Exeter Advocate, 1912-2-15, Page 4ar. 4 taxeter Abuotate Sanders de CreeCtl. Props.; rnTRSDAY, FED.:, 5 From title reports that s.ppear front itago to time of the Voting ott the tples- enitat of pturell Union it would. appear othat w4th, few eXcePtiens, ibte: cangfeiraf-=,: Oi4sits are Strongly in favor of Uniett, eonditions, 1,OndoubtediriloYe: 1On:eat oluiduence an the vote. Bev. Joseph 'Elliott, Wioa conteged ,Wo•st leluoon In, the Jost provitocial elec- itnao, :oral was defeated by *M. Proild-: To P. be -e received:. ao aPPoint; o merit to act as emigrationnageat for tile *Domon Goverotnent fti Glasgqw, 0C,Ot- onaad, Mr. Elioit expects ta leave fler Scotland at once, t".;.d: be LW AIL Mrs. Elliott will probably. ac nortopany The °Marin Goyerontent ias t „et nyear placed lin ti l Estfanates a grant tot' $18,000 for Standthg Field CroP 0cini "•petitiori to be conducted uader the au- . spices of Beards of AgOlcultaral -1eties. Of the above ammint the' Fed- - tscal Goverornent have agreed to, reeolo 'es-rso the provinee to the extent- of Z/000 fw0 I" tee CI'. 'XI I50r of-acree oolliVated Mod op to $10,000. • Quehee Prey:nee the ernet „passiog n.et which provides arty man, Who earns $10 ,a nornob be -names a qualified, voter. By Ode pre- ",..o.OSIort the mass Of the pope wfl -VOtela eire is itarel to say who is excluded excePt vaga-honels and raSZIPs 11O know'a occupation and of 'vier/ utteertaill inCtone, Ploral voting, hae *stated in Quebac sirice ',,z11ini days, 1s abolished. and the `etre tw,,a1,1, ono vote" 111•101Plo is tO be: ea - leveed. Tits w11 ot it8ef becom.e • 7.084,bit stie,p Oat e.tlyanlament Quebeo CENTRALIA qn-te a large number frorn o e atterided the •concert az, MQday eY1.,"'11,1ng and rePOr lta'41" T.e1 good it'ne, aUetitan Sale Or. the Tnit elMttels on MoodaY Was tended and GOOd pea Zeal!Zeti. Coasave Was the Itteity purehaser Property f.or $1160, Til,18 b;44;,-; ar the boys say there's goIng iett.stng doing- NV.F.31.S, met at the borne at . Oliver an Tutisday anO troesart usual ruo of businesO. etor .)Clehrli had a aarrow cs- a broken leo oa FrIdao Iasi noin.14 co tting some tirolanr. The _no was batilY brals,d, and v011 ns Oizzo to Ilm house tor a couple days . •llaS Clara Fair/mil has aceePted -sant:Lon In ;:ltIr Park's store at Inueano. Mr. Wilson and silater of Ka' ;stoke. le a -Pending a few days rene.w,ittg fricilds around the fla and vty durirg past Week. John Colwill have sold hs fins, Varnz on the 2nd of StePhsa to' ),Ir. Fewe of near Luean, far We bandsOrne potte of $7900.00. 3Ir. Pc..vve will gee ',possess:on on April lst. 3Ir Simon Sweazer spent Sunday uo- - der the Parental roof at ShIpka. Mr. I:loan-los and sisteo of near Lunen were the gusts o r. and DC:71P 1,111d3.17. T▪ he Trothao Bros. of London and •.etrolt were tier, on :Nlanday settlin• g ozp the estate o`'. theIr father and ZZOther. Bread and cakes took, .qu't3 a •drop 7."r. tioe ville.ge on Tuesday afternoon, -Alma the her drawing the bread sleigh ntI A. E. Falrok, Exeter, triad ta ex - ...teed the speed Ernit. The sleigh was up- oet and torle badly broken witle the orea.rn colored pany ran a.boat half-a-mOle o_oull. before: was captured. It re- nze'ved a few cuts but nothfng very Fn.rious happened. EDEN b=s are, the order or toe day. —Mrs .F. Coates, who has been on the a:cle list is iraproving.--31r. and N!..rs Harding were no Granton one. day ;oat week.—Mr. and gra. Franklin De- o, Claresholarr, Alecto were ,gerests of Orr. Delbriltige's Cousin, gra, Coates, Itam-sday last.—gro and gra- ehn Essery and, gr. and gra. William ''r....co.,tes spent Thursday eveitiong the tres-t.s of Mr. and Mrs: A. Dayjnen and, a•eport a. pleasant tomet-Mon, at -al Will Dickens of Saintsbary Visited 1.1.ilas Luitt-ton 0Tve day last .iipeek.