Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-29, Page 7den -Angle Under wear is form -knit!: ¢o it can't help: 454 P-tting your figure, —it's Made of long -fibred wool rma� K so it won't shrink At a variety of styles, —end it's guaran- labrics. and priced. fox teed besides, The women, men and whole .idea is to t'hildren. Form -fitted. raters are authorized make it to good replica instantly ani you can't afford it our cost any Pen- not to buy by the Angle garment faulty trademark (in in material or matting. Ted). 206 moo - - iWAR 'g Patents Secured Free I prepare patent applications free of charge. 11 you have an invention send sketch to -day for free opinion. 24 years' experience, P. II. Gibbs, 52 St. lamesSt., Montreal. • GOES Mkt SIXTY �gy7�� at+y SELLS LIKE SIXTY��,Zq SELLS roll SIXTY GILSON GASOLENE ENGINK, FurPuum ' Cream Separators, Chinnsasb Ma. cbioes etc. rant TRILL Asltfor catalog-alf dzes GILSON TYIFG:'l:Ci: 17G'Dult 1St. Port'Wusklagtta, Wta, FOR SALE—IF SOLD AT . ONCE, butcher shop, stable and slaughter souse, free from mortgage, in the thrix_ ing Town of Milton; population abou 1l nines of G131. VERGERS. New Method of Attraeti: g Men to; IN - vine Service. The "llustl'illg'° pesterofthe Ebenezer Episcopal Methodist church. in the Phila- c.elphian suburb of Manayunk has found a method of increasing the .attractiveness of fns lninls'hations, which results in crowds being turned. away alit both set'- vices. He has formed the young, attractive, and unengigcd girls of his,congregation hate an ushers' association; the chief duties of rnenlbershi:p lacing to conduct worshippers,, and especially• strangers, to their seats, and to collect tile offer- tery. The girls take turns, twelve of them officiating each week, They wear a simple, cleat, and very effective uni- form of white, with a becoming lace cap, and stand ready in a double row at the church door to welcome arriving wor- shippers. , 'The ihst trial of the innovation was aa enormous success, crowds of young men, who have heretofore been stub- bornly unregenerate, coming from far and near. The pastor, " the Rev. Everett D; Decker, is delighted with the success of the experiment, which, he said, he was sure woulti, prove the long - sought solution of the difficult problem of how to bring light to many young men whom the distractions of business and pleasure have hitherto monopolize i. The chu'roh's principal supporters are prominent business men, and they are equally delighted. They , say" that the opposition churches in the neighborhood lnustfoilo v suit or go, out of business. The treasurer said the fact was suffici- ent that the offertory showed a. 150 per cent- increase over the corresponding Sunday of last year. STARVED BY ANAEMIA. 1800 wf lh uii n t- wo nan f two lar--� brick works, the largest in Canada ; and tapitalized at $250.000.00, the other et large amount; within 8 miles of 4 lima t:ilns employing in all about 200 bands or over; wages from $1.50 to $3.50 per fay; average daily sales between 40 and 1.0 dollars; a money-maker; a chance in t lifetime; don't write, come and see for yourself. GEORGE PATTERSON, Box S. Milton, Ont, fees $5eHOMBUYS '1E A i• a ortyyear .no7or owls 6.4 Loathe lou io Dower for sten ra tract, Nov rasa rotor/doh 10114*."."-infog $13.000. year rent. D..,.er tum • goprlatioo .f 200.000. io fiat years tic population dill hath tkr l.albofllion ,earl Otarry roidaam bar fn diatriru akaady i,- laud 6.+a•. from $730 to 52,000 rock. • WI A2.2 LLY{NG'CRIT A NEW ADDmON Washington Heights f The hiehat and nor rightly addition fa Daman •fornfshio f, a pAl rfaet vires of POW. Pc.k and dal Rooky Mountain. for • diatom* •of 73 wadi. 4., oralookiee W,ahiagton Pari. Lots 25 x125 Feet for $100 ..I 'r> IS CAEN SS PEA MONTH • • r •:s : pA�r '114ESE I.,. 6..1..1 ..vFRET- rnl+at6.• "a a..hl. ha .1. chi. .1. � sur .a inn Nn.*amiaol.. ant r..t .w., .d Wei,. Ye >.. t...' .r is...at ma.r«,. .n t. Mar '..Wr...S..ra.....ore nail $3 ._ moon ..n utak Y.MKan"�'r. do. THE CENTURY LOAN AND TRUST CO. Tb. Gunny s:tb•s.... D.. ours. PI. hawpnew, eiisDrat. ,:.fatas i Watches for a Half Century FOR over half a century—ever since 1854—the. reputation of this store has guaranteecfkt a reliabil- ity of any Wattih purchased from it. Increased nnnufacuuing and buy- ing facilities now enable us to give you the best Watch values in Canada. An instance is our $15.00 special. k consists of a guarantied 15 -Jewel Ryrie.Bros. Movement. in 14k gold. filled GMSC warrusrdte wear twenty- five years. Acott rs '. 