Exeter Advocate, 1912-2-29, Page 8EXBTER imrunATE, TWCRT! 3I1A', FEBRUARY BS, 1.6412 Cheap Clothing dor a Few Weeks This is the, Clearing -up -season for Clothing and those who desire q cheap Overcoat Suit or Trousers should call early and pick out your goods, This is the off-season and we can do your work quickly. W. W. M. N Merchant Tailor, - eter, Ontario EXETER MARKETS. 4,1HANi1ED EAOH WEDNESDAY Wheat «,«,«...., 9t 96 Barley" ..., . 83 95 Buckwheat ... 550- 60. Oats, .....,. ...,.44 45 Fete,.......,. 100 1 15 Potatoes, per batg 1 00 1 15 Hay, per terr, ........ ,. 1300 IrlOur, per cwt,,, family 2 70 Maur, low grade per ew 1 60 165 30 31 30 81» 6 80 200 25 25 00 Live hogs, per cwt....—. Sher ts per* ton,. ,, .. ,... Bran per tom , . Sugar Beet meal.., ...,.,. MI -D312.9,.. WANTED Estaereaced rnwrried Tian to, work fnion wee tori slmed Yearly gag+emeat.-f-PPlY to W. E, SANDERS, NDERS, Bieter is • nage SAGE cense CENSE -Get your mar- the Advocate attic. I3eautiful Bordered Silks, for Dresses. We 'say they are love- Iv, you would yourself. 'They come in dress lengths at $S, tnd $6.00—Stewart's. Renew your subseriptonYto the cIty dairies with us. We will attend, to the +, business for 7011 promptly, ,and save' you t1•nne and money. New Dress Goods. In many new weaves and colors. We Want you to see them. Special values at Soc. to $1.50 a yd. —Stewart's. Remember the date, Feb. 29th, "One day only" Print Sale qt Sirs. W. D. Yea's. Wall Papers. The new 1912 wail papers are here. We have papers suitable for any person at per roll 5c. to 25c..—Stew- art's. Rural correspondents will kindly let us know when they- need more sta- tionery. Th, is is the time rot the year when people .have tine to read and will d:pprec.ate ail the news from your sedan. Miss Canada Shoes for wo- men—we carry this popular make in many styles. If you want comfort, wear a pain of our shoes with a cushion sole —Stewart's. You can get clubbing rates on all the leading newspapers and magazines by ordering at the Advocate office_ "Print Sale" Feb. 290., at Mrs. W. D. Leo`s-11, 121-2, 15c Prints, the new pr:,nts included -'all go for 10c. Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo- cate Offiee, Exeter.: PIANO FOR SALE—A first-class Plano for sale, at a bargeh' —Berlin man- ufacture. Apply Lett this office. Feb. 29th, "Extra Day" Special Sale •'P.:nt'Day"' at Mrs. W. D. Yeoas. TO FARMERS. — The undersigned' wishes to announce that he w01 con- tnwe to purc._aase,hogs in this eommnun- ty, and that there wills be no change other than that George Armstsongswilt take the route followed by the latie'Thos ;Prior. Shipments >every Thursday. High- est market Prices paid. --L ARMSTRONG BUSINEJSS CII•A:NGED HANDS. — To take 'effect March' 1st.—Having bought the Butchering Business and good will of Mr F. Woad, v would like to; do taus:rivese' wrath all the old customers, and as many new ones who would wish to give vis a call. Our aim will be . to give satisfaction, and baying had some 15 years o= experience I'have -sonie idea of the wants of .the people. As, cannot see^you all personally I take this way of o] cit r5 your 'patronage. . , W I.":RIVERS. The hes' Biirt�s to hard coal mined . white ash. �.EVETT, COALMAN 1�. LOCAI-, DOINGS. kk. q.11r,ty,.,aaa. c c Mang a Man has, lost a dollar in try - ng to sage R rCokIe, Parkhill Methodist Church voted. 