Exeter Advocate, 1912-2-22, Page 6••
Ten Cents a Pound lore
A Company Not Obligated to Repay to its.
Shareholders Par Value of their Sharps,
-Bondholders In a Different; Position.
The articles contributed by ." Investor"
aro for the sole purpose of guiding pros-
peetive investors. and, if possible, of say'
ink thein from losing money. through
Placing it in "wild -cat" enterprises, Tho
impartial and reliable, oharaeter or the
information may be relied upon. The
writer of these articles and the, publisher
of this paper have no interests to serve
its, connection with this matter other than
those of the reader.
The Prose ut on. Have 40,000 Letters And
Telegrams From The Prisoners
A despatch from Indianapolis, rt'Heckle of Detroit, Mich,,
Indiana, says; Sensational and Young of Boston, John T. Butler of
ei that tine+ dynamite Buffalo, Frank G. Webb of New.
see; ,f?c charges li-;�
conspiracy' Ria:COTICIAEte with the York, with conducting the oensp
ct; l yn 'wledge• :s the members of ° aca7 through the mail, and; nom
the 1.3Xeciltive dg
Beard of the Inter- all of the fifty -foto' niclants
1 It that a rem*
u-,tionai Association of ' S+kructraral abettors. la �la:ros
Ironworkers including Prank Ryan 1 lttr refers of pointing out non-
i. •ac extending over! uuiom steel and iron construction
111Rt the co1lsp t e4 g t , '`e and that the
years, tsar recorded on paper, and .7ebs was carr cl on, n a'
eo fe$se�T'E:ceiltatl�ve members not only con-, a
that Crt�;o �icl�ztnigxll, .tile n .
d 'atantiter WAS shifted shnrttlellke trlbnted anomie', °to buy ell:plosi,ves,
, , 1 whieh Me -
tbtiecduF3tr�-•�'l"'^'�1'a;ins of de= but assisted ila.'the workkza adrlr"°` Tilade 1/11 HO ole. 51031lgial was to do.
Thursday by District Attorney The bads' of all the charges li
Charles W. Miller. Mr. ;tiller nit- clriedy in 0,000 letters and tell
n unced the contents of au indict- gams taken from the Ironworkers
moat known as that covering "un- Irrtramotional headquarters. Theselm
orlsuamlla.ted acts" of the co nspir-letters' iurport to be between Ryan,
and it is to he the basis upon Hd14t ir1, Webb and Va'riQus 00107
the GoYerati etat intends eta. rdteralt and business, agents, 1-
2ts prosecution. The in- 'ltanlstive details are ;given, regarding
llarges Illyatr, lfK'"rherta,S,
Cil r Nit. i n0illi m 1I[„IP
(By, "Investor.")
So far, in this series of articles o
gezierai: principles of investment
brief reference has been wade to
investment. There are two reasons to
&mils. Vi.rsit shares in 9oint stock cora-
1 da -nom pot -as a class -ideal secure-
-investment. and secondly, be,*
ap,r,o :on y investigation which may be
oumtd use1ni in determining the safet?
P s, hoMI May be apPlied-nestle rnodifi
dations, pt Cirar'se-in the case ;of sbaz•es,
Shares rk azzri: bonds are eeaeaati:
rile' rafilforont, Aa Sears, pointed Ont sem
snit since. a.lpotad i8: as promise to play
Share is an equit3' only; it the :calif*
duy ps
liquidated, the bonds are paid
kll andl if there is anything left tl
OP elders divide it -that ia, in the e tl
3 w being wound up, Tzz tt
laetivrly npcltltlug oowpau
it'regular 1
Con#brinn, ®tka
nigh" 31411aara �,
%/feftDoc s
titsefuf kr
five Amara) purposes.
