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Exeter Advocate, 1906-2-15, Page 7
A MOTHERS DUTY. ,f lUo Should Carefully Guard the health of idler Growing, Daughter --ler Future Bappiness Depends on the Change Elvin Girlhood to Womanhood. Every mother should watch with the ',greatest care tate heath of her growing elateghter, She .is a girl to-day—to-mm.- 10w a er ouian, Tile Happy . health of womanhood depends upon this vital. thengo from girlhood. When nature snakes new demands upon her blood' supply, you roust build up her blood with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Her fy$tern t5 unequal to that strain if her Pack aches, if she is pale or thin, dull- eyed or languid. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will give her new, rich, red blood tract tide her over the crisis. Dr. Wil- hems' 1 tete Pills will make her develop- ment, perfect and ' regular—they will snake her a strong, thieve, graceful wo- ertan. Miss Etienne Viiandre, St. Ger- maIn., Que„ says: "While attending school my health began to give way. I sul- feredfrom headaches and dizziness, my appetite: left me and i grew pale as a .corpse. As the doctors did• not hei.p me any my father got me a supply of Dr. 'Williams' Pink fills. Before I had used two boxes there was an improvement, and when 1 had token a half a dozen [ was again in perfect health. I believe alt went< girls will find new health if they bike Dr, Williams' Phil: Pills. Thoust,nds of growing girls, and thou - sends of women owe health and hap - iciness to Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. 'They keep the blood rich and pure and regular. They banish headaches .and sidesches a nrl backaches, '. and they help„ the rosy glow of perfect lleallh to pale and sallow cheeks. Rut you .must gel the genuine with the frill name Dr. Williams` Pink Pills for Pale Peo- 'Sle wrapper am on the wra flus each box. old by all medicine dealers or sent by read• at 5n cents a box or six boxes for X12,50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. IRRIGATION IN INDIA. In magnitude a•nel importance the state :Irrigation works in British India exceed those of any other country in the world. The success of the great irrigation dams recently constructed in India is as- cribed to the genius and the long anJ extensive experience of the Indian engi- neers. Egypt, has but one great river, but Indio has many which are utilized for irrigation purposes. Moreover, In- dia has systems of irrigation from tanks .and reservoirs inapplicable in Egypt. During 1903-4 state irrigation works of all kinds in India supplied water to more than 21,500.000 acres of land, which furnish crops of an estimated value if . _more than £27,500,000 sterling. The acreage just mentioned slightly exceeds that of the entire State of Main. This takes no account of the wells and other private sources of irrigation. Including these, it is believed that the total arta .ficiaily irrigated area of India falls but little shortof the combined acreage of England, Wales and Scotland. • DELICATE FROM BIRTH.. In three words—"delicate from birth" —is expressed a. world of anxieties suf- .? ” tered by mothers whose babies have 'had a bad start in life. For babies who are ailing, peevish, cross and unable to digest their food Baby's Own Tablets are invaluable. They act almost like magic and change cross, peevish children into smiling, bappy babies. Mrs. .1. W. Munroe, Sintaluta, N.W.T., says:— I have used Baby's Own Tablets for two years -and would not like to be without them. They have changed our weak, sickly baby into a fat, healthy little girl. I can warmly recommend the Tab- lets to other mothers." And mothers have a guarantee that the Tablets con- tain no poisonous "soothing" stuff, c.r harmful drug. They are absolutely safe and always do good. Sold by all medi eine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' fvledd- eine Co., Brockville, Ont. Q ONE OF NATURE'S PRIZE FIGHTS. A Battle Royal Between Wasp and Cater pillar. A battle between a wasp and a cater- pillar is . no mean affair, according to a botanist, who watched an encounter. "Breathless with an excitement which will be understood by those who have tasted the joy of such :a moment," he says, "I hung over the actors of the lit- tle drama. The ground was bare, . we were dose by and could sec every mo- tion di.slinctly. "The wasp attacked at once, but was rudely repulsed, the caterpillar rolling and unrolling itself rapidly,:. and with the most violent contortions of the whole