—Mr. =nor& Mrs. J. Essery attended the Wed- aing of Mr. ,and-grs. joninit, Pym of: El-, ▪ 11.e on Monday last.—ModPaul't Oates or.pent pert of last week visit , ngtriendei no Toronto and Ilamilton.--Several from there sOtendeO the Leap Year hopoatngr. 4it F3 and apirt time. --The Mss Kerslake •entertained %no few friends one evening last_ week.- -gra. ,Slesnner who has, .been. trick, 'With g-riPpe is able to be around, &gallon -7 r. and Mrs. F. Ford have moiled onto Z.:T-88. Rook's farm sotunh. of here: We oreicorne "Man and gre.• Ford ta' our Tittle At the' Ilea The -man a the' headisf affairs 6Uness.- 9nS.....whdstlf-at;tich.4014ieti wish o attrattr fhornes and is read ,1;..j- the headuf tel.fatiliy.. That: ancounts"fo; !he 'suits' obtained l)y-,th.c Use of -Classified: Want Ads'-' ,4e,yrien.d t,•1:f Dr 0 W ' WHALEN. „. Mr. ClOristopher McCarthY, who /las beon nil the Northivest for selyeral yyears and of late ha.s been working 4tt Ch:vago, hamo vteiting his nifather and other relativea.—Mr. John Lazard formerly cr. Centre.11a, and who •ta 000,. hernesteediag 100 roles Vest of Sask- atoon, is spending the winter with his etelatioes and tends around the= pants, at Granbau, Whalen and Celitralia. —Miss WEdnLangford(ot Granton,;Who was one teacher here in oUr" P1tblie school laet year, but, Owing, to illness ha.d •to Seeign last fall, has since then bean gradueliy growitng worse and on Sunday, Feb. 11, pas's= eattoaY. Deceae- ed was a very offatextt teacher and thIotilyt respected Ott this vicinitY.—Sev- oral of our yoUr.,g PeOlge attended the oyster supper given, by the 'Woodmea Granton last week,—Mr. Toa. Gtmoing gave a Party to all the young People around here int honor ot hta nlece, gists Minerva Leaf on near Hain:ate, Man.— Idest all the farmers around liere are complaitdog of their water pipes being' flrozen under the ground, and as a re- sult bave to carry the water for all ,of thedr stoek. which Mans oulte an 11 notrreolence.—Special meeting will, com- mence here nextooday rtight Feb 1,9 condunted by our pastor, Rev Bletchford —Church Union, and how 4) vg' isthe topic of discuesixad among our tnetobers these days.—Mr 'Frank Langford and sister Tesea visited friends bete on Sunday. =MICH, ..••••• •••••• oto Claus:Om has returned borne af- ter a stay of, .soltV,3 eeks ia- TOnallto. - S'lroort. 'Sutures and, farailY will move to town and oecupy the dWelling recently 'acted by Mr Fred Witwer. - DavId Oclutell, who with'her husband and fatirdY left last spring tor Aberdcoto. Soak., died, there on TuesdaY of last we afii4r a short illness. De- ZeaSeil was a daughter or late Co.. rad Wagner, She was a kind rietighbor and when residing, In this neighborhood heel a greaa many warm friends, who ancerely regret her demise, and aym- paOn'se wan the husband,—Mr, Emory RUily viirs;i4v4- rolativea in Michigl-ri JoSePh. Lett and on. Wiltian have returVed o ter home 1.11 lite west Not. a re,sit wits.a relativnte here. --Miss RnhY left for her bernO new Pig - after v:teiting with, relativas • tor selliPtqm,----,A. Pretty 'Weddlog '1.1.1Co onProl-,,See.:13'"afternIton al last t horul and Igrs. jaeOb Geahen Ldr.e. wheo their daugh- ter tyda,r41713. waS Married to Prod, erick e, of Berlin., Coin, son of Mr and Mrs. Kehrt Ianover. lanIfie, who was unattentled. avt'aF by the: father. The cercnt000 ',vas Perfermed by Rev. G., F. BrOwn . lin- vier of the br:43 in the Prescaos, of near- ly 100 guesta. Eos. 13,rown, aster o! Ole 1st -Moo Played the 'wedding mart% whd!e Mary R:chnot Heacorer, niece toe 2-reant, cted as rizsg lortrer. 