Exeter Advocate, 1904-7-7, Page 6151M-teeietete0C-IMMeltWeteiefAlt" ZC>. Z > A pose by letter; "it helps the local postagos," she added. But at last., relenting a little, she suld she would scud her answer goalie cley• by tele - 5 phone, is5 Girl's Z5 .6 eSifeci, "if only to say you Ii4ve ar- m rived: safely?" Z > "You will telephone tee -eight," I 'sZt§ Wit as -I will get father to tell you of our safe arrival," slip replied, with ?K4K.1,1*ateliK4Egelefflielelele*Me0.414: merry laugh. elfter Grace and her father left 1 Introauction by Robert 'Anderson, felt very lonely, and could only think Telegraph inspector to the Ilk Xann of her pretty face and a whisPered erio District :— promise that she would send `just To render perfectly clear that one word" herself when they' arrived which shall follow I nhist state that beak, . Rio Memel° is situated some five Impatient a the two hours' delay thousarel feet above the sete-level on which the journey took, I wandered the coast side of Brazil, and that it round and thatted with my driver, - is balk on a tributary of the Rio the only man I had on shift with Negro.Its thief industry is =tine me—who was a half Portuguese, and had once been an engineer on an ocean tramp. Right years ago indications point, ed to the fact that the richest ore "Do you know where Master Hyde . lay under the bed al the river, and is now?" he asked, presently. that, could the water ae diverted, "Yes; in Rio," I said. Rio Manerio weuld rapidly develop "Then lie is dead," said Antonio into a prosperous town. An. extreme- solemnly crossing himself. "For this when the sugar is to,' dise cellar for any length of time should: ly clever engineer of the name of afternoon 1 Seav his ghost standing it altered in order, although the sugar' John Hyde was engaged from ng-atEhis favorite point on the dam- amounts remained the same constant .eolved, add 3 tablespoons gelatine be •earefullY Wiped off before it is i that has been soaking an hour in * eaten. As has often been otated, land, and he reported favorably upon path, and wheu I approached. he van. figure :-- • ; a cup tepid water, Place it on ice, the ahnost invisible mould clinging the idea, ished away, May the saints keep us Five, ton, ten—five, ten—ten—ton, Mr. Hyde's scheme was to throw a from harm." avo, ten, five—five, five, five, •fl'S 0- . , to it can be a cause of diphtheria. dam across the river some four miles "You were dreaming, man," I an- Was I going inad 'or had some evil set. stir' stir' in elle pint whipped cream. Smooth, and when it begins to .----- into molds and serve with DID, YOU EVER ? above the town and so divert its mend. "Hyde is doubtless alive— spirit entered the instrument on the .t-ut strawberries around it. Did you ever try canning Pie plant course into another rocky valley. although poesibly drunk—thousands 1 switchboard? It was coming again : i " 1° e Colcan,on.—Boil separately pota- With cold water ? If not, you'll find. l'rospecting proved that rich ore ex- of miles from hero." . Short long, long—short long—Long toes arid cabbage. Mash the former it worth your while. • Just wash tended to within a mile of the pro- Antonio, however, crossed himself —lone—long, . short, long, short -1 posed dam, which was to be built again an:demuttered an Ave or two, short, short, short, short. ' I and squeeze the latter dry in a clean and peel the otalks, then, cut into between the sides of a narrow val- and then, one of the turbines be- I almost laughed, for, by same ee.g. cloth, then chop flue; znix thoroughly inch pieces and fill your cans with ley about eight hundred feet above ginning to race, he supplemented it cult means, ma- "earth" was spelling and to 1 qt. of the mixture add 1,* the fruit. Cover with cold water SUSPENDED TO THIS DAY. teaspoons alt. . 1 ealtspoon white and make eaeh can airtight. When the beginning of the rapids- under with a hearty, display: of Portuguese out in Morse code the .word "I'Vatch" which the ore lay. Mr. Hyde also expletives. 