Exeter Advocate, 1911-3-30, Page 6sir
or Tea You Can't Beat
It Has Stood the Test of Time While Others
Have Beep Buried in the .Ashes of Inferiority
It's the Recognized World's Standard
Ovcl: 2 Million Packages Void Weekly.
Canada, the Empire and the %World
in General Before Your
Some spring wheat has been sown
n Alberta.
Mr. Thomas E. Hay, Postmaster
at Listowel, is dead,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Hendersoe. died
suddenly at Hamilton.
Two liquor detectives were as-
saulted at Trenton on Friday.
The C, N. R. has let contracts for
a number of new lines in the west.
Fifteen automobiles are to be pur-
chased for the collection of mail in
Highwayman Held Up Three Lumbermen
on Way From Camp to Port Arthur
A despatch from Port Arthur
eve: Toeget possession of three
'wood -smells time checks a man
'whose name is not yet known to
the arithorities, held up a party WI
three woodsmen. all Finlaxiders, on,
their way girt from the Pigeon River '
Lumber Company's eamp, uear Sil-
ver Mountain, killing one of them
and very seriously wounding the I
others, using a revolver and a
hunting knife. One of the victims
has nine cuts about his body. The
seen were -r the Toad leading frem
the camp to Pa railroad, ixatending to
take a train to Port Arthur, when
they were met by a stranger who
offered to direct them to the rail-
way by a short cut. His offer was.
accepted, and at convenient mo-
zneut the stranger opened fire on
the three, killing one and inerpeci-
tating the others, He took their
time cheeks, which aro of no value
to him because he cannot cash
thou. Leaving his victims to their
sufferings, the assailant made off,
The two Laid out wounded and
bleeding beside tee dead body of
their companion all night, and on
Wednesday one managed to roach
the railway and get the news to
Silver 'Mountain, whence it was for-
warded to Port Arthur.
Seve 7a Others Injured
n j Through ��,red ou �'.�� h Calla se of
A despatela floniMilwaukee, t'is-
consin, flays: Sig fire-fighters are
dead, four others arc dying in the
J g
emergency hospital, aud several.
others are suffering from injuries,
the result of the eaving-in of the
roof of the building of theMiddle-
ton Manufacturing Company,
wholesale hatters, here on Friday.
The dead: Capt. John Hintz, Fred.
L, Eichorn, Richard Burke, Lieut,
John Houlihan, Capt. Frank Cav-
anagh, Edwin Hagiel.
The dying: Vincent Marehesi,
Paul Penske, Peter Jansen, —
Harnmond. The fire had been
burning half an hour and between
fifteen and twenty men bad been
fighting the names from the roof
of a four and a half story structure
when suddenly the roof collapsed,
carrying them through the flames.'
The reen were buried in the debris.
Others escaped by the basement
windows. Ambulances were hur-
ried to the scene and as quickly as
possible the dead and injured were
dug out of the ruins, The coats
and badges of the victims weretorn
away and their helmets missing, so.
that the work of identification was
slow. The monetary loss is placed
at $100,000; fully insured.
East Ontario Dairy Inspectors Will
Get After Erring; Fanners.
A despatch from Kingston says:
The dairy inspectors for Eastern
Ontario will again make it hot for
farmers who adulterate their milk
and send it to the cheese factories.
The Eastern Ontario Dairymen's
Association Executive has instruct-
ed its inspectors to stop the old
practice at all costs. Last year
there were anumber of prosecu-
tions, and farmers were heavily
fined. All dairymen in this section
will be urged to send in a better
:ality of raw material, so that the
,st possible cheese may be menu -
i :Lured.
Securities Well Regarded in France
-Capitalists arc Coning.
A despatch from Montreal says •
1.0,000 People Take Their Lives in
St. Petersburg in Five Years.