'The bride :vas the reoilf.ent Juariy beauti- Cul gifts. Timy rde. In Borlito. grortra,,o toheit ond ;lb 1-"oanS Over T id, Ear2s store 'ot Naines c"Jd standi. ..)forolay arid Tbuteday of oath w. We bespeak for rn o goad share or. the p.44.* rona&a. —Rev Green ,of Croitart Coectnged the poi " ere Sunday. Be gave a very 1nter. • and frostructive tafk. Cornmuopan as d:epensed at the close of ene ger- sleighli of Snatfe. Peopie &me down ta Mt. Pleasant oyster sup- per Tuesday Ruby and Sadler, Anna Bell lioringstooe, and Rob. Lntrimtratorte "veerevo,uests at the Party onnvori.:Nliss Maud Glenn Wed- nesday night.—Preparatory services were keid, in the Methodist tchurch bere Met Thursday evening, conducted by the Paolo-, Rev. C. L Cousens.—Mr. and Mrs Earl Bulson'of Harolltart have returned to spend the vnOltor with the former's parents.—A vote on Church union is to be taken in the Methodist church Imre on Sunday stet. Me and Mrs. l Harry NorrIel entetained a number of their friends Friday even- !non—Of:Bs Ponvooy, clerk! in, Mr.! D. Mc- Cotinell's store, bas returned to her Lorne fin :Fullerton. 'Mss May Stacey is Ealing the vanancy.—Mr: Jas. McKeig is recovering from ;Its recent illness.—The wedding bells are ringing on the South B-ounclary.—A eloghload or Bethelltea drove to the inarna 'of. 'Wellington Craw- ford last FrOdeot evertno and enjoyed tnernselves until the we sma' hours CROMARTY (Too late for last week.) Rev. 1.0.cltae on Allendale occupied the pulpit here on Sunday last. gr. Elwyn and Miss Pearl Illiversoreturned .from Stra.tford FrldaY to spend Sunday Under the parental roof. ---Mat Solon 'Butler dia.. posed of his nine year-old coltlast week to Sir Ed: Stone Oar a handsome figure Quite a number from here took a.dvan- tage of the oyster eupper at Chisel- horat last Friday evendng and -report a pleasant time.—Amono, those whio attend- ed the ibanquat .f.,n Stretford gc:ven. by Warden Jno. A. ;McLaren were the fol- .. lowlog,---Waio L. McLaren, James Howe, David Bruce, Jos. Speare, "Arm: Dinnin, A. Wright, Robti Hogrgarth, G. G. W:1 - son and John Sca.cey. The only regret - able eeatutre was that one partook too freely of oysters, oansequently had, to be land adide -Coo( a time.—An oyster„ sup - par . nconnecition 'with, the weigh scales of tnis was given at t4` he nano, of Mr. Jos. Sees re on Wednesday of ia s week. • BIlINSLEY—Mrs Thos. Cuamirn scho.m •wno fro,- t,he past two weeks, waS 1yng at death's do* vr;th pleurisy and pneo- „ nontia, has Oaken a change , for . iv="ttVr , and .11104,'a ,ProGTe s 511g nhrey Everybooy toought that nothing could save tth.e• patientt, aShe wao at the ad- vanced aye of :phTlas, score and: ten years, but, thirouglt the skilful treatment of the docl.er and hawse 'we •eopect ba' see Al's Curininghatn out • shortly. DRUCEFIEllif)--Jobn Munroe, a known and :respected resdeot o`,f r:Ila.Tpe' passed away at me:In tlift, :road, on Wed,nesda. tze o'OyOaiSb4t1 joyna goad thlealth." sothle ',f,11ent HARPVEY Mrs. Roy ,Sloatritt ,entertaining a :atlfilebewrd'aeyrst:_ele.vtz,44a7V. es fr;1111.tt,hoer iWasets tviefleokr was the eoldeStonightis this winter. The.• thermometer registered. '5 dez grees blow zero.---Thow tompiatrientary tneeting of the South. Miran Farmer's Instaute 'win held at 'Brenner's Hal/ Grand Rend, on, • FebrOtary 21ed. The afternoon speakers will 'he, Glavin Bar- bour, Subject—Draft ;i1t7,11Se DMA how to raise them; lienrY Grose, Subject — Seiectlene'See4.8* Tt0 same R fl speao sopa era kwhoe.411 act.eren fooattltro. 'beral'Intabed 4e,y local talent, none:ea- .:lig of inetrUdtIetetale: quartettes, etc,— lgansel Hodgicas and bride have retuned trom. Detroile wher tileY 8Pent their honen. Yrnoa geGILLIVRATY„ 3g.r. Ansley Nop, is recovering -from his illoess.--Thes.. 