Exeter Advocate, 1911-7-6, Page 5DS, A. L3. $LLLBliAN, L. D. 8., ,R. f),4„„
,tremor graduate of Toronto Univeriety
woo* ertaacted,aRitith;xtaar gaiq.,or any bwza/teQts.
dire ereefiladreaa Astititia 'sc sed iwetetei;
B,R[Q$T.,..74 P.,, t&. C P, dq a:, Holing
r Graduats of Totonte'UdiyerOty.' was, yearn'
reshtentp hyelcian Royal Alexandra Hospitals etc.
Hides aid Besidence,Dr, Anse Oid Stand, Andrew
yele.QUACSENBUsa, Physician, Suezeon, dc,'
AY cot/cheer, Odice, Dr, Bellies' old office, gain.
Street, Residence, comer Janes and Albert streets
opposite lame* E4 oat. Methodistpa,rsonage. Phone
0010n. 39 ac; Residence 39 b,
LF tire. Notaries, C sureyaneere, 0ousmixlenere
getieltotefor Mel:sonsRank. ate
Neesisete Lreaat lowest Telenet uGeree:
Oleos, Main street Exeter.
:. Como. AA.. leiE. dosllos
Mises TO Lead.
aro cars ota%samount of private funds tole**
t* 'Mar; Properties at Cow rater of later
OLAl),fA ;it STAWIIITA r., ..-
ttatristsrs.8aaicitors,lJiainet.,Exeter Qs.
Ageont Oon 0474114101a41411‘441Pralle
Oeulltaart'. alaur nca in iesd
frig Canadian a al Urit*tai Omtp'nalief.,
lalrt,St.. X&ar.
WM. ANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer
for Huron Cqurtt7, Terms reagvtr;btei,
Dates► can be meadia sit the ,dldscrate,
tlxeler, or Henry »liber', Office, Crbd-
/Ate, Fire, Aceidert and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting aceountai, and con-
ducting auction sales. -- .Exeter. Ont.
C, A. HOUZI , V. S.
Clraduate of Ontario, vetpt'lnary Cal
lf$e; member Ontario veteartrta;y
legal Society; treats all, diearasQaa of do-
tneattested animolaa oro eelt;rttlt c prin.
clrletw : seism surgery a apecsglt;l. Op -
lens un Lump Jaw 414=0404 sat-
ia?«savtem, +Asst ST star ar night
itromttt17 attended to. OWWWce-Mainat.,
meter, Dr. Ramsay'e eta! Cana. Phone
stn connieaction.
Ttlei tlatttmrtiI
t of Clint
tarn: Is in
n farm,
for :stale. The
of cultivation;
and taAas tft#ad bulldingo, brick house,
bask barn, drtring house, pig pen. etc.
all comparatively new,. A,iirst-c1*set
young orchard, containtnb all kinds of
fruit., and also small fruits. The tarin:
is well fenced and drained and tar aa;
very dcretrable hoops. For further pair:
Oculars ?la$LY oan the promisees- or ad-
dreoa JOHN TORRANC12, Clinton.
les I
'. M,
(Of I' FC1'
`* 1 lit old
1. torr,
TORONTO, ONT., stands to -day without
a. superior In Canada.
Graduates always successful.
Catalogue free.,
a Tenders • will be received up l;o and
on July Stn, 19111, by Thos. Cameron
auctioneer, Farquhar, for the beautiful
up-to-date home of the late Wm. Baw-
den ter; Bxeter,kcoJ'ita:ihi`dg,"13. ,acres of
t?btd The;,hjyu a he 'of solid brick atruc-
titre and is In good repair. it is most
advalntageoualy situated on the high
ground north of the river. The drain-
age and cellerage is unexcelled. The
Crouse is'' equipped with a. good furnete,
bath riaom, lavatory. hard, soft, hot and
cold water, and possesses other: modern
croativeniences; good ,outbuildings and
,scr`ge orchard of choice winter fruit.
