Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-28, Page 8TER MARKETS. RA.NQEO 6 SOHWEDNESD Wheat . 93 Barley. 65 &4ckwhe tr 55. ate, , 44 Fess..; 1 00 "otutoes , ,.s bag 1 40 $t97, per , x ..... 14°00 1911r, pt 1 ' "v C r family Flour, to u •.`de per cw 1 60 Butter, 30 Li eltog,. ! r*ewt 22 Shorts p.., #rat ,. Brae sae „ t Sugar B --t meal BIETI3fit A17V0WATEy rl'H .S lAXy MARCH, 851 .512 vt Ay . LOCAL DOIINGS. +i The best away to: get `viii of slander :s to starve :t to death,. Dir, W, S Baker has' taken up h'..s 're - ;dance w,t-h Mr. C, 7uefle. air, Joan Kellett, wh;a has hada sor- ere attack of pneuz,t;ozk:a, #e ^ recovering, 03 85 60 46 1 15 1 65 5 00 210 1 05 31 23 7 40 27 00 25 00 25 00 HOUSE F -OR SALE Q?3 BENT— On W lI,.a:"ax Street, Exeter. Also for sale,— -one Reaper, Hayfork, ear and ropes, fence stretcha-, sickle, grind - light light vkagart, talo ?ten houses one hent of etabl ^, woodshed, small k, tcxxen. Also set stick scales., Any :persona de- airing a new cream separator will do to eeil at the Exeter Bargain Store end see t .e Prealter.t. This is :one of the best >aztel easiest u, separators oTM the market, Carrie In and let us talk £t over wt'. you. W. M. BLATCHFORD, Ex:ter, MARIIIAGE LICDNSE.—Get your MAT-, ruga UMW at the Advocate Oftlee, aster Millinery—We want every Lady in Exeter and via- bility to see our opening Dis- play of Spring Millineryr Stew- artts.. Rurai correspondents will kir.dly let us know when they reed more ata t, r^ •. Tia sin , is is the time lot the year when people have tan,o.to read and will appreciate all the news from your section, Voile Skirts. In the newest styles. We can have them. made to fit any figure. Order- one rdenone now so that you can have it for Easter.—StewarVs. "1x rlase LaCenses issued a»e Office. Exeter, marls:ri> oa Edx-ards car Gird'rr, r d he on Wedn ead:ay alt,z, Mrs, Sae, Wal - :Eva, King Hats in Correct Style* and behind the styles is the best quality you can buy $2.25 --Stewart's I30t$E 1'QR SALE !1'ho under signed Is offering iiia de- s able village praporty in Exeter, sit- tested on Maim Street, south of Hunan* for sale. Thera is on the premises a fine brick house and kitchen, w1111 frame wood shed, tuck stable, a number at apple trees, hard and soft water. and caner conven'irmces, Apply to I. MILL, txeter or JOHN KNIGHT, Exeter depot New Wall Papers—Rugs, Cur- tains, Mattings and L,inofeunas See them before you buy -- Stewart's. BOY WANTED—A good boy to learn the "blacksmith busfness. Apply to 2. DIG I' AN & SON. PIANO FOR SALE—A first-class piano for sale at a 'bargain --Berlin man- ufacture, Apply at this affr:ce. Diss J. 3. Allan. Eye Sight Speo.allst, w']l be at the CENTRAL HOTEL, Exeter on Saturday, Starch 80th. PASTURE LAND FOR SALE— The undersigned is offering for sate to choice piece of pasture land ;n Stephen, being parts of Dots, 10 ,and 20, Con. 10, conta:ncng 70 acres, There is a good well of wall: and windmill en the pro- perty, Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms, APply to THOS B MARTYN Exeter LADIES' DRIVER, WANTED.— From .6 to 10 years of age—sound, gentle and re -able. Apply at The ADVOCATE Office. PONY FOR SALE—An :eon 'grey P?ny for sale -5 years old, guaranteed not to be afrari of traction engines or au- tomobiles. Geo. Sanders, Exeter. Miss J. ,J. Allan, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at the CENTRAL HOTEL, Exeteq on Saturday, March. 30th.; , THROUGH TRAINS TO THE WEST VIA Ci33CAGO AND.' ST. RAUL. Personally conducted Grand Trunk special train will leave Toronto 10.30 P.M. Tu:sda' April, '2nd for Can rose, Edn anton and polite in Manitoba Sask atc'arwan and Alberta, stopping at all Po_nts on Grand Trunk Pacf c west of 'Winnipeg. Pullman Tourist sleepers'w,II be.carr, `Fd fully equipped 'witch bedding and par- ter h' charge. Berths May be .secured n these ears at a ,ow rate, This :s •an exceptional opportunity for those wishing to`.`take, advantage.; of t:ihe remarkably low one : way ,settlers• .ra," `. ,csa • r round oned tr` Horne' meaeeker e eX-, Curea a through the: A erycan cities, Na- Change of , ears., Secure tickets, berth resexvations etc, from any ''Grand Trunk Agent. Toronto C:ty Office. northwest corner Kiag and -Youngs Streets, (phone Main 4209) or y✓± Le A. E. Duff, District Passende` gent, Torarta Os,.t ,, 9ela are,, Lacllawarlzi, and Western Coal Compaa's.... .. Mr. lfrank Durdie has moved :eta Mr, Wit. Blatchford's house on; Main street. Clear a'way'utose tin cans that will be showing up ill the back yard in, a few days. Wolixen lose tlze`r nra?;dert, uanaes ,when, then ni 'ry-a.nd moat men lose the "xientity, Knox Presbyterian church, :Mitchel voted heavily aac^a?a1st union -36 for an 126 ego net. ,John Wolper has nxoved £torr Ei ter North to :Digs, Efllott'a House o Carling street. Mr, Geo. Stanley of Lucan, a, talente lay ,Preacher, wilt occupy the James street pulp:t on Sunday nesttl air, Geo, Sanders, w'i,yo has bectt oo duct ,T a alk business here for solos t -i' ,. has decided to qu;e and has sial a's cows to Mr, 1: Armstrong', Bev. Arthur W. Barker et Seaort will Preach in the Maus Street clinic ata Sunda, k,ext, the occasio±, bein Cha anta:versar,' of thea Epzr,arth I.,eague ?sir,. Garnet S,tzallacornbe of Iietzsal 'las been appointed to theposition government painter and decorator a Garin:1 Model- Farpn, and left last vee to take up his new,dutfes. It v, Steadnan of Z1'4l,v`.110-elreuit to c �r , tt eu p the James a atr4-�t pulpit on Sunday 141,4 ri . Stead,nan s a forceful and intereat.;ng speaker and his sermons were listened to With marked: attention air. and ,Mrs. Jos, Hawkins last week aved tram El.mv lie into the house he ccently purchased from Miss Ytna Ilia- r on Muton Street, We. e extend the .«at d of welcome to 3tr, and. 'Mrs, Iiaw c iia, A uu'ew WeddiaT hal* place on Monday ve n r ' a the James Street parsonage ur. _r, when M.as „1ari itret ,adelfa. of Pari:1411 'beceune the bride of twin ?tper of Exeter. The cera. w-zs pea_,arn,tKi by Rev. B. Hobbs. a+. Advocate extends best wishes, I,tt s. T. G. Creeds was taken sudden - «1i tart Friday mar -fling lasI, anal that ara,M .anen:a,g oho underwent au oper�- : 1 fox an. internal trouble: at the 3rtda at Dr. Wishart rat London, and .'Or. 13rowil'.Sr, of t own, Tim operation was a success and the patient is :now doing as,nicely as ca ,, be expeoted. Tits Conti;rte,}a„ of Rev. W. 11. I3utt, pastor of II:dout-St. ZfethodVst church, London, formerly of 'Centralia, who has been seriously illi far the past three weeks lzas .shown sotto slight mprove- tttent for the past day ,3r sox IIs however, be unable to resume his pas- toral duties :for some tunes Occasional advertising is 11k4 an oc- casional shower—It thunders and there is l 2ttning and a few drops of rain and after Its all over everybody asks, what was ft all about anyway? The steady rain makes the f<ields green and the crops grow and t»lis the streams So does steady advert's"ng fill a mer- chant's coffers. By an amendment to the Motor lreh.c10 Act '-n the legislature motorists may now travel a nrnx:•muni rate ot 15 miles :an hour on city streets, and 20 miles in the country. The old speed regutat, ;ons, which ;have. caused a.n outburst of indi nations arniong nxotor car owners called for a maximum rate ,of 10 miles' n the city and 15 miles in, the country, In the public accousats of the Pro- vince of Orxtarcio, for the 12 months end'azg Oct. 31 1911 the follovring grants ;were nxade to public :libraries n Huron County CL;mton 32448 96 re. burn $36.75, Blyth. 