jesuit, prie.stS here' that a distinguished merriber of their society Pere Isi- - dora Dupn r has been -stricken with $00.000 dam- has been found, Tangtwal differ- agedestructive lire did to the PlaTtt the Standard ant from the ordinary kind of green - Iron Company here a,bout 3 o'clock stone, as it is translucent, even in and boiler ated in some cases with irregular The elevator, moderately thick pieces, and porine- e8Z14Yroaofinte,rnsoto7el anse room were all gutted, and as a re- cloudy waves. The ordinary green - suit seventy-five men will be thrown stone is almost opaque and trans- mit of employment for time. The lucent only in very thin slices. loss is partly covered by insurance. Old Maori legends tell of the loss Mercur a-; eonipany of Montreal are of the original tangiwai supply by the principal owners of the coaaern. burial in a landahde somewhere 9n the slopes of Anita Bay. The site of the present discovery cure - spends accurately -with the raer- maces made to it in the old native stories. Mane samples of the stone all of it is real greenstone. It is used largely for brooches, brace- lets, cuff links, waistcoat buttons, etc. In another section of the sante island a unique deposit of trans- parent bowenite, known as "tangi- wai," "the qvcen of greenstones," A large business is done in making and shipping pig iron. GENERAL BULLOCK CROSEN. taken from the new lode have been ellen" taken to Auckland. and the Maoris Succeeds Late General Rit declare it to be the real "queen as Governor of Bermuda. A despatch from London says; greenstones,'' valued_ before. all Lieut. -Gen. Sir Geo, Mackworthi others for its beauty and quality. Bullock has been appointed Gover- nor of Bermuda, to succeed the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir Frederick Walter Kitchener, whose death occurred at ;TAILED FOR LOTTERY GA.M.E. Hamilton cm March 7. Gen, Bul- --- lock was born. in 1651. He has seen Young Man Who Promoted 11 in service India, Smith Africa, and was major -general commanding in Egypt in 1905-08. Ottawa Gets a Year. A despatch from Ottawa says: Irving Robinson, an aunt -son sales- man chare,ed with being 'the pro- , Stephen Kyoshk, an Indian, was mot er of a, series of lottery games Lound guilty of murdering John in this city, was'sentenced on Wed- , 'Adams at fhe Sarnia Assizes and sentenced to be -hanged on June -6th. The murder took place at Wale poleelsland. About no ;shop preprietors and ), l•eprosy and is at present confine:LI , in the leper colony at Maranipin BROUGIIT. GOOD PRICES: Madagascar. He eannot live more. 'than a year, it is said, „ „ , ne COW Sold for $.520 at Auction by Breeders' Club. despateh from elleville-says.: The annual sale of, Ilo ste n- ries- Belleville district Holstein Breed: Ine'onInteinneue0ihere on el , Tnu day Col V It, Kelly Of Svrac was the auctioneer,' The Prices rea- lized were. good. , Idith Pr ,scott - Albino ICoradyle-e brOught, tile buyer T..,race,v, of Co - b0111.9:: sis 13).ftt(u‘giel Oyer, -29P,''ea a 44.i.Pld. for FOUR FI11,31$ sijurrn, 1 i at Vancouver Does More T11811 ian cattle under tl ' "thc , . . $12O.009 Danian'e • - A despatch from Vancouver e I3e0., save" Fire. on 'Wednesday aftgr- - noon did damagetothe extent et Aoat 12,O00 ' f ting;,•Sereet; the in, OorniW, $weeny ham Clothing Coaipany, Wadd :Bre- photographers. apd...tliec'den- tistry -office of Di. Aleta1ile0.''',11-1e la*„ office of Dun.canetie otir was 41,8c/ da.Ma nesdaie to eone year. The scheme was a drawing for a prize, a sena- . rate one being offered ni nearly every barber shop in the city_ "Have Y." any nice fresh far- I customers who played the game niers' eggs I" inquired a, precise old, _were fined about, $1,500 in au. lady at a grocery shop. "No, ina-1 a. dam," replied the practical assist- I ant, ":but we have„, some very good ' SillidaY is the day of rest', but hens' eggs." She took three to ; did you .evee know a lean who fait try. i rested on Monday morning 1 _ _ NEST EGG OF 69011090110 What The British G-overniment Proposes T Do With The Big Stiriptus A despatch from London says: The Admiralty evidently anticipate . the German navy bill passing, with a consequent increase Of thc e six million nourids surnms wpico the Budget shows is therefore ap- power of the German navy: The , propriated as a British navy nest - egg. This is the kernel of rues- _ • , day's.Budget; steteine,P., lii was not mom° ve.7 plain, -pC4';.71loty owieg to the extreme care the Chancellor te Eeecheauer took to present the doveinimeats - eliplornAlcally and pactfieally.' It is to any s .built by Germany oter a two-keels-to-:name.mP.oelicY floe:Peet Apse sPecifi!cd in her and , The Tiinee holds the 1:_, i n ei wise olio, under the eliciia,stalees. ITIIIGIIi1311111' scalelleolgcre'llnn)lteis';_os'N.:clectT:a\:i'iht111;ins. fksle' \'its')\'71:1(:::rek.1.1171:11-11i.111:1111:ell lee:tle'lmle:11:SC4-1:11,'Iao:::t'°::g3i:II:a-11:e111141.:(\ Sel):11;e:::::: )1:11'C:illg::e'ts::(31(1111t:l'iclee'le:11‘1V, -11111e: il'IIPI.a:3;:l':tial:ISIIQlls:::11. 12Z .. i.i 13 ° .. VII 11 should,l8 . ' ':;.7.1,01 ," I 1 13AA.,Ite: 11P11 i c.2(.: 11,: i IC 0101.1° t A 'e ,2xocipit, al. ,, c t o nol ion will agree i financial ,exP0 0 'ee,P4e 15 53 Ot. sko-ed'oiii