Exeter Advocate, 1911-7-20, Page 1TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, TH,TJRSDAY, JULY 20, 1911. SANDERS & 'CREECH Local Items Miss Retitle We}e11°was iloatle cram Following the hot wave that recently tgeought death And at_zi e-le:Pa 'to_ the whole Eountry, this week,'e weather `prontlpes to Furn'i'sh supri'sea he the . ot,- eT direcItelort veeth the retszTlt that unusually low suznnl., temperatures pro bably will prevail. A representative of the Underwriter's iaesoeia'teae was here Qn Tuesday aged zle ftre alarm s u,dui about 11 liar, Ttze brigade 'Pass quickly oa the scene, and '5.40011 excellent streams fee water were flowin',; from the tattle con:^ectioee. ve r t however, asoliz c Ii fo lues e e er the ,. x ag n l gine did net stair(: as, quickly a8 usual and the power eonitee:tar was `geese- guently a little slow: For the tilted, sgecesaiva'tvear in tl:e R:eley Caine lit, ;,l • Shoot a Ca adiat''i nlark>~ntee have W911 the Mackinnon W b$1li is *Pelt ton canlpetition le elneotixig at. the Fong 'ranges tae team or twelve men, representing she tont; tariat forces and loos.). 1 11ii 1itis af tbe different units of the Empire. Clean tla" leant led that of Enelatezd ley 1, Pointe. maklhtg Ari aggregate score et 1,581 out et 1i. paffstbre- 1,800, The iean1S kearesentipg pn la*dr Ireland,. Seetiend, .$ w Zealand, Guernsey, S. Africa, And irsdia, followed Ci4lada,• tap order named,.. 1,1r1y reportsfront ilne Porcupine the etealt 't ave. til s 1 t tele( to Nerve 4n. aria z= 1 week from 'huatia Pitres' of, front 300 lot Z(lp people, but later reports rotate the it will probably Trot exceed 100. Even the lesser :number, however, places It as ono or the, worst; (lush flints et^erexpene tomcod in Canada The financial lose will 'be r,early +3 :111111e:en dollars, \)any people Were trade homeless and the suf- fering ame* the women and children tza.s° beep terrible. The Don)in en and ()Atario Governments and: many towns and cities tnanlediately tient ,relle! 5n Ito torn) of tents, and reed. and large relief funds have been subscribed. Over tit) lo4geaa tonic part hi the 1'Jth July celebration ate Godcrich, and fully e000 ,Y4sit0ra were in the town that day, and, some difficulty wad experienc- ed in feeding then(, as' the eating heueee were not prepared for the large crowd. 23Gaidca the panic and the judging the various to.nde a series ` of a Park c itr Pout,- House a is were Ca (t(treasono G Iv s tt T d, .vt counlY rnaetc r, was of address -gave ul an an and: m s woleome to tits vi'sitore. I! wad foll- owed by 14e.yo' Cameron, t •rN gave the freedom of the ta`wil. 'Halt t («zest more adclreeeea were 'given, the:. ,principal ePeakers being Rev. W. UT."Cooper, et T Bl Farr o } t l lsi;lvortotl: Rev. T. H. , ev. \Yilliam Logo, err Lateen; Rev, T. IL Condhll, of Bayfield, and Rev. J, Follicle, Godorich, London) ever Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, 4quilla. Snell axe spend: leg a s.! ort tine at Port Franks. Mr. Alfred WilcoxTand lady Aden. of 'Detroit are xiiiiral; in -"Exeter North. ir... Walper of London, visited /her ,, f ,eMr,J 1E rt . r S.. ex' T , tt1 rn tan,Tuesday Mr, and Dirk. Duncan' AfeDougali of Gonner are vii i i!1g in- chis neighboo r.ord, ties T. B. Carling and daughters, Messes and Martha, were in UM - don Friday. Pe, Al C. Raltisay and family ot. Hamilton size visiting relatillee hereto two gr three Geka, 11.