Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-7, Page 4der Abroicate Sanders & Creech, Propa. R'URSD,&:li.,,. MARc ? tae people can always obtain what t'oey want .f they want 3t '4.41 . etzough and are persistent enough in their ap- items till they obtain that tot w h d • they ask, If they Kant a, Live Doard or Trade they can have it, They have only to ask baud enough and long enough. That O!'ntario has 29%347 acres, of or, e .ids, 24,384 acres of small fruits, and' ',17i7,982, acres of gardens' s slza vn„ by the deport 'of the bureau of industrige t°or'. ,`the ,l}rev,?zee sof Ontario for 1910 which as .lust been issued. The, total num, cOex: o-^ acres under, crap. in 1910 was! 0.725.084, as emnpared with. 9,5:.8,323{ ta 1909. The total value ref the erop,fer it.* 1Q was; S175,115,742, an increase of', zl7ii0k3i1 Pore than that of 1909, Xsz rla country, where fatal railroad acciale,7ds ;a e .a matter of alar at daily exa- l s � -S a remarkable e oratra,st acse ate , by the official ,fzgaires iroads, ixwrir, the past year there were b> t : r<:e acc4ettt3 to L'rtttsh. ' trains attended with fuss of lite, the t tt-o.ttr.147 ,a? f a;tles beim' taut. aarteen, For tip oVvqs years pr Odds e average or :frilled% in railroad 'lac* edeMs g.44, its ,tis;lr -'t.,; seen by a conernull'c '•>{ztl: another colo, -inn, and es-bearldenta,a has Toonc^e,cecl the idea of the cltiZens assist - :4 tl.. band vritn a new uniform' stet su3gests methods of rasing the t purpose, We wish to • State that ?R' it'7t lis'd,rt`,2Y :n 'sympathy ''`.tr 00} or any Movement thatwill kelp the loaild and .help the town, We ;are Apiy tvo w1ling at all times to make llobt:e any suggestions that ,arts, o:tk t' en,a would Like to IPAke, and. Our only. regret :s that we have not Insny" roe -A:'li?ra-at' whit are willing to .sit deo'Vs a t,T k tt 4rttie Lard thinking as to inott.ocrt of advancing the best anter, gait of our tour's, Come. get your shoul- dors Cc the, 'wheel atzd everybody 'boost, 4 a ,:te a few s '#eh?,aLaa sad #ethod:ist churches have Ite. against union, PQgple 11a,Ye been at these churches would taro ,:ded Ionian carried throughout hout, -+trio»try. , 'Would trey ht, 'satisfied. avotald :t frtoat nroney or another; isidered at' all 1° «t Ea i.ot aFlr oat utaanlsnous? Local' centlitt",, , ranwa>.ver are itav:}a;a t very rnarked effect on the v Jte in. Wane Places,, Perhaps 'ha th older settled parts un- ion :tf:i root so neeassary, tau! wvt. :scout t:trq w A1C .'s t set l CTta`:1, ;` tr t 4 the rural dis- tricts wh re ther, aro only a rev/ score of people? Should they'be forced to 'keep un three or fou„ churches when otic would be share successful? 41.nd: to the lalcathen rzt;•rd what a disturbing In- fluence them sort b when several de- nominations are struggling for converts to their particular churches and beliefs. Xh missionary work alone the value of union `n our op:cion, cannot be over et;t'Taat.ed. NEWSPAPER PROFITS -The Wat- Yor'd Gude-:Advocate an a recent issue contained the following pointed .remark on subseriptiotas. The experienes of oth- rar Ideal weeklies :'s ag^a.in verified, 'We -wish to 'eonf"-dq a sec ct to our read- ers. It le this; -If a roan pays ' his subaoril:t"_on to the weekly promptly in advance, and everything is favorable the 'publisher will ;probably make 10 or 15 Per cont. profit on thtt.t ,dollar. Ii it Is not paid promptly andshe has to spend something far'postage etc., he does not makea r n o e than' a c. profit an each h t subscription and sometimes it it is a year or two, behind, he