Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-28, Page 4"You'll find it's so." Labatt's London Lager Now Perfected,' Best Bupable TRY IT JOHN LAEiATT uu:TED 28 LONDON, ONTARIO (Utter Abwrate, Sanders & Creech., Props, 'FfIURSDAY, MAIL, 28, '1,2. .1-„fEr TO TFICAQUGH2RED STALL,I.ONS department Of -kge<cuttltroi 'Klee- -tinuv:igg the granting Ot dt e of thoroughbred st1,tietas. Ticstistatthes given, in Oda ,MattilOr, the hoe eg TheroWil?recl' elood w:11 fia 'believed, lead to a.n,lnspitiroven-rent in ii4ara 175list, horse' rilleelt of the country„ While'it Is xtot the,:lutentikon of the irtt to encourage the breeding of oronghbresl horses, or to develop A light horses aliptortanatit,r, ly to that of the ThoroughbreX, there i! io guestlOrt btlt that 4 .sstrting fusion, el' klinroughbred bloed in the light. Ze.7...Te4 'ntabea o thra cpuntrY will be Of faiestlint.e,ble vaitte iax Improyling the gual- f4ty Of the stock got front the by Stat.- , yt:ong of the vantous light hares breeds The Conditions under which assi5tance rariil bgven, are, as feltowst-, (lc) horses roe, account of whtch ven llwr the Departtooat meat reg:;stered.2 flas Therelaghbred tud 8ank t,17,0 Cataa4an NatiOnaii: .S.teseig Eccards. (2) Horses, sh,e„II, be of good size e-nd COnfOr4119,fUnt Arno. ,rrAe :trom t.tefiatlitary .411*OuntlaeSS; Theas.7 eenc14.14ana ta eliat1tvd at* - • atialuallo• ts,o 1,herattgla earefal `io-ailnation, either at Wes hatidoot the 'Mary 1.,X„rector General Pr membera the veterlitarY" department, Or Other pars011e 'ateF' naaY alt1301lIti es. sa 4pp:roved shaUu roperly' atIvertised ttad for aer. of Aorxrea, wider IAA omivary. ap Vell).4.14444 ekelikeet IA the district re te.b iept at.as. anr," rv:Ce fee, e.X.Mal, ta vase .ot 13,0t Mere than el.9 sure. es Nicov'fee'te beetatite-tesrl. -Ole only when mares. 9rOve .t1letsS Contlitiens OI skalt to et, ;at .9%940 at -ft* ,etbSe. P,CeeSsarr 'wd. 41?Pl4eatizolt tei the Vet - • rector General and 14.ve Stec* . :Department of Agr:eal, • the country, Iliad pf the entire Western .1(116w./1 men, niat "only of .t.ht7st Section of cENTTiALIA The robins have arTiVed but the •ap, Ontario ren.insula. 'Thor the past 'vow pearance of spriMig ta, not 991Tain on, us, years Mr., andMrs.:Dagg have been re - arty to fast and the roadsare gettlng s:dents of lancardine, retiring from the fat, bad Shape fog' travel.t.,Mr, W. Cok- will went to Toronto Saturda3r withi a Very fine load of fat cattie„-Mr, Quarrir btaa his 4r:7:ver, bettor ton as old Will removed from its stable to another It stable and 04 Wit 'was 1°st for Mr. Frank Allister left SatordaY for lours but ha don't leok :Altai, the London, whore he has accepted a Pes!-. worse trem.o charige.-Mr. Y!•ct.'31'' Ilan o DrYadale Nds!ted at enfold of atThadsvar and )1diss rillitclaeret jos. BRInlees Fro of ToTont9 a few' days under the mason nioyed, to Kiondi" Parental roof Thos -Nlitchell }Vent „\roaday,,.._„gr, 1, 2. poyerwa, _.:11 Tor, several daYs last wee% vtinir relatives onto last weett.,.-.armda am was :43, • Hoosa114--Wiss Williams of Toren,ie t'ai Port Franks Monday on bustrtess. sPatttl a low,daYs V."-'5' Ps'st- week' V"3ker -t" Mr, P, ,Bawas "P•telor 4atitzday. lag at tile Parsonagel-The thallY urs„ por‘,.00m. of 'Exeter Ilere attend,. ends of. Rev W. H. Butt of London learn f24,ket„, whce. Ill. -The • regret of his serious inuess aod tie daughter. of Wm- Baker on the alck l -Mr. and Mrs. TaY/or. 'who have hee0 sUnr thelr daughter, MrS, B. Bossenberry, Lave returned to thelr honei FO-.'"est-ir--.Mess Edna, Dale, who has been w2th her eduter, Mrs. W, Amos. left,..for tier, home near Lucan on Monday, farna Eaddlnliab. GRAND BEND. • ---- hope, for a speedy recovery -The base. II boys held their annual Meeting Pa Monday eve, a goodprowd was present The boys organ:7..1d aa In tor 1912 with about All tl"-,9 oId )4PyS On the PaY sheet The officers for 1912 are as follows..., Wes. Hodgins )1:anager, 2, "Mitchell Captain; Harold Duplan, Sec.,Treas, The finances 2..rotin good Shape. 4nel the boys lta...ra a few dollars to begin the season with, A very hearty vote or titAaits, was tendemst the manager of. the Past two seasons. Wox, 13oy1e, who leavilag" in a short Vane to work in. "svfn.gl:P.4.1., Mr, BoyIr thartitc4 the. *0",1•, -Si hoe4sthoy wpeld. bMOTe eingeg4a.. the. cent74tr... 5e4579 than when waldeP agement, The boys, t‘ro having seas04 tickets Ts:slated artri haps OS .Sell Ms -AY te make up the rieeessR-ry expo • The boYs sheuld get. the tienflY Su rt ell in the village, AOw ave 0. game. Chat mare 'Intereatiog than balseball.,--Mr. B.ColWlit nnt irDere^ O'Brielt are atten41111- the assizes Godeartch, tlVhtt. Weelt.irr7Mr, Ewart einfOxel ef Lontl4sborti *Mit the under the parOttil ItOoL-Ne,. Samuel klicka Of the 20 Qn UbeI1 ha sold W;thla the past, weeks to ft,. O. Stitlan at Exeter, 4/.00.0 worm of barley% wheat Mid reas,. WII • there no' aleitte7 nferrahag? • AnY CLANDDROYE ......••••••••••••1 B. Thonantran. v:ss;,teelq Sehatidli fret visit since er el4;*IvPrU Illa°:tLvtleikr$;54Mnti);lit-ner. ie:dti sed ts".?( V.:atm:Nu hen • 'Wm, Re:el o toucan the wast-Setxral •Voatinastor Levis •wInsptar coasequentlY eet: g to* place laa t ThurrielaY zit ennesey's Notel irY and settle ^ Vie VOSIP151:11tH -were read Mr.McIlerna'd at 'Wean and Peat sPeeltOr and were sent t j. W. Hod - Y Preached a very elo- quen& scernon to the congrogatian Of St. IttIM on Sunday last, --Santo at our farmrs alend tappint; trees this wark, ia order t.a, ben malting maple syrup. --Mr. Burley IfodIrtns had tWo woad bees last ;week. Ho succeeded getting a great titt:entttY. Of wood spilt. out. driving Mr. Austin Elm a- d the m'atortuneto ava Ms cutter brezLk down whele passing over the rough roads. The horse became frightened on Waring te cutter smash and began to callap, dragging Mr. Ma for considerable distance before he got it stopp...(1., He got Ms arm badly larutsed -trad had to barrow a, cutter to return o his home. -Tho shooting match whIcia waa to llaye been held.?a LUC3Ahas been Postpante unt'l Good Vriclay.-The tun- e.al of the iaatant S,911 oi7.‘ir„ end Mrs. 4-loretto Simpson took place from the horn: of Mr. 0001 -se S'naPson to St. Centaery. Sex-v.:cos were con- ducted by Rev. Wan. Lowe, of Luean. - Mrs. orflVlC Parkkaa, is spend - 'ars a rev." days wfth, her daughter :Mrs. Lau's Ilerc.-The Clover Leaf ssion Band spont a very cnioYablO afternoon at the hento of Mrs. A. E. tIodens, At tba close of the meetIng a dainty luncheon was served by Mrs. lIalg*tis-On account of the freights be- Nir so *rrtgular for the past two weeks tit:: local merchants are completely sold out of many 'Winds of goods. Orders wh'ch have bedn sent ln a month ago av not been fIlled yet.. --Mr. James S:mpson, Who has been conffined to his bed for the Past two weeks' is slow - v •recovering. Kok-- Thla tZe,:1)g S.7,.0tch," at anwh pr gass, The ',zany touseltaicters tae butt na: Is when E they can et t, S-4 great has the demandthat the suPPlY below requircturalts. TO meet rtd n',olucera ar.r tot 1ve..Ys r*s er he:Pt:as:tag the ' supply. he farmer has not real: - true value, and. the saPply at zirtilk..on the a-V91.4.se farm tst".11 ,• its way to the hog trough, while le in towns and cities cannot get' Way requ.ire. This increaSed deniand a 90m.1. about largely because ot ;tient se:entitle haveatigatiorag• .telaave buttermilk to abe ot great value 10 .k.ecialog the Inusta.n system In goad work i' -'22g order. It Is •especially georl.tor in- " testinal disorders. ra v. ij untry like this, where land 1ve1Y Cheat), and where the est.icultu.r.al products of all rong and. prices high, a!for- a running no rlsic In wark- lex out sorna scheme or loaning money +ter f.artntrrs at cost. Some win say, In: - 1.741)s, that condltlans are so favorable gaod In agriculture, the g.ars on tilt? land will not verd any assistance. Conditions In Sz.