Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-29, Page 5HELP
Young ladies and gentlemen
Who are desirous of makieg a re
cord are wanted at the
0 in on Business College
(Affiliated with Wiagharn Ilusinese
to preparefor Bookkeepers,Stenog-
repliers and 'Telegraphers. During
July and August we could only
M1 ONE-TENTH of the positions of..
fered our graduates.
Catalogue forthe asking. •
GEO. SPOTTON Principal
During The
c old weather
We are offering some exceptional
values in
Pianos and Organs
Our Goods are of the best quality,
and we will be satisfied with the
Prices and terms that will suit the
most exacting.
• In Sewing Machines we can cer-
tainly suit you.
A fine line of high grade station-
ery cheap. •
The Standard of the World.
is right in every respect.
Right in ivorkmanship, Right
in price. Right in time. Right
every time. Accurately adjust-
ed. Fitted in either gold,- sil-
ver or nickel cases, Let us sell
you a watch.
The Jeweller
The most danger to farm buildings and live
stock from wind storms is during the summer
months. A Policy hi
The 'Huron
Weather Insurance
Mutual Company will give you protection, and
a policy costs only a few dollars a year.
Roger Northcott, Esq. President, Hay P. 0.
J. Kellerman, Esq., Vice -President, Daehwood
Silas Brokenshire; Crediton P. 0.
C. H, Perkins, Meter P. 0. •
Henry Rau, Drysdale P. 0
A. G. Smillie, Hensel] P. 0.
W. T. Caldwell, Hensel' P. 0.
Chas. Monteith, Thames Road P..O.
Wni. B. Battler, Zurich.
See your nearest director or write for particular
to E. Zeller, Secretary, Zurich.
Reliable agents wanting territory should write at
once to G. HOLTZMAN, Gen. Agent,
Zurich P. 0.
S. HARDY, Agent at Exeter.
sTiiir n. . A
-.Ltillili 0 -,.Fr ArtouND Abour US '4
THE filfiBIET oht-akerlrej,untor clerk at the Standard
Hallett: The back fifty acres of Mr.
ilea Oreig: Mervio Hotchiuson is.
George Irwin's farm has been sold to
P1'.a..3r°khlinillp: alW°' il'4snoneigEbebg°.
1ereon has ln P pun
chased that va
i Mud Creek from John Petriek, ou tr ;luable farm north of
, Parkhill: Miss Edna Baird was suc-
cessful in obtaining her Junior' Teach-
ers' or Second Class certificate on ap-
peal. ._
' Mitchell: A. Rumford has sold his
tinware and plumbing business to
Messrs. KlearnanandTimms, who took
poseession on Monday.
Seaforth: Robert Murdie has re-
moved from the Hays farm, in Hai-
perhey, which he recently purchased
from the late J. D. Aitcheson,
Parkhill: Miss Agnes Jean Pater-
son, a former resident of Sylvan was
recently married at Detroit to Walter
Edwin Douglas,They will reside at
Detroit., •
Parkhill: The Royal Hotel has been
rented by Mrs. Levis, and some chan-
ges are being made in its interior.
Ms. Levis intends running a large
boarding house.
We are still buying nearly all the poultry in 'sight and
are paying the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for same
Chicken, Alive 8 cts., Dressed 10 cts.
Hens . " 5 " . 7 "
Ducks ' " 8 ' 10
Geese " 8 ' " 9 "
Turkeys 41131 "
One Cent Per Lb. Lees For Cash.
ter All poultry must be dry picked and clean; all feather taken off wings.
Poor, skinny fowl not wanted at any price. Crops must be empty,
dead or alive. Necks must be not be broken or twisted, Bleed at
' mouth. We prefer heads off geese; .
FEATHERS—We also buy all kinds of feathers and pay good prices.
REMEMBER we have a full store ofUp Goods at prices as low Pa any
merchant can live.
A tried will convince every honsewife in Canada that "Reliance Baking Pow-
der" is far superior to any other she has ever used because it is more effective and
loss can be used and better results obtained.
"Reliance Baking Powder?' Is composed of the very best and purest materials,
under the personal supervision of an expert manufacturing chemist, therefore we are
able to sell it on a Cash Guarantee of Satisfaction. Being pure and' healthful,
"Relianco Baking Powder" insures perfect baking—such baking as you would
give to young children and invalids because of its easy digestion.
Are You Interested in Picture Post Cards?
Almost everyone has the pestal card craze. A set of our colored post cards is •
needed to, complete every collection. They are not for sale. but you can get a set
absolutely free. They are just what the children are looking for and surely you can-
not overlook this opportunity' to get a set free by simply dropping a postal. .
To anyone writing us, answering the following questions, we will gladly senk.
absolutely free, postage prepaid, a set of four.of our latest edition of beautiful
picture post cards, lithographed in brilliant colors.
let: Name your Grocer. 2nd. Mamie this Paper. '
InternatIonag Food Company, Toronto, Canada
"Ask for the Purple Package."
Tuckersruith: Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Murray, one time old residents of this
township, who have been residing in
Dauphin, Manitoba, for a couple of
years, have returned to 'Algoma to re-
side for the winter.
