Exeter Advocate, 1904-12-29, Page 8•
Bought with Confidence.
Worn with Satisfaction.
The Suit That Lasts,
The Suit That Fits.
The Suit That Holds
The Greatest Value for Your Money
W. W. TA12AN,
Merchant Tailor.
ea6c kaecA6cA8caIltattcmail
Harvey Bros. Star four certainly is
a leader.
$1' Pays for the ADVOCATE
1 until December 31st, 1905.
See the New Year's recommendation
in the Sovereign Bank ad. front page.
1=iowey's Cherry Cordial is the best
thing going for coughs and bronchitis.
Tny it.
Rowe & Atkinson are holding a
special reduction sale of furniture
during the holiday season.
Some millers are becoming very
Mous over our flour; if you have
n5er tried it, try it and see what they
jealous for. -Harvey Bros.
A fine assortment of Perfumes, in
fancy baskets and boxes, suitable for
presents for children, at 25c. and 35c.
each; also Military and extra fine Hair
Brushes, Pipe and Cigar Cases, suit-
able for Christmas presents at C.Lutz's
Central Drug Store, Exeter.
Quality is everything. That's why
Exeter flour is.so much in demand..
Howey's Cure -a -Cold does cure. Try
it and be convinced. Your money
back if it fails.
Improved English Stock Food also
Columbian Stock Food and Interna-
tional, Herbageum, Cow, CureHesse's,
American Horse Tonic, etc. For sale
at C. Lutz's Central Drug Store, Exe
Por. Sale.
A largenumber of home-made blan-
kets, a big supply of stocking yarn
and sheeting. We also do custom
weaving at the Woollen Mills.
John Muir.
Watch Lost.
Between Sodom and Exeter, on
Dec. 24, an open face, gun-metal case,
with monogram "E. H.". thereon.
Finder will be suitably rewarded by
_.,._1 eaving same at this office.`
may be in a hurry or find it too far to
For the convenience of customers who
'walk to the mill we have made arrange-
ments for orders to he left at W. S...
Howey's drag store,' one door south of
,) the Post Office, and the orders will be
forwarded from there and receive
prompt attention Harvey Bros.
Gamey aua Either at l~xeter Jau. 4.
Henry Eilber, Conservative candid-
ate for South Huron, and R.R. Gamey,
of Manitoulin Island, will address the
electors of South Huron in the Opera
House, Exeter, on Wednesday, Jan.
4th, 1905, at 8 o'clock p.111., sharp, -on
the issues of the campaign. Arrange-
ments are being made to aaecommodate
a large crowd. Seats reserved for the
Installation. of masonic Officers
The followi4g are the officers instal-
led at the annual installation meeting
held Monday' night, the Festival of St.
John ,the Baptist, viz.: W. M., Bro. W.
0,,'Huston; S. W., Bro. W. J. Heaman;
J. W, Bro. Thos. Fisher; Chaplain,
Bro. Wrn. Sweet; Treasurer, Bro. BM.
O'Neil; Secretary, Bro, C. H. Sanders;
8, D., Bro. W. W. Taman; J.. D., Bro.'
W. R. Elliott; D. of 0., Bro. J. A. Rol-
lins; I. G,, Bro. F. J. Wickwire; Tyler,
Bro. S. Sweet.
1 EWLIr ..
Fall 'a .
d Goods
tit Tweeds and Worsteds
Ranging in Price from
$14.00, tt $20.O
Calf a d"Ezarnine Thew.
¥ercllant Tailor,
Exeter, OtItAr o
Mr. B. B. Dign, travel1a', is ill
the home of his' par, ,S here.
a junior
It is proposed to (1A •;
h o1 ey club on 'Thus,
Dr. R, Kinsman atter)
bly in St, Marys Monday
Mr, Nelson Hooper, who
Winnipeg hospital, is reports
Dr. H. M. Cowan is reported-„eported” very
ill and has been brought to the home
to his father in London.
Thos. Harrison last week purchased
a fine two-year old general purpose
colt from Mr, Thos. Sandford.
A load of young people of Crediton
drove to town on mas evening and
enjoyed themselves at the rink.
The Gardiner -Howard case was tried
in Goderich last week,and the decision
was given in favor of the latter.