A despatch from London says:
Suicide is alarmingly prevalent in
St. Petersburg. Ten thousand eases
in five years, that is the sum total
of statistics that have just been is-
sued for the capital by the .Russian
Public Health Department. The
tremendous annual rise is shown in
these figures :—In 1906 there were
906 cases; in 1907, 1,377;• in 1908,
2,268; in 1909, 2,380; and in 1910,
3,196 cases. •
Manitoba and Saskatchewan Legis-
latures Raise Pay.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
The closing hours of both the Man-
itoba and Saskatchewan Legisla-
tures were characterized by 'a sal-
ary raise of $500 for each legisla-
tor. Manitoba led the way and next
Mr. O. B. D'Aoust, .head of Mr. J day came a report of ae h
L. Forget's Paris office, is now in dollar boost for the Saskatchewan
legislators, but on investigation it
appears to he $500. They will now
draw about $1,500.
the city and speaks with enthusiasm
of the standing of Canadian securi-
- ties and Canadian affairs in the
French capital. Mr. D'Aoust de-
clares that now and for some time
past. Canada has taken the place
formerly occupied by the United
States in the minds: of the French
financiers and the French investing
public. Arrangements, he .says,
have been concluded for the visit
of a large group of capitalists in
June, They will travel across the
An Increase of 2,417,190 in Past De
endo is Estimated.
A despatch from 'sienna says
Provisional census returns estimate
thepopulation of Austria. at 28,-
567,898, an increase of 2,417,190 in
Dominion from coast to coast. ten years.
Operators MakeSeveral ral affers, But Al Are
A despatch from Calgary, Alta,,
gays On Thursday the
operators in
a joint conference -with the mine
officers offered an open shop, and,
ailing that, arbitration. b tration.. Both.
proposals were turned down the;.
refiners contending that they want-
to settle their own business and
not have it di The
a.peraters a.sked: thatthe. miners
$ 't'
d o0
0 ; .wth'tl i �o"
}� e conference,
taking up the agreement clause by
clause, casting aside such clauses
as could not be decided on,.these
clauses to be. later taken' and
settled byaBoard x f up
� Arbitration,
composed of two representatives T sentatives of
each party, with either r the Chief
Justice or some Justice of the Su-
preme Court. While the board
oat T ;w a;�
the -
mines e
were to xb
e o
ateed.under the present errt a F=
p r �m .
�; en
g t
The i
h miners
turned this sdvrrr
. o
t'riees of Cattle, Grain, Cheese
and Other Produce at Home.
and Abroad,
Toronto, March '2S.-.Flour—\yin-
ter wheat 90 per cent, patents, $3,-
25 at seaboard, Manitoba flours—
First patents, $5.40; second pat-
ents, $4.90, and strong bakers', §4.
70, on track, Toronto,
Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern,
97Xe, Bay ports; No. 2 Northern,
95e, .Fay ports, and No. 3 at 92`c,
Bay ports,
Ontario wheat—No. 2 white, 81e,
and No. 2 red Winter, SOc outside.
Barley—Malting qualities 61 to
64.0Outside, according to quality;
Dr. Charles lk£. Stewart, of To- and feed, 50 to 53e outside.
Tonto, was killed by a Metropoli- Oats --No. 2 white, 34c, on track,
tan ear on Saturday. Toronto, and 31% to 32e outside.
¥r $. T. Van ii`agner was fat- No. 2 W. C. oats 37e, Bay ports,
,illy injured bybeing thrown from and No. 3 at 36e, Bay ports.
his buggy. near Hamilton, rgCorn 'o. 3 American, 52 to
. 52Xe, Toronto freight,
damages of $15,000 in a suit against Peas—Shipping peas, 79
the Toronto R-ailway Company, outside,
Warrants have been issued on Rye—G6 to 67e outside.
three charges against J. Y, Muse Buckwheat—Ne. 1 at 48' to 49e
dock the ahsconding barrister of outside.
Jarvis. Bran---.MTanitobas, $23, in bags,
It is estimated that Toronto ho- Toronto, and shorts, $24,50, in bags,
tels will contribute .$80,000 to the. Toronto ; Ontario shorts, $24.50 to
Government under the amended } $«5s
lieerree acts
The foreign trade of the Dentin,
ion for•the eleven months of the
current fiscal year amounts to
The Intereolonial freight shed at
Truro, N.S.'
was destroyed by fire
on Friday, with most of its eontents,
Loss, $70,00.
Mr. R. W. Dillon, Assistant See-
l' of the Publio Works Depart -
at Ottawa, and an old news -
apeman, is dead.
The Government gave assurance
in the House of Commons that there
would be no discrimination against
negro immigrants,
Thirteen occupants of an Otta
apartment house have been qu
entined owing to 'a ease of sinall-
pox having been discovered in t
By a unaninious vote the Mani
he, Legislature rejected the ter
offered by the Dominion Gover
rent for the settlement of the bou
dary and other questions.
A gang of roughs attacked P
iceman Auger of Montreal a
broke his. jaw. Two other co
stables came to his assistance a
there was a savage fight.
he to
to- to
n- Butter—Dairy prints, 18 to 200;
inferior, 16: to 17c. Creamery, 27
ol- to 280 per lb. for rolls, 24 to 24/c
nd for solids, and 22 to 23c for separ-
ator prints.
nd Eggs—Case lots of now -laid, 18
to 19c per dozen.
Cheese—Large, 13%c, and twins
:",eples—Spys, $5 to $5.50; Bald-
wins, $4 to $4.50; Greeningsi $4 to
$4.50; No. 2 assorted, 3,50' to $4.50
per barrel.
Beaus -.Car lots, $1.75 to $1..80,
and small lots, $1.90 to $2.
Honey. --Extracted, in tins, 10 to
Ile per lb,; No. 1 comb, wholesale,
$2 to 52,50 per dozen; No. 2 eozub,
wholesale, 51.75 to $2 per dozen.
Baled Hay --No. 1 at $11.50 to $13
on track, and No, 2 at $9 to $10,50,
Baled straw — $6.50 to $7, on
track, Toronto,
Potatoes ---Car lots at 80 to 85c per
Poultry—Wholesale prices of
dressed poultry :—Chiekens, 15 to
16e per lb.; fowl, 11 to 13c per lb.;
rkeys, 19 to 21c per ib. Live, l
2c less.
Mr. Haldane, Secretary for War,
has been raised to the Peerage.
It is reported that the British
Government will not press the veto
bill until after the Coronation.
The King made a memorable ad-
dress on being presented with a
copy of the authorized version of
the Bible in celebration of the Ter-
The western division of the G. T.
R. has been authorized to issue
$30,000,000 mortgage bonds.
President Taft characterized the
war rumors between the United
States and Japan as unfounded.
The first monorail' for passengers
and freight will be opened in Ger-
many this summer.
The Diaz Cabinet has resigned.
The King of Italy consulted the
Socialist leader as to the formation
of a Cabinet.
A French monoplane carrying a
load of 1,262 pounds travelled at 62
miles an hour.
The Turkish loan has been sub-
scribed and contracts for arma-
ments placed with Germany.
C. P. R. Trains Collide Three Miles
East of Schreiber.
A despatch from North Baysays :
Over -running orders was thcause
of the head-on collision between
two C.P.R. trains three miles east
of Schreiber, 135 miles east of Fort
William on Saturday .morning
about 6.30. The west -bound Toron-
to train with Ontario settlers and
effects from the vicinity of Mark -
dale had orders to meet the east.
bound extra with empty passenger
coaches at Blue Jay, four miles east
of 'Schreiber, but for some reason
did not stop, and one mile west of
Blue; Jay met the avast -bound train
head-on with frightful impact,
scattering the ears in splintered
heaps the track. p along acv. 1.'hrce mem-
bers of the train brews were killed
and several injured. The dead
are -- hs. T. Xirnball, brakesman on
eastbound train; T. Burgess, y 6 ,
tnan sin e5thound brain;;Tear,' or -
ter, in chi sr •e of tli ' n,
The � e . retllrxirn£;
ae s s.. wreckage' took fire
d flarneis padded horror to the
� r st
r r
rored porter, ,Teaa4' i
r , n_
empty Nr res oc the
! � tour;t coaches
innnd in wreckage 1 .e aril r. r',
I tly r 18
Bacon—Long elear,, 12%c per 1
in case Iots mess pork, $20 to $2
do., short cut, $24 to $24.50; pic
led - rolls, $20 to 521.
Hams -Light to medium, 15c; do
heavy, 12 to 130 ; rolls, 124c; brea
fast bacon, 16 to 17e; backs, 18
Lard—Tierces, 12c ; tubs, 123.
pails, 12%c.