This Is nndoubt, one of the finesti homes
in the runty, eh' d as,iithierto is on11Y, a
*l4yrt `tune to wind aq) the estate will
Positively be sold to party sending in
highest ,tdndar (pa1ovided: they`can come
ply .with the termerams condititonal.)
Mas, terms at pelmet* For forms •,ot
a l •
tender and 'terms and particular's; pp Y
to Thos. Cameron, Farquhar; S: G.
aBaw den, ` Exeter,' br to Dick:aonl &
Carling,: S3licltora for Estate, Exeter:
Horses, YWaoted
Having taken over the bueinesrer of Mr.
1'. E. Handford, hersebayer, I am pre-
'pared to purchase all kinds' ref -'horses
that'siare saltrid" ''and in' good"condition,
from Leah to. -ten ;year, of age. s '
I`°will keep 'Constantly, on hand a• num.
ber of `'young iheavy and light horsteSr.
for local trade. ac 1 '•
Parties._ havling hones for sale will
do weli:tb call'. or write the underbignedl.•
Phone ' it . Zvi' M.'' riori c;`" EXsfr< .
glorious ::Twelfth
Hair Grows Thein
If your hair la gra trtinner and
thinnerand causing you anxiety go to
W. 9., Cole toeclay' and get as large bot,
tle of Parisian, Sage t`ar ,an1Y SO tems,
It ie such a delightful and retreehing
dressing_ that you will Eyes t ease • it,
Parisian Sage is guaranteed to ®trop
falling hair and itching scalp, to erad-
icate dandrutt and make the'h"sir hist
trout* and radiant, or :money back.
There is nothing just as good ata Par-
isian Sage. See you, get the iiackage
which contains ths girl witti the Auburn
Hair ,
Tho following properties have be
placed in our hands for exchange.
FOR SALE,-A+good trans house
Exeter In good repair.
FOR SALES --4 choice residential buttd-
ing prgperty in liliSettr.
For SALE --One of the beat, taRidenoeit
in Exeter. surrounded by e4ttsilderab e
BdJLt SA -4E --A acrid otiz.ed ?rani*
dtt€ IlIng to bier, au/tablas to aero-
madaato two faftmi11es; In goad retair;
will its scold cheap.
It you 'want; to seal of to rent ;your}
taouae ofi tarn). advertise it fru The Alive
to calumet!, w
FOR 5-041-',R *Mali !raises bailie :ln
Exeter'at g lien' ,los!* Oruro. a,
For Darttuulaaraa ;apply at
The Advocators
Mortgage Salo,
At the CENTRAL IMPEL t' the Town
of BxXETER, on, TUESDAY, the .11th
day of Tuly, 1%1,1,cat ;txte ,hour; of 4..30
o'clock in theafternoon, the :;alinwing
p4 erty,-.
In. the %awri anal cat Hay in'tho County';
ut Hint and: Province of +Ontario, con-
tabling ' twelve acres lot lanes, moor pr
seam, t ttlitg 4mpogvd' art P-1-Tt al ulna
If ORTI'f' HALF OF l,Crl' T.LBVEN, to tt
said 1awatxal p .of 1-Iiirs bellmore par
Ocularly kwn and de*icrita- ars fol
fowah-Oommanclog at ape at eiit'tlt
eight rods Weeterty xtori the Worth -saint
cprsaez of amid lot F.la*ren, th*ned Welt;'';
erly eats centro road fori7.e1gh u
ride, thence Southerly in itt ottaalltbtline,
parallel with ihri rear- n2 said: lot aerosol'
tate North hale oat said Lot F.l'aren.
thence Easterly forty-eight rods, thence
Northerly to the puce of beginning:
Upon the premise* is a. -frame bowie*
aptl is a. sAKdY learn.