4 the 1) oPPor, and dot with 1 tebiespoon you wish to use it next winter or :Possibly Nicholas' will regard the Then the signals changed and of butter after turning into a butter- spring, you have only to pour off the preseat national emergency groat proposed the erection. of electrical I harried to the switchboard, but message read : "Call !yes' if you un- 1 ,. plant about half -way down this pre- found all in . order, and 1 remained. derstand." . - lea mold. ' Brown in a hot oven. " water and sweeten to taste. , enough to warrant calling it tneeth- 1 Carrot Pudding—Mash or squeeze Did you over put horse -radish: er again. . eipitous gorge, which, driven by the there idly reading, as the time was It was uncanny—more uncanny my.11 lb. boiled carrots, add 1 lb. flour, through the moat chopper, instead of If a new States -General should re - water required for irrigation, would nearing when I expected Grace to than ITycle's horrible details of lb.. each of raisins and currants', 1 grating it? It's fully as good and sume affairs where the lest left off it supply the mines with power. ring up. ., end, . No one could know the 'danger I 'a' Money was raised, and Mr. Hyde I had been there some time when, I was in. My telephone was cut ioz. sliced citron, butter size . of egg, twice as easy. Cover with vinegar, might revive the, followireg proposal . was instructed to proceed with the suddenly and without warning, a and yet this ammeter was giving in- 11 teaspoon each of salt, cinnamon and if you sprinkle a bit of sugar for a Constitution which was, sub - and ginger. and 1 lb. sugar. Mix to- over it, when you take it upon your mated to the Empreee. Anne :-- dam, which he carried out in a masa looped rope was passed over my telligent eignals. getlier, putting 2 teaspoons ba.kiag plate, you will find it much more "First, The Emperor shall °sly goy- terly manner, head and tigbtened from behind, "Yes, I understand," I shouted. what?'' . snapped powder in flour. Steam two hours, palatable. , ern according to the pleasave of the The ore beaeath the old torrent- lashing my. arms to my side. Before "Uaderstand and serve hot with hard sauce. Those who are fond of caraway Supreme Council. Second. Neither bed proved far richer than was anti- I recovered from my surprise I was Hyde, Rhubarb Custard Pie—Stew lint- seed in cookies will find them equal- war shall be declared: nor peace. con- cipated, and a new town rapidly thrown forward and my legs were "How you will enjoy . your re- _ amge,,, g said, for my next fear was barb slowly until tender, then put ly good in gingerbread'. Did you chided without the advice and appro- grew up in the gully beneath the tied and my arms pinioned. I called through a flour sieve or beat with ever try ft? bation of the Senate. Third. No dam. The electric station was next laudly• for aatonio. that Eyck would detect the signals. a spoon until smooth and fine. To Did you ever cover pineapple with taxes to be imposed or impoo4ant put in hand. The only site available "It is no use calling Atitonio; he is Instantly., they changed, eflid the 1 cup of this allow 1 cup sugar, 1 cold water, when preparing it for offices conferred without the author - was a projecting ledge, some three dead," said a hoarse voice. message that followed told me that tablespoon cornstarch, 2 eggs and a the table? It. keeps it very tender. ity. of the Senate. Fourth, Pro'- upor four hundred feet wide, half -way Strong arins then picked me up and• by some means someone haft learned P°° of butter. Bake with an under Pare the fruit,' and cut it up in small sion for fair trial of noblemen. Fifth., the rocky gorge. This position, sat me in a chair, bound aad help- nay danger. Perhaps Antonio had although only half a mile from the less. escaped. • crust. Sift sugar on top when plac- pieces and place in the fruit dish, Abolition of confiscation of property, Mg. in the oven. We think it is fine. with water to cover it. , When ready lands not to bo alienated or sold, ex - nearest mine, was only accessible Then for the first. time I saw my "Humor Hyde and delay, ae long as from over the. top by means of a assailant, and frona a photo,I had possible. Help is coming." 1., Steak Stewed with -Walnuts—Place to serve, add the sugar,. If you add cept by the 'advice of the Senate. e ie. steak in a stewpan With a pt. the sugar at first it extracts the Seventh. The Sovereign shall neither rough and dangerous path, the jour- seen I had no doubt it was Hyde, "I'm glad ycu like my revenge," although drink and fast living had cried Hyde; "and now I think we'd water, 1 onion and a pinch of red juice, but hardens the fruit. ne3r about two hours. marry nor appoint a successor with - popper; let stew for one hour. Pound out the consent of the States -Gen -- •The erection of the electric mach.