Montreal, March 28.—Oats-=-C
nadian Western, No. •2, 39c, c
lots ex store; extra No. 1 fee
38Mc ; No. 3 C.W., 38c ; No. 2 loc
white, 37e; No. 3 local white, 36c
No. 4 local white, 35c. Flour -M
nitoba Spring wheat patents, first
$5.60; .do., seconds, $5.10; Winte
wheat patents, $4.50; strong bal
$4.90•; straight rollers, $4
$4.25; do., in bags,. $1.75 to $1.85
Rolled oats -Per barrel, ,$3,90: ba
of 90 lbs., $1.95. Barley—Feed,,ca
lots ex store, 49 to 50c. Corn—Am
erican No. 3 yellow, 56 to 56%c
Millfeed—Bran, Ontario, '' $22
$23; Manitoba, $21 to $23;mid
dlings, ' Ontario, $24 to $25; , shorts
Manitoba, $23 to 25;mouillie, $2
to $30. Eggs -Selected, 20c,; fresh
220; No. 1 stock, 18c; No. 2, 16c
Cheese -Westerns, 12/ to 12'c
easterns, 11% to. 12c. 'Butter -Choi
test, 26 to 27c;,seconds, 24 to 25%c
Buffalo, March 28. -Wheat
Spring, No. 1 Northern, carload
store, , $1.04; Winter, No. 2 red
94c ;, No. 2 white, 90o. Corn—No
3 yellow, 50%c ; No. 4 yellow, 48%c
all on track, through billed. p Oats
—5�� o. 2 white, 34'c; No. 3 . white
33Xc ; No. 4 white, 33c. - Barley—
Malting, '81 05 to $1.10.
Minneapolis, 'March 28.—Wheat--
May, 97 3-8c; July, 96%c; Septem-
ber, 93%e; cash, No. 1 hard. 99 3-8c;
No.1 Northern, 98 to 98; 7-8c No. 2
Northern, 95 3-8' t°, 96 7-8c ; No. 3
wheat, 93 3-8 to 96c. Bran—$20 to
$21. Flour—First patents, $ 65 to
$4.95; second patents,. $4.55 to $4.-
first clears,
85,$3.05 to $3.50; sec-
ond clears, $2.05 to $2.70.
Montreal, March 28.—Choi
steers sold at 6%c good at 6 to
fairly good at 52 to 5�ic,'fair
at 5 to 51e, and common at 4% to
4%c per Ib. Cows, 434 to 5r.se for
T r_; r
Good to choice, and 3; to.teem for
trte'1ozver, radcs
g 1 fewgood bulls
brow tight 5 , , to 5'
g / 0 'and th `'
/a e . Cau1''-'
,gorier an from .,that ,down ;to j4c.
is the Standard Article
For making soap, softening water,removing old pant
disinfecting sinks, closets, drains and for many other
purpales. A can egaala 20 lbs. 3Ai;. SODA.
Uacfet for 80 �crpo. Qs—.S ld £&4ryi6are,
F„ : GstLESrT COMPANY inatixED Ione—"et OW.
ne Hundred and Fifty Workers
a Factory Conflagration.
A, despatch from New York, says:
One hundred and fifty persons--
eineteen of them Jews and Italian
girls ---were crushed to death on the
pavements or smothered in the
smoke in a factory fire on Saturday
afternoon ie the worst disaster New
York has'known since the steamship
General Slocum was burned to the
water's edge off the North Brother
Island in 1904. Mothers, fathers
and other relatives, literally mad
with grief, stormed the police lines
at the Morgue all Saturday night
and Sunday shrieking, sobbing, and
in some cases fighting with the offi-
cers in their freeze,
Nearly all, if not all, the viente
were employed by the Triangle
Waist Company on the eighth,
ninth and tenth, floors of a ten -
story lofty building at 23 Washing-
ton place, on the western fringe of
the downtown wholesale clothing,
fur, and millinery district. The
partners of the firm, Isaac Harris
and Max I3lanek, escaped unscent-
ed from the office on the tenth
floor, carrying with them over an
adjoining roof.Blanck'stwo young
daughters and a 'governess, How
the fire started will perhaps never
be known.' A coiner on the eighth
floor was its point of origin, and
the three upper floors only were
swept. On the xiintlt floor fifty
bodies were found, Slaty -three or
mare were erushed to death by
jumping, and' .more than thirty
elogged the elevator' shafts.
The loss to property will not ex -
Bead $641,040. Wayvarers on the ops
polite side of the street shaded their
eyes against the setting rain and
saw the windows of the three upper
floors of the building black with
girls crowding to the sills, Thc,
curly fire; escape was ina small court
yard of the building, "Don't jump;
don't jump:- yelled the crowd. But
the girls had ne choice. The pres-
sure from maddened humireds be-
hind and the urging of their own
fears were too strong. Four alarms'
were rung in within fifteen minutes.