1eatet cord end war will yews! :rose free of charge our large illus. lrpfcd cat.(0Qvrs..., FOR THE PUBLIC'S BENEFIT. Jack who was a sailor, had one day been painting some railings, and had put under it "Whet Paynle." A friend at, his coming along, and knowing that Jack was by no means a good, scholar, thought to take the rise out of him, and said: "You don't spell it that way, lack." But Jack answered. him thus: "Web, allure, don't. I just know it; only, your see, if I spelt it right nobody would notice it." Health Restored by the Rich Blood ,Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make.. Thousands and thousands of young girls throughout Canada are literally passing into hopeless decline for the want of the new. rich red blood so abundantly supplied. by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They are distressinuiy weak, `pale or sallow, appetite fickle, subject to headaches, dizziness, arse breathless and the heart palpitates vio- lently at the least exertion. The doc- tors call this anaemia—which is the medical name for bloodlessness.. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood—they cure anaemia just as sure- ly as food cures hunger. Here is a bit of the strongest kind of evidence: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and nothing else saved my two daughters when doctors had failed to help them." This state- ment is made by Mrs. Joseph Martel, St. OliSer street, Quebec. She adds: "My daughters are aged respectively twenty-two and twenty-three years. For two years they suffered from the weak- ness and distress of anaemia, and had 1 learned of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills earlier, it 'would not only have sated me money, but much worry and anxi- ety as web. 13oth girls were as pale as a sheet. They suffered from head- aches, poor appetite, and grew so feeble that they could hardly go about. They were under a doctor's care. but -did not improve a bit. I despaired of ever .see- ing them in good health again, when a'•friend called my attention to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Soon after they be- gan the pills there was "an improvement in their condition and in less than a couple of months they_ were again en- Ijoying good health, active, robust girls. I am so grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pirik Pills have done for my children that I strongly recommend thein CO every mother who has a weak, pale - faced boy or girl." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do only one thing, but they do it well—they actual- ly make new, rich blood. They don't .tinker with symptoms. They Set r.n the bowels. They simply change bad blood into good blood and thus strike straight at the root of such common ailments as headaches, sideaches and backaches, indigestion, anaemia, nerv- ous exhaustion, neuralgia, St. Vitus donee, partial paralysis, and the special painful secret ailments of growing girls and women. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or, by mail at 50 cents a bol or .,ix boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville; Ont. Miss .Mtlgley: "Qid Mr. Knox seem surprised to hear that I • was engaged?" Miss Cutting: "Oh, a little bit." Miss Mugley: "Did he ask when it hap- pened?" Miss Cutting: "No, not `when,' but 'how on earth.'" CHRISTMAS IN NEW YORK. The Lackawanna Railroad will run another of their popular Fifteen (15) day excursions to New York on December 14th. Round trip from Buffalo $0.00: The stores are at their best just before the "Christmas Holidays"; Christmas gifts are. then in lavish display ; thea- tres have put on their newest plays ; it is the climax of the winter season in the most wonderful, city in .tile world. For full particulars, time of trains, re- servations, etc., apply to A. Lea.dlay, C. F. St P. A., 75 Yonge SL, 'Toronto (Telephone Main 8547) or F. P. Fox, 280 Main St., Buffalo. NO CRUELTY TIIERB. A French aristocrat gave, "in his sec,iuded and grim old 'mansion, an