110. For ureen and 2 against, It ds never too late to trend—unless you put aft until, you' forget how, Ever notce that after you get lata a Man's debt you meet h n oftener, a lots sof. us made it- a rule to pay as 'we go, we would not; go- very tar. Eighty -Mae inmates are .beim; __eared or at the present tier � n : the, 'Muse of Refuge, Remember the John Ratelafte sale of choice young horses, and cattle on: S. T�lcanres Road on March 5th. Mr, John It. McDonald has purchased Lewis• Waiper's farm on the London11d., Hay. 31r, WaJper intends gong west, Nobody can have such a clear Cons science, .that he -doesn't ,look scared F when tipbegins to ten hie: lme talked - s sleep, If you. Want to know how people can Speak of you bahi.nd, ;our hack listen to the reekless manses in which they P:4014 into others, The Good Beads, AssoC'atton are seek.. ;lag le s latlgn ka IMPose, za tar on -mato, ears to bald roads, and to ?o„,, bid the use of narrow thed wagons. Owing to the dry summer of east )liar and the exceptionally cold Weather this winter. the bee-X<IPers of this district are very apprehensive that there w41'bo a great loss n thea num- ber o thelr ealontes this spring, Anal once again we would remind our nmereinants that three fourths of the money spent in, necessities, is spent by women, 'therefore acivertfse icer women and ,i you te'r a. wo azessc 1aur pr lees shts, will read your adverti.seataent and come and buy. The fronds of thus. paper will WASP' basad us Mtn liew.s %Salo when they are fresh, We prefer net+to pubifsh a t?° 't1n aril„`^ the, child is weaned, a marriage °ter, the honeymaoo,3r, Is .over, or the death of a amass aisle, hastwidow' 9s fn•arr- - si agaain, ently a lady calm:red 'wiry the eslt ;aa not take the other Cede of the '`T'arade at .Homme question'" and State. ate reasons why people trade abriaad Don't know the reasons, dear lady, but if any one else 1;Mli send then tsa t% shall be deliOhted, to fitld out •why they do .t and to discuss ;Haat aide of the qureet:on,—Parkhill Casette. We are pleased to note that 1agahaw, -formerly el Exeter, has been' elected senior trustee for Hila Grectn School D-stmnct N. 2610 of the Prov- ince of Alberta, In Januaxy Mr. Dag- sh.:w was also elected cowrc ilio, for his, district, The thermometer has been down to 45 below' • a ifew t"rnmes this' win- ter. "A pleasant and. profitable evening was spent by the Oddrellows on Lucan Lodge No: 70, Tuesday evening. On this occassi,on a fraternal vista was paid them by the Grand Master of On tarn Bro. S. A. Popplestone of I3lyth: also District Deputy, W, T. Murray of Exeter, who was accompanied by oth- er nnembers of Exeter L!adge No. 07, Granton Lodge was also largely attend- ed. The meeting -vas very ably address- ed by the Grand blaster, in regards to the rapid increase of membership, its excellent unanaial condition, tho large amount paid weekly for sick and fun- eral benefits and the 3gh standard of morality which the Order has attained. The District Deputy spoke in glowing ter t ,e , ms o the Orclm� and the limo con- dition of the District. After the ad- dresses all adjourned to the Central Hotel, where all enjoyeT the elaborate supper wllZch hadbeen prepared for them —Lucan Sun: In the e'usli and ;hurry ,oft modern life do we think as Mush as we might of the happiness of those who are grow `ng old. They have lost ea much . Their youth, often theft health, most of the friends and companions who started with them on 1tsfe'd journey ars gone and yet we often grudge them the 'brightness and joy we might so easily put into their. lives. We will not{ -stay to hear the recollections io'f old and happy days,j which they love, to tell us. Wei let them see so plainly tihat their day Is over and ours ihas come. That those who have borne the burden and heat Of the day, toiled and struggled and worn themselves out ton- others, should be left to feel lonely and neglketed sorrowful. We can and ought, each and all, n our own place and way, dd'„sane thing to bring the glow of summer and the .remembrance of the days of noses and love into the Intoe, now. fast near- fnmg their winter and their end. TUMOR RBMOVED.