•.rrninto-day are qui:to different fr,em sarkat thcy were f,..fty or seventy-tive rears ago. Tr.) make a success 01 farm- ing to -day, Whether it ha on the inaltie ,:te• on tx.e newer lands in the eastern provin.c.!s. the farratr mtist tia.ire same seapta to beg,in with. There is .tuaeh- '....aexy to buy, lia-e stack to secure, all of whicia takes maney. The farrnr Who 4starts in to -day „cm a new farirt, wIth.00 earpa-tent and with no ready rta/aney to pay far t s sarfausly handicapped at the start and his chances of making •good are very Materially lessened. If ..sa,n1..r, Means were provided for supply - Ing farmers, thus handicapped, with ;ready money at a. rate of interest of .E.y three per cent., the price, for which 7,..-a(rernment loans are obtainable, pluS ighe cost of a.dmstering the loan, the rirountry would be greatly benefited and . producnon rf fain products increas A TERRIBLE miXITP.-A Skookunachu whip was fuli of hard cider; got a -sale !bill and a marriage notice.. badly Tree description ran as Poilaws,- .RPlIkiarn Smith, .the only, son..'ot Mr. and Mats. Josiah Smith, was disposed of at bLe auction to Lucy Anderson, clavgn- eor- ot Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Anderson, aa trey farm, one milefeast o thts place, the presence of seventy guests, in- ez1uding the following, to wit, -2 mules, head of cattle. Ite-v. Jack,son tied the . Attest -lel knot ayerag,ing 1250 pounds on. e hoof. The beautiful ho,rae of the ..0.r1:de -was tastefully decorated with, a .5i7washclam spade, 1 sulky rake, 1 feed _..rrinder, I set double: harness, nearly, ,ckelAr; just ?before the ceremony was pro - n c ed Mendels sonn' s '..111.9p1:zing march 'was gi.lven by 1 mile/1 cow, years oid, 1 Jersey caw to be.. fresh . , Apra, ca.rryting a bunch oi flavvez;s to her hand, and leaking charming Ina -,,rown made ,of kight sPring Wagon, 6 ,kr',..VIT.E:s of apples, -3 ricks of hay, '1 l.rfrincistane, mouslt;ne de soie., trimmed • 106 'bushe,I,of spuds. The, groom ""s well-known and Popular young' -man 'has always stood well: in aLsc'..ety rcLes Of 12 BorkShiiro hogs, while the is an accompliShed and • talented :etcher O,C a splenda drove bt I'otand • • t.Cirinas.--pedierree,t. • furnished desired. „Anions ,the nuptaal, 'presents vr,ere hSeta 9:1v9 -r. knives and forks, one sPii7ng, • ''W heI1 riw, gook r ' ;and '-rart1rs `Po nuttnrrons to, rrent'en' !hl dal couple lel'YesterdaY fot an dd', trip,. terms twelve menthe' 4,tt 9. -96913,0ns 'Jble Pa rtI,e's the:" w1;15P be served at the sale., , this Mr. and1.1ra., sPi4ttki,‘",kat t.g .19PP7. --‘ haus e i t cos he orncr raniy.,,,, a ubt,4 1 LUMLEY. Mrs. Thos., DickSon and daughter, Miss Mauds.,, of Seaftorth spent Sunday at J'as. 13road100t's.-A nevrspaper fraud !has bren calling, on the people of this ne7ghborhood recently: -Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn spent the -week end with rel- atives in Seaforth.-Miss McNaughton of Clinton was the guest of Mrs. "\--V. N. Glenn for twp weeks.; -.-Mr. Chas. Eing- ing of London was a recent visitor at SaAnuel Hortion's.