elaborate dinner. The dinner was a suc- cess from the oysters to the dessert, but one dish 'was particularly fine—so .fine, in fact, that the cook was brought into the dining -room, and publicly congratu- lated. "\Vhat, though, is' {his disli, lay good Francois?" the master asked. "We know it is some !kind of Wild fowl, bet, it has a flavor all its own—a flavor none of lis f.va;r met with before." "That dish," the chef answered proud- ly, "is a taiumph of the culinary art. Only a Frenchman. could hav6 prepared it. It is in one word, ria --owl," "An owl!" cried everyone, turning a little pale. "Rut how," as lady' asked, "could you 'have bean so cruel OS to kill the poor bird?" "Aha madam," said the cool!, "I did not kill it. It was dead already." „CARE OF THE ROY. A Mother's work and worl'y' in car- ing for her little ones is Weakly light, tined if she has on. hand fi safe relntdy° fol the' cure of indigestion, colic, sour stomach, constipation., diarrhoea, simpIo fevers and the other Little atlnlents•that, are apt to conte to children suddenly, For these troubles Baby's Own Tablets are better than ,any other mcdloine.. They are mildly laxative, prompt in' their action, and a few 'doses usually leaves the .child in perfect health. They fro not containa-an atom of opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. They a.JwayS do ;goods --they cannot possibly do harm and`may be given with equal '.safety, 40` the new born infant or well growp child, Ales. Reginald Tames, ron.agh- vale, Ont., says; "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets and find then' uhexeelled as a medicine for 'children, "They pro- mote sleep and general good health.." You can get the Tablets from your drug- gist or by mail at 25 cents a bort by writing Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -"Dosyou think. Skinner can Make a living ut there?" "Make a living! Why, he'd make a living on a rock in the middle of the ocean if there was another man on the rock," rrs EASY TO ',ET a cold ban,:: on, Each night and day we are sure it will be gone, but it stays with us. Alien's Lung Balsam will check its ad- vance anal restore health. Tess: "Oh, yes, the very men iOn' of organized labor makes Miss Passay wince." Jess:. "The idea! Why should it?" Tess: "Slee hates to think of all. the Unions being formed throughout the country and none for her." .. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, nand kindred ailments, take wings before jthe healing qualities of South ,American Nervine. Thomas Hoskins, of Durham, Ont., took his preacher's advice, followed !directions, and, was, cured permanently of the worst form of Nervous Prostration. 'and Dyspepsia. He has recommended 11 to others with gratifying results. It's s •great nerve builder. --12 "1 -Ie used to say," she sobbed, "before we were married, that his love would be more enduring than everlasting gra- nite." "And hasn't it been?" asked the dear friend. "No," she replied, between the sobs. "It didn't even last as long ,as a wood pavement." The efficacy of I3ickie's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup in curing coughs and colds and arresting inflammation of the lungs, can be established guy hundreds of testi- monials from all sorts and conditions of men. It is a standard remedy in these ailments and all affections of the throat and lungs. ft 'is highly recom- mended by medicine vendors, because they know and appreciate its value as a curative. • Try it: 'Arry: "Wot does 'Not transfer— able' mean on this ticket?" Pat: "Sure, it means -chat you won't bo admitted if ye don't go 'yerself." ITCH, Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. At a petty sessions recently a farmer had a neighbor of his summoned for trespass. The defendant said the fences were bad, and asked to have the case left to any two honest men. Complain- ant (sternly). "I want no honest men. I'll leave it to the genilenlen of the Bench." Not a Nauseating Pill. The glxcipient of a pill is the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is so compounded as to preserve their. moisture, and they can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep them from adhering, are rolled in powders,,which prove nauseating to the taste. Parnmelee's