—Mr Garnet ."Hey- wood had a ;fatty tumor removed from his forehead,. above the right eye .'on Monday. Two' 'years ago this winter he was struck by the puck while playing hockey, and the tumor was the result. It had grown to a considerable sizesc NO BULLET, NO BEAR.—Mr. John Essery 'tells and interesting bear story of 78",;!years ago when hits faammflly, lived • near' Devon. Ile was eight years: old and be and' a Younger sister were after a pils aof water when a blaFlt'bear' came out of the Woods near thenen.. They'• lost no titm,e •Jti: read -Sing the ,ISome of Richard 'Ba!iley, who had unluckily shot the last" .bullet, into a tree. There he:. ing nothing else To use in its stead, he took -an` axe and cut the bullet out of the tree, BY :this time, however, the bear had disappealred, EARL% MORNING RUNAWAY,— Mr. Arthur "T e rslake, ;Son of Mr: Robert Kerslake' Usborne, and his sister had is most: exciting, and unpleasant exper- ence about 3 'o'clock Tuesday 'morning, when returning" home r1om a Party. The ,horse they were: driving” became fright- , ened corning down Main -Street, and: when the cutter, struck a huge snow- dr:lift is front of 'the Ban'! of. Camnrnerce -ovet'turined, thHow'.ng :the occupants, out. The horse ;therm• rumen in< on the sidewalk ; In -&rant ,af W 7. Carling's store and cont `hu„tl ntsm iniad career , un t_1 tt reached homes The cutter 'and. har- ness 'were ba.diy smashed' and a window., of Carletiii's store broken but the oc eup�mm�f idB+y�CCie cutler were un n ju ed A sae Akan drove them horns „t (, Rev. B. Hobbs fe inmprloving slowly, Miss Mabel Miners is on the sick list Mrs., John McQueen of W-iLanr Street rs :quite ill, dr. Nelson 1'rr.}or still contlnuea quite i11 at •the home °of hlsi mother• 14L'sa •Beta Howes ftt ill a ' the hpxno of her father, M. R. N. Bowe~ R'obard 'Welsh shipped a car horses to the 'West; on• Tuc sda}. 1W'e are ,sorry ip state tlmat QST. John Mftehlell's conation. does; Trot irnp;eve: Nose r`. s have 'gone out of 1;asb on, Out a grad roam* naen are still led around. The -r4saes PadmOre have said th e resadenee on Albert Street to- Mr, Geo, Ora wiey, 1 Mr, James .7ehltsto4 shipped a ears. load -*n!arses free ri here on • Tuesday to :aslaatecon. :sir. T. E', Handford ha!, purchased a residence :n Ingersoll, and intends go- :2�.g there to reside. The nlaaa who r,talre . hay i -4aq t*%ee, a slues doesn't have to 'borra-w Iris neigh,I bar's uruabrella w2 en ;t rasaas. And t sotrmet:ee ee happens that anear- r.'ed nlan is so,wel1 trained that he never discoters that he le henpeered. Frank: Boyle ;gas er.g ed lets or 'PaitdOm art eXPetlenced barterk, and A1440 404 as l uentlr ralx aPPrent;ee* :Ale M, M. Doyle sislpped a ear of horses $nonx hereand one frons lldertt?h on Tuesday: --both to the north eguntrvf Rev. Yeliand orcup ed the James -St, pulp t .ton Su71da a Aev. 5:'.�, 4er 'e the Ianrtan Cranfereraee wwll preset( next Sunday- T,hk. tet %Vat Llai uea- had as 4oiant meeting in the `antes Street church on Tuesday eyellF. ', the 'sdsltors tailing the program and 'the bone 'league wovidInag' supper: The Young; Men's l b1e Class of the Jara';efi Street ch treb entertained the 'Young Women's Chas to a supper ors Friday evening last. While the latter pro, v ded a pr44rarmn;, 11r S Glatt+rlr et'raand Bend brought 014t tom balls on Tuesday --the fiat et the aeasorn. Sarna says they, are so scare that the C« laerumen havoat live on rate bite rigs 'vat iter when a young man .sits it; the par, lar tmlla:mg nonsense tar his heat giri - tlmsaPatatl. 1#aat when he hila tau` stay n of risen evenings after they're annarr- 1--£t».,t*a labor. 