Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-29, Page 8•
Cthiix .
Ilio, not let all the good chances pass
lar you, if you are likely, to need a
tuew suit during the next six months
you will be doingyourself a favor
by getting it now,
Take advantage of our special
discount of 20 per cent..
W e don't try to fit a man into a
ready-made suit, We make a suit
to fit the man; and to fit him as if
it were his own suit, not a borrbwed.
one. If you want to have the repn-
tation of being a correct dresser let
us do the tailoring for you, and you
will ever be sure of
Go materials, good fit, splen-
did workmanship, and perfect
Merchant Tailor,
:doter, Ontario
saws Locals -- Read Them
Get your Marriage Licenses at the
,Advocate office.
• 22 1-2 and 15 dollars for the fin -
at lot of dinner sets in the trade, Ask
ek see the liew Crown Derby at $15.
i wart's -
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
Stewart's is the spot for useful Xmas.
.l ores. Values are right.
Tree Two Advocates.
Everybody knows the great value
received when you get the Farmers'
Advocate and the Exeter Advocate.
Hwrth from now to Jan. '08 for $2.25
What about the new fur coat. Stewart
sslcowing nearly one hundred to select
Dr.._ Ovens Coming.
De. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will .be at the Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, December 7.
Mews, all day. Glasses properly fitted
mud diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose
▪ lovely lot of hand drawn and fancy
embroidered linen tray and table cloths.
wiartinµ "imitations
'Yon want the latest styles in paper,
types and workmanship when getting
au invitation printed; and at a moder-
ateprice. Then come to the ADVOCATE
Ma swiftest lot of Men's red-hot Inca s,
di's. in town at Stewart's.
Fez Sale Ch eap.
Cutters -the best and biggest stock
Ere to w n,-McL a ughlin make -all kinds
as styles -cheap for cash. Also a
number of pulpers and plows to be
sold cheap. -W. G. Bissett, Exeter.
Yes! Stewart's is the spot for Xmas.
License Inspector Torrance of Olin -
in town Tuesday.
To relieve a cough or break up acold
lie twenty-four hours, the following
simple formula, • the ingredients of
w}sieh can he obtained of any good pre-
scription druggist at small cost, is all
that will be required: Virgin Oil of
rine (Pure), one-half ounce; Glycer-
e two ounces; good Whiskey, a half
irt. Shake well and take in teaspoon -
doses every four hours. The de
Biined`r.esults can not be obtained un-
less the ingredients are pure. It is
therefore better to purchase the in-
gsedietits separately and prepare the
mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine
tPirre) .should be purchased in the.
original' half -ounce vials, which drug-
ts buy for dispensing. Each• vial is
Securely sealed in a round wooden case
which protects the: Oil from exposure
taxligh.t. Around the wooden case is
ani; engraved wrapper with the name-
' W*gin: Oil' of Pine (Pure)" -plainly
printed thereon. There are many imi-
tions and cheap productions of Pine,
llut these only create nausea. and nev-
eiceffect the desired results.
44-klet+Sed &3c4"+++ +4.44+4++d+++,
uitings I-
f and
Pantii s
Reduced ill Price. w
Z. We have reduced a large
number of first-class suitings
,ic and pantings in price and for
.sa the next month Will offer you
-rte. Suitsreducedfrom $18 to $15
.. " $17 to $14
" $16 to $13.50 p
•' " " $15 to $12.50
s P`anting. " " $6 to $5 +
" " ,c $5 to $4 ,.
'• ' " $4.50 to $3.75 ie
" " " $4.00 to $3.00
fis Liffe we Will Clear et 4
Oittoe. , Dont t Miss bite d .
ttd'ercltaftt Tailor - Bxeter
+444,1+1+14 4
Miss Rowell entertained a number
of lady friends last evening,
Rev, Martin and Rev. Going exchau-
ged pulpits Sunday morning.
Miss Walrond was i11 on Monday,
consequently there was no school in
her room.
The Main street Methodist church
anniversary services will be held on
Sunday next.
Mrs. James Shaddock entertained a
number of her friends to a pleasant
party Tuesday evening.
Mr. T. E. Handford is able to be out
around again. He is a littler shaky but
gaining rapidly. ..
