Exeter Advocate, 1911-7-27, Page 3110W TO OBTAlli 0000 COLOR A Tnatolent to Restore the Blood Supply Mat Ras Been ilost Saooessful There is only this to tell people who are pale, weak and bloodless. You are pale and weak heeaese You haree't enough' blood and yea 'won't be better until your blood eupply is inereaeed. You ehould iet lose ..cluy time in increasing roux Mood saPP1X, fer PeoPle who etegleet anaemia, oftee slip int) a eleadly decline, 'When yoe have ancreased yoer blood sepply yen cari reasoeably expect to have a Food color, to have lost that circa, breathless feeling, to have a good appetite arid get good nourish. meet, roi eour food. Now the only quick and a/ways effeetive wey to get sepply of PeW, 'red Wood is to tacce Dr. Willianie Pills. Every he €p to to make pew bleed, rd tb;:, new blood coursiug egle the vektts, brings health and etremeilt TO (WeV,Y organ and ,overy part of the body, leaking Neale peeple bright, active And etrone, rtie has been proved tlioncands o ellFeS of which the se of Mrs. George Clark, Ali. btsfoz, ll,C, is a fair 4arop1e. Mi Cierk says; 'After epeedieg ° end six menthe in 4- hoe- ing for a nuree, I began n health, was very pale least exertion would leye tele out of breath, Atter graduat- ieg I ea e to British Columbia it) take up ny prlefi6911 aS a private rfl st case I took We to go ou with tore' took,. failed ting 011 11IN OWII jdg °chased eupple of Dr. rik Pills, Betere hed them 1 was reelly rc3dt The volo ee. I gained i the timo I had back at my rn Iteve fnendlY ng o Dr. 'Williams' Pink V; amo back to gth aid a nine boxes AS 43 nurse. ftU I, but still have by all medicine dealers by mail et 40 eenes a box, or si boxes for e0, from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Broekville, Oet, 3100SE, IIA ELK. ideet of •/: Region Where fhb C4 t* Fetidly Congreeates. other locality- is know c many of the geltue Cer- vus are contained together as in Kittson comity, in the north-weet- ern corner of Minneeotet," said Charles Hallock, the sporteman nd allure student. "Withie an area of lees than seventeeflve miles ac found moose, elk, caribou and the eietinct varieties of blaektail and tvhitetail deer. "The two latter, seavcely ever fund together, meet there. The caribou is seldom found elsewhere in company with either of them. There the elk coeitests the eastern- most limits of his present range., and the caribou occupies the most southern confines of his, while the lordly moose, nobleet of the Cer- eidae, ranges the middle ground of that great norehern thoroughfare of migration which reaehee from Nova Scotia to Aleska, without a break or interruption. "I have seen a rare freak of na- ture, a product of that oceupancy of single range by so many differ- ent representatives of one genus, which shows the horns of a moose and an elk, each perfectly develop - •ed on one frontal hone, but all one antler, half moose, half elk. What the animal that wore these horns was like 1 was uoable to ascertain. I should not suppose though that hybridity would ma nifest, itself in the horns alone. Under the eon- ditiOng of habitat hybridity would not only be quite possible but even .n atural." • SHARKS PREFER. WHALE. ler. Frank T. Tirdlen lias intro- • duced to a Hall (England) audience to the delights of, Whaling. It was a singular thing, be said, but he had never seen or heard of a shark attacking a man when there was a whale about. Ile had seen a man washed off the back of a lvbale and .altheugh there were 4200 or 300 sharks busy all round the whale, they never paid any attention to lairn at all. A mere miserable mor - 16e1 of a loan was no use to them when liter° was a Whale about. He *pent the NV11010 of One Christnets afternoon until sunset on the back - whale which in rolling, had eeled their beat, They knew arks were underneath and great problein the* trted to .dve was how long it would take tem to get through the basement Vine o the supestucture , _:of city farmers. a 4lty ef sowing wild Of; WAY TO COOK PICKEREL.. benks of the) 'AreootrPartake