- already maxred his once handsome better begin." —, smooth 2 pickled walnuts and stir all carried up suspended below min.utes, and in his eyes I s.aw the masterpiece of engineering, for it wa,s He stood watching me for seine to reach me! into liquor. Add salt to taste. The home with a, steady .income From epl:Ati.:Ower in the hands of the upper inery. and turbines proved another face. It would take two hours for help THE HOME BANK, onstitution on this line would should have a family bank.. classes and chiefly in the Cabinet or grooved wheels on two ropes, which wild gleam which: betokened either this all living expenses should be Supreme Council of Ministers and in Hyde stretched from above his ledge madness or delirium. paid. Each member of the family the Senate, which a present still across the gorge into the gully be- "And so y,ou're the wonderful Hazi- low. The two cables eventually car- bury, eh?" he said "who so admir- should lia,ve his or her own pocket - exists, but merely as an honorary, ' body. to which superannuated states - although the current to the mines, and ably succeeded the drunken sot IlYde. although steel is not such: a good Su.cceodeci after Hyde had done all men may gracefully retire. There is conductor as copper, they wore able the thinking and hard work. Why— thing of that kind.. no word of universal, suffrage or any - to withstand the strain, unsupported. I've got more brains in iny little fin' and the additional loss was nothing ger than you'll have if you live a IGNORANCE IN RUSSIA. where current cost so little. hundred years. Bat the fools up hero' After seven years, during which. thought because I drank I was for- "No," I said; but you'll see my J.( the chec.se is rather dry, enough; •Need of education in Russia, is il-' the town haci increased twenty -fold, getting Nahat I knew. They coaldn?-t lustratecl by frequent stories of, the, friction arose -between the mines and understand that a clever man thinks — grossest superstition among the pea- Arr. Hyde—inevitable friction due to best when he's drunk, eh?" sante. The latest is a device to se - Mr. Hyde's increasing insobriety. He I thought it best to hurnor him. cure justice by placing the culpriteon. was dismissed and was succeeded by "Your work should have proved the 'a red-hot stove, and is authentic. At. Mr. Mark Hanbury, who carried out fact to thole'," 1 Venda as calmly as a village near Odessa an old man. further improvements by giving elec- I could. , narned Peter Dutsclio was suspected of having stolen a purse containing eight roubles. He denied his guilt, and his accusers were unable to prove that he liad committed the theft. In these circumstances one of the peasants named Martschenko; suggested that Dutsclio should be! • tried by ordeal. •• i .Tlie proposal was accepted and the peasants placed Dutsclio on the top of a red-hot stove, saying that if he were innocent God would protect him from all injury. Dutsclio himself of- fered no resistance to this method of) trial by ordeal, believing that the fire would do him no harm., as he knew himself to be innocent, liut- . sclio sustained fearful injuries, and on the same day ft, was discovered have some revenge. that the theft had been . committed 13efore they could divine his idea it white. Boil in a good pearline by another man. . he slung the other pulley on the suds and hang in the hot sun to dry. The story of the trial by, ordeal wire and, grasping the bottom, flung -A. little chlorine water will operate reached, the ears of the authorities, down the wire to fire the charge of tartar in the water in winch: the himself off the ledge on a wild ride to the same purpose.. Or cream of comrades. Martschenko was sen - Who arrested Martschenko aud: his boiling is done will also bleach it. tenced to 18 months' imprisonment. 'dynamite at the bottom. That wild madman's cry was the Percale waasts, aprons, eta, may In court he stated that an °evil spire last I heard; but, luckily, he fouled be made white in the same way. it must have possessed him when he ' my telephone wire, and losing his Rinse thoroughly. suggested the ordeal of fire foe an, the Rub •grass stains with molasses, innocent man. Ile went to prison, hold fell • a shapeless mass into gorge below. and they will wash out with no fur- glad in the hope that the evil spiritl . when. I regained consciousness, two ther trouble. Or pour alcohol through would be exercised there. shall fire a Inine I have kid against the dam doors, and then watch the water buret put and go tearing down to sweep New Illo Miami°, which 1 —I, John IlYcle-•-maele, back to the old town of tweaty or thirty houses. Do you like my, plan, Mark Han - My. blood seemed to freeze as 1 lis - bury?" tezied to his awful plan, for its ter- rible completeness showed me that it was no wild conception of a mom- ent, and I knew froni the past that he had made up his mind to carry an object through he Allowed noth- ing to baulk him. •• Have two dozen blanched almonds With fiendish delight he gloated and 4 dozen boiled chestnuts pound: ilmisefill e.f windows' over