Exeter Advocate, 1904-7-7, Page 7ALIICIATORS IN HARNESS to. notice the mille and fret carts, \ V rth clogs yoked to them, whicb, in- deed, form one of the eheracteristic CURIOUS USES FOR BOOSTERS, features of the cotattry, In the old BEARS AND VON -KEYS, coaching days it was truconnzion for some eecentric individual to turn Ont In Peru Illonkeys Gather Nuts— With a light trap and four or six Dogs Draw Carriages in doge harnessed -thereto, :Ind race the Belgium, ' coach along the Great North Road for miles. Mr. Lee, who lives near the St. There was one man known as "Old John River, Florida, has to go six Lal," who took a delight in this miles down the river to post a let- sport, abeut a century age, while a ter and perform other necessary er- certain lantsdell, more recently, 'did rands, and the journey impressed him a similar thug with a four-in-hand with two facts--narnely, that it was of greyboueds. On one oecasion, as hard work to pull a boat against it is recorded, this team did the stream., end that the river teemed journey to Brighton and back in a with alligators that had nothing to little more' than twenty-four hours, do. After a little further observe- including stoppages for refreslunent tion, he learnt that these alligators and rest. stvim .well and easily against the probably the quaiatest turn -out of tide. Then ho reniernbered that that hind was the experiment of a eonacbody of bis acquaintance once man named Donor, of Vienna, who had a tame alligatorastonished and tele.ined the inhabi- He got twebaby alligators and tants ' of the Austrian capital by . kept them ia a good-sized pond, driving out in a carriage draw, by teaching them to swim with a piece A COUPLE OP BEARS, of timber attached by a line fasten - with another member of the ed round the shoulders. As they and grew, he made the floating burden Bruin fainily sitting on the box by heavier, and finally fixed reins to his side - their teeth and taught them to ane Doller retired for a while frorn the awes the pull. His neighbors laugh- public gaze at the request of the ed, but he persisted and at length public, but he was not idle, and soon rtrieci them in the river with his raaPPearad with a couple of wolves peavy boat behind tiiem. attached to his carriage. Once again There is more intelligence in the vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the alligator than in some horses, and streets of Vienna was dislocated and these amphibians dicl the journey of the police had to step in; after this siX miles and back in good style. rebuff Doller retired for good. They were kept hungry and fed with In England, the only instance of a a good meal as soon as they return- cueious team is that of the Roths- ed from a tiara so that the ar quickly child zebras, which Mr. Walter learnt to gn to their destination and Rothschild has tamed and drie,es back, without stopping on the way about his country seat. There are to ,have larks with the other mem_ four of them. He is not the first bers of their species who have not to tame zebras or to employ them enjoyed the benefits of civilizationin the place of horses in England, Mr. Lee is delighted with the success for a pair al zebras were to be seen in the London street e more than fif- ty years ago. A pair of quaggas, a similar ani- mal, formed the sensation of the day in the vicinity of Hyde Park at a still earlier date, and were much admired as they drew an elegantly appointed carriage. The ostrich as a saddle horse may be seen in South Africa, A gentleman once 'did -the journey from LiSMOre to Fermoy in an oy- ster tub set on wheels and dragged by a pig, a hedgehog, two cats, and a badger. A planter in Peru has about one hundred and fifty acres. of nut trees, af his experiment, and now has SIX .A.LLIGA.r.nORS IN ITSE. Draught animals and beasts of bur - 'den are almost exclusively confined to those which tread the earth, but the above-mentioned is one excep- tion, and a native of Thuringia fur- nishes another. In the latter case a gull, the descendant of a bird from the coast, has been trained to fly steadily along with a collar and a trace, or line, by which holds a cord attached to the collar round the neck, and uses this primitive guide - rope in order to keep the bird under control. Dogs or goats drawing baby carri- ages are among the ordinary sights of great cities, but a ,Cochin China fowl doing duty in like capacity also comes within the scdpe of novelty. Mr. Plomesen, of the State of Iowa, has a lot of splendid Cochin roosters and one of them is a giant of its kind, and the majestic manner in which it strutted about induced Its