{ 7Lou6 a_ Ease e! t arrived Tuesday from a Vioit With lee George at Gledatolte, Man. Mn. arty( „sirs. PagdiRal a314 tdauglltrr and Mr, antis. UM. 7 rie4Q11 lot Boeheeter^, . Y..wens viseto1"H at W. G. Bissett'e 011. MendY. Mrs, D. E. Ar,dereo11; Went to Harris= burg an Tuesday, t ssi$t her dome anter, yIr k, Vrootnan, who is ttpri iltg Oita week to Copctown. The following are latent;; t ale 11unlber whet Were uueceasful at the tnedield Council t_ F to n tat and 3+1aI I T"T _ I1 3 111 `> rtrilltary'exam1 held it11 May at Toronto Final, Wm, Geiger; n9ai1 A: Briwartl :vermin, St. '2ilara ; I1ltertnedlate, HT cQavin, Seaforth. Prftnary, S. .d. s N uc Co e 1 all • ., I T,, n. ult I=l tt a + r 1 R t i , toane on brother Rs1i i-^ ttQr three weelC>O of dry, hot We ,(her 'the elashing aftower oi: Friday everting. fella' red b}' the soaking' rant of Saturday and Sunda7r, cantle, as a; !'.APPY react, It irk a little late to °be of much use to the grains, but 'rttae, »eels and veQet.ables, will be helped eon enxlftily, lkilNAWAT ACCifk'EN1Te-On 'Tuesday e'aenMg Past about ei-ht o'clock ;sir, lJavid Wynn and 'fir, Prank Mallett, perler,ced a rather 'bad n)t:.-uP. tin which the :terser owned, lay 1i r. Wynn was bad- ly injured and Mr. A\'ynn bcidly shaken up. They were driving' home front "nail' tattled, where they bad been putting up Iigilittlttg reds. and wheat op1Oalte Mt Wm, Rollins', London Iiaad , they Stitt ,' m her a w t1t theore auto, n hG1 a it t d 1 1>• a bolted. Into the ditch. upsettlee the (••r,aoccupants, d andti a horse fall- ing on the shat brolee. it, the broken n i e,. h d cx t the horaG tf side behind d Lha n ci 1 P rr out Ieg, penetrating :about a foat to- wards the breast. Mr. Mallett escaped with. little o' no Injury, but Dir. Wynn bez,des being badly Shaken, alp, septette. ed i'113ur'y ,to ono, of this legs. The brieke en $.aft was -removedPrg the har s e and Dr. Sweet was, ,called, who dressed the woundi; unci it tilt thought that the horse will recover from ata wound. Carling's is the next best place to out of doors these days. Nice and cool and refreshing 'inside you may make all necessary preparations here for your holiday outing in Suitings, Repps, Muslims, Foulards, etc. We have only a .few left now but will give you .a bargain while they last. Gents Summer Suits, odd coats, and coats and vests. Sizes from 35 to 38 all to go at sacrifice prices Regular $3.00 for 1.48. Regular 3,50 for 1.75. Regular 4.25 and 4.50 for 2.00. Regular 6:00 for 4.00. .Also 3 boys linen gy suites, sizes 30, 31;32 to clear at 1.78 :Gents sailor straw hats just a few left. These are all to goAt a rices re1.50 to 1.75 for. 1.00 and lower . c Ped'accordingly. pr>.ces red A few children linen and straw hats left to clear out` 35 for:28c. reg'' regular 50 for, 40c. regularregular 25 for 20. SPECIAL --We have lust received a few dozens of Lad- ies hemstitched Handkerchiefs which we will clear att 8 for 25c. We have just ust a few pair left in Tan and Black which we will clear out at a . discount of 25 per Cent. tY