The property 1tt gni the main. road about
d miles friorn tZrurictu as ,1-2 mile from
the Lake sh) e. •
TERMS -Ten; per cent. Ion day Sof sale;
balajncit in 30 days' thereafter.
For further particulara apply to
.'.kRDEE, BURN iA fi & QUAD,
Vendor Solicitors, 9arnta..
Sarinla, eth June, 1911.
'phe Prettiest .ad I-realthiest Town 'in
�r Shs,rt Praceaigioxis
Attractive Special Prizes,
Are Thu Married
Special Trains • and Rates.
See bilis, and circulars for fulls partt
.A Great 'Gig'Day at' a Small Price'
OS. MeT^lE6'IN," ,h: "fit:.
Secretary. Claairanaam
' Zlhe neeaideneae� of wlr. Zloty 'rt ICea�ap,-
q'1.to'Ntx stltie scene' et t1iemarriage,
ary Mae,'to Rev: C.
son of •Mr, AloXandor•
Mrz x+54 Aft f£+t.ttrre)ct krautLeJndrsil fast
week, Where ,tie 'Ywa St iistSSip'tiaigt hie iIt-r
in-law is tke ititiO c',b't#alniernez ei Mr, 3i
Alapel twit .Pk'tlt't * tie; p'x000l-ty oa:
JecOlti Quit ov 't4ibai,,vilfl ge;> the pur-
chia.ge -price '1n+ing. $15AYi14Q, stir; ` anti
•Mras Ort; 1;1 bind to olole 1.0 'the" Elrod,
son Lina t sy,yru. live wlth; their
eon-iir law, Mr Az rir-- Coal(ad F,,
Wagner, 4 former reWent. of `saz+,ch
hasnta l.ea his % in Graf N.
A for the La,at ineenbeW of years. diedt
at the Drayton hoepijal, oh' Friday Jane'
lsith,; Lronr
,internal 014414a. He was
P Psiating .with the er ctiolx? of 1 std 'i°,, ..
buildings, wen lei some way (a Nettle
struck taint, lin the abdomen, lie wast
Married, fiftyyears' ago to' t1lzabetttr
l taell, stat-
children were Ii to
this' telf,0 , The ;wife of. hi)) youth
manly ,yeaars age. •IIe bad' 4.nc4
been, dried to 3frre, Happel, ass¢' oY-
tht,a, sect3`oxr, '++rho with his children mitc-
yh'ed_ Wit- A ncatlter of tile' pioneers, of
iLuron 1'ounty departed tins lite fact
Saturday ; again g , ?•h, the per'aon
Peter ougieo of Rieke, at the age of
77 year*. He' wars taken sock on Wali.
peachy of haat" 'Feels and ttae cause; 0'
tris death wa a; ey-ilraka 9K apoplexy
Delights 'wail Widely known ka,ving
srervied: a,s. dfreeter on the board of
Guo liay 3lcrtuaal' pirp •Inauranee COOP
psFTAY for many' Yea's$ wilt$ he statt w'
mempar .44g. the.ltee uae commfsaioaers
Srawkltt 1iaiaroll trrla nurraber of yearn
MiOMR, Ittetrif 441011P' 1wc retied #cram, the
avtint wesig of.' f'ei �rilttr t to llro in Maim
Ito 0G1014' lttit'atitra. rntare, letsutet7
ratannt'r', T '. i't41tq at'' as bold 'ods lli%n
Oar. interment moor place (lo flats
Bayfield ret terV^^?f : 'Wt ;, ierfter,
itrant, i•ar otl'sw'ring° bla friendahlst heres
r air P. Rrrdsr and' sten,'i"alter aril
xlatti3lg a'elaati l !'4-trhigan eegt,
freakv i+ar aan tai sortunato
mot ae-
o' cSnt,. He was Astatine in. blasting
asotn4 blaika with wdex' when a charge
wrist, ,alt zar^exttatrantely^ wit the result
hits hatSiiti atat.,'tato were terribly
` Flour
Several Braude. Manitoba
ti 'specialty.