'Ellwood Is drawing material tior tits new( torn„ --gr. andtgra .Musely 'inave teturolecl from, a visit in MictriganotLelover threshing and hay pressing s ocoupying We attiention, of scone of our farroerta.—011jprt SimPeon prepalling to 1:Mild a. new house nezt summer. IKIRKTON. The Ep orth League of 'the Metheditsi ellurch glYinea grand concert on the ovening''t FriclaY neXI, •:1,d,Oen the Lou- don Male Quartette w.tiIttrtrien the Prograzu. At the regular meetingot ;he 'War- terly of"cial board of the ItiOrkton cult. thOrteeninernbera were present, and all voted tt isdor, of church unipo, The Past, ROY. gR. $nelj,wa,ven all in at.on to ,return tor a rz3urta year. Strong express:pi:1'4'4'9f, appreciation of hIs at1lty alnd Sorviee. -44.re given to upport or the resolute. WINCHELSEA The ,!ollow;ng is iihei report of the er.,1,1rteonati4es. teld 14 l'ha. he juniors secead class oe Or prOnletiont to the Stet/10r Sec- ond and tbaiir stassVirgt,.,:tzt "written, be- low. Fotn-ai ClaSal It4,23.1 l000-prdoo Duncan, 911: Cornish„801; L Johns, 859; I. HeywOod, ,097; D, Cor- n!strJ 039, D. Coeorv *014 DavOl woo absent. nttesed 'one subject. Third class Total 790. 1V,, Reartly 0'08; M. Wash- bOrli. 019; G. Delbrlidge, 599; V. Hey we WO; L. Cern:sta., 475; A, CreerY, 399, $enr cond' class, Total 005. G. Johns, 598; M. Conan, 592; L. John ; W, Slteltoo, WI; ,Iforne; 491 F. :Wood, 474; R.! Smolei 878;' M. Contlieb, 810; M Heywood, 299. Junior Second class Total 170. fin* Medd, 435 91. Skinner, 132; C. Crazy, 4,31; F. Routty, 410E; 0. Pell, ,S89;,B; Johns, 50; B. johns, 283; T. Ileywood, 205; R, I>elbridge 255, and ,NT.,* Mal was un able to attend on =count or sieltness. JESSIE A. IIAtiiLlt W. Teacher. * MOORESVILLE. About s'oyentY neighbors and ft -ends f Mr. and Ncre ,N1iarcshall..1filler, gave a surprise on Thursday 'evening last when they, congregated to spend on evenir.o prior to the departure f he et and hostess ore:4 London where they wU resr.de, '1=V:fog this care of the farm to their son William. A very Pleas- ant evening was sPent, during tite course f which the follos.ving addres's and presentatIon was made to them. Olooresoille, Feb. 9, 1.912: Dear Friends and It is ONItli feelings of sympathy and reigroi ^fillet, We. ore assembled here to- night on !this eve -of yrnur depa.rture from arming as. It Ong been Impressed upon our Minds by that sensenof loss, which we all So sen undergo, that it is our duty in some slight, 'way to show our apprecialtrion of you both as friends and neighbors. We have Oved to-gether from ettildholad to the, present, many of us the very closnist feelings good fellow-sltp, and those ties, which ore bound ttine more closely by year's of . interedurse wnth"one another, ;are seem- ingly bard to sever. We have always found you 'ever ready co lend a helplinoo hand in. any ot our daily toils, ale° Sharp) in our surirowc o.nel extend a word: olr synmattay when ever you Patina us burdened with the greater •trlrals of' life, we therefore ask ‘37.0111 to accept -thiie purse ae a ethall token of dun esteem arid. good -will not for as Caf,trinsic worth; but that It army refrealh the many pieas'ant mem ornes of the years bave Spent to- o • To you all, We extend '01:1,1' best wiones for yoar faturie haPPiness ar4 prosper - and Ialso truSt. that 'God's choicest .biessOngs may be strewn along Y,otan path. way. ;Signed oft behalf of a.114, W.. Maguire, .W. R. sr:ma:leen. ni • Ciatarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thy CORMOt reach the seat oi the disease.. Catarili is a blood or consbi. tutionaldisease, anal in order to cure it you must take irttenaal remedies, lielPs Catarrh Cure is taken internally andante direct!! en, the yood and tagonne surfacer' Catarrh Cure is not a quaok Medi- • rae. it was prescribed by one of the beet physiciags in this ceuntry to years and is a regular preaerip. tiop Itis coraposed ot the beat tonies knows. 