body. Again and again its adversary descended, but failed to gain a hold. The caterpillar in its struggles, flung itself bore and there over the ground, and had there been any grass or other covering • near by it might have reached a place of partial safety. But there was no shelter within reach, and at the fifth at- taick the wasp succeeded in alighting over it, near the anterior end, and in grasping its body flrmty in her mandi- bles. Standing high on her long legs, and disregarding the continued struggles . of her victim,'" she lifted it from the ground, curved the end of her abdomen t,t its body, and darted her sting between the third and fourth segments. From this instant there was a com)ilete cessaliutt of movement on thepart. of the unfortunate- caterpillar. LIMY) and helpless it could offer no further oppo- sftfon. to •.ti will of its conqueror. For some moments the wash remained mo- tionless, and then, withdrawing her sting she plunged it successively between the third and the second and between the second and first segrnentS," AN UNSPEAKABLE LOS. dIpti "Yes, my son." ACROBAT A CENTURY OLD ENGLISH VETERAN NOW IN LU HUNDREDTH YEAR. Performed Beare Three Sovereigns — Still Active in Spite of [lis Age. Henry Johnson, of Grantham, who boasts that lie is the oldest acrobat in Eugiand, entered on his hundredth year December 261h. la spite of his .years tie' 1, as lithe and active as many a mail 60 years his junior. • Johnson has Lived in the reigns of (Ivo 13i'rtise sovereigns, and prides himself oti the fact that he has performed. be- fore three of them—King William Iv., Queen Victoria, and King Edward VU., when he was Prince of Wales. kis is now quietly enjoying the everting of his life a.L_Gruntltaut, and he hopes to live for many year's to coins. Johnson was born on .Christmas day, 18.6, al Norwich, but his recollection of his childhood is very hazy. Fie^ reaueru- bers that he was left an . orphan at a very early age, and had a hard .strug- gle to maintain himself. His elder bro- ther wanted him to become a Hostler, but his ambition had been fired by see- ing a troup of travelling acrobats, and he rejected 'the suggestion with scorn. Ile attained his ambition when still in his teens by becorning a tightrope walk - e•• and -on equestrian acrobat with a small travelling troupe. BEFORE R ICING WILLIAM. J has ns fiest aa deararce with roy- alty was when he Mullaba perform- ed before fling William IV. at .Ayies- bury, and Ihe.Kznr was so pleased with them that he commanded them ' d to ap- pear before him at Buckingham Palace. They travelled to London by coach, and the King retvarded there with fifty guineas each. and gave them a royal license to perform in any town, city nr village in Ihe United Kingdom. Later he performed before Queen Victoria tit Windsor, and before -King Edward VTI. (then Prince of Wales) at, Sandringham. REMARKABLE ACTIVITY. Johnson, in spite of his great age, is still in possession of all his Inmtlties. He can walk about with the activity of a much younger man, and some time ago he made a bet that he would dance a hornpipe on a table. A few weeks ago he challenged a local horse dealer to a wallchig match. hut although the horse dealer is twenty years his junior, he de- clined the- .match. CHINESE AND FOREIGNERS. The Chinese began by despising Euro- peans and ended by hating and fearing them, says an exchange. Their hatred has not been lessened by the Japanese victories Over Russia, but their fear has been. It is manifest lo them that ih.t "foreign devils" are not invincible, and. therefore, are not so much to be dread- ed. The Chinese do not love the Japan- ese who have driven the Russians out of Manchuria only to take their place, to a certain extent. Butunquestionably the Russian mishaps by seaand land have strengthened the anti -foreign sen- timent. That sentiment finds expres- sion in many ways. The boycott if American goods may be taken as a pro- test against harsh enforcement of the, law for the exclusion of coolies. The recent murder of the American mission- aries, the disturbances at, Shanghai and the unfriendly attitude toward foreign- ers of different nationalities in all parts of the Empire are more serious and sig- nificant than the boycott. Europe and America do not seem so formidable as they did two years ago. The yellow man has a better opinion of himself and a poorer opinion of the Caucasian. —4 WONDERFUL, Myer "Did you ever see it man-eat- ing shark?" Gyer- Cvo, but I saw once a man eat- ing catfish." Myer—"Indeedl Where?" Gyer-"In