every detail of his plaza and mixture, add 1 tablespoon softened All portable pieces of woodwork in ed to a mortar; stir into the above even as I listened like an animal fas- cinated by a serpent I noticed that butter, .a teaspoon salt and 1 tea- a musty cellar should be taken up spoon soda dissolved in a little cold about once a year and Plaeeel near the 'kitchen stove to dry out. Where my ammeter showed an earth. Be- tween his ghastly descriptiens of my water Mix all' well together, add 1 there is danger of mould unslaked end I noted almost mechanically, '• • lime should be 'flood freely. Place it in small boxes in out-of-the-way core .1 ome ing Good. --Pick over e qts. Equal parts of powdered - stravvberries, squeeze thena through a glass and cement (thoroughly mixed together) will perma,nently stop up what was causing such an even con4 startt variation. It was a thing .1 colander, and add two teacups white all rat holes. should ',lave deemed impossible. Then All fruit stored in the DOMESTIC RECIPES. Brown Bread—When the sponge IS ready for white bread, take 1 qt. Mit and add to it * cup molasses, aPete. can be scoured until removed,. The cellar window$ should be wiped oft fleet With 04 ClOtb. and rubbed thoroughly with alcohol and a 010,14 - OS skin, It is eatirely unnecessary to use any water. The alcohol alone cleana and polishes the glass beaati- fully. Only a little is needed at a time—just enough 'tto wet a small corner of the eliarnois skin. Windows •in. other parts of the house may al- so be cleaned in thi$ way. Alcohol is better than stannaerria, because am- monia makes the glass cloudy, and harder to polish. A gill arid a half of aleohol will be enough for a sinall Ten elopers to earth. Five amperes ea cen o ma,lo the dough quite stiff five. I could not heir, wonderine fiame as white bread. and finish the to earth. Ten—five—ten—flve--ten— ON THE EVE OF CHANGES EDucAnoa FOR THE BIASSES The States -General, an Ancient) - OF vRil/vSedS,IA, Institution, IVIay Be Re- --- Russia, many, close observers be- lieve, is on the eve of great changes, , although some of those who aroreal- ly familiar with the country say those changes will come so $lowly as to make their promoters fear they,, may never come at all, The first Sign is a movement in high cmcirters and voiced by the Nopoe Vremya, for better education of the masses. It is .seen that the Japanese. soldiers are educated while the Russians in the ra,nks are for the most part illiterate. But education is a slow business, and Parliamentary ing sbitutions cannot well be expected. until sorae progress has been made in it. Then when political /atoms come they are not likely to be on 'Western. lines, but a revival of ancient Rus - elan institutions. One of these is the States -General. This was an assembly of nobles, ecclesias- tics and the richer Moscow mer- chants. Its last act of power was in 1730, when it called the Empress Anne to the throne. Later Anne "suspended" it and it has remained "But, hang it all, Hyde," I said, Place on a hot platter, garnish with "If I've got to be a shooting star potato balls. let's wait till it's dark. Don't A Delicious Salad Course.—Take new -cream cheese, and with a pair spoil the effect." of butter sticks, which znust be very "Well, you've got a nerye," said book. The profits above living wet, roll it into little balls or nets Hyde, with sorae admiration; "and - should be equally divided between in the same way butter is molded to as I believe they_ grant the last wish serve individually. A. cup of milk man and wife, after each child has of a man before they hang him you e . must be close at hand into which the been given an allowance. Money bor- shall have yours. I'll wait an liour sticks should be dipped each -Una° a rowed from one another should be and a half, although by so doing I sha'n't see the water so well." 'fresh piece of cheese is to he molded. paid back with interest, as at bank. 4 HOW LANDSEER WORKED. nihik shciuld be added to it to make 'bang' at the bottom better." 