Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-29, Page 1Phone 25-- Advocate
When you want ANY-
THING. that an up-to-date
printing office can do. Lat.,
est styles, newest types,
prompt work, right price,
Long Distance Phone.
tan Assured
A savings account in The Sovereign Bank
makes you happily independent of the
future, which keeps you from worry in
the present. Opp en a savings accoun
t to day.
Deposits of from $1.00 and upwards -
received. Interest paid 4 times a year.
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
'GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors:
he Old Reliable
We quietly give our customers earnest values
We still have somegood values in Furs. In Ladies' and Gents'
Fur -lined Coats we have a few nice ones left. See our nice
line of Ruffs in Sable, Black Fox, Apossum and Coon; also
Muffs to match. A choice lot of fur and cloth caps. Al value.
-. A few of those
left. lust the thing for this sort of weather
Don't Forget-gesi•.. : that we still carry
`j The Astoria Shoe"T'
which has no equal for styleand durability.
OROOK we have a fine collection on hand. We
make a specialty in dinner sets.
Highest price paid for Produce.
Pro1<esatana1 Cards.
11R. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D. D. S.
Member of the R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor'
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling's. Law Office, in
Dr. Anderson's former. Dental Parlors.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S..
Conor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
eoth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main street,
Exeter. ,
Medical. _
AF. MALLOY,'M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER
.• College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former Hcuse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
Successor to Dr. J, A. Rollins. Residence: East on
Bret street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.
T&• MoBRIDE, L. R. C. P. & S. Edinburgh, will,
look atter the practice of Dr. McLaughlin of
this place during'. the latter's visit to Europe in
seaEoh.ofmore knowledge, He will be found in the
same office.
tors, Notaries, Conveyancers,'Commissioners.
5 elicitors for Molsons Bank, etc.
Molloy to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
Officer,' Main street, Exeter,
1�We have a large amount of private funds to loan
n farm and village properties at low rates of inter
. Barristers, Solicitors,Main sl.., Exeter On
House and Lot' for Sale.
The ander s ig & . .
ned is offerin for sale a desirable
brick house, two storey high, convenient and coin-
fortable in every way, situate in Orediton East, and
one acre of good land. On' the premises is a good
frame stable and driving shed, a well of good. water'
and a' number of. fruit trees. Convenient to school.
Possession given at once, Apply to
J. W. ANDERSON, Crediton East.
The Oouncil of the. County of Huron will meet in
the Council Chamber, in the town of floderioh, at 3
o'clock p.m, on the first Tuesday in December next,
All accounts to come before the Obuncil must be
placed with the clerk before day of meeting.
Dated Nov: 22,1000. W. Lane, Clem.
Farm and ]Wilk Business' for Sale
The undersigned is offering that desirable farm in
the township of Usborne, being Part of Lot 21, Oen..
8, oontainieg 70 acres, also a good paying milk busi-
netts. Thyro is on the premises a good brick house,
frame barn' and stable, drive house, good orchard,
two wells and other conveniences. The land is all
in goad state of cultivate m and is conveniently sati-
ated to Exeter, school and churches. Will still sep-
arately or°airtty, For particulars apply to
Wm. Rivers, Iinv, P,O,
The undersigned is offering for Sala his desirable
farm in Stanley, situated on.Con. 7, containing 170
acres; )4 mile from echooL, ;rniles frau Presbyter.
Ian and llfethbdist churches and Post Office; r miles
'from Hensel], 4 from lbipgieh stetter:: there is on the
premises R barns, one d4k40tone ;or23 and one 50x28
all in good repair, ebfiifortable ftenie and log house
good hearing orchard, 22 acres wheel; sown, alt well
fenced;100 acres well underdrained,'the remaining
92 Male being well drained by the tp. ditch running
through it; a never Pa ling well zit house, with new
Brantford pumping mill, also never4ailing spring
farm is in a 11r •class t of
of farm, This n sl. state o
cultivation and is situated in one of the hest grain
growing localities in the Provinces Will be sold'
Cheng and on terms to Belt purchaser. For farther
information apply on rwemtsos or address
Goo, Coleman, Ilielsgreen, Ont.
Light, clean work.
Wages: $4.50 to com-
commence with.
Apply immediately to
D. S. PERRIN & Co.,
Limited, London,. Canada.
YalIey Lands for Sale,
I have some good bargains listed
with me. I have just returned from
the West and have seen all the land
I have for sale. hall at the storeland
seg samples of the soil, also samples of
r t eat and examine the maps of the.
country,; Now is the time to ,buy if
you want to make money as land is
rapidly increasing in value.
gooLLo for You and,
torYoar Friends
We have a fine lot of goods forthe
season's trade. Call to see them,
CHINAWARE yof all kinds.
TOYS of every description --
direct from• Germany
DOLLS of all sizes and styles
direct from Germany
early before the Xmas rush
BERLIN WOOL of all shades
Sc an ounce.
SLIPPER, SOLES- see them
GIFTS for the Sunday School
classes. Special bargains
goods in town
Oharlt s
For r local Option
TtlURSDA'Y, NOVEMBER. 29,., 1900.
On municipal election day,. January
7th, there will be local option contests
in 100 municipalities, and in these. 289
licenses will be affected. In. five of
these places repeal contests are on, viz..
the towns of Toronto Junction and
Steelton, and the townships ofNiagera,
McLean and Ridout and Raleigh. The
by-laws will be retained in these if a
majority of the votes cast are in favor
of retaining local option. In the 104
new places the temperance people will.
have to obtain 60 per cent, of the votes
polled. w
Following isa list of the places where
the contests are going on, with, the
the dumber of Iioenses in each: '
Adelaide 2, Ailsa Craig 2, • Albion 3,
Alliston5, Arran 1, Asphodel 1, Beeton
3, Bosangnet1, Blenheim 5, Bruce 2,
Bradford 2,, Brantford 1, Brantford
City 20, Burford 2, Caledon 7, Ohingua-
cousy 3, Collingwood 10, Ct'amahe 1,.
Dorchester 4, Draper 1. N. Dumfries 2,
Dymond 0, Eastnor 4, Eldon 5, Elmo, 5,
Ertl hro 2, Eramosa 3, Ess& 4, Finch 5,
Fitzroy 2, Glamorgan 2, S. Gosfleld 1,
Goulbourn 2, N. Gower 3, Grey 4,
Guelph 1, West Gwillimbury 0,
Harley 0, Heosall 2, Hilton 1, Hol-
land 3, Huntley 2, Huron 2, Hudson 0,
Inuisfile3, Jocelyn 0, Kemptville4, Kin-
cardine 1., King 5, Kingsville 8, Leam-
ington 5, Leeds and Lansdowne, Lobo
2, London 1.3, Louth 1, McLean and
Ridout 0, Manvers 2, Marlboro' 1.
March 2, Meaford 3, Mersa 1, Midland
5, Mono 2, Morris 2, Muiniur2, Nepean
8, Niagara 0, 1'V.Nissouri'3, S.Norwich
2, Ononadaga2, Oxford 2, Pakenham
4, Paipoonge 0. Port Elgin 3, Proton 3
Portland 4, Raleigh 0, Richmond 1,
Saugcen 1, Sherbrooke 1, St. Joseph 2
St. Marys 7, Stanley- 2, Steelton 0,.
Sunnidale 2, Tay 2, Tecumseh 2. Tees
water 3, Thedford 3. Thessalon 4, W
Tilbury 3, Tiverton 2, Torboltan 0,
Toronto Junction 0, Tossorontio 4,
Tottenham 2, Tuckersmith 2, Usborne
1, Uxbridge 3, Wallace .1. Walsingham,
2. Waterford 3, Weston 3, E. Whitby
2; Winchester 2, Westminster. 6,.
Woodbridge 2.
Choked to Death at
• Clandeboye.
George R. Carter, a well-to-do farm-
er, who resided near the village of
Clandeboye, in McGill] vary Township,
was choked to death Friday by -a piece
of Meat becominglodged in his throat.
Carter was having din uer at Pitman's
Hotel, Clandeboye::
The deceased is survived by sixchild-.
ren, three bnya and three girls- his
wife having died 25 years ago. Five of
away children a re aw y from home, and
the other, a son, has been living with
his father en the homestead.
Mr. Carter, was it first cousin of Mr.
James Carter, governor of the county
jail, of London. He was a member of
various societies,including theOrange-
men, the United Workmen, and the
Foresters. He was also a . member of
the Clandeboye English Church, of
which he was warden for many years.
About ten years ago Mr. Carternar-
rowly escaped choking to death while
dining with a friend in Lucan.