a restaurant." OVEIt SEA HABIT. Difference on This Side of the Water. The persistent effect upon the heart of caffeine in coffee cannot but result in the gravest conditions, in time. Each attack of the drug (and that means each cup of coffee) weakens the crgan a little more, and the end is al- most a matter' of mathematical demon- siration. A lady writes from a Western state: "I am of German descent and it was natural that. I should letim at, a very early age to drink coffee. Until 1 was 23 years old I drank scarcely anything else at ` my meals. "A few years ago I began to be Affect- ea by a steadily increasing nervousness, which eventually developed' into a dis- tressing heart trouble,that made me very weak and miserable. Then, some three years ago, was added asthma 'm its worst form. My sufferings from these things can bo better imagined than.. de- scribed. "During all this time my husband realized more fully than I did that cof- fee :was .injurious to me, and madeevery effort to make' itue stop. "Finally it was decided a fewmonths ago, . to quit, the use of coffee absolute- ly, and to adopt Postum Food Coffee as our hot table drink. I had but little idea that it would help ere, . but consent- ed t0 try it t0 please my husband. ..I prepared it very carefuilly, exactly ac- cording to directions; and was delight- ed with its delicious flavor and refresh- ing' qualities. 'Just as soon as the poison' from the coffee had time to get otit of my system the nutritive properties of the Postum began to build me up, and I'am now fully recovered from all my nervousness, heart trouble and asthma. 1 gladly ac- knowledge that now, ter the first time in years, I enjoy perfect health, and that I owe it all to Postum." Name given ley Postum Co,, Battle Creek, Mich. "What is it a nftan loses and then There's a reason. Bead the little book, can't tell what it fs until he finds its" "The Road to Wei1v111e" In plcgs. "I really don't know, My boy." Postum Food Coffee contains no drugs "Wh•e, hie breath!" of any description whlttsoever. THE CAUSE OF WOMAN'S TROUBLE Is DISEASED KIDNEYS AND 71111 CUBE. IS DODD'S tilDNEY PILLS. Wonderful Cure of Mrs, James Kinsella, Who Slept in a Chair for 'Iwe Sum- mers—What She Says of It. St. Malachie, Otte., 1eby. 5 --.(Special), —A cure of great interest to women has attracted the attention of those iuterest- ett in medical platters in this .neighboe- hood. Mfrs. Jas. Kinsella, wide of a Well-known citizen, had suffered „from a colrlptication of troubles for about two years. She had a pail in the right hip,. ie the back and was obliged to. pass water ever;,.Ofleen minutes in a burn -i- ing itching sort of way. She could not sleep at night and had to sit up in a chair for two summers. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her, Mrs. Kinsella, speaking of her cure, says, "Alter the first box of Dodd's KId- ney Pills I felt much better. Then I's tot. more and they did me a world of good. f have never slept t in the chair since I used. Dodd's Kidney PUIs. Woman's hellh depends on her; kid- neys. Nine -tenths of the so-called fe- male complaints are caused by uric acid in tee blood. Cure your kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills and you can have nu uric acid in the 'blood.. • N AND V NIAGARA -CTOIiIA I Sincelheattention of the whole 1id has been drawn to the greet Victoria Valls in South Africa, many. { c onpari- sons tte been made between thema and the Niagara -Falls. In his lecture on "The Distribution of Power," in Johan- nesburg last August, Prof. W. E. Ayr- ton asked, "What is the true compete- ; son ompare-ison between thepower of the Victoria and the Niagara 'Falls?" His answer was, the flow at Niagara varies between 02,000.000 and 10/N010J:00 gallons per minute: That at Victoria is as low tis about 5,000,000 gallons in August. The rr,tean available drop at Niagara is 160 feet and at Victoria 380 feet. Hence,. while the minimum Niagara flow repre- sents about 3,0001'00 horse -power; the Victoria flew in August represents only 580.000 horse -power. and. accepting the stntements of local authorities that in November the flow at Victoria drops to only 2.500.000 gallons per minute, the minimum horse -power there can be only about one-tenth of Niagara's mini- mum. The maximum for Victoria is not given. . If you aro a sufferer from colds get a bottle of pickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup and" test its qualities. It will bo found that no praisebestowed on' it is too high. It does all that • claimed for it, and dons it thornuehly. Do not take any substitute for Ilickie's Syrup, because it is the best, having stood the test of years. All •he best dealers sell it "No." she said. "I don't like cals.. l hey're •so cruel; they kill the dear little birds." "Yes," replied the sarcastic man. "it's -too had, you, lender -hearted girls can't trim yourhats with 'cats, isn't it?" "That coat looks shabby," remarked Hicks to his intimate friend the poet; "why don't you „have it turned?" "Do you • thunk this coat has three sides?" asked the impecunious one, sadly; and nothing more was said on the subject. "By Medicine Life May be Prolong. td.''