Vegetable Pills aro so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. Mrs. Dove: "Henry, I think you are positively cruel. Here I've tried to hard to cook you a nice dinner, and you haven't had a word to say to me about it." Mr. Dove: "Darling, t love you too much for that. If Iasi -id What.I thought. you'd never • speak to me again." ' Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart act* directly and quickly, . etiltaulatee th4 heirs.'o action, stops moat acute pain, dispels sill signs of weakness, fluttering, oinking, smothering; or palpitation. This wonderful dire ie the esturdy ship which Carries the heart -sick patient into the haven of radiant and perfect health. Gives relief in most acute forms of heart 'Disease is 30 minutes. -11 The Master—"Alphonse, I can't pay you your wages for last month." The Man—"Pardon me,. sir, but how shall i get along?" The Master --"You think that time is money, don't your' The Man—"I certainly do, sir." The Mas- ter—"Then i'rn going to give ,you a month's holiday instead." PLACED AT TUT SACK or THE SPINA "The D dei " Menthol Plaster alip ys nervous ea. e1toment, They are equally as efficacious to neuralgia, Da8kache and muscular p wins. WIiY ALL, FOAM IS WHITE. The question as toe why all foam is. white is not an easy ane to understand, but the fact is that foam is always white, whatever be the•color of the liquid. The froth produced on a. bottle of the blackest ink is white, and word, be perfectly so were it ilei singed, to a certain extent, by particles of the liquid which the bub- bics' hold in mechanical suspension. As to the cause of this whiteness, it is sufficient to say that it is due to the large numaer of reflecting surfaces farmed by the foam, for it is these sur- faces which, by reflecting the light, pro- duce upon our eyes the impression of white. He had gone to ask her father for her hand In marr'iltge. "Well, sir', what is .it " snapped out the old men. ',Ile - member, 1 am man of fete words." "I don't care if you are a man of only ane word, if it's the right one," Ile got :Ihe gil'1, ",10011 'I'hompsolt is a very witty fel- .low." Well, ht!s a. chemist; he ought to be." "Now what ort earth has that, le the will) his w•it?" "Everything; ()hesitate should be always ready with retorts!" '1"111•, PIG HAD SWALLOWED It He went into the jeweller'swith the etc of a man who means tel liave lila rights. beugtit this here," said,he, 'produc- ing_ a dilapidated -looking watch, "about Six weeks ago, and you promised if it went wrong you'd repair IL" "Yes," said the jeweller. "Web, It won't go," "NO Had an accident with at, per- haps?" "Well, not exactly; but a month ago come Monday 1 was feedingsthe pig," dyes?" "Ad it fell into the Brough," "I see. But why didn4 you bring it before?" "Well, ,you see, I only killed the pig this'morning," SOUNDS FAMILIAR. Laundryman: "I regret to tell you, sir, that one of your shirts is lost." Customer: "But here I have just paid you twelve cents for doing it up," Laundryman: "Quite right, sir, we laundered it before we lost it." How to Cleanse the System.—:Parme- lee's Yegetabie Pills are the result of scientific study of the effects of extracts' of certain roots and herbs upon the di- gestive organs. Their use has Ylemon strated in many instances that they regulate the action of the liver and the kidneys, purify the blood, and carry ;fi all morbid accumulations from the sys tem. Tiley are easy to take, and their action is mild and beneficial. Miss Sentimental:. "Charles, did you ever allow your hind to pierce the se- crets of the universe, to reason that this dull, cold earn is but the sepulchre of ages past, that man in all his glory is but the soil we tread, which every breeze wafts in an ever -shifting; maze, to be found and lost in an infinity of parti- cles—the dust of centuries, reunited and dissolved as long as tithe shall endure?" Charles: "No -o, T dunno as I did. You see, I've had -to earn my livin'." Kidney Duty.