As the years roll by we hear a great
deal of complaining against cows being
permitted to rove at large through the
village of Exeter. We often wonder
why the successive municipal councils
of our fair town should tolerate even
for a single year such an annoying,
expensive.and filthy nuisance, which
has been perpetuated'for the supposed
benefit of the few, but to theloss and
chagrin of an overwhelming majority
of'the ratepayers of our village.
I scarcely need refer (because every-
one knows) to the damage done to veg-
etable, flower and fruit gardens as well
as neatly kept lawns, being ruthlessly
invaded by a drove of Exeter bovines,
whose leaders seem to posses almost
human sagacity in removing barriers
between them and the object of their
Permit me to enumerate some of
the advantages arising from having
the'cows prohibited from roaming our
streets: -Private grounds and their
contents would be free fromharm,
and their owners would be encouraged
to improve and beautify them, know-
ing thein to be secure.
Sidewalks would be kept clean and
inoffensive. Fences to a large extent
could be dispensed with, which would
be a great savingiin building and Drain
tenan ce. Resides, the high fences, as
we now have them, are chiefly the
cause of snowdrifts on the sidewalks,
making them, at tines almost impass-
ible to pedestrians; and to remove
these drifts incurs a considerable ex-
pense to the corporation.
I trust that our council willseriously
consider this :natter; and if they do
not see fit.to assurne the responsibility,
of passing the proposed prohibitory
by-law without consulting the electors;
then I beg to suggest that they deter-
mine the desire ofthe ratepayere with
gard to this matter by taking a vote
on it at the next municipal election,
and then allow which ever side has a
substantial majority to rule in this
veryimportant question. Progress.
Sale Registers.
THURSDAY, 'DEO. 12.•-b•arm Stock and Imple•
meets, the property of William pollen, Lob 12, Con.
14, Souter Boundry, Hibbert. Sale lit-1'O'clock,
Thos. Cameron,
Organist Rod Choir ,Maeter of Mitchell Methodist
Chllrclt. Teaehcr-Plato, Organ, Voice, far'tnony,
MOdern methods. Thoroughness
William Brown
Pref. Diploma of Royal Inao•poritted Society of
vataloians, r'ngland; Organist of Trivitt Memoriallo
i nge as mathematical teacher, and
Chnreh,l`x ter. Piano, organ,1farmony and "Theory Miss,OlttVton teacher of nod erne.
Of AFusis, Teriiis en application, Exeter, Ont,
Real Estate Changes
Made for you on reaeon.
able terms. We have un-
equalled .facilities to rent,
sell or buy either« farm of
village property« Try it.
NOTICE. --The Crediton Literary Soc-
iety have rented a hall for the coming
season. All persons wishing to become
ineuibers sire requested to leave their
names either with the President, Herb.
Eilbt:r or the Secretary, Miss Beulah
Beaver as soon as possible.
Miss Helen McWilliams of Toronto
is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Me-
Isaac. --It is an old yarn . that as soon
as the creeks are full the winter sets in
and the weather wise are now . stating
that'we shall soon have continuous
sleighing till spring. -Mrs. John Kerr
is on a vrsitj to London friends., ---Miss
Lily,.Auderson of Centralia spent Sun-
day here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Wen, Sarubrook.--The 1301 Telephone
Co. have had six men working here
putting in new phones this week, Sam
Brown, Chas. Zwicker, Wm. England.
H« Sweitzer and the Sovereign Bank
are having them placed in their re-
spective places of business. An up-to-
date,switch board has beep placed in
the Central office. -The school seats,
which: were mauufact'lred by the
Globe Furniture Co.,. of Walkerville,.
arrived on 'Tuesday. Mrs. Sarah Bert-
rand represents the Co., and made the
sale to the trustees. The weather dur-
ing the past few daysbas been very
wet and disagreeable and as a conse-
quence business is rather dull. -The
many friends of Wm. Lewis of South
River will be pleased to learn that he
is daily recovering from his recent
illness. -Miss Maggie Kilpatrick of.
Kippers is the guest of Miss Evelyn
Kerr. -.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor are
here for a few days preparing to move
their =household effects to Elkton.
Mich., where the former has purchased
a livery barn. Mr. Taylor has return-
eturn-ed-M;r'.and Mr's. Matthew Winer,Sr.,
are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Geo.