—So wrote Shakespeare nearly three hundred years ago. Lt Is so to -day. Medicine will prolong Life, but be sure 01 the qualities of the medicine. Life is peoloi ged by 16eepinf the body fret From disease. Ur. Thomas' I•;clectrii Oil used internally will cure cougns ant colds. eradiate ast:h ma, overcome crout and give strength to the respirator,' organs. Clive it a trial. • Magistrate (to prisoner): "You say that you took the ham because you are out of work and your family are starv- ing: And yet I understand that you have four dogs about the house." Prisoner: "Yes; but t' wouldn't ask my family to eat dogs, yer wusship." Itching Piles.—Dr. .Agnew's Ointment is: proof against the tnrmenis of Itching Piles. Thousands of testimonials of cures affected by its use. No case too aggravating or too long standing for It to soothe, • comfort and cure. ft cures lit from 3 to 0 nights. 35 cents. -95 Friend: 'have you ever seen active service. Colonel?" Colonel Grass: "I have. sir—very active I once promised a waiter fifty cents If he served me quicqly." Sunlight Soap is batter than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. DANGERS OF PEACE. Johnny was a very good boy, as small boys go, but he had one fault which It seemed impossible for his mother to overcome. He would fight with oilier boys. He had been reproved, and at last he made a faithful promise that he would balite no more. Thai very evening he returned from school with a cut cheek and a swollen nose. . "Johnny," said his mother, "you prn- misocl me• this morning that, you Would not fight again." "But I haven't been fighting, ma. This is an accident." "An accident?" "Yes,ma. Isilting was stg 1 n„ on Tommy. Biggs and I forgot to hold his feet," SEVEN GOOD RULES. Here are the rules of conduct that Marshall Field adopted for his business Never give a note. Never buy a share of stock on margin NeVer borrow. Never heavily mortgage real or person- al property. Worlc always on a cash bass: Buy for cash and sell on short time. Hold customers to strict enforcement of their contraets. • The merchant who: makes these rifles his own and follows them consistently will never Tail. Tailor: "YOtt. have recently inherited a Mee lump of money from your uncle; why don't you pay me?i' Customer: 'I hate all outward show. l don't want it to be said that my newly-acgtih'cd wealth has effused a departure from my former simple habits." ur Honest Belief it that we have brought seta :31i,derr As near PERF'FCIION as modern methods and materials . will permit, BLUE ' .ilIBRON Tea has a DISTINCT INDIVIDUALITY that lifts it above 11ifir line COMPARISON with other brands. TRY THU ICED LAI1E,L. AS.o0 ' be paid o will p any person who proves - that Sunlight Soap contains any. injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration, Ss nlight Soap is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the St,i;'igit way (follow dire_c-_ ; tions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Tour money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto '57 The Humble Student—"And so, sir, you agree with this author's contention, that genius and insanity are 'clow allied.' In your opinion, what is the difference?" The Eminent Scientist -- "The lunatic is at least sure of his board and clothes." Prevent disorder.—At the first symp. toms of internal disorder, Parmelee's 4egetaltle Pills should be resorted to ituntedlately. Two or three of theso salutary pellets, Laken before going to bed, followed by doses of one or two pills for two or three nights in succes- sion, will servo as a preventive of at. tacks of /dyspepsia and all the discont. forts which follow in the train of that Mil disorder. The ,the are simple witeu the way is known. Miss Thin: "Don't you think my new dress is just exquisite? They all say so." Fannie: "Oh, lovelyl I think that dressmaker of yours could make a clothes -prop look graceful. iiow Dr. Von 'Stan's Pineapple Tablets Give instant ttelirt.