Exeter Advocate, 1911-7-6, Page 4(Utter Atworate, CISNTRAILIA DASHVIOOD ,OpS Ot TalY ha crime and one Makin bay ist the order of the day. sarL4ex8 creec-h. asain and we believe that Centralia. hag The hay is; a -very light crop. -Rev. G. liURSDAY JULY 6 I her a bane of the visittorts, the day bee Tun attended a Ireissiopary seroice, at 9 9 ji-z- at>311t 1041,, Strawberries and Narmanby over Sunday, being emote, - e.t.a. cream. ;were 'served on the park by the ponied, by :Rev. E. Schroeder as far as ladiea nald the Oroceede -for the afteta Seberingville,-Mr. Ezra. Otterbein spent rtoork amounted l about $220. In the Dominion Day In. Berlira-Mteat Myeta evening' the Ladies' Aid Concert was Rottman visited a few deys with .her , a aulcceae, antee clittrch w1L tfled. tan cousina in'Zurlehl last `..wee -Mr. pima ae sonaeo, Miss 4'Stforey of Mar* Zimmer ounehaseel a AWN" Bell piano Itan and Miss Lillian Elliot supplied from Mr. P. hicesaaeMeedaye-Mr. Sam tile Program ae1 every itumber was well Brenner of Stratford & pendinga. ee/ received end also well rendered, as eact i weeks with his parents. ---Miss ntunber wee highly encored an me- Brown et Londkon 1.4 'vting her pr - poled to, Tee Proceedes arebented te ente eak, a short eano-ale„ Geo eyeak, nearly et51, bold of Amain islOspencling va.catiore Tat.. basebau, tournament proved, the undeet he parental root. -afro Williara grea,t attraction oe the day, and three Eyeiand of Sarnia ia visiting aer moth - good games -were played. In :the draw er, Mrs. Fish/ere-Mrs. Abel and child- oranton and Exeter came togetller for yea or 31.xetroi. are atpeediel.g their the retooling 'game; and Briaraley and tion with ber it -tether Moo „McIsanc. Centralia tor the afternoon gain°, Gran omonest th isitora noticed - in the viiage darintt tale holidays were, - Fred Noll, sr, and on and daughters with their faxMlies Of Mjiaerttort at. Louie Kleinstives'a ; air. and Mr. WIIZ Henderson of Preston, with the latter' parents,. Mr. and ,3tra,10.-lsiadiger ; Mr . - and Mrs, John NacIrger4of Pigeon, Mich., with the torreeea Parchtu;s:%1". Ry Da via of Ails -a Crag iWith hie Parents. -.: Miss "Katie Guenther of Lonaon with her parents; Mr. SOnort Willert, Wind. cREDtToN. Old Sol. ie Working overtime itist "tnow. Everybody remarks lit0W hot it is, At night We resort to the bat - conies, lawns anal hammocks for a breath a cool air. Some ot our people are feeding their hens cracked ace to keep them frOni laying bard belled eggs. The thick dust adds to th. Et Iniseeat, It is to be hoped that a '013ange wifl take place very soon.— 'The Misses, 011ie and Pearl Holtzman have returned to Chicago where they will cnntinue their studies in the Dea- voness HespitaL-Charlea Ewald of -Att`c4m. Ohio* i visiting 1318 parents toa bad e noted Pdaher from Pores* for a few day. --The Misses Edna ono waaneu by ante hut not "Rube". And Gertrude Eiiher of ChinMieb,,tie, proved easy CoMpared with Carlhag aJ' e visiting their uncle Ztfc. tt, Haber or Exeter and the game resulted ao LP... and other relatives. -Mr. and ¥r�. Russei Eruitable, Iflarryelleaver .and Harry F. Either of Hamilton tepent the holidays here.-mr. James -Mille of St, Thomas haft been„vieiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. SaabrOok the oast week. -Herb Young was in Lon- don on Saturday and Sunday visiting bisparent&—Fred Irish of the Bank of tlammerce staff is speeding his. tiolidaya at home.