Exeter Advocate, 1906-5-17, Page 2CRIPPLING SCIATICA..
A Sure and 'Certain Way to Cure This:
Terrible Torture.
There is just one sure, scientific cure
for sciatica, rheumatism, lumbago, neo-
ralgia, headaches -- you must drive the
pain from your blood and nerves with
Dr Williams' Pink kills Liniments
never sure nerve and blood diseases.
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills strike right
straight at the cause because they ac-
• r
tually make rrevv blond. '1'lzrout,tl he
blood they conquer the painful poison,
soothe the nerves, loosen the muscles
and banish every ache and pain. Mr.
a says:
J. l.ts�ll, Walkerton, Ont., s ,s:
„When I began using. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills I had been off work for three
months. The cords of my right leg
were all drawn up and I could only
limp along with the aid of a.stick. The
}gain I suffered was terrible. Only
those who have been afflicted with sci-
atica can understand the misery I was
is both day and night. I tools six
boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills be-
fore they helped me, but after that
every day saw an improvement, and by
the time I had used fifteen boxes, ev-
ei y vestige of the pain had disappeared.
I have no hesitation in pronouncing Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills the best medicine
in the world for sciatica..1'
Every dose of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
rnakes rich, pure, health -giving blood.
That is tvhy they cure headaches and
backaches, indigestion, kidney and
liver troubles, anemia, heart palpita-
tion, and the ills that afflict women
only. But he sure you get the genuine
pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People," on the
wrapper around each box. Imitations
are worthless—often dangerous. All
medicine dealers sell these pills or you
can get them by mail at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for S2.50 by writing The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
The Industry Has Pr- ospered for 130
Much care is expended in the manu-
facture of leaden or tin soldiers. The
fabrication of these toys is mainly per-
formed at Nuremburg, and dates from
the military enthusiasm aroused 1 y
Frederick the Great in Germany and
throughout Europe by his surprising-
urprisingexploits in the Seven Years' War.
The best artists are hired to furnish
models for the soldiers, and they are
Scrupulously careful to conform to the
military costumes of the period and
country to which the figures are sup-
posed to belong. The shapes designed
are engraved upon moulds of slate or
brass, into which the melted tin or lead
Is poured through a small orifice.
When moulded the soldiers have to he
painted, and this is done by women at
their own homes, who receive no more
et ages than S1 a week.
Care is taken to select gaudy colors.
The packing is also intrusted to wo-
men. If made of tin, the soldiers are
packed in wooden boxes, all of which
come from Sonneberg, in Thuringia.
The extreme cheapness of these boxes
indicates the low wages of the work-
men, nearly all of whom, it has been
observed, die of consumption. When
the toys are made of solid lead, they
ere packed in cardboard boxes with
glass tops.
This toy -soldiery industry has pros-
pered for 130 years, though the demand
tails off in periods of prolonged peace,
to revive again when war is in the air.
It Is An Essential Source of Comfort
and Iieaith.
The perfect cleanliness of some ani-
mals is a very notable circumstance
'when we consider that nearly their
Whole lives are passed in burrowing in
the earth and removing nuisances; yet
such is the polish of their coating and
limbs that we seldom find any soil ad-
hering to them.
All the beetle race, the chief occupa-
tion of which is crawling in the soil
about dirty places, are, notwithstanding
remarkable for the glossiness of their
covering and freedom from defilements
of apy kind.
Birds are unceasingly attentive to 'he
neatness and lustration of their plum-
All reptiles and the slug race, though
covered with slimy matter, are perfect-
ly free from soil. The fur and hair
of beasts in a state of liberty and
health is never filthy or sullied with
flirt. Some birds roll themselves in
dust, and occasion 'ay particular beasts
cover themselves with mire; but this ie
not from any liking or inclination for
such things, but to free themselves from
annoyances, or to prevent the bites ori
Birds and beasts evidently derive plea-
sure in washing and dressing themselves
and this feeling of enjoyment, even if
the• sole motive. becomes to them an es-
Bennet source of comfort and health.