ter i+r Liighest prices ,paid for all kinds of ,Produce, 1 kxripoultry ult taken at market. rices. `d Mise. Ethel Arnlatl'Qnais visiti» Stt 25c pays for The . St. Thomas.. j The 'Trivia Memorial Church Sunday School will p Cnic at. Grand 'Bend to- day (Thursday). NEARLY A BLAZE—A very myster- ious. bleary w 10 s a at t at. discovered h0 Cane x Meg Factory by night watchman,, Thos, Kernick ort Tktesday night last about 12 o'cioek, The b1aee started in the north east °eraser of the East building under one of taw 'vipers a11d•vras making rapid progress, A, dew paneof water now -ever ,80011put it, out. Luelcily it. was discovered do the neck; of tulle, other= v,r;ae he whole'-inteldibtee would have been 1n Y1xi -. 8' GRANO BEND GIRL DROWNED AT DETROIT slates Mason, the 13tyr old daughter' or Joseph Mason, of Grant( Bend. was d owned in the Detroet hives on gone dax 11i"a.14 and 1n drowning nearly ;smog to ed his de?Samuel Pare, who was tryin to avp her. There were :our yeun,a nten, and two girls in the gasoline Ieuxtoll Lillie, of Windsor, Dire from the gasoline tanks, caused by the enliill& hack -firing. drove: t?1Q party -'lea Leal, from the flames inti the elver. Neither ,of the s.Frla, could s..1 1, }Sary' McGovern of Woodstock, the other girl, Was resru1d by Ken- neth 1tGt t Iii ..Aker \`iIll , d,.or. The five autti vlversy were taken from' the water by Al Slina,lgns, who dra?agedtt71cn1 into his launch when. exhausted., by their water - soaked clothes, t15y wog, on the paint of tknktnT, T-TtoY started from Window ear} in 'thee eYel4ente to enjoy' the; k)hteeee of the river, They stttapp:cl at; i'iGld"s1 boathouse to replenish 'tile gait,. opale .ttupply, and lead got about fifty feet from the dorls on the rt;tura to 'Windsor. 'when ire gasoline tans blazed up. There was,,'110 explosion, but thear-saline instantly ignited th woodwork rat 311} ,'moot Launch aweptthe suddenly t rr ,f c d party rote It into t?1e river. (STALL IO vocate to an.1 EXETER SCHOOL BOARD July LO—meeting held in the Town Halt with H. Huston absent. Tile fee- lovrinJ wa Ithk order of harmers duly Subaltittrd and approved. Pee T. -},3. Cart- 4-te. and 1'. Woed•titee xis: 3 Johnstie: 's eel nation lie accepted. Per T, 13, Car: l lg and S. 'Martin t§;a t a;3r, be placed isl tkl Glebe ai1d stead to tilt the vacancy a cause the e resfsna t o '3 a .» t1 to . 1 a- .ii J kid r, : a8 . t0: Bee '!- E" la la,zan Be d T Carlitag that ate following aecoualt be approved, S. Fitton, etock, 1.2:3-. Per F. et;, Gladnlan adjourrinee)tt, Jul} ti, ---Meeting oP the .Board Field Twit Ball, absent: 11, lauW(o.'... The following as; the order of busine+ee dole submitted and approved, Per chair Minutes' of 3siceiil3 held June 12 and July lath(, 1911. Pe:- S. >lartin and T. R. Ca itu; t 11at Tl the following Pal', rnents 1x approved,—J, Grigg, exam.sup- pltes 9.40 ; W. Gould, mile, 9,00 ; lYn1. .Johnston. examiner, 30.00 Express, exam. supplies 1.40, Per F. W. Med- man. anti S. ]iaTilYt,'titsit Miss A1ex3kad= er's resig natiaf be accepted. Per S; iedar In mei 1'. Wood, that the recom- nlendeld of the Financial Conlmittee in ,reference to the assessment for school for theu r ss;s o1,ere year ad - u current tb e 1 pQ. opted and that the sunt asked be two thousand dothi re. Per T, B, Carling and F. Wood th.iL'• the furnaces be ir- 'sperJed and elea)ted before Sept, 1st. r . ,talion, tend T,. 