Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-8, Page 6Does f1,3 Doesn't Pen - Angle Underwear has the soft warn, feel the skin enjoys. Doesn't iteh.. Made for men,, wo- men and little folkst in a variety of styles,' fabrics and pricese Weauthorizeeverydealeriu Fen•Anele Underwear to repine, at our cont, anyi ferment faulty is material or making„ A SNAP IN i WHEAT FARM` HEAR WINNIPEG. 1,08G acres of clean unbroken prairie, the finest wheat land en earth, on the banks of the Red River, 45 miles from Winnipeg, four miles from two railway stations. $15 an acre Calces it, $5,000 000 cash, balanee easy. No better farm, re better investment. WAUGII & D AT 1E, 12 Merchants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Man. FOR Lima GIL ECONOMv Sarnia USE Prime OIL White ,No real need to buy the more expensiv• oils if GOOD BURNER. is used and KEPT CLEAN. If you want a. BIG LIGHT TRamE olt FOUR GAS JETS IN 0N3— Queen TRY A City BEAUTIFUL 011 LICIIT Lamp For Sale by Dealers THE QUEEN CITY OIL .C+., Team Cut Glass $5.91 Bowl ONLY as manufacturers is it possible for us to offer our special eight -inch Cut Glass I3oWI at $5.00, packed at our risk and car- riage paid to your door. It is of clearest crystal glass, deeply and brilliantly cut in °' hob -nail" star design. Our illustrated catalogue will tell you of other remark- able price -savings in highest quality cut glass. We scud uuen request free of charge our large illustrated catalogue. firattli '% .est. TANTALUM PENS. A new pen has recently come into the market in Europe for which considerable :success is predicted. These pens are anade of tantalum in substitution for steel. They are more flexible than gold gens and more durable than those of steel, since they resist corrosion, and can with difficulty be spotted with ink. At the same time their points are ex eeeccingly hard. Is there anything more annoying than ]raving your corn stepped upon? is there anything more delightful than grating rid of it? Holloway's Corn Cure wilt do it. Try it and be con- vinced. A. youth who had had an exciting ex- perience with a. bull was. narrating the incident with all the graphic language he duld command. "I seized him by the %ails' he exclaimed, "and there I was. I was afraid to hold on, and I daren't let go." A young lady who was very ranch interested, smiled. "You were bet`veen the horns of a dilemma, es it were.' she said. "No," was the reply, "1 wasn't he- tween the horns at all. And; besides; lie wasn't a dilemma; he was a Jersey." THE COST OF TRAVEL. How r Railway Pares in Europe and America Compare. Most writers in comparing the cost of passenger travel in Europe and America, says. a " correspondent who knows,' claim cheaper fares for the for- mer, although, strange enough, a writ- er declares that European fares are about one-third higher then on This =anent There is en Clement ot truth in both statements, but both leave out of sight important considerations, If the aver- age rate in Geis~,any were three cents, a mile, travel there would be much more expensive than here, beetitt`ae wages and the general cost of living is Hauch. lower, thee fora any comparison that. leaves this consideration out of sight unscientific and tonrpar'atively value- less. The average. of Great Britain, France and Germany is lower than that of America in so much gold, f,e., a per - Son can travel farther he Europe—omit- ting Russia—second class, which about corresponds to our first; for the same amount of gold coins, but the average workman in America on account of high- er wages feels able to spend more on travel than his European counterpart, without feeling the cost as much as he. In Japan a person can get a tourist F berth for the nig;it war a cast of only twenty sen (ten cents) for a top berth and forty for a dower. Second-class from Bremen to Paris, r ; about 500 .miles, costs g12.a0, from Paris to Soissons, Gi, miles, $1,50. In England the rate averages a penny a mile — the line with the short haul always setting the rate for the line with long haul and on this basis. ft is always diftcult to compare things that are so dissimi- 1a.• as the European and American modes of travel, but dollar for dollar` Europe has America beat; Germany has even a fourth-class (bunimel zug), the passengers having no seats at all, but are required to stand in something like a fine box freight car. The charge for this class is two pfennig per kilometre or about 23 cents for 31 miles:, Provided the tourist has a good trunk on which to sit, this mode of travel is not incon- venient. Free baggage allowance varies in Eu- rope with the country, although Innen, eral it is less than in America. Passen- gers from the ocean steamers destined fol London are allowed 240 pounds free, fcr other points in England only 120 pounds. On the continent free •.allow ance is sometimes limited to 25 pounds, an absurdly low amount:" MISUNDERSTOOD. She: "We have waited a good many minutes for that mother of mine." He: "Hours, I .should say." She: "Ours! On, George," and she laid her blushing cheek on his shirt- front. Essonsvela Your octor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but— why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five doIIars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly? Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years : let SHILQH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with r• HILSH y REVIVAL OF KNITTING. PIeasant Sedative for Brain -Racked Women. Knitting is being revived this autumn as a pastime not only becauso it ap- peals to many as a novelty, but for utilitarian reasons. • Doctors are recommending it as a sedative to highly -strung nerves, and oculists as aform of industry very suitable for those who suffer from *Oak eyesight. To embroider dine stitches by electric light is very trying to the eyes, whereas knitting becomes a habitthat requires next to no intervention of the sight. Anyone whose thoughts tend during moments of relaxation from the round of social duties or in the intervals of strenuous work towards melancholy, indefinite but ever-present worry,, or an obsession of hopelessness. ,should buy a .set of knitting -needles and some yarn and begin a pair of socks or stockings. Sufficient skill is required for the work to give the brain something to think about, and at the same time the mere net of knitting banishes irritability and engenders an equable and happy frame of mind. Girls have discovered what thein hgrandmothers knew full. well --Hama] at never do the hands look prettier than when they are busily manipulat- ing the pias; the graceful turn oL the wrists, the fingers curved to the task, and the flashing of jewels set in beauti- ful rings and bracelets comprise a sight full of feminine charm. It is advisable to adopt the old style, in which (he wool or silk is throw l with a graceful curve over the pin, instead of the underhand movement practised by some experts, if the fullest,, displaybe desired for the 1 fingers and wrists. ' . The very industrious are searching; for patterns for the old-fashioned knitted quilts of wonderful intricacy, while the less patient, who do not shrink from the "feel" ot silk, ate busy malting winter i rriotor scarves and waistcoats of Wool incl silk conbiried, incited to the task by the beauty of the materials they have Co manipulate, LACK OF ENERGY. A Common ')('rouble Among Growing Boys ---A New Blood Supply is Needed ---Dr. %Viilianrs' Pink Pills Actually Make > cw Blood, There are thousands of young men just approaching manhood Who have no energy, who tire out ,at the least exertion, and ‘vho feel by the time they have done their day's wattle as though the day was a week long. In some if these cases there is a further sign of warning ,in the pimples and. disligur ing eruptions which break out on the face. `These are certain signs that the blood is out of order, and unless it is promptlyenriched,- a complete break- down, or perhaps consumption may be Um result. All these young men should take D. Williams' Pink Pills. Thes pills actually make rich, red `blood clear the skin of pimples and eruptions and bring health,. strength and energy Hero L a bit of proof. Adolphe Rolland St- Jerome, Cue., is a young man of 10 years, who says: "For mere than a year f suffered from general weakness, and I gradually grew so weak ,that I was forced to abandon my work as a clerk. My appetite failed me, I had occasional violent and I began to suf for from indigestion., I was failing so rapidly that I began to fear that, con- sumption was fastening itself upon me. Our family doctor treated me,: but I did not gain under iris entre. i was t�•hin a very discouraged state en a friend from Montreal game to see me. He strongly advised me to try Dr: Williams' Pini: Fills. I did so and inside of three weeks I began to feel better, my ap- petite began to improve and I seemed to have a feeling of new courage. I continued the pills until I had taken' `ten boxes and I am now enjoying the best of health I ever had. My cure sur- prised many of my friends who began to regard me as incurable, and Istrong Iv advise other young men who are weak to follow my example and give 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." There is no mystery about the cures Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. make. These pills actually make rich, red blood, which braces and strengthens every organ and every nerve in the body. That is why these pills cure all com- mon ailments like .anaemia, rheuma- tism, indigestion, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, headaches and backecires : and the spebial ailments oh women and growing girls. You can get these pills from any dealer in medicine or Iron) The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont.. at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. A FRENCH SHERLOCK IIQLMES. .. Makes an Arrest for the Murder of a Mummy. e An old gentleman at Ternee, Frence was recently charged with murder un- der "curious circumstances. n. A rag - picker rushed into Inc police station and threw down .a bag of bones, de- claring �th'at they had been given to him to make away with, but he had dis- covered' them. to be -human. Scenting a terrible crime, the inspec- tor had the man locked up, and then telephoned to a magistrate. Soon after the magistrate, inspector, and two policemen called at the house where the. bag had been handed to the ragpicker and were received by en old gentleman in gold -rimmed spectacles. The magistrate locked the door be- hind him, laid a calcined bone on the table, and said: "'Yon gave this and other human remains to a ragpicker this morning?" "I did," saki the (aidgentleman. "I arrest you for murder'," said the magistrate solemnly; "who was your victim?" In reply the old gentleman in the gold spectacles burst out laughing. "The victim," . he said. "is the son of the Grand Priest Diophta, ho died in Egypt more than 3,000 years before the birth of Christ. I bought .hint recently, but he did not keep well, so I preferred to get rid of him." Exhaustive inquiries eventually led to' the release of the ragpicker and an apology to the mummy purchaser. BABY'S ,GOOD DAYS. One of baby's good days means that ycur child is thriving and well. Baby's Own Tablets brines all good days into your child's Iife,ffor they make little ones well, and ke°p themwell. Mrs. Jos. Feriand_, Si. Tile des Caps, Que.. says:—"Since giving my little one Baby's Own Tablets elle has been .in splendid health, is growing plumper every day and hes beaultilut rosy 7 cheeks." These ablets dire indiges- tion, colic, constipation, simple fevers, teething troubles, and all the minor ailments of little ones. They do not con- tain one particle of the poisonous opt: ales found in all soothing medicines and most liquid preparations. " 1'he Tablets can be given , with absolute safety to the babe just Born, as well as the. child :of advanced years. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent lad mail al 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,, Ont. ARMADA TREASURE FOUND. Fourteen Guns and Two Bolles of N. Specie Recovered from Sea. Through the agency of John Steer, the Hull water diviner and mineral ex:pert, important discoveries ' have been made in The hulk of the .Spanish Armada galleon Admiral of Floecncia, lying 'in. f ohermory Day, England. Fourteen bronze guns, each moosur, ng 4 feet 0 inches in length, hay° been I end two specie chests, one filled with gold and silver mixed, have been obtained at a depth of about ten fa- thoms. , It wee found that the hulk had split n two from stem to stern, and that the guns had fallen out all around the ves- sel. Other important finds are confidently anticipated.. iG`N 'i'lll ROAD To MECCA, The Stearn Locomotive Wilt Soon Enter the a holy City. The latest invasion of sacred ground by the steel rail is the building of the steam road to the holy City of Mecca. With the coming of the engine will pass one of the most unique and picturesque slgbts of the l3ttst, the great caravans 'which, cross yearly the desert between. Cairo and Damascus. and Mecca. It is the highest religious duty of every Modern to make at least one pilgrim- age to Mecca, the "mother of towns." tie puts off iais ordinary clothes, shaves his head, arrays lin sett in .white gar- ments and starts on his journey. Ile may wear sandals, but no shoes, and no hcacl covoring, until the end of iris pit- gr'irrla ie. What is time of fostin.g for one people is often lime of feasting for anotbei'. There are many who profit through the Moslem's sins. To .insure ..the safety of the thousands of the faithful, the government pays the desert,ehciks tri- bute for not molesting the pilgrims. These nomad chiefs• will not welcome the railroad which' is to . invade their premises,. Another alass reaps financial benetlt: from the pilgrims. ' Even on his jour- ney to Mecca the Moslem heaps up sins which have to be atoned. Every tiny transgression bas to be paid far by the slaughter of a .sheep. Thousands and thousands of sheep are thus sacrificed, and the shepherds of Arabia drive a pro- filable trade. One of their fervent pray= ers is that the sins of others may te increased. i MINING IN ROSSLAND. • The Rossland Miner says: "Le Roi 2 has just declared an interim dividend of two. shillings a share on its issued capital stock; amounting to $00,000. The virgin ground," says The Miner, "owned by the company, -'and particularly the `Annie,' is believed to carry at least one of the Le Roi ledges, and Is valuable. There is,"..11 adds, "a lot of unexplored ground which is thought to be rich, and when exploited should yield good re- sults." Commenting an the above, a prominent local mining man paints out twat the Annie Mine and White .icer Mine adjoin, and are surrounded by the California Giant and Novelly nn one side, with Le Rol 1 and Black Rear on the other, the latter now being the pro- perty of Lo Roi. Ho expresses the opinion that this locality contains rich are, and will yet produce some start- ling mining sensations, as the richest ore ever taken out has been from this section. Gas trusts would unable to declare dividends if people didn't have money to burn. Do Not Delay..—When throughde- bilitated digestive, organs, poison finis its way into the blood, the prime con- sideration is to get the poison out as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible. Delay may moan disaster. Parnlelee's Vegetable Pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to as- sail the intruder with.. They never fail. They go at once to . the seat of the trou- ble and .work a permanent cure. Most men are willing to tell the truth if it reflects on somebody else. In some hoarding houses it is a rare thing to have things well dune. A' FIRE SPREADS in dry grass, so does an, infiammation in the throat grow down into they lungs. Deal promptly with a cold as with a fire,' anal when:on begin to cough use Allen's Lung 'Balsa,.,. rr If. a man has anything else to do he is foolish to waste time at'guing with a woman. Worms cause feverishnee s, moaning and restlessness during strep.. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is pie'is- ant, sure and effectual. if your drug- gist has none in stock, get hint to pro- cure ft for you. "Is the new .prison warder vigilant?" "Rather! Someone told him the gas was escaping, and he grabbed his revolver." NO SUBSTITu'r] for "The b k L Menthol iPlaaster, although some unscrupulous dealers may ,clergy rgy and everybody, d stiffness, pluor sy, etc. If money talks the misers cash must he tongue-tied. A Time for. Everything.—The time (or Dr. Thomas' Eeleelric Oil is when croupy symptoms appeal, in the chil- dren; when rheumatic pains beset the old; when lumbago, asthma, coughs, colds, catarrh or earache attack either young ror old; when burns, scalds, abra- sions, contusions or sprains come to any member of the family. In any of these ailments it will give relief and work a cure. ' NEVER PAUSES TO REFLECT. "Your wife seems to be a woman who says what she thinks." . "No, sir; she never stops talking long enough, to drink." The Engaged Girl' "I've always heard that love is blind." The .Matron: "Yes; but marriage is a great oculist." E Made in Canada and Said by all Druggists This: coupon is good for one ton cent (IOc.) Trial Bottle of the cele- brated Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -pill a sere euro for Iodigeotion Bilious- ness, i)yspopsia, Constipation and all slim enta arising therefrom.' Mailed free, in a plain package, on receipt of name and address. rill in your name and poet office address on dotted lined and cent to TIIE WISON-FYLE CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. This is what ;COLTSY+QQTE EXPECTORANT ANT is among cough remedies,. " 1t leads, others follow." A safe and permanecft cure for. Colds, Coughs, Croup' Whooping Coraylh,, Asthma, Throat and Lund troubles. This famous remedy has been produced by the highest Inv:Heal kaowlvledda, and is the result of years of careful experimenting:Your druggist not only keeps it, but recommends 1L ..F Price, 25 cents. Y E /tea. E C T ltA "OSHAWA' Steel Wlnd, Water, Stcrm and Flro P. .)of Shingles IMC lie LLii .,� 0 JV1142414: V+'�?r.�wYSYs`u �...yt a!'rr�tsv 7r �wrsre J FO�v�h�Jb Y�O dZ1.1,,,� . � `+'}'4f11/r , •i 1n�''.rt. \, ' . s o ov 1ri `. l ,.�., rs,. b � s► • t o L rlJJd yr b � O 1 .. 4 ti A•A .tr• a1� t v�iY afreJOss,,��aa��.o.J ., .a�.►+JO s`�.� �u,. dU . 8 ,rI V ,O d r) .rs ,� 1 Oa -. WIOd ,Ylvri r •e' —., �'+ , ,,ar rrr. •�,+"' kvv.....m.vvy0m._irrr,vv_v_+5••ib.0ut..Gv_�yt!o,hrl 1% fly -x1.11114 I Lor. frR� �t~�� % I~'.rw+ tib �tl � ,i Loolsod. on All Four Sidee Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5;10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal coveringior Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips• are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest coompany-of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. ,making, them FiRE. WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAVESTROUGH, Etc. METAL SIDING, in imilat.ion of brick or stone. All TAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue. NO. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write to -day. BoolrEal, 011e. ono, Oat %ms lo, 0111. men, Ont. moral Ian. VancollYer,B.C. 321-3W Craig g St. 423 423 Sussex st. 11 Colborne st +69 Dundas at 76 Lombard at. 613 Pendor at.. l � I .I Write your Nearest Oifice.--JIEAD OFFICE AND WORKS—OSHAWA, Out. NVESTORS Read This a Mora Goad Mews [ram Rossland In its issue of the 15th inst. The Rossland Miner says: "Two cars have been spotted at WIIITE. BEAR MiNE, and these will be loaded today or to -morrow for shipment to the Granby. The ore is that taken out in the course of development. The work of developing and making available the ore shoots found on the 700, 850 and 1000 foot levels continues. THE SHOOT ON TIIE 1000 FOOT LEVEL IS TIIE LARGEST YET FOUND." WHITE BEAR MINE shares are selling- around 9% to 10 cents '(non - assessable). The last shipment of ore brought $24 a ton for concentrates, while the rest realized $10 net after all expenses. This stock will stand the most careful and rigid investigation and offered at above price is an opportunity for the progressive investor. DON'T WAIT. BUY NOW. Secure an interest in This promising enterprise at once. White Bear ad- joins the famous Le Roi and is in close proximity to Centre Star, War Eagle and Annie 'Mines. C °BALT Webuy end sll any of thefollowing.; roster, Silver Quc en, Silver Bar, Silver Leaf, Kerr Lake, University, Red Rock, Temiskanling and Hud- son Bay. Buffalo, Trethewey. Also all other Mining and Industrial Stocks. For -reliable information or price, buying or selling, communicate with us. 'Wire orders at our expense. FOX I& ROSS, Stock Brokers, Tut.. MA T21=-1 ,'Heeling all Depts, Established 1881. Members Standard Stock Exchange, Toronto. eeoneeeredatelleeliee WHITE' BEAR'S PROGRESS. SEEING HIM ONE BETTER. In its issue of the 15tH inst. The Ross- land•Miner says : "Two cars have been spotted at White Bear Mine, and these will be loaded to -day or to -morrow for shipment to the Granby. The ore is that taken out, in the course of development. The work of developing and making availoble the ore shoots found on the 700, 850 and 1000 foot' levels continues. The.slroot on the 1000 -foot level is the largest yet found. The bright, young. man .who attempts to kiss a miss in the dark seldom misses the mark. Do not let a cold settle on ,your lungs, liesort to Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup at the first intimation of irrita lion in the throat and prevent disease from lodging in the pulmonary organs. Neglected colds are the cause of un- told suffering throughout the country all of which could have been prevent- ed by the application of this simple but powerful medicine. The price, 25 cents, brings it within the reach of all. Meeker: "My wife and I never quar- rel. She does ,as she pleases and I do, too," Bleeker: "1 see—as she pleases." Meeker: "Of course, I'rn not looking for trouble.,' A LITTLE QUIA is the best of all diet, yet it will not snake bone and muscle but lerro,im ,will. Try it. An drug and general stores. $1 bottles. ALCOHOL. IN BREAD. There has been mU h discussion l op abo u1 the quantity of alcohol contained in ordinary bread as the result.of the fer- mentative process to which it is sub- jected before baking. Evidently the quantity is small, but until -recently, it would appear, chemists have not suc- cceded in accurately measuring it.. Now. however, it is announced that Dr, 0, Pohl, . by an elaborate 'process based Upon tha distillation of the bread to be tested in a Pepin digester, lies ascer- tained that ordinary bread normally contains .0753 of a gram of alcohol for every 100 grams of bread, or a little more than 7 parts in 10,000, It is wen to be precise even -inns small things. When a woman marries a man for thepurpose of getting even the odds are against her. Faint heart neer got mixed up in a breach of g ,anise Suit. Employer (reprovingly): "Young man,. I have seen you twice under the influence. of liquor." Clerk (cheekily): "I'm told, sir, Ibat under the influence of liquor one does see things twice." OWE OF THE BEST old time remedies 2or all, skin affections, such as Eczema, Itingwort-a, Scald - howl and similar affections 0 Weavers Cerate. It 0 an ointment that has brought; relief to, ,thousands. Mr. 7awback: "gee host.;, it seems to: me you're asking *me for money ali_iher time." Mrs. Jawback: "No, dear; I'tnu spending it part 'l, the time, your knows" Prevent Disorder.—At the first symp- toms of internal disorder, Parmelee's. Vegetable Pills should be resorted to. immediately. Two or three of these• salutary pellets, taken before going to bed, followed by doses ,of one or two• pills for two or three nights in succes- sion, will serve as a preventive of at- . tacks of . dyspepsia and all the discom- forts which follow in the train of that fell disorder. The means are simple when the way is known. THE HEAD DEFINED. An Irishman once described the hu- man tread as "a bulbous excrescence, of 'special use to many, as a ,peg for 'hang- ing a hat on—as a barber's block for supporting wigs ---as a t'rrget for Shoot- rn" atwherendered conspicuous h Y a shining helmet --as a snuff-box or a chatterbox—as a machine for fittirfg into a halter or gu..lotinc—•as a receptaelo for freaks, fancies, follies, passions, pre- judices, predilections—for anything, in short, but brains:" ,- magageogustmerromoMallalimalgumsommingt tbat fuirod to CAMERON'S i1 curesnewthose i�hase suffering from Aatk ]�tt Chi. 13roifchftia >;moo CUPS runor Asthma. If afflicted WRITE FOR FREE SAMMIPLE, and let us convince you that we have a ours -.-apo that euros to stay cured: 1`RIt1E SAMOA soot to any address, D. A. CAMERON ter. C(.,,, Owen Sound; Ord; i A 110PR1tMUt M - ... 1 T` N ISSUE No./A--06., Si i