Miss Ethel J. M, Meakins, niece of
Mrs. S. Baskerville, was married on
Dec, 14th to Mr. Charles Flannigan of
t inarriett is:-Wianripet;.
i Alair*rthilr}',; e V( t toalc pI.acr• at Win-
napeg on Monday, Doe. 20, i4, the oc-
caston beim,' a dontbl, .siding, at
which iii old 14Itzeter hay and a former
typo in the Anvoc...rna office, Mr,
,is R. Lonng son of i gelate William
seat, ono or' alit' i•ontro.Ctiiig
'ceremony uniting lYlr.
t iSS Isabella Ross, of Inver-
ne s,: Septlantl, wa151 rovforinc.d by
fie%'. Mr. McMillan, o1 tit. Andx'e}ave
chu rch, 'Winnipeg. At the same time
and place a cousin of Mr, Long's, Mr.
John. Robertson, formerly of 'London
tow iship, was married to Miss' Max'-
asret Ross, sister of the first rr
se bride, and also until late
of Inverness Sc,• 'rn'la re r
den , and, Mr.
Long is been living i;{i` Winnipeg for
abotiptwo. 'ea s It 'his mother and
brother, and is enil , yed in the (-Mess.
of the Massey -Harm's Company. The
many' relatives and other friends of
Exeter and neighborhood will join its
in congratulating the newly -married
couples and in wishing there happiness
and prosperity.
Mr. Chas Dennis, who has been en-
gaged in a store at Arkona, has 'been
compelled to resign his position owing
to a severe attack of rheumatism, and
is now confined to the home of his par-
ents here.
Dr. Ovens, Loudon, Surgeon, Oculist
Specialist, fits glasses properly, treats.
diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office Commercial Hotel, Exeter; all
day Saturday, Jan. 7th. Next visit
Saturday, Feb. llth.
Special and appropriate Christmas-
time sermons' and music characterized
the services in the different churches.
on Sunday, and although the weather
was very unpleasant the congregations
were above the average.
We learn that Mr. Andrew Oke, of
Seatorth, who we mentioned last week
as suffering from blood poisoning in
the hand, has had the hand amputated
so as to save the arm. Of the truth
of this statement we are not certain.
"A Friend" reports that "a very
jolly crowd spent Wednesday evening
of last week in a pleasant manner at
the residence of Mr. Nadiger, Dash-
wood. It was a surprise party, and.
quite a large number from Exeter at-
Hicks' prognostications for the last
few days of December are proving to
be more correct than comfortable.
The rains of last week and Tuesday
and the high wind and snow of Wed-
nesday came along about as he order-
ed them. The weather has not been
pleasant for Christmas visitors.
Miss Nina Carling, to whom the con-
gregation of the James street church
are indebted for many excellent mus-
ical selections, rendered a very beauti-
ful sole in fine voice on Sunday even-
ing last. Miss Carling shows. a decid-
ed improvement in her singing since
attending the Conservatory of Music
at Toronto.
Mr. James Sweet, Jr. who has been
residing in the West for the past sev-
en years, and of late at Grand Forks,
Dakota, arrived home Saturday night
and will spend a few weeks with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sweet,
Jim is a graduate of the Advocate
office and has been following the
printing during his sojourn in the
Make Your Food Medicine.
The garden is a greatmedicine chest.
Be your own doctor and look to your
own slight ailments. If you are wake-
ful, eat lettuce; for affections of the
skin and yellow skin, eat onions. On-
ions are also good for coughs, colds
and scrofula; for torpid liver, eat free-
ly of asparagus; for malaria and gen-
eral breakdown, eat cranberries; if
nervous and irritable, eat plenty of
celery; for constipation, eat fruits, ripe
and healthy fruits. Fresh fruits are
good; so are figs and dates. Raisins
are beneficial. When the body is in
good condition keep it in good condi-
tion by denying the appetite what has
once injured the body. One can do
everything for himself by eating the
right thing and not too much of it,
and by leaving alone the wrong thing.
and all of it. He can • do more than
the dot tor can do for him when he is
flat on his back in bed.
To Get Rid of Freckles.
In the January DDLINE.TOn, in the
department "Good Looks," Dr. Elean-
or Rogers gives the following recom-
mendations for getting rid of freckles;
which Will be welcomed by many who
are troubled with these disagreeable
"For removing freckles use colorless
iodine. This can he made by adding
one part of pure ammonia to 'three of
tincture of iodine. After standing a
day or two the iodine will become
white. Apply the iodine to each
freckle with a camel's-hair brash or,
better, by means of •a swab made by
wrapping a wisp of cotton around a
toothpick, for a fresh one can then be
used each time. Apply only enough
to cover the freckle. Ilse it night and
morning :until the skin is reddened,
but not too much irritated. The pig-
ment of the freckle is deposited in the
layer of skin, 'and that must be de-
stroyed in order to get rid of the -pig-
ment. Lemon juice is very useful to
keep the skin white and .to prevent
the deposit of coloring matter, which
makes the blemishes of moth patches
and freckles."