Baby's Own Tablets is the very best
medicine in the world for curing the
minor ailments of babies and young
children. It is the hest because it is ab-
solutely harmless. It is the best be-
cause it never fails to effect a cure. A
few doses relieves and cures constipa-
tion, indigestion, colic, diarrhoea and
simple fevers. It breaks up colds—thus
preventing croup --expels worms and
brings teething without tears. Not one
particle of opiate or poisonous soothing
muff is in this medicine. Mrs. Hugh B.
Denton, Scatcbfown, N. B., says : "I
always ' found them a satisfactory
medicine." You can -get the Tablets
from any medicine dealer or by mail at
E5 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
"Do you know," said the cheerful uI-
lot" that it is the easiest thing in the
world to telt whether a mall is going
Out on a journey or returning, by the
way he carrine his portmanteau."
t never thought of that,' said the
Simple young man."What is the dif-
"ft is just this way," he went on.
"When a man is going away he oarrtes
ttie port manteati towards the railway
station, and 4vllen he is carving back
earrie.s it In the other directions"
Marriage Ideas of the East Contrasted
With Those of the West.
There is a remarkable article in the
April "Monthly Review, published in.
Landon,. England, by Mrs. Flora Annie
Steel, who has written so Much and so
ably upon Indian life, In effect, it is
a plea for a revision of our ideas about
It is common here in the west to think
of the Eastern marriage with pity and
even disgust. . To accept a husband
never seen before the day of betrothal;
to live in seclusion; to share hien, per-
a s other wives --this seems to
Englishmen an unbearable fate. Yet
Mrs Steel tells us that Indian wives are
as a rule happy; and that if Indian `rnis-
slonaries" were to come here to "con-
vert" us as English ladies go to India,
"they would find quite as much, say in
London, at which to hold up holy hands
of horror as we do, say, in Calcutta and
To the Indite wife (and to the Indi-
an husband also) marriage is a duty,
a duty to her race. "The real tie be-
tween husband and wife lies in their
fatherhood, their motherhood," A
Western bride goes to marriage as she
would to a theatre, "expecting to he
hrippy, interested, amused." The East -
ere bride goes as a nun to a cloister,
voluntarily, self -dedicated to duty.
"Not long ago," Mrs. Steel writes,
was expounding my views to a very
charming young woman— a wife and
a mother—who laughingly replied: That
would not suit us. My husband and
I are looking forward with delight to
leaving the children with their nurse
for two months while we enjoy our-
selves quite alone together abroad.'
"Now 1 do
not know what the West-
woman may call this, but no East-
ern woman would dream of calling
this marriage. She would quietly,
simply, and without emotion, call it
quite another name."
The lengthening divorce list and the
diminishing birth-rate lead Mrs. Steel,
a* they have led many other thought-
ful people, toask themselves whether
mere attraction, which is the ground -
basis of marriage in this country, is
a sufficient safeguard to the race.
From the man's purely selfish point
of view there is little to choose between
the Eastern and the Western marriage
systems. Here in England a woman
"may refuse to be companion, helpmeet,
friend; she may neglect her husband's
house, his children, and play skittles
with his money and his reputation;
she may even refuse to be the mother
of his children, and he has no re-
But. the men of India are little better
off, if, as Mrs. Steel declares, they are
`the most henpecked in the world."
They Made a New Woman of Her and
She Blesses the Day She First Heard
of Them.
Newmarket, Ont., May 7.—(Special).—
The case reported below is another of
the many thousands of instances of
Dodd's Kidney Pills corning to the rescue
of weak, suffering women. Mrs. M.
boner, of this place, says
"For more than three years I suffered
from weakness and female trouble
brought an through my kidneys failing
to act properly. I was bothered with a
pain in the small of my back, head-
aches, ,dizzy spells, heart flutterings,
depression, loss of sleep, poor appetite
and a terrible dragging sensation as if
a. weight was fastened round my loins.
I tried dectors and. took all kinds of
medicines, but nothing seemed to do
me any good. Then a neighbor told me
of Dodd's Kidney Pills and advised me
to try them. I did so and after taking
six boxes I am entirely cured."
Sir Alexander Binnie Says It Will Star-
tle the World.
Replying to the toast of his health at
a house dinner of the Municipal and
County Club, at London, England, Sir
Alexander Binnie made some very sig-
nificant remarks about London's water
Sir Alexander said he still adhered
to his scheme of London obtaining a
water supply from Wales, at a cost
of £20,000,000.