The estate of E. J. Avery, insolvent,
late of Whalen, will pay about fifteen
cents on the dollar.
R. N, Creech has been appointed
Clerk of the Fifth Division Court of
the County of Huron, vice S. M. Sand-
ers. resigned.
Mr. H, Spackman disposed of his
beautiful bay driver on Tuesday to an
hotel -keeper in Seaforth for the hand-
some sum of $325.
A social dance will be given by the
young people of town in McDonell's
Sall on Monday evening next. The
London Harpers will furnish music,
The choir of Caven Presbyterian.
church drove to Kippen on Monday
evening and furnished music at the
anniversary of the Presbyterian
church there.
"Resolved that summer is a more
enjoyable season of the year than win-
ter from a social standpoint" is the
subject of a debate to be given by Odd -
fellows to Oddfellows in their hall in.
January. "
Miss Edythe Ball, daughter of Rev.
John Ball, Methodist minister of Til-
bury, is very low with heart failure,
as a result of an attack of typhoid
fever three weeks ago. Miss Ball has
several relatives in town.
Mr. Ed. Treble on Saturday shipped
to the Wrought Iron Range Company.
who were here a year ago, a half dozen
of new sleighs. This is the second or-
der Ed. has filled for this firm and he
has another order to fill.
Four weeks from Tuesday will be
Christmas Day, and the way to pre-
pare for it is to read the advertise-
ments in this paper, and buy your.
Christmas goods from those who thus
quote their merchaudise to you.
"Her many friends will be pleased
to learn that Mrs. Evans, who went to
Victoria hospital, London, a couple of
weeks ago for treatment still continues
to improve. We hope for her ultimate
recovery." -Ailsa Craig .Banner.
Mr. John Harmer and family of
Eden leave to -day for their new home
in New Ontario. During their ,.resi-
dence :in Usborne they have proved
themselves excellent neighbors and
their leaving is regretted by all.
The course of special sermons now
being preached by Rev. A. H. Going
on Sunday evenings are proving very
interesting. The congregations each
evening are very large. The subject
for next Sunday is,"who supports the
Saloons?" •
Mr and Mrs. Fred Witwer of Zurich
were in town Friday. Mrs. Witner
has been in a very poor state of health
for many months and her visit here
was to consult with a physician. Her
friends here will wish for her a speedy
Mr. Patrick Kehoe, one of Usborne's
progressive farmers, enhanced his
bank account on Tuesday by the snug
little sum of $54.74, the result of a -sale
of 21 turkeys to Messrs. Jones &
Clark. Who said poultry raising
does not pay?
While Samuel Kirk, Exeter North,
was engaged in breaking old iron at
Mr. Jackson's on Wednesday of last
week, apiece of the metal flew into
his eye, inflicting a painful wound and
for several days he had no use of the
`injured optic,
The28th annual meeting of the Ont-
ario Agricultural and Experimental
Union will he held at Guelph on Dec.
10, 11 and 12. The Winter Fair is on
from the 10th to the 14th. The Wom-
en's Institute convention is to be held
on the 12th and 13th.' Special excur-
xcur-sion rates. -
Dr. F. F. Allen, who has been ad-
dressing the.Leaguesof Exeter District
during. the past month and who goes
to China as a representative of this
district, was recently married to Miss
Gage of Ottawa, Kansas. Mrs. Allen
is a graduate nurse of .Denver. They
sail this week.
Miss Mary McArter, who has been
teaching at Sodom for the past year,
has resigned and leaves at the end of
the present year, she ,having been en-
gaged to teach in S. S. No. 1, Morris
for the year` 1907. Mise McArter has
proved herself a very efficient teacher
and both parents and scholars are
sorry to see her leaving.
Mrs. Richard Stonehouse, mother
of Mrs. Chas. Birney of town, died at
her home in Belgrave on Friday, af-
ter a lingering illness, at the; age of 73
years. Mr. Birney, Miss Lois and Mas.
ter' Willie left Saturday to attend the
funeral, returning on Tuesday even-
ing. Mrs. Birney has the sympathy
of her many friends in the sorrow she
is at present undergoing.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kydd of Us -
borne, who have been in the West for
the past two months, returned home
on Monday morning. During Mr.