318.70, Brucef'eld 67.16, Brussels 86.71, Dungannan85.71 Ethel 10.00, Exeter 86.69, Goder'ch 147.87, Corrie 32.00, Hensel]. 66.86, Kintore 89.56, Seaforth 158.06; Wal- ton 29.42, tr..nglrann 262.69, Wroxeter 74.35. $231.74 was spent on Rural School Libraries during' the sante. year. Mr, John W.11 llett was in, London on Monday. ¥r. L. IZ 'Dickson was tin G�aderich Mr. Austin ,i-Iewitt, barber, day fou• London, left 'doll - Mr. I-1A14y Parsons \vas bunts from Monday on 'bus -nese. Lond(an over Sundays Mr, B. W.,F. Beavers was in Louden �i:ss Francis Davis of Wingk ant is vis, Monday en business, ;tine with her parents he4'e. Id's John N�artheett and daughter, were n. London on Tuesday. Mrs, A. Rawcliffe o1 Granton visited wfth friends here Tuesday, Mrs. Powell. returned last week £rani a• v:s?t of son,;a weeks in 1'Sraoelstock„ ll:n,, Snell, cattle dealer, returned, gest erday from a business trip to Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. John 13awkshav who have 7aee,x visiting their son,17r ed l' Cd i tx Teronio for several weeks', returned home yesterday morning, l ;+3:ss Selden, who has been In attend - d ance upon her grandmother, firs. San, - welt dur ll , her recent illness, left on Monday for her home in Ingersoll, n lieu- Pe€et, Straw, who has been visit- * in Lis brother Henry of Hurondale, left d Tuesday tnornIng for WInnipeo, w;zero, th degree of D.D, w l be oonferred up- on. ;heal. fir:. and Mrs. Winn, Corrkiah and dau„lz- ter, miss F1osse, returned to Marlette, d and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Swe:tzer to KU- r,raniT atter visiting relatives 11 lZa zo for sems -weeks, la Mr,A. R. Graham received word last g welt to report at the Winnipeg` branch of 'Cha Bank of. Conuzxeree, where he 1 would receive fnstructiana to take charge of of "ane ot their Western brauehes„ Ile t left Monday for Winnipeg, Air. A. E. Bod ert'1as dmslrased o£ his welling pear the foundry to " Ir, F. e Hartx'lton at Cromarty, and having 41s- rosed ..rt. Iles l uselrold effects left F • s r ,. a'e da for o to Where list will 1 � .x , 1 make his future home. The family will • tolaw :n a "t.OW days.. At the request of the School Board Mr. L. H. Diackson delr'ivered an address to the elder scholars of the school on Friday'afternexon, in the course 'of which he gave then much excellent advice on the need of careful and conscientious work during theitr •study hours, and the" necessity of keeping their names un- tarnished by wrong of the appearance of wrong; paintiin(g out the 'fact that the success or fa llure of t'hedr' futvrei years depended on their present application to work and on the cultivation of good habits. GOES TO •BROCKVILLE,--Mr. W. II, Collins, manager of the Canadialn Bank at Commerce, receuved word on ;Friday: evening that he had been 'appointed twin ager• ot the branch at Brockville, and 'to. report there tor duty about April, 10. ma. Waugh, Toronto, will 6111 the'vacancy here, In: business circles M. Collins. is'. thought very highly Of here, wh�;1e in soc dal circles the and Mrs. Collins will be greatly' regretted. _,. HICKS' FORECASTS FOR APRIL. —. A reactionary storm period falls. cen- trally on the 3rd and 4th, but it `as more than probable that storms of both thunder and rain. well -develop a day or twow r eari.f?r, or op the tat with Moog; at full and on' Mie celestial. equatrors The Venus equciriox, also'earth's:equinox a<ear . upon thcs -pentad, making''very 'ac- tive storms possible and probable. _A change' to much cooler, w th snow to the northward riay be expected beb:nd and after the storms. A seasnv.c pentad, cen- tering on the 1st,' covers three or four days Ibefa e and alter