Before the engines could respond,
before the nets could be stretched
or the ladders raised five girls had
fallen from the eighth and ninth
floors so heavily that they broke
through the glass and iron roofs of
the sub -cellars and crashed through
the •very streets into the vaults be-
low. .In an hour the fire was out.
In half an hour it had done its
work. Probably the death 1iet wee
full in twenty minutes. Seven bun-
dred hands, five hundred of them
women, were employed by the
shirtwaist company•
Safe Was Rifled and There is No Clue Yet
to the Perpetrators
A despatch from Prince Albert,
Sask., says: Northern Saskatche-
wan has a bank robbery mystery on
its hands. Tile branch of the Bank
of Ottawa, at Kinistino, about 95
miles from Prince Albert, has miss-
ed nearlyx$6,000 from the safe and
there is absolutely no, clue to the
identity of the robber. The feat
was perpetrated some time between
one o'clock on Saturday afternoon
and 8 o'clock the following Mon-
day morning. The officials of the
bank evidently, have a suspicion,
but they refuse to make any state-
ment.' The circumstances 'sur-
rounding the case are most mysteri-
ous, and the robber was evidently
familiar with the bank premises,
and had working knowledge of the
safe and the time lock. Saturday
afternoon the manager of the bank
closed the safe after placing in it
the money and documents. The
time lock was then set to open at
8 o'clock Monday morning. Mr.
Wood came to Prince Albert 1»
spend Sunday. On Monday morn-
ing he received a wire from the _p
bank saying it was impossible to
open the safe. It was thought that
it was the fault of the time lock and
the controllers of the device in
New York were wired to for advice
as to. the . action to be taken. The
company wired back several .spg-
gestions, which, when acted upon,
finally opened the safe. It was then
found that it had been rifled and
currency and gold to the amount of
almost 56,000 taken.
per lb. A few lots of olcl sheep sold
at 4% to 5o per Ib, and Spring
lambs at from $5 to $8 each. Hpgs,
$7.40 to $7.50 per ewt, weighed off
cars. Calves from $2 to $6 each,
as to size and quality.
Toronto, March 28.—Extra choice
butcher, selected, $5.90 to $6.10;
medium choice, $5.50 to $5.75; cows,
$4 to $5; choice cows, $5.25; bulls,
$4.60 to 55.25; mixed common
butcher, $3 to; $4; canners, $2.50 to
$3. Lambs—Firmer at $7 to $7.-
25. Sheep—Steady at $4.50 to '$5.
Hogs—Unchanged, but prospects
lower. Selects, 86.55 f.o.b., and
$7. fed and watered.
-The amendment to the chajtered
accountants act, passed by the On-
tario Legislature, has been disal-
lowed at Ottawa.
Two Urgent Messages Sent to Chicago by
the Adjutant -General.
� sal.
Two telchrams from the War
partment in Washington were „re-
ceived at the headc barters of the
I tic,.
Chicagorecruiting stations on
Thursday urging that the officers
take immediate steps to enlist all
promptly .; The first
telegram` said "Large number of
infantry recruits required. Make
special efforts accordingly. By or-
der of Adjutant -General."
The message sage Lvastelep honed to
the various sub stations' -with . in-
structions to
n-structions.'to send out .handbills tx..
all tis
rioHa dly`°h:E�4s
Ord*;- eo a fri`r titceted
when m
c,n, a second
tele ta,m came 'from'
the _Adjutant -General's oilice, de,
daring the call' urgent and actvis-
ing that the '`stati ns be keptopen
day and night ifnecessar °5 It.
read :— "Use every effort toPre-
cure recruits, for the infantry
out dela v
;� . Ur ont: If necessary
g >, y'
open day and night."
Menwere •t
e, sent out with
handbillse acro
se. the' tops.: of which
were printed ed in large red letters;
" ::; „'
ilearwanted.''' rated
n ° F< re n'
produce. ',fifty hnxis'
ndOrytf those.and
bills:,`d ti
: di:zrtli;a d . g '
tiirs�rgho�x3 i✓lucugo ar.
i, t s a ., u r .....,.•
k . v atxn