The future destinies of the water sup-
ply of London had been placed in the
hands of a body which had . recently
proposed a bill in Parliament on the
ground that the supply derived from
the old East London Company was a
polluted source.
They were seconded in that opinion
by no less a body than the Conserva-
tors of the River Lea themselves, who
said that it was dangerous for the peo-
ple of East London to continue to
drink water.
It might not be in his lifetime, but
as sure as they are gathered round that
board there would come a time when,
as in times past, there• would arise
among the teeming millions of London
on epidemic that would sterile the world.
Chemists might tell them that the
water was pure. hut, as Sir George Bu-
chanan informed the commission, it
was a well-knawwn fact that populations
might go on drinking a polluted source
of water for a tong time,
Ultimately, however, from causes
which could not be detected, it t-dok up-
on itself certain qualities, and the pee-
p% died by the thousand.
He was confident that London would
have to look for Its increased supply
to an area where there was an ample
rainfall of something like forty-eight. or
fifty inches.
For a comparaiive)y small expenditure
London could have a slapply incapable
of contaminaflon. A water supply was
the very essence of milniclpaf life.
Just as fast as it grows easier for a
man to del without friends he finds that
their nirmher tnnrea.Sn.
by the dealer
from whom
• buy Sun-
ght Soap if
you find any
cause for
Sunlight Soap is better
than other soaps, but is
best when used in the
Sunlight way.
reword will.
be paid teeny
person w h o
proves that
contains any
chemicals or
any form of
Jqually good with hard or soft water.
Lewes' Brothersr Limited. Toronto
"When in doubt," said the weather
expert, "always prophesy bad weather."
"What for?" asked the young man
who is learning the business.
"Because if it turns out to be correct
people commend your accuracy, and if
it's wrong their minds are so relieved
that they don't find any fault."
In Ileart Disease It Works Like Magic
—"For years my greatest enemy was
organic Heart Disease. From uneasi-
ness and palpitation it developed into.
abnormal action, thumping, fluttering
and choking sensations. Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the Heart gave instant relief,
and the bad symptoms have entirely
disappeared. It is a wonder -worker."
—Rev. L. S. Dana, Pittsburg, Pa. -155
Nell —Nay Say doesn't seem 'so quick to
deny her age now as she used to be.
Bell - No; she's gotten very stout
Nell What has that got to do with
Bell — It takes all her time now to
deny her weight.
Prevent Disorder. - At first symp-
toms of internal- disorder, Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills should be resorted to
immediately. Two or three of these
salutary pellets, taken before going to
bed, followed by doses of one or two
pills for two or three nights in succes-
sion will serve as a preventit'e of attacks
of dyspepsia and'` all the discomforts
which follow in the train of that fell
disorder. The means are simple when
the way is known.
Housekeeper : "You're a big, healthy
man; why don't you go to work?"
Tramp: "Lady, I'lI tell yer me trouble.
I'm an 'unhappy medium."' "What do
you mean by that?" "Well, yer see,
I'm too heavy for light work, an' too
light for heavy work."
The Kinks and Twists in Rheumatics
Rugged Road. For 4 years the wife
of a well-known Toronto physician was
on crutches from Rheumatism Scourge,
and not until she began using South
American Rheumatic Cure could she flet
a minute's permanent relief from pain.
Four bottles cured her. Write for con-
firmation if . you're sceptical. -154
"Is Mr. Scadds a man of scientific
distinction ?" "Yes, indeed," answered
Miss Smarty. "He has so many college
degrees that when he sends in his card
you can't be sure whether it is his name
or a problem in algebra."
Stumbling Wrecksl—Undone and over-
done! Discouraged and desolate! Ema-
ciated nerve wrecks! Not one of you
is too deep down in the mire ofdisease
but the story of such a potent remedy
as South American Nervine can reach
you and lift you .back to good health,
It's nature's trusted lieutenant, gentle,
but firm and unflinching. It never fails.
Experiment of Allowing Soldiers 815
for New Set a Failure.
During 1905, according to a report
issued, 35,351 recruits joined the regular
British • army and 29,041 entered the
militi—in both cases a decrease in
numbers upon the previous year.