0001.. blued with the beet blood .puritlers, acting directly 'couittthh:tmwr ianugredieulrein4etse":LS wThhaZPPerodrtueceetascu°cmhbwilntienr ffulrest.esulte tn eating Catarrh. Seed Mr testimonials F. J. CORNET & co., ?rope., Toledo, 0 Sold, by druggists, price 75e, TabelialTsParnily Pills for constipation. CLA.N1)171.130YE Tim late AU^. Flinn', Who was kill- ed by a train at Kincardine last week was a Soo of' and gra: Wm. Flynn of Clandeiboye arid was in its 34th year. Ile was found lying beside the track about 2001 yardelsoutth of the de- pot. by .Mr. Steen -au. Vito wee at - /gaoled by hits groans, He was con- scious during the 41,rne of bis removal to thti litoSpintal, and: explained briefly that, whillenat work removing ice on the track, ,h/e ead..tonert struck by elle the cars whithwere being shunt- ed after thta arri‘vtd, of the afternoon train. An examinatfoo at the Hospital alikoweti, that his night shOulder and arta were badly ananglod, also that he had sustioed aSeoVre. scalp wound, attd was MI:tering interoal iniarlee, AM- potatiem of the e,TM Was neeiessarY, and death =Me •ta. ri-ov twoara later. A valuable hooso lasionging bia Will- iams Brea. was existent!), killed in its stall Wimp It got Mrd, Mat av'er halter, and in its atniggle broke ita neolo—Miss NelEe Srat.th, o. Winnipeg, visiting' her sister, Mrs. AtItins, ot !,,looresvale.—Mrs. 1.::Ov'e,Qtne4',ehle iat '.s visting he;" ;nether !iere„—nliae Ann CaseY, Who ltae an attaele or muscular rheumatism, ta SUll quite 111 at her hom0.—)4aster Sparle Carter is Mrito 111 voIttt the grip.—he t yerdnhere Is nearly cored with sawlogs, wit:01'am to be shoped to St. Thomas.-- Mr. Whiteford of the secland concession busy draw.Ing gravel for building In the swing. While teang evehed to St. Joseph's osP:tal Saturday morntrig, CYril ear - aged 12, of Olandeboye, died ,en the riuran and Bruee tra'a1 Jost atter 'had lett Danteld station. The Ivy s the only •S'on, ot Mrs, Mrter, wbeee usband died a year ago, and the oir.. cumatanoes of, ;13.1, death are unusually ad. About a week ago1,141440 going: home tin slipped s.ad elt aria-inst an ley in the road. Ile complatalecl soon afterwards of 11. pati ta,his ankle, and was thought tor a time that the anitl had been spra.'ined. It swelled very 1.0•WdlY, and bloodiaattonting devaloPed. As a last 'hope a was decided to rush yottno Carter to the hospital, but tile excitentent and strutliti proved too omen for him, and he died on the t'ran. The relnains wore taken out at Ildereon and taken Oltanp the same even :rig far tntermgaU Mr, J. A, Atk:Ison, sectIonman here has 'been laid off Work thd lasti, few days on account of being on the sick list. —Mr. Goorege HOdg'itus has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in London. --Mr. John- son Aikerts of .Mor caville moved to Luce.n Folday on account of lais honm ihaes'it).4 destroyed by fire Thursday Fred Atichmon, a young Western Can- ada real estate agent, Imd a close, ell from being seriously injured here ;Mon- day, 'when he JumPed, front a moving trs.in. Atkinson was talking to a trav- eller when the train pulled out, and as soon as hie noticed that it was his. sta- tion ran to tills doer and jumped. He landed a big snow drift. The train WaS stopped. It was found tlmt At- i..fkirosponen'or:esi, sdnot, badly hort. —R. Atkin- son, the Grand Trunk agent here, left o where he will take charge or a few days during gr. Case's vis- it to 'Tot -Onto. During ids absence his brother weOl be the acting agent here. —Mr. and MTS. Wm. .Abbott returned Sunday, after on extended visit to Chicago and the Pac:ific coast. Fred Mallett, Who has been confined to Its home for several days through ninjury ito Isis knee, is able to be out again, although not fully recovered,. Y. M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT.. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ aur trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Free. • Business Am' ' Forest City and uollege . Shorthand " WEsmiivicr, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT, ° Chartered Accountant. Principal: Vmeponcloal. • 15 Father Mother, Sister, firother A1F Should Use Parisian Sa PREVENTS BALDNESS —BANISI-IES.Itwh:ch means that the hair becomes: full lt.tfe and lustre and grows radiant a n,c1 boa lit:Cul.. • • DANDRUFF—STOPS FALLING HAIR AND ITCHING SCALP ,P,ARTSIAN SAGE tin ' a fanilly halr . . tonlc, and ciresstng that will, dot mucn gb,o.d !I-, every hirne., Pho,man whdueee PARISIAN • only occasionally will never grow bald. 'Baldnes s , • ,i s mused by • dandou f.f MONEY gernis onnitch 44'dowo into thoroots Otf D DAN hank, devour nooritthh- • Tito u sands are : 'wasting ' tions, .losing hal- and greWlint.{:band because' they ,aro uenno. .supernielal teitios.: While • they May clean 'the scalp and mak,e't fee.; '.re.f re shed they • do not get 8 t he v,eat ;of theohaln -vhite1le the real de - 50)8 et.ihalr,•the pernous, daltdrutte so• halnhlestha t' t cart BACK It -9 PI ea alit to use :and menns: ; 1:11:6 to the liai:. RUFF fo:: all hao trouble; Try PAIldOIAN, SAGE REMOVER ,nlant and Cause the.reet . • , • , o dne •" and tale.,;:21Laio e tall and P„:1:"RISI atlide'• rc, irge iee.yoith n'o da tndr :rale roiat:.juat -110qSable, tei*:and' one brother.' 'The.furi.;, *ae.:aa-r091:44tt.0,11Lftned.n.L.IVS'',renl.6,r.ns, were ..latid to .:1164 tf4'8' Miltatt, tied' 06"kel'ccMtill rimd,` 6autie's" a ,grol*EttO"Oft healthy_ T, s e noturie.h rn ( l'ARI S A.14 , c.,,AGE) causes tlaehatr to growlfoaoust Istrit)P1!:a • lliS, , cOci.vee and used by every rrrernbe:r of toe tam - :`1y 1.1'4111 ,tho' oldest' Us- the 4Ue lot ' , Get a 50 :teat :bottle tb--clay; and-': you are not hate'1csi tha,tjt le Ickk 'COLE and druogIsfs eoeron I ' y w:iti Auburn ha ton en evorY HE CANADIAN BAN .F COMMERCE ' SIR EDMUND WALKER, D.V.O., LLD., D.C.L, PRESIDENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER _CAPITAL - $10,000,660 - $8000000 THE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will receive deposits of $i and tipwards, on which interest is allowed at current rates. There is no delay iii awithderromlne. gdt`he wh°Ie or any Po tio n 4 Q-dePQsit' SAm2a3 4eosrew1 1 Accounts may be opene4 in the panics of two or more persons, to be operated by any one of the number or by the survivor; Ajoint accOunt of this kind saves expense in establishing the ownership of the money after death, and is especially useful when a man desires to provide for his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death. EXETER BRANCH—W. H. COLLINS, Manager. proneh also at Crediton, Aroamalamaiapasalaulaa The i..1401.4).0....:$4.nki Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years— 90Q--4911 Capital Reserve Deposits Loans and Investment Total Assets • • $3,0001000 • $3,000,000 $23,677,730 27457090 $33,090492 K000,000 4 600000 35,042,311 $8,854,801. 