Olt ;interest' to Teachers.
In accordance with a resolution pas-
sed in a union meeting of the Execu-
tive Committees of the East and West
Huron Teachers' Associations the Sec-
retaries requested the Minister of Ed-
libation to state mare, explicitly . the
nature of the entrance paper on writ-
ten reading at the 'next examination;
The following is the reply:
loront>ti, Dec; 8th, 1904.
Dear Sirs:—I am directed by the
Minister of Education to State in reply
to' your letter of the 28th inst. that
the Entrance paper on Written Read-
ing Will consist of series of sight pas-
Sages in literature upon which ques-
tions will be asked to determine the
power of the candidate to understand,
interpret and appreciate literature as
a whole. These selections will be with-
in the comprehension of the candid-
ates. .As preparation for their work
the candidates are assumed to have
studied literature as provided for Part
I of the examination. The Written
Reading paper will also test the pu-
pil's knowledge of the passages select-
ed for memorization,
Your obedient servant,
'Deputy Minister.
W. H'r Johnston, Sec. W. - IL T. A.,
Rippers, Ont.; , : Hartley, Sec, ' E D. Wropter,
Christmas Visitors
Among those spending the Christ-
mas in town we noticed the following:
Mr. and Mrs. John Unit -on, Flint,
Mich.; Messrs. Nelson, Sheere, Thomas
Heaman, N. W. Creech, (drover Bis-
sett, Russell Frayne, Mr. and Mrs,
Nelson Cabblediclk, Mr. and Mrs. Gar-
field Sheere, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Hoskin, Brantford; Miss Polly 'Welsh,
Miss Edythe Beers, Misses Annie and
Maggie Slavin, Messrs. Fratnk Hunt,
Thos. Jeckell, Aldtyin Evans, Richard
Bissett, Mr. Amos Barlow and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Prodger, Mr. and
Mrs. Roht. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Willis, Mr. 'and Mrs. E. A,. Bennett
and daughter Greta, and Master Fred
Bawden, London; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Walters, Messrs. Ed. Crocker, Herb.
Walters, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Aquil
la Sheere and. Russell Southcott, St.
Thomas; Messrs. W. A. Westcott and
Ed. Clarke, Peterborough; Mr, Edgar
Westcott, Wingham; Miss Maud Jeck-
ell, Essex; Fred. Walters, Sault Ste.
Marie; Mr. John Dignan, Hamilton;
Miss Jennie Tayler,,Detroft; Miss Vera
Snell, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. P. McDon-
ald, Mr. and Mrs. John Noray and
family, Messrs. Eli Snell,Jas. and John
McDonald,Garnet Welsh and Clarence
Easterbrook, Perry Station; Dr. and
Mrs. Rollaway, Wiugbam, Miss Nina
Carling, Toronto Conservatory Music;
Mr. Fred Gould, Seaforth; Miss Mag-
gie Carling, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Dennis and child, Hamilton; Messrs.
A. Kemp and Alex. Martin, Toronto;
Messrs. Wrn. Muir, Harry Hueston
and J. M. Lang, Waterloo; Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Russell, Tilsonburg; Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Burnett,. Toronto; Mr.
Sam'l Hutchinson and daughter, Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Larnb/ook and
son Ed., Thamesville; Miss Jessie Dow,
Toronto Conservatory Music; Miss
Cora McPherson, New Ontario; Dr.
W. Harriston, Detroit; Messrs. John
Muir and Berman Beaman, London;
Mr. Norman Hern, Norwich; Mr. and
Mrs. F. Halls and child, Chicago; Miss
Halls,Toronto-and Miss Halls, London;
Mr. A. O'Neil, London; Miss Eva and
Mr. R. Godwin, St. Thomas.
Miss Lily Hodgert is in Cromarty
this week.
Mrs.Meakins,of London,was in town
one day last week.
The Misses Flintoff, of Clinton, are
visiting friends in town-.
Miss Amy Johns is visiting friends
in Brantford and Woodstock.
Miss Buckley, of Parkhill, is the
guest of Miss Millie.Hyudman,
Miss Mabel Brook spent a few days
in Ridgetown during the week.
Mrs. Skelton, of St, Paul, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. W. J.,Heainan.
Mrs. J. Blatchford and family are
visiting friends in Lucan this week.