Homeyer at Hanover. -Messrs. Ir'a
Brown and August Kuhn visited. in
Zurich. Sunday. What's the attraction
boyeP-Rev. E. H. Bean preached two
very excellent temperance sermons in
the Evangelical church Sunday rnoru-
ing and evening. -Mrs. Geo. Lawson's
many friends will be pleased to learn
that she is growing stronger day by
day. She is confined ip St. Joseph's
hospital, London, where she recently
underwent an operation. -A Jot of
money -lust have been distributed
among the farmers of this vicinity for
fowl. Prices have been good and the
shipment have been unusually large.
The poultry industry is assuming large
proportions and more money has been
made out of fowl this year than out of
steers.-Ed.`Wur•m has completed his
season's work here and Ieft a few days
ago for his home at Zurich. -The pu-
pils of nc+r school are busy these days
pry-.:ri►g t..; their concert to be held
on the 21st of December.--Heher An-
derson spent on s Sunday with friends near
Brucefield.-Wes Dixon is looking af-
ter the kindergarden class at Credi-
ton East. Wes is'certainly up to bis
job and the little ones are getting
along splendidly under his instruction.-
-Messrs. Geo. and J. T. Bedford were
near Teterboro ..during the week at-
tending the funeral of a relative. -
Nelson Stanlake, who has been en,
gaged withFredKerr for the past year
left last week for his home in Stephen.
-The Methodist church have bad their
new gasoline lights installed. Sunday
evening they were used for the first
time and gave entire satisfaction. 'The
congregation now hasn't the least dif-
ficulty in reading the finest print.-
Geo. Lawson, who is teaching Sharon
school and Earl Campbell, teacher at
Khiva, have both handed in their res-
ignations to take effect at Xmas. Mr.
Lawson will continue his studies as
teacher in the High School and Mr.
will studychem
Campbell chemistry y with a
firm in Fort William. Both these gen
tleman have given entire satisfaction
as teachers. We wish them every suc-
cess in their future career.'
MARRIED -Another of our young
ladies has been claimed as a bride.
We refer to Miss Lizzie Motz, daugh-
ter of Mr.Henry Metz,wbp was united
in marriage to Wm. Heatherly of Lon-
don. The interesting event took place
at the Wellington street. Methodist
parsonage,London,the ceremony being
performed by Rev. James Livingston.
The bride, who was handsomely at-
tired, was assisted by the groom's sis-
ter, Miss Mabel Heatherley, while the
groom was supported by Thos. Pace.
At the conclusion of the ceremony the
bridal party repaired to •the home of
Mr. Martin where a wedding break-
fast was served. The baide has many
friends here, who join in wishing her.
and her husband many happy years
of wedded life.
WEDDED. -The folic -Jiving will be
read with much interest by many in
this vicinity as one of the contracting
parties was a former Crediton boy and.
we take much pleasure in extending
our hearty congratulations to the
groom and his bride and may they
find the matrimonial sea smooth and
pleasant: "On Tuesday morning a
quiet wedding took place at Sea-
forth, when the Rev. Fr. Corcoran
united in marriage Miss Maud Callag-
han and Chas. Finkbeiner, both of
town. They were attended by Miss
Nettie McKay as bridesmaid and; Alex.
McLennan as groomsman. After the
ceremony the bridal party drove to
the bride's Mime where the wedding
breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs.
Finkbeiner left on the early train for
Galt. Toronto, Aurora and elsewhere
for a wedding trip;on their return they
will reside in Seaforth. The bride
received teeny handsome and useful
presents, among which' was a parlor.
lamp given by the employes in the
weaving department of the woollen
mills and which was accompanied with
a very flattering address."
Clinton: The staff of the Clinton in-
stitute has been considerably changed
this month. Mr. Guudy,
science master at Brantford, has
been installed as principal, Miss Dul-
What will I get for My Friends at Christmas?
Don't worry. For S. Fitton has something swell
that will suit everybody. Never before has there
been in Exeter or any other - town such a large
stock of the latest and best
Jewelry and Christmas Goods of
Y all Kinds
Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, $2 to $ 75 -
Rings, 50c to $50
• Neck Chains, $1 to $10
Brooches, 25c to $25
Cuff' Buttons, 25c -to $5
Tie Pins; 25c to $5
Silverware, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China and Novelties
S. FITTON, Watchinaker & Jeweller
Hon. Chas. S. Hyman last week re-
signed his seat in the Dominion Gov -
eminent, owing to the revelations
made in the investigation of the Lon-
don Election Bribery Case. It is not
known whether he will again stand.