cner to try an experiment. `.7.EIe made a light harness, consisting of a collar to go round the breast— or the lower part of the neck, which- ever we may please to call it—front which run the traces, and another smaller collar that goes round the bird's nose, with reins attached. The rooster was then yoked to a baby cart, and rapidly learnt to draw it st 'ly and obey the pull on the re' Two of the owner's children usually ride in the vehicle—a baby and an elder girl who drives, • ONE OP Tmij OLDEST TEAMS ever seen was that which recently •met the eyes of Lord Curzon, the •Viceroy of India, at a State meeting; this was composed of a pair of 'rhin- oceroses, with gay harness and rid- den by postillions, drawing a gorge- ous conveyance In which an Indian nabon waa comfortably seated. The brutes were as docile as elephants. An Austrian farmer, not far from Vienna, has an elephant to drag his plough. He bought the animal from a bankrupt showman, and he declares that he finds it better than a. horse; it does more work in a given time with the plough, and has been train- ed to pick up and carry faggots and •pile them in a cart, which it after- wards pulls, between the shafts, to the shed in the farmyard, and then unloads the faggots, where they- are ready for use as fuel. Travellers in Belgium will not fail NERVOUS TROUBLES. Promptly and Permanently Cured by Dr. Williams Pink Pills. There is no torture more acute and intolerable than nervousness. A ner- yams person is in a state of constant irritation by day and sleeplessness by night. •The sufferer starts at every noise, is shaky, depressed, and, although in a constantly exhausted state, is unable to sit or lie still.If you are nervous or worried or suffer from a combination of langour and rritation you seed a nerve tonic, lid Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are ab- olutely the best thing in the world or you. You can only get rid of ervousness through feeding your erves with rich, red blood. and Dr. illiams' Pink Pills actually make ew blood. There is no doubt about his—tliousands can testify to the lood-making, nerve -restoring les of these pills. St. Vitus dance is no of the most severe forms of ner- ousness, and Mrs. H. Hevener,- of ravenhurst, Ont., tells how these ills cured .her little boy. She says: 'At the age of eight my little boy as attacked with St. Vitus dance, ora which he suffered in a severe erne }Tis nerves twitched to such n extept that he was almost help - SS and had to be constantly, sat - 1e4 Ile Was trader several doctors t different times, but they dal not elp him, so I decided to try, Dr. illiarns' Pink Pills, and these have anpletely mired him, and DoW net a in of the trouble retina/la". When you buy these pills' alwa,ys o t the box and see that the full am , Dr. Williams' Pink Pills foe ale eople, is printed on the wrap- er, end refuse to take anything Se • oo con get theeu pills froni 113 tine dealers or they will be at by mail at 50 cehts a box or ix boxce for $2,50 by writing The r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-. lie, Oet. . FRETTING ClaILDREN, When a child frets and cries almost continously the root of the trouble in nine cases out of ten lies with the stomach' or bowels. 'Fermentation and decomposition of the food means •colic, bloating and diarrhoea—the latter is especially dangerous and of - ton fatal during the hot weather mon hs. • Baby's Own Tablets are just what every mother needs to keep lier little ones healthy. These Tabletsgently, regulate the bowels, cure constipation, prevent diarrhoea, cleanse and cool the stomach, .and promote sound, natural sleep. The Tablets can be given with safety 'to a new born babe. Mrs. J. Mick Echo Bay, Ont., says : "I think unwell to ma.ke further resistance. Baby's Own Tablets the best medi- After working for a couple of hours eine in the world for -the ailments of in a dense, unopened part of the little ones. No mother should be country, he broke loose, and, dash - without them." Sold by all drug- ing off towards the river made his gists or sent by mail at 25 cents a way down the banks, and deliberate - box by writing The Dr. Williams' ly stood under water at the deepest Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. part at the bend JUSTIFIED IN WILT IIE BAYS WITY 3, 3. .7,94 REINS OWES ius LIFE TO „Dowys E.IDWgY Doctor Had Given Him up and He was Hopeless and Destitute Before the Great Canadian Kid- ney Remedy put Him on Ris Peet. Tyndall, Man., July 4,—(Specia1). —Witen a man hue had Kichley Dis- ease; when the doctor has given him up; when that man