--Mre. Valentine Rata of New Hamburg vieiting ber daughter Mrs, Chas, Zwicker this week. -Thomas Trevethick and wife And nephew Victor Kestle sitent th 'holidays in Loadon.---Dovalmon Day 'Passed 00 quietly. (her people opent the day Mostly by going to the Bend or Oentralia.-Rev. J. O. Litt, P. E, .of Berlin conducted the drat quarter. *y service in tile Evangelical church teat Saturday and Sunday,--/tle, and Mrte Da,n. Sweitzer leaves toralay for a tow month**iaItStith ‘WIll Lewis ated wite AlgOnall.lh"rica-Molo Made Bertrand ite aisitirt her. Uncle and aunt lqr. and M. Iterael Smith of Hamlitoa.---Mrer. Mary Beaver was taken teaddenly al with heart t feeble on Sue- a.nd atone Ulna her eonditiee was quite eerious. We are pleesed to learn however that ellel itilProteing.-F, W. tCllark 1u lauttitnt in a furnace in tne nwelliane recently bought Joon lleaver.-Mae alon..NICDiaraild of the Victoria Reeptral Nureos Staff Londoe, oPerit Monday teave the gueet o ldra. ittertt g, Eilber.-On Monday evening our Browniea went 'to Fazeter to play that team a turn mate)) and truly *brovra„ ed" the boy g of' that teiwil by a 1,03re of 14-4, Tha Youngeteze are highly eitted over their striclory.-On Saturday, our 'Stare" lett let two autos far 'Pune ortesa to play that,. town a double -he -aid. or Out on the iway out one of the autoa W* e put out of inteletaia Oy' a, had tiro arid our boys managed to get five milea front their destination by 4 pan. Tele- Pleane contlection Waa thee made ,and ih0 other auto we's thee put into re- oujoition to tad the other memberof the ',cant to town. Only one game was played :which re4olted in a, score et 6 -5 in layer or the 'Fullerton bays. The)* got four runs in against our Wye in the first taininge. It will be seen qor the final ecore that •some splendid balls 'playing was done dutirra the xe- matador ot the genie. The condition of the ground le lelatmeil for the big" score in the begenning. The game oMex played on a sod Veld (and the player touldn't judge .o. lOal at alp. Teddy Pitched like a 'league comer". Ikey and }Ono, made connection wattle the ball and ereveral tittles in the right place and made lin look a comet. heT new re- cruit 33il1 Metz eurprieed ahem ail. His work W4,3, splendid and when he ahoota that lett-hand at the first hase the bail goes fast and, Ogee. The boys are still 'talking the, SPlandid treatment received in Fullerton. Everything- was done to !make it agreeable. Although the visiting* tearn, the ywere repeatedlY cheered when good woele was .done. We can assure the teahn(when it comes here for a retur n =tree that ,we will give them the same glad hand. Now to the crIPPled auto. It had been left five. mites out of town. ,In the mean- time "the experienced and proteasional tireefiaero sot busy and felt :perfect- ly sure ot their job. T,he boys piled in and everythin.g wee as happy aa a marriage, !bell where the btunpa ,hegan again. The 'repair 10, wag brought out aoaen and the tire( repaired for the sole- enth time. As it woo' getting past mid- night, the azoYs thOught they -might as ao ;well wait until (morning antlgive the pp.tch another chance tot stick. The sott stonee were picked Outatar ,pilaows and the weary Workers soon forgot. home and mother and were VassInge the time fallOW41,- --'gr.eter PAIrrittr, 13t.2 'BOyle, 2ind, 1 P., 1 S. Bowden. 