—It is the particular func• tion of the kidneys to Slter out poieonf which pass through them into the blood. When the kidneys are diseased they can• not do their whole duty,. and should hart the help and strength that South Ameri can Kidney Cure will afford in any and all forms of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6 hours. -14 Since the beginning of the last century no fewer than fifty-two volcanic islands have risen out of thasea. Nineteen have disappeared, and ten are now inhabited. WHAT DO PEOPLli NEED wile are run down anemic, pale, listless? Ferrovim,' the bee, tonic. It builds, makes strong, it gives new life. There are many tonics but onlone . Frorovim. He—"Y ou told your mother I was sorry for having made an idiot of myself at her dinner party last night -what did she say " She—"Oh, she said she no- ticed nothing unusual." Cheapest of all Medicines.—Consider- ing the curative qualities of Dr. Tho- mas' Eelectric Oil it is the cheapest medicine now offered to the public. The dose required in any ailment is small and, a bottle contains many doses. If it were veined at the benefit it confers it could not be purchased for many times the price asked for it, but in- creased consumption has simplified and cheapened its manufacture. Jack: "1 thought you were very atten- tive to Miss Banker." Torn: "I was; but after what she said I shall have nothing more t.o do with her." Jack: "What did she say?" Tom: "She said 'No.'" -, These worrying rites t--tnie applies cation of Dr. Agnew's Ointment will give you comfort. Applied every night fon three to six nights and a euro is effected in the .most stubborn cases of Blind Bleeding, or Itching Piles. Dr. Agnew't Ointment cures Eczema and ail itching and burning akin diseases. It acts like. magic. 35 cents. -l5 Mr. Gadd (at the police -station): "Can I see that burglar who was airested•for breaking into' my house last night?" Inspector (hesitating): "Well, I don't know., What do you want to see him about?" Mr. Gadd:. "Oh; ••tttere s• no- thing secret .about, it. I just wanted to find out how•he managed to get into the house without waking my wife." MABir THig"DISTINiC'r1ON i A purely ideal. disease of the skin, like barber!' itch, is curet. by Weaver's Cerate alone. But whore tbe. blood is loaded with impurity, euah as. Salt itbeuws, Weave's Syrup: aLtashoe1d be used., Husband: "I have just had my por- trait taken. What do you .think of it?' Wife: "Beautiful, dear; I wish you ,would look like it sometimes." Give Holloway's Corn Cure a. trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. '"Well, that's enough to try the pati- ence of Job," exclaimed the village min- ister, as he threw aside the local paper. "Why, what's the matter, dear?" asked his Wife. "Last Sunday I preached from the text, 'Be ye therefore"steadfast,'" answered the good man, "but the prin- ter metes it read, 'Be ye there tor break- fast.! " NIRS.' RIMIER'S STORY. Says Results are 'Truly Wonderful." Mrs. L Hunter, of 111 Raglan Road, Kingston, Ont, says:— "Ithave suffered with kidney and liver trouble and chronic constipa- tion for some time. I fives subject to dizziness, bilious headache, ner'v, ousness, drowsiness, Mrs. i Hunter. pains in the back and side, and tired, weary feeling nearly all tate time. medicine, Wlis "I tried almost every treated by doctors and druggists with Mille or no benefit. "I tried Dr. Leonitardt's Anti -Pill, and the results have been truly wonderful, aniso much better. Anti -Pill is a ;racist wonderful remedy." • All dealers, or the Wilson. 'y1e Co.r ;Caisaited, Niagara Misr Ont. That soaxtds good, doom** tit? Never a cotel or a cough but alt'i irtaylit perlteetly well and hearty, You could be like that witha little. are and COLTSFOQTE E,X1, CTOR•ANT Keep it in the house and use it at the s1*g1 *est. Man of an approaching col¢ Or cough, it positively cures Coil s, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough„ /CsM1+,Mlrl44a. and all Thr'oaf and r w�s i,roltihlete. A pure vegetable syrup. Your druggist keeps it and ree,nialeavespds,.1111;, PrMe,, 25 *is. R A I LR OA!!. -I N G WANTED FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN for at Railroads. Experience unneces• ,IMIdedmilmemilidirralddallillIdA4111411111111IM,a"!"IPspry, Firemen $100, become engineer1 tai soar sago monthly, Brake,usrs Sys, become Conduotors anti earn Siva, Positions ew.eitin s. r. rig, competent; yogag nterr. State a gp, belghl and weight. -.