1.1r, 'Er(ssv*rrin, 'a :sl s>rSe enjoyed a 'run. to its stable on Sundayirnorning, loalow: ter an 'upset when,'the doctor was turn- ing around fp Um park. No damage. done. CJw',*aag to the storm the :Royal Beglish Hand Heli Ringers were unable to appear ere on Saturday evening last,. Their v;althas been poi stPlaned to an Indotlnite d etC. :sir- John Waugh of Whitby, high school inspector, and Mr, John E. Toni, of Codor'.ch, public school inspector, wore hero and An Greditten on official duty this week. A meeting, or representatives of the various nun3cipatlties of Huron County interested in Hydro -Electric Power is to bo held am Cttnton, to -day, thaii same un- ited action may be taken to secure the power. The entertahmnnalm,'t given by Fred Ear- thol•omew in the Presbyterian Church on Monday ei.enng was, owing to the wez- than, very slimly attended, The enter- tainment, however,; was a. good one and deserving of a good attendance. Please remember the grand concert to be given an James Street church` on„M•on- day* evening nest, March 4th, by the London Mate Quartette, wh',ch 3s com- posed tot four of London's leading solo- &sts, also Miss Edna L. Smith, elocut- ionist, who is considered a reader of decided talent and ability, and fast win- ning a place among present day read- ers. A program of good variety has been arranged, conatsting of solos, duetts, trios, quartettes. piano solos, etc., alt being of a thigh Order, and without a doubt will be well wiarth hearing. So don't you forget to come and take in this, the great treat of the season. Ad- nz'.ssion 25c. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of Gray Townelip are guests of relatives here this week. Misses Lilly Huston and Ethel Sweet, milliners, went to tbe 'openings at Tor- onto on Monday. miss Elliott, who has been visiting Miss Lila Johns, returned Saturday to her home in Sarnia, - Miss la a Johns was in. London on 'GiTednesday - whe.re' she met her sister Mrs. Charles Adams of Calgary, who is visiting °ntaro'relatives. Mrs. Adams has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Good- .son Su Sarnia tor some weeks, and will spend some :weeks' here. nfa bail Spackman was in Toronto this week. psi ss Mary A tont 'went 0,, Toronto ifonday t;a v_teit, Miss Myrtle Wacker or Centralia is vir ft,ng Miss Minnie Laucton, Mr, and Mrs. 3, Newell of Exeter vis - fled in Hensall on Sunday, Mrs. Quance :s v:.sitiny her daughter Mrs, Lamport sautl's oX Cred!ton. Mrs. Holloway of Girton is tie guest of her daughter, Mrs. 'R. N. Rowe. Miss Flannigan and Mrs, Gillespie of London are guests o,? ',Mrs D. Russell, Mrs. G. P, Connor Blas returned from a trip of some months in United States, Ir Martin, •x�.has been v:sntay' here }las returned to his home in Dakota. Mrs. E.. Nichols, Det I3ay Qty, Mich., .s ylsiting her 'brother, Mx, Fred Luh- on. Ire Wanless owr,;rli to 'tile storax was e •sed to postpone her .return, to Du- lut,'h, She left am Saturday evening, Mr and Mrs. Thos, E. Handford, have returned after a -rtdt with, their dam= g errs in , New Torte and St, Thomas. Sottas of McLeod, Man., is vteft, t g 'relatives here, having come: e: over to attend the turiex'a1 of the la#o 1).1Cern?ek, lair, and ?,irs, 1: arise' Cuelatero and two tt3t10'en, who hays beer xid€' ' Qatar q latcves,; lett lxrida'y,tor Dratrnba,wlaert tr, y w lk visit for a, few days [?rior..to ratnrg to tiutt Bolus in Crystal City, fa G.Scanbury and Dr, A. iz returned on Friday evening trona Cukrr" ate', Vane -5eeks' absence, Ti=ey "spall a 1rleasant tri;?, and that rise prone Plaantat10 m to which_ a number e- rete<rfea 'later'eated is dolma well. A number er "tl;s boys"; are' alnek reaI "Eevanas" Wince their return. Mr. W. lI, Cali:ns, manager o'f rise lama et Commerce, went to Quebec Tuea day to assrist in the W.oric of inspecting the 'branches of the Eastern Townships Panic, 'h er; has been taken over by the Conrrtleree, Mr. Grehanm, who