3rd, 1 Bellwood c.L 1 Elosktas c., 0 r.t. Oreeoh Lt,, 0 13awdea 8 3' 1 Westman Exeter Grantor), 0 0 0 1,Q0 0 3 0-4 Strike oata—carlio4' 13, Waddell 8 Umpltres-.T. Boyle and P. ISimpsoe. Centeelia, Brloaley genie in the afternoon ran into a tang apore and ended ia fever o Ceetrelia., 19-13. Granton Lang 3 Waddell ' Morria.on, 0 Downing ti Baynea Foster 0 P. Westman 0 Cowley 9 Tee everting game. was played be- weert ette -winnerts of 'the inernieg Ariel afternoon gantea. Ehteter and Centrella anti resulted, in a victerY for Exeter, -e-2, Exeter thee ,gett'eae the $15 priee 'and Centralat the $10 prize. The game in detail folloarsea Exeter Centralia 11,Mitcbell 0 liodOins 0 'Mitchell 0 O, Duplan 0 Duplart IS. *Mitchell R. Swann 0 A. lataplan Elliott 0 1 e 0 1e 1 s -t* 0 1 0 0-2 Palmer 1 Bele 0 Carling 3 Bellwocsi 0 Hoelcitee 0 Biraee 2 Creeell J, Bowden 1 Baseett Feeler Cent retie, Mr. John Wilson, while workingon Cho bowie Ot Mr. Tabs: Mitchell, had the InOetortune to tali and tnteture bits hip Ond also twee Ica bonein. his wriet. He L e getting along n"..heliabut will be con - rood tO thei houSe for eeveral "weeas. Tile teetered conceri given by thle on Sunday eaening was-pernape one a tbn be giren in Contratin. 'Pie Olen' rendered several beautiful selectiona, ata elated by C. .1, Pink' ot London andeldiee Elliott, and Mrs. A. Andrewof Exeter« *Mr. Pink and MiosSaEllible each ,Sang a, beautiful 8010. 'And thq char feel quite elated at the resulteoas the collectiona during the 'day were for tthe choir to provide masie. The leader. Mr.(A.. Hicks degervee credit tor the 'oble manner and mimeos the choir are making. -The wee ther man has beenhanding out some ex- tremely hot record-brealting weather' far a tew days. A. good rain weuld be Wel- come as vegetation le abeett at a Mend; still and :the farmer reports the wheat ripening Up 40 !est. -Rey. Blatchford preached bis initial serrnena ,on Sunday and he made an'excellenk impression on hie hearers. -The vialtors; overithe day were were many. Mr. Geo. Rieke* and Ms daughter of Iowa, are fgueSte of Byron Hicks; Mr. mid eirse'Wtm. 'Wood at to atioses 'Wilson's; ,aIrs. Ileddenaof Lon- don With her parents', Mr. and Mrs. R I-Lendford; Mr. A. WW1/in of London at J. Langl,i•stee.-adiss Kate Elliott of London at 'hornet !dr, C. 'Pink of LonS don at .A. Ilitks •,t. Mr. pee. Andrew and niece of Manville wan /Mr. and Mrs. S. Andrew. Dennis O'Brien wears a beoed smile ovei the arrevel of a neve girl. -The baseball boys presented Har- old Swann with a beautiful gold -headed umbrella. on Saturday everting lat. Hare old has -been one of the pillars of the club and "wall bo gmetly missed. CR I SELH URST 411•1111101. Rey. 3. E. S 1;fillya.rd of Hensail on Sunday afternoon preached for the first time tn the Methodist church here to a very large congregat1oric4- liedpite the very sultry weather. Mr. Millyarti is a very ,able spea.ker and the ',Methodists ki %timberland. At daybivktIC the fun- are very fortunate in securing him. --- area. procee(sion started &graia and ae Mr. Mooney efLeindore bai the' guest, ot continued untie ,7 aorte Whey), the car hist son and family here --Miss McLeod arrived' in tewn tired buneh as of Parkhill es the guest o teher sister, boys. t : Mrs W. Vernier here. -We are sorry to repor,ty7 improverneat in the Miss Geetta. McNaughton. errs. Graham ia'nd family. were sor. with Ids parenti“,Mr. Dunlop -an Wales DarlloP Of SPringfield, oat., Y.-1th their brother; 'air. a-n44We,IL SchroON der Of Harlin "With the former's mein* er. 74rs 3.Sehroeete,--attas-rrillie Han. ter rettornbd to Berlin. Itenday tajter. spending Iler varation with her pastenli neret-Quitc a number et ourcitizens apent Dominion. Dai' at Grand Bend, HARPLEY Mr, Thos. Fallia accomparded by his brother: Mr: W. B. Vanier of Californ- ia., spent pa.rt last 'week visiting with GRAND REND, Mr, and ins. Ruben Wilson' vi* beret on ealtuttay and iSunday.e They were accompanied -back to their noMe in Aekona Mriaz Joe, Gill, -Mr .Sam, Pedler l.e .visitIne at 300. Cyrus Green, ,who has been visiting at -Port Huron, 'returned Mantel:Wednesday., Mise Creams' of Exeter taa accepted position with. Mr. Anaots 'aas clerire'-Mies Dale is visiting at WM. AmOs*--Messra, Toe. and Ed. QIII vialted their brother Iteter on .ntondaya--There Wasii large crowd here Ore Doillinion Day, Tlet daY wee viler warm only to warm tor Pleasure seekers,: 'Mere 'was a prize glYea for tire two beat couple of dancerit Brenner*s Hall. The first was" won by Mrs. R. Boasenberry arid Ed. Wil. rt, and the seemed by Jerry Dislardine and Viola TiedeMan. Ifree C.,Tiedemen cif Detroit, la visiting ..at A.'Vedartrarl'a. -Mr, Shepherd and familyttand Mr. and :Ara. Melvin vialled at, A, Grayelle's oh Sunday, There were •services on the camp grounds 03 Sunelay to the first, aline 'Ode Sexsorr. visitors at John Shepperd's Sunday. - Miss ,Olive Fair,balen li Hie guest: of Mos. J. Sinintons.-M�. Harry' Stoneman tend in Detroit. --Mrs. Mosel Hodgin. still continues in. poor, healtfa.- *clotted at Mr. F B. ,Hodgins few days Iast week. -'The fall rviltioNt in this viCinity i ripeninig tet -,and ,ipnomIsear to, he a fair crop.--Mesisrs. (TONI. and ItO'bert Turnbull accompanied by Mr-fi'. W. E. .Tintibull and ales., M. Baker Lot Bev:twister •passed thiSaugh our burg' in , , , . • an aatto Friday .errtronte for Sarnia. , to attend lt,hie Ouneral' of the late Mrs. R. Turnbull.' Many tr1end4.. sarimathise eolith khe bereaved rele.tiyear , Deceased 'W,848 a former residerrt of , Brewster. ' „EL,IM V IL.LIS T40 death: occurred mt. the family horneetead„ River Road, Blanshard-,r on Monday of Mrs. Holbert 'Boras on,e of the oldest ot the first settlers of this ction, and ,,the rtiothe,ri of- one ofBlafi- hard's most highly 'esteenied fUie , • Ft is over siT,tyl years since Mra. porde C4014 with her husitiand to Uslxirne .and *she +,resUell here until '30 'years ago •wteniheymoved to Dlanshard Toetnehip teemalin.s were brought here for in- rmarit oxj Wedneaday ea, lase week. Sho, was In her (eightieth year. -1-(C)F1 IA or Infants and Children. Ham Always Bought 5 °°w's TilisP 1 ikNADIAN BAN oleo lane litialred Dollars Ilavrani for say et Catarrh ttot cannot be cured I:11141i Catarrh Cure, ' F. a. OffNY k (Io„, Toledo. 0. We th'e InFlteTligt!ed hare kuovris T. J. Cheesy for the beit-es years lOd belieles hita perfectly honorable malt businese transactions and tinialeially &Islet* Oirry out any obligations mole by his arak, Weeento,N),41fAX&MAllIN, Vral1011ieDlUggiltl.7-0100•0 Hall's:Catarrh Cure is taken, inter:salty, acting di wetly on the blood eed M0001111 surfaces eithe syst.ern, Teetinsoniele sent free. Price 7e. per bet. tie. Sold by alleruggista Tak•Hall's Family Feta for constipetion, CLANDEBOYE , Mrs. James Fraser, of Port HUT011, etaa returned helm after visiting relate ivea here, -While gelato down the 'cell - ea at )ler Mime altira "al. Redgiris fell, .susteerrino a bad mit, in eter hand be- sides other injurees. alie ;storehouse which belonged to MraSeldon, et Exeter was recently destroyed by "tire,' wilt be •rebuilt in the near iftiture.