Kydd's stay in the west he travelled
over a good deal of the country and
while not decided to go there to live,
says if he were only a few years youn-
ger this country would not hold him
twenty-four hours. While coming
through Winnipeg Mr. Kydd said he
saw them taking ice into the city off
the river, that measured five inches
Dr. Daniel of London 'Will preach
and Mr. Albert L+`. Greenlaw, basso, of
Sarnia will sing at the James street
church anniversary services on Dec.
9th. Mr. Daniel is. one of the best
preachers in the London Conference,
and those who have heard Mr. -.Green-
law say he has no equal as a bass sing-
er in Ontario.
in ad;�wance will pay
0 0 for'1'he ADVOCATE
1{�y a �44��a1 until the end of De.
cember 1907;. that i:l, you may have the
whole of 1907 and the balance of this
veer for ,$1,00'. Or you may have the
helanoe of this year on a trial subscrip•
tion for. 15e. Subscribe now,
,The annual bazaar under the au
icesof the Ladies' Guild of the Trivi
iemorial Church, will be held in, th
'.Down Hall, on Friday, Dec. 7th. A
ternoon, tea from 3 to 6, Evenin
bazaar and program froth 7,30 to
Admission 10 cents.
The Ladies' Aid Society of Cave
church purpose holding a social an
sale of.useful and fancy articles in Set
ion's. Hall, on Friday evening, Nov.
from five to nine o'clock. Refres
ments will be'served and a short: pr
gram of music rendered. Adniissio
10 cents. A cordial invitation is e
tended to all. ,
Lebanon Forest Lodge No. 133, A. F
& A,M„ was the recipient on Monde
evening of a present of a set of hand
some degree aprons, the gift of M
John McIntyre. In making the pre
entation Mr. McIntyre referred i
kindest terms to the treatment he ha
always received at the hands of Ex
ter brethren and the pleasure he ha
in making the present. A vote
thanks was tendered the worthy broth
eri for his thoughtful and appreciate
Smith Bros., who have been conduc
ing a general store business in Mr.
McTaggart's premises, Exeter North
for a few months, assigned to the Lon
don and Western Trusts Company o
London on Friday last. Mr. Craig,
representative of the company,.wa
here looking after the matter on Sa
Huron Old Boys Meet. "
The annual meeting of the Huro
Old Boys' Association of Toronto w
held Friday evening at the King E
ward Hotel. The sum of $50 was vo
ed to the new hospital at Goderich
The annual "at-home" will be held i
the Temple on Friday 15. The officer
elected were: -Hon. Presidents, J. S
Willison, E. Floody and W. O. McTa
gart; President, J. A. Lyon; Vice -Pr
sident, W, E. Groves; Secretary, R.
Crocker; Treasurer, T. G. Soole.
Death of Mrs. Heywood.
The death occurred Tuesday, No
26, of a resident of Exeter in the per
son of Betsy Knight, beloved wife o
John A Heywood, aged 77 years an
9 months. Deceased had been ill o
pleurisy for two weeks, and had no
enjoyed the best of health for sora
time. The immediate cause of deat
was paralysis, she having suffered
stroke the evening previous to her d
mise. Mr, and Mrs. Heywood move
to Exeter about fifteen years ago fro
Russelldale where they resided fo
many years. Besides the husband sev
eral of a grown up family survive
among whom is Mrs. A. Dearing o
Stephen. To them is extended sincer
sympathy. The funeral will be hel
from her late residence, Simcoe stree
on Friday, at 2 o'clock, to the Exete
Hicks' Forecasts for November.
A regular storm period begins o
the 29th and runs atleast four days in
to December, being central Decemhe
the 2nd. The full Moon falls on th
30th, which fact will greatly tend t
bring on the disturbances of this pe
iod on and touching that date. Th
inferior conjunctions, of Venus an
Mercury fall within an hour of eac
other, at twelve and one o'clock on th.
night of November the 29th. At thi
time Mercury and Venus will pass be
tween the Earth and Sun almost sim
ultaneously. We believe that pheno.
menal perturbations of the barometer
excessive magnetic and electrical dis
turbances, with heavy seismic shock
in many sections of the globe, will oc
cur on and close to the 29th and 30th.