Mr, Ohas. Lindenfield is holidaying
in London and Newstead this week.
Messrs. John Newcombe and John
Snell, Jr., spent Christmas in Clinton.
Mr. W. J. Hawkshaw has returned
from a visitto Detroit and Cincinnati.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitchell, of Lon-
don, are visiting friends and relatives
in town.
Miss Dorrington, teacher, is spend-
ing the holidays at her home in Ux-
Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Sanders.s;;e ,Lon-
don, spent a few days in town ddring
the week.
Will H. Anderson is spending his
holidays in Sarnia with his sister, Mrs.
(Capt.) Fetlock. .
Dr. Ramsay attended a meeting of
the VeterinaryAssociationfin Toronto
during the week.
Messrs. E. D. Grant, H. T. Belcher,
and Mr: an'd Mrs. W. J. Heaman spent
Xmas. in London.
Mr. Thos.: W elsh, who has been so-
journing at Wellwood, Man.; return-
ed home Saturday.
Mr. W. J. Stanlake, of Crystal Oity,
Man., is on a month's visit to friends
in and around Exeter.
Mr. James Etherington, of Osborne,
returned Wednesday from a visit to
Brown Oity and Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cudrnore, of
Crystal City, Man„ are visiting rela-
tives in and about town.
Miss Lizzie Wilcox left Friday for a
two months'visit with friends in Bow
manville :and elsewhere,
Misses Ethel Sweet, of Orilla, Ethel
Bissett, of Conestoaro, milliners, are
visiting at their homes here,
Miss Tillie Yager, who has hemi fill-
ing apposition as milliner in Baden, re-
turned to her home here Saturday.
Miss Rosa Fitzpatrick, who has been
the guest of Mrs. McAvoy for the past
week, left Tuesday for London,
Mr, and Mrs, John McMahon, of
Winnipeg, are guests •of the laatter's
parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Wnr. Penhale..
MiesiAdd e
1Vlorlock leaves to -day to
spend three weeks with her sister,
Mrs (Dr.) McCallum, in Cressline,
Mr. and Mrs. James Tom spent a
few days in Goderich with their son,
Mr. ,Toho E. Tour, the latter part of
last week.
Mrs. Reid and+son, of Palmyra,Wis.,.
are here visiting her parents, 11It,. and
Mrs. Silas IJandford, •. They will re -
Matti during the winter,
ie Aylmer double acting well
uinp as shown In the well, with three
way cock and side pipe for convc y.ing
water to barn or wherever needed. '.
force water any distance and to a
nation required with ease,
We lua,t lard in a fresh supply of
all kiucls of Candies and Nuts. l3ou-
I3on from 25e. to $1.25. Pretty, very
pretty 13m -Bon Satchels, just the lat-
est and low in price.
Oranges and Lemons from the best
markets. Outc Oranges have very de-
licious flavors,
• sale
e prices,
Up -to Date ger-sar,jpand. ;7onfectionery
VI M Statham.
North of Post Office.
Messrs, F. E. Karn and W.W. Tarn-.
an were in Toronto over Sunday.
Mrs. John Sanders, accempa.nied by
her daughter, Miss Nora, has returned
from a month's visit with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Richard Penhale,at Toronto.
Mr, John T. O'Brien left for London
Monday to spend a week in the whole-
sale house of the T. B. Escott Co., prior
to starting on the road as their travel-
Dr, and Mips. John harper Commack,
of St. Thomas, spent Xmas with the
latter's mother, Mrs. Horne. The
doctor is now in Toronto on profess
ir,nal business while Mrs. C. remains
Village Nominations.
The nominations ','sr Reeve, Coun-
cillors, and School. Trustees took place
at the Town Hall on Monday between
the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock. Many
good citizens were nominated. The
following is the list:—
W. G. Bissett John Muir, X
A.. Q. Bobier T. B. Darling. X
Wm. Bawden, X W. Ii. Levett, X
D. McInnis, X E. Christie, X
T. B. Carling, X I. Armstrong
John Wood John Muir
John Taylor, X A. E. Fake, X
L. Hardy, X W. H. Levett
Wm. Bawden, X Jos. Cobbledick, X
Geo. Eacrett, X
Samuel Martin, Geo Eacrett
J. A. Stewart John Evans, X
Wm. Bawden, X L. H. Dickson, X
L. Hardy, X R. N. Rowe
Frank Wood
Those marked X have withdrawn,
thus leaving the Council elected by ac-
clamation, W. G. Bissett and. A. Q.
Bobier in the field for Reeve, and S.