113; Carling that spe Loral visit be made, to the Thursday. July 2Oth, at 2 pan, a, Martin and T. B. Carling that ppl,x-atioetu' be cenaidered en the call t tllo chair, Pet' T. E. Caring and F. rood tt;at further, advertising required through the Globe "and .local papers.. ' T. 13. Carling' adjournment. J. Grigg, Sorretary, Mr. George Coward et Vsb,orne met with t atteforiune early- Tu Gsda) r 1 - ing, by witch h(, liaditho skin of liis lett arm bGiovv'la tl elbow or off torn o t by 0, /stallion. Ito weeu returning, the anim- al to the stable, and linstcad of tying{ it up with a ;double halter as usual before removing taus bridle, he removed the bridle and fed he animal some oats. no leerse rabh td hint by he arm. Mr, COWard, Who le'' n strong man and experienced in tate 'Ways- of stallions, succeeded in swinging himselt out of the dor, and with the greatest difficult ty prevented the beast dragging hint back into the Stall. His coat sleeve was torn off. Tele skln,,of the arm be;-' low the elbow Was} kern, arpund the' arm and ripped off down, asst far ais $114 wrist, and err to the eland, requiring many stitches ,to close. The muscles and cord's! of the arm) were laid 'tetra and the r.vounc1 late a very severe one. Dro. Hyndrnan and McGillicuddy were called to ;dross` the tivo'.ind. L1SBORNE. DEATH OF JOHN HORNEY—The sad; depth , occurred on ASaturday evening' last about six o'clock tai. John Hornet', a prominent ,farnlen of Unborn° Toow71,e ship, near iLumle *, a`b the ,age of 47 years, a months( and 10• days. Deceais [xi had been kit only sten days', and ,confined , to 11.48 ,rob4n, fez✓ one week. Death was- 'due to appendicitis anti; other complicationz. From the time of hits taking'g' hits bqd on the previouei raturday th s, ,nllness assumed a "ser` ious nature, 'and, although he had al- ways 'been a strong healthy mann, his chances of (recovery appeared slight from the .first. His death came le( n, shock to( his 'relatives and numerous (friends who have .the sympathy of the whole community.. Deceased was a MethodtJst in 'eeti'gion and a conserva- tive in politics', and was highly es- teemed by all who knew him. He was a native sof Ustboi ne, being a sone of the late Hy.' Horsley, and resided in that township ,all_e1is life: Three years ago last March he married Miss Mary Jane }T3olrton, daughter ,oe William Horton: Besides the :widow he is (survived by 1110 mother, five sisters, and one brother, Mrs. John R. MacDonald , Mats. A. A. Spencer, Mrs. W. J. State ham and .Milss: Erether. of Exeter,:' and Muss Mineretta sof Chicago who is at pl'eselit , borne 'on a visit. The funeral took place on Tuesday afterni1on to the Exeter:cemetery and was very large- ly attended PASTURE 'Y o LteT•. The undersigned will pasture ,stock on 'deist farm on Lake !Read, Lot 11, Stouth Boundary; Hay, by the,` nlolith,-payable in advance. Apply to e701 -1N, FORD, Exeter Newtt:t', or Hay P. O. FOR SALE OM of the meek faxen; 1,1.71, 1-Iu' , oT Middleeee, convenient lo markete, to churches and sch'oo11s, beim Lot 9, N. B. Biddulp0, int the County of gild- dleaez,' contain .164: acres. On the tmemikets are 'situate a good brick 110uee, three bank barite on . stone Lo[111J dations, : 34x-54, 40.x22: and 70e40, good weha; '.v41 ' ti.11, and tine, property ie welt drained. The whole of•I :t, farnlis in grass excepting 25 acres. Possession of house: given iminedia ole, and coni- plete possessi0 1 of farce given • Nov. 1st 1011, and ----chasers will be allowed to' do fail ' eieweeg 'befo're last :mentitoned date. For 10:11 er particulars ,apply to Joseph. E Kelley. Eros Lueen, F.O. Orit James 13s11ey Esq., Lucent, I' O , Ont 9 sAr,1 8 a llUrlg ' l xe¢e cry nth`b `!a ls" Hn z ,, ' "r, k4. 5„'kmf p+s ;,, ; r CENTRALIA Dir, (testi 'Dara. W. Wood returned to Lo}tdotl on Dil)nda} evening after bay- ing spent acouple' of:weeks theguests or the bss s fi se i 9 tt Was Elliott or St. Louts le visiting with h brother,Mr. W Elliott. fitWm. tk Air, and gra, Harvey Nicks, who are 01 their honey h trip and have been Up w s the the /ekes, silent Y.t a few d0. tl p a, p I y guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kicks. .i':r. Thos. Mitchell spent a few days v;•aitiee., as ,sister at Ilderton, Quite .a number of our young people drove to the 3ead an Sunday last. Unfortursukely t1c), that quite, a we1t day. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edwards) of Toronto are spending heir holidays the guests 'of Mr. and i\irs. Duplan. Mrs. Wes. Hodglne is visiting , her mother who 1s quite i11 at Clandeboye.' The baseball (thatch on, Friday evening last with the Hensall team was won; quite easily by the"home team, although many good plays' were mads iby the !vi'sitors. The -score was 13r5, Mr. Victor Blatchford returned to Windsor after spending his vacation un- der, the parental' roof. Mitis Scirrauni fs visiting with Mrs. Frank Colwill. Mr. and Mrs'. Wm. Brock of: Zion' spent Sunday with! Mr. and Mrs. Trot - bane here. ; ! Quite a number of, the hired men, went on strike the past week. Some have hiked to the city,'1nd;othera by coaxing have gone back to work aga n Mr. Thom .Falls' of 'Lucant spent. Sun- day with friends' n. t,11ie burg. CREDITON. Fred Derr isattending the ; .,Grand Lodge of .tlih'A.Fe & A.M. in St, Cath- erines tees 'week, as a represcntati)ye' of the Exeter Lodge. This is berry -picking time. The berr- les' are 'quite plentiful (this year 'and of a very good quality. The Town Trustees have engaged J. English and 'Dan Oestreicher to build the cement water tanks' for Fire Pro- tection. They nee (punting down 'one at the Griot'„tMi11 at prestent.' Wouldn't it ,be a good idea fif tour town fathers would spend a little of money and cut the weeds along the cement wanes. ,They have become quite rank and make it, unpiea'sant *for the ladies dresses especially. Henry Steinecher jhasi returned ' home from Chicago, :Ill;, where he attended the funeral of his 'brotlier. Claude . Bluett, ' B.A. and ,son` Evelyn of London ',speslt.Tuesday and Wednes- day in town retieWing old acquaintances The bowlers were especially pleased to roe 'htnl. Ira Brow,r is' Speneeree .hie holidays. camping 'at,'thra Bend ',-thi,s',week. Harry. Kuhn, .wife and ;Mrs. Kien- zle r!'cyored. to •Deihl last' week and. spent a few days' there with friends. Mr. and Mrs:. John' vV:;id anti two emend children rettirhed home from De- troit last week after a pleasant vis)( with 'their. ch,tldren. The ,rain ori Saturday •and'Sunday was a very welcome oneindeed and it hast done a te-reat deal of `good to tate crops led ;made life worth' IivinS: ,Tho Evangelical Sunday school picnic vibleli was held at the .