48,2371284 Has S3Branches in ..)a.nada, and Agents and Correspond nts In all the Principal Oes in the World. A OLIN/MAL BANICINO BUSINESS TRANSACTAD: SAV1NCS BANK DEPARTMENT at al Branches,. Interest allowed at highest current rate. - EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Dtoxsow 04aLiwo, Solicitors, N. P. runaDow Manage sneclal eor al rneetiog of the 1lrueetiel4 ft;a111001 8C:tura RIZeelyd., g-Vincdunrwadoatd*, A., or $t. Thomas, was unanimous chosen. The pu1p3 has been, Vaeat since last fall, when It(ev. S, H."Fa.wers resigned to acCept a call .d.p. North; prove Cjie,sa's STRATFORD. ONT. Our classes are mils' larger ever bet*e bu 13 13.0,V0 enlarged, sitartas and we have. zoorn tor a !noe flttidOfltU. Tou may outer At a• n We have a staff of 0 Wzo exper. Inutructers land our courses are t Our .graduates succeed. Ttee ,.. • 1 1 week thaw recent grd4a3:tes 1,11rdritea Us ' it and $3125 per month. We have( dial, they have positions paying $53 b t dePartlilents,'--Commercial, short., and Toldgraphy. Write for our catoldsuo novi. D A. tvIcLACI-114AN, Pri !pal, Do Lin Winter Resorts Round Trip Tourist Tickets now Oa s to all •principal Winter Resorts including CALIFORNIA, MEXICO FLORIDA, EM. An Attractive Route to Western Canada is via.' Chicago STEAMSHIP TICKET' S ON ti BY ALL LINES. Full information from J. J. KNIGHT. Agent, Exeter. le Fresh rocenes We are now well establish- ed in business and. we believe on the best of authority -nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,— "Fresh Groceries all tne time," All kinds of produce taken •i)i exchange. •JAS. GOULD CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM AND KIDNEY TROUBLE 0 YEARS Morrisey's No. 7 Cured him. Other Doctors unable to help, RANDOLPH, MASS., May 15, 1911: "I suffered from Rheu.mo.tism for th�. last ten years, and at the suggestion. of a friend I decided to try your No. 7 Tablets. Before I had taken one dozen I could notice a clittogan-onaod I always had a. bad pain across It. kidneys I found to my great delight the pain was gone by the 'time I had finIshea the first box. I used several boxes, and my Rheumatism gradually left me. I gave a' box to a friend to try, and he is getting well verY fast. No. 7 is a Great Remedy, and was the only thing that would help me. How- ever, before using it I had tried every, thing I ever heard of, besides severol good doctors, a.nd all without success. I hope every sufferer will read of my cure. and try No. 7 if they want quick and sure relief." John P. Hanley, General Merchant. The above prescription is not a "Cure - All" or so-called patent •ntedicine. Dr. Mori -lacy prescribed it for 44 years, and It cured .thousands after other doctors failed. Price, 50c. per box at your dealers, or Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited, Montreal. 002 , /1:1511114 NE or f 1111.4 )111401131004, ; _sea 1 agrissaol •amora ; aeacres :72 , • „t„,„, • • vesseue •- . isamem . ;'itlers s qac DAMS 'Alio* . "77" .j7iNailt.7.9k. 11111,7%, Et To protect your family from theravages of disease and infectionil and the rigors of _winter; to make your home the abode of Health and Happiness. Statistics tell us that there,were over 250.000 deaths in North America last year frbin fever and Pneumonia; Over 90 per centof these cases were traceable to out -door closets, and all were the result of insanitary conditions. Are you goiatg to aliovr thile terrible death rate to contioue. Why TIOt Insure Health by installing a "PAIIKYTE" SANITARY CI -IE- , MICAL ;CLOSET. • • Absol u tely Sanitary and Odor] es s ',carries t he endorsenlent of Playslcians and Health. :Offiefols, and our ;awn Iron -clad guarantee,- RequLres no expen- sive watcr-reysterno nO •pImeabing ; no sewage can, be instalIeO ' In; 'any 'part of you:. home ato.t:Its st41b few 3111ntites of you: sPOto time ; lasts a 1,.„Ife" t Inc ati'd,costo;t9140,..•k NT a daY.' '" ; poRK....y.TE,!cherrit. has been , proven" - by 13aeterielogleal test to be the tnoStpowebljt Dth4tant, Deodorant and Gerrnicide,''kriorlri to &fence. • The "PAR' ARY CHEMICAL ,CLOSET, 'ils"" • A call I 208' MeAR canchee corivinee t.TR BLDG. 01191;i, 441611 Eilcpt0 fM0 X