'it soft and pliable. Carefully wash, Pun.ctual to the _time we started thy and pull apart a head of crisp An Iiaeident in the Life of the up the path to where -the cables were Great Painter. bleached lettuce. Twist each leaf fastened into the cliff. Purposely stumbled and 'pretended to hurt my into a shallow cup, place (ale or two The man who can accomplish work foot. Quite tenderly he helped me up of the little cheeses in it, and mois- at a dash is probably the one who the path, and the increasing nark- ten with Preach dressing-. Serve has spent patient years in prepare- ness helped me to delay. very cold with dainty sandwiches tion for it. An enthusiastic English "I should like to see your mine at made by putting together a slice sportsman, Mr. Wells, of Redleaf, the dam," ± said, as we reached the each of brown and white bread, panshurst, had engaged Landseer to which have been spread with soft top. paint the portrait of his favorite "Well, it won't take long," he butter and finely chopped English deg., But the artist was one of said. walnuts. For the French •dressing, take 1 salts oon salt, a saltspo those who put off their duties as But for nae it was all too short, P on popper, 3 tablespoons salad oil long as possible, and one day Wells, and WO were back at the cables and (m.elted butter may be used if the who had been growing more and Hyde was saturating Me with benzo - oil is not liked), 1 tablespoon vine- by some sharp expression. more impatient, showed his feeling line. Also he carefully tied my feet to the old pulley -wheel and got out gar and a dash of cayenne e ernei "I know I have behaved shameful - matches. Then quite suddenMix oil and vinegar very slowly, ly ly," said Landseer, "but I will come stirring carefully all the time. down next Thursday and stay till Monday, and the picture shall be EDITS FOR THE LATIN.DaY. done before I leave." On Thiu-sday he arrived, just in Sometimes a lawn, muslin or or- time to dross for dinner, and his gandie gown or waist has faded so afirst remark was, "Oh, your man that •it is no longer pretty, thigh tells me you are going to drag the too good to discard. Try bleaching great pond to -morrow! Hurrah! I ani just in time. That is a subject I have often meant to plant, and I shall get any number of sketches done." This was an unpleasing announce- ment; but the host bore it. Land - seer did a capital day's work for himself, and the next morning, when he came down to breakfast, he said: "Mr. Wells, I hear you are going to shoot to -day. I've been looking forward to that for a year or two." So it went on until Sunday morning and then Wells, who was very parti- cular about seeing his guests at the early service, said to Landseer: "1 suppose you are going to church?" "I don't feel like going," said Landsper. "I think .you must 'ex- cuse me." "Oh," said Wells, in a blaze, "do just as you think best! You know well enough that this is liberty hall —for you, at all events." "Thank you," said Landseer. "And I am going to ask you to let me keep Charles Mathews with me, to amuse me." Wells vouchsafed no answer, and away the people went, leaving these two to their own devices. The min- ute the house was clear they hurried to another room, which Landseer had specially arranged for the purpose. The head gamekeeper WOS there, bolding the dog, and Mathews as- sisted when there was need, at the same time amusing Landseer. 'When the, party returned from church the picture was painted, finished, and framed on the wall. Written on Vile trunk of a tree in, the background were the words: "Filleted at Itedleaf in two hours and a half." "Ien't It hard to lose your ilauglie ter?" "No, not this one; I could have married her off a. year ago. It is her older sister that's hard to lose." "3/71Mt *? Is that young Pacer*s father? Why, the old man looks younger than his son." "Exactly, yoUng Pacer has outetripped him. Lived faster, you kriow." When a bachelor gets tired of lead- ing a single life he should neeery, and be lid, trio light to the town. The last I 1 'mew I was in a tight corner and. . . heard of 1VIr. Hyde was that lie was that by some means Antonio had gambling and drinking heavily in been got out of the way. But a way Rio do Janeiro. of escape had already suggested it - Statement by Mark Hanbury sell. If I could only -get him. away My first acquaintance with Rio on some errand for a few minutes I Manerio and the works was in Janta could press the button on my tele- ary of last year. The engineering phone with my forehead, a.n.d, having work had been conceived: and carried given the call, could lift the receiver out by a.exnaster mind:. The cturent off with my teeth and send: a mes- was continuous, of 500 volts pros- sage for help. sure, and was used for driving mo- "You don't 'drink, Hanbury, -do 'tors and lighting arc lamps in series. you?" he said. "But I'm not a four mexi oprang over the rocks. 