; Lir
A good stock always on hand.
Durham National Partland I
- Cement is the beat. i.
R. G. Seldon, 'Exeterr
We are nowwell establish-
ed in business and we ;believe
on the bst.ofauthority(pars
ely that of a daily lammingJ
busiaesrs)that -we aremeeting
a long felt -want, 'acid 'given
the bestof satisfaction.
Remember - our motto,—
"Fresh Groceries a11the time,''
All kia& ofproduce taken
in exchange.
eatt -. ' Ares.' F'9@C�
" t >t Carrs
' Overhead' 'Conveyors'.' .
)3eatty Bros. 'Steel
can be installed ae-cheap as'.
lumber and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
,These three things are great
labor -savers for farmers and ne-
cessities on, a farm.
For eale'b .
Win. l"xlles ler, .Exeter:
PHONfE51 _
hjiStt noetn,owlune 2e
the hoar of Mr's (arid tM- ar. H. W. Erwin
xray the ascdde sit a1 every pretty wed-
ding,wlian their; daughter. Clara; was
United ltxa Mr: 3 iegene Sadder, of Eyre
IEIDOuid'H-,.i very Pretty' wedding
took place a t tl f# 1'aaaue of Mr„ and Mres
W. W. Bevingtoaa, Locust Lod'ge,," giti
June 14th. 'at 2.3,0 p.rn..when their
youngest daughter, Rennie Alberta, was
1lnited iYaanarrieage to Mr, •RObert Bur-
ton, 1*ltiiott at St. Tree.
You never taste
a finer'
thia,neid ` brew
Witt Eyed of 'lanr
There. Goes - Guarantee
That guuuatifee mesa* Utast COD" of tiwrWert S f
lae3t bread flour am the rket,l 1wf aas boot/ Q aia,'t heat sat
VA*, ever baited before, if it fatU tb rife or deems*t Air* ertr
xtttllr$asCia'ltrlae is every way, Tates groom ** pay fi* bear* 'o+�o►
oar-rettinVef Lite sassed !porticos of tats ,�'
illaitoly mutt am
ants abarptes
'lists -a tin a tan
Luta dld'seypgt
+t#: eattiittill
b) #4:MPta
ant wheat flour Oli:arttlit#i(' far broad
If people, will fairly sad :Iteatatly trf Cron* of tans Waist they
will have *Wrenn wit it. That.* alis rrs *aeaaranti se it, Ww saw
scurfs of it;
ThoCempbell Win c 1 1►yi. i •. T Nle{
AvteeteA1t,llh Caltafofkitfis. Pradr w a*
LUCPFdf A eery pretty 'editing waaac
a roleltxsttrts^d on Wparatadiay afternoon at:
the intialtilenee Of Mr. ,441,, luras, Charleaa
Sproule, te4cOnt Blit,. Whint; their dstigh-
tart Annie 1.?listant waw ranited ire rams
la VP
M. a Alb ex
Lrondoe, The eerelllt97 was pertarrnecl
by ow, nee,.. 3f : Lam, of Trinity Church
(�61i1l1!lIllii phi IIl��!!lSlllili{►,
s _ �i ' ,tla
i �I� lilliifillElifli �lI19 1
l����1i 4,iiil r�I?lit .
IilLtl0ii(}Ilh!iiiiiii11iii111i11i11111111111i 1111111111111
°11RA<: 'Ta[O! ?>wC�7"Al>Ctt'>fwil:Ise ure mu aanrl• aaafce s msn�,ofuaaa hair ::tho brairt.:betOstua cony* the- blood:pintoOa ao that' di :nottle�Vi:Motele..71:11cets`i1Mi' Lp; tui'. rt?$t.,ame'.,.i neg si steel - so ;tat;
aesrelillaMn,,DsablWla�at4, +dMplsdedet'utakonor.-rhes eyes become �,,�Qht. tits'gysto tx° 1"cl_ tta •.las.. ;Uoa . to e mord, o.: rota
th t� sites,'
;' a " * 14'r 't ;iso. siie,:vitel emme. iaben alto system:.