In the case of• recruits with defective
teeth, the chief reason for rejection, the
report states that the experiment of al-
lowing £3 on enlistment for artificial
teeth has not proved a. -success, it was
found that many recruits, in spite of
agreeing to the conditions imposed, did
not fulfil them, and also that in other
cases the amount was inadequate.
During the past year the actual medi-
cal rejections per thousand. amounted
to 145.844. Education is favorably re-
ported on, 70 recruits per 1,000 being
wail educated, and 916 per 1,000 being
able to read and write.
"For my part," said Mrs. Partington,
"I cain't deceive what on Girth edica
iron is comin' to. When I was young,
it a gal only understood the rules of
distraction, provision, multiplying, re-
plenishing, and the common dominator;
and knew alt about the rivers and their
obituaries, the convents and .dormi-
tories. the -provinces and the umpires,
they ';' ' t'ddiIication enough. But ,pow
they .,,. to study bottomy, algier-ally,
!ove to demontsarte suppositions
about aycyphanis of circuses, tangents;
rind diagonies of parallelograrrts, to say
nothing ° about the oxhides, asshead,
cowstiolcs, and abstruse triangles," And
the old lady beeamc so confused with
the technical nalnos that she was forced
to stop.
Finest Climate
In Canada.
in Canada for
Wrtte Secretary,
Board of Trade,
For Information About lt,
Please Mention this Paper
"Now, Willie, if I should give you a
piece of chocolate, what would you
say?" "If it's a big piece, I'll say any-
thing you want me to."
Some persons have periodical attacks
of Canadiain cholera, dysentery or di-
arrhoea, and have to use great precau-
tions to avoid the disease. Change of
water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure
to bring on the attacks. To such persons
we would recommend Dr. J. D. ICeflogg's
Dysentery Cordial as being the best
medicine in the market for all summer
complaints. If a few drops were taken
in water when the symptoms are no-
ticed no further trouble will be experi-
"The bride nearly fainted during the
ceremony. Her father had to support
her." "Yes, and I believe he's support-
ing both of them now."
Where can I get some of Holloway's
Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my
corns by this remedy and I wish some
More of it for my friends. So writes
Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago.
"Have a smoke, old man?" said Stin-
jay, proffering a weed. "No thank you,"
replied Wiseman. "What's the matter?
Don't you enjoy a good cigar?" "Yes;
that's what's the matter."
Sunlight Soap is better that other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
"This is an age of trusts," said Wed-
derley, as he glanced over his news-
paper. "Yes," rejoined Mrs. W.; "but
some wives know their husbands too
well to trust them."
A Wide Sphere of Usefulness. — The
consumption of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil has grown to great proportions.
Notwithstanding the fact that it has
now been on the market for over thir-
ty-one years, its prosperity is as great
as ever, and the demand for it in that
period has very greatly increased. it
is beneficial in all countries, and wher-
ever introdficed fresh supplies are con-
stantly asked for.
Dearborn — "Do you know the seven
wonders of the world?" Wabash—"Well,
I know three of them." "Only three?"
"Yes; I've only got three sons, you
LASY OLD SORES, painful and disfiguring,
will not linger long after treatment with Weaver's
Cerate bas been begun: Also, cleanse the blood
with Weaver's Syrup.
Mrs. Jones: "Do you remember that
night in,. June, Henry, when you first
asked me to 'marry you ?" Mr. Jones :
"If you refer to that first, last, single,
solitary, and only occasion upon which.
I ever asked you to marry me, I do—
and you never gave me another chance,
if you are going to re.
quire Wedding Station-
ery of any kind consult
us about this important
matter. Our long experience
in producing work of the highest
class for the, most discriminat-
ing patrons has brought us to the
point where we are regarded as
authorities. The correct style in station-
ery, as dictated by fashion, is always on
hand at ` The Boolkshop," and our en-
graving is above criticism.
It is worth while finding out what extreme-
ly high-grade Wedding Stationery we turn
out at desirable prices.
In asking for prices please state probable
Wm. Tyrell & Co.
7 and 9 King Street Mast, Toronto,
ss rum'
"'--- cC
[[ 0 /0 �`�bli, 1 iii e,b
it ',
p BSS,[. EcUR,
p ��
-EAT p F
WallDROTHtRSlrtIM.LTED.:_--.__..-_ ..
roaor>•o,e�QAf�>D PEflFEGTIY PtIRt,GENU(Kagr
r0is a.w►n"rwwla r"• rat.! Of MO NET
n111tsl111al tosser• ssiss®ssssstssn sselsmt LmMim �sesrilMONIMili
Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such as
Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls. Also special designs for (louses, Kit-
chens, Dining -Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped-
lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Houses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will
never creek or fall off.
Avoid Accidents by Using
by the dealer
from whom
• buy Sun-
ght Soap if
you find any
cause for
Sunlight Soap is better
than other soaps, but is
best when used in the
Sunlight way.
reword will.
be paid teeny
person w h o
proves that
contains any
chemicals or
any form of
Jqually good with hard or soft water.
Lewes' Brothersr Limited. Toronto
"When in doubt," said the weather
expert, "always prophesy bad weather."
"What for?" asked the young man
who is learning the business.
"Because if it turns out to be correct
people commend your accuracy, and if
it's wrong their minds are so relieved
that they don't find any fault."
In Ileart Disease It Works Like Magic
—"For years my greatest enemy was
organic Heart Disease. From uneasi-
ness and palpitation it developed into.
abnormal action, thumping, fluttering
and choking sensations. Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the Heart gave instant relief,
and the bad symptoms have entirely
disappeared. It is a wonder -worker."
—Rev. L. S. Dana, Pittsburg, Pa. -155
Nell —Nay Say doesn't seem 'so quick to
deny her age now as she used to be.
Bell - No; she's gotten very stout
Nell What has that got to do with
Bell — It takes all her time now to
deny her weight.
Prevent Disorder. - At first symp-
toms of internal- disorder, Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills should be resorted to
immediately. Two or three of these
salutary pellets, taken before going to
bed, followed by doses of one or two
pills for two or three nights in succes-
sion will serve as a preventit'e of attacks
of dyspepsia and'` all the discomforts
which follow in the train of that fell
disorder. The means are simple when
the way is known.
Housekeeper : "You're a big, healthy
man; why don't you go to work?"
Tramp: "Lady, I'lI tell yer me trouble.
I'm an 'unhappy medium."' "What do
you mean by that?" "Well, yer see,
I'm too heavy for light work, an' too
light for heavy work."
The Kinks and Twists in Rheumatics
Rugged Road. For 4 years the wife
of a well-known Toronto physician was
on crutches from Rheumatism Scourge,
and not until she began using South
American Rheumatic Cure could she flet
a minute's permanent relief from pain.
Four bottles cured her. Write for con-
firmation if . you're sceptical. -154
"Is Mr. Scadds a man of scientific
distinction ?" "Yes, indeed," answered
Miss Smarty. "He has so many college
degrees that when he sends in his card
you can't be sure whether it is his name
or a problem in algebra."
Stumbling Wrecksl—Undone and over-
done! Discouraged and desolate! Ema-
ciated nerve wrecks! Not one of you
is too deep down in the mire ofdisease
but the story of such a potent remedy
as South American Nervine can reach
you and lift you .back to good health,
It's nature's trusted lieutenant, gentle,
but firm and unflinching. It never fails.
Experiment of Allowing Soldiers 815
for New Set a Failure.
During 1905, according to a report
issued, 35,351 recruits joined the regular
British • army and 29,041 entered the
militi—in both cases a decrease in
numbers upon the previous year.
In the case of• recruits with defective
teeth, the chief reason for rejection, the
report states that the experiment of al-
lowing £3 on enlistment for artificial
teeth has not proved a. -success, it was
found that many recruits, in spite of
agreeing to the conditions imposed, did
not fulfil them, and also that in other
cases the amount was inadequate.
During the past year the actual medi-
cal rejections per thousand. amounted
to 145.844. Education is favorably re-
ported on, 70 recruits per 1,000 being
wail educated, and 916 per 1,000 being
able to read and write.