1 advised the purchase of a "bake- bad chap; I've brought some spirits LITy.de started, back, but made a &s- car," and carried a third or middle with me, and you shall learn to ,perate attempt to strike a niatch. wire into the town, thereby halving drink to -night. It won't take me With levelle.c1 pistols they drove him the pressure and enabling ordinary five minutes to fetch them. I left from -nie, and then, seeing himself incandescent lamps to be used in the them by the path side." cornered, he yelled hotel and private houses. :— This was the very thing I wanted, "dohn Hyde's not done yet! rn In accordance with modern practice and I eagerly—perhaps too eagerly - 1 "earthed" this middle wire at the suggested he should fetch: the spirits supply station, and had an "earth down.. ammeter" which would show me im- "I will," he said, with a horrible mediately if any current leaked to smile, "but before I go I will -lash the ground from either of the two you to the railings in case _you jerk other wires. Halms were connected the lights and let them know I -am. . between one of these "outer" wires here, for I have arranged' for you and the middle wire, .but in the case to be my • messenger presently; and of large installations such as the now you are safely. tied that you hotel and the post -office half the cannot reach the switchboard, I will Lamps would be on one side and half just cut off the telephone in case you on the other. ball for help." Then taking a pair in addition to carrying out this of pliers he cut the bare wire which work I fell in love and wooed, but came to my telephone, and this wire had not yet won, thelove of Grace went with a coiling sprieg and tangl- Anderson, the daughter of the super- ed iteelf in the ornamental metal- intondent, of telegraphs. Grace hold work over the .switchboard, and ,with the position of postmistress to Rio it went my only hope of outside as - Menem°, and it was said received on sistance. an average fifty proposals of mar- Ho was gone about ten minutes, • deg° a week. I can believe this, as during- which time I racked my brain in addition to being one of the pret- to devise some means of -escape, tut tieet girls I liave esar ruet she had I seemed utterly helpless -unless a disposition as sweet as she was could win his confidence enough to beautiful. release me and then persuade him to To while away my time at the drink sufficiently that I might over- works I had constructed tv.-o tele- power him. Presently he returned phones, and, pointing out my isolat- with two bottles under his arm and ed position, obtained sanction. to run a flask. a small wire into the town, and in "No, my boy, it's not ail rase an urgent telegram might ar- whiokey," he said. "The two bot - rive for me -1 have not a relation or ties are benzoline, and are part of friend in the world—X could think of the programme. But, first first we'll no better place to terminate this line drink each other's health and .suc- than the post-oflice ! cess, and then tell you my plans. Xrioveing very little of teleriliones I He forced some spirit to my lips, placed the battery in the main • cir- and then, drinking from the flask, cult. This I learned afterwards was cried, in a moticing voice :— 'incorrect, but to it I eventually; owed "Here's your health and success, my life. . Mark Hanbury. With -my help you'll On October lath Grace and her get on, my boy. I'm going to make father paid me a visit at the Elec. you a shining light in the world—a tricity Works, and I proudly showed star in yonr profession even better them my exteneions. Mr. 'Anderson than a shooting star, and there'll doubted the advisability (as a tele- be a big repel -Cat the end." graph expert) of "earteng" my mict- Then his mood suddenly changed, dle wire, but I fully explained how and corning olose to my, side be it reduced the possible shock to care- shouted • lose coecumers, and the lvarniOg it "I've come all the Nvay from Rio would give me of any leakage. To to- kill you, Mark Hanbury, and to illustrate this I passed a current lia,ve rny revenge, I'll ten you what through some lamps to earth and I'm going to do. I'm going to pointed out lloW the needle of the pour this benzoline over you, and ammeter deflected quite proportional and then tie you by your feet to one to the number of lamps in circuit, of the old pulley -wheels, and atter Grace teok the keeaest interest in setting you on Me :Pin going to these explanations. lau'neli ;you (Iowa the cable to be a In the afternoon Grace and I climb- light in the world, to be my elioot- ed the hill to the reservoir, where I Ing star, and ' at the end by the had a email boat, 'Here, on this mine I hung a charge of dynamite, long, narrow lake, between rough, arid you Will strike that- and cattee towering moantain sides, I told the report 1 spoke at. The towns - Grace Li my love, but elm was in a people will come running up the teardeg mood and begged me to pro- gorge to see what's up, and then 1 days after, Grace --my Grace—my them. preserver, was by my bedside, and Oxalis—conerion sour or sheep sor- ohe did not use the telephone to tell rel --will remove iron rust if a lemon me she loved me. Memo, by: Professor Adam :— I have read the above narrative and my explanation is simple. Miss Grace Anderson went to use the tel- ephone after it was cut. No reply to her ring was given, so she listen- ed. As the battery was in the main circuit it allowed a current to pass - to the iron frame of the switch - or oxalic acid is not to be had. Rub the spots with the leaves. This takes out tho rust. Then take out the green stains by washing in alco- hol, and finally wash in soap suds. Blood stains on silk can be remov- ed by soaking in a fairly strong so- lution of borax. Soaking in. sweet milk (and pa- tience) will take out the stains of board, tunciast which the bare wire coffee, tea and cocoa in table linen. was tangled. This made a variable Rub, soak and squeeze till the stain contact similar to a microphone disappaers. transmitter and se could transmit Fruit stains may be taken out by speech. -pouring boiling water through them, Miss Anderson heard te 'terrible. or by dipping in boiling milk. 11 intentions of Hyde, and with wonder- ful promptness disconnected the mid- dle wireat the post -office and with them made "earth"; 'first with one side where she had all lamps, on giv- water is used, it must be actually boiling; if not quite at the boiling point it sets the stain, Mildew can be removed from wliite linen and cotton with a; weak solu- ing ten amperes, then with the other tion of chloride al lime. The fabric with half the lamps 011 giving five must be well rinsed to remove the amperes. Her training as a telegraphist en- abled her to save her lover's life. -- London WORLD'S BEGGF,ST PORTS. A ateverp, accotefing to an official return recently published by the De- partment of. Commerce and Labor at Washington, stands third on the list of the world's ports, with a total tonnage of 16,721,011 tons, entered and cleared. London is first, with a total tonnage of 17,584,108 tone, and Nese York the second port in lifieele and sanitation, that), to have the world, with a total tonnage of the parlors attractive and pretty, In lime or it will rot it. Diluted ammonia will remove sun- dae/ from woolen goods. To renew silk, pour a, pint of boil- ing water on a tablespoonful of al- cohol and bit it stand till just warm then sponge the silk with it. SANITARY OEL'LARS. TOO much cannot be eaid on the necessity of keeping the cellar per- fectly clry and in a wholesoree condi- tion. It is more importaet to have the cellar, kitchen and other rooms of utilitarian value, perfect, in clectia 11,398,058 tons, These figures refer to ocean-going traffic only. Daiey—"Where my brother goo he's usually asked to tall again." Dolly—"Ile =est be very popular." Deasy. --"NO, lIc'e a bill colleetoe."• most cellars there is more or less dampness, and it is unwise to elean the woodwork with water as it will become mouldy, before it dries. The cellar walk alter they are breslied down ehold be whitewashed, and all the woodwork rubbed with a drg cloth dipped in kerosene. Obstinate PAYIN' HIM D'ACK. Ile was a mortal who was much to be pitied. For several days be had suffered a martyrdom of toothache, and now be had delivered himself in- to the hands of a dentist wile large- ly advertised the "painlessness" of eperatior.s. After a busy five minutes the of- fending racier was drawn, and the victim was trying to ascertain the extent of the damage to his jaw. "Is that what you call painless?" lie asked. "Certainly," =Heel the wielder of the forceps; "it was entirely painless to me." "Oh, was it? Well, this is what call a painless punch," said the victim. And letting his clenched hand dwell for a moment ou the'operator's nasal organ, he walked out of the, shop. JEWTIILLED COLLAR. At the last drawing room in 13ucle, Ingham Palace Queen Alexeadra Set', a fashion which undoubtedly will be copied. There is some sense in the fad which elle exploited, and the Queen usually does things with an object. She wore a heavy dia- mond dog collate and leader her col- lar was a hand of white t011e, which made the jewels lie more eoinfortabe ly. Another advantage of the back- ground tulle Was that the diaitiondel shone more brilliantly thazi againet the neck. The jewelled collar was, extremely high, Ablest four inchei.1 Cartier, of Paris, invented the dog; toiler especialler for the Queen, who: has a surgical scar On her neek. Tile - fore the day of the Whir elle wore newe of necklaces that ecered her throat,