Martin, G. Eacrett, J. A. Stewart, R.
N. Rowe and F. Wood for School
Messrs. W. G. Bissett and T. B. Car-
ling moved and seconded a motion
that a public meeting be held on Tues-
day evening and that the nomination
be adjourned until then. The motion
On Tuesday evening the hall was
well filled with ratepayers, anxious to
hear wbat thernembers of the old conn-
ciI and of the school board had to say
in regard to their stewardship, and to
hear the nominees express their opin-
ions as to the manner in which the
town and school matters had been con-
ducted during the year, and how these
affairs should be conducted. With
few exceptions the above named gen-
tlemen addressed the meeting and
were given a goods hearing. Besides
the usual discussion of the financial
condition of the town, the rate of tax-
ation, etc., the electric light system
came in for a good;; deal of adverse
criticism, the takuig'nver of the cerne-
tery was again a matter of difference
of opinion, and the proposal to —is'''
chase the old Pickard mill pr ,perty
from 3. N. Howard and to co. struct
a dam for the purpose of runni the
electric light plant, in case the gown
should take it over, was discuss•.d at
some length. Many and varied were
the opinions expressed as to t _ value
of the river as a water pov-er, The
meeting seemed in favor of
chasing the mill proper
e town gh
owning the lightingsyste ur_
neither was voted upon. The feeling
was that way. .iuoweyer, many par-
ticulars were not ky own, and it was
not deemed wise o put either to a
vote. The discus&sions were interest-
ing and good, ani'1 considerable light
was thrown on tl a subject, but more
light is needed before an intelligent
decision can he c aade.
Other1k-,..-- ominations.
discussions follow
Many nomina, ions were made at
Orediton ou Mon ay and• interesting
b, d. The contest' will
be between the fo.}lowing gentlemenr.
For Reeve—Sam SvOnitzer, . Hy,: Wil-
lert. For Councillors .--Wm.: Ander-
son, Mich. Finkheiner, Sae., McKeever,'
Stephen Webb, Fred WuOth, Wm,
All the old council were. re-elected
by acclamation. No others were notni-
inated. Reeve -Jos. Hawkins. Coun-
Ri h'tr t
oillors George Andrew, John Moir,
c a d U, min and James Banish te
The Family Herald and Weekly Star
has recently hinted that there might
possibly be a surprise for its readers
in future, thenear
a f e a ndi
a see
w n this
week's issue they have carried out the
hint. Ralph Connor, the author of
"The Mao from Glengary,",has issued
several startling stories, but the great-
est of all is his thrilling work entitled
"The Prospector. Only the wealth-
iest magazines ,of England and the
United States with their millions of
treaders have,{ieretofore been able to
pay the price to secure serial rights of
Such stories, and it is indeed surprise
to learn that the ,Gamily Rerald has
secured the exclusive Canadian rights
of "The rrr,+spector"as a Christmas gift
to its reader's, Family Herald readers
may well feel proud of their weekly.
visitor, for they: certainly are in for
a, big' dollar 's worth this season,
If yore are in need of a good cook stn
will be to your advantage to call and see
purchasing , as we have a large stock to c
also have air -tights, hot blast base burner
We make a specialty of Furna
troughing, Baths and Fixtures, Plumbin
CEMENT We have th
constantly on hand.
Durham cen'le
apt. , • .... -
_n nrtl,T
AArtglt ft,OtAr1Ir ftAYVEITOt AA", ^ A,4f. AArt}A evASn, A
ala _t4-1 Furniture
We are holding a?special reduction sale of FURNITURE for
the next Two Weeks and have greatly' reduced the price of every
article in our store for the holdiday season.
We carry the largest and best assortment of furniture in the
county, which a. visit to our warerooms will convince and can,
show customers a big variety in all lines, at
Prices that are sure to win
your Patronage.
Don't fail to see our goods and let us quote . you prices before
placing your orders.
Undertakers and Furniture Dealers.
Vi'UIvi.kI►aviii.? ►Y'L iUfAUun",!'"' mv,,"4 K''Yv_e",vyyvvvw
Wishes to
their many Custome
for their patronage
and to solici
for the into
and n aki
To make room for Xmas Goods
Practical Embalmer'
We are going to give some
Bargains in Bedroom Sol
and Couches.
Opera Bl
Women and
Just opened upa lot of differ.
, er
ent styles in Pelt Goods, .Bute
s &
ton,Lace Gaiters
Pry[ r
r . -
75c1 $1
Prices: y
A fine assortment'
shoes, in all the la