naakes'lless than nothing. The tri city papers don't make anything' on their subscriptions but their' advertising rates' are Ugh and they Y orrae oat alright. The Esme paper is the same now that It was when butter was ,1.Oc.: a Ib. and eggs Sc. a. dozen and if ever iaear of an editor getting rich. lay it down as a sure thing that he didn't, get it iron/: the prof is of his subscription list." - 4llE R T S AD ,Fi. O Mrs. R. Snell fir in bad owing too a slight attack of appendicitis. -31r. Wm.' Pybus us Iaid up 'with an attack of .ta grippe and rheunaat_sm.-The W.M.S. of Bethany Church have secured Mrs. (Rev) 'Harrison' of Landon to preach, for them Ron Sunday, March) 17, both morning and evening. --Mr. Chas, Cann installed a -piano in his horde last week. -Mr. J.Bray, gave -a _emaI1 'dance last week. -Under 'the auspices of the Epworth League, Rev. 3..E. Millyardt of Hensell well give .an illustrated lecture entitled 'The Shafts rock. Rase, and Thistle"' in Bethany ,Church on Friday evening at "8 o'clock. -Mrs.R. Thornton babyand hor of and n aWas •Margaret Passmore left the parental roof -ciao Tuesday for Vancouver. On the stage of business the spot. light is on the mar who advertises. Our Classified ` Want Ads will place you or your needs in the lim e light of punhc-attention.` If: you have not tried them, their illuntinatrng power veld`surprise you, „ aarrrea+3l fK, t, ,L bJ: WHALEN, I.. Mr. .i'atr_ck,.; Lamph4or, who, with his mcather and s''ster, spent the winter in Cat°forma., returned home much ipiproy- ed by that --tzap-;firs Edna Gunning and bliss 39inerva Leif visited over Sunday wiIth friends, ihi London, -,Mrs )avid Long. ,of near Hyde Park, 'visited this ;week with relatives around here.--• afro T.hornp"s;alz visiting with her brother,. M. i'la{lkiP " Bntaoks, Messrs Hector and Clarence i'.f?llson spent Sun, day with their lady friends .n London (TQwnshrp.'--Mr, Frank Parkiitson> ',.':too has been sez,:ously 11 mast of the 'win- ter, ireproving a'apidiy.--Mr. and gars Spent Thursday w rth their cousin, Mgrs, G, Bant-Iag, w; a leaves this, month far E'sterhaze}-, Sask. x re they purpose rain;zag their future home, -Th„ torg�anized Jua'or Bible Class g...•tting :1 concert here in the church on Wednesday, March. 13 A choice p+'ogcam Cs being prepared and address, es w,11 be :given by M. Medd of Win- rhelsea and Rev, Wilson of Stratford, -Mr, 'Wilson t4'dil also contribute to the pro;; r a m by sial,ng.-lay the way Cur young men are'naov_•ng out on Sundays we judge the,young ladies are taking advantage of the leap year Privileges -Mr„ and ti rerA, t ur Ia.er have a rn v- ed litre .front L eaz3's Head, We welcoaa tine lt, apoong ossa-PartTies are the .,order of the day around here. -The weather thanis ,urn ildhiag the young people with .goad roads.-lfr. 'Agra, Ogden, who cut "a hand "with a p:Yca of; glass smite few wee>las age-, as still unable to use the .njored member,. FARQMIA R.. AIr, tV 3, Vance, while i'n the we<ads sites a load of wood on Saturday last was overtaken with a. severe attack of paralysis and 43 now e:arlffrled to his bed under the doctlor and nurse's rare. He was unable to speak far two days, but h'a speech is returning and hopes are now entertained for hts recovery.