Th ea sltarelaOde
lrag, ar. as sat the ease of Wiunipe
x3c,VAT may receive 12 per cent, per
k3ar mer'
-woodenlois 14Th
the a
oo aanzans c-oustd
lnF o to
Ilro brill become the first president
of the+ Chinese republic, Dr. Stan
parr Sen, the provisional Press-
dent, retiring, Yuan is about 55
years old. In younger ;life he was
sensual and reckles$, He has a
wholesQise respects tier the foreign
powers, which put great conA
deuce in him, His Critics„ ttQW
ever, say be has always been a
trimmer and guilty -of double-
dealing. Certainly, he has been.
hand -and -glove with the repnbli-
pans while professing to be striv-
trav-i lg with might and main tit Save;
the monarchy. and has DOW given
the Imperialists the "double
crass,"" ° Stories of his cunning
land ruthlessness Mould fill a book..
mrd. now She Overcame It.
ell -selected food has hello,
ice a ax taaxlltra radatr y filet lienee# 'physician placey irlk
age, dolrla.Nzaaltlr gets w„rdinnR nn ,sturdy. health and .Fri")
"doctor habit" it is a,
SO rildl Of satisfaction to all parties.
Chicago woman says
"We have not had a. doctor in the
u.sta daring all the 5 .years that
the been using Grape -Nutty
Before We began, lro AFever,
had "the doctor habit and
cely a week went by without a
on our physician.
When, our youngest boy, arrived,
offset ezuall: Crud 5 years ago, I was very much run
drawn and nervous, suffering ;trots
thiels ova 111, ti►ay indigestion and almost eonti.nuous
small savinptt, or h edaohcs. 1 was not able to attend,
over, 'my ordinary domestic duties and
lila aharehvldorrt, of a was so nervine that T could searce-
years they luny oat lv control 41:g elf, Under advice 1
the bondholder "I am flow, and have been ever
since we began to use Grapey -Nuts
food, able to do all my own work.
sixt a ho es, per
bis fattxelbt every ye rtaast mil
sahaeu it ill diad, ox mina. 3o eeb eek
itch from Toronto
evolver in hand and ma
ginition, two men eaa
e of the Standard:
foot of Sohn
on Friday eetarint
itl� about SRO. Th
ugh the door justl
Tinto ldent George,
t, J. W. Mayo,
gdlod portion
Q6 t kxidl
*lase to
taxsc1s, and one of
of th+
whiles the otlienr lea;
r Con
kae, sella
vca. Quite t
Prices et Cattle. Crain, kfiheese
and Other Produce at Home
n11d Abroad.
to, Feb. 2Q. -Flour -•Winter wheat,
cent. Patents. 53,63, at seaboard,
Qa to 5:1 for home eozieuitnption,
;anitoba, Flours -First ;patents. 55,50;
Donn patei#I s, $5; anti strong bakes',
an triols_ Tnronto
i�fanittbsaa wheat -No. 1 northeriz, 51.13,
ay ports; no, 2 Northern at $1.10; a
p, 3 at 21.06, .nay ports. Feed. w
11rail. 74e.
Ontario Wheat --No, 2 white. red a
5 to 97e entaide.
new -nova shipplue pegs, 51.18 to £
25; otateidez,
or ;4,o, 2, outer ida quat
14a at to Coe, and of No. 3 at
*Weide. Ir'c+, 48 to 4911, on track
onto, leo. 3 Westerly Canada oats.
No. 1 extra feed, 48e, at Ila r Porta,,!
ley -48 lbs, quoted: at Ai to Yee, out.
I hsve b
n len.
did 'ma _
are has done me the wort,
answer any eon -menden
;emendptiooi. nowingo one
a8. bass
rs truly,
D. 31eEACILElin.
stantdser Rogers f uuibrr Qo..
Lang. Sask.
receiving letters daily like
ve after all ether medicines
laa<.e fulled, This cure for con-
'aumption, weak or 'bleeding lungs
lingering e0itbhs and bronchitis ear
be taken on the most delicate stem -
3,013, on Willett it acts as a tonic.
Tried: $1 per bottle; G for $5.
Mention nearest express office
svheln ordering. Sold only by Wlxt.