, -.. - ,. ,
sou i`�!I'ssl..
itsd , taste iaaasok'M's femme., Don't let quacks
•taiiea►'ebb oar bardbardre.
plc' li0 ti 'U$C) WiTHOC? intro" 1 CO)i3VLT .
Peter E. 6umaters relstea'iis
'tI Was troaiblsd with Nesroter
for esnyyesra . I lav t to
iieadexoe.4lt.in yoi t . 'I btloaagr
d t and` dlilo't .e4t.ellNl tetra!
ed� mptl • r°t>pstlned eaerttaoa(
who •lookeal-a otogbasitt,larinera
biteltor i Mss tasi'at icing f
tlo&err aree*alt al<xa ees
ioo" floor., err u
thethig'ers l sed tha,JeCkor lust"m9
tae f ala" „alt tried- is T ro lleirf;i, r..
�Jettdsan, wore rata�Ieetrle belt f4iethred.
siiosilgis, but tiebasd;littti bitsOtnKSFL
roRrTtis7►wssrr >e+ . atoaslaii _. at,-. a t- si-,eT
-:-.,irappyd �: t
sa iwu6h
ond� t ,
s 140 741 •>i�T acrarsxr t
e ced'tite astir: d a
'a '' war iar.a r 2. � Massa
eI ed'a,y.,Ilftce drz'b gas _. t
et►redmr.utd: Ttibimpmyeafisest,rrssu p.'."pS+-Xcatilfireeit�lt6ytb'ut'ai'ottt&tba'64k�.
t ;PsrakCuiett tallyi1ntlph7!+�t1'. •1;IuvOtteut thea►:zaanx'',Iietleata.
ant I u EO'dd•eo."
- •{Miffs, aUAItAMTI* OR:,IS•PAY
W•� i .aJ•salts VAlIqC�Op E VIUNS. NEIRVfAtis.:•Yl U1i , fil ocr6 AND
UI1tIi1ARVaCfM,i;ANf'fS: suOr'f1Y AND ®1:ADD ', DISEASES sad .0 Dialers
,psculialwMstr. ,
,�,�y ♦feraa •„
~F42BE:' Ia4 aaiad�l�s sasslt writ ,t�Ss4foea
CON�ri4'1'A[All•. OAKS
The Grand Trunk Railway System ani;
pounce that on Tuesdays', ',lune .27th,
July 11th and: ,26th, August -8.th and
22nd, September 5thi and 19dh, 1911,
Homeaeeker'a excur.Loi;i;e'-will be';run to
: Western {dada: tram` all rotations- , in
Ontario and' Queibec, „vial t'hibago and
Duluth, or iridal Mileage, 1St. Paul and
Minneapolis,- at reduce round trip
The well-known double track nine of
the grand Trurik from the east to Chic
ago appeal* tee the traveller, acid with
Oririvold, St...' Detroit; Mich,'
I` letters from Canada must be addressed
our ;Canadiatit 4: orrespoadence Depart
ut in Windsor,• Ont. 'if'you' desire ,to
idltkiiilte in Detroit as we see and treat :
dc'h' are: for` Correspondence and
ani¢' Address, all letters, as, follows:
Ii Y:, Wtaailliet, oab.
see us personal
so palliest* in pili
baborefory for Cik
Bmarriage RUCEFIELI).-Tne marrie of Jean
Roes, youngest , daughthr of 'the (late
Rev. Jago. Roes of Tkincefleld will short
ly take place' at/ the "home of Mr. A.'.
,fcIntosh, Toronto. She will be Marr-
ied to ,George McKilay,-eldest• son of the.late Dr, McKay of Formosa, Mina, Pries
byteriaui Miasibnarg. After' their marc
cage they will rental/n(14 the West while
finishes!, his
tudie9. After
that they intend .1.4.Go,out to Formpsa,
where they will taken- up-ni•runiby'
tie, superior •trsa3a»i aerswlce.that is often fte � 'g`l (*EJ!w
ed key this. ILnp, Including the fantail J
I'leternatid,nal Limited" tram Montreal
daily at 9.00 am., atad'viirich.isthdttn- erneaieli
est and fastest train- in`Canada, maaiy
passengers will be attracted th1xe *ay..
Thet route via Chicago is a meet inter-
esti+ng one, talking passengers through
the .princlpat cities, and townie in'CanAada
and in the Statest bt •Michikan and lndi
,tine. In addition to thlsf a choice aieve:n
lines ibetweeh Chicago and St: Paul and
Minneapelte% 'ih' offered.
•Owing.,to;the•;gr*t c7aum'ber'of: Caned-_.
inns whnti reeiids In Chicago, St. Paul,
Minnea "lis` Dailuth-and:bthef'Icities en
saute ,they ia� no ;dourbt' that the Grand'
Trunk will Lind+'many, patrons -who will'
take advantage,,of the:"olaportunite thurr •
,effordeal;-theire for a brief visit' at the',
Ste -don® with iitheir friends. - '
Another feature that wi11 appeal to the
hoineseeker-1ae,the comfortable ti•anafer
at points like Chicago, St. Paul, and Du-
luth into; freshly 'ventilated clean carat,
avoiding the 'neceeeity -"of travelling 'a
long 'dliatance in the Baine car.
L.n addition to the 'above' routes, • the
sale of ; tickets Jur also- authorized via
Sa;n1a, and .the Northern Navigation
Company's magnificent Steaaners ar.roaa
,wake Iluion and Lake' Superior.
•' ;:further' articular apP1y to any.
11'4, p o!
Agent of 'the Grand"'I'rui k Railway Syr,-
•t'eni, or,. 'write to (Mr: J. 4uinlan,,Dietrict
Passenger Agent, Bonaventure Station
• '+ ointeist air''7,fr A,- E: Duff, tYiartri ct;
Passen,gr Agent, Union Station, Ti ren-
tisane ate. sesta 1! thetiele•
When Father Morriscy, the £agioais
prierit-physician of Bertibogtae, : If:,
died a 'year ago last spi ing, Ile lett his
prescriptions - to- the Sisters of the Rotel
Dieu, : at Chathaoeito he- eased: for the
benefit of humanity and of:the •'church. ,
"Not being in position' to make sap and
distribute the eacri lion theinaaeltes,
the Sisters ac•radsged with a nunrbier of,
gentlecnen,who'had beet. I'at he rMorrsaeyr:a
friends, toy do' it for tlitcrin. These gentle-
naen• working milder the naufe adopt"Fatlaer
Morriscy Mediciraeco,.; Limited."' heldb}'
'the first of tiee year placed the remedies in
nearly every store in the Maritisaie.
So•gladty e ere they received, aid so.
satisfactory has been their record of catres.
that the Sisters and the .Company ihatte
decided to place them on vale throtegh-
out Canada.
Father Morriscy' a "No, 7-, foritheu-
ruatisria and the I kinrya-".$o. ,119,Cv
Gough Care acid Lund i'vnit:
StomachoReined "°Nn. 26' fon'.ga `
and• T stir. r t ,ri imC tl°v i.irairra0d`r71611
r. ..
.ixe tai>t:,;,rs^'4 i.•ons most dcalc,�li aW "this
t'ioviree i:'.t',1n c doe not
l5 i"
trrere the i atix'<•r trim rkci, edi
hM7tivTR AL CLUE - •
Sold anti guarantees' le Ott:eker..
S. Iiq,vvay;' .,