Perhaps, the Worst.
One of the most distressing things one
can suffer from is bladder trouble_ Its
nature. often, causes people to silently
We don't ask you to tell us of the
irritation, the catarrh, the scalding—we
only say, you will be prudent in trying
Bu -Ju, the Gentle Kidney Pill.
Kidney troubles do not stand still.
Unless steps are taken, worse will ensue.
You..take no chances in trying Ihr-Ju.
Should it fail, you can have your money
-back—but it won't fail. Only three
cents a -day.
Wood.% Phosphoctine;
27w Great English Bemedy.
Tones and. invigorates the whole
nervous system, makes new
lood in old Veins. Cures Nerv-
ous Debilitu, Mental and Brain Worry, Des-
pondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions. Sper-
matorrhaa, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses.
Price $1 per box,' six for $6. One will please, els
will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamla
mailed free. The Wood Medicine do.
(formerly Windsor.) Toronto, Ont.
Seaforth: A young man named
Hutchison, an employee of the Bell
Engine Co., had some of bis fingers
badly smashed in one of the machines
on Moialey.
Pal khill: The remains of the late
Mrs. Mary A. Humphries, who passed,
away at St. Joseph Hospital, London
Thursday was brought here Friday
and laid to rest in the Strathroy cem-
etery. Deceased died from the effects
of an operation which was performed
the Monday ;previous to her death.
She was a prominent Sunday school
worker in the Methodist church and is
widely kiMwn in Western Ontario. A
husband and two sous suryive.
How's ThisP
"We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and financially able to
Garry out any obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 -
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di.
rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
teystem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bob.
le. Sold by all Druggists,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
aml the Best of all Weeklies
• And with the Family Herald and Weekly.Staiwil be included themost beautiful picture ever
given to newspaper reaciers, It is a gravure 22 x ariz ches, entitled "A TUG OF WAIL" It is
easily worth a two dollar bill.
The ADVOCATE will supply all localmews, markets, social happenings, etc., etc.. and the,
Family Herald and Weekly Star will give you a combination of the greatest' weekly newspaper
coveringevery portion of the Globe, a great family magazine, far surpassing any of the English
or American in tgazines in interesting family reading, and without doubt the best farmer's paper
on the continent. No paper printedin the English language gives its readers such big value es
the Family Herald and Weekly Star. Sample copies of the beautiful picture may be seen at this
office. Call or send your:subscription to THE ADVOCATE, Exeter,
For Every Room in, the Home
We have a beautiful selection of the latest- designs
Come and get our prices, all marked in plain figures:,
ask you to come to this store for furniture because
stock includes:ill those pieces that appeal to. good •
we believe yeu will get the kind you Want. The
taste on account of their design, finish, °ha i•acter
and richness. Wecan show newest ideas a :id the
meet popular furniture for the home, that can be
found any place, town or eity.
-Rubbers needn't be
flimsy to be stylish;
needn't be clumsy
'to be staunch;
needn't -cost more
to be etter than
you've been buying.
They givq,,you
Double wearfrorn everYpair.
Look for the ' trademark,
The Daisy Rubber People
. . At Berlin Ontario
the 209
:0PrIRA. BLOCK. Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, getiater.
1st able 10 the right toe -shape to fit YOUR shoes,
TWo men were seriously hurt and a number Ot Otheri"Slightly injured by the
giving aWay of a Ntrn floor` on Rh Earmines Win et Tileoaborg,
Clinton: Two stables owned by J.
W. Irwin, grocer, were destroyed by
fire Sunday evening. Wagons, sleighs,
harness, a quantity of hay, and about
70 bushels of oats were also destroyed,
but bis two horses were saved.
Ailsa Craig: Miss Jessie Powell died
on Monday morning after a few weeks'
illness, death being due to dropsy.
Deceased, who was in her 511h year,
was born at Springbank and has been
a resident of town for some years.
Seaforth: Wm. Rae, a fernier
student of the Collegiate here, was on
Nov. 13 married to Miss Alice B. Woo-
stea of Si. Thomas, The event took
place at Edinonton at the home of E.
T: Bishop, brother -in -....w of the bride.
Clinton: Mrs. Milne, a resident of
town, and formerly connected with the
Queen's Hotel, leaves next week for
Loydininister where she takes the
management of one of the two hotels
conducted by Mr. John Bell, late of
Seaforth: Miss Kirkwood, who has
been a member of the Collegiate Insti-
tute staff here for several years, has
resigned, haying accepted a ,position
on the staff of the Guelph Collegiate
for next year. Her resignatien takes
effect at the close of this year.
Tuckersmith: The death took place
on Saturday of Catherine Carnbell, re-
lict of the late Paul Doig, at Columbus,
Ohio, aged 70 years. The remains
were brought to the home of her son,
lot 6, con. 6, from which place the fum-
e/ea took place Tuesday to Eginond-
ville cemetery.