Naturally, storms and atmospheric
trouble are of a kind with all these
things and need not surprise any one
on land or sea as November goes- out.
Death of Mrs. Mallot.
Death this week.removes another of
our well-known residents, in the per-
son of Mrs. Fanny Mallot, wife of Mr.
John Mallot, who died at her home,.
William street, -yesterday (Wednes-
day) morning shortly ,.after` eleven
o'clock. About eight days ago Mrs.-
Mallot was taken down with an attack
of typhoid fever, and almost from the
first her case manifested a serious as-
pect and gradually weakening the end
soon came. Mrs. Mallot was a native
of England and came to Canada with
her husband and son John, who sur-
vive, about thirtyyeats; ago. Living
in Oshawa' about seven years she •mov-
ed to Exeter, where she resided ever'
since. The,deceased was kind hearted
and industrious,and her death will he
regretted by many. The funeral will
take place to-rnotrow (Friday) to the.
Exeter cemetery.
Sold Property.
Mr. A. Q. Bobier on Thursday last
sold bis creamery business and his pig-
gery Mr. John
g y H.Scott,
of Calloden,.
who for some time bas been acting as
Governtnent.Inspector df cheese fact-
ories and creameries, Mr. Scott will
take possession of the business on Jan-
uary lst. He is a thoroughly practi-
cal man and intends improving the
creamery considerably. Ml•. Scott's
original home was at Cromarty. He
is a married man and comes highly re-
commended as a business man. Mr.
Bobier's present intention is to' pur-
chase some property and build a num-
her of cottages heron. This would
not only fill a long felt want but tend
to increase our population and find ac-
commodation for those who are anx-
lousto move into Exeter.
Mr. Scott has also purchased . the
commodious residence of Mr. - Wm.
Howey on Main street, paying there-
for a good figure. Mr. Howey intends
to either build or buy down town.
School Board Affairs.
All were present hat R, N. Rowe at.
the last meeting held on Monday even=
ing. The wood market is fortunately
easier as the chair reported 55'cords
purchased at $4.50 per cord,. ' Miss Rice
takes Miss Dorrington's place, resigned
through illness. Mr.Sample has
charge of the entrance work to the
end of the year, when Mr. '.l'ehhntt of`
No. 3, Stephen, takes charge to.. July
next. The new well is filling with
water- end will be completed forth-
with. Stephen yields $52,60 as .its
portion of the school tax for 1900. H,
Huston and S. Martin moved the pay-
ment of the following amounts: H.
Spackman $8.67; Times, reports and
paper, $8.50; 1t. Crocker, digging well,
$55. A sketch of the school submitted
by Master E. Barrows so pleased the
Board that it is to be naed its part of
the design for the office stationery.
A complimentary note to the parents
yeas ordered on motion of W.Carp
ingand8. Martin. The Bnarrdadjourn-
ed on motion of Mr. Carling.
f -
O -
x -
s -
t -
t -
t -
1; -
Wheat. .. 68 70
Bailey.. . ..... 45 47
Peas , ,, 75 77
Potatoes, per bag. 60 60
Flay, per ton., ....... 9 50 10 00
Flour, per cwt., family„ 200
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 125
Sutter 21 to 22
Eggs...,,,..,,,„ 22
L4vehogs, per cwt.. 6 00
Shorts per ton 20 00 20 00
Bran per ton 18 00 18 00
Chicken ... 9 per lb
Hens 7 SI
Ducks .. ,, ,,., 10' 4,
Geese 9 .,
Turkeys .... 14 "
Dried Apples....' . .. , 6 1°
Miss Luella Fear, visited in Stratford
this week.
Mr. A. J. Rollins of Byron is visit-
ing in town.
Miss B. Rooke visited friends in Gad-
erich over Sunday.
Miss Annie Smith left yesterday for
Detroit to reside.
Mr. Harry Parsons of Dun ningville
is visiting friends in. town.
Mrs. Jos. Snell and Miss Florence
were in London Saturday.
Mr. Geo. Armstrong of Paris visit-
ed his brother, Irwin, this week.