(important.) Name positin p "referred, LtAtT WAY AIiSQCL .'J L )N. •RooYu 11' 22 Meares St. Brook! n N, . Skaters who mike a point or good appearance like the Ladies. Beaver, which is also to be recommended for the comfort it affords the wearer. It's the skate for r,;nk use. FOR SALE BY ALL VP -TO -DATE Aii,ALl^s1tS, MAZE BY The STARR MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, DARTMOUTH, N. Sap CANADA.. Manufacturers also al the fat:eus "Micmac " and "Rex" Hockey Sticks (Copyrighted.) BRANCH, Ntrale ,14` man TORONTO "OSHAWA" Slee l Wind, Water, Storm and Fire Proof Shingles. Locked on Al{ Four Sipes Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2-.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the'market, and is an ideal co -arias for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any bandy Miall can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only fools. required: We are the largest and oldest ccompany of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PRObF. We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAVFSTR©UGH, Etc. METAL SiDING, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL £EIL(NGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write to -day. on�rcal, o118. Olrati a,'O . ioroolo, O. RAMO, Oai, IWiaaiien, Baa. rvenCouVer,B.C, 321-8 W Craig 5t.) 453 Sussex sit. )11 Colborne 4a8 Dundas at. 7a Lombard et. 615 Fender 4. Write your Nearest Otflcs.—STEAD OFFICE AND WOEKS-051UAWA, Oat The " Blue Grass " Event will, be the 7th Annual Kentucky Thoroughbred Sale trirrommart. —af— t OMPIiistl • 8 <.;sHEAD OF - THOIROIX:H0R1r.D STALLIONS, 11iARESr- WEANLINGS, YEARLINGS and HORSES IN TRAINING. Sale will be held at WILSON'S HORSEMEN'S HEADQUARTERS LEXINGTON, KY., THANKSGIVING WEEK, IItEGINNING Monday, November 26, 1906 AND WILL CONTAIN A QUANTITY OF QUALITY in the 17 Stallions, 370 Clioice Mares (Dams of Winners), 50 Weanlings (from Winning Families), and 190 Yearlings and Racebor:scs in training, Discern' of Capt. S. S. Drown's Senor- Isf'liouald. Consignments froze John E. fta Stud, Chas. Y. McMeekin's OakIa'wn Madden's 13'amburg, Place Stud, Milton Stns, R. H. Anderson's l'ea's Owor Stud, Youns'8 McGratlnaua Stud and ether Dave Gideon's $otmdel Stud, G. W prominent breeders. ftea3iy'e„ Rosesa.ade Stud, Est. 3. E. CATALOGUE NOW READY. Write for espy to FASIG - TIPTON 00 TIADiSON SQUARE GARDEN NEW YORK. Starfish have- the power to change their color to that of surrounding ob- jects. Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it as a worm medicine; the name is h•fother Graves' Worm Exterminator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. SHRINKING FLANNEL WITH STEAM. All good flannel is shrunk before be- ing offered to the public. The flannels are placed between two heavy wet sheets first; and left in that position for twenty -foul' to thirty-six !lours, When removed they are spread out, on specially prepared rails in a drying -room heated by steam -pipes, where they are Allowed to remain until thoroughly dry, The next process. is to place the lengths of the flannel in folds between layers of glossy paper, and subject it to a press- ing by hydraulic machines. The rnor'e pressure they are subjected to, the more valuable and heavy the flannels beeome. Jacks: "Townley is lin exeoedingl,' cautious roan,: don't you think?" Totrnst "Cautions t Wily .he wouldn't .pity a ooropfttvnent without getting a receipt for .it." Maud (newly married)—"You look very melancholy, George. Are you sorry you married me?" George --"No dear; of course not. I was only thinking rf all the nice girls 1 can't marry." Maud —"Oh, George. how horrid of youl 1 thought ,you cared for nobody bait. me?" George—"Neither do I. I wasn't think- ing of myself, but of the disappoint- ment for thein,' I Dr Mother Your tittle ones are a constant care ill Fall and Winter weather. They wit. ,catch told, Do you know about Shiloh". Cohauniiption Cure, the Lang Tonic, eros What it has done for so many ? ' It is sant to be the only reliable .remedy for all. diseases of the nit passages in children. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Itis guaranteed to cure or your money is returned. The price i3 25e. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sill $,q SHILO `I iiia rc%eely attonkl be in eve ry `nou.eliY,lci; T N V IaSUI] Ns3, 47-4 4 4 4 A 4 4 4