.R. Copeland,
511 Pape Ave., Toronto, Canada.
did. not; connp y. with be request at
once and was struck a blow on the
side, of the lie ud5 the stunning ef-
i realize t
f t of �w - dee b m lila
ee bleb ztna
the intruders meant business. ,Soaxle.
of the money' had been put in the
safe and the remainder was on the.
counter, but the safe was unlocked:
and the task of the hold-ups was
•easy, One of them kept Rosa ands
Mayo covered while the'father took
possession of all the money in sight,
i h were
Boss and Mayo did as they rt
told. The office was in darkness,
as was everything outside. Every
mode. of communication from 'with-
in had been cut off,. and they feared
that any move on their part to give
an alarm would be too much to
their own peril. They :remained
quiet for a while, and eventually
ventured out of the ofiaee. Then
the police were notified, but the,
hold-up men had made good their
s lost Deer, naiads the balanen b
kuPD1y' the sleevesariea cif 4ifo,'
;uxro bas stalled, luxuries for
rad fapnily. 3185 %motakt, after t
rest slid aperatln snits-�ivvs
ro .his stoelr. etc,-reptwserats
Our Ovens
Your Table
Untouched by human
hands -'
-the aristocrat of Ready -
to -Serve foods.
A table dainty, made;of
white Indian corn -presenting
delicious flavor and whole-
some nourishment in new and
appetizing form.
The steadily increasing sale.
of this food speaks volumes
in behalf of its excellence.
An order for a package of
Post ' Toasties from your
'deer v 1 provide a treatfor
gz , p
the whole family.
"The fle ory Li'iagers"
Canadian Posta, Corea( Co;. ;i,
ti*linafr,or. Ontario, Canada. •
Several Persons Seriously litirt
Near Chatsworth.
a h from Chatsworth
says; Striking a spread rail at the
William Lake siding, ,four miles
southeast of Chatsworth Station..
and fifteen miles Irani Owen Sound,
the Canadian Pacific passenger
train from the latter city, due in
Toronto at 7.55 p.m., was thrown
into the ditch at 4 o'clock on Fri-
day afternoon. The engine passed
the break successfully,.but the bag-
gage car and all three passenger•
cars jumped the rails " and rolled
down a four -foot embanlan.ent, two
men in the former being injured
and all the rolling stock being more
or less damaged. This is the sec-
ond accident of precisely the same
nature occurring on this division
within two days, the other mishap
having been to the Toronto Express
from Vancouver, which was ditched
at Bala on Wednesday. The.injur-
ed men are two railway mail clerks,"
called. Savage and Parks. Savage
fractured. his yright arm, and Parks
was badly shaken up, also sustain-
ing scalp wounds.and a bruised
knee. The express messenger and
baggage man, who were in the other
part of the car, escaped with no
thing worse than a shock. Tempor-
ary medical' attention was given by
Drs. Ego and Brown of Markdale,,
and Dr. McCullough, '" of Chats=
A despatch
atiatlllw, 1
look to
And to, it le wit
etapany. In lca
o dividends, to 1
ergo ones. But
rbo doesn't. have tta worry. lfe has, to
kayo his interest or the shareholder
tondo to lose his property. In other
orde, shortie (speaking„ generally, of
coarse, :for many shares are far safer
investments than some bonds. and somo
Dare they .x447 got tool. to Grape Nuts,
shares are as sato as most bonds) shares
aro in nature speculative. while, Donde
aro not,
The; purchase of a share of stock in a
company involved no reason to expert a
return of the. money so invested. If the
company prospers your dividends are
large and it you want to "get your
money out" you can sell to 805110 one
who wants to buy, even the holders of
0. P. R., or even Bank of England shares,
have no other method of ever getting their
money back. In 1670 the ifudsons Bay
Company' (its real name - ,is the Governor
and Company of Adventurers' of England
Trading into the Bndsons Bay) was form-
ed and.its shares issued. These shares'
'are actively traded "in on the London
market. In the 240 years since they were
put out, there has been no time at which
the shareholders could get their money
back except by selling their shares to
*there. Offhand, I can think of no bond
which would not have been redeemed at
least four times (and a fifth time in 1920)
during that period. .
These are the chief pointe of differ-
ence between bonds and stocks. Stocks,
however, have•many good points,' which
will be taken up subsequently.
C(i1BINIi 01?,lfi.INE W01t KERS.
British Miners -Seek to Block Coal
, Imports D Tiring Strike.
A despatch from London says:
The British Miners' Federation has
decided to `'appeal to the mines on
the continent ofEurope to boycott
all attempts 'to export 'coa1 • to the 'power schemes." Some' sliht amend
United Kingdom. in the event of a mints , to ithe shipping" ' Act were
national strike being declared on .also suggested, auliong them one.
February; -29. 'A meeting of inter L
g that; tuns or tvreekinz°ese�s'be al-
national delegates is to ,be held to lowed -without license toe Carry men
discuss what action shall be taken. in cases of emergency.
There is no. doubt that a-iuiilar. r -
request will be made to the krncri-
can miners,and should the pro- "Why does the giraffe'have
posed restrictive' action -be inoffee- a` long neck?" asks the teacher.
Hire. the ."foreign miners will: l e ``:Because' its head is SO, far away
asked to stop work in support; of from its body.," hopefully w
the 'British ` strike. ed the bright boy:
The dyspepsi , h a.cl b nervous
and rheumatism which used to
drive me fairly wild, 'have entirely'
' n, sax
da,s pp
"Myhusband finds that in: the
night work in which, he is engaged,
Grape Nuts food supplies him the
most wholesome, strengthening and
satisfying lunch he ever tools with
him." Name given by Canadian
Postuin Co., "Windsor, Ont.
1 ad
Read the little book, "There's
a Ba
to Wellville," in pkgs. There tis a
Ever read the above letter? A new one
appears front time to time. They are
genuine, true, and 'full of human Interest.
Want Canals Opened Earlier, and
Also on Sundays.
A despatch from ' Ottawa says:
A representative delegation of the
Dominion Marine Association +wait-
ed on the Ministers of Marine and
Railways and Canals on Wednes-
day morning. Their most import-
ant request was that the Canals be
open on Sunday. The "Soo" ;Canal,
already is operated on .Sunday.
Another request was for the open-
ing of the canals earlier this sea-
son than usual;' owing to tlie. con-
gestion; in the West. The •associa-'
tion renewed its demand that 'navi-
gation be paramount,.: and -chat on
the -St. , Lawrence and other rulers;
it, should not be subordinated to
illllij 111
1 stock. 33 to 35e. Potatoes -Per bag, cos
lots, 51.70 to 51.80,
Buffalo. Feb. 20, -Spring wheat -No, I.
Northern. carloads, store, 51,161-2; Win-
ter, No. 2 red, $L0 -Z; No, 3 red, 51.00; N.
2 white. 51.01.. Corn -No 3 yellow, 691-4a;:
No. 4 yellow, 62 t -4r. all track. through
billed, Oats -No, 2 white, 56a No. 3
albite. 55i -2o;- No. 4 white, 541.2c. Bar--
I�y-33altu9'. 51.22 to $1,35,
inneai,olis, Feb. GJ, Wheat -slay, $1,,
051.2 to 51.055.8; July. 51.461.2 to 51,-
065.8; eloeing trash. Na. t hard, 81.07; N.
1 Northern. 51.05 to 51,061.2; No, 2 North -
n. '81,04 to 51,841.2; No, 3 wheat, 81,03
to 54,Q21.2. Goren -No, 3 yellow, .05 to 660.
Qats--No, 3 white, 491.4 to 49 3.4o. RYo
59c. llt'an-lea 100;Ib. seeks, 525 to
X559; FIour-First patents. 85 to 55.30;
eoeond patents, 54.65'to 54,90; .arst clears,,
83.40 to 53.75; second eleara, 52.30 to 82.70.
Itil*E STOCK 141U 5 8,
iontreal, Feb. 20, - Butchers' cattle,.
5640 to 57; do.,; atedlum, $4,54 t'
8540; de., cemwoa, 53 to $4; canners, $
7$ to 83,25; bute1wre' cattle, choice cows.
um. 8340 to dt.*
$5,5Q�� do„ ince.
u13a, $4,50 to 56; feeding buns,
ebolee., each, 575 to 580;
and medium. eaebt. 554 La
re, $30 to $45, Sheep --Ewes.
0 54.75; bucks and culls. 53.75 to
ba, it640 10 57. 3ioy,8--•F. a, b..
to 5"1.35. Calves. '52.50 to 88. -
Toronto, Feb. 20. -*-A fel extra eliaioa
re were sold; at 86,60, and lydzyera paid p
nigb as 55.50 lar wale. Good butcher
sora quoted steady at $6 to 56.49,
and common eta'ttlo were also un-
ngedi. Came and bulls wore steady at
54.50 to 55.25 for soon ones., American.
tzauaba sold hotter than the Canadians.
tiatelt inq trona $7,50 to $8. Sheep were
a, little stronger at 84 to 55. tor ewes.
lloga were firma, but not quotably higher. ,ta
Tito flavor Of tea is contained an f'
!tn e Sential oil. With ago the oil
decays and the agreeable. aroinrr + 1
and flavor of fine tea is destroyed.
Teti, keeps better in. sealed lead
packets than it does in open chests , r
or canisters, but it deteriorates more
or less under any circumstances.
e, Fresh tea is as necessary to a Stye-
- cessful tea trade as fresh butter is
to a successful butter trade. No
wholesaler or retailer should keep.
a pound of tea in. his stock for more
than four ' in n. hs t, with some
a ti of ,ye,vt ,
the fashion is to keep:it for years,
during every day of which it is de-
In Ceylon -that 'land of eternal
summer --every bush in a tem garden
is picked over every week in the
year, and - you always get it fresh
and fragrant in the "SALADA"
packages. "SALADA"
1100 PRODUOTs. ' show the dealer as large a profit as
Bacon. -Lang clear,: 111-2 'to 113-4e per other' teas, but' it gives him,
lb., in case lots. Pork -Short cut, 52.50; through his customer&, more satis-
do:, mess, 519.50 to 520. Name-.8edium faction.
to light, 16 to'161--2c; heavy, 14 to 141-2c;
rolls. 103-4 to sic, breakfast bacon; 16' to
17c; backs, 19 to 20c.
Lard -Tierces, 120; tubs, 12 1-40; pails,
3 American yellow, 721.4c.
ltd! freight.
gds --N p; 3 at 81.08 to $1,09, outside.
uelztivbeat-�a70 to '7!10, outside.
n,n dtaultoba: 'bran. 82S, In bags, "1
o freight. Shor•te, $26:50 to 527.
AQple8--Winter eek, $2.75 to 83,50 Dor
#leans -Susan lots of ,hand•pie3ded, S2.35
to 82,40 per bushel.
ey-Extraoteti, in tlna, 11 to 12o por
lb. Combs, 52.50 to 52.75,
Baled Itay-No. 1 at 515.50 to $16, on
traok, and No. 2 at 512 to $13,
Soled straw -$10. on traolt, Toronto.
Potatoes* -'Car 'lots in huge, 51.70 to $1.-
75, and Delawares at 51.85 to 81.90. Out.
:$1.90 to 52,
Poultry -Wholesale prices at aha.
dressed poultry:-CUfakene, 12 to 15e per
lb.; fowl, 9 to 10e; geese. 13 to 150; deck
12 to 14e;turkeys, 20 to 21e. Live you
try about 20 lower than the above.
Dominion Veterinary Department
to Be Divided. into 'tranches
A despatch from Ottawa says :
An Order -in -Council has been pass-
ed dividing the position of Veterin-
ary Director -General and Live
Stock Commissioner, hitherto held
by Dr: J. , G. Rutherford, into two
separate branches. The man most
prominently mentioned for 'Veter-°
intry Director -General is Dr. A. H.
Hall, V.S., of Grims)3y, Ont., for-
merly of Quebec. A prominent,
Western Ontario live stock man is
mentioned for the Live Stock Com-
Butter -Dairy, choice, in wrappers. 29.
to 32e;' large rolls, 28 to 30c, and inferior,
tubs, . 20 to 21e. Creamery quoted at 36
to .37c for roliS, and 34 to 350 tor solids,
per ib.
Eggs -37 to 40c per dozen, in naso lots.
Cheese -Large, 161.2c, and twins at
td3.4c' per Ib.
Here's the biggest
can of easy -shining
- stove polish on the
Montreal, Feb. 20. -Oats -Canadian
Western, No. 2, 531-2 to 54c; do., No. 3,
Due to Exportation of Cream 'to
United States.
A despatch from London, Eng-
land, says: The Westminster hav-
ing asked hini why Canada is now
511.2 to 52c; extra No. 1 feed, 521-2 to 53o; competing here for arrivals of New
No. 2 local white, 51 to 511-2c; No. 3 do., Zealand and. Australia butter, Lord
50 to 501-2c; No. 4 do., 49 to 491-2c. Barley Str•athcona replied that it is owing
Malting. 51.02 to 551.03. Buckwheat -No. to the enormous increase in home
2, 72 to 73c. Flour -'Manitoba Spring consumption anti growith of cream
wheat patents, firsts, 55,60; do., seconds, exports to the United States.
55.10; strong bakers', 54.90; Winter pat• (z:
ents, choice, $4;85 to 55.10;:straight rot- COAL STRIII�E..INEVITABLE.
Blast Furnace Proprietors in Scot-
land Give Employes Notice.
A despatch from Glasgow says:,
Believing a British. national coal
-Finest Westerns, 151.4 to 151-2c; finest strike inevitable, the blast' fttrnaCe
Easterns, 141-2 to 15c. Butter. -Choicest gwnei-s throughout Scotland are
creamery, 33 to 34e; seconds, 32 to4 321-2c. given notice to their workmen` ter
Eggs. -mesh, ;45c'; selected, 38 'to 40c; No. iniiiating coni riots February 29.
lers, $4.40 to 54.50; do., bags, 52.05 to 52.-
2:15. Rolled oats -Barrels, 55.05; bags, 90
lbs., 52.40. Bran -$24 shorts, 526; mid-
dlings, 528; mouillie, 528 to 534. Hay.
No. 2, ton, car; lots, $15 to $15.50. Cheese
It's a paste -easily applied -end
ivcs 1 brilliantly black polish; that
gg o affected bythe heat.. 1, aa11y
good for stoves, pipes, grates and
iron" work. -
If your dealer does not carry
"Black Knight". Stove Polish, send us
his tame and 10c. and we will send' a
fel 1 size tin by return snail, 35
H®muton, Ont -
niters oe the limo "2 In f'Sb 1'd tub.
`..• lid's ,.'rt4',r,,,m''1`•r . ..:.
9]j Western .Canada Power Co.'First Mortgage 5% Bonds selling at 9o -yield
° This company has perpetual water: rights from governmenton Slave
Lake. Plant is located 35, miles from Vancouyer , and New ,Westminster, B.C.
which cities it supplies with:electric.'.power: ` This year's net. earning should be
over 3 times bond interest. Can develop ioo,dooH.P. -as needs of rapidly grow-
ing British Columbia demand: Engineer in charge -Mr. R. F. Hayward, late of
Mexican Light. Heat and•Power Co,:; President, C. H. Cahan. Directorate, A.
R. DQblet Secretary;Banie= of 14iitteal; Sir Max Aitken; T. J. Drummond,
x,�c. ° ohn`I-iendry , Vancouver,•'Wm. McNeill, Vanco t-
sicient'Lake ttpetior Corp..; l .,.
ver :Cam1?bell.Stveeney; ManagerBanlc. of :Montreal, Vancouver. Western
Power'Bonds will apprciate•iri>value. Fin absolutely safe and profitable
ent.' Write isforliteraturewithlistofboncllloldersandfuilinformation
IJ.- rrIE
BANK op 1"diONTf2EA1. E;l.i1LDtd� . Q R1 STii !~
R. M `•f Ur. :<or+r ea cuEecc-AI-JFnx-arrAWA
Mae,40NDON (HENG.�-