"For my part," said Mrs. Partington,
"I cain't deceive what on Girth edica
iron is comin' to. When I was young,
it a gal only understood the rules of
distraction, provision, multiplying, re-
plenishing, and the common dominator;
and knew alt about the rivers and their
obituaries, the convents and .dormi-
tories. the -provinces and the umpires,
they ';' ' t'ddiIication enough. But ,pow
they .,,. to study bottomy, algier-ally,
!ove to demontsarte suppositions
about aycyphanis of circuses, tangents;
rind diagonies of parallelograrrts, to say
nothing ° about the oxhides, asshead,
cowstiolcs, and abstruse triangles," And
the old lady beeamc so confused with
the technical nalnos that she was forced
to stop.
Finest Climate
In Canada.
in Canada for
Wrtte Secretary,
Board of Trade,
For Information About lt,
Please Mention this Paper
"Now, Willie, if I should give you a
piece of chocolate, what would you
say?" "If it's a big piece, I'll say any-
thing you want me to."
Some persons have periodical attacks
of Canadiain cholera, dysentery or di-
arrhoea, and have to use great precau-
tions to avoid the disease. Change of
water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure
to bring on the attacks. To such persons
we would recommend Dr. J. D. ICeflogg's
Dysentery Cordial as being the best
medicine in the market for all summer
complaints. If a few drops were taken
in water when the symptoms are no-
ticed no further trouble will be experi-
"The bride nearly fainted during the
ceremony. Her father had to support
her." "Yes, and I believe he's support-
ing both of them now."
Where can I get some of Holloway's
Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my
corns by this remedy and I wish some
More of it for my friends. So writes
Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago.
"Have a smoke, old man?" said Stin-
jay, proffering a weed. "No thank you,"
replied Wiseman. "What's the matter?
Don't you enjoy a good cigar?" "Yes;
that's what's the matter."
Sunlight Soap is better that other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
"This is an age of trusts," said Wed-
derley, as he glanced over his news-
paper. "Yes," rejoined Mrs. W.; "but
some wives know their husbands too
well to trust them."
A Wide Sphere of Usefulness. — The
consumption of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil has grown to great proportions.
Notwithstanding the fact that it has
now been on the market for over thir-
ty-one years, its prosperity is as great
as ever, and the demand for it in that
period has very greatly increased. it
is beneficial in all countries, and wher-
ever introdficed fresh supplies are con-
stantly asked for.
Dearborn — "Do you know the seven
wonders of the world?" Wabash—"Well,
I know three of them." "Only three?"
"Yes; I've only got three sons, you
LASY OLD SORES, painful and disfiguring,
will not linger long after treatment with Weaver's
Cerate bas been begun: Also, cleanse the blood
with Weaver's Syrup.
Mrs. Jones: "Do you remember that
night in,. June, Henry, when you first
asked me to 'marry you ?" Mr. Jones :
"If you refer to that first, last, single,
solitary, and only occasion upon which.
I ever asked you to marry me, I do—
and you never gave me another chance,
if you are going to re.
quire Wedding Station-
ery of any kind consult
us about this important
matter. Our long experience
in producing work of the highest
class for the, most discriminat-
ing patrons has brought us to the
point where we are regarded as
authorities. The correct style in station-
ery, as dictated by fashion, is always on
hand at ` The Boolkshop," and our en-
graving is above criticism.
It is worth while finding out what extreme-
ly high-grade Wedding Stationery we turn
out at desirable prices.
In asking for prices please state probable
Wm. Tyrell & Co.
7 and 9 King Street Mast, Toronto,
ss rum'
�r L..
. r, ,-:,
Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such as
Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls. Also special designs for (louses, Kit-
chens, Dining -Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped-
lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Houses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will
never creek or fall off.
Avoid Accidents by Using
Pedlar's . Steel Ceilings.
Made to fit
Shipped from -our
TI -I13
any size room and can be nailed on
warehouses painted all ready to apply.
by any mechanic.
10111C001, we.
767 Craig St.
428 Sussex st.
TOMO, Oil, tensa, Oil, woe , Mia, Yah► ver,0.0.
11 Colborne st. 00 Dundas at. I.70 Lombard st. Bis Ponder at.
Head Office and Works, - - - . Oshawa, Ont., Canalis i
�n Western Canada
Two cornering
sections, solucG
od lands in
Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.S. & G.T.P.
Strong soil, 00 per cent. plough land, spring, creek, no sloughs.
About 40 mites N.S. of Indian Read. Price $l0.50 per acre.