takes Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, begins at once to recover and is Scam a well man, that man Is surely in a position to say that Dodd's Kidney Pills saved his life. That is the experience of Mr. J. 3. Perkins of this place. Speaking of Ms case Mr. Perkins says:— "Por two years I was troabled with my kidneys and at last became so had that the doctor who was at- tending me gave me up and said D was incurable. • "I continued to grow worse. I was unable to work and was becoming destitute when to please a friend I tried Dodd's ICidney Pine. "The first box did me so much good I felt like a new man and after taking five boxes I was completely cured." Dodd's Kidney Pills care the kid- neys, and cured kidneys cure Dropsy, Rheumatism, Heart Disease and all other diseases resulting from impure blood. ANIMALS THAT AU LAZY ARTFUL FOUR -FOOTED "WEARY • WILLIES." - — Many Animals Cunningly Refuse to Perform Their Allotted. • Duties. Many animals emulate the example set by certain human beings, and evince a • strong dislike to work in any shape or forra. Elephants are old offenders in this respect; and when once one of these huge animals decides to make holi- day, all the efforts of his master fail to persuade him to alter his mind. The elephant's attitude on these oc- casions is by no means active. in • fact, it is distinctly passive. •pe merely stands still, treating the ef- forts of the naahout, who sits on his neck and belabors hira with various "chastisers," with the utmost uncon- cern. • Although possessed of great strength, the elephant has a most peculiar and delicate constitution, and when unwell can never be in- duced to do any work at all. In Ceylon, a few years ago, an elephant actually committed suicide, through being asked to perform his daily task when ill. The utmost persuasion was found necessary to make him start at all in the morning: but the poor beast did so at last, being too and when the time comes for -pluck- ing the nuts, the work is done en- tirely by apes, which he keeps. The apes are separated int* groups of four, and each quartette cart -horse which he bought "cheap" ascends a tree, after depositing a at a horse sale near Aldershot. As basket at the foot to drop the nuts events turned out, this animal prov- into. Two or three foremen walk ed by no means a bargain, for frone about the groves, playing lively tunes on some musical instrument, to en- courage the workers, who are VERY PARTIAL TO MUSIC. They work for several hours at a stretch, then they have a rest, with food and more MUSIC. A monkey as a look -out man on shipboard is a curious instance of the strange uses to which animals .may be put. This occurred on a .derelict vessel SOIne months ago, when the Dutch ship, Geertruida Gerarda, was sighted about six hundred miles from Fremantle, West Australia. • The crew of the rescuing vessel saw a monkey up the yards on approach- ing the • derelict, and their surprise may be imagined when they observed the intelligent creature waving his hairy arra to attract attention, and learnt that it was the monekY's cries that .had reached them. The three men left on the vessel— because they thought it safer than following the rest of the crew into the boats—told the rescuers that the action of the monkey was volun- tary; it had seen one of the men go up and try to signal a passing ehip, and had taken that duty upon it- self during the remainder of the luckless voyage.—Pearson's Weekly. UNTIL HE WAS DROWNED. There are many instances of horses refusing to perform their allotted duties • A certain farmer at State - ley, . in Hampshire, tells a story of a the day he was bought to the time the disappointed purchaser sold him "for a mere song" •this stubborn WAS IT POSSIBLE? • "How dusty these chairs are. Nor- alh," said the mistresscomplete cure resulted, so' I conclud- Norah looked disturbed for a mo- ed to get some and try it. nient, but quickly recovered, She ran "rile result Was, after three clays' her finger along the seat of one of use ef Postturi in place of the coffee the chairs, and then regarded it I never had a symptom of the old closelytrouble and in five months I had Now who'd iver think it wud gained from 145 Pounds to 163 make all that difference to have no- pounds. body sit in 'em just the wan day, ``My friende asked me ahnost daily mum?" said Norah in amazementwhat wrought the ehange. My an - "If 'twasn't for visitors Oi'd have ewer always is, leaving off coffee to be at 'cm wid a cloth all the and drinking Postune in lia place. toime.". "We have nutrar friends who have been henefitted by Posttan. A Japanese private soldier is paid As to