(Send last! Wednesday Was well attended. The, r day w :deli eli a`zd ail t,ad a -very en- joyable n -soya al time. t Miss LUlign ci.41 ,er, the newly ap. pc ite ti atseastant (1ganist of the E'a:' -._, hal, Church 'took charge of.. the organ for oho first eine hast Sunday. Mrs. Jacob ,E:1bc. , Mre. I3. Brown,' and Moues . r aiett have returned home after '1 few week's vieit> with relatiVes in. F ;eon and 'Elkton, :Web. Flax pulling has started. The Indians the Muncey reserve have arrived and - have been allotted different pieces by the Flax company. Due thre biers `cave been egiving !tear mackery s; gerteraloy .•shaeiling at oxlock's slop, t,i tri Baseball We Wil BXETER., 3; CLINTON 2. Eater baseball team defeated ClftttQp VI a nevelt intziit)gs game on the local. diamond ori Friday evening last. o , Score ,3 ,--. + w • ..1 t art gin' in s. 1to s a r., g' l3 re !i beary shower of rain; the first be three weeks, fell just a8 -'the game was about to continence, bub tt cleated up in halt an Hour and the game ohms played on wet grounds, with here and there a big pool of 'water. 1;1 spite of the wet the game was a good one. Six ,tits were 1nadG off Carleng, ands be struck out 1.0 nten, agaitlat tour oft Doherty, 'vis, a t k out "Shealy" russ i Cantelon of Clinton . ulpS e,and w t.te not too :vel 1 up 0n the f_t3e lPoitztas of the game are ;divided up pretty' well, Following are players and ecoreee Exeter T Clinton. 1 3a111ng 1 Jolbrtsten 0 i McKay te Twitchell 11 Maine 0 t^p Draper Of Counter 0 Rumbold 1 Debert y 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 0 :3 0 0 0 0 x03 Carling 0 13rQwn 0 Bellwood 0 Hoskins 1s I#.e ney 0 P'atlxlelt 1, ewden C Iitltott Beeler The Centralia 'Jwt,9rs: played with Exeter Juniors, ton. the local ,dianl,ond 01 -Monday night, xe u1tSa 3l11 favor P the honlosters, 1.4-8, with an innings to 'spare. BOWWL.ING On Me day nights the ,standing of the ,inks in the local bowling tournament, Igl which each rin0 playo each other rink was,— Stanbury Creteta Clarke kllatehterd Taylor Taman Seidon Rev. Collins Snell Carling Hewn tan Won 2 Lost 3 5 x' 2 2 n n' xy: 2a x 3 , . 2 3, 0 1 Each rink has ten am e ' . I play, . Thia Wednesday afternoon Exeter bowl 11i1tl- club '; a tonttin "tet Live rinks from m St. Matthew's Club, Toronto, Who are touring Vaiterl Ontario aut- omobiles. omobiles. The result 'of the games will I 11 7TcIv n a next , ne ,week. fi CONSER VATORY EXAMINATIONS. IONS: 1e Tfollowing ollowl. are among the success- ful e Ei ful 'ilusical students who wrote at the examinations of the London. Conserva- tory of Diusi'c ;t--, Intermediate Piano—First Class Hon- ors—G. Hart -en,, J, Grassick, Hensall. Honors—W. Banes, Crediton; C. Lewis, Clandeboye. , Junior Piano—First Class Honors— P. Loomis-, Parkhill; M. Dougall, Hen- isalt; E. Delgaty, a,l4 I. Evans, Bayfield C. Moir, M. Charlton and Flossie Hun- ter, Exeter. Pass -lel. Dunn, Hensall. Primary Plano—First-class honoree—A Geiser, Crediton; A. Elena 'and L.Horn Seaforth; A,. Cochranee Kippen; L. Galster, Zurich; 1Mi. Porterfield, Hensel] 3. McLean, Kippen. Honors, G. Cope- land, Kirkton. Senior Vocal -1-i. Ida Boles, Clinton. Junior Vocal—I3oi orte, Carrie Moir. Primary theoretical harmony.