Write for map and fall particular&
R. PARSONS. 9t Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada.
"This sort of weather," growled the
chronic kicker, "makes one wonder
what on earth it was created for."
"Doubtless," replied the mild cynic,
"it's intended to give one something to
complain of besides one's luck or one's
Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator because they know it is
a safe medicine for the children and en
effectual expeller of worms.
Knowledge is power until a man
reaches the point where he knows it
The Great Serpent of All Diseases.—
Kidney disease may well be called the
"boa constricter" disease, unsuspecting`
and unrelenting, it gets the victim in
its coils and gradually tightens till life
19 crushed out, but the great South
American Kidney Cure treatment has
proved its power over the monster, and
no matter how 'firmly enmeshed. it will
release, heal and cure. -158
Love makes a man think almost as
much of a girl as he does of himself.
Do Not Delay. — When, through de-
bilitated digestive organs, poison finds
its way into the blood, the prime con-
sideration is to get the poison out es
rapidly and as thoroughly as posible.
Delay may mean disaster. Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills will he found a most
valuable and effective medicine to as-
sail the intruder with. They never fail.
They go at. once to the seat .of the trou-
ble and work a permanent cure.
Two travellers, unknown to each
other, were chatting familiarly in one
of the compartments of a railway Barri-
age of a Monte Carlo train.
"On your way to Monte -Carlo, sir,
that delightful and .exclusive home for
alt gamblers?"
"That is exactly where I am going."
"And you will play just a little, I'
"I do nothing else, sir. It is My busi-
"Gracious! You don't mean to say
you make a business of it?"
sir; twice a day regularly. And
I never by any chance lose."
"In that case, perhaps you will
plain your `system' to me?"
"CertainlviOlini"y; with pleasure. i play
"Doctor, if a pale young man named
,finks calls on you for a prescription,.
don't let him have It." "Why riot ?"
"FIe wants something to improve his
appetite, and he lodges at my house."
"I told you yesterday that I would
not, marry yolk," said she.. "I know ft,"
'said he. "That is why 1 ask you again
to=day. You would net be so tacking
in originality, 1 hope, a8 to repeat tt -
day what you said yesterday,'[
g o (JU:L.,,
::'..—PtN122�-r�- OE26COUr.
Sok#{ s` 7 Secw.ep o agtr sCety
w�•'^��"_�'' Inraest:.ha capes[nA�;f>a; tan 55h65hitie)sualat'SENR ATALOSUd .sa GITWaPstml?ai[i387 85
LIi71TED number of Founder's Shares
for sale ab 25 cents per sh r par value
$1.00. Fully paid and non -assessable. Rest
value on market. acres
YatontodMining Leads. Per fret Title.
BOOKLET " Wilsons in Cobalt" free on
The 8. 8. Nesbitt Ca.,
Confederation Life Muffling, Toronto.
"Order! order!" cried the chairman c
the working -men's meeting. "Beer_ for
me," replied the grimy person in the
back seat.
`.PONS OF IRON consumed each year in medi-
cine. In "Forrovim," the best tonic, it io oe
cleverly manipulated that the weak and sickly
got alt possible nourishment and benefit from it.
It is sometimes betterlate than early,
The bit on repartee you think of ten
minutes too late might have cost you a
;sari she and her Husband Agree
Perfectly, Both Quite Well Again.
Mrs. 1. Hunter, of 111
1 Itt
Raglan Baud, Kingston,
Ont., has written for pub-
lication a statement of
her case as follows
"flavaffd with,
kidneIy and liver
."-& and chronic coiistipatior
for some time. I was cub,
heat to dizziness, bilious
eadache, nervousness,
" gins. I. SLIa,onns
back andUUside, anddrawsltireosa,d, weary feelinginthe
nearly all the time.
i tried almost every remedy, was treated
,by doctors and drugyats with little pr no
"F�'inalty, • friend advised me to try Dr.
Leonhard,. s Anti -Pill, and the renal[. have
been truiv wended I,
Irbe"uMymatismhusbaanndd whetnbonal slAdnti Pglltflyor,,
Ws agree that Anti -Pill is a most Wo,tdeo-
ittl metticins and heartily reonm,nan4 it.
P41ryremfas edv0sydon
,Lisi. ted,Al�ruggrNug
rat 3aen
UO file i