Whether or not 1 have slat - 50 cents a month; a major -general is ed the facts truthfully I refer to paid $130 a mentby And Yet our the Dank of Carrollton or anebtii - eoldiala grumble- ness nein in that city where I have 'They gay she has absolutely no lived for many years caid ant well leisure irt her miter ed life,'' "No; known .'' Name given by Doettun she znar11 ed her hushand to refoien. Co.., Battle Creek, Mich 11 ire; '''.11tere's is receson,'' ITe—Aret' did elle bren,k the engage- Look izt each )5ackage for the rem- ittent then? She—No, be broke the (sue little book, "The Road to Well- engegement, She broke hirri, ville. r TWO STEPS; 0.,••••• The Last One Relps the First. A Sick coffee drinker must take months, Sundays excepted. ! two steps to be rid of his troubles i and get strong and well again. The first is to cut off coffee abso- lutely. • That removes the destroying ele- ment. The next step is to take li- quid food (and that is Postuan Food Coffee) that has in it the elements • At the Yarinooth Y. M. C. A. Boys' nature requires to change the blood Camp held at Tusket Falls in Aug- corpusules from pale pink or white ust, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT to, rich, red, tend good red blood most beneficial for sun burn, an Ina - builds good strong and healthy cells mediate relief for colic and tooth - in place of the broken down cells de- ache. stroyeal by coffee. With well boiled Postum. Food Coffee to shift to, both these steps are easy and pleas- ant. The experience of a Georgian proves how important both are. "From 1872 to the year 1900 my wife and I had been afflicted with sick or nervous headache and at times we suffered untold agony. We were coffee drinkers and did not know how to get away from it for the habit is hard to quit. "But in 1900 I read of a case simi- lar to ours where Postmn Coffee was used in place of the old coffee and a .A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass •and other articles until they shine and sparkle, Sunlight Soap will wash other things than clothes. •Au beast absolutely refused to do any work. • He would submit to being harness- ed in • the most exemplary manner, but when once this operation was performed the wily animal would not budge an inch—rivalling in deterinin- ation the mule, whith frequently de- cides to take a rest, and in Italy it is• often found necessary to light a fire underneath the lazy offender be- fore he can be induced to "move on A well-known racehorse trainer in Sussex once had a horse Whicb would only work when in the mood for it. Time after time tins curiously dis- positioned animal would, when run- ning in hurdle races, lead his field and appear to be winning easily, un- til the last hurdle was teethed. He then presumably thought that he had done enougli work, for he would stop short, and, digging his front hoofs into the ground, would allow every horse in the race to pass him, after which he would quietly TROT OPP TO THE PADDOCK. Apparently there Was method in this peculiar idiosyncrasy, for his trainer was of opinion that the horse counted the hurdles—they are eight in a race—and, raindful of the many hidings he had in former days re- ceived in the "run in" from the last hurdle to tae winning -post. had form- ed a resolve never again to negotiate the final hurdle. The otter—that enera3r of all the river anglers—always shirks the la- bor of building a home for himself, In fact, he will not even take the trouble to feather his nest with rushes and other kinds of vegetation. although they are so dear to. the heart of every otter. Rather than work to build a home. this lazy ani - man will search the banks of a river for mile*, in order to discover...some deserted net or ready-made excava- tion in -the rocks in which to take up his residence. The. drone also utterly refuses to work. •To perpetuate its race, and live on the fat of the land, are its only objects in life. When the form- er °face is performed, the drone is put to death by the working bee. Sometimes ants decide to take a short holiday; but this relaxation is not permitted for long by their busy comrades, who join forces and kill these slothfully inclined members of the family.—London Answers. How's This We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. 10 .T. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known IF. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in 4.11 business transactions, and ftnaneially able to carry out any obligations made by his Arm. IVA_LDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly -upon the 'blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold bv all Druggists. 