Seaforth: Barrister F. Holmsted
while ascending the stairs to his office.
either missed his footing or was seized
with a fainting spell, and fell back-
ward down the stairs to the landing
below. When picked up he was un
chi) SCIOUS but soon revived. He receiv-
ed a nasty cut on the back of the head
and other minor bruises.
Clinton: Mrs.Cantelon,Princess st.,
fell down cellar, and sustained a
fracture of one arm.—On Tuesday
evening a trayeller at the Normandie
walked to the rear end of the hall, un-
locked the back door, went ont on the
trim k platform, and walked off in the
darkness, falling a distance of about
12 feet; he waspretty badly shaken up.
Ailsa Craig: A quiet wedding took
place in London last week, when Miss
Irene, eldest daughter of Isaac Hod-
gins, was united in marriage with W.
L, Pierson. at the residence of the
grooin's brother. Miss Kathleen Fitz-
gibbons, of London acted as brides-
maid, while the groom was supported
by his brother, H. Pierson. The
bride's gown was of blue silk trimmed
with cream lace.
Clinton: Miss Pearl Cantelon, daugh-
ter of Mr. D. Cantelon, who has been
one of the very efficient and obliging
members of the telephone staff here,
has accepted the position of book-keep-
ing in the Telephone Office at Orillia,
and left for there on Wednesday. Miss
Kaiser also connected with the office
for some time, will succeed MissCante-
ion; and Mies V ioletta Thompson, tak-
es Miss Kaiser's place.
Ailsa Craig: Miss Kate Mackenzie
Of the town -line, near here, was attack-
ed by a cow while out milkingon Mon-
day morning and received rough treat-
ment. Her head was badly cut and
other injuries sustained. She was
rendered unconscious, in which state
she remained for several hours. •Had
it not been for the timely assistance of
SOW e of the other members of the fam-
ily, the result might have been even
more seriens.
Mitchell: On Wednesday Mrs. Sar-,
ah S. Ettue, one of the best known
figures in Mitchell, passed away at the
age of 96 years and 11 months. Dec-
eased was one of the very oldest sett-
lers of this neighborhood. About the
year 1854 she came to Mitchell with
her husband and settled on a farm a-
bout three miles west of the town on
the Huron road. Some yeara later
they came to Mitchell, where deceased
lived until her death.
Seaforth: H. Oughton underwent
an operation on Wednesday for the
removal of one of his eyes, which has
so far proved a successful one. For
some time past be has been unable to
see with the diseased member owing
to the form:talon of a cataract over it.
OE late an abscess formed et the hack
of the eye and cansed•him much suffer-
ing, so that he was obliged to come
home from Muskoka and have it at-
tended to, A few days ago the Abscess
beeke and on advice- f voin his physician
decided to have the eye removed,
Parkhill: Thomas O'Brien died at
his borne on Nov. 17th, at the advanc-
ed age of 79 years and 0 months. Ile
was born at Rilkenny, Ireland, and
was a son of Capt. Thos,'O'Brien, of
the British Army. }le emcee to Park-
hill in 1878, thue spending the last 29
years of his life in this place. Efe was
chairman of the Sehool ,Boa,rd for some
years and was the Separate School re-
presentative on the nigh Sehool Board
for twelve years. A with)* and one
son. Thos, of 'Detroit, mourn the loss
of a loving husband and a kindAncini.
gent fa they,
It has that -"Rich Fruity Flavor" which
belongs to Bed Rose Tea alone.
Prices—a, 30, 35, 40, so and 6o cts. per Ib. in lead -packets
" There aro • Maple twat' Enb-
bees to di all sizes and shapes <-4
men's, wornerr's and children's
shoes "—Wireless from '' the old
woman who lived in a shoe."
Fit neatly, snugly and
accurately, too.
Leave no openings for
the water to sneak in at
the sides.
All depends on the tuition you receive in a college
whether you will make a success of business life. If your
teacher allows you to depend on other students and
look in the back of the book for answers, your course
will be a failure. There are no answers given in OUR
books—we teach you to stand alone. You need no sup-
port, so that when you start life in earnest
you have that confidence in yourself so
essential to a business man. We have the
reputation of giving a thorough and effi-
cient training in both our Business and
Shorthand departments.
Booklet free. School term : Sept. till June,
inclusive. Students may enter at any time.
Forest City Business College
Y. M. C. A. Bldg..
It is not the price you pay for a range which makes it
cheap or expensive, but the fuel it consumes after you get it.
If you buy a range which costs $5 to $7 less than a
"Pandora" and it burns a ton, or only half a ton of coal more
in a year, what do your gain? Nothing, but you aotually
lose money, besides putting up with all the inconveniences,
troubles and extra work which are a (*dainty with a poor range.
The "Pandora" is equipped with many fuel -saving features
which are not found on any other range. Hot-air flues are con-
structed so that all the heat from the fire -box travels
directly under every pot -hole and around the oven twice--
every atom of heat is used, and only the smoke gods up the
Sold by all enterprising dealers. Booklet free.
London, Toronto, Montreal, Whanteeg,
VaticOUWAN St.lehti. N. 13.
r •
Igitbl„ J.;
T. Hawkins .4 'SON. Sole Agents:0: