Exeter Advocate, 1911-6-15, Page 5EARLY INDISCRETIONS MIDI EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- I MINED YOUR SYSTEM Tho nerves control all actions of the body so that any- thing that debilitates then will weaken all organs of 1 the system. Eatrly, Indiscretions and Excesses have, ruined thousands`of' promising young men. Unnsturah Drains sap theirvigorand vitality and they never develop;,, to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak-, zings, mentally, physically and sexually. Blow you fool? Are ycra nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy,1 specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart,' bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, x -pression,;, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change- able moods, premature decay,: bone pains, hair loose, etc. This is the condition our New Method Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE Wo have treated Diseases of Igen for almost a life time and do not have. to experiment, Consult us FREE OF CHARGE sk, Iro(eseriOpal Gated. Dia,. A. R. KINSUAN, L. D. 4-, I. D. S... minor gradumteetToronto Militarists', DENTIST, Saeth astractedwithout any pain, or any toadegeots OQflcs oven tladman StanburY's office, hiar.nstreet x tet odical it. DR/GRT, Ii„ I?., Vit. Q. P, t, s.. IIONOR s Graduate of Torentn University,: Two years re,sidentpphyslcian Royal Alexandra gigspital, etc., omeeand Residenee,i». d a,os` Old Stand, Andrew Oteet,EKETRR. DR. QUACIiENBUSII, Physician, Surgeon, Ac, ll�� couclzeur, Once, Dr. Itollins'odd office, Alen Street, Residence, corner Sumer and, Aldrertstreets oppaslteJarngs sett ilgthgdi4 parsonage. Phone Odtee, 39a; Residence A4 b, Legal -flIORSON it CARLING, llrtItElSTERS, 801401 sor¢, Netarles, Conveyancers, Co iuissiener;, It elicitors for nelsons Bank, etc Siosoy to Loans at lowestratesof nteres Offices, !lain street, Exeter, R. Otntuts, B.A., L. H. Uttmeoa 1gOliZT Tp LOAN'. dEws hero:da ge amount of private funds tq loan It farm rsnd village properties at mow rates of inter est, 0LADMMAA"t $TANBLiRF', Itarristers.Sol ieitors,3Lsinat, 'Exeter On. J. SENOR Agent Confederation T.IfeAssuranee Co£nparty..Alan Fire~ Inauran,t a rr lead- tug tlataadiarr sod Walsh 0011111614164. t' 4tn-St„ Nzeter. ecru Iotas, Ylotel; Jenner Street Parsonage„ LIGTNSk1? AUCTIOINIk?1EIli WM. ANDERSON, i.tccnard Auc,tionser for Huron County, Terms reasenabie, Dates tett 1 i33ati!a et :the Aovu;ate.. Exeter, or Henry FEilber's Office, CTed• Mon. T. B, CARLING Accident and Plate Glass Insurance. n_ wanes. Cgtiectlnb accounts. and con- ducting; auction ages, ,,, Exeter, Ont, C, A. liQT1ZE. V, S, Graduate at Ontario, Veterinary Cel lege t member Ontario Veterinary 1tled- teal Society; treats all diseases at do- mesticated animals on octet:ttti3 prin- ciples; .modern surgery a specialty. Op- eratCfua ort Lump Jaw guaranteed slit $seactaary. Galla by day or raI $ pr3ftnP#Iy attended to, Office—dais}-st,., etcr. Dt; IZtnrlaSay"s 'old stand, 'Phone to crtrtntact! TEAC1IEI1 'SXANT Fa iL S', tie' 1, $tePhetl, halding sec ot d -class certificate'. Duties "Lot cam - mance after midsummer holidays. State Salary. APply to `j M. J. ;1BOWDEN, Creation, i.'ktst' P. 0. IC1,NSES issued at dvaeato Ot£1 FARM FOR 8&LE1. T'1e a•adorslJned offers his floe farm, rlsis`rnar of about 13r, acres, adjoin- itt� the. town or Gunton, for sale. The farm is Gro a good state of cultivation; a.nd has zeod buildings, brick h003e, bash barn, drivinf house, pit; pen, etc.' all comparatively new.. Afirat-claasf your • orchard, containing all ,kinds o fruity fled also small Truitt,. The farm. Is x -ll fenced and drained and is .a: very desirable home. For further par= tieul;ir;s apply on the premises or ad- dress JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. VOGELGESANG'S HAIR VIGOR Is guaranteed tb grow hair on bald heads, clea{n,scs all dandruff tram head stops all itching and failing hair." Ap- ply /once a day, rubbing well. .1. BL.ITCHFORD Salesman. for Canada. Exeter, Ont FOR SME BY TENDER. Tenders will be received up t;o 'and On July 5th, 19,11, 'by -Tilos, Cameron auctioheer, Farquhar, for the 'beautiful up-to-date Thome of the late VTrn. Baw- den of Exeter, containing 12 acres of land. The house is of solid brick struc- ture ,alnd is in good repair. It is most advalntage;ously situated on the- high giwoueid ;north of the river. The drain- age and cellerage is unexcelled. The house is equipped with a good furnaice, bath .room, lavatory, hard, soft, hot and cold water, ai-1 possesses other modem elonrveniences ; good outbuildings and large ,orchard of choice winter fruit. This is stip doubt one of the finest{homes i,n the County, and as thbirte is' only, a shtart tune to wind gulp: th'e estate will positively be sold to party sending in highest ,tdn,der (p?Iovided they ca,n eotoa ply with the terms and conditional.) Easy .terms of payment:. For forms , of tender and terms and particulars apply to ' Ttho's. Cameron, Farquhar ; Si G. tB,a.wden, Exeter, for to Dick;eont & Carling, Solicitors for : Estate, Exeter: Horses Wanted Raving taken over the iusiness of Mr. T. E. Handford, hyorsebuyer, L am pre- pared to purchase all kinds of horses ' that are sound and in good condition, frons four to teri years of age. - 1 will keep constantly on hand a tium bei' of,young heavy arid light _hordes. .for local ; trade. Parties :,lowing , horses liar sale will do v. -e11 to .call or write the undersigned. Pone 4Y,'' M. M. DOYLE, Exeter. The. Glorious Twelfth COME TO GODERICH The Prettee and tieatthiest Tow n iii fia{rtk da biLt Procession, t t ractive Special Prizes. ,Are ':Y3u ltta,rraed Good Speakers. . Special Trains and Rates; and circulars fior fulls parti- ,�+. ..' rt+6lreat'.E7ig Davy at 'a Small 'Price, iMeNEVIN, : M. TODD ;Secretary, Ohairinaa Auction Sale . of Hay v0 ACBES OF, i1;AT,to be sold by sue., tion on FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd, at 3, p. on Lot B., CON. s, U'51.3ORNE, 3 mile SOUT.RR O,F ELI3IVILLE. Ten acres of Timothy and -balance maxed+clever and timothy, Will 'be sold in quantities to suit purchaser, TERMS -410 and; under cash: over tt.t at antou it six n}onths, Credit will be given on. *urnishing approved joint motes. 4 per cent. per annum aft for cash o,zt credit amounts.: T, CAMERON : W. PARKINSON Auct. Prop, US 011f F COUNCIL. There beim; no, appeals the Court of ilOrisio;t passes the assessrneft IOU. at. ter a few minor changes, at t1."e meeting Oa tate ard, Afterwards the contract to build a � iu. euivert ort con, & 9 was let o Jot tt t'Iunk1lt for $6P.The contract to build co*terete. abuttt'ren t,t l»d a bean} span bridge on side roast; between lots 10 and 11, con. 14 ' was let to,mt., ehell Drid3a Co, 4.10. ger yd, altd $5•8. for at pet-striae:tare., Accounts to 11004 95 were paid., AdJ, ten Jul? let A a.na, MITCHELL—Mr. anti,' Mra. Henry 3w- 31, sot Flint, dichiga.tt, who have been, tisit' ,frieltd3 'here; returned thiorne on Thursday, They shade their trip vont' Mime, sa3.4 boggy. a distance of VT* rollesi.-Ur, sore firs, Richard. Batlb, S, Goaripo street,: ,were art ' 1Q to t on Wednesday attending the marriage of their PA.% Mr, Harry T. Babb, to ;Mise Mary Cook, a niece of Mrs, John 3, I t gatllrw re, who 'ways also present at the ttiaa'Ftage, Mortgage Sate At the CENTeRAL HOTEL int the Town of EIC1] Et, caw TUESI3AT. the -"lith day, if Iuly'. 19'11, at ,,the haus, of 1.36 v tock ]n t°ze afternoon, the tnllowl.n„ plaperty,— tn I.ho Ttaw,tlsltip of Ifiay tri the CQutaty or gar * and Province of .Ontario. eon.. strong twelve avrest tut land, Ineitle les y, beiat3: stand:pogtd of part. of the NOR1 U 'FIAT -+F o1+` LOT` ELEVEN,,, w^, the LAKE ROAD EAST CONCESSION of the said Tovw:aai^,i,P or F lay, beth more Par- ticutarly ka'aawh' and described ao rat- gjwa,—Goomicr aiow at apest eighty-, eight rads Westerly froze Vac isorttt-eaot corasiir of said: lot =wen. thence Wests erly aald centre :road forty-elgtat1 clads. thence Southerly to a straight lltle parallel with 1116: rear oaf said lot Aargau the North halt or said' 1.ot Eirren, tlteace Easterly tarty -eight 'Kids, thence Northerly to the place ofingraining: URart the premises 1a a frame house: trail ie 0. sandy loam. The property Is on, the main road about xnttesfoam tZurieli, ;MA 1-2 mile from the Lake a1%Xx,a. TEMIS-Tel4 per cent. On, day of sale, baislnea in .40 days! thereafter. Far further particulars apptY to Ph:RD/113, 13URN;Fi,I'1 & (WLtD, Vendor's Solicitors. arum. t.