-fr. W'm. Stewart last. week diapase4, of one; of it;s fine hundred acre farms in Us - borne, ba ng I- of 14, N. E. B., to M . Simon Campbell. HOS eon, Mr. Ed. Campbell w,ll move unto it's:sorUy. Mr. Stewart mt;11 .retains the old homestead, the tare was ;snade by Thos. Cameron --Foster Bray and .11fha tidlala link rr who are attcazdrazg the Bat nese Col- lege, Stratford, were tri for Sunday„ -Rev, Z llyard, under the auspices of the League. w`1l giro his illustrated lecture, entitled 'Shamrock, Rose and Ta.stle," Bethany^ church on Friday evoting. The public may expect a treat -1Zr, Georg Halter Is reeovcrin& from reeventa',lineae. vwsstaraaere say they don't, feel the a :old and the reason of. :t is only now dis- closed by tho London ; (Eng.) Chronicle. It, say, -The boys of Northern Canada. when very Young, are first whipped to make t'hc:•r flesh tingle, and then' sent to bathe e.'n the half-rrocen rivers, As they grove older they'.. aka :nada to 1'io out of doors at night with no clothes n a et a arra n n.,s 'far a week or so at a strete!), The consequence is that either they d:a or beemne so hardened as to be able to to naked in any. weather without the slightest d',sconitort, EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. On. LOT 13, N. B., USBORNE, on TUES- DAY, MARCH 19th, at 12.30 o'clock L broad mare 7 -yr -old with: foal, draft. 1 brcnd mare, 4 yr -old with. foal,agric. 2 gelding's, 5 and 7 yrs., agric. ;;2 gel - din's, 8 and 9 years, agile.; 1 geid- ing, 3 -yr -old, Goat, Purpose; 1 gelding 2 -yr -old, eget.; 1 gelding, 2 -yr. driver 1 driver, quiet and reliable. Cattle -2 renewed cows, 2 cows due at t ''ne of sale, 2 caws, due in April, 2 cows, duo in May, 4 cows, due In June;. 9 fat steers 3 -yr -old ; : 0 heifers 2 -yr - old 4 heifers 2 -yr -old; 12 yearlings. Hogs -2 br ood aow s 1pe rd' • e e dho Yorkshire; 10 -shoats. Fowl -A number of young hens and pullets. Implements -Lumber, wagon, truck wa- gon, tap bagay new open n bubgY, new democrat, pair bobsleighs, cutter, new binder, nearly new mower, :worse rake, large two -furrow plow,: walking Plow, set harrows, land roller, seeder F: dr -'ll nearly new; 12 .hoes. 1 corn cultivator and: bean puller attachments ; fanning trill, puiper, platform scales; set 'of double harness, set single harness, :wheel barrow, stone boat s2 sugar kettles,; a number sap buckets, forks,' sih:ovels hoes, grad bags, chains, saws, and other art -,Cies too numerous to mention A number r ya f o white ash wagon Poles about 15 tons first-class hay. Positively no, reserve as the proprie tar has sold hi;,s farm and is retiring. TERMS -$5 and under cash, over that amount 10 months credit on approv- ed joint notes, . 4 per cent. off for cash mi credit amounts. WAL Sb1'EWARIT, T. CAMERON, Propri;etor.` Auctioneer, Auction Sale F'AItM, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Lot S. %-32, Gob. 1, Usborne Oat Wednesday, 'March 20th 1012 At one •o'clock, sharp Farm -S. half or Liat 312, Con. 1, Us - borne, on v,,hch its frame house, frame barn, 36a70, with stabling, 'hen' house, 100 trees ahoy?ce winter fruit, 2 good Spr n;g 'wells, cistern, faun, well under- dra t ed., Terms of farm made known on clay of sale. ,iSorses-Team matched geldings agar. 4 yr• -old ; suckling, calt, blood; draft n.iare :ii foal, rising, 8.' yearn..:, Cattle -2 two -yr -old 'steers year steer ; 3 steers and one heIrfer r3 Id P igs -sow dnae Apr,:1 10 ; 8 pigs 2 months old° r Poultry -About 10 hens. Imhlenaants-Rake, cultivator, ; mower. snuffler, disc air ll ,P'!ndur, all. r,neaar1y new; plow, wagon, buggy, fanning ail, cutter, rope, car and sl n>s, churn and ot:,er arnn'n mpleni txts. furniture --Coal heater-, wiood or ran irr,re, -table co ch 6 ch2uar3r and t et ons °small ar;t w lea., ''i rq • tone ' hay, ,:quantity cnsh- 5a ms- .i"�i d .under ,caalx ,: