Exeter Advocate, 1912-2-22, Page 1TWENTYWOURT31 %at,
Local Items
Worry is PrOdably, the tritest relentless
enenlY or success.
The holidays M sight during 1912
aro es eollowS,-Gpod Friday, April 5;
Easter ?Monday, Apeel 8; Victoria Day,
Freday, May 24; .Dondnion Day, Ken,
day/ julY 1: Labor Day, Mendel, SePt.
2: CA4E4=13, WednetalaY Dec. 25. In
addition to these there will be, Thanks-
keilfing Haar and Civic Holiday,
lTIONS.-The annual Public echool pno-,
*Metiers exantnatiterte 'will begin On
elitb, 1912. per v".!11 be prepare1
roi- the Junior and senior divisions of
Eno Second and Third casaes and for
3unlor ortclaeo. Teaelsera should
notify their Ittapector 'before March Otil,
kivillg the exact number Or IL, III,.
and IV, class papas, Whe will write
on each of theae examenaelans. Tile
PaPerei1 be gent to the teaeher leY
Mail about March 21.et, With full In-
etrectiens` for oanductieg the examine
AN OLP NOTE. -At W.. Robert Lea -
thorn's reeept aele or furnitttre Me A,
McDoeell purcha.eed an old writing desk
and in it Ito found a relic In the form
or,a note ren by Mr .Leatleorn to "Mr.'
PfltUam Sanders, rather or 3teasra. Sanz-
uel and Robert Sanders of Exeter. The
d as follOws1,-----
Stephen, October 17, 1854
re after date 1 prone.ge
Saatelesa or bedrer the sum
und, te Ui1iiig, 'with
a3iy, for value re,ceived.
Robert Leathorn.
'Iness, Thos. Trivitt
DEATI-1-The death occurred On d-
sday of at 'week' of Ell.zat, Rudd, rim -
r late Sagmel Isaae, at the
Iced age of 89, areaes and 6 months,
Deceased bad been residing with her dau
ghter, ,?.irs, Php Arade, Lot 15, COD,
6, Usborne for the past fifteen years,
death was thro, to tho infirm/11es/
QC old age and. the decline was slow
but certaln. /3orn ict Devonshire, Eng.,
she and her huslxonl settled in Us,
benne on the farm on whichl she died 02
:Yeast+ ago. Thirty years later they moved
to Exeter, where they resided until. the
death of Mr, Isaac filiteen Years 48'01.
-to a day, e!tace whr.oh dant; she has
been livIng whit her daughter In
Ushorrio, Besides the daughter, she is
sUrvivoal by one sister 'Mrs. Chas. Rowe
of Exeter. Tile late Mrs. Isaac; was a;
consistent Member of the l/fetb,oclist
church, very highly respected and es-
ecartecl and hor denttact is regretted by
all who knew her. The funeral took
Place to the Exeter cenietery on Fri-
M. John M,'„teitell Le confined t his
bed weth the old enenne.
An anneal gra; at Of $15,009 a yea4
haa been made by the Ontario Coverts -
merit to the Western Untveraity of Lee -
don placing that inatitution on, a
;firm rootfrig and enabling the senate
to wocted wr,14 the wleole scheme, or the
unlyereity's exterrelon in au branches,
Mr RhelIP RoWeliffe has dispesed
hes dwelling on Sandere street to Mrs.
Samuel Fasamore o Usberne. Mrs.
Pasernare will take PossessiOrl la the
coarse or a few weeks. Mr. Rowctiffe
has not yet deeded whether he will
reeve So 1-4ondon or remain a citizen of
Exeter .
Capt. W. J. Reamed as received Ward
front beadquartera that the unit und-
tals cornmond well be re -armed With
Rese Mark., 11, three star. The
Old Lee Hietteld elfteo seal be withdrawn
team Service tted retereed to bead. quart-
The pay to thOss attending can IP in
future vp:al be increased front 50c.
7.5 cents a day,
The Methodist ^boards are voting very
stronglY favor of el -Lurch union, The
Methodist churcW as it exists to -day Is
the result or the UflOU 4g a half-dozen
different ,bodiee in 1883, and the suc
Veep whtigh has attended that anion is
Probably regarded as a forecaat o
what will ,follow the larger confedera-
t'ou now Ma/lased.
Do you kr/ow that an, editor or
tvaporter for .a newspaper can in his
round e stop and ask a. hundred persons
"Wbat ia the noWs" And r,inet7 out of
hundred wilt reply. "Nothing spec -
and -yet rlti7 adt or that number
Kelm eoesetiting that not found in
the /text paper will astonish them
greailY and dieaPpoint them more, and
perhaps makes them madder than bon.
ts. Don't be afraid to let the 'news-.
Per :mu knaNent.
The Bracer:cid Seed Show, -The annu
"Ina show under the auspices *t the
SouUi Huron. Agricultural Society will
be d 'Walker's Hall, Tart/gotta-a, on
Friday, March, let, This is an event of
whict/ farmers should take advantage,
There ise teething 3nare Important than the
Inceuring of good oecti. This fair en-
ables the seller and buyer to get to-
gether at c/ose range, eives the man
Y.3 has aecel to soli an. opportunitY
showing !to excellence and gives the
men who wants to buy seed the opport-
unity or learning Where to get his seed
and get t.he beat. On thiSt ocCaaloll
very liberal /niece are offeXed and It ts
boped there Will be a good display of
seeds of all kinds. The seeti will be
Judged bY Mr rorWrt B.S.A. of Pet-
rolea, who will also deliver an ad-
dreso to those present. Mr. Porter is
a graduate os the Ontario Agricultur-
al College, and is being sent by the On-
tario Department of AgrIcUlture.
Spring Shoppers
Spring is nearing us and you will be wish-
ing to get your spring sewing finisned up so
call in and see our new prints and gingha,ms
The neatest patterns ever shown.
Ladies Ladies
Any piece of Dress
Goods to be sold at a
greatly reduced price,
Come early.
Ruffs or Stoles
Get a Ruff or Stole
while in the swing all to
be cleared.out. also Lad-
ies Fur Collared Coats.
Regular 23.00 for 18,00.
Room Rugs
Brussels rugs in green
and fawn grounds to be
cleared out ,at a price
that will astonish you.
Metes hr, Goats
Only a few left to be
clewed out regular $23.
coats for $18.00. Regular
25.00 coats for $19.5a
Winter -Caps
All mens winter caps
to be cleared out at a
price. • Rog 75c. for 50c;
Reg. 50c. for 39c.
Ladies Skirts
Oni3r a few Ladies
skirts left Regular 3.50
to 5.00 slKirts all to go at
the one piice $1.75.
Ladies Fine Shoes to be cleared out at a cash
count of 20 per cent. oft
All Dinner Sets, Lamps, and chain ts
,eared outat a pki6,0 '
IMrs. 1,1orlock eg confined to her oorn
1-4(;7:041litol:1:1;l'le‘ or no ImProYetnent.
R.ev. Mr. Hobbs elts still confined- to
Miss Campbell, n-ee of Mr. Camm,
Se eonfined to the hue throegh di -
313 L '
Mrs, , Hardy has recoyered euffeca
eently to allow the nurse to return to
• , /
Althotagh the salt well has ceased
opeuar;trotten: saltrateosnze „LibeY9. have large
Res, R. J. Bowen, District Scretry
ee the Canedian Beole Seciety oecupled
pulpits of the Presbyterian and James
street churches on Sunday morning and
e s'ening respectively, ad gave very- de
eereeting addresses on the work ot the
goe:etY in trareelating aed furnialling
the bible to at in the'greet reieeionare
M. Bowen has been tontY
yavs at the work, and has crossed the
e tient eigitteert times, visited rule,
on od;d La.bado; and has been in near/Y
ever)" town and Village in Canada.
Ile claints that there 4r9 110 distinct
langoages sPolcen int 0414/Ada, and the
duty is to furnish. them with the bible
in their ow n language.
Your - Sub-
take eifeet March 1bought
the Butchering Busiates4
of Mr F. WO,od,we woukktto
lousiness -wall all the ol customer
arid as any riaw ones who wtauld wish
to g,ve is a call, Our aim wjU bc 0
give satisfaction, and having had some
15 years of expertenco I have stoats ideo:
*C tho wants of the People. As,1 cannot
sae yea all personallY1 take this wa
of seVelting yaur patranage,
1.) T
age Of
Om of
d hy respc..cted citizen
cel away eta FridaY evening
.20 O'clock, when the death
- Mr. Thomas l'rier, at the
ars, 1 month, 4 days, De -
d been we'ytoll several mon-
rnicittus anaemia. and w,hile at
r4rst.t -was thought ho might recover,
after a Period Or illneare, It soon devel-
oped that -it was only' a. /natter' or la.
ahort time as bis strength was ar444-
• ebbln" away. During the last two
weeka the end Was eXpected at altrioat
any time and lae, was unconseious for
severed hours berore the end came. Horn
in Devoilsbire, England, he canto to
Cauada en 1854 With, his parents arid
farnily e tlenee brothers end Oita ulster.
They settled tn Southwold, near St.
Thomas, then *In 1860 Moved CO; the 2nd
conceasion ot Osborne. He was twiee
marrted, his Sitat Natio being Rhoda Run -
lea and the second Susan Oudmore, who
together with siz children, survives.
Tho children are, Mrs, Robert Swect,
Nelson and Herman Prior of Portage
in l'rallrie, Mrs. Wm. Idly of Farcial-i
har; Mrs, E. Beebe or Itidgetoenn and
1,Liss Olive at home, all or whom have
the sincere sympathy of a wide 'circle
or treerids. The late Mr. 'Prior was a
man or many excellent Parts, honest,
straightforward and conscientious in
bueineas; forty years a consistent mem-
ber of the Ames street MethodSst church
where he took an active interest in the
varlotts departments or church Work.
For severed years he conducted a. butch-
er tuainess here and for many, years lat-
terly, had been in partnership with Mr.
I. Armstrong in the hog business.: In
podtics he was a Conservative. He was
a member of the Canadea.n Order ot
Foresters, and the Independent Order of
Oddfellows. The funeral servics was
held en the 3ameES street church' on TUCS-
day afternoon, and lasterinent took place
in the Exeter cemetery, at wbech place
tho Oddeellows took charge of the ser-
vice,. Th.e casket bore many beauttfel
floral tributes, among them being
a wreatta from the Whete Packing Co
the Oddrellows, and the,Canadian Order
or Foresters.
A startlingly sudden death occurred
in Osborne on Friday mierning last,
when Daniel Kernick, one of the oldest
residents or the township and to form-
er well-known resident of Exeter, drop..
peddead. Seam the deceased moved
trent Exeter he has been residing with
Ws son Frank on the 'fourth cencessien
of Osborne., He pessessed a hearty and
robust constetuteon and was up and
around the ,antorneng of hes death In the
lbest of health and f3rVirit5, As was
Isis usual custom he took a walk out
to the barn about nine o'clock and 'hat
was the la.et seen of, hem alive, having
dropped dead where he Stood, and ap-
Varently withent * struggle. He was
discover,ed a sheet tem afterwards by
be son Frank but efe 'was exteuct.
A doctor wes caned and after' an exam -
!elation it was found Shot death was ,ald
pT' ed through the tupture .of a blood
vessel eriTtlee '-head.. 'Mr. •Kernick wee,
bern in Cornwall, Engla•nd, en the year
,183.1 and came' to 'Canada' with .is par,
entlt whee a. mere boy. The -family ;erg
'S(.4ltl:ed in Darlington,- and about thirty
rive. years 'ago moved to the townshila
or- Oehorna, •erfeere deceased spent the
tlhe Most of, hi a Jere.' I -le Was a black-
..smlen by trade and served seyeral' years
en 'the shop conduCted by the late Sandi
!Buckingham. '46, -w *,s Man of Indus-,
erinus habits, taithful in, duty, upright
lend honest . and , was hatch ,respected.
.Strange sa-y two os 1("r4re,K.,k's
broiber's (16e.:,1 under stt'rilar eircurneari..
ieeed Mr. twede; 'married,'
us• ;ferSt.,,,,,H
....„.f.p.„-.,, ,Entabetheenee
‘*h° P1744fw. In. 0,341; ,1i y
TEE' 'ieC.4.1,01:.w1e was tdra WeiWer.,W40, ;
sib& jehre-
peane smith: „er tt;wee
'Henry Dining due
eased Was aged 8,a zi;e44,0
s.', The Serierel took place jtnt
er CSmCtCfY..
Mr. John W 'Taylor is roeo,
• ' 14,0 attack o1 Pneumonia -
r Haight 'is ilea week maeleg /et°
Gldley's dwelleng on Williarn
?Side Ed. Diguan es oft' duty ow
sore foot, 'the result o t bein
ped on by a horse.
Slacked l'ane mixed, with three times
the quantity of sand -will remove grease
from a wandert
1r Ceo Sanrw,01, who'has been -
geroualy ill or sontetime, is Anlereving
ar*d:`,0 now oot of, danger
. 3. 3.Erieght got a nasty said
from .hand to elbew on Sunday ll'arlth/g
weele triMgto thaw out the petal).
Workmen are busy taking down the
Mansion Houae, and tile contractors will
comeieece to retaaild as seem as the
Tee 0,roalp/ Anntsement ComPanY,
te' a IfeW days hero lett town on
day regretted by a ntunber of citizens,
avenge secouats the eamPeny had not
Workmen are engaged renovating W.
W. Taman's tailor shop, which is own-
ed by S, Fitton. Besides other jn-
2ents 4 plate glass front wih be
Mr Taman intends a4dirig a
erocIC o Et's
Ok11(1.4,1 satitsfaetion was felt in and
41>Qat Dash:wood and Brumfield whC!t
was an, no nc ed that the Dorntnion 110v -
It had appotnted a Judge to in-
ostltrate the alfaIrs ot the Farmer*
Bank. A morens on, toot t,c: have a good
/awYer appear on- behalf of the deposit-
irt these sections.
The annual ;meeting of the Exeter
1.4brary was held on Monday evening
February 16th when the Collowlng oft -
were cleelei, Fres.,W, D, Weekes;
H. E. Huston; Book Voln,, the
'dent, 'secretary and I. R. Carling;
• zt.no Com., 3 A. Stewart, N. D-
01: and W. J. Hear/tam Rua..
• elected delegate to the Library Con -
at Stratford.
owing are tits officers ot the
of the Billie SoCiet
duly eoted 03 Sunday afternoan;-Bres
Utimt, G14ndmati; let• Vico-
Fres, W, Prost; 2nd Vice -Presidents,
• Tito resident clergy; SeeretarY, Mr. II.
E. Huston; Treas„ 'Mr: N. D. Kurdon;
Representatives from. "the churches, rr,
E. WW-denbammer, W. H. Collins, W.
D. Sanders, T. H. isfeCallurn.
Mr. W, Collins 34e received In-
strut:tie/1s from tho head office of tee
the caner/Lan Bank or Conutterce to re -
Port aboet, igsrela 1st to °inspect the
Eastern 'l'olenships Hanka, which, on
that date, aro to ba taken over by the
Hank of Comrriefice. fie will be away
only a foav weeks. The accountant,Mr,
Whetby, has been notified to hold him-
self M readtinees to move to Peterboro,
but will probably renisin here during
Mr, Collies absence., Mr. F. F. Herns
or Toronto arreved here 'Monday evening
to take :Mr. *Whitby's 'place.
Be sure to hear the Grand Concert to
be given tin James Street elethodlst
church on March 4th, by the famous Lon
don Maio Quartette, Whieh it composed
of four of London's leading soIo:stes
also 1.'ess 'Edna L. SmIth, el.ocutitonist/
who has made a. careful study of the
art ot express:km and is considered a
reader of decided talent and ability, and
fast -vrenneng a plzze, among the best of
Present day readers. The program will
consist of Solos, Duette, Trios, Quar-
tettes, Readings, Piano Solos, etc., all
being of a high order, and without doubt
will be well worth hearing; so don't
forget to come and take great
TO FARS.11.,RS. - The undereigned
wishes to armounice that -he will con-
tinue to purchase hogs in this oommun-
ray, and that there will be no change
other than that George Armstrong will
take the route -followed by the late Thos.
Prior. Shipments every ThursdaY. High-
est market Mines paid. -L ARMSTRONG
SOLD OUT. -Mr Frank Wood, who
ha's been conduct:ring a butchering busi-
ness here for many ' years, sold out
last week to leer. Wirn. Rdveree an ex-
Perier,ced manwho takes possession on
March lst. We wash the new ProPriet-
oe every success. Mr. Wolocl has not yet
decided what he'will do in future, but
we trust he will gontleme to make Exe-
ter has hone
CARNIVAL.-Owang to the unfavorable
weedier on Monday neght the ca.reivai
was not the success it otherwise w-ould
heve 'beep. Iiovreverd there were
some very good ceatumed and characters
and the race was keenly contested and
proved very interesting. The foilowIng
pr:zes were ,awarded, viz. -Lady, repre-
'sentdig advertisement, Med 13indie Bos -
1a; Gen. representing advertisements.
Clair Wood; Boys' Comic costume, Ger-
elurclon ; one and Self mile race/
Ed. Anderson, 'Sesforth 1st, Oscar And-
ereon 2nd. IVIesses< John, H:nd, Ed. J.
Christie and H. Gould acted as judges.
Rev. Martel ol London N'craS iirlItown on
Per Ed. Anderson, Se o visit-
ed his parents 'euesday.
aEss Hissett, who has been in
strateroy, has returned home.
Mr. Reg. Case and eeater, Mess Susie,
are visiting relatives in Sarnia.
M. Daved Ideach ef 'Chisel-111)0st sisita-
e4at the hones orient.: James Sweet.
,Miss Ma' Armstrong left Wednesday
to attend the 'nsialithery.openings In Tor-
(lied ".a
veSed by
rank, of
See. jeenee. Werdesse ha,th 'nee:nen
en'edering the .111SeeeS. 04:;her: in? thee,
uohgtit:test:0On. adaat.ance who ,
ded the ftineilWef'' thee lete- aire near'
.e . , 'pentnge '1,;(n6 eon,'
ted tbe dt•ay
te1 0•94°. attiftl
(Peterhoro Expense/1er)
ePite oe the inteneely cold v atiter
neuht titeewaaa large ared-
anes at St. ,Andrese's church to be de-
lighted with the splendidly presented peci
gram of the HO741 Ragliah Hand -Bell
Ringera. This organization had just
cotn.pleted a ves7 euccessfu tour the
United Stales and neade the eirse appear -
0r :hear Canadian tour under the
riaanagerwant of Miee Maude Bradley of
T,ho pnagrant was admirably *balaaced,
eharne•ne; bleeding of popular and
c'assca* music. Tee bed ringera
yoed raneeo or executive cane,-
ethee organizations or the kind,
atti eeent„ performore, using 171 'belle,
execated with wordieefel eerrecteese.eed
4:1;14(4-vablg eesemble, involved oPeratIC
uvc" as well as simpler
Ther progrent was heard with enthus-
iaatic aPPreciation, and nearly evedS
number was encored. The compartY led -4
vQ'Ces as sweet eald full tonsil as the
belle, and were heard en solo, duet,
quartette and double qua.rtette. Mr. Wair.
a reale ate, Mr. .7, IP. jesseP, baeale,
and the quartette demonstrated ties
wonderful vocal caPacitY of 'the comPallY
tho;4- powe.r4 f ,entertaln-'
Altogether the entire program di
shed the Royal. English Har,ti-Dal
-erf$ Se one of the most unique anal
nusieally capable orgartications that,
has v=.,:siteci Canada,
I.°61Qth, nat, AU the pornbe pr
cent Levelt, Mihutes of the
meat:mg read and approved.
A communication was read 'front
1.Mc1Acraor3, town clerk of. Clinto
t:ng that it was the opinion of thei
uncil tha,t some united ACtIQr1 S110131(1
be taken re the Hydro -Electric, and it
was suggested that a...meeting of the
epresentatives or the, :gun; clPelitlea
concerned be held in Clinton. an, or about
Feb. 2atb. IIWOrS-F.414-That 'Messrs.
/lean/art and Scott be a deputation tla
attend said meeting. -Carried.
Septt-Ford-That tho 401h/wing acc'ts
Paid, -Queen City 011 Co., 2 barrels
-gasoline, 16,50; 'T. Brock, Jr., labor
6.37: II. Iturnolus snow pIewtns .t1,75;
it Sanders, labor, 2.51; T. Sanders, 1.15
Sid Sanders 1,15; W.'7. Biseett, refund
1.50; F Kees' 40.75; 'F. Ii",err, lumber
and brick, 42.70.
Messrs. Treble and .Mallett waited on
the Counoil as the band. Mr. Treble
stated that the building that they ead
been trz the haitt of practising In was
too small and that they would renutre
more room Which would -necessitate more
money, and asked the counctl, fon a grant
of $225. Rivers -Scott -That the band
be ranted $200,, the same to be paid
quarte,try.-Carried •
Rivers—Scott-That the Reeve and
Treasurer borrow t1000 for current er..
pensos, and that a' by-law be drawn
confirming' same. -Carried
By-law No 6, far the borrowing of
• money for current expenses having been
read the necessary number of times
was ,finally passed on ;notion of Scott
and Ford. '
By-law No. 7, authorizing the borrow-
ing of $5000 and the issu.Ing of village
debentures •for a teran of 20 years for
the extending of the waterworks mains
was read the necessary number ef times
and finally passed :an moteeOn of Rivers
and Scott.
Ford -Rivers -That we advertise In the
two local papers the sale of $5000 water
works debentures by tender, tenders to
ho7 orciceoeiVedk p,mep. to Friday, March lst,
Revers—Teat esTv. Bacycourarntntgo cFrerdkay
March Is t.
Minutes of meeting held in the Town
Hall, Monday, Feb. 19th, w:th all the
members present. The following is the
order of. business duly submitted and
approved. Per chair -minutes of the
previous meeting. Reports of tommit-
tees. -Wood, teve oords of dry received
and ample supplies available; Insurance,
Poiicy for $5100 renewed vrith the Atlas
Insurance Co. for the suan of $54 for
a term of three years; Educational Corn.
County grants :fors She'll. S. Department
assured as eor 1911. Per I.Armstrong
and A. E. Puke -That, R. N. Creech and
the secretary be a permanent committee
to secure the sneakers for the monthly
addresses. Per Secretary that the fee
rece:pts would amount to about $100
for the current teran. per Wood and
Aelenstrong-That the eollowing Pay-
ments be confermed,---Ser-Major Hector,
drill $20'; E. IVIeDougall,, wood, $20 e
J. A ,Steveart, supplies, 2.10; Atlas
Insurance Co., premium, $54; 3. Grigg,
school supplees and cards $16.31., Per
F W Gladmare adjournment.
' J. Grigg Secretary
Rev. J. G. LOa, Presiding elder of Ber-
lin will preach ,in the Evangelical 03
03 next Saturday and Sundae.
J. G. -4-ndereoe, and. eriS
Jeucknow spent last Sunday 1., town.
tae guests 03 ,i; and Md.. s. Mies. K.
We aae plea.sed to learn that Jos.
Aan'y, ' who recently W-e'nt eleotigh an
operetedn fon aPPendecitis a. to hoSpital,
London is, rapidly reedy -ere*: '
Henry. Shenk left far .Crandan, Mall.,
0,1 Monday, weeev he has been ensased
to work sear, Wesley Lowe's.
Mr. and Mrs., Sole Schautcher and ,Mo-
tn1 Braun of Pe1e010,,M-111., are spending
rew. days .ir1 town seseifig „And,
ra'l Drown.,
Mrs. P0ra, 4,1,1i)k 1:,4 a, ding the sPrin
mellieery .opertieries In Toronto -
The mild ,weather this week was 'a
reat and made thinga more comflortable
butee,t woted seem as though, It was SMIY
a 'Weather breeder" eadsang 'from thee
dienosPiee or yesterday.
The newly converted numbers were-
receeved reato the Evangelical Ceerch.
Iseet Sunday morning and evening. -Sheet
40 were ad/rated. Thc 1aeett4g$ were
eont:Orned.fo: a row days thee week.
Mr, and Mrs. Wed °Siebert or Dash-
wood spent Tuesday 4'.:3 town,
G. 1-14altzroann of Zurich was in tewee
est Tateraday coneectilmt with Ida
Bura.,..wo blase:nesse
The reanaMe 421 the Tate Iacpb.
were ,tnterre4 n titio Evangelical Ceme-
tery on TueedaY afteneeen. The deeeae-
ed was oae at the earsef paarews: of, dee
o Srboretead. 1,1avieve- eto5grOte4 trortrf,
ernmotw when a yottntg, man, He wao-.
• opeeted and. wllt be atloped
- oe trleneto, Ile Itloo
. toot 12Irear0., after*
north ..ott tite
the c000ct old aye OE 85
erveve. whiele was
eel by Burn, 1,va3 well
Tat: cleega 4:YegO to ralllIrr4
tvio b4otherts deer eloeS, a
7 geohcl-ehll en and a large
nbcr o1: other relatives, 'Whe beSe they
or tee eemesanity.
PreettV 4,ZarloTotan Mrd,gr
Ontiaton were 'In townop
bort Bothweil OT
Metter, are visit-.
a, few days.
P. t Wcadar
d Th.u:-.8day in St.
'cr. jack Dicit and Mr ca's Preet-
tended the funera.1
t. %l.'s 'Thursday,
1.fr. Herbert Miller, who has ,
lda'mother here fOr the pa
/1 0, left for Wiattslpeg
\ty, daughter Of MA and
seriously 111. We wish Coy
a spcdevery.
and Lis s
Thurs for B4.-ver,'Albe1ta. whertt
they entain for a vrtIlle.
Mr. 13hr ober bought the Roy.
noldle f Louis Rader. Ile
will take ro it the nviddie of
This week, Wedneucla-y, tho Lutheran
church have t13011r first Lenten servICO,
at'tcrwards every Wednesday antail Eas-
Mr. Albert Weltlal, who has been visit-
ing his parents here for a few days left.
for Montreal Saturday where be is or/
the staff of the Ba.nk at the Canadian:
Bank ef Cornanoree.
Tee young people front town and sur-
rounding country gave a party on Mon-
day 11.!Vrt to Mr and il.frat,Geo, Mother.
AIL report a good tinv.
The death occurred on Sunday eight;
f the three-year old son, oe Mr, and
\irs. Fred Rinker. Plul litttlel (me was
111 only a. iew weeks with, bronchitis.
funeral was held on Wednesday
afternoon, the services being conducted
by Rev. G. Thtm, The 'bereaved parents
have our deepest sympathy.
• Lond,on, on Fob. 17, to Mr.
and Mrs. Marshail Box, formerly of
Exeter, a daughter, -Lois
Hodgins-Carrathers--Sarnia, on Feb.
7th Miss Mei.; daughter of Mr. and
errs. 3, Carrutb.ers, arid Mr. Martse
C. Hodgins both af Greenway.
Wastridge-Waldeck-At Parkhill, on
Feb 14th, Mr. Eli( Wasnidge, of Moe
.EII. Wasnialge of McGilldrray,
Miss Nellie Waldock, of Parkhilf.
Prior -1)1 Exeter, on Feb. 16, Thoma se •
Prior, aged 68 ye.a.rsel month, I da.ys„,
Isaac -In Ueloorno,olr Feb. 14138 Eliza
Rudd, Tenet oS the late Samuel Isaac
eged 89 years', 6 months.
Monteith -sin Osborne on Feb. 2013,
Robert M,onteeth, aged S7 years arid
Hsennan---In Ilibbert, on. Feb. 713, Te
Brennen, aged 6,6 years.
/vIunro-In Tuckersnieth, on Feb. 7t3,
John Munro 'aged 50 Years.
Isaac -At Ste:plea, Feb. /6, Mrs.. Sec -
Isaac, in. her 7913 9441.
Dasiewcxel, Feb. 18th the lit-
tle son of Mr. a.nd Mrs; 'Fred Rinker,
a,E,,ed, 3 years.
Haist.-Th CI -eaten, on Feb. 18, Jacob
Ha 81 en hes 85th year.
Debentures for Sale
The corporation of the Village of .
Eseter wll recelive tenders up sto
o'clock pan. March I.st, 1912, for the
put:cease of $50n0.00, waterworks de-
bentures r tinning 20 , years, bearing,
5 per cent. interest' per annum from th.c
of issue thereof, payable in enteral sums
or $401.22 ab the Canadian l3ank. of
OorarnerU, H. r, Ord.
T. B. C.ARLING, Cierk.
Institute Meetings .
EL13'IN,11,LE, TO SA. TORD.ay.,
„. , .
YARNA do. FEB. 28the
seyeledAs.r, 2 11.
'net ngs at 2 ,and
LISON13. -
C43:A.1e11.1 .