Exeter Advocate, 1911-3-2, Page 8is 1. THE rill Trade The spring trade this year promises ash a heavy one, and we are prepaa,, pfor it with as full supply of the ,est Clothing- Materials in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Etc, Elatr workmanship is the best and as nitot be excelled; fry us for your tie w Spring Suit. TAIWAN nt ai10 Ontario, DENTAL Ql~l ICB CLOSES Pete%,ori Sundaee evenie .. In :the ab- Ee;tce of Rev. 3fr. Pr well. write le eon- lactriDLy TA,I:E NOTICH that my of- ducting revival meetings at the Bethany Wet'iia clew etl every Wednesday after- aplroinirnent, 2R, IMO TQN. sir.. J. Atadertaan of T'naedtiird has IBE3 for the Advocate and purchased from X. L. hardy the house e rtewa. formerly owned by ;Sir. Claris, Luker in It 'LOCAL DOINGS March >n 1. ',March came in yesterday- cold, but eiid acrd 'bright. The old 'winter, is wearing away. We are now in tie fifth,;month. Mr. Austin Hewitt has gone to hie borne at Anderson, being tie Mr- li^, G, Biste t,.hes recovered from as illness. at several days, 'Why feed your barley wbeny, you can eget Cora so much cheaper at, the mill,. 'Dies Irene Quackenbush entertained at number of lady friends. en Saturday eve Mr W. D. Sanders bee been confined io. his hence tar several days from a cerin gathering in his head, caber of Exeter young People -went, sail Tuesday evening to attend ided whet biscuit social. We have occasional marnings when e sue ee.mes out tike a spring: day- -e d the -e l spring weather Carnot. conte Mao. stoux, ?lir Siinoaa Hunter. of Usberne, µha :uas la e▪ x :£1 yore poor health e. are able tsa get out Ca towaa last week, the first. several weeks. Fr. S. H. Gi leer is art. Present con_- to the- hotrea with. an s,ttl?ok �?£ z«igitleztia, lila many €riends will hope s sI?°edy reeevery.—Blyth Steed, ti> Ate. eltaatd occupied thw .Tarin arra 'Dalmatia ! Clp. Apply to dealer ,in one of our near Mosd writea,--, Please to me on eFlour, bane had a number customers aide for it," Birdie Boyle has been, ill Bur, Inst 'week. Gera, itantic informs us that he t purchased the Scour and feed of .ir. Wm Rivera but that Gad 'teem t". C#I3'teniplatie Hill had a valuable counter °ears killed` by dogs o z ,SaanelaY They were valued at $1.0.00,. TAtt ,hare atni,'baat this 'town about oath iaundred too many. Merl'$ Christian Asaocla :. e'y are Conducted in many e eta fora good scoring at ids oS the Jameaa, street eaetor, lloblxe. on;'Sunday evening. eieelprocitY :v'ill. 'probably bre !one of ice- top=es at the 'big political Mass bbeetirt; to be ,;'hold In the Opera Hall, IVeeter, on Friday afternoon. Thiel; yeeation le uppermost in the thought of Me Canadian people to -day and a die- unnsree>; on the matter ahsuld be of in- tercet and profit. QLD i3USINESSe--We understand itktiat eXesars. McPonlell Bros., who were =raeceatiy burned out in i-Ieneall after, e,ocaidueting a largo hardware and fern Wire bus` -hese for nearly twenty years, barge sold the business to elesrars. Bon- eskon. and Drysdale. MOVED, MOVED I Having moved my place of business to Mr. 'Elliot'a prei'nisea, "Meer). Street, h cs);rrp osife tris Can;cal Hotel,, I shall be Pleased to have all my old custonrera melt on, mo' .in the new quarters when Bre need of anything !in the millinery or flame- goods line. Don't -forget the stand. opposite the Central t. C -t, cal Hotel. . t ADDIS MOiiLOCK.. Drop In and see 'what you can pick up for 10c: We will offer 50 dozen pieces of lovely flowered chino, at 10c. each. We have bought too much and want the apace. This wilt be a, chance of a /lifetime. A few samples will be in the north window. Our store if full alga hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Our Pa unn. raph department is well equipped with the very latest and best instruments and records. April records now on sale, among which are 3 Lan- ders songs. Try our Jumbo peanuts, St. 'etric^k and Easter postcards. ,1, aZaa1 T. WILLIS POWELL Proprietor. o.i•e,eloi a 11.c a�. 's TaiIoi T STOCK I carr �I3E S y `- contains all the .new lines for th®Winter Trade, .coming from. the best mills in the world. flu lq WORK We turn is cut and fashioned in the. he style prevailing the day you .reameasured. hex AND-- GET Everything sery.latest and best when et Mas' rake clothes for' you.. S or- Bxetoa^ Eeeter North. Mrs ennelereoe and faro - ley heave [novel ln., .A sale of the real estate and house•, ;scald areas of the late airs, George Eacrett µ'j11 ba conducted Ray Auctioneer F, Beavers on Friday afternoon. See lint LI another Colunnn. ItadallvC, public executie:eer for the lanai boat. died 'suddenly Monday titgtt tit hlaa .residence in Toronto, He had to :a official hangman slake lecke hie first case 'being Dleciaell ,zt Woodeteeen etee greens is .more factorise. T,texe :le at hero for a factory to ietefurniture and a building ady for the purpose, Let us get td try to ;leafed a goad Industry, et t attontle Combined effort will rlclt every time. 'red dill, Who ren€natty 4011 and er I in, 'Tomato, has now re - mother, dire. C.' Ford, eturaed to her home here. Hee -la, of the West accompanied: her Exeter avid rerretins a short time 'be- fore returning to the West, The Huron Uniform Promotion Exam- inations will be 'held on ,April, fith, 7th and 10th. Teachers Should notify the Sehool inspect=or at once by poet ,Card et the exact ;cumber ,of papers required for the Jaxnior -II Senior IL, Junior I11.. Senior III., :and Junior 1V. class- es. ;Nfr; Arthur Soeufere experienced a.run.. away :on Monday 3n'brninl;, his horses' taking fright at DIgnan's blacksmith Shop, sand turning the corner threw hinn. out of the cutter. Attena dash up Mahe, street as tar as the English church. it ;,was captured. Luckily no hurt ar damage was donee. :gra. Fowell received word ,one; Aron - day that Mr. Ed. Powell ;was, again 111 at Battle Creek Sanitarium wi th the old trouble, a numbness of the lower limbs. During the 'past year rift. Fe/w- ell had taken a trip around the world and was considerably improved, and his friends hero will regret to hear of the i return of the trouble. :lir. George Moir of Osborne. has rent- ed his fine two hundred and fifty acre farm in that township to John.Selves oP Fullerton, for a term of Rive years.' Poesessioa to be given March mat. 1 Mr. Moir :intends retiring from farm lite for a nine eie least and will likely move to Exeter to reside. 'We welcome Mr. Moir and family to our midst as citizens. Mr. Clinton Sweet is visiting in Tori. onto. '„Hiss Ruby Horton went •to Londe)). ; Tuesday. lilies Mary Houlden; has returned from Stratford, Mr. Joh-Dignan 'went to London Montday., Mr,_ Wm.. Coulti; this week. Frank 'Swe t ;vra! last week,, Mr, and igrs.: J. A Stewart went to Toronto 'efonday. :qrs. Wm. Ha;wkeitaw Lind Miss ,Jean. are visiting in London, Mr, and Mrs. doe. Peart left Mon- day to visit friends in Toronto. School, Ietseeeeen John, E. Tam was here oe ot£lcial, duty during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eagahee lett Mon- day to visit with frieni d% at Ansa Craig ;Sirs. Ed. D,lvnan and `sen Howard went to Lacer), Monday to v sltd for a week. lair, Walter Bsz-ry ee iga'ersall is the guest ot his daughter tiffs. It. G. Set Boaz.. 3f -a. W. T. Acheson, and niece, Mrs. lte Forest Burdick spent Tuesday In .oatdou, t€iss i3eesle Hnr-tnoil left th=e week for Guelph, to; reside with Ml's. Frank SanntwelL ear, H. E Ireton attended the Pub*', ug Librat'y Convention, at Stratford en T.eursdaY last, ' Ir. sed fro. 3au, G. Mgxtiitof Sea- forth visited toyer ,Sun day -with ..Mr. and Mrs, :Hugh Oke. Mesaars gest. Painter. Daniel Davieefied John Gill went to Stratford Monday, t.t connection with a law suit. Mrs W. W. Tafia^an,, vent to Windsor T.au sda r $ to attend the ,marriage' of Mr. Ed. Keening tp, a Windsor lady. lira• ARM 'sfereougai, son and daugh tsr oS Lucar visited ever,, Sunday at the onae of ;: r, ar.,d .Hire, Fred .3r.urtlott. Mies. Ethel Sweet and eflsees Ma atd Ethel Areastrang,, ntillir,ar.e. ria-: faceted trout the openings In Torozlto Tuesday . lira. B. W.: F.' Heavers and children, g to Brantford: Saturday. Mrs. limy- other, 3 av-oti er, Miss, li. 