Exeter Advocate, 1906-5-17, Page 5THk:
pgbliehed every Thursday Morning at the Office
----By the---
One:Dollar per annum if paid in advance, $1.50
' if not so paid,
aid irgrtiair g =,e.tAp ora .E..p pl.i.e.e,-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are plaid
Advertieemente without epeoified directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for trausoient advertisements
inserteci for long periods. Evers description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates,, Cheques, money orders, &c., for
advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
Property for Sale.
A fine pasture farm in the Township of Hay, near
Sarepte; one hundred acres, SO acres seeded, frame
house and good stable, good water, etc.,
Another 100 acre farm for sale, in the township of
Ueborne,south of Elimvilie,00nvenient to sohool,well
drained, small orchard,. 10 acres bush, frame house,
barn, stable and grainary.
Apply to
Roller Mill
A real good time to buy our famous
White Star Flour
is now. Made from the very finest of
wheat—acknowledged to be the best
in Arnerica—The Mills, the Millers,
and the Milling Process all thoroughly
adapted for obtaining the highest re-
sults.—For 'strength, richness, whole-
ness and appetizing flavor it is with-
out equal; makes more bread easier
and better than any other—gives solid
satisfaction to consumer and producer
—Buy it and yon will please yourself
and your good wife as welt—House-
wives all over the county emdorse our
claims. We solicit your patronage.
Jos.Eidt, Dashwood
Bran and Shorts
and Wheat Chop
.It Exeter and Centralia
Prices: Satisfactory. Bring in
your grain and load
home with feed.
Jos. Cobbledick
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength—No. 1,1; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger e3; No. 3,
for special cases, j5 Per box.
Sold by all druggists, or sent
prepaid on receipt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address : TN
000K MEDICINE CO.,TORONTO, ONT. (formerly IV *awn
Tfle flrltcIe to Bug
Is that which gives lasting benefit
-and Pleasure.
Nothing will so successfully do this
as a good High.Grade
Every member of the family willful-
ly appreciate it.
We carry these instruments in the
highest grade and our prices and terms
are of the most liberal kind for the
Our Sewing Machines
Surpass anything in the market for
beauty and durability.
Call and see ns; we will take pleasure
in showing you our goods.
Barley 40
Oats.. , ... , . 34
Peas.. 65
Potatoes, per bag........ 1
Hay, per ton,. .. . 6 50
Flour, per cwt., family.,
Flour', low grade per cwt 1 20
Butter.... .......
Livehogs, per ewt
Shorts per ton ........ 20 00
Bran per ton18 00
Dried Apples..., , 6
75 77
00 1 10
7 00
2 25
1 20
A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many
Dread Diseases—Intelligent Women Prepare
for It. Two Relate Their Experiences.
The "change, of life" is
the most critical period of.
a .woman's existence,and
the anxiety felt by women
as it draws near is not
without reason.
Every woman who ne-
glects the care of her
health at this time invites
disease and pain.
When her system is in
a deranged condition, or
she is predisposed to apo-
plexy, or congestion of
any organ, the tendency is
at this period likely to be-
come active—and with a
host of nervous irritations,
make life a burden. At
this time, also, cancers and
tumors are more liable to
form and begin their des-
tructive work.
Such warning synlptores
as sense of suffocation, hot
flashes, headaches, back
aches, dread of impending
evil, timidity sounds in
the ears, palpitation of the
heart, sparks before the
eyes, irregularities, con-
stipation, variable appetite,
weakness, inquietude,
and dizziness are promptly
heeded by intelligent wo-
men who are approaching
the period in life when
woman's great change may
be expected.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com,
pound was prepared to meet the needs
of woman's system at this trying period
of her life. It invigorates and strength-
ens the female organism and builds up
the weakened nervous system.
For special advice regarding this im-
portant period women are invited to
write to Mrs. Pinkhan, at Lynn, 1liass.,
and it will be furnished absolutely free
of charge. Tho present Mrs. Pinkhaln
is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink -
ham, her assistant before her decease,
and for twenty-five years since her advice
has been freely given to sick women.
Read what E. Pinkham's Com-
pound slid for Lydia -Mrs. Powless and Mrs.
Mann :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham"In my opinion there is no medicine
made for women which can compare with
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and you have no firmer friend in the Domi-
nion than I am. At the time of change of
life I suffered until I was nearly crazy, and
was not fit to live with. 1 was so irritable,
irrational and nervous that I was a torment
to myself and others. I 'surely thought
that I would lose my reason before I got
through, when fortunately an old friend
recommended your Vegetable Compound.
I took it for five months and then off and
on until the Critical period had passed, and.it
restored me to perfect health. My advice
to suffering women is to try your Vegetable.
Compound, and they will not be disap,.,
pointed." -Mrs. E. Powless, Deseronto, Ont.
Another Woma.n's Case. -
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :—
"As I owe my splendid health to Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I am
very pleased to write and tell you my expe-
rience with it. I ain the mother of three
children grown to womanhood, and have
safely passed the change of life, and feel ax.
young and as strong as I did twenty years
ago, and I know that this is all due to your
woman's friend, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound. I used it before my
children were born, and it greatly assisted
nature and saved me much pain during the
change of life. I took it, off and on, for
four years, and had but little trouble and
sickness that most women have to endure."
—Mrs. James K. Mann, 806 Bathurst St,
Toronto, Canada.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Powless and
Mrs. Mann itill do for other
w women,
at this time of life.
It has conquered pain, restored health,
and prolonged life in cases that utterly
baffled physicians.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fall.
Winnipeg - S32.00 Strassburg -
Souris - 33.50 Saskatoon" -"-
Brandon - 33.55 Prince Albert
bloosomin - 34.20 No. Battleford
Arcola 34.50 Macleod -
Estevan 35.00 Calgary -
Yorktonj Red Deer
Regina 35.75 Stettler
Moose Jaw 30.00 Edmonton}
June 6th, good to return until August 6th.
June 19th, August 20th.
July 3rd, " Sept. 3rd.
July 17th, " " Sept. 17th.
For rates to other points and complete in-
formation apply to nearest Canadian Pacific
Agent, or write to C. B. foams, District
Passenger Agent, 71 Yonge St., Toronto.
2 Days In Detroit
j iG�Giil�r'��I®...rues
1 in a.LOwvar --_---a?ii.a
�r !lO®m®:re■sss ll'I
POINT G Tho Dillon bouts has Ione since teemed
the experimental dole.. Once you gut a bIlIon
Bono you aro satlnAml, and VIII wont more. Mao
trntua eatdogna true I,va a;:mdt waote.L
Ww1 a1.1r
W. J'. H.eaman, Agent.
7 10 Seaforth: Mrs. Geo. &llery, aged
20 00 82 years, for many yeas a resident of
18 00 Hibbert township, died on Monday of
6 last week, at her residence here.
Keep saying it, over 'and over again.
A er's Pills. A er's ills ''
y y P . A ors
Palls he e
. T best liver Ills ever er's
W.p s made.
The.. eo i . ..
They cure nst patron, indigestion,
w biliousttess, sick -headache. All vege-
table, 'sugar-coated, mildly laxative.
�� I� We stave en secrets! Wedbtlelt
lite fetmutas df atlaer dlc�icldeti;, . Loirari td.. u..
Ailsa Craig: Mrs. T. O'Neil has re-
ceived word of the death of her step-
father, Mr. Lennard of Luton, near
Aylmer, Ont. Mr. Leonard will he re-
membered by many of our townpeople,
he having resided in this vicinity some
years ago.
Seaforth: From the assessment roll:
—Actual value of- real property, ex-
clusive of buildings $99,940; value of
buildings, $636,524; total aanount of
taxable real property, $ 74,720; taxa hie
income $21,670; total assessment, $671,-
253. There is a decrease of five in the
population. Total population 2,205.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior part-
ner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business
in the Oityof Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUND-
RED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence
this Oth day of December, A.D., 1886.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for Testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 750.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation,
Our classes are much larger than they were a year
ago. The public have learned that this is the best
place in the Province to obtain aCommercial Educe
tion or Shorthand Training. Students are entering
each week. lyllgraduates get good positions.
Write now for catalogue.
Some Good Stock
To Breed From.
RAVOLO, NO. 15494. VOL. II.
Is a standard -bred trotting stallion,
15 hands, 3i inches high and weighs
1200 lbs.; a well proportion horse with
an excellent pedigree.
Monday, Albert McFalls', Biddulph,
and McFalls' hotel, Liman.
Tuesday, Jas. Keefe's, Biddulph and
Wednesday, John Kelland's,Blansh-
ard, and John Dow's, Hibbert.
Thursday, Mr. Sotnerville's,Hibbert,
and home.
Friday, Crediton and borne. -
HENRY RUMOEIR, Prop. and Man.
Is a beautiful chestnut sorrel, 151
bands high and wieghs 1075 lbs. Good
feet and legs. A handsome trotting
stallion, with a fine pedigree, showing
good ancestors end fast brothers and
Monday, will leave his own stable,
Winchelsea, and proceed to Philip
Verb's for noon; and home for night.
Tuesday, John
tr l
CUs: 4, U's -
borne, and home.
Wednesday, to David Chrisfies and
home until Friday.
Frid ay„ to Silas B3alkwill's, Blanshard.
ltnd home,
Itallie Srown, Prop,
Uslbox l*e Council.
Council islet on May 5th all the mem.
hers were present. Theuiinutes of the
last meeting read and approved, The
'tender of Win, Connelly and Co. to
construct the Watshburne Drain for
( $1858 was :accepted, constructor to
commence work as soon as possible
and to be paid 75 per cent. of thevalue
of the work done whenever at least
$200 worth of work is completed. The
contract to build these 4 feet arch cul-
verts and five small bridges with ce-
inent concrete .abutments,and concrete
floors, was let to the Patterson Ellis
and Whelibam Co„ contractor to do
all necessary excavating, fill in a ,p=
proacbes and leave watercourses clear
of all obstructions. By laws 4 and 5, .
appointing Pathmasters and regulat-
ing statute labor were passedf signed
and sealed. Accounts amounting to
$72.70 were passed, and orders issued
in payment. Court of Revision of the
assessment roll for 1906 will be held at
Tp. Hall Elitnville on Saturday June 2
at 9.30 o'clock aa. m, The Reeve and
Treasurer were authorized to borrow
money to meet current expenses,
Next meeting of council an June 2nd
after court of Revision.
F. Morley, Clerk,
Just arrived a big package of Jap
•mese China—just the thing for wed-
ding presents—Charlton's Fair, Exeter,
DEATHS.—The grim reaper has in-
deed been busy during thepast few
days. On Thursday week the spirit
of Mrs. John Strong took its flight.
Her illness was of short duration and
her death is exceedingly sad, as he,
sides her husband she leaves a family
of seven small children, the youngest.
a few days old:—John B. McKay of
Toronto, adopted son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. McKay, of Stanley, passed away
a few days ago at Toronto. Deceased
had only been ill a few days with pneu-
monia. He was in his 51st year and
leaves a wife and seven children. -It
WAS a shock and surprise to our citi-
zens to learn of the sudden death of G.
Blair, which occurred on Sunday week.
He'had been suffering from an affec-
cion of the heart for some time, and a
while ago he left his home in the vil-
age and went to stay with his sister,
Mrs. Andrew Bell, 'sr., that. he might
have the Netter care. During the week
previous to his death he paid the vil-
lage a visit, little thinking it would be
the last. On Sunday morning he went
out to the barn and while there was
taken with a fainting spellfrom which
he never rallied, passing away in .the
afternoon. Deceased was 65 years of
age and had lived in this vicinity the
greater part of his life. He was never
married but is survived bar a brother
and three sisters, The remains were
laid to rest in the Brucefleld cemetery.
- Elimville
The old saying "that if it rains on
Easter Sunday it will ram for Seven
Sundays after" seems to hold good
this year, it having rained on Easter
Sunday and has rained every Sunday
since, last Sunday being the fourth.—
Those in this vicinity having sold
cattle to Hicks and Coughlin of Cen-
tralia delivered them at that place on
Wedtaesday of last week,—Mr. Clarise
Snell df 'London, is visiting tinder the
parental roof.—Nelson Ooultis sports a
new wheel.—S. J. Pym purchased a
new buggy from his brother at Exeter
last week,—A. number of the ladies at-
tended the Convention of the Ladies
Missionary Society at Centralia on
Thursday last. --The Epworth League
takes charge of the service here on
Sunday.—Mr.and Mrs. Wright visited
the latter's father on Sunday.—Rey.
Fair, officiated at the funeral of the in
fant child of Mr. and Mrs. Squires of
Zion Sunday afternoon. -.
Miss Tillie England, who has been
suffering from severe rheumatism, is
able to leave her bed and move out
around again.—Mrs. John Willert.
west of here is very ill. Mrs. Simons
also continues in a very low state of
health.—Mr. Sim. Ireland of Stratford
spent Sunday at his horse here.
The Exeter Council,
The council met in the Town Hall on
Monday evening May 14th. All the
members were present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved.
A communication was read from the
Bell TelephoneCo. asking permission
to erect certain poles and allow the
trimming of certain trees. Granted.
The cemetery committee recom-
mended the appointment of W. D.
Weekes on the cemetery board :to fill
the vacancy made by -Dr, Anderson's
leaving town. The committee also re-
commended some changes in Cemetery
by-law so as to make alterations in the
charges, viz:—shoulder grave $7, coffin
grave, bricked and planted, $8; coffin
grave, plain, $5; coffin grave, shoulder,
without brick $7. A. E. Fiske—Jas.
Creech—that the recommendation be
Mr. Levett asked that the trees be
trimmed on the south side of Sanders
street. Jas. Creech—W. J. Heaman—
that every other tree be cut down and
the others .tr'immed.
W. J. Neaman—Jas. Creech --that.
the following accounts be paid:—
Canadian Express Co., $1.95;
D. Staley, pumping, $3.00;
W. J. Statham, $1.25;
Thos. Creech, labor, $L50;
S. Handford, " $6.00;
R. Davis, $6.00;
R. Quance, '• $5.25;
Jos. Sutton, " $4.50;
Geo. Atkinson, $1.13;
Walter Wescott," $1.25;
Thos. Houlden, " $1.75;
Goldie & McOullogh,
cylinder for engine, $24.40;
Mrs. White, $1.50;
John Ford, salary $27.00;
Wm. Brixnacomhe, $1.50;
Thos. Webster, $3.00;
W.J.Bissett,partsalary $32.00.
A. G. Dyer, postage re -assessment,
$1.15, assessor's salary, $65,00, proper -
Mg truant officers list, $5, total $71.15.
Reeve Bobier informed the council
that Mr, Wm. Bawden would hold his.
offer good to transfer to the town the
property lying along river of
heM'Listreet bridge if the council
would plant trees alongside the river.
'Che matter brought up considerable
disense:on, regarding the offer, A. E,
yak e Ed.Treble—that the council, ac.
cepa Ml 13a.wden's offer subject to his
con i1ions, C,atried.
Adjourned to meet on 28th,
Tea Mayor and Strength
THE greater body and richness of Indian tea
when combined with the delicately flavored
but thinner tea of Ceylon, produces that'rich; fruity
flavor " of Red Rose Tea — a tea that is strong and
goes further—requires less to make a cup of equal
strength than any brand of Ceylon tea alone.
Red Rose , Tea combines the strength , and
richness of Indian tea and the delicacy and fragrance
of Ceylon tea. -
is good. Tea
T. H. Estabroo alis
St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg
Mitchell: The death occurred re-
cently of Mary Jane, wife of George
Baker, Deceased was widely known
and much respected. Her husband
Goderich Tp.: The death of Walter
Hick, aged 81 years, took place recent-
ly on Huron Road. He was a native
of Cornwall, Eng. He resided in this
township for half a century. He was
noted as a•frult grower.
Granton: The fine cement struc-
ture being erected by Mr. Baker for a
hardware store is well on the way to.
completion and is going to be "the"
building of our town. Mr. Baker de-
serves credit for bis enterprise,
Brucefield: Albert Aikenhead and
Chas. Sewers have passed their medi-
cal examinations vrith honors. This.
is Mr. Aikenhead's third year in Lon-
don Medical College and. Mr. Sawer's
second year. -Mrs. Sewers has return-
ed from Mount Vernon, Iowa, where
she attended the funeral of her father,
the late Rev. Mr. Hamilton. He was
minister for many years of the Metho-
dist of that place, and was nearly 89
years of age; he left five children.
Clinton: The five-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook died of
Bright's disease. She had been ill two
years.—News bas been received of the
death of J. B. McKay, president of
the Dominion Business College, Tor-
onto. He was a former employe of
Harland Bros. His father is Thos.
McKay of Kippen. Mr. Smythe, a
brakesman, had his left arm badly
crushed at Blythe last week. His fin-
gers had to be amputated.
Staffa: The remains of the late Mrs.
T. J. Moore were brought here Wed-
nesday from Buffalo and laid to rest
in the Staffa cemetery, Deceased was
a former resident of this place but has
resided in Buffalo for some time.
Woodham: It is expected that this
village will witness the greatest days
of its history on May 20th and 24th.
On the 20th the great S.S. anniversary
celebration will be held. Services at
10.30, 2.45 and 7.00. Rev. A. H.:Going,
B.A., is the preacher for the day. On
the 24th, four corner stones will be
laid in the wall of the new church, two
at 11.00 a.m. and two at 2.00 p.m.
Dinner at 12.00 and supper at 6.00. -
Sports at 3.30. Grand concert at 8.00.
Great preparations are being made for
all the above.
Liman Crossing: The funeral of the
late Mrs. Mary Ann Carter took place
Sunday afternoon from her late resi-
dence to St. James' cemetery, Olande-
boye. Deceased, wha was 87 years of
age, came to this country from Ireland
when she was :twelve years old, and
settled with her parents in Biddulph
township. where she has resided ever
since. Mrs. Carter's father was one of
those who assisted in building the road
from London to Goderich. She is sur-
vived by three sons, George, of Claude-.
hope; Wm. of Lucas Crossing, and
Governor Career of the county jail at
London and two daughters, Mrs. Jas.
Simpson, Clandeboye'and Mrs. J, C.
Watts London.
i crumble the marble palace,
I cut ..tl men iu their prime;
The monarchs of the forest
Fail before the scythe of Time.
But my most destructive efforts
Of snow. and heat and cold,
Have no effect on ". Wire Edge "—
It lasts for years uutold,
costs less than ordinary shingles and lasts a
lifetime. It is rain, snow and fire proof—insures
dry, comfortable quarters for live stock and
poultry—and makes the ideal roof for homes,
barns, chicken houses, etc.
Sample and booklet free. Write for them.
Hardware dealers everywhere have
will procure it for you.
Paterson Mfg. Co, Limited
Montreal and
hon -R �� �3•.�`.-
ODER OF ��0.��\\
(/�• f�'rI11Mta 1'v�
�4.,ii �- You can shake
11100\ r -'' down a " Sunshine
" �•, furnace without getting
covered with ashes and dust—has a
dust flue through which all the dust
and ashes escape when you shake
down the fire.
This heater is so easily regulated and operated,
and so clean, that it makes the entire household
bright and genial.
Sold by all enterprising dealers. Booklet free,
uns iftei
4 a =imacet
sT, $0)111. ItAMILToN.
Hawkirt - Son, Sole A ents