Exeter Advocate, 1906-4-5, Page 3A SI'8tING TONIC. Williams'Pink Pills Make Rich, Iced, health-Givin, Blood. Gold win r months, enforcing close Confinement in over -heated, badly ven- tilated room$ -in the home, in the Shop, and in the school -- sap the vi- tality of even the strongest. The blood becomes : Clogged with impurities, the. liver sluggish, the kidneys weakened, Steep is not restful - you awake just . as tired as when you went to bed; you are low spirited, perhaps have headache and blotchy skin -that is the condition. of thousands of people every spring. it conies to all unless the blond is for- tified by a good tonne•• -by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills,, These pills not only banish this feeling, but they guard against the a more serious aihnenis which usually fol- low - rheumatism, nervous debility, anaemia, indigestion and kidney tl'ou- I1e. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are an. ideal spring mediei ic, Every dose makes new, rich, red blood. Every drop of new blood helps to strengthen the overworlred nerves. Overcomes Weakness and drives the germs of ins. base from the body. A thorough treatment gives you vim and energy to resist the torrid heat of the coming sum- mer. Mr. Mack A. Meuse, Sluice Point, N. S., 'says; "1 was so completely run down that I could hardly work: I •de- cided to try Dr. William's Pink Pills, as I had heard them highly spoken of, and a few boxes worked a great change an my condition . I, am feeling as well and strong as ever I did and can i e - commend the pills to all weak people." It is a mistake to take purgatives in the spring. Nature calls for a medi- cine to build, up the wasted force -pur- gatives only weaken. It is a medicine to act on the blood, ndt one to act an the bowels, which is necessary. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a blood inedi- cine -they make pure, riot), red blood, and strengthen every organ of the body. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail al 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wiiliruns' Medicine Co., a Brockville, Ont. FARMING FROGS FOR FOOD. The Yankees Are Almost as Fond of Frogs as the French. By the side of the Mississippi, a little instance below St. Louis, is a large tract of country exclusively devoted to the cultivation of frogs. Some years ago an ingenious Ameri- con conceived the idea of cleaning out several acres of swamp -land, inclosing it in a strong wire fence, and preserving the frogs which abounded there. This he did; and he was soon in possession of a huge quantity of these little ani- mals. But his stock was by no means a re- fined quality. They were small, and ex- cessively coarse to the palate. So he journeyed to Paris, and arranged for a supply of French frogs to be sent over. These he turned loose in his froggery, and after a few months the newcomers had almost completely driven the native breed from the grounds. The frogs are Md twice a day, and it is a most_.ludi- enus sight to see thousands of these. frogs, of all sizes, hopping to their ac- customed places at feeding -time. They are caught in nets, and then ' thrown into barrels, the large ones be- ing retained and the under -grown re- turned to the water. After they are frilled, they are strung on strings, a dozen of them going to the bunch, and every morning several thousands -lf them are shipped to their destination, The price fetched' by these frogs aver- ages $L25 a dozen in the season, but they are getting cheaper every year. When they were first introduced, $2.50 and $3 was by no mains an unusual price to pay for a dozen of them. WORKED FOR PENNY AN HOUR. What a London Woman Got on an Army Contract. . The sensational story of Mrs. Thoro- good, the Lambeth woman who told the local guardians that she "finished" Vol- unteers' trousers, supplied to the War Office by a contractor, for payment which averaged less than a penny an hour, was reported to the guardians to be true. The case has been mentioned in the House of Commons, and the Secretary for War has promised to make inquiries about it. Mrs. Thorogood applied to the Lam- beth Guardians for out -relief, on the ground that she was unable to earn a living wage, and told the guardians that she was paid 2%d. for "finishing" each pair of trousers, the work occupy- ing three hours per pair. She had to provide the necessary thread and silk out of the money she earned. - Mr. Fielder, who has investigated the circumstances on behalf of the guar- dians, stated at a meeting of the Board recently .that he had seen a record of the woman's work, and found what she said was correct. He said that for years she had risen et 3 o'clock in the morning, worked un- til 8, and then gone to the factory, where she has been engaged until night. Working all those hours she has only been able to earn between 88. and 9s. a week. TUE CARE OF CHILDREN. Now -a -days wise mothers do not those their children with harsh, griping cas- ter oil or purgatives, nor do they give them poisonous opiates in the form of c -called soothing medicine's. Baby's 'wn Tablets take the place of these r' h anddangerous medicines, cores and nal fi the`•mother has the word of a, Govern- ment analyst that the Tablets are abso- lutely safe. Baby's Own Tablets cure indigestion; constipation, collo teething ttoubies, diarrhoea, simple fevers, and other little i11.s of childhood. An occas- ional doseill keep children well. Mrs. iii. E. Lona Poachland, B. C., says: ' I Lave found Babys Own Tablets unsur- passed for ;.teething troubles, breaking Up colds( reducing fevers, and other and( 'they ,make a child sleep na- � 't nowrlwaYs keep them In. ail house.,, AsIc for the Tahiets at your as or you tan get them by mail from The Dr. Williams Medicine Ca.,. B3rockviIle, Ont., at 25 Cents a box. Moat of us erre as sympathetic as We ran afford to be. BRITISH ARMY SCANDALS CVI.PARLE WASTE IN THE WAR, IN 5013111 AFRICA. Hundreds of Thousands of Pounds Went to Contractors by Repurchase. Astounding revelations of army waste, muddle and inefficiency, following on the close of the war in South Africa, by which hundreds of thousands of pounds have been lost to the nation, are made in the report of the Comptroller and Auditor -General on the British army appropriation account for 1904-5. ' At theoutset the Comptroller states that similar cases to those mentioned in his last anneal report have been noticed, in which surplus supplies sold to con- tractors and resold by them to other contractors have been -repurchased from the latter by the "army at considerably enhanced prices. These cases areto be brought under the notice of the Royal Commission now enquiring into the system of sales and repurchases, and therefore he does not consider it desir- able to give details of the cases. The revelations, however, are suffi- ciently remarkable without these details, and a few of the cases are given below. LOSSES 13Y REBATES. Duty-paid supplies, purchased -from the army in the Transvaal by Messrs. Meyer, Limited, were resold to the army in the Orange River Colony, also duty- paid to that colony. A pheque for £2,- 999 Os. Gd. was paid to Messrs. Meyer by the Director of Customs of the Orange River Colony, in January, 1904, as Customs rebate. This cheque, it is stated, should have been paid to army funds, Messrs. Meyer being only en- titled to a rebate from the Transvaal on exportation. Action is being taken to recover the amount due to the army. A contractor for bread supplies in the Orange River Colony received Customs rebates on • the imported flour used to the amount of £955 4s. lid., which should have gone to the army. In ano- ther instance the contractor was allow- ed to import duty free flour which was sold to the army at duty-paid prices. The loss to the army in this case was £1,208 12s. 6d. A double payment of £800 has appear- ently been made to Mr. J. Noreen for cattle captured by him when employed in the Intelligence Department in South Africa. Efforts to recover this sum have proved unsuccessful, and the treas- ury, refusing tee' sanction the extra ex- penditure, have left the responsibility for the transaction to the Army Council. WINE UNDER -PRICED. As many as 68,053 bottles of port wine, stated to be of defective quality, were sold at 15s. a dozen, instead of at the contract sale price of 26s. This transaction is one of the most remark- able recorded. It appears that certain contractors purchased the whole of the port at .Pre- toria and Maitland for 26 shillings a dozen. Then they produced expert opinion as to defective quality of un- labeled bottles, and on September 3, 1903, offered the lower rate of 15s. a dozen for such wino. Their offer was not then accepted, and they were instructed to return the wine to Pretoria. On September 10 the General Officer Commanding in South Africa cabled to the War Office for authority to sell 1,200 cases of so-called port wine of a very' low grade, for which he had an offer of 15s. a dozen in Johannesburg, and stated that he was 'having the wine analyzed and inquiries made as to its source of supply. The War Office cabled approval, and on the following day the contractors were informed that their offer of Sep- tember 3 was accepted, although the re- port of the analyst had not then been received. This report, dated October 7, stated that the wine was genuine port and fit for hospital use. It has since been ascertained that the wine had been sent out from Wood- wich, where It had been passed by ap- proved trade experts, and it is stated to have been superior to that used in civil hospitals in London. ORDERS IGNORED. • Thus, though the War Office had only given «ormission for 1,200 cases, or 12,- 000 bottles, to be sold at the lower price, the whole 68,953 bottles were actually sold at that price. The War Office, moreover, were not aware that the offer of 15s. a dozen came from the contrac- tors who had already agreed to pay 26s. for the identical wine. Under the heading of sales that rea- lized less than the amount of special customs ,levied some extraordinary transactions are revealed. For instance, £2,549 14s. was paid In duty on tobacco which was sold for £7708 13s. 4d. The loss to Ilse army was therefore £1,841 Os. 8d. The following are. some further examples: Jam, duty paid, £5,054 5s. 4d.; sale value, £4,642 16s. 16d.; loss to army, £411 8s. 10d. Port, duty paid, £4,59G 16s. Od.; sale value, £4,007 17s. lOcan loss to army, £588 18s. 2d. Chillies, £16 Os. 6d.; sale value, £4 Os. 2d.; Ioss to army, £12 Os. 4d. In the report of the comptroller on the store'acounts of the army it is announc- ed that all the emergency rations at stations at home and abroad have been condemned, and are to -be raestreyed. The total number is 300,000 at tannic, and 5 000 at stati about 0 ons abroad, the , a original cost being about £'23,000. They have been in store more than three years. HIS NATURAL BENT. Fond Father -9f that boy of mine has, any particular bent, f can't find it." Philosopher -"What 'experiments have you made to find out?" "Very thorough ones. 1 gave hitn a toy. printing press, a steam engine, a box of Paints, a chest of toeis and a lot of other s le t things, carefully e a ed to find out Whether his tastes were literary, mechan. icai, artistic, commercial or what,and I know no more than 1 did before." What did he do with thein? Smashed thele all tip." "Ah, I see., He is to be a fternfture mover." CURE THE MOST 'EXTREME CASES STONE IN THE KIDNEYS CANNOT STAND BEFORE DODD$ KIDNEY PILLS, Mr, S. A. Cassidy, of Ottawa, Perman- ently Cured After Years of Suffering by the Great Canadian Kidney lternedy Ottawa, Ont., March 2G. (Special).- While all Canada knows that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the standard remedy for all Kidney Complaints, it may surprise some people to know they cure such ex- treme cases as Stone in the Kidneys. Yet this is what they have done right here in Ottawa. _- Mr. A, S. Cassidy, the man cured, is. the well-known proprietor of the Bijou Hotel on Metcalf Street, and in an inter- view he says : "My friends all know that I have been a martyr to Stone in the Kidneys for years. They know that besides consulting the best doctors in the city and trying every medicine I could think of, I was unable to get bet- ter. "Some time ago a friend told me Dodd's Kidney Pills would cure me, As a Iast resort I tried thele, and they have. cured me. "I could not imagine more severesuf- fering than one endures who has Stone in the lCidneys, and I feel the greatest gratitude to Dodd's Kidney Pills." If the disease is of the Kidneys or from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it. DOUBT IT? Don't dispute with men who wear Larger fists than you; Do not give way to dispair, Though the rent is due; Do not waste your strength in. tears, As for trouble, scout it; Then you'll live a hundred years, Doubt it? "IslIRROVIM" IS A GENTLE STIMULANT to the stomach, thereby aiding digestion. As a tonic for patients recovering from fevers and all diseases lowering the vitality, it is without a rival. At all drug and gen- eral stores The Largest railway station in fhe world is being built at Leipsic. Over 835,000,000 is to be expended on its con- struction. "500 People Badly Bent" have in effect used these words in speaking of the curative qualities of South American Rheumatic Cure -"My legs were crip- pled" -"My hands were distorted" -"My joints were swollen" -"My back was hent double" -"My pain was excruciat- ing" -"Bedridden for years." This great remedy has been the heaven-sent agent that worked a permanent cure. -130 • Long life appears to be hereditary in one family in Tiflis, in the Caucasus. It consists of five members whose com- bined age is 390 years. The father is 105, and the mother 95 years of age. WE ARE ALL FAMILIAR with time! deep, hoarse bark, grimly called "al grave -yard cough." Take Allen's Lung Balsam, a remedy for pulmonary trou% bre, highly ,,ommended even in the, . earlier stages of 1lonsumption. THE FAULT OF THE FLOOR. The Stout One -"Really, my dear, I was never so embarrassed in all my life, I felt as if I could sink through the floors The Thin One -"I don't wonder. These modern buildings are such fiimsy aff airs." If There's a Hint of Catarrh Taint ap- fIy Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal 'Powder with- out delay. It will save you 'suffering, heal you quickly whether you have been a slave one month or fifty years. It relieves cold in the head and catarrhal headaches in ten minutes. The Hon. Cavid Mills, Minister of Justice for the Dominion of Canada endorses it. 50 cents. -129 HE SHOWED THEN. Mr. Wiseun wandered about the circus grounds and came upon a group of small boys who were looking enviously upon the sides of the big tent. "Why don't you go in, boys?" f_e asked. "Got no money," explained the biggest boy. "Huh! Boys now -a -days haven't In- genuity. Why, when I was a boy 1 nev- er missed a circus, and I never had a penny, either." The boys stared admiringly. "Want to see how it was worked when I was a boy?" he asked, a brilliant no- tion coming to him. "Yes," came the reply in chorus. Mr. Wiseun looked cautiously, about, then crept up to the tent, raised the bot- tom of the canvas, and crawled careful.. ly under it. The boys gasped in admir- ation of his, daring,, when from the in- terior came a succession of whacking sounds and a series of shouts, accom- panied by frenzied bulgings of the can- vas. "Oh -h!" yelled one of the boys. "The elephant must 'a got him." Sudcleniy'the Canvas was lifted, and Mr. Wiseun was propelled head first into the midst of the group of boys. A red-faced tent hand poked his head out and commanded him with sundry strange murmurings to depart. Mr. Wiseun picked himself up and was r, limping mp n� away, when a freckled boy meekly inquired: "Is that the way you had to come out, of the circus, too, when you were .a boy?" But Mr. Wiseun was hobbling off the grounds, making heated remarks about the leek of respect in the modern 'small boy, and the general 'unkindness of sir- eus folks. TURKISH PIGTAILS. In speaking incidentally of the g Y Ghf- atthe Chi- nese Royal nSa Inst► uti pigtail� t o Y n F'rof. Barker said 'Very kW people knew that it Was worn by the Turkish and 'Tartar nations many hundreds of years ago. Ile quoted from some fn- scriptions 2,000 years Old. in which it was stated: The 'Turks let down their pigtails when they came before their generals. NOT CONSISTENT, Katherine ---"Mr, Tellit says that Wo isn't worth )wing," Clarence-"Y1's, and every little pain he gets he hikes to'"see a doctor," Get Instant Relief from Piles.- This most irritating disease relieved in ten minutes by using Dr. Agnew's Ointment, and a cure in from three to six nights. Thousands testify of its goodness. Good for Eczema, Salt Rheum and all skin diseases. If you are without faith, one' cj iietltiorl will convince: 35 cents -127 Saphead•-"D'ye know, Miss Sharp, I believe some people inherit their stu- pidity," Miss Sharp -"But Mr. Sap - head, it is not proper to speak that way •of your parents," PLEA SE T1T',Ah IN MIND that what 1e called a skin disease may be but a symptom of had blood. In that case, Weaver's • Cerate, externally applied, should be supplemented with Weaver's Syrup, taken daily. Mrs. X. -"Yes; I tried to make my husband economize in smoking, so 1 told him if he ever smoked. I would nev- er speak to him again," Mrs. Y. - 'What was the result?" Mrs. X -"Elis cigar bill was doubled the next month." RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsome illustrated treatise, gtv- Ing full description c' Rheumatism and Paralysis. with instructions for a com- plete home cure. describing, the most successful treatment In the world; re- commended by the Ministry and endors- ed by medical men. This highlyin- structive book was written by W. Veno, a gentleman 'who has made, a study of these diseases. The preface is by graduateo f the University of Wertz burg, postal to -day and you will receive the book free by re - `urn. --Address, The Veno Drug Co-, 24. Klug St.-. iYewt. Tarontu. Miss Hoamely-"I understand you do very handsome work and make very pretty pictures." Photographer-"Yes'm; but could give you an exact likeness if you wish." One Fact is Better" thin Ten Neersays.- Ask Dr. Burgess, Supt. Buspital for Insane, Mon• real, for bis opinion of "The D Le Menthol Piaster. Yard rolls $1, also 25c. this. Sharpshooters were employed at Pen- ang, Straits Settlements, recently to shoot stray dogs at sight, in consequ- ence of an outbreak of rabies. Nearly 8,000 were shot in a few weeks. One Tablet After Eating and what a world of distress would be saved. Dr. Stan's Pineapple Tablets cure sour stomach, distress after eating, weight in the stomach, wind on the stomach, loss cf appetite, dizziness, nausea, and a cozen' other troubles traceable to bad digestion. One Tablet gives instant re- lief. A positive and pleasant cure that nature has provided. 35 cents. -128. TURNED TO STONE. Men Afflicted with a Rare Disease 13e - came Petrified. There has just died at the hospital of Ueberlingen, on the borders of Lalce Constance, in Switzerland, a stone man. His name was Brend. He was afflicted with the very rare disease• known as "myositis ossificans." The extraordinary feature of this disease is that ossification gradually sets in all the muscles and tissues of the body, the disease invariably ending in death. Brend was 66 years of age. He was the son of a well-to-do farmer of Baden-Baden. He was first afflicted with the disease at the age of 17. His feet first became hard and almost as heavy as stone. Gradually the dread disease rose and ultimately reached his chest, hardening the lungs. ftp. to a few years ago Brend was able to read and write, but he had to give up this occupation when his arms and legs be- came afflicted and he was no longer able to move then). The tissues of his throat were petrified but he was able to speak, though his voice assumed a curious metallic sound. Although obliged to remain riveted to a sofa chair, he always displayed the best of humor and was fond of making jokes. He was known throughout the district as the petrified man. 'The petrification ended by reaching the brain, and • Brend has just died, after nearly fifty years of suffering. The smallest coin in actual circula- tion is a wafer, made from a resinous jitice, anal nevi by the natives of the Malay Peninsula. FOOD HELPS. In Management of a R. II. Speaking of fbod a railroad man says: • "My work puts zee out in all kinds of weather, subject to irregular hours for meals and compelled to eat all kinds of food. "For 7 years I was constantly trou- bled with indigestion, caused by eating heavy, fatty, starchy, greasy, poorly cooked food, such as are most acces- sible to men in my business. Generald ly each meal or lunch was followed Ly distressing pains and burning sensations in my stomach, which desl,royed my sleep and almost unfitted me for work. My brain was so muddy and foggy that u was hard for me to discharge my duties properly. "This lasted till about a year ago, when my attention was called to Grape- Nuts food by a newspaper ad. and 1 concluded to try it. Since then I have used Grape -Nuts at nearly every meal and sometimes between meals. We railroad men have little •chance: to pre- pare our food it our cabooses and I find Grape -Nuts mighty handy for it is ready cooped. "'ro make a long story short, Grape- Nuts has mode a new Man of me. I have no more btunirlg distress in my stomach, nor any other symptom r.1 ;nali`� teen am digest anythingthi ng so long as I eat Grape. Nuts, and my brain Works as clearly and accurately as an engineer's watch, and my old nervous troubles have diseljpeared entirely." knife given by PO6tum Co., • Battle Creels, Mich, There's a ;reason.. Read, the tittic'btyiltt•. "`lire Ileal'to •Wellvllie") 1n' pkgs. PEDLAR'S 'EEL CEILINGS Designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools, Stores, Halls. Also special designs for Houses, i(itetlens, Dining -Booms, ere. No- thing has ever been devised to cquai Pedlar's Steel .Ceilings for trim houses. Cbeap as lath andplaster and will never crack or face off. Avoid Accidents by Using. Pedlar's Steel Ceilings. Made to fit any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic„ Ship- ped from our warehouses painted all ready to apply. Our Catalogue, No. 14c describes many designs. Write for 11. It costs you nothing. Write to -day. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE MONTREAL, QPE. OTTAWA, ONT, TORONTO, ONT. LONDON, dtlr, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, D.C. 767 Craig $t. 423 8uasex at. 11 Ootborne 8t 68 [Nadas St, 70 Lombard St 015 Ponder $t. Warta YOen Nsi,iut5T Oirics.. Head Office and Works, - - Oshawa, Ont., Canada atm .m+ We Own The Lergest.Stock Food Factory In The C'orla. It covers over a cityblock, contains over 18 acres of floor name. eon $500000. Size of our office 660x120. 300 office people, 150 typewriters and we use fifty million letter heads and envelopes every year. A. car- load every 30 days. Our chemical laboratory is one of the best; Our office is one of the greatsigbts of the businese world. Many very small concerns advertise large buildings. We invite you to visit our factory and see that we have everything we claim. Manufactured and Guaranteed by International Stack food t:e. "International Stock Food" "International Poaltr Voce' "International Neave Cure" "International Cease Miler" "International Worm Powder" a t "International Distemper goose's "International Gall Cure" "international foot Remedy'• "Silver Pine Sealing Oil" "Interaetioaat Compound Absorbent" "International Colic Cure" "International Sheep Dlp" "International Phut° Chloro " "lnternatimiel Boal Ointment" "Dan Patch Stable Disinfectant" 'Uterns*ione! llamas Soap" Also "Jewel Incubators" and Brooders, and Jewel Chick WA lien Feed. DAN PATCH ri-51-37. illAILED FREE. We have a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer, Die Patch 1 :55 1, size 16x24. Free of advertising, fine picture for framing, gives all the records :made by our pacing wonder. We will mail yon one free, postage prepaid, if you will write as how much stock you own and name this paper. Write at once to INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO., Minneapolis, Minn., U.S. A. APPLE TREES. Before buying write us, or see our agent near you, for prices. We have the largest stock of fruit trees to l:e found in Canada. We pay the freight. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Brown's Nurseries, Ont. 4-0-0:(+ E$):F+ I:f+ E+3 4- 0 STARR'S, MAGID RHEUMATIC CURE + Guaranteed to CURE RHEUDS 4TTSM- Acute, Inflammator , oe Chronic : also y1 Neuralgia, Sciatica, i.umbago and all Hal- ey troubles, Romeves uric acid from the system ; gives immediate relief. Don't 0 suffer, but send fora bottle at once, Ilan- -4. + tireds have beeu cured. The Osborne ea - bee Remedy Co., Toronto. Ont. 81:00 per bottle. ,Free Catarrh Remedy Gives Instant Relief ,l iso More Bad Breath "My Secret Remedy Quickly Cures Catarh."-C. E. Gauss. Catarrh is not only dangerous, but it ceases bads breath ulceration. death and decay of bones, los;, of thinking and reasoning power, frills ambition and energy, often aausos logs of appetite, indiges tion dyipopeia, raw throat and reaches to genera debility, idiocy and luneey. It needs attoatio, atonce. Cure it withGaeuss Cxisrr a Cure Ttf a4uick'radical, 1e rmnent ofro boc uao it rf d s the system of the poison triotranse.aatarrh. Iu order to prove to alt who aro suffering from, this dangerous pad Loathsome diaeaeo that Gauss'? Catarrh (lure will sotumity euro any case of catarrbi grnickly, no matter how long standing or how bad; I win Bond a trial package by mall free of all cost. Send es your name and address to -day and the trea4ine.t will be sant you by return mail. Try it t It will positively cure so that you will bo welcomed instead of shunned by your friewhs, (7. Ii, GAUSS, 6800 Main St., Marshalllath. Fill` wet coupon below: 1= REE. Thu coupon in/jibed, forone trfial package at Gahm' fdanabine,d Catarrh Curd, manned free in pielep age Simply till In your name and addrpas on dotted moo below and mail to .OK_.. C.USS6doR Hata Sire et1 Ma nbau, Mich. ..Me.M.?......., ...li Y w.aJ,.•rM:w..is-aIbw,n.H Y�...♦H�w i�.w ...i'4. s. FOR 10 acres in the banner county of Elgin, about 3 iniies from Rodney; has dwelling, barn and Stables, hog pen, good orchard, fruit garden, or. namental shrubbery ; price 81900; oayp terms. Apply -' AGENT," Box 100, West Lorne, Ont. FOR SALT - JUST ARRIVED AND rOBI sale 24 imported Clydesdale stallions andi ti tiaokeeys: farm. 21 miles from end of street carl rine.--O. SOGGY, Guelph, Ont. RHEU Ivf'MAT SM In any form and cord perspiring feet positively cured within 30 days, by our newly patented Magnetic Discs or money promptly refuuded. Maned anywhere a1,Oo. Write fvr descriptive booklet. Agents wanted. MAGNJI-TIC 1ti7i S- MATISM OU111S CO., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, MAN WANTED. We want a man in all small towns in Canada, to show and sell farms and other properties to our customers, who we send; good salary, good position. Honesty more necessary than experi- ence. 11 you want a good position and are willing to learn the real-estate busi- ness and work faithfuiP' for us, we can offer you a fine position. Write immediately. Address: -- NORTH AMERICAN LAND CO.. Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Western Canada Land Co HEAD OFFICE, 38 NINTH STIIEET, • P. 0. SOX 38. Brandon; Piani improved farms and unimproved& wheat and ranch lands, wholesale and retail, in Manitoba, Sasicatebewan, Al- berta and fruit lands in Southern Oka- nagan Valley, B. C., Wheat lands on Saskatchewan Plains at $7.10 per acre; easy terms till June. lit to make selections, the finest wheat lands in the world. Homesteads located. Selections made. Write or call for any information de- sired, CO ALT Tho directors of the cordon CDball SllVer l�lning Ca,, il(�It are offering to the public far the PURPOSE 01' DEVIOCOPMII T of the Company's •pro• parties, a limited number of shares of the i'reesuryS'rOCK AT 81.01 PER SliAntil, PAY- ABLE AT TIME Or STIGSCIu i"i LUN. 'PRE C3OIROON COBALT MINI'i consists of 80 acres in the heart of the COBALT MINING. DIST'BtICT, acid ONE MILE FROM Tilt. 'Tema on COBALT', and itt the famous Cole man township. Our title has been granted by the present government: Tao property bus been openedened and a hole of four foot in depth made, and the assay Shoves, from00 t0 :leo ouncei of silver to the ton. 'The nasay may be seen at the company's oflce. TIME CAPITAL Cl 'Aril COMPANY IS ONLY 6200,000. The roinpeny has no bonded debts and no preferred stook. The owner of the mine ticceptod stock in .full payment for hie properties. itxporta consider the GORDON COIBAV' e' TIE) mea of the bet F I'f3f.1 h proi,yacta in the district, and many have invested Iv�.the Cora, 's shares, She property is ',within ei us of the famous Madsen Bay Mines amid propertles. - The company will commence work at the. tones by April 1st, ',rhie eteek will shortly bo withdrawn from rho market, Pot Orespe4sul• and applications ler stock address �QQron Goolf,!QeCd1110100 p x 34 VICTORIA STREET, TORONTO, Witte 44-t)., W. A. MASSE. mo. ]N. I.Pl4hr0x President, 1 env tair. issue NO, 1J--4