'Hacrett, is Quito Ili ii that city. Mlas Mabel Brook left Monday night Sor Itide-clown, having been ealied to that .place owing to the aaerDqua3 illness of her brother, lifr. Fred Brooks lir. and Mrs. Thos. Williams, after ai Se+v weeks visit here, left on their return to their western home ea Tues- day, visiting At a few' paints on• he way. Miss Loulse Eaercat leaves on Settle - day for Brantford, where -she µ11l $gin :lifer, Qeorge Bacrett, and together they wilt go to Gladstone, Man. biisaa Ea- crett tatends staying two months. ',ire. Frank Hancock, who has been visiting her parents', Stir. and, gra. Jae Creech, leaves this week for her/ home~ in, Maidstone; Alta. She will visit Emerado, N.D., and ".Winnipeg an the way. Mr. and lira. John Kelleher of Prpc- tor, MLnn., who have been vleiting In Landon, came= up .on, Saturday in cern. panty with the latter's brother, Mr. H. Parsons, and spent a few days here. Mr. Proctor 1s a'"ennductor on the Mae- uble & Northern, s art st, Raiiw ay. Mr B. T. Anderson, who thee. been; tel- ler In the Bank of; Commerce here since this branch of the bank was started, has been transferred to the Ottawa branch, n which city his mother resides. Bruce me made many warm eriends( here who* ire sorry to l,^tin Beet his leaving town. The vacancy hove will be. filled. by Mr. A.. R. Hewitt ,of`iCrediton, whilet Mr. F. F ir.ish of this branph,will go bo Cred- ton. visited Iia Goderich, in London ane. day Easter Sunday is somewhat late this year, coming on April 16. Easter Day, is sae of the'nvoveable feasts; its date depending upon a phase of the moon. It is always the first Sunday after the full moon, which happens upon or next alter the 21s't of March. I£ the full moon • conies on a Saturday,, Easter Day is the following Sunday. 14 can never ba earlier than, March 22nd, or later than April e.5. It le a common notion that spring is 'early or late, accord- ing to Easter coming early ot ' late. Those who believe this tell us, "we will have a late spring this year. Our lousiness mer= are complaining that accounts are coming in. yery slow. One man says that he has not seer. the Like for many years. This ought not to • be the case. There have been excellent crops, good prices, ar.d times. were never better. What is the matter Somebody is going too east (or too slow. Better take a little' time and count the cost. Every matt should' be ' able to square, up Ir the, month of February in; every year or !knew the reason why he cannot. ,Farmers get cash for; their produce, i}a„„boxing °men get their ,wages and good; ;big •wages ; and the business man `has to pay,for has, stuff and wants his money. The query is, who is to blame, the mate gives, 'the Credit or the man :who gets it. Thursdayof Exeter JrSi lase two rinks, curlers, 51 Sweet, ;Jas: IL Grieve, Jas. T r Geu d a S E., o, H. 1 varam G Aa de.. n AA 7 4 On Nd 4 E.,Janes, A. Taylor and Vii. W. ,T_ antan drove to Sdafot' tiu and played three games with the Seatorth curlers, result- ing as follows ;- 10 o'clock gars Exeter Seatorth W. Tamar, ,sk.. 5; Col, Wilson sk. 19 G.' . Anderson sk. '15 ; Jr.' Beattie sk.,9 2 o'clock game Alf. Taylor sk. 6; dr. Bethune sk. 12 G. E. Anderson sk. 11 ; W. McDougal 9 ( '4 o'clock, Game t Joe Craig is learning shoemaking at J. E. Smith's. efr. Lyon. Crelech, wits has been 111 for a few days, has fully recovered/ lir. Wm. Leavitt has moved into the residence recently purchased fret the John, Gould Estate. Mr. Fred Hector was 111 a few days last week and the bowling alley was closed during hes illness. eft, Wilt Dignan has returned to Lu - can, his father, Mr. James Dignan, hav- ing recovered- from his recent illness. The Jackson, Manufacturing ;Company resumed operations this week, after bales shut down three weeks 'owing t!o,, the fire. • ?SIr. }'Vin. Bagler is laid oft duty at the Jackson Factory, owing to a sev-' erely sprained ankle, which he sus- tained in London