-Mrs. IIemery of Mitch ell is .tihee'guest ,et her brother, Stewart McQueen, who is laid up with a very sore 'hand. We welcome Mr. and MT1EI: MCQUeell to oar midat again, -Wears, Pleased to state theft IVIr. Jas.. Broad - foot is .able to sit up for a.while each day. -Miss Miller 'of Munroe has return- ed to her home after a visit with her brother Wlaparn. here. 331DEULPII ----- Just 64. years ago Thursday 'Mr. and Mrs. RlChard DoaWi,p gings hof , KnlOrlw63 and f)0 ' o.r- • t years old, respectitvely, were wedded in ha -village of Lucan, Though it is four yea,rs since 'the diamond anniversary of that wridd'fiag, was celerbrate,d, the couple, who haxe, by tw,a cle,dadas and more Pass ed the prescriki'd three score and ten, are still actively interested in the .rvvorld about them and appreentive of the joy of 1:e and ektion. It was on March 21st, 1848, that Richard Dan, a young Irishman who had come, to Canada while yet a youth tnarne' been solennrized at that vlllage. ic One of the pioneers of 13iddulph i3C'zrjrf, a0t.f '111.:ulscabriTate,heNriws:dd7Illigzabceetrh'enl*C.Dulli; s'h„lp, Mr. Daag hewed his farm thete from the virgin fare st, Lg,hting witili tir other P6Pneers of the` tewrlsh-P inc battle of cir,,X,sati,on' against the • gig- a'It'n 'Trines and rivaples of the forest ▪ 'Raid. of '66 he should- -ed lts mile and marched ti the irent ' te protecnon ,of horns and countr.y, Protnr,ently &Identified /with the • tbe;'41:9'w,r1,1311,...0 'OP 13tddlil 110144• 4-Maldleitek'llrel the beit WHALEN., , and Mrs., Albert Gunn:rig Spent Sunols.y ere ‘..-uests of Fred Gunning. clarenee Oanall14" left last Week for MakW,t-Obas where WO PrOpOseei staying„, - Mr, Pgilip Broolcs Spoilt %alder with fle',04144 '411 tisleorne,744ra. and, lierkry Vq1rt-war4va SpOat SUndttY visit ing at Mr, Albert Pattftelers,--Crairg to Ow cold 'weather uP to the thne wr'Xing very little syrup -has been made by attoae -whO have ts.pped,-3frs,Qhn Asuf.tage et Lucan 3,1Site4 her brother Wrn; Ogden, Sunday.,-,Sarn Stevenson, who haS been elittIng wood at his eld ciente near Therridale.1 hack at Ws llere 'Eca.447 te,r tuit sorin% The Roman Tribune. Tle tribunes in ancient Rowe repre -ented the people in tillich the sante ay that lite bonse 431134104,,i does England and the bouae of repre, SettilltiVCu it* thie. voutury. For a Wag le the patricians' or aristocrats of thrtue had elsel7thillg, their 9wu Witell tile jlIchelans or. Ss W011itl SOY., the "pialu ;...att the uributte the reckless tyranny of the patricians ceased The tribune tut .at power. Ur VUU:tl Vt`10 1114,110St ;ally or rand ntillify almost any 18W !noised by the Romans, Liberty among Romans dales from the, time theS rst secured their ttlinines.--,,,,New York Ante:lean. Friendship' Tribute, Marlys- Vitt yult see wimi the .sep lety column of the Daily Bretal said ihnin flillard the other worn. Ing': "Site tuoves with case ;lad grace at +Jar most eNclusive circles," hello -Yes. I read it. les deud talu that the editor who wrote that :lad never seen her on roller skates. - Chicago Tribune. Against liis Convictions. "Have Soroc Of this 'Welsh rabbit, Kionson?" asked Wanes as be stirred the golden concoction in the Chafing dish. "No, thanks, Bjonesey," returned Bjanson, patting his stomach tenderly. "I am unalterably opposed to all cor- poration taxes."