—They're to carry—take one after eating—or when- ever you feel stomach distress coming On—sufferers have proved it the only remedy known that will give instant re- lief and permanent cure—no long tedi- ous treatments with questionable re- sults—best for all sorts of stomach trou- bles. 35 cents. -9g Man hopes for the best, but woman insists on having something better. Mrs.. Noolewed (nervously): "What do you .thinkk of my biscuits, dear?" He: "H'm t I don't care exactly to give an offhand opinion on weighty subjects." What should be Forgotten?' Everything that mars. What.,h.,uid not co f.',gatts t? "The n da L" Menthol kia:.tei:, ; a p.,stive ewe for moms. lar rheumatism and ueuta,s:ia. TIIE "MOURNERS" OF RUSSIA. "It pays to be a mourner in St. Peters- burg, and there are agencies which em- ploy great numbers of vagrants and tramps for the purpose," says a writer. "These agencies supply suitable clothing and pocket handkerchiefs—everything,. in fact, except boots, which the tramp must show on his feet, or he will not be hired. When there is a more or less im- portant, funeral the tramps gather at the Nikolski market and are selected by on employe of the 'agency. The wages for the occasion, with tips, generally equals about 75 cents." In Western Canada eeaiana aeaut eft lands ip Saskatchewan, only s milot from two railways, C.P.B. it <3,T.I. Strung soil, 90per cent. pioutit land, spring creak, no sloughs. About 'O miles N.p.. of is l'laa. Head. Price Ste.60 per acre. Write for map and full particulars, R PAR ()NS, pi Wclfestey Street, Toronto. Canada. "Oshawa" Steel Shingles Wind, Water, Storm, and Fir© Prep!. Locked on All Four Mos Made from Pointed ed or Galvanized ixed 4tee1 at prices varY ng from $2 85 to 5.10 per hundred square e g c u re f et covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores. Eta vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer andsnips are the only toolscls r e uire& We 'arc the largest and oldest companyof thekind under the British sk flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF We also mnunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and ['AVETROUGH tae. MI'"''AL SHINGLES, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 1'R and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write to -day. MCt1TREl., QUE. 0 TAY/A, ONT. TORONTO ONT. LONDON, telt, WINNiPEO, VANCOUVER, . ma.93 767 Craig St- 4Sussex at. 11 Colbarne at 69 Denies St. 70 Lombardet. Oa Ponder 11. Wong YOUR NsuulsT OFFICE. Bead Office and Works, - - - Oshawa, Ont., Canada MATTER Ole HOOKS. "Is your mistress at home?" "She will be if you'll come back in. about three minutes, ma'am. I'm just , hooking her up," CONDONED. ....te. Steel "Bet do you know I have an uncle who is a ri;ctraeett• of- lesrliamenl??' He: "Never mind, darling. I love you too much to let that stand in the way.' Mure Iron Needed in the blood of pale, run diem peJp.e. "yetruvitn," the Lest tonic. will put ib 1ue.e. At au gene al btu/es and Druggists:. Guest -"Ah, Mrs. Blank, I seldom get as good a dinner as this." Little John- ny --"Neither do we." Bolloway's Corn Cure Is the medicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the small sum of twen- ty -live cents. Mother—"The hairs of our head are all numbered." Willie -"When you buv a switch, ma, do you tell them what number you want?" Like a bad habit a skin disease grows. Scrota. loth hutnurs, eczema mud all eruptions may be cued with 1Ve.iver'' Comte, asat..ted internally by Weaver's Syrup. All D. uggists. After a girl has acquired a beau the first thing she does is to look in his watch -case to see if it contains another girl's picture. Too Many People Rally With Catarrh. —IL strikes one like a thunder -clap, de- velops with a rapidity that no other dis- ease does. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der-is owder-is the radical, quick, safe and pleas- ant cure that the disease demands. Use the means, prevent its deep seating and years of distress. Don't daily with Catarrh. Agnew's gives relief in ten minutes. 50 cents. -97 The Maid: "Shall I dust the brie-a- brac, mum?" The Mistress: "Not to- day, Nora. I don't think we can afford it." 17o Not Delay—When, through debill- tatud digestive organs, poison finds its way into the blood, the prune consider attun le to get the poison out as rapid- ly and as thoroughly as possible. Do. lay may mean • disaster. Partnelee's 4egbetable Pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to as. sail the intruder with. They never fall. They go at once to the seat ,of the trouble and work a permanent cure. ROOT OF TIIE VIOLET. May be Useful as a Domestic Remedy in Country Practice. Although this favorite little flower has. given its name to one of the primitive colors, we must not imagine that the violet is always of a violet hue It 18 often blue, purple, lilac or white. The viola 'tricolor, indeed, is partly yellow, but then in common life this is called a heartsease. Botanically speak- ing, however„ it is a violet.' rho flow - ars are formerly considered pectoral, useful in diseases of the chest, but the supposed virtues of the whole class of pectoral medicines have vanished before the severe medical Criticism of the last fifty years, and at the present day the petals of the violet are never prescribed by educated practitioners, The root of the violet, however, is art emetic, and may be useful as adomestio'. remedy in country practise. The dose is forty grains. The infusion of violets is cine of the most 'tielioa o tests of the presence of acids and alkalies. The former changes its dolor to red, the tat- ter to green. According to Lightfoot, the [•i.ighlalld ladles of' former` times used the violet es a cosmetic, the olid Gaelic receipt being; --Anoint thy face with goat's milkft:in which violets have been infused, and there Is not a young relate an earth who will not he distill. ed with thy beauty." What a man's wife thildire of him is not fax from the truth. I OR SALE—Best, cheapest and nicest located stock farm in the United States; has a beautiful water front, and :ontains 800 acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD- COCK, Salisbury, Md. FarmersWanted as , - Land Agents, Farmers wanted all over Canada agents for Western Canada lands; selected lands; liberal commission. dress "Farm Lands;',, PO Box. Winnipeg, Man. as. all Ad- 528, RHEUMATISM ai any form and cold perspiring feet positively tared within 110 days, by our uetviy pateut'ed' ilagustie Discs or money promptly tefuuded. 4lat,ed anywhere gi.eu. Wilts for de/captive suukIet. Agents wanted. MAGNETIC Bttr.0 4i&TISIVI UUILk CO., blierbrooko, Queuec, Canada Nothing makes a woman so angry -s the silence of her husband when she wants to fuss. Theo is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator for de• etroying worms. No article of its Watt fns given such satisfaction. Wigg—Say, what does a marriage license cost? Wagg—It can't be figured till you're dead. '•A tireve.yard Cough" is the cry of tortiated lungs for me, cy. Give Went Allen's Lung Balsam. which is tt,ed with good effect even in eeosumn. tiva^d early stales. "But, Franz, what will yew papa say when you come home with your clothes all torn and soiled?" "9', I know what he'll say. He'll say, What • will your mamma say!'" Warrior Woes.•=r'hreugh damp, cola and exposure many a native soldier , who left .his native hearth as "Rt" as man could be to fight for country's hon- er, has been "invalided home" because of the vulture of the battle ground I;heumatism. South American Rheu- matic Cure will absolutely euro every case of Rheumatism in existence. Relief i11 six hours. -98 rw Husband—There is nothing left; the wolf will soon be at the door. Wife—II hope he will know enough to go to the' back one. Faith You cannot lbe expected to have faith in Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, as a cure for Colds, C.e hs and all diseases of the airassa 11 you . have not tried it. 'We lave' faith tand we guarantee it. if itdoesn't cure you fit coats you nothing. Hit does it coats you 2.50. That's fair. Try it to -day. Shiloh has cured many thousands of the most obstinate cares, and we do not hesitate to say that it will cure any Cold, Cough, Throat or Lung trouble. If we did not believe this we would not guarantee it. Shiloh has had an unbroken record of success for thirty years. It has stood every possiblelestwithout failure. Further Proof. Oa found in the many testimonials of those who have tried Shiloh and been cured, Mss. Archie Taylor, Asaph, Pa., writes,-- "1 bought a bottle of Shiloh's Consumption curt end Eound itvery beacfreial. 1 h,YCtwo rdtil ten. Wad they hada tetrible cough. I save theory anti thin/ I could thine of. butthey pot no better until one eveeins ray husband bought abasis of Shiloh. i>fe Nave it to.tlre children 'When tats Wont to bed, and they slant all night, It eured ht eso csteploisly. 1 opsit sieve keep 4 tothe003, 1Vldt tiran►ee, wheraver :tniitlicine +a aot�4. N U ISSUC NO., fi--O kt