—Gladys Bissett, Exeter. Rudimentary—First Class Honors, J. Grasslek, Hetsall Flossie Hunter,” Exeter. Honors, M. Charlton, Exeter, B. Delgaty, Bayfield. Primary Rudiments—First Class Hon- ore,—Gladys on- ored Gladys ,Bils'.sett, Exeter. BIRTHS Rau—In Hay, off Thursday, July tikh, to eir. and. Mrs'. Joseph. Rau, a son— Herbert Alvin. , i 1 McDonald—At Sain,tsbury, Biddulph, on July 12th, to Mr.: and Mrs. Alex. Mot:, donald, a - daughter. Reeder—In elcGiliavray, July 11th, to Mr. and Mrs'. Fraule.Reeder, a daught- ter. \ ISL' ItR1AG'11$ IBisaett—Treble}-At Crystal City, Man. on July 19th, Mr: `William George Bis,- pet, is-treat, son of Mir. :Gej¢rge -H. Bissett; formerly, of Exeter, to Mises Mable Sophia .Treble, daughter of M. and MTs. Lewis Treble of Cryseel City] Man. , Doupe-Bartrem—Alt the Methodist par- sonage, Dresden, on Tueday, ';July 11, by Rev. Mfr. T ifili[n; lite s Phoebe Bart.- trern sof Drelsden,' to Mr. Alvin Doupe, Dresden, formerly of Kir'kt'otn. , Burr—Clark.—At Grand Bend, July 3rd by Rev. S. A. Corriere, Mase Margaret Clark of Shiipka to Mr. Roland Burr, of. Glencoe.' Gale -W ortnington—In Clerdei i on July, 5th, .Man+garet Alice, daughter' toe Mrs. Worthington, to 'Ewart Inglis Gale sof Herbert, Sask. DEATHS Iiorney.—Ili Usborne, Cope 4, .on ,July. 15th, John Harney, aged 47 year 3 months and 10. days. Jowet—In' Bayfield, on July 8il113, Jowett, eldest 'daughter of •Mr; John Whaddon, aged 138 years. !PEIOSE .$500'. PPIZES At Canadian National 31 11ltioa Will Go To Shorthorns! And 13olsteins. The epeeial prizes of i 500.00Fe„ele given by' the Canadian Natioinal Exi-ib? Alen, Toirootlp, tg,oto the )cattle class- csathat lad yetatt hatdthe 'largest hunt bee of entries in the, ;beef and dal.-y breeds respeetively. the relate will go tot the best animal exhibited ,in Shorthorns ter 13g11steiz341 Without iega'rd td teex, and the value 0f it ensures s. w3del s,ange of competl- tion It .should prove a great incentive, to cattlemen tor putt rule h .best an, great Olken ken fol , s .ray,,..., allRattu 'a," 'duizaii trtm'Zlr. ontinue ur SeIIing For An hidefinite Period. During the past few weeks we have disposed of a large quantity of Men's and Boys' Furnish- ings but we have a great deal of choice clothing - etc., yet and you can make no mistake when you know we are sell- ing at Cost Price Here are a few of the prices. MEN'S SUITS from $5 to $Y3 BOYS' SUITS from $2 tto $7 SHIRTS, " 35c., 550c., to $100 ODD PANTS from $1.00 up OVERALLS & SMOCKS, 50c. to $3: UNDERWEAR from 20c. to 40c. 2 pr. WORK SOX, wool, 25c• WORK SOX lOc a pair. BLACK CASHMERE SOX 20c a pr. !, FANCY COTTON SOX 20e. a pair FANCY SILK SOX 40c. a pair STIFF HATS at $,1.50 FELT HATS from 50c. tp $1.25 $4.00 SHOES at $2.95 $5:00 SHOES at $4.00 WORK SHOES, all kinds, COST Price, CHILDREN'S JUMPERS at 35c. witting Business Ori, g3