Exeter Advocate, 1904-2-18, Page 5r xt t er r •Y J'r at e. published every Thursday rderning a the 01nee, AIN-STRER',T;: • - EXETER, -By thhe-^-^- ADVOOATE PUBLISH INta COMPANY TERMS OF. SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum it .paid in advance, $1.50 if not so paid. anelnrartezenne• atoo ori nelpeoesca. elore No paper discontinued until all al rearages are paid. Advertisements without specified directions will be Published until forbid and charged accordingly, Liberal discount made for,transezen8 'advertisements inserted for long periods,; EAery description of JOB' PRINTING turned out in the tinese style,. mid at moderate rates. Cheques, mousy' orders, S c., for advertising,eubser•iptious, eto„ to be made payable, S�a,a;<€I,e;t q dpi Creech, PIROPRIETORS PrroPcsecional Card e. .DR. A, R. KINSSIAN', L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto'Univeristy, DENTIST, Teeth extreoted without any pain, or any bad effects Otfioe in Fauson's Block, west side Drain street, Exeter, DR. D. ALTON. ANDERSON (1).D.S. fi.D.S DENTIST honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons or Ontario. Also. Poet' Graduate of Chicago School' of Prosthetic Dontlstery (with honorable mention.) its Plates made in the Afuminum, Gold and Vulcan neatest manner possible.' A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical D11'011443 IrIoLAUGFILIi, MEMBER Or THE of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. h ' Physician, Surgeon and Aeconc Ofnce, Dash- wood, - wood, Ont. r. John D. Wilson, Oi ice and Residence, SOU Queens Ave„ London Ont. Sp ecinl atte t o� paid to diseases of women. Mae hours, 12,30 p nt• Legal. ICESON ereCAISLING, BARRISTERS; SOLICI- Dtors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molsone Bank, etc. Money to loan at owest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, D xesox I. R. CAni xO, B,A., Auctioneers BROWN, Winchelsea. Liecaed Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post OtEce Winchelsea. The railoisons Bank (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Head Office, Montreal. Capital Authorized......:$5,000,000 00 Paid up Capital $2,856,4 Reserve Fund' . • . • 2 720,778 JAS. ELLIOTT, General Manager. EXETER BRANCH- - Office hours: -10 a.m.to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m to 1 p.m. • A general banking business transacted Money advanced to good Farmers at lowest rates. Savings Bank Deposits from $1 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest allowed, at highest current rates. DlcasoN ,k DARLING, • - N. D. Hvanoe, Solicitors. Manager. Bicycles (i We are still iu the Bicycle trade and this year showsome fine speci- mens. The CUSHION FRