Exeter Advocate, 1906-3-29, Page 1ADVERTISERS
through the ADVO-
oa.TO you reach more
people than through
any other channel.
THURSDAY, MAR. 29, 1.906.
Farms Villac�
s or :�a,y
other property sold,
bought or exchanged
for you atx'casoJlab1e
conlfrllesion. Apply-
SANoRns & 011ERea,
SANDERS & CREEok, Prop's
is always the best time to do anything.
Now is the best time to open an account
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received.
Interest paid 4 times a year.
JOS. SNELL, 'Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Dashwoocl, and Zurich.
Spring Goods are arriving every day.
We are readyin all departments for the spring rush.
Come and examine our goods, : It 'is a pleasure to
show. them:
Silk Waists—White or black, with the popular embroid-
ered 7 different styles; allgood value $2, 4
work on y , r 3,
Vestin s'—Allour vestings have that soft silky finish
which is vel popular this season. They are plain, polka
dot and figured, 15c, 20c, 25c.
In the cotton and linen effects
Shirt Waist Suitings we,
have an exceptionally nice display.. Ginghams perfect
washers for 12 1-2c; Mercerised ginghams, perfect washers,
for 15c to 25c; Linen suitings, white or cream, 20c to 45c.
We are the only people you can get them from..here.
Everyone knows they- are the best shoe on the market. Once
worn, will convince you. Only the price of cheap shoes.
Stock Men-
you want the Best Food you can
get for your Stock
A sack of Pure Flax ground into meal
No other Stock Food is so cheap
No other is better for general use
Feed it to your Pigs, Horses, Calves, Cows
If will show for your money more profit than any
other food investment
$3.00 per. cwt...
Produce taken as Cash.
a1 1. To Rent.
AF. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor, Univ.) MEL{IBER —_
• �. ils.. %;c di l fiysrt lams aild�S-Leo ,-O.Allit,to , tjne'ItcYt:s`oriP:13dw`»ith. w r �d frame house and a
'2ermrlr House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital, stable on Alexander street, Northaxi'jib r- a mrd'
Suceeesor to Dr, J. A. Rollins. Residence: -East on ate possession given. For particulars apply to
first street north of. office, Exeter, Ontario.. WM. NORTHCOTT, Hay
-For Sale.
The Exeter Council. ADDITIONAL :LOCALS
The council 'net at the Town Hall
Monday evening last. All the. mein -
hers except •Oouncillor. Creech were
present. The minutes of the last
meetingwere read and coniirtned.
A communication was read from the
head office of the Telegraph Co. giving
notice that they wished to appeal
Against their assessment.
The following accounts were prc'-
sented:•—Queen: City Oil Oa., two bar-
rels gasoline, $16.30;, R. N. Treble, one
cord dry wood, $3; Jos. Oobbledick,
Ilene for cemetery, 75c; W. J. Bissett,
charit-y-yfor Mrs.. Delve. at $1 per. week,
$12; Geo, Brooks, bread for Win. Brin-
acoenhe,fa tnily, $1; Thos. Creech, snow-
plowing, $2,
Some discussion took place regard-
ing the payment of the $12 to Mrs,
Delve by the town treasurer unknown.
to the present council. The Reeve
and Councillor Heanian thought that
this charity had been dispensed with.
It was explained that the 1905 council
had instructed the treasurer'. to pay
such charity in this manner and that
the motion had not been rescinded,
consequently it had• been continued
this year. Mr. Heaman moved that
the item be laid over and the matter
investigated. No seconder. Then'Mr.
Heaman moved that the accounts be
paid as read, that the 1905 council's
motion re charity he rescinded and
that in future .orders for charity be
made by this council. Seconded by
Mr. Treble and carried.
Councillor Fuke stated that the cat-
tle men had complained ofthe had
condition of the stock yard and the
market building. windows being hrok
en, table removed, etc. He thought
it should he kept in good condition for
doing business, and moved that the
building be repaired. Seconded by
Mr. Heaman.--Carried,
Councillor Treble stated "that G. H.
Bissett wished permission of council
to cut certain trees in front of his resi-
dence on Huron street. This 'natter
was left over till the council . took the
spring tour.
Mr. Bobierbrought up the 'natter.
of industries. He had been in com-
munication with Mr. Knrtze and the
Western Foundry Oo.of Winghtern,
Mr. Knrtze says qe had, received favor-
able propositions from , Seaforth,
Whitby and his hoose town, but pre-
ferred Exeter and intends making an-
other visit,when if he could snake sat-
isfactory terms with the Banks he
might accept the possibleoffer of 8250
a year.
Mr, Heimau believed things were
looking bright for a Canning Factory,
in' town as he knew of people who bed
signified their willingness to subscribe
for stock to the extent of -$5,000; and
$8,000 would be sufficient to ensure
success. The joint stock company
that would be formed would not ask
for a bonus, but might ask for exemp-
tion from taxation for a period. The
councillors were 'unanimous in their
opinions that the industry was a good
one, that Exeter was well situated for
such, and that there would be no diffi-
culty in securing exemption.
The Woollen Mill. Industry was
brought up by Mr. Heitman, who sta-
ted that the machinery was herein the
building and all was ready for work,
that a large amount of wool was year-
ly marketed here, but we had no one
to run the business. Therefore he ad-
vised that the town advertise for a
capable man. On motion of Messrs.
Heaman and Treble the Reeve and
0ouncillnr Fuke were appointed a
committee to draft advertisement for
a, roan to advertise in the Mail and
Empire and Globe and do anything
else in the matter that they 'night
deem advisable.—Carried.
Mr. Bobier was also asked to try to
secure a capable man to manage a
Canning Factory.
The council decided to meet on the
second- and fourth Mondays of the
month in future and on motion of Mr.
Fuke adjourned to. April 9th. •
DIOKSON S4 CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLIDI- Eight acres of land, a good barn, also a good gar-
tors, Notaries, Conveyancers; Commissioners. den with all kinds of fruit. This place is situated on
Solicitors for Molsons Dank, etc. Thames Road, North Exeter. Imrnedip,te possession
Money to Loait at lowest rates of interest,- Elven. Pot. particulars Apply to
Offices; Main street, Exeter,`
I, R. ri4RL1\e; B.A., L, 11 Monsen
W5-hnve a large amount of 'private funds to loan
on farm •and 'village properties at low rates of inter-
est. •
Barristers, Solioitorsillain st., Exeter On
For Sale.
That well drained, well improved and truly up-to-
date fare's, being composed of Lot No. 11, in the 7th
concession, in the Township of Biddulph, in the
County of Middlesex eonta ning180. acres of land.
Situated' on the premises' are a goad 2 storey brink
house, bank barn 00x40, cement hog pen, wrnd.mill
and good young orchard.This is truly a most desir-.
able proerty, well supplied with water, convenient
to school and churches and one of the roost improved
farms in the County of Middlesex. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Whalen P, 0, Barristers Etc., Exeter.
I have private funds to loan on feria And village FOR
properties et lowest rates of interest: �F AR� .FOR' SALE,
Office opposite Central hotel, Mntn•st., Exeter The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable
farm, in the township of Stephen, being Lot 7, Con-
cession -4, contnihinp 100 Acres of first class land.
LLOYD D Pp JO NL S There is on the promos a goad brick house, 2 bank
barns, driving shed, good young orchard,. two never -
failing wells andother conveniences; the land is well
Organist and Ohoir Master -,of Mitchell Methodist drained and fenced and is all under cultivation,
Church. Teacher—Piano, ' Organ,. Voice, Harmony, Will be sold cheap and on easy terms as the proprio.
Mode>tn methods. Thdrourrhness toe intends going `Viresa Apply to
F. W. BAI{F,R, Crediton East.
'fro ert for Sale
A fine pasture farm in the Township of May, near
Sareptie one hundred acres, 88 acres Seeded, frame
h&use and good stable, good water, etc„
Another Madre fann for sale, in the township of
Usbornc,south of I limville,conyenient to selroot,well
drained; small oMhard, 10 ache bush; franc: house,
barn, stable and grainart..
Apply to
The undersigned is tittering for sale the tarn prop•
erty in the township of Bitldulph, Lot 0 North
Boundary eontaining 104 nerds. This farm js divid-
ed into two sections, 100 acres and 04, and will be
sold together or seperater There is in the 100 acre
lot a brick house, twobauk baen9 orchard, ton acres
hardwood bush, two never -failing wells, ,wind mill
attached to one, and other conveniences, On the 04
acre lot there is a bank barn 40X70 feet and about -0,
acres bush.
This property will be cold cheap' and on cast' terms,.
Apply to JOS. E. W t, Whalen.