last week. IIICEIS' 'FORECASTS • FOR MARCH. A reactionary is'toran period falls cen- trally on. the 8,th,, 8th, and 10th. At this time the Mercury disturbance is added to those of Earth, Venus and: Mas. This period is also coincident with' the annual magnetic and electriccrisis, cen- tral on and about March- `llth,:If the Mars influence should not bring warns open weather aver from February ---• a thingmeat unlikely—we =nay expect' de- cided, ;storms of rain, sleet and snow between the 7th and 10th. Rain, wind and thunder will :be'n`",tural in the first orcoming stages ° of these storms, but rapid change to snow, ligh barometer and cold may • be expected on; the west- ern sides of storm areas. Muth colder weather, but tendency to prolonged cloud': iaess with threateningaspects, will continue over the lith, 12th and 1811, DEA .'L'H ,OF G.'A.. MAt,'E' George A. Mace. manager of. the Carl ing Company'soraneh at Toronto, died in that city, Monday after a short i11 mese.” lllr. Mace . was ,28 years In the employ of the Carling firm, eight years as manager at Ottawa, • :and 20 yearn n the same cornpacity- at Toronto. Prior o entering the "cohnpany s , employ he was in lousiness at. Exeter:Wea number • i£ }tars and durinigih%s��,``1 b S os$ of career here l e' made' ' imxry friends =r wen will• hear wltih de !, his tmise He was 61 year: ` ' The 1 to LY A lease for,ma�L+y. t °' ltn n0°hn annY, and; E. Janne sk. 7; E. Bright sk. 10 O. E. Anderson 8`; Mr. Hoerr Exeter total 52 ` Seatorth total 70 h The Ester boys deserve credit Inc the {s4ew ntg` they made, having' had no Inc d ich tp curl tilts winter at tree nicer nte. The viaitoas speak of the ea tcrtd anter fit ±hO,Sea.to 't e•�tep4 d them n3 EXETER MARKETS« CIHANGED.' EACH '' WEDNESDAY Wheat .............;.a... 75' 7$ Barley..,...............50 58 Buckwheat,, 4$ 5Q Oats.' . �„, , 32 Peas ... , .. .. .... 0 75 Potatoes. per bag 50 75' Ray. porton.. .. .. 950 1000 Flour, per cwt., family 2 5Q Flora', law grade per cw 1 45 1? 45 Sa;ttsr 20 20 Legs. .t - -20' 20 Ltdelogs, per cwt ' • 6 65 Shorts porton. 22 00 Bran per ton— ..... .... 20 00 Lands for Sale The undersigned has*beenappoint ed Local Sales Solicitor for Exeter ai=d vicinity. The lands that Wet have for sale area situated in Central Alberta PRINCI?4.1„ CROPS,-••- 'Wheat. a2, fan% Oats. Sugar beets, Matlting Barley. OLDIATB,--MIS TRANSPORTATION FACILlTfk:S---. unequalled. God Market, Cheap Lauds, LIBERAL TERMS OF PAY- MENT. ---Payment in ten equal an- nual instatpniits or on crop payment P104711, l and get particularas at vv,, „ 3. Darlings Store, - 11 T. B. Carling at was announced at the departrcnt cif justice thla rtlorning that no sueceae or would bas apptainted to Rattle)+, the ittabllc executioner, who died at =Toro;rte yesterday, Thla n;eana that Sheriffs its ttte different, counties throughput the Ila; MMelon will be called an to mete but teas death penalty themselves or else pay out of their nwel pecketa for a. substitute. Battley was paid an an nu - al salary of ;800. for tete Werk, this continuing until ids death. .During the past seven snontha a man named Ellie has been oUiclating, but always at the carpe, :ee of the sheriff. QNE-WAY' SECOND-CLASS SETTLERS EXCURSIONS EVERT TU SD.A,1 fxreb l th to April 2Z112, incluelvc, vex Grand Trunk Ita#lway Syatem''from all paints in Ontario, Kingstpn and Went to principal points In Saskatche- wan and Alberta, Including points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. The Grand Trunk is the only double -track routs to ChicagFo Full information, tickets, and Illus- trated literature from Grand. Trunk Agents, or addrroae J. 1). McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union. Stat- ion, Toronto, Ont. DISFSGURED—BUT NOT VOA LIFE The dietfgurtng blotches, pimples, and sores ot childhrood, corning .from Im- pure blood, yield promptly to the heal- ing curative; lnfluenee of Nyal's Bland Purifier. Oft -recurring sores, tatter, skin erup- tions—unfaiiink signals of bad blood— are permanently =Mend th e akin re- stored to its ,orlginal smoothness when Nyal's Blood Purifier is taken, as dir- ected. The price le $1.00. We sell :it and recommend It as a truly scientific and trustworthy remedy. • Fresh supply of ivyal goods int this week. • Come In sea see our Nyal's Depart- ment. W.