'rake Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. DRINK BILL FACTS. It is estimated that the $850,000,- 000 odd, the total of the British na- tion's drink bill for the past year, if reckoned by weight would mean 1,366 tons of gold. The sovereigns laid edge to edge would cover twen- ty acres. The length of the sover- eigns if spread into a line would be 162 Miles. To count this sum, at the rate of a sovereign a second, Would occupy six years and five ALFRED STOKES, . General Secretary. FISHERMEN'S SCHOOLS. There are now in Belgium four schools for the instruction of figher- men. The pupils are taught how to read weather charts, how to make the best use of currents, what the bottom of the sea is like, how to make their own nets, how to manage a boat in a storm, how to use the latest inventions in the line of fish- ing apparatus, etc. There are about n50 pupils noW in these schooln Minard's Liniment Is used by Phyilcians "Every man has some fad," said thee quiet man, ''.1111n e Ls nuiflcling my j6owitnietlbusitillear'''phile"sAohphiclu isee*Pe) rsor:. "You are one of the monopolists tve read so amen about," If your children mean and are restlesa lass ef appetite, pale tountenance, picking &tribe sleep, coupled when awake with of the nose, eten you may depend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble IS Wain% Maher GraNt& WOrre F,Xtet- minnter effeetutilly removes these pests, it once relieviag the little sititerers. et. le-rou,k4, Lttete/i6. 4,711r en/ be& I irr.....Mirrorrr.stromrsorrommomproirorm. &Id" Wil•••••••111,..00.1.mas•ROPM1.01•411vr Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Le us have your consignment of any of these articles and 'we will • get you good prices. THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO Limited et.. TORONTO. LOWER PRICES err sr.1, • USE rieree. . le,rearraea .e.'; ea -el " BETTER - QUALITY owsamerougaier.lame..1 vts0- OAN BE HAD [IN Palls, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, dzo !!=t, Any Flyet-Clasa Grocer can auonav You- INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. HAUNTS OF FISH AND GAIdEt Attractions for Sjortsmen on the Line of the rand Trunk. The Grand Trunk Railway Company has issued a handsome publication, profusely illustrated with half -tone engravings, descriptive of the many attractive localities for sportsmen on their line of railway, Many of the regions reached by the Grand Trunk seem to have been specially prepared for the delectation of mankind, and where for a brief period the cares of business are cast aside and life is given up to enjoyment. Not only 'do the "High/ands of Ontario" present unri-valled facilities for both hunting, fishing and camping, hut the 80,000 Islands '01 the Georgian Bay, Thou- sand Islands and St. Lawrence Riv- er, Rideau River and Lakes, Lake St. John, and the many attractive lo- calities in Maine and New Hamn- shire, present equal opportunities for health, pleasure and sport. All these localities are reached by the Grand Tama Railway System, and on trains unequalled on the continent. Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, Que- bec, New Ha/update and Maine ash and game laws are inserted in the publication for the guidance of sportsmen. The Grand Trunk Rail- way bas also issued descriptive il- lustrated matter for each district sep- arately, whith • are sent free on ap- plication to the agents of the Com- pany and to Mr. 3. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, G. T. R., Union Station, Toronto. a DANISH HOLIDAY CUSTOM. A custom prevails among parents in Denmark of exchangeng their chil- dren during the summer holidays. The little ones from the villages go to town, and are all the better and brighter for their knowledge of city life and what the world is doing. The little city folks are sant to be refreshed by the country air, and come back with rosy cheeks and ro- bust constitutions. For Inflammation of the Eyes,—Among the many good qualities whieli Panne. lee's Vigo table Pills pommies, besssvis reg- ulating the digestire encase, is their effl- cacy in seducing inihrinmaticui of the eyes. It has called forth many lettess inconmendation from those who were afflicted with this complaint and found a cure in the pills. They affect the nerve centres and the blood in a surprisingly active way, and the result is almost im- mediately seen. "He talks a great deal about his family tree." "That may account for the tales I've heard about his shady past." • Millard'S Liniment for sale tYBEIVIlltil Father (cutting •the whip smartly through the