that date. A reg alar storm p r-Ud covers:tlhs 8th- to,lath Chan to much'. vraran r, w'th falling' ba or_tee and threaten:�ng clouds, will' app ear '`rreatwardl on thio, 6th-- and 7th,. aid dur;tg the,.Bth, 9th: and 10th, these coed k !ons, wall grow into actio ,'storms �F mart, vvInd and, thunder,as they pass.] eastward `over central and eastern parts. of the country. Your barometer,: they niometer and ,lhygronxete- wilt at the time The est"1 1d coal ;Inl[ied: telt you 'vrhat as csrnlnr if -you,.will Watch then • I-?a�'3 rune,` and tt un`der, 'urns to a white h. w,,tir sntarked drop .:n terdpe atur'e.•`and u •LV �' s eet' and snow'p'ose'ble�far northward, are nsn•ong, the probab'flit,es a`_ thio per 0d ---all ipllr 'ed h, nigh barometer cold n` hta tvd frost ,vorthwaad COALMAN Mr, John 'I'riebne s xzlovin,g this wa:Cle into the res;dere recently, vara sPKI say Ser -Major tar ort Huron-st,. Ow,' g to Mr. W. 11. Collins leaving Exeter be has disposed of fn`s stoic driver ,o Mr, Thos, Berry of I:letti all .Poo^ the handset= sumi of3,00, Mrs. Jamas W. Walls of Stephen 70- ce-ved. the news theta week, ot the death et her s;,ater, Mrs. j'oaeph Herrin, wF9x'cl, sad evegt took place at F1.,xt Mich.; on Monday ;lass. At the tine ot writing no particulars Stave been-eceived, The deceased was aged 0201.4 83 bears; and leaves besides iter husband two sons to mourn her dem:t . She is well known to many here, who will much regret to 1,var of her death.; ger cousin Mr. W, 11, -Dearing of Stephen left yesterday to attend the funeral; SEED Barley and Peas FOR SALE We have a large qnantity of seed Barley and Northern grown Peas for sale for seed; also Iots of feed. R. J. SELDON Exeter — Ontario Mica Jenrra' Pickard left Monday Brantford to v att -tor a, time. Mss Isla Johns and sister, Mrs, Adams, were In London ora Monday, 31':ss Laura Musser, of P"ashwood e ee- fted ler dater over Sunday ;Hiss Clara.:, Musser, M:as 'Fina Pearson and Mr, and Dlrs. .i o.xnet- fat London are guests of tela- ,ve here. t s C , Mr. Fred, Haggan, who recently left here for Vancouver, B. 0,, is now on. Its way to Seattle1 Mr, Wm. 'Thomas left Wednesday nor Lond'arx, Where ho has accepted a pas, - ;tion as biacksnaitlk Mr, John McDonell of Wallaceburg, spent a fewdass Ox town. the latter part of lash week,leavtng Monday for Strath- toy. Mr. and Mrs. Samos Wanless re- turned last week to Duluth, after at tend;:ng the'funeral of the latter's bre- Char, Mr, Vevey- Hardy. Mr. W, D, Clarke was n London over Sunday. Be V,116 aecofir1Panted h+onw by M.rs, Clarke and Gale, who have beeza. visiting in Londpn and Toronto. Mrs, S. G, Dawderr. wllo, with Idr Elawden, spent the wiaater in California, and the past few weeks In 1dntollteh, arr-ved here en Wednesday evening last, to -visit her parents, A'tg, and Mrs, S. Curtin. - Mra. ,. 1N }3o 1.1, who ,has been via}t., '_i,g w-i+tt. her parents, 3t , and Mrs. Geo, Anderson, left Tuesday .rx,;orn:alb` for lfanl°Jton, wlm»e she will In future x side. Hier mother aeoampanted her and w:.al visit for a. ,couple of weeks. r, Bus, Dray and Teaming Business Your orders in our tine will be. attended to nic 1 and satisfac- torily. quickly y torily. WWe are here to please the public needing anything in our lane, and we flak a trial from you. Orders left - by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt as t t en tion. T. G. Creech Horne Study Thousands: of ambitious young people are being instructed in their Home ,Study Dept. You tnay. f5szxala M College it you dextro Pay whenever you wish. Thirty rears' EzperI,enee, Largest train- ers '.n Canada. Enter any day Posttiens guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write for parti- culars, NO VACATION C'nton Business Co1jegsk 6E0. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principal Important Facts For Careful Shoppers 800 cakes of Baby's Own Soap at 20c. a dozen, 300 doz clothes pins at 50 pins for 5c. Now on sale. 30 dozen pieces of China to be given free with our Drug Pre- parations this month. 300 dozen clothes pins on sale next Saturday at 50 for 5c, (Coronation Souvenir below cost to clear) 20 dozen Small China Plates (Saturday) 75e. a doz, 20 dozen Cups and Saucers (Saturday) $1.00 a doz. 10 dozen Tea Plates (Saturday) $1.25 a doz. 1 dozen Salad Bowls (Saturday) 400. a doz. New;stock, St, Patricks, Comic and Birthday cards in this week, 13 views of Exeter too, Full stock of Edison and Victor Phono- graphs etc now in. One price to all. Step in and look around POWELL'S ee R Th C . Exeter Bargain Store eavamin st Carloa Buggies We have received the first carload of the Canada, Carri- age Company's Famous Brockville Buggies which are specially designed and specially built, in various s ; ,. I� , ymous. tyles. It is an. > education on buggies to examine these goods, which are.now on exhibition in our warerooms. There are over -200,000 of these buggies in use, which is the stron- gest evidence of their worth. The prices are right too, which mean O when buying good goods.' Wehave a carload of Dominion Carriage Company' buggies nowon the way. SNE,L something to you IMPLEMENT AGE LL WE ARE READY FOR THE Feweliery Trade You will be surprised and delighted to see the, great variety and excellence of our stock of 'Watches, Jewsllry, Glassware, Silverware and Chinaware. It is impossible to do better anywhere than we can do for.: you. We ask yon only to visit our store and see for yourselves, . ,. Marchand, Jeweller & Optician & A tkinso Undertakers .end ur F nitr ue ers Dur Lines +ofi Furniture are beyond a doubt the finest ever shown in Exeter. All we ask is that you call and examine the stock which , 11 LS most complete --parlor suites, bedroom suites, couches, rockers; in fact, everything in our line. ROWE E c AT.INON The Leadine ROlne Furnishers- and Funeral Directors, JONES & MAY Our Spring Millinery Now Re ady For Your Inspection All the New Ideas from Paris and New York are showing here. Our Millinery is the best we have ever shown and you will do well to pick out your New Easter Hat early. SPRING COATS SPRING, SUITS For Ladies, Misses and Chil- dren, Another shipment of those Nifty Spring Coats. They go quick you must have one. Have you seen them. The Real Nobby stuff. Short Jac- kets with Combination trimm- ings all Tailor made at lowest prices.: Tub Goods For Spring COTTON VOILES In all colors. Plain in White Cream, Tan, Mauve. Sky or Grey, Stripes in Green; :Blue; and Reda Real good _stylish dresses. GING-HAMS & CHAMBRAY'S We are showing a very large range of Plain . Ohambrays - in all colors also Ginghams in all shades of checks and Plaids, GENT'S FURNISHINGS FOR SPRING We always keep the New Up-to-date goods New Dress Skirts Fancy Sox Suiting Outing Skirts Fancy Suspenders Suits " . Dress Collars Fancy Belts Hats LoungeCollarsFancy Ties Caps p The Easter. Neck- Wear all herer ## HOUSE FURNISHING' The Sprin house cleaning is just here,:You Jwill need a New Rug, Carpet orinoleum, :Do not forget us. Rugs Carpets: Curtains Wilton , Brussels Axminister Tapestry Velvet Wool Brussels Union Tapestry ;. , Stair Wool . ° :.J'ap Hushes Screens Linoleums Oilcloths, Window Shades, ES Headquarters for -the celebrated W. E. Satlford g 'Clothin KET°ER ' a+ �y T{S�y t'�•rarp �eN.S' #j�T�f l�'�At d 5 � ; I,� J ..� `fit+ , 1'�'§ 3� 1 6n u. ',fit b y I I' ,� { �,o,� . •,�r..�!'�, u3,�st�„�.?,s�i'�a,w,'"�i..uae�s'tS;r'�.�..v.fay.��^;��a;°;s!„'se;i.�i���:�a�uel�`+�ald�k,�#r��r.?��6� r,.. +lx,`4>x�"�,"rk�ip7.; ``i�F n,-. t�l