has been on his holfdaya, a.ta le charge during the rrranager's absence, Mr. R'it:tlly left o: pr day for Peterl<.faro, to -...chCelt. branch h as ben transferred. MUSE FOR SAS The utndsigned is offsa-tog Pis deM '»tris vlliasc property in Sector, bit n e oan 'sfatn Street, south or Huron, ar sale, ,There is op thep vs a ;r o bride 3:ouse and kltche o, wltar trame rood. alined, bralt stable, a number of pplc trees, hard and salt ,nater, and tiler conveniences. Apply to D: MILT., Erc ter ar JOTTN" K,NIGRT, Exeter depot NG DAY Cl'i: GED Nottco is phtretY, given that Willert :C Jones have charsgsad tlao'r hog uhipPing day from Tuesday to 'Wednesday at each week. All Interested will govern themselves acco d:11E1y, Bus, Dray and Teaming Business $ WE ARE READY FOR MB— ewe ery sE-- ewellery Trade You will be surprised and delighted to and excellence of our stock of Watohe , Jowc1l 1aas ware, Silverware, ee the great variety and, Chinaware. It is impossible to do better an :where Chao We can do . for you, We ask you only to visit Qumtoroand sector yourt'e1ves, A. M rchaud, Exeter deweller & Optician 11�k Undertakers And Furniture Dealers r Homeinaking Furniture llisplay Our .Furniture Stock is complete. There its nothing better than furniture for presents. We invite you to see our stook. ROWS & ATKINSON The Liable Homo `urniehers and Funeral Motors, JONES & MAY Your orders in our line will be attended to quickly and satisfac- torily. We are here to please the anything in our aIIy public iC needln g line, and we ask a trial from you. Orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech ENTER ANY TIME One of Eastern Ontario's High, Class and popular Business Sch oie which keeps open through-, outthe year. Young people may, enter any tianb end complete there course without interruption; of midsummer holidays. You may study all at borne or partly] at home and finish .at the Coll, ege. -Thirty Oar's Experiences Largest Trainers in Canada. Af- filiated with the Commsercial Ed ucator's Association of Canada; Write for particulars,' C_nton Busdtness Collegto GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD • President Principal FOB Bargains In Toilets,, Perfumes. Flavorings. 30 dozen Pieces of Chinaware free. Sale starts Fridaay a,ra,', Bring your friends and neighbors and share in the bargains. ' Watch our Windows. Saturda,y*,. TWEE e lAZA n Mare Jry �yim, Q'��t4+ ,Y a4�.(� P1��{�&4M�f�S��.ul�,i.{' 1k7X 6N,�hJw�',i'di �� � ��,i'1�?k��#'A�.1 The Spring Rush Will Soon be here Spring is very near. Are you ready for it? We are. New Goods arriving daily from the Fashion Centres. We were never in better shape to make this headquarters for the shop ping public. New Spring Coals They are all full length and come in beautiful cloths and colors with the large shawl collars. Be sure to see them. Dress Goods Nothing is left out in cloths or colors to make the best we have ever shown. We want you all to see our stock. Foulards & Wash Good We have a magnific- ent lot to show you in the New Foulard Patterns Linens,' Crashes, Ging- " hams, Chambrays, Cotton Voiles, Muslins and Prints Dress Trimming Something to match any ' dress of any „co..or. Silk Fringes, Ball Frin- ges, Laces, Braids all- . overs in all shades. House Furnishings here This is a good time to think about them, You will soon be housecleaning and will want a lot of new Goods. We are showing a bigger stock than ever. - Wilton Rugs Tapestry Rugs Carpets Axminster Rugs Wool Rugs =Wall -paper Velvet Rugs Union :;Rugs Blinds Brussels Rugs - Matting Rugs Curtains Gents 'urrishings for. Sparing New Spring Over -Coats < Shirts Is ew-H.•ats New Spring Suits - Collars New Caps New' Spring-Suitings Ties Neve Fancy Sox All the Winter Stock at Bargain Prices ua vs� ��u a.