Mr. Sam'1 Moutux of Topping spent
a fevrdays the guest of Mr. Wendland.
Miss Maud Isaac of Grand' Bend is
visiting her sister, Mrs: Wm. Isaac.
Mr. Chas. Knight of St. Thomas
spent Monday night with his parents
e- Mrs. Marshall returned Friday from
S. the Northwest where she spent sever-
al months.
Miss Wickett, daughter of Rev. L.
W. Wickett of London, is the guest of
Mrs. (Rev.) A. H. Going.
Mrs. (Rev.) Collins and Miss Norma
Bobier visited with the former's par-
ents in Birr on Sunday.
Mrs: Henry Taylor and son, Billy,
returned Friday to New York, after a
visit with Mrs. Batman.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Milner of For-
est visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sutton
over Saturday and Sunday.
• Mrs. Pumphrey has returned from
Parkhill to visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Charlton fbr some weeks.
Mr. Jas. Bonthron of Toronto was
the guest of his sisters, Mrs.Collins and
Miss Kate Bonthron, over Sunday.
Mrs. Jas. Miller, who has been so-
journing at Deloraine, Man., for some
time, returned home Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strasser and
children of Seaforth spent Sunday
with Mrs. Strasser's brother, W. J.
Miss May Wood returned on Satur-
day from Detroit where she spent two
months, the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
Mr. Walter Pumphrey returned
home from the Northwest Friday
morning. He intends returningearly
in the new year.
Messrs. A. Dow and A. Tennant re-
turned Tuesday morning from the
West where they disposed of their re-
cent shipment of light horses.
A man's shoe, in Stephen township
on Saturday last. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying
for this notice. Call at this office.
We have just received a car
of old CORN of excellent 1
quality which we are selling
at reasonable prices.
o -o
We will be pleased to ex-
change Corn for Oats, Bar-
ley, Peas or Wheat. -
We handle all kinds of grain:
o --o
.++at- vis.�w_
there are a lot of things you use you
don't care,for in hot ww eather.
for instaancei we have all kinds.of rub
be goods for winter or summer rind
made so that they'doa, t burst first age.
Get robber' goods of us and have them
durable at prices too that are right.
■!4 f sr• Via" Ra w a f } A Ii(•Y•
Chenristand Optician. EX + TER
Phone 50.
We keep a full stock of
Building Hardware Paints Glass,
Oil, Nails, Etc.
Repairs for the Frost & Wood, and
Cockshutt Plows.
Getflllg Ready For Winter!
This is the time of the year when one begins to furn-
ish the house for winter.
We Help to Furnish the Home
By supplying Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites,
Parlor and Extension Tables, Rockers, Chairs
Pictures, Etc. Call to see these goods and you
will find the "price suited to the article' and "both to
suit you." -
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Everything in Ladies' trimmed or ready -to
wear hats to be cleared at one quarter off the
original price. This includes the fashionable
styles in latest shades of wine, navy, grey and
white, Pretty and sensible styles for child-
ren's wear. All the newest goods..
It is a big mistake to put off buying furs until after Xmas.
The weeks just preceeding are generally the largest in the
fur season and after that it is too late to repeat on choicest
lines from the wholesale. A second order of
Men's Fur. Caps Just Arrived
gives us a full range of first quality, Persian Lamb; Nutria
and Electric Seal. Prices from $1.50 to $9.50.
There are still some very swell.
-Ruffs and Stoles
in Sable, Isabella, Ox, Apposum and Coney. Prices from $2.50 to 522.50.
Black Fur -Lined Lin
Sable collars, neat, up-to-date styles. ' Special on these two Coats.
10% cash discount.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
SIMEgile&„ 111=21211112111111111
Don't borrow when yoti can buy such as we now have
on sale: 751arge umbrellas, of excellent quality cloth,
best steel frame, fine selection of'fai,ncy bandies, All
on sale at price -95c.
A big stock of Mens' and Boys' Rubbers . in all the
most popular styles.
Women and Girls' rubbers in the.er newest shapes
and styles.; y sp
We recommend the tt DAINTY MODE
The kind that alwaaysgives satisfaction.,
We Have the Agency. '