-Ilarper's 1Yeek1y. „ You can get clubbing rates on all the leadtng newspapers and magazines by ordering at tho Advocate office. The only titres a henpecked man is al- lowed to head the process:on Is when .wIre thinks she hears burglars downstas. STANDING FIELD CROP COMPET- ITION All farmers interesthd in the stand- ing Field,Crop Competition Fall Wheat are requested to forward their names to the Secretary or •Presiant at the Exeter Agricultural Society, not lat- er than May lst, 1912, Prizes offered. P20-, $15., $12., $10., $'18., $6., and 074, 1-J. CHRISTIE, G. DYER President Secretary. TENDERS WANTED FOR PASTURE LAND AND BUILDING Tenders will tbe.recefared by the tinder s!gited up to April 6tbiZor thq Agricultur al Society's grounds, pasture maws only, during 1912. The,Sociedy reserves right to make any xe,paiirs and also May 24t1h, and Jtheir days for Fall Fart Tenders w1 .also be received for . the sale of DrLil Shed.t: ED. CHRISTIE, A. G. DYER President Secretary. ,Row's TldsP itrt1.94a; One Hundred Dollar skew ard for any caw of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Eiall's Catarrh Cure, . J. 04E.NET CC-, Toiodoo 0. WO the undersigned have known P. J. Cheney for tim1avt,15 Years, and believe WM, perfectly honorable in ail. bushusee.trassacttens and ttattnoialiT %tato to sorry out any obligations Sisade by fits Erm, WaLnisa,lialevastallaavnt. ;Who/elude Druggist; Toledo, 0 UsdpsCo.tarrh cux:,L taen internally, acting (II ret(' on the blood and mucous, surfacea et the sYstein. Teatirnonials seat free, Price Zba per bet.. tie, Soldby ailDruggiata Take iJall's Patuil v Pi! Is for constipation, WINCEELSEA Purchased a load. John lorklge, who lost -a, valuable bull a tew days ago by IseiMg hung, has since purchased another tine Herford bull, be- ing the Nvinner of the 'first, prizq at the western Fair, London, la'st fall. John is bound to1lave the best, and, the farm, ers that neighborhood can congratu-. late themseiveS on hawing such a fine animal to breed tom, Mr. Delbridge 'has ellspose.d ,h.,fs old buli and delivered hint to. Mr„, Snell, at Exeter last Week. .140 mOnster. haying- tiPPed ttte •CalleS.-over :4100 pounds, ss, "CAY 'TOWNSHIP Tao following fs the report of examln, aroons lteld dn 5, S., N. 2,If4Y1trrvi, jones OS; NV, Kockheott 41, Ciass-J, IsfurraY 69: 11, lImvit744 W. SnY4k, 5$: R. cazovbzu 55 z2. w'alarti 50; 4"M,11Unle 49. W. Class -Q, Oaae 87; B. Peddes 63; V, jottes 62;2A, JD-ear:sr:4 5qiW. wiliArd 44,T; 11, vi'Lliard 44, George MaWson, teacher, Vider-It wh deeP• est regre Ito mollt4911 'QC 1116death t Mrs. Wm, ramerly at Tuck- me:tit, who paese4 peacefully away at title home of her Scia-fat-law. Art - drew "Maim, n Usbaruo On mar 15, At the advanced aqo of t31. years. Sho had tcteo :st ciee.1ng kelittIt for Sante Years but none thattAkt the end so near, She wuu xiii401, respected and beloved fer her tleexls an4 InallY litigable qUalilt- T-les, She emigrated te« thts ceontry with other Ari+ontwA of the Tatnly. settling 114,1? t6w:1st:4: where she endured.. t the havelshlpso peer igro. E "ta matdent nap= was 1Rnu,Stfrray, ww marred 1 ior late husbavel, Mara Elder, at Tuckeramith, salne 48 ago, where by herd toil and ln- vi they made a goxl competency :0 survived by a family at o sans and 911e datrghter, viz„ ;tire. v.' Molt. usborne, Titonus, or nd *concession or Tuckorernith f Hay Township, end Wfillam be hentestead. A WINDSOR ,LADY'S APPEAL To Al( "Woman -I wilt send free with *11 Instructions, my home treatment hIch poaltIvelY cures Leucorrhoeet,11I- c ration, Displacements, Failing Ot the Paintull Or Irregular Periods, Uterine and Ovarian. Tumors or growths also Hot Flushes, Nervousness, l'ilel- ancholy, Pains in the Head, ,Back or Bowels. mai Bladder troubles, whore caused by weakness peculiar to our sex You can continue treatment at tionao at a cost or only 'About 12 center, a week MY book, "Woman's Own Medical Ad- viser," also seat tree on r'equest. Write to -day, Address, Mrs. IT.Surorners Box. H. 84.0 Windsor, Ont. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol"every nerve st°t°3 In the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay end all sexual vvealtness averted at once. Pliosphonell will make von a new man. Price San box, or two for O. Mailed to any address. irho Scobell Drug Do., St. Catharines. tont HOW To Keep Your II -air Free From 1)andi4tiff PARISIAN • SAGE A Delightful and Refreshing Hair Dressing BANISHES DANDRUFF OR MONEY BACK People, who deri.re topreserve the bair can gain some valuable linforniation ilrom the following . Have yoltrolvin brushand comb ttt home And at the hair 'dressers. Never use a britieh,,Or comb in Public places. They are. Usually covered with dandruff germs. ' - Wash yoiutr" hair. laros,ir once a week wileht soap and Warin 'water' to which' is addecl a d:s-hrfectant.' ,Slearkpotei, the, nolitr onee, a :week • :with soap and wateir. • rubbing' tlikiroUgh1y:,-ixtit0:'1*' scaipl 'PARISIAN SAG2'is guprantceel' .S; Cole: hotidesitroy„d,aridrilff :gertr,S and abolish dandrulti," er:', /honey back. .. To etoO hair 'from, tallingi,',and Scalp. rem itchs"Ing, or meniey' ,gfe'encl :beauty into dull faded; .44instiney' Ptt9s, 50 t.:9F4''' PARISIAN- SAGE STOPS FALLIN3 HAIR • OR MONEY BACK THE CANADIAN BANK OF ' COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D., D.O.E.., PRESIDENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER CAPITAL - S10,000,000 REST, - $8,000,000 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT of The Cauadian Bank of Commeree will receive deposits of $t and upwards, on which interest is allowed at current rates. There is no delay in withdrawing the whole or any portion of the deposit. Small deposits are welcomed, 42,34 Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more zersons, to be operated by any one of the number or by the survivor. A pint accbtint of this kind saves expense in establishing the ownership of the money after death) and is especially useful when a man desires LO provide for his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death, EXETER BRANCH -W.11. COLLINS, Manager. Branch also at Oredlton. The Molsons Capital Reserve Deposits Loans and Investments - Bank Ittcorporated 1855 EdIges for Five Years -1906-1911 • $3P00,000 $4,000,000 $310003000 4,600,000 $23,677,730 35,042,311 27,457,090 Total Assets - $33,090,192 38,854;801 48,237,284 Has $3 f3t4tichts in Oa. mid Agents awl Corresponds ts in all the rineipal Oitles in the World. diaNtiRAI. PANNING SUSINIlSS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at al Bralinhes, Iliterest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents tt Bxeter forthe Dotalli011 Government,, 4 IN 8.-T 0451ANO; Sollei'tors, N. D. EVIWON,.lians 141t=slSaeZRZMINMIPINMMIINIMMI EASTERN TIOLIDAY 114k.TES Slugle fare for rerund tr.11). Mntununt Charge 25e, between all stations in Can- ada. Good 1713'447 Apr.:1 4, :1, 6, 7, and SUL Return 1%e11t Aprll 10. 1812. •••••••*•••••• IfOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO WrisTratN CANADA Itt30 10th. and 301h and every ecrend Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 3711iibelttalvt% WINNIPEG and Betting -1,424, EDMONTON and Return 1,742 . Tickets goad tor 60 days. Proportion- ate rates to lather points in .Marlitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, TiCkets will ale° be tan sale on certain dates va Sar - 230 and Northern Navigation CorrananY. LOW RATES TO PACIFIC COAST., '1%91c9tS 9n sale da1ly until Aprll 1.5th, ....••••••••••• SETTLIMIS ONE WAY TIC10ETS To Man -Aloha., Saskatchewan and Alberta on sale every Tuesday In March and in Apr11. When gong to Buffalo, Now York, Plaladelphia, :Montreal travel via Grand Trunk Railway Systona-the only double track route. Full Inforrna.tion from j. 3. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter. Fresh Groceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing, business) that we are meeting a lona felt want, and giving the hest of satisfaction. - Remember our motto,— "fresh Groceries all tne time," • All kinds of produce taken in exchange. JAS. GOULD une !s apt t,a' taxer the brave wi:10 whIle they, wait. RARNI FOR SALE That choice ram of 108 acres on th thad and tIrd concessions of 'Cohere°, being one and 0112111: noes rEcm Dzcien On the Prengses is a largo brick house with slate roof, and frame barns and stabItng, Will he sold separately or together to sUit purchaser, 15 acres in fall whes.t. 40 acres fall plowlag done, balance in grass. Apply to THOS. FIsiisn, Exeter, CENTRAL dad" STRATFORD. ONT. 011r classes are now larger tlan ever before but we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for a few more students, roil rnay enter at attir Vane. We hnvo a staff of Aniato exPer- "oneed ;instructors and our courses are the best. Our ,gracluntes succeed. "Ishla week "tbxee recent graduates infornted us that they have positions paying $05 $70 end ,$,11225 per month!. Wo halt( throe departments, -Commercial, head and Telegraphy. Write for our free catalogue now: D A. McLAMILANt PrinclPalt CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKE EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 100 p.m. on APRIL 2,18,30 MAY 14, 28 . JUNE 11, 25 JULY 9, 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEPT. 3, 17 Second class tickets frons Ontario stations to principal Northwest points at LOW -ROUND -;TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $34.00; Edmonton and teture. $42.00and to other points in propottion. Tickets good to return within 60 daYr from oinct TOURIST - TOURIST SLEEPING CARS through to Edmonton via Saskatoon, also toWinnipeg ad Cblie2aberYtthavli, fiViulitiracijouueippee-da alt aviextheufabecfclini.g, eaC°11 raber secured at moderate rates through local agent. EgrIi application must be made. ASK ron ROMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET tontaWcit sates and full infonnation, Apply to steered C.P.R. Agent' or M. G. MURPHY, Dio. Pus. Ast., 'Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF cos •..;,;(..t.rartsi` 1 W1, /Vaal_ ,1111 V ce r 4116111411Pii. 'WORN " • 7,Vrill • ones.= m ' •stoss. renown - . immexto, -4,41aut sussc.vitsaass*, -77.71,tiat, To protect your family from the ravages of disease and iniectiora0 and the rigors of winter; to wake your home tile abode of Health and 'Happiness. Statistics tell us that.there were over 250:000 deaths in North Aineriea last yearfrorn fever a,nd Pneumonia; • Over 90 per cent. of 'these cases '=,,were traceable to out -door closets and all Were the result of insanitary conditions. Are you going to allow this ter ribie den,t1a. rate to conthaw. -why not insure, Health by lost ailing a "PARKY'llEt" SANITARY CHE- MICAL CLOSET. • Absolu.tely Sanitary and OdUrleas carries the endorsement (3 Phyeielane and ..,Health Officials, '',ando. our 'own Ir ,011 -Clad „guarantee, Requlreg no etperk- is;:ve ...,'Water-Systam; ,nts' plitrnbing 00 sewage can • be Lastalled in , any 'part of youX"liOniti:the &Sat efr,a'fcw min utes of your spare tine; lasts a ,Iffe, CATte and cast lass than: a CENT a da y. , , "PARICYTIV, Chemical has - been proven by • BacterioloicaI,dht to be the most powerful Disinfectant, 'Deed orant and Germicide;"' known. to Science. The "PARI -CYTE" SANITARY,' CII FINIICA14 CLOSET Is,' ;sold by W.• J. Ilea,man,, 8xeter, ()t, • yatt, No further argumet 1208 mpAavrituii44 'p, • . WINNiwin necessaXY. rgaMAN, , r: 1" ON MONT COPYER , , ta. 4'`