- L ROEY, P Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone. 50 LADIES Send your comb- In s to 459 Colborne St. London. Switches from 1'50; to $2.00 Puffs 15 cent eash. Cluster Puffs from $1.00 to $1.50 Satisfaction Gl.iaranteed. We also buy combings. MRS. SMITH 459 Colborne;St. 'London, Ont. (Place of 'Blasiness Changed �. • We are now settled in our new sl=op and have a first class( place'' to oil her-. .ness,-and we 'oil then* too. Atter "vrash- •ing harness we 'dips , it in oil and let it soak, whenthoroughly•;piled, dry it and soap; it with "King Castle Cream” This makes .the best,` possible job any - One' can give, you and prolongs t'he' wear of any , harness. We oil single' harness with "Neste 'Foot Gil"' and finish ''with a water proof dressing which 'makes it look like new. There is one' thing' we forgot •tn tell =you after this date: we wile paint the battles a•i all, team harness. Price' Team .$2.00 Don't' forget the place two eloors, 5., of old standd, one door: North bI Wright Ititkirsoti's olael sit it'n ahop:e ii Giveus a'trial .11 ?tri. fit ii eP, NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second- land Watches, taken in: , trade or procured in s om e other second' -hand way. T ant the only authorizes Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by ether Oficial 'Agents throughout Canada. Our Showing of High Class Furniture is tae of the best in Huron County and is without a doubt the fine-st eve=: seen in Exeter. Fee our goods in Tables, Chairs', Parlor and Bedroom Suits, Kitchen and Dining -Room, Furniture` `he exhibit at our store is open to all on a eiy lawful day of the week. Call and See it at any time. No need to go past this store if you are looking for elegant fin niiuxe. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Iuneral Directors. JONES 8L MAY NO 32 Big Showing of New Goods Every day we are adding New Goods to our already large showing of the season's best styles and materials, Youcannottooearly. buy n ear y. Spring is just about here and now is the time to prepare for it. NEW WASH GOODS New Prints, Ginghams, Chan - brays, Cotton Voiles, Ripps, Linens, Vestings. Muslins, Em- broideries and Laces. Every- thing that is new will be found here in the most stylish colors and patterns. NEW FANCY , SILKS Are very much in demand for this spring in the New Bright Colors. They are taking the place of muslins and just as cheap, All colors in Jap, Tokio,. Paillette Taffeta. • NEW DRESS GOODS We are showing the best we ever .did. All this season's most fashionable fabricsin. Black, Navy, King's Blue, Tan, Fawn. Green and Brown. A lot of Dress Lengths. NEW BLMJK. BILKS We have a reputation for our Black Silks. We can warrant and guarantee the wear of them. You are sure of your dress not cutting if ,bought at this store. Black Silks of all kinds up to $1,50 per yd. ur Ready7 ;orwear Department We are going right into this line for Spring and soon -will have. complete range of Ready.to-wears' to show you., SPRING COATS DRESS SKIRT 'The` first shipment to hand. A swell lot show Longand Short Coats are worn you i' this season in Black, Blue and Fancy;Trimmed . Voiles, ' Pana- Fawn.' " mars and Venetian cloths. Silk, Marren, Regal Taffeta and Satin Underakirts. Ten `lJozen 'r1f rhedifferent lines to show you from $I to 35. ENT'S FURNISH- ING NG ',The New Spring Shirits, Coll- ars, Ties,: Gloves, Underwear, Hats and Caps;' +'aanoy Sok Belts and Suspenders are all in. " You will want' some. HOUSE FURNISH^° -'. ING For the early- house cleaning New Rugs, Carpets, Matte, Mat- Ging, at ting, Lace and Tapestry, ,Cur _tames ,eBlinds, Wall. Paper and o' Litt°1eutia�! t, abs just opened'a crate price and wi1L;.e,�sl'i cl[nd t �tle��� 0 s is "ra 3� Ili