>.S i3. CARLING, met! gata. 801 Syne, 1011. er ES t {ie4G@1IalQ l CN Flour Several Brands. Manitoba a specialty. Lime A good stock always on band" Cement Durham National Partlaand Cement is the best. • • v R. G. Seldon, Exeter 31:rZ210-Z-A DO Fresh Groceri:es We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam.' ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving', the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,- "Fresh Groceries all the time." All kinds of produce taken in exchange. JAS. GOULD e a lanure: Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls ;& Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lutnnber'and la=;t forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These three things are great ltthor-savers for farmers and ne- cessities on a faun. For sale by Wm. Gillespie . Exeter PHONE 51 WHALEN Mrs. Joseph Morley and daughter, Bessie, left Tuesday for Virden, ,11,14 .4.,, and will s'pe3d the ;storm pr visiting with relatives and friends: in va'tious 'parts of the west.—The death occurred Jane 8th of Mr,: Dennis'CarthY, toll the filth of Biddulpl.. Deceased wast '100 years and 5 months of age, ,probably the old. eat settler for marry' trines around, and was in, goods .headtp, 'up tta..'the last few weeks, The funeral took place Saturday;, -„Rector Matson the popular entertain-,. er and Miss, Clara 1Lewts, accompanist, won ,great applause at,ttlto Garden Party at Kir'ktoi last 'week. They will s'ng at St, James', ,near Luca -it shortly.—The awriversary ,services of the church will be conducted next Sunday June 18tH, Rev, W. 1-i. Butt pgeach,trg morning aro' evening. On Tuesday, 2.0th, a choice ere gram will be giva,ii in Gunning'e omit-, ard, and a fast game of baseball at a o'clock; between Granton and'Woodham. All this together with, strawberries 1rt; In store for alt who. come. FULLARTON.—There died, La I•'ul'iar. tan early Juste 6, Jen Wilson, after a, lingering' fitness or over 'six pntouihs The late deceased wa.s torn in London Tp, in 1,854. no ;waved. to Ruaselldale, started the frost ,sb;7re there. and con- rutntinueti the busineea until 1890, When, he proved to Fullartoxr, where the resid- ed until his der,th!`, .$r. held tine position of :township clerk for 'tire past, thirty.tirree years. Palm daUghte3s and one sola, survives Mimi ]€eaop4 Is alsgal ourvlved by four brothers incl aiys:intens—am1et them beim twin ai xddQn, and one at .Hasa. Gra1S l yrs, Rutledge, Daal1 w,aod :'Mrs, O',Netl, Park - bill :Mrs, 1r,+a'ttbs, Thor:da.le;. airs. Shoe, b3tto n1 and airs.. Kerr, of Nebraska, Children Cr FOR FLETCHER'S 'T 1A Tlic foilovrinlg is the report of S; S,. N. 4, Stephen, for May.. The nacres: are is order of merit,—Sr, IV., W. Sell., vrartz; Biddle lir',, E. Either, E. ltoes- zlet, L, Smitb, E, Amy Jr. I3'., 3,: Bvakenshire, C. 1Vtorlock, J. Schwartz 3 Sr.' III; C. Sehrtjaeder, C. 11orloek ; Jr. 11,, D, Schrlaeder, E. Sehvrartz, C Rrok.. egshire anl. E., Eilbar, equal, 51.. Weitt ;: 3r. Part II.,A. Smith, L, Eilbec, `M1ftyrrlock, l Schroeder, C. Wild; Jr. 1'. I., L. Wild. Na 03 roll 28, average 14, Robinson. Teacher.. €' 8t RICF1: Reeve 1 --rani nt attended the County C.3uricit meeting at Goderric:t last week, Ida Sipple lett oa 1vle'tnda for Detroit to visit relatives, and friends for a, few Weeks. -Ar. Campbell at1ent1,1 ed a hieet'u !of the Ontario ;\fedicsi A - s,aciation 'at Niagara, Falls last week,- tifr and •it's; J. Preeter attended t3'.e funeral of a relative at ,Tavistock last weeek, -Mr. and Ws. Jack Tay” ar, left last week tror P1i.;'t; Mich.,'where' they` intend making t'hei'r botaS.: :rir, Jacob Jlaberer has beer 290 hivesof beet and is the largest bee keeper* 13 