House For Sale
Double house for sale on Albert street, in flrst-
claes condition. Apply to Jones & Clark.
For Sale or ;Rent
1:residence in good repair; and X acre
hi' reel and the best of water. Will
red. Good fnrii�ra",%,11. .. ,tnnbury.
sell cheap. Apply to Gla pian dt u
Sale Reisfs.
Mies Fanny I3awden is i11.
Miss Olive Wright is at work again
after, a few days illness.
It is thought the Legislature will not
prorogue before May 10,
Harry Renclle bas taken a position
as clerk with Mr. J. A. Stewart.
,All kinds of garden and flower seeds'',
3 paekages.for 5 cents at Charlton's.
Miss. Anna .Martin was thelhdstess
at a pleasant evening at her house on.
Mrs. . Geo. Hearnan entertained a
few. friends Monday evening in the old
home which they' vacate this week.
Mr. David Jacques left Monday to
enter Victoria Hospital, London,
where he will he treated for paralysis.
-Mr. T. E. ,Ela ndford this week sold
half teem' of b(,rses to Mr. R. E. Pick-
ard, who will ship them to his fart's at
Frobisher, Sask.
Word has been received here of the
death of Mrs. Smile of Toledo, Ohio, a
forgoer resident of Exeter, being .firs.
Albert Box's mother:.She was over
80 years of age.
It is understood -the Agriculture and
Arts Act will be so amended that after
this year fairs where horse racing and
side shims predominate over the pure-
ly agricultural features will not be
eligible for the grant. •
A petition bus been presented. to -the'
louse of Oontmons, signed by 0..P. R.
afhcielsashing for an extension of time
.far the construction of the South On
tario Pacific Railway Oumpany's lines
through Woodstoek, Embro," and St.
Marys to Port Huron. This is the line
that is expected to go through Exeter.
This line seems to be no .myth and Ex-
eter must be alive to the fact and do
all in its power to secure it.
Dfed In Russet:toe.
There pressed ;away at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Hodgert, an
Tuesday of this week,their second son,
Albert, after a prolonged illness from
pulmonary trouble, at the age of 21
years. The deceased began to feel the
inroads of the disease about two years
ago and as is characteristic of the
tt'onble he gral.ually but surely sank
till the end came. He was a young
man much respected by bis associates
and friends and bis dismise will be
deeply regretted by all. The funeral
takes place to -day (Thursday) to Roy's
Bank Changes.
Mil. W. H. Dara'srin of Alymer is re-
lieving at the Molsons Bank. owing to
tb illness of Mr. .13arold :Bissett.—
, *ia.i' Warren Hunter, who ;has began
i engaged as Ledgerkeeper at the Sov-
ereign Bank here,hrrs been transferred
to the Zurich branch of the same.—
Mr. John Gardiner, who has been tel-
ler at the Sovereign Batik here, will
leave theseryice of the bank in a few
days and intends going West with his
father shortly. During Mr. Gardin-
er's connection with the Bank he
made himself uniformly obliging and
SATURDAY, MARDI! 81st,. Stock, Feed, Implements,
Household Effects, Etc. the property of Henry
Statham, Huron Street, Exeter. Sale at 1 o'clock.
H. Brown, Auctioneer.
TUESDAY, April Srd,--Houser-- its; the property
of August Sweitzer, Oredrlohw.,,;est. Sale at one
o'clock. John ill, Auctioneer.
Farm for Sale or Rent for Pasture
The undersigned is offering for sale orrent for pas•
ture Lot 20, Con. 2.;, Usborne, containing 100 acres,
of first•elass land, situated 214 miles from Exeter,
For particulars apply to
In, the matter of the . estate Of Eliza-
beth Turnbull, Trite of the Township,
of Stephen, in the Oouuty of Huron
widow, deceased.
Notice hereby ggiven.pursuant to Sec. :IS of Chap.
ter 120, of the fevised Statute ofbntario, 180, that
all creditors and others having; claims against the es-
tate of the said Elizabeth Turnbull, who died on or
about the Oth day of Der., 11)06, are,; on or before the
14th DAY OF APRIL, :1006,
to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Itenneth Good.
man, Of tiro town of Parkhill, in the County of Mid-
dlesex, Solicitor for the Executrix of the Said de-
ceased, their christian names and 'surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their
claims, aStatenrentof their accounts and the nature
of the securities (if any) held by than, ' -
And further take notice that after the day last
aforesaid the said executrix will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such
claims of which notice shall have been given as
above required, and that the said 4bceoutrix will
not be liable for the Said assets 00 any part thereof,
to anyperSen or persons of whese ,claims notice:
shall not have been received by them at the time of
such. distribution. -
Ar IOE Luys, Excotrtrix,
b, IihNN8T1I GOODMAN, her Solicitor.