-Mr*. itethu.r Jackson, of tibia( pla.ce,,iat se,riously ill yeah aneemoata-ealetak Eritrea Ryan, daughter or Mr, and Iro., 'Francis Ryan of Levan, was united iset martiage to 1,Jarees Turner at Dieldulpita-Mra. 3, carter moved last week int0 E.O. jotters" house+. Tarrreft Twat samixING, sparoon.7 deco not cure children ot bed wetting. There Is a constitutional cause for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summere, Box W. 840. WIndaor. Ont., will fiend' free Ito any mother her suceesstut home treat WM with full instrUctiono, Send no money but ',vette her to -day It ;oar children troable you in this ,way. Don't blanie the child, Ole elm/leasare it can't help lt. This treattnent also cures ad- ults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night, EDEN. Haying is the order ot the day. -Mr, Port Luton of Montreal Is holidaying with „Ms blether and ;niters here. - Many 2pent the holiday at Centralia and mort a good tinte.-Mise Anita, Dempxey arnd .Mies Storry ot Toroths were here over the holiday visiting Miss 11. Eseery.,-aire Samuel Skinner , lost te valuable horioar Last week.- Master Harold Skinner- Who ha s7 been or the se list is bdteer agaln.-Mr. (Harold Swan who .has taught our school here for the era.n't, 3 years lett on Monday to take charge of a circuit he having decided to enter the ministry., ON Thursday last Oita -pupate presented him With an addreas and a eGentlernan'te Companion" The following Is the od- DEAR MR. SW.A.N.- 'We the pupils of S.S. No. 4 Iltaborre learn withregret that you are about to leave us. When we think et the' days that are gone and you as our teacber we reel that yout ,have done all you could to helpus along In every way tbat'veould make us better giris and boys. WeJ thank you for Your Christian exarrrple. You have you often told usOthat we are imitators. We believe we are and we wish to be like youin this respect. When we think of the work you are sa,bout to engage in :working foe the master we rel,,that It ier a step 'nigher. We ttferefoie"iy good-bye with less regrotI than we othe.rwiae would. Plea te 'accept the Gentleman's 'Corneo.nion" as a slight token 'a ear appreciation ,of you rvrork and example. Our wash is that you may often come ter see us. If Ulla cannot be we ,want the',.'nees't „ne,st to hear from .YOU ryisur ',fetters will al- ways bring cheering newee-signed In behalf of the pupas, Leda. Harding, T. Skinner, -y. ,Pincembe, F. Coates. Mr. Swan made a suitable reply ,and tharat eel the children .tor their present. • Mr: W. SlintriOnS sold to 1Mr. Doyle of Exeter a very fine horse, for which he rtsceivel the sum i,of $245.-Mre Ro- ger Rece and beide were Viiitors at the former's aiter' e Mrs. 3. F. Hor- ton on Sunday.-.-efr. James Broadfoot .haseourchased a very .firie Mason-Riach p`ano: frOrn Mr. ,GibPoint:of and Mrs:: SteWS,4,1dequeen spelt. Week end cat- Dayfield 'and, Blake.-eaeleeri Rae lio.rton'14'hblidaying,,.:Vvith her, Par- . enta at • HarPu-- rihey.,,-Mr: -Goodfellow' :of Toronto spent 'the Week end' atethe Gore Farm, the'guest of Mr...John Glene faeralyea-Miss. Ruth Hotekirk,b second' dattihter Of ,Mr, Bobrt Iloarkirk, no of' Bad -Axe, Mich., formerly of this place, Ls the guest of his cousin, Miss Maggie Hobairk.--The armera are busy at the hay whiehas, a good ,crop. --airs. N. B. Horton of Harpurhey and daugh- ter Edna. and Margaret •Spenit Sunday here, Miss Margaret rernained.-Mr, and N1r.s. W. D. Kerslake attended the Snell -Baker Inuotiale in Exeter on,'Wednes- day last..--Domirtion Day. was very quiet ly spent 'here as eaceit of thefanner took ' advantage ot the 'a ood weather to ilarvest the hay ceop.-Mr.,tiartleits et Attwooi, is a pleasant visitor in this -titY hei is a fine pianoist. $UBCR1B� for the °, A lima 'ettaiitifietneWro. WOODHAbf O Tuesday afternoon. June 28, very intereetime eeremoriet took ,niace hI Ode vlitage.Wii;n three toundateon atone. were "wen and truly( laid" in titre pew Orange Hall, At, a cr*eleck the Rev; W. 11. Vance, aeries chair, called 0. L. 492 to take ,c-barare of the stone Waring the lodge nutnber. "Worshipful Itlaster J. W. Sitillner directed the bre- them in the beautiful servicp of the order. 13ro. Wbitfield Switzer read., Het or former masters of tne lodge, Ole nantee ot lite present officers, the Present officers, the building comaditet and of the contractore. Theae names to be teamd in the atone. Tile honor of laying the stone wale graciously passed over to hfro. Brethour. sr-, 'wile for 80 year loyally supportei her late hus- band In buildetro up' ebe eociety. The silver trowel used oteertrise Occasion was presented to Mrs. Brethour by Mini Marjorie Switzer, who in return was preeented with anengravoi sliver cup. The tifel and drum 'band gave hearty support to the proceeelftege. T.he ecco,nd ceremony was laid upon the Canadian Order ot Chosen Friends which was presented in, the person of M. 1,, Beavers. In a tehore addreas Mr. Beavers pointed out. the unique character of this order, in that It receives tate mem- bers both men and 'wornerr: He was then presented with a trowel 'from the band of ?dies Hazel Brethour, who SABO received a cute itIRKTON. Alfred Paul merohant of Kiricton. and Mtge Irene Robinson, also Of Kiekton were united in matelinony on ThtiredaY last,. The , ceremony waspeeforreed in the Engliish Church at Kirton, the bride in attended by seven beide. FAIRFIELD The Trustees and Supporters 'ot S. S. No. 3, Stephen, together, with their wiv- 48 and fandlioe net 'at the school on Thursday evenhig last and +enjoyed a pleasant iTrocial time, the occa(slon be- ing the last' day of `the term and the de- parture. of the teacher, who has, beenbe- loved arnd appreele.ted during her term there. Speeches, :songs, etc., and 'a dain- ty supper of Dee crean, etc., were dis- pensed, and the teacher presented with a cabinet of .silver and, an addrese,vehich aline:2E4th, 1911. To Mao Dorothy Cooper, eDear Mies Cooper, -Wei: the Trustees and sUpportera of, S.4S; No. 1, TevertshiP of Stephen, having learned of your cen- ter-fir:dated departure from among us, nave met thin( evening for the purpoae et expressing in some tangible way our appreciation of the kindly interest you Oavo taken in the -welfare of our children during the three 'yott have been with us: During the past tare and a -halt years ,whIcti you h'arie taUght in: our section you have beccime endeared to our hearts by the antiring care arid WatchtuineetS you Matte exercised oven our children in their moral 'as well as :their mental training, and ;we bope the pleasant , re- Litienehip 'formed in the :,scheol and .in the oection will nettles:min boo forgotten. We asniure .you we have every reason to:regret our 14114-bul ;we:pray thafe*- ery ;etuccess may attend you. We lisoe no -doubt that our eosiwill be anOther's In -order to Shot* Our eiteern and Our erlendship, We :seek yeti,. to accept thie *cabinet .o; Silver,honing that Ini. the coining. Year& it reayerecall earime please ant eecolleekbans lot , the days 'Event. in Our nldel. • . , • Signed onsbelallt of ghe Trustee e and section by Wine 3. Bevrden, Wen. J. Rob- inson,' win. White., HENSALL... .Mns..H. Pe Madden 'is'Vtilsiting her par- ents Li London -W.. wifespent !several days in Toronto. -Jack Mcben- eli wLfl take a ',trip to Calgary,..Alta -The Rev: J. E. Malyand leorunienced hiariiwork n connectien with the Chia- eihunst appoIntment last Sunday atter:. .ndoete-aMilso`O,4cDonell, milliner at Mc , bap returricd• •tC; (her heirie,. Bel - grave. -Mina Weikel-. head. 'milliner, •at thee Blue Front, left, last week for her eeneO„GrireuihyeOTh,e , many ,filends of Frank. Leven who was formerly of.' theaMolsone Bank here, will be plearP, -ed'',t0 learn that he .:714:8,recently married to Mize- Elia lIoutaten, of )iiviristonaa E3 ,BoSseuherry of , the Bend' and Dr, Orme not Iowan, • were 'brought before p.n.s re Petty, , charged' ..:111igh cane 'stable WhItside with violating ttre.,law,. by ,•running tlheir - auto past thefivera procession -,of ithe late 'Peter \Oen' oi 3i,loilday. 'A fine, of 10 ,dollariii,i1; cot, 17 dollana iri o.11,was The act givel Specie' .pretection to funeral processions. -:W. Perking isin Tr-07°ktrlits° ill';eihwi'44hiowte41,.k--EPrunee. I Sh'taeattierlygftxtures, en a eituation, as eloattiagee ot th l'torternai's;:;'''ijOk"0414Ir*,ellg111odcti;:r`•otctriecid"ni:;: t Foat Carling, dry 'goods 'clePaltmenti ot a b`..1"4. store a leadersh.' erase ',recently' 0-*'eniaglYY, preaented *ith tease. andgeld fob. 4)" SIR EDMUND *at._,Itig% 4v.o.. LLD., 0.0,1.-; fineolnorr Auxiotoca, t#101 oeNERAL MANOCrEft CAPITAL .$10,000,000 REST, - $8,000,000 -MONEY ORDERS The Money Orders of The Canadian Bank of Commerce are a -safe, convenient and ecOnnutiOal method of retnittini small samS. money, They are payable without charge at every bras h of a charteredlbstik in Canada (except in the Yukon Territory) and m the pancipai Cities of the United States. The Orders and full infOrmation regarding them may be obtained on application at the Bank. In the event of loss of a Money Order the Bank will, on receipt of a satisfactory guarantee, make arrangements to refund the amount of the lost Order. 4.232 Exeter Branch -W. H. Collins, Manager. Branch also at Creditor:a Sure Signs THAT YOU HAVE ic1pi4sy TR,OCTBL• E tIt yanr backata constantly, aching and If you experience dull shoats -Ito paths, if your urine is thick and ellaudy or your passages frequent, scanty and pain ful, your 'Kidneys and Bladder are Out older. Neigleet quickly bringa on rheurriatisnl, dia- betes, lunabago, sciatica, etc. _Booth's 1Cidney elite are guaran- or% TAO • 50c,box, ,118 Atp2.2,d4 fctvr'elelo d5e%e°L'irly,ILidttt*toille:cii:r:fe.Pedeolgrrireetevp:_seerktieoeil°d:Eitr-r-t our inaneY back. -ley and bladde; trouble. All, druggists!, P1 Ii I n application . - S. Cole, 4 rEteier by W. Incorporated 1855 Capital (paid up) $41000000 Rost Fund - $4400000 Total Asseta Over 044,000900 flaa78Bruobeein Canada, and Agents and Corresponden'aana AIM* Prineipai Clitiste in the World. a 043111111/111.. illATHD84110311filS$ TIMITH5aCTRIN, SAV BRCS BANK DE PABITINEVitT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest curl:eat rate.. EXETER— 8Ft,APICW Agents at Exeter for the Dominion. 00Vertslatentt, DIOglIctlf& Ci.st.tso, Solicitors. The general public will take notice that 1 am daing busks he line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Pricee Paid for SOL? IRON, RMS -,TI °OPFER, HORSE HAIR, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. HA,WICIN'S HARDWARE, EXJDTER where the eaels will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of, scrap may be left at tne same °tore. prompt attention vrill be given. M. Weal.er, Junk Dealer, illolommoomo GRAND TRUNK Rs'VsLrej ,trxmouaii TOURIST PULLMAN SLEEPEItS WINNIPEG. AND EDMONTON 11 p.m..Jtitir 11 and 25; AUG. lith, Via Chicago, St. Paul nod Otlempapolis Vete4 ler wraten WINNIPEG EXHIBITION DA.TES 1, UM -Z. 12 to. 22 THE POPULAR BOWE, TO MUSKOKA, OF ,rDAYS, TEM. &GMAT, A.LGONQUIN PARK, GEORG- IAN BAY, IC.A.WAP.THA LAKES, Mag- anetawan Paver, French River, Etc. Low Round Trip 'Tourist Rates. Convenient Train Servite. Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. DUFF. District Passenger Agent, at Toronto. Ont, Purchased BUS and DRAY Busmen Having purchased the BUS' - and DRAY business of MR..WM. ARNOLD, I desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that I am = prepared to give you the best of . satisfaction in work connected • with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- Wirsetat THILAD'VO0A-TR ,OFF- ICE. PHONE 25, Will receiie prompt attention. • T. G. Creech or Sale TLot,First class lots' in the Great Northern addition within the city limits of Calgary. This is what the 0.'P: P.R. state,s.— "You can recommend tins prOperty to your clients as a good in- vestment both safe and profitable. These lots are selliug now at 175.00 each. One-third down and balance in Six, twelve ctnel eighteen months. 0 per cent interest.", , If you want to make some n3oney don't delay in looking meup as thin is a chance of a lifetime. Don't for- get that we have farm lands to sell as well, of the very beet and apienclitt ly Situated, -' Carling, Chance for Piano A. new upright eran d Blanc/ Reg- ular price$325 Sale Price UM Only one inotrument will, be ol and that to the first buyer.. Call early and let us de- monstrate its merits. to yo. This instrument la on ex. hibiton at our store- the bal- ance of this week. S. NI A Rtil ift. SON A number of good, organs for sale $12 to $25 no. higher Payable 50e. a week'. 44444.+4444444+14-14+441++++. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. THE 33ESTILSCHIVL 02eltd 61/0;7 ; ft e -..e" Our , graduates are in edemand. nese men state that :they are the bee €. Students tnam the chests room . were placed recently at $kO, $50, con, and ' $70 per month. A graduate vrith onie experience was placed • recently at $1800, per annum. All graduatee secure positions. The demand 1r pant ,year was els times the' traineber graduating. We tarehamothree atilkedparter*velegratsp,-hy.OompotmercolaulShortre fres catalogue D Itictal, CHIA* Principal. • Students may enter may day: Open entire year. NOW° is a good . time- to enter.' Largest trainers in Oanad.:,Graduates sgteutdbyt:a tg Ptthome. EThX°Culletta:i vd: right of the "Famous Bliss Book -Keeping System" for Ont- ario t:t toFinish.'nAatltal Dearness front Write for part,ieubr�. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE affiliated veitil Clinton Busineas Clollegel _ _ GEO. SPOTTOZi ,,-.Pnitanntrat;