thio. County,—Earb:ra Eckateio (nee Geigeil whose death occurred *tear Pipeor* Mich. .a a the '20 o1 51ay.:t:ade reached the age. a3 year 8 ntd:tths aria -20 days she was married to' Mr.i Louis Eckstein in 1$79, and w;ta, with six children remain to ntourtz tate; toss, of azttaffeet: tona.te and ta-t;e eotrlpanio t and a 1ovhtg Lncatber, They left 'his township In 1809 and settled 111 -tielttt;an. - Alias; Freda Heas or the Guelph Colie3latd returned to her home here, ,on Tueadayt' F. Hess Sr., attending the 'Loth eta�t Synod at Toronto. last week B, F. Mer of Naperville, 111,, is visiting; is mother a. few' days.—Mr,'Joe Stein- man and slater MSts's 5fary, of Tavls- tock are visitors at the horny or1.1.r. & Mrs, J, Gasehlo Bro ttonn t Grows Hair BUT NOT• A1'TJmt "THE BOOT IS DEAD, W. S. Cole will tell you that he -sells a great trlarty bottles of Parisian Sago because it given satisfaction.. 1 -ht guarantees; it to eradicate dandruff step falling and slitting hair arid itch- 1,e; scalp, 0" til;Jney back. I'atisiai°t Sage will itiake hair grow it tie bah' ro.pt is rapt ;dead; it 'puts 1i1a,rod luster into dulland faded hair, a°td is the trlost delightful hair dressing world, Only 50 cents a large battle, Parisitui Sage is the beat taaizr: grower' t td beautifier, dandruff cure and segip cleaner known. Try it on our money back pla. iITCUELL—Dr. Frederick Huriburt, a former Mitchell boy and a nephew' of Dr, It. W, Harlburt, lari,d, vvPia has a large medical practice in Lashburst; Sask„ was married in Stratford Jane 7 to Eleanor 'Beatrice, daughter of Mr, and Sirs. VL to Buekinglgtrntat that city A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All, Women: T will send free, with full instructions, :thy hams treat- ment which positively cures eueorr- /Kea, T,3iceration; Displacements, Fall- ingof the Wornb. Painful or Irregular Periods, Uterine and ovation, Tuzrors or growths, also !tot Flashes, iwierv- Gumless. Melancholy, Paths $n tbo Head, Back, Bowels, Kidney and Madder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. 'You can continue treatineut at home at a, cost of only about 12 cents a week; 14fy book. "Woman's Own; Medical Adviser," also sent free on request, Write to -day. Address yrs. 1ti2., Auer". mers, Box 834 Windsor, t Make a regular meal- time habit a ' bat. of this palate -tempting t+i! be` verag Absolutely pure, mild ,mellow and delicious. It; nourishes, and is especially good for people who don't', sleep well. Order some to -day. 2 At all lers AILSA CRAIG—Cleo. Afaasie died oil Julne 613', after art illness' ,of. several mtolnth>y, He came from Scotland and lived near nitre gor many years. kle 'was married twice, first''to V1}as Fauldier of McGillivray and next tb Mktg Hard. AILS_4 CRAIG.--T,he village council has decided' that streettlighttng is too es pensive and will dise,antitiue it: The citizens aro too be admanipbed, to provide themselves' wail" lanterns whenever they go abroad at night gold Rub It In And The Pain Comes Out Pains and aches real coin to every household, and the prudent mother keeps a bottle of FatherMorriscy's Liniment on hand to meet thele. Whether it's cuts or brOises, burns or frost -bites, chapped hands or chilblains, sprains or sore muscles, back ache, tooth- ache, ear ache, rheumatism, sore throat or' pain in the chest, Father or iscy's linimen gives prompt relief:' It "nibs in" quickly and thoroughly, going right to the seat of the pain. Scarcely a trace of it stays on the skin. That is one reason why it is so effective. With a bottle • of Fattier Morriscy's Liniment in the house you can save yourself and your family hours and hours, of needless pain. "There's ease in every 'drop. 25c a bottle' at your Dealer's. Father Mo Alloy Medicine Co. Ltd. MONTREAL,, QUE. n Exeter by ' Rr•S. l'"" ey• ad .guarante® , 30 i r N -YOU NEED NERVE Wonderful Nervous System nd wo will tell you 'whether you aro curable or not. We guarantee, curable cede. of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISF.ASES, GlrFT.'; BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Freer Rootlet on Diseaaea'OE Men. lE unable to call write for QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TElEATMENT ENNEDY Car. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit; Mich: Alt letters from.. Canada must be addressed Q��G to.our Canadian-Corres-ondenceDe • P Part. immiiimmiankow ntent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sce and treat no patients in our Windsor offices :which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all, letters as follows:, DRS. KENNEDY ; & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for on private address. qtr ti i1 _ _ -- - 111111111111111111111111 .:. 111111111111 11{ 111111111111111111111 » 1111-1111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111 IF1{1 ( I : , .In ;,., iMt N1 -�► ' '� .Rose Rose.. "Yes" Added "Makes "flour "•--and "FIVE t. 8 s the grew a s floeshiteh o what makes your doug Vie, --she encouraged. Bud very sagely« it rise in the mixer and expand oven, It's the elastic part of ---absorbs all the water and milk thine." interested. ROSES, said Bud, is exceedingly rich• I, '' "in gluten. I s'pose because ft's all Ilene ...�... , j? ( . ':T t p , .,. t t''' " ,s :' `+lf5 . ►, �'1✓ , i , .. "from "mora' last* "Says* Bud ° in longer a Manitoba wheat. Takes up a lot water -- makes those fiat loaves -- too. " moony, doe.tet.It?" asked Rose. J sates, " . s "T?att Us Arca$ 1. Sot I' Rom makes the fat pocl�tatboola E ROSES always. ,!acid YES. iaaJ pm.„„ 11111ff411111P111111111) [ll! lits {1IIIIIIHIHHIIIII(( (ilmali���Ill �ut(U' 11I) I I ilimimi' lIl1lH11hlhlhlhI1 i' 111�flll��10If1111 1 �' , ��I I io (, � I I np►l 1m 1il11{1i f) wii1u111uhuhh1111Il11hhht11hh1 Ill"""'"' 1I {{hImuIIiil{) I i lilimo111111111Iiill I willi III 11Ullllh ent IZHIllllIll1 Bleaeitect 111hw 11 Xot B1,,einidedi. 1 111111111 11111111 i11'' 111111111111 LAKE O. TN! •000e N,L\.,NO CO MPART t.....,io 1.101,TREA• AILSA CRAIG—Cleo. Afaasie died oil Julne 613', after art illness' ,of. several mtolnth>y, He came from Scotland and lived near nitre gor many years. kle 'was married twice, first''to V1}as Fauldier of McGillivray and next tb Mktg Hard. AILS_4 CRAIG.--T,he village council has decided' that streettlighttng is too es pensive and will dise,antitiue it: The citizens aro too be admanipbed, to provide themselves' wail" lanterns whenever they go abroad at night gold Rub It In And The Pain Comes Out Pains and aches real coin to every household, and the prudent mother keeps a bottle of FatherMorriscy's Liniment on hand to meet thele. Whether it's cuts or brOises, burns or frost -bites, chapped hands or chilblains, sprains or sore muscles, back ache, tooth- ache, ear ache, rheumatism, sore throat or' pain in the chest, Father or iscy's linimen gives prompt relief:' It "nibs in" quickly and thoroughly, going right to the seat of the pain. Scarcely a trace of it stays on the skin. That is one reason why it is so effective. With a bottle • of Fattier Morriscy's Liniment in the house you can save yourself and your family hours and hours, of needless pain. "There's ease in every 'drop. 25c a bottle' at your Dealer's. Father Mo Alloy Medicine Co. Ltd. MONTREAL,, QUE. n Exeter by ' Rr•S. l'"" ey• ad .guarante® , 30 i r N -YOU NEED NERVE Wonderful Nervous System nd wo will tell you 'whether you aro curable or not. We guarantee, curable cede. of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISF.ASES, GlrFT.'; BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Freer Rootlet on Diseaaea'OE Men. lE unable to call write for QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TElEATMENT ENNEDY Car. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit; Mich: Alt letters from.. Canada must be addressed Q��G to.our Canadian-Corres-ondenceDe • P Part. immiiimmiankow ntent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sce and treat no patients in our Windsor offices :which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all, letters as follows:, DRS. KENNEDY ; & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for on private address. qtr ti