Dated this 20th day of March 1006.
Everything must be sold as we are
going out of business.
.Anyone• desiring more than their money's
worth, come at once.
are in store for you; as everything is
o W. Kerr, Crediton.
Fargiulitar. .
SUDDEN, DEATH.—Tile com'rnnnity
was shocked on Wednesday, March
28th, to hear of the sudden death of
an old and:'highly respected resident
in the person of Alexander Duncan,
at the age of 77 years. Deceased, since
the death of his wife some six years
-ago, had been residing with his son,
David, Can. 12,'Usborne. On Wednes-
day morning he arose as usual and had
just finished itis tnorning wash, when
he was stricken with heart:failure rand
died a few moments afterward. His
heart had been affected for about a
year, but there WAS no reason to sup-
pose his taking off would come at this
time. Mr. Duncan came to Canada
from Scotland when 22 years of age,
and lived for three years at Pickering
previous to moving to 'Osborne, where
he cleared &farm• and bad resided ever
since: He is survived by three sons
and four daughters. They are Mrs.
Robb of Stratford; Mrs. McKenzie of
Port Arthur; John on the homestead;
Mrs. . erns Monteith, Thames Road;
Daricl, with 'whom' deceased resided;
Thomas of Winnipeg and iylis. A.
Musser of Stratford. The funeral will
take place on Friday, at 2 o'clock to
Roy's cetneter y, near Farquhar. - The
family have the sincere sympathy of
the neighborhood in their sudden. be-
Mr. John Muir was in Loudon Tues-
Mrs. A. J. Ford has returned from
Miss Norris of Staffs, is the guest of
Mrs. Mantle.
Mr. Marshall Box spent Monday in
London on business.
Mrs, :Harry Parsons spent a few days
in London during the week.
Public School Inspector John E. Tom
is on duty in this neighborhood.
Miss Lon Brimacombe returned
Thursday from a visit to Toronto.
Mrs. Egan of Detroit is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet.
Mr. Alex. Purdon is confined to his
boarding house through severe illness.
Mrs. Wm. Hay of Parkhill is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. James Shad-
Mr. Fred Hawkshaw returned to his
home here this week and intends re-
Mrs. D. Johns is visiting in Sarnia,
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bayly of London,
formerly of town, left Monday on a
trip to Europe.
az. .7rrlm 'tale of, Ti,1„,,f•.,,n spent
li r' •it+V 11' 'vut .u1ou meer . ,
Sunday here, the guest of his br tlie•,
Mr. Ambrose Cot 1e.
Miss.Roxie Eac e.tt of Brantford who
has been visiting ,at Farquhar spent
Sunday with fried s in town.
Mr. J. Dodds an wife of Seaforth
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Handford on Monday.
Mrs. Samuel Thomas, who has been
visting ber brother, returned to her
horde in Hamilton Saturday.
Mr. Wilbur Matin went to Dor-
chester Wednesday to attend the fun-
eral of his cousin, Mr. Orockett.
Rev'ds Fletcher, "Martin and Fa'r
are this week attending a convention
of the%Dtiminion Alliance at Toronto.
Mrs. Jas. Goold, Jr., has gone to
Brown City, Mich., to attend her sis-
ter, Mrs. Windsor,'; Who . has under-
gone an operation.
Victor Sanders is attending the fun -
ere] of his grandfather, John Gilbert.
who was aecrdentally killed in MCGilIi-
Way on Saturday last.
Messrs. F. G. McTavish and W. L.
Lofft of St. Marys, spent Sunday at
Mr. J, N, Howard's, guests of the for-
riser's brother, Mr, A, J. McTavish,
Mrs. Wm. Davidson of London who
came here last week to visit friends,:
was taken ill on Friday and for several.
days was unable to leave the house.
She however was able to return to her
home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Wm.11awkshaw and daughter,,
Miss Jean.. bid adieu to their many
friends in Exeter last ggyyeek and left
S turd evenin for• thhait new home
Saturday g
in Yellow Grass Assa,. They Will carry
evlth thorn°tbe hest; wrsiles of en for eam
t1 tls crit.
e red 1;
herr foresee Welfare a
s Har wu e ob tove
t w p y
Dodge County,Minn., Star, .ofthe22nd
inst., contains the following sad news
of the.death of a former resident of
this locality, being a brother of Mes-
srs. John and Alex. Duncan of Us -
borne. "On Saturday, March 17, the
community was shocked by a very ser- of Lieury. accident, resulting in the death of y.
Mr. David` Duncan. Mr. Dnncan's
team became frightened by a train at
the railroad crossing, east of Clare-
mont and he was thrown from the wa-
gon. Help came at once, but was of
no avail, for the spirit had fled. Mr.
Duncan who had been a consistent
member of the. Presbyterian church
for nearly fifty years was known for
his sterling honesty and integrity and
his dealings with his` fellow men in-
deed exemplified the Golden Rule. His
loss will be deeply felt by all, but es-
pecially by those who knew him best,
The family appreciating the kindly
spirit.of sympathy of their friends and
neighbors, wish to return their sincere
tlianks for all the kindness shown
them in this time of trouble.” Mr.
Duncan was .a*native of Scotland, com-
ing to America in 1854. He first set-
tled in Ontario and after remaining
there for seven years moved to the
county in which he died. Deceased
was twice married and is survived by
a widow, one daughter and three sons.
His age was 65 years, 7 rnonths,28 days.
Clandebt ye.
Mrs. McKechnie of Holdbridge,Neb.,
is visiting her -old friends in this village
and vicinity.—Miss Minnie Patton of
London is here visiting her parents.—
(rr1p<is prevalent in this neighborhood.
There are several cases in the village.
—Mrs. Roht. Hodgins is visiting her
daughter, Mr. George, in Putman.—
Mr. Jas. Miller has gone to North
Dakota. The family will leave shortly.
Hon.Mr. Hanna suitesthat the Gov-
ernment does not propose to issue
liquor licenses to steamers.
KNIGUE.—In Ildez•ton, on Mier. 23, . to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. * Knight, aeon*"
ROBERTS.—In Parkhill, on March 13,
to •Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Roberts, a
HoDtilrrs.-In Centralia on March 22,
to Mr. and Mrs: Jos. W. Iiodgins, a
DIGNAN;.-In Exeter, .,March -25th, to.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dignan, a daugh-
ton, on Wednesday, March 21, by
Rev. H Manning, MissMaggie Wash-
ington, to R. James Southcombe, of
NEIL-REID—At the Baptist parson-
age, Parkhill, on March 21, by Rev.
McGregor, Wesley Neil, to Miss
Annie, daughter of Wm. Reid, both
Alex. McKay of West Zorra was
trampled to death by a horse.
ZAVITz.—On Friday, March 16. Veleda,
infant daughter of Mrs. I Zavitz,
aged 1 year. al months, and 7: days.
DU-MAN.—At Dodge Centre, Minn.,
David Duncan, formerly of Ushorne,.
aged 65 years, 7 months, 23 days.
DUNCAN.—At Farquhar, on Mar. 286h,
Alexander Duncan, aged 77years..
GILBERT.—DI McGillivray, on Marcie
24th, John Gilbert, aged 85 years.
McLxoo.—In Hibbert on Maar. 20, Ann
McLeod, aged 85 years.
YEo.—In Hibbert on 'March 20, Henry
S. Yeo, aged 53 years, and 8: months.
FLETCHLR.-- On March 15, at his home,
Islay, Scotland, Ed. Fletcher, broth-
of Mrs. Irving. St. Marys, and Rev.
Colin Fletcher, Thames .Road, Hur-
on county.
BEAVER.—In Crediton, on March 26,.
Hortense Simon, wife of Mr. 0.
Beaver, aged 42 years.
HODGERT.—At Russeldale, on Mar.27,
Albert Hodgert, son of Mr. Alex-
ander Hodgert, aged 21 years.
ou P
0 , V:a: r
._ •fin
SapPails, S
a Pans, Sapettloa� ,�
S ilex • Anything y g" & Everything
for making Syrup.
Our own make SapPails for 10c.
Ready Ixed Paints
yy �
Hollywood 00d Elep h
In 15, 25 and 45c. Tins: In 15, 25 and 4Oc. Tins
Floor Paints, .40e.per qt.
FloorLac, all color, �.. 40and 7 5c.atin,
Paint Brushes, 50e uq ,