air)—See, Tonuny, how I make thehorse go faster without striking hint at all? Tommy—Papa, why don't you spank as children that way? The Public should bear in mind that Dr. Thomas' Deleetric Oil bas nothing in common with the impure, deteriorating class of weaned medicinal oils. It is eminently pure anal really efficacious— relieving pain and lameness, stiffness of the joints and muecles, and sores or hurts, besides being an excellent specific for rheumatism, coughs and bronchial COM plaints. EXACT =FORMATION. "I have noticed," said the Rev. Dr. Goodman, pausing in hie dis- course, that two or three of the brethren have looked at theie watch- es several tuna. in the last few min- utes. "Par fear their timepieces may not agree I will say that .tbe cor- rect time is a quarter to twelve. I set my wateh by the regulator at the jeweller's last night. "The sernton will be over at one Minute past twelve. It would have closed proinptly at twelve but for this digression." arrormilali REMENDERED JUST IN TIME. Mrs. (petulantly)—"You neve kiss inc how," Ma. la—"The idea of a Wonian of your age wanting to be kiesedt One would think you were a girl of eigh- teen." Mrs. P.—"What do you know about rJ ofpeLtveh?, " my. deo, werenet you eighteen once yourself?" ISSVZ NO. :747-04, TNttt87 BUCHANAN'S OUTFIT oanordig; iaihilascvi tor. Works well both on ha egtrifroraasuaduakuirtiTos4gt Bentlfor catalogue to M. T. BUCHANAN & CO., Ingersoll,Cd. COLORADO AND RETURN. Via Union Pacific every day from June lst to September 80th, inclus- ive, with final return limit October 81st, 1904, from St. Louis $25.00, Chicago $80.00, with correspandingla low rates from other points. Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire ot H. P. Carter, T. P. A., 75 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada. Her Experience—Mr. Trotter— In England servants are called "help." Mrs. Homer—It may be all right in England, but the term, if applied in this country, would be misnomer. The great lang healer is found in that •excellen t medical° sold as Bicklea Anti Constunptiee Syrup. It soothes and di- minishes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air massages, and is a sovereign remedy for all ceughs, colds, hoarsemess, pain or soreness in the Chest, bronchitis, ate. Ithas cured many when suppoe-51 to be far advanced in .consump- sion. WHY THEY WERE ENEMIES. The Court—"Why did you assault this man?" The Prisoner --"I'll tell you how it is. You see, I'm a barber." "Well?" "And this man sells pianos and breaks up any business." "h1ow's that?" • "He gets people to be rausicians, and then they never get their hair cut."- — Is there waybill ng sn oee an wing than havingyour corn fitepvied upon? fs there anything more delightful than gesthig rid of it P Holloway's Corn Cure will do It. Try it and be convinced. OIMMIN•MI Arms and ammunition to -the value of $105,000 were imported into the Trans,vaal last January, as against $20,000 for the same month last year. • What for? 61•••••••11P Keep Mlnard's Liniment in the kite, Milliner—"Here, Marc, send this hat to Mrs. Westside, and be quick, so she will get it before it goes out of fashion." Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant 'Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens' the water and disin- fects, Mrs. Backlota—So your servant girl has left you again? Mrs. Sub- bubs—Yes, Mrs. Datklotz—What was the matter? Mrs. Subbubs—Site didn't like the way I did her work. For Over Sixty Years aces.w.resiowis SOOTIITNO SrAt/P has boon used ey niihions of mailers tor their ebirdren while feethIna. Itenothee the ebnd, settees the gumt . allaysesin, cum wind mho, regulates the etorn soh god bevrele, *me folhe beehronady.for Diarrhoea. Twenty -eve vents a botge Sold 3 drugOsts throuthout the world. To sure enal ask for "illus. wiessovesSoorezeo &mar." 22 -Of "Mamie, girl, that young man of yours has been coming now for al - Most a year." "Yes, mother." "Isn't it about time he was breaking the ice?" "I don't believe he in- tends to break the ice. He's going to wear it out," Darn Liniment Lumberman's Friend Old Creybeard—It's a pity to keep stich a pretty- bird in a cage. Mrs. De Style—Isn't it a shame? How perfectly exquisitely lovely it Would loOk fii is hate onirmor.r:mr,..........,__.7=orromwrormrrow.mrsouvoramooreamemmorm•••,... The thousands of people who 'unite to rne, saying that Shiioh's Consumptics) Cureleng cured them of chronie eoughs, tatinot all be mistaken. There must be some truth in it. Try a bottle fee that cough of yours. laket:• S. C. Wer,r,s & Co. 810 25, Sc, $1, 1:01207. XX., Toronto, Can. —2S