Allow -Fletcher'
A pretty and pleasant event occur-
red at the residence of Mr. and Mrs..
Wm. Fletcher. Main street, on Wed-
nesday, November 28th, at 5 o'clock
p. m. when their youngest daughter,
Miss. Hester Edna, become the bride
of Mr. Thomas Allen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Alien. of- Stratford,
and nephew of Mr. Thomas Cameron
of Usborne, with whom he has resided
since his infancy. The ceremony took
place in the parlor which was hand-
somely decorated with evergreens and
flowers, and was performed by Rev. A.
H. Going. in the presence of about
eighty invited guests, some of whom
carne. from Stratford, London. Burg;':
essville, etc. The bride wasgivers a-
way by her father. During the cere-
mony the bride and groomstood behind
an altar of evergreen and underneath
a floral bell which hong in a wishbone
of evergreen, with a back ground of
myrtle. The wedding march was
played by Miss Ella Oainm, cousin of
the bride. Miss Fletcher worea beau-
tiful gown of white point de sprit over
white silk, trimmed with valenoienne
lace and white velvet ribbon and car-
ried a sheaf of chrysanthemums. Shg
was attended by a little flower girl;
Miss Mary Fuller of Woodham, who
carried a basket of roses, and also a
ringbearer, Miss Elaine Stewart of
Farquhar, carrying a silver tray with
the ring; both were dressed in white.
The grooms present to the bride was a
brooch of twin hearts under a crown,
thewhole set with pearls; and to the
little girls, gold necklaces. The cere-
mony? over, all sat down to an excel-
ent supper, - after which the evening.
was spent pleasantly in social chat,
'etc. Later in the evening Mr. and
Mrs. Allen drove to Farquhar where
they will make their home with Mr.
Cameron. The bride's . going - away
gown was of gray broadcloth trimmed
with green, and hat to match. The
young couple have the heartiest good
wishes' of their many friends for a
pleasant and prosperous married life.
Coursey-Ic Biddulph on Nov. 1'4th to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ooursey, a
FANSON-In Abernethy, Sask., onNov.
24, to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fanson, a
HoDa•INs-In McGillivray, on Nov. 24,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Hodgins, a
,daughter. -
LASHBROOK-In Mitchell on Nov,22 to
Mr. and Mrs Rich:. Lashbrook, a son.
ILARri,IS-HoRNxT-In Dungannon,»
Nov. 28, Arnold Harris of Farquhar
to Miss Mabel, only daughter of Mr.
Henry Horsey of Dungannon. ✓
ALLEN-FLETOHER--At the home of
the bride's parents, Exeter, on Noy.
28, by Rev. A. H. Going, Mr. Thom-
as Allen of Usborne to Iliiss Hester
Edna, youngest daughter 6f Mr;
and Mrs. Wm. Fletcher.
Hlrxr Ii-TiawkiN=At tl re dente"""
of the bride's parents, on Nov. 28,by
the Rev. E. A. Fear, Mr. George
W. Hunter to Miss Olive Edna, eld-
est daughter .of Mr. Joseph Hawkins,
of the Oth eon. of Usborne:
Egmondville, on Nov. 21, by Rev.
Shaw. G-eo. Henderson, of McKillop
to Miss Florence Gertrude, daughter
of John Murray of Hullett.
DENOMY-DvcHA1ntrE-At the R. C.
church, Drysdale, on Nov. 20, by
Rev. Father Loiselle, E. Denomy,
to Miss Josephine, daughter of Peter
Ducharme of Hay.
forth, on Nov. 20, by Rev. Father
Corcoran, Chas. Finkbeiner to Miss
Maud Callaghan both of Seaforth.
Nov. 21, lay Rev. Livingston, Wm.
Heatherly of London, to Miss Lizzie
daughter of Henry Motz, Crediton'
HEYWOOD-In Exeter, on Nov. 28th
Betsy.Knight,beloved wife of Jno.A:
Heywood, aged 77 years, 9 months
MALLOT-In Exeter, on Nov, -28th `
Fanny, beloved wife of John Mallot,
in her 50th year.
11111 t "f�a�l...
I!'u.1111111 II, �iII ii•irai-R
It is a pleasure to bake with a Canada National
Steel Range. We carry a full line of' Nationals,
Garlands, and Hurons.
Neaman' Hardware 86 Stove $tore1