of eimilar clay, which they .eall "rock J. Recipe $aid to Make a feespined butter." On analysis this strange Fisk Ewell to Trout food is found to be composed or the most part of finely pulverized •"The *trouble with your finineel, Cut and folsPar, Ems, claY, oxide fishermen wh o decry the ptekerel not only as fish to have sport with, but as fish to eae,.is,", said e New York mae who champions that ash of small pulebritude and nu -Leh jaw, "that they don't know how to cook the Pickerel after they have eaught him, 1 eonfess t,ht-tt, I nclidn't,10101V how myself until 1 herd efartly Hardy, the old Maine woodsman, deliver himself on the subject one of Iron, and a residuum. of some unknown organic matter which yields ammonia and an ell. Earth eaters •are frequently t be foend be the East, The sea -go- ng Dyaks always have a supply of yellow ochre on their expeditions as a reserve in ease the stores ehoula run out, and in the Malay Peninsula a white oleaginous (Iv is used for the same purpose, be day, Java little cakes of yellowish fatty 4 5 peelee who came to Maine eartinare enold in the market, and from other States,' said he, 'seem women huy and eitt thern to pre- fieh to eat, but meet of our Maine The Ainos are enthusiastic to think that trout are the only serve their- slender figures. earth people, Avho ere where they ean 'ate", In the nwth end of their get both pickerel and trout, .0011't e i5latzd,i-s, e411 he owhere alone -the put the former aside for the latter, material e4e ug, hut it is car- eoe 0, good deal. They reeeed ried to all parts. They boil it with piomrej as at jeat the equal of the root of the wild lily, and when tout; eel pickerel have also the a C"t4i4 Proportion of the clay has seeing fie/04y of not pawng en asentcreellietIlhelikreemcla,einaadlle,r is poured off he pa.ate neerly se qutekly 41S t The potter$ of Schiele also in. h'ouchtde earth in their dietary. Among °The way we cook piekerelto their weekly expenses an allowance have them better thae troiit in • always made for -the amoent of simple but effeetive. Take tt, large eehaniab" vvitich they teed their Plekerel, say thom two to four pounds, cican it rocely and split: "!I en nue. it Oen; dewn the back. Thee eplie tee'lan1411;' is -la white ;14'y te"-n.'t un ..ider 414e h4e/thoe so as 0 eeee for gla4,Ilg WC. I. t eve that bope and mut e ser r“les of their Pottery' Ineeeee of a Irende stone, "lapis all rib*, Then rub with fine enarine,, ferea a etapie dish with letting meet of it on the n fee aberieies of New (,aledenia, parts of the Ash Lap the The explorere, Cloquet and Mis- r the lieh together' or put Old, when travelling in New Cele - t flesh to flesh 'end let it lie (-Ionia, eould get oo other food for Val 11011n, Or -0VOT eeveval days, but foiled noiecon- 05 slightle, to cern the fish, as VeDiellett aTiSillg through eating the salting must net be to bea.v.e. five ounees daily of this strange "`Wheu the piekerel is wanted food. The Ottemoe India:re of ter cooking, -wash it clean, phwe it South Americe He exelusivele on folly spread oot 0.11 a wire broiler fish and earth. Daring, the seas - and broil befere a hot firs, When ons of llecel when there eo fish - sides are thoroughly cooked inge they are dependent, wholly on servewith pleptsi ef fre,o) better their clay for food, and nmenge spre4 on, and ifyou do not eel/ t -ery eeitirertahle` with it, They eqiial to ally fresh water fish thatfind it, so egreenahle that during the wims, brook trout not excepted, re-st; nfth° Year they "t" a hall Qi then 1 don't ewes sou ever euree. tt' for deseert. Evidently clay Ion the edible qualities Of agrees with them, for the Ottanu4's eked itt that way pick.- "C 01"0"gst the telleet, strongest d weep (lee, awl, nand hest nouriebed aborigines f th S 1. that eag,t be 1 South Ameriea. 4 of all 0 '',ill 1 know r 'After tryingrav'e recipe for °king a pickerel I found that he had understated its results if any- thing, I venture to say that if some of these earpers at pickerel will paste that recipe in their hats and PIO'S AS LAWN 3LOWERS. urban Field of Usefulness Open to the Gitinea, Variety. A curious but sueeessful experi- ment is being made on a ntueber et it Plokorel seeord1Ort to its I ot private, lawns in Kent and is ab- ireetions they will no longer look: out to bo tried by a golf club in skant at the misjudged fish, but In the neighborhood et Greenhithe, will be ready to take their rods and The idea is the novel one of anima - trolls and go out for IllaTIV a bout; tenting the guinea pig for the mew - with linnet:a ever after declare I big machine and the weed niller, hat when a piekerel has a fair I Around the leen: is arranged o. 1 Ince in *water free from 'weeds t low wire harrier and into the en- or lily pads he ean fight as longclosure are tereca a Dumber of - as most tregt of the same size, guinea pigs or better, a passage is l "And they `won't have to go made ham their hutch to the lawn. more than fifty miles away from According to the Consular and 'New York in almost any direction 'Trade Reports the animals at once to find the material a -plenty to "attack an the worst weeds, tho trarraet them in saying so, 1 Plaintain.s first, then the dandelimis either." and daisies. Tese broad leaved plants, which A. QUEER DIFell. no mowing nmehine will touch, are killed by the persistent cutting of the guinea, pig's teeth. -When they, People, Who Eat Earth—Sonte Find havo finished the weeds Nonce are It Very Agreeable. broad leaved and sueculent they No collector of national foods in. proceed to the grass. In a short eludes earth or clay among them time the lawn looks as if it had been ent by the closest machine.. The persistent matting of the leaves kills the weeds, which can stand almost any other treatment, but does no harm to the grass. One, lawn formerly a mass of weeds has-been made to grow no - thine but the .finer grasses. An- otheis still under process of treat, ment. The half of it in which the guinea pigs were first set to work has been cut quite even abet very close. For golfing it is as fast again as it was under the administration of the mowing machine and not a weed is visible. The other half, where the animals have just been turned loose, is a mass of- dande- yet this is a favorite dish with many hundreds of thousands of people up and down the earth. Even in Europe they are not difficult to find. In one district of Sweden, it is ealle'd nDegenfors, the poor folk make use of a white clay, usually. .found itteong the roots of the trees there, by mixing it With rye flour, and then halcing this abnormal pro- vender in a very thew OVOD. They also use the stuff for soup. The quarrymen of Kiffhausen have for years beyond the memory of man "buttered" their slices • of black bread with fine white clay; and in Siberia, the inhabitants along the A Triumph Of Cookery-- ost oasties Many delkiolIS dishes have been made from Indian Oorti by the, skill and ingenuity of the ex- pert cook. But none of these erea- - • tionsexcels Post Toast - les in teiripting the palate. "ioasties" are a ury that make a dellgee- in hot-weathee economy The first package tells its own stor “The isiletnory Lltigers' ,Sold by "Cr000r ilsipT cr�aICt.?nIttaalir " titt 1.1i4".11 ruth hreitt 11 In this neighborhood it has been found that the guinea pigs do not suffer at all by being left to work in winter as well as in sumnier. In- deed, they are healthier than un- der the usual treatment of those who keep them as pets. An as tonishing deniand for the aeimals has grown un in the neighborhood; and if the inland' golf clubs, which have great difficulties with 'plan- tains, -take to the new method the guinea pig population is likely to go up in the,ratio that the natural fecundity of the animal suggests. A M edical Need Supplied .—W hen a medicine is found that not only acts upon the stomach, but is so composed that certain in of at pass unaltered through the stomach, but is so composed that certain ino'redients of it pass un- altered through the stomach to find action in the, Vowels, then there is available a purgative and a cleanser of great effectivenes. Parmelee's Yrs -Potable Pills are of „ this character -and are he best of Sullivan's oporas .he knows back all piil.S. • During inc • years that yard and forward and his favorite they have been in usc they have es-: is 'Pinafore,'' which he can whis- tablished themselves as rio other tle from end,to end. But,tht fay-. 'II has done ' orite of all his English songs i: --- -"Oh. Listeri.',i,t''' the a elee' sluch , , e°1-1-te,,use or "Lei 9,,§C.0 alunurt he -.Reed ' - t e roe orieneealle'elOhioe ee ee 'ftey nieirager hes', P,aet`te teehoee „en ,, °to 'ebilist'ean cOti nte on, a -e-eeee'efeeerneneeeeneeeleee leeeeneereeereeeeneenne eivenenr, SHEEP AND SWINE. Prices "Lieber ie Canelda than in United StateS., ces of sheep are much lower in the United States than in Can- ada,, due to the feet thata °erie specelizes on pedigreed flocks, as appears later on. In the Uelted tate they. they range from enieneee per head in Texas to $0.20 in and Iowa. while in Canada the range is from et in Nove Se ttia to $7 in .Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. LP/ices of ewine are slightly high- er in Canada than in the United fetates, In the eastern border States, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York, they range from fele to ,$11..60 a head; ane in the central border States the range is about the same. In, the wester border States the range of prices is from $10.40 to a1.10. in the great agricultural States of Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa, priees of swine vary little from ;those already quoted, 10 western Canada from $12 to $13, prices is front Ste) to $13 and in western Canada. from $1 2to The highest American price is SO, - RC a head ill WiSPOIISIO as against the highest ('anatlian, price of a 11 bead, WWI is quoted for Quebec, Manitoba. and Saskatehewan, to— "The eamen can go eight, days vith tit, water," was the line:14- gent* imparted to ft little boy by vronithhe instructor, would 1, if mother would let me," rejoin- ed the lad, 'here is no poisoneus ingredim 1.11 TiollowaY's Corn Cure, and 5 can be used without danger of in jury. Servant (to woi "The; mistress night, arid a eny orders," Wo . Will you say tha ibe dreesmaker, 'va-at (after a eeee)---e are les, mum,' tedoor)n y ill one. .M;se the et ab- bOught a ',mese 'wtth a uPposedly in. • urable ringhonti foe )30. Cured him with 1.00 worth of ,MINARD'S LINIMENT and sold1rn for 4814.00, Vretit on Liniment. MOIS)- 1)EROSCE. ITOtel, yeer, St. Thillippe. Que. "Mydear," said a, wife who had bitten. married three years as she beamed across. the table, an her lord and master, "tell me what firsb attracted you to me 7 Wont pleasant characteristic did .1, pos- sess which pleeed me above other women in your eight'?" 'Aed ,her lord and master simply said: give it up!" Some persons have perieclieal at- tacks of Canadian cholera, dysen- tery or CliaTr110ea-, and have to nose great nreeautions to avoid the, dis- ease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit ;° is sure to bring on the attaeks. To such per.e,ons we would recommehd Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial .as being 'the best medicine in the mar- ket for all summereornplaints. If a. few drops -are eaken - 'in Water when the symptoms are netieekno future trouble will be experienced. Vie 'Vicar '(h) eexten)--e'Why don't you seee'that the seats in the church are aestecl now and the, Evans?" Evans (the sexton -- "I do, sir; the. congregation does it ever,' Sunday morning; sir. American and Canadian scien- tists tell us that ale common house 1-1,Y is the cause of more disease and death than any other agency. lerilson's Fly Pads kill'all the lbes and the disease germs too. • --- The sun conies out every morn ng to make war on,clisease germs; don't let the traitors bide in your house and tight them urtde.r your bed but turn thorn out of doore and watoh them get licked. The German Emperor. in com- posing the, hymn to Eagir. says the Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. KAISER'S TASTE IN MUSIC. HAROLD RATES IT. "Mother," said little Harold, "Didn't father say yesterday that we pallet save money?" ".Yes, dear-" "An4 he would like me to help, ouldn't he, mother?" "Yes, dear." "Then, mother. I've got an idea that'll save quite a lot of money." "What is it, Harold?" "Why, ewe wash me two or three times a day, mother don't you?" "Yes." "Well, look what a lot of money you'd save if you only washed me owe a month, wouldn't mind it, niother, rea.le I eouidn t Worms feed upon the vitality children and endanger their lives. A simole and effective cure is Mo- ther Graves' Worm Extermina. , said the MUSK reminiscent moca„ "ray wife fell ie love with me and -married me whet: was learning to play the eprnet," "Are you sieve," asked his fried, 'that the Married you because she loved you, or to meke you stop Praetteing -nen the cornet "i," The female houee 1'20 to l',10 a.t a 'time, and these matere in TWO WeekS, Under fav- orable. conditions the descendants of a single pair will number mil, Epos in three months. Therefore, all licateekeepere shouki commence usirr;;; Wilson's Fly Pads envly in the season, and thus cot off: large peonortion of the 'tsunnuer ",Afary, is theto a shptle good thing about theee great wide hats at women are wearing n!" .1-Qhri, there is; \thee two women meet they eae't klee eaeh other now..' Mr Min HEALTH TO MOTHER min CHH.O. wyssf,ows souirioNG Srgve haa hem: rised for over SIXTY VRAWS bi. .rxi 1,1ONS cUttiBUIRPC qv- i3LISTEP SOR1 FET JP•rmax* or4 ;V*, 4v4',-", TOMEly Bjone( is a nice i;t]c boy to play marble‘ with, isn't ire 7`°' Toninty—Yest 1114.1'0,111. Tominy's Mamma—Then, why don't you play v,-,ith him in- stead of with all those rongh boyr from the baek streetTwnmy— won all his yesterday, nen.- maelr result aeliNeshrvt(u.ies elt TeiiNctiobles ir, tht -stem, and when the sto- l'ifeti aisbse4InthYd;s'Itcutaultel is analel Q., :1,f allowed to per - ailment 'siderat„f,. no to Ctien, :tete t retie e ect title than Par - melee's Vegetable :Pills. Thousands, can attest, the virtno tEt these pille itt euring, rirrvOU$ ,44SorderS, what ea traltor is a man who leaves our ea rty aleci gees, °Tee to the other ve." Young Hope - Well, then, what is a map who leaves his party aod comer, over to yours?" Veterau eonvert, my son," Mlnarde 1. Ctires nistern R RENT MOTtIERS for their CIIII.013Eti WitiLS K W. DAWS0 4, NinetyPliKPECT SI:et:ASS. /1 Toronto. Co emernes the SOPTR•NS the GUMS. I.LANS all PAIN ; CPRE6 WIND COLIC, arid4 LIIEIZT& ri the best remedy far DIARRII0/4‘, It Al?" ,rfl Brit 01011AlCiV bannteN.?, ask Be wre And tor "Mr, tare or root!. Winsl6w's Soothing Syrup," and tate an other Lind. Twculy•tire masa bottle. -111Cffil rISFAR ll Aisigos. . lrben the seshines lay 'd on Hundred aud Two Hundred IC or your enthusiasn tor a, 1Acre :tiny d aV .,7 °murk,. ALE. ne Street. ° u F. tt Nit F ° YOU walla to buy sell a farm ecu. ale me, Mitiard"a Liniment Core Clilditlterl ,1"w,SON. "What have veil got tnat pwee Manning tied 'round ,your finger for?" "My -trite pet it, there to eernied me to poet a. letter." "And elid you remember !" o ; she forgot to give it te for Toothaches,—There ie no pain $o acute and distressing as toothache, When you have soun- welcome a visit r apeaveDr. Tho- mas. helectrie 0:1 accor-ding to di- rections niuleyou will find immedi- ate relief., teeehes the nerve with soothing effect and the pain departs at once. That it will ease toothacheis aeother fipe quality of this Oil, showing the Many uses it has. Mikc—"Sure, th' do tor says Oi've got t baecy heart: Pat— "te're safe, thin, Mike. ',It it's anything like so strong as the to- baccy ye swtoke shtand any- thing." *TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY., for Red, Weak, Weary. Watery Myes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doisn't Smirt--Soothes' ES'e Vinggists. Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, ,150c, 41.00. Murine 'Eke Sabre in 'Aseptic Tubes, 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. vo eldurine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago. If your dwelling place does not afford yfIti a free and unobstructed view of the, sky you cannot haee heaven on earth.. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. WHY THE SQUIRE LAUGHED. Inspector (eross-questiening. the. terrified ,class) --``And now, boys, Who wrote Hamlet „ -Timid Boy—"P-p-please sir, it wasn't °me." . Inspeetor (t . he sante „ evening to hisehost, the squire of the village) ---eMost amusing thing 'hapPenefil to -day. I was questioning the elas,s, a.nd asked a boy 'Wm wrote Ham- let 2' and he answered teartully, P -p -please, sir, it wasn't me.' " Squire (after loud.,.and .prolonged laughter)—"Ha-1 hal That's good: and 1 suppose the little beggar had done it all the time." . GentleWornan. has follott-edthe ex ample of Frederick the Great, who St101111ot, only ,,as a.,-tanclinaster hut as the inspirer of several very' stir- ring, marches, 'Pew people .are aware that the. Kaiser bas an ex- cellent barrytone voice and is' intia- giftied',:beyond the ordinary J . His taste in music. is very catholic 31): SASKATOON 'k PP ERS prosperity 10 Fertnere 10 every branch. Ginn farm in flaika., Icon District, an , “idtui owti family's future peed worry 11() more. You were not intended to eve and die strirtnt; maroy to taal‘e end4 utoet, Half the ikorit here would soot; fatten ,your bank ee. room. Be fair to yourself. Dere(' waste more time. Write COMMISSIONER 'BOARD Oi 4RADE, Saskatoon. Saskatchewan. \Vogel% Canada. &cyan WANTED. ART Toe Renee TO.DAY, spud pmstat for circulars or 10e for Spa - pies and termAl s. fred, Tyler. r,ou ou, Ont. A GEN'J'5 WANTED.—A study of other ,Agency propositions couvincen ne that none can e9ualolv,s. You Trill al. ways regret it if you deu'.,p apply to; particulars to Travellers Dept., 823 Albert St., Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. laAY and PARM i3CALES. Wilson 'e Seale WorRs, 9 ESplanade, Toronto. yLOUR and Feed Business13 for 61e. I One of the best In the City of Rule- )3argain for quick 'sale. Twe.ntps five Hundred buys everything. Apply Walter Hayward, Hamilton. LUMBER, interior trim, n doort, goortg, sash. Trice quoted at your station. Small or large orders. P. W T Rose. Toronto. ArtUT YOUR GLASS AT ROME'.-- Our stew 11,/ "Red Devil' (Hass Cutter cuts wiresi eit821. plate glass. „smoked aril window B3' m glass: Bail 26e. W. R Potter Co, 46 Benoit St., Montreal. AwitirA, MACHINERY, Portable or heavy, Lathe Mills. Shingle Mille. Engines and Eoilers, Mill Supplies The E. Long Manutactunng Go„ bta.,Wese Street, Orilria, Ontario. 1 ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In. teraal and external. cured without pain by our home treatment. Write 1/11 before too late. Dr. Rottman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Out. TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's 1) Seale- Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. WRITE as to -day for our choice list of, Agents° Aupplies. No outlay necessary. They are money makers. Ap. ply E. 0. I. Co. Ltd., 228 Albert Si, Ottawa, Out. 4,-1PEcIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult 0.7.) as in regard to any disease. Lowest prices in drugs of ail kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure. *neut. Glass fitted by age. Write tc-day for anything sold in iirst-class drug -Fumes to Dr. Hellman, Collingwood, Ont. CHENILLE CURTAINS nwfall limb of tossThu,giugs,also 1,ACE CuRTititiS DYE DLIA510 NCELyEZA ED ' Write" to no about ywirs. BRITISO AMERICAS DYEING 00., Bex1,P.!•Ifitraal When buvinq your Piano insist on having an • OTTC) 1111GEL • Piro Act i or‘ IODINOL Sia box 6 for $5 The most highly efficient application or the reduction of Swellings, (loitie hick Neck, Glandular Enia.rit.ierocts. t's Positive. ' LEsof all kinds, in any ansi stages, quickly roiieveci and cured, tire your suffering live enictIvelii.i4,!,c Onlinoil Sense" los- wiil *-1(°,11H,":•',Y°'$T a' box, $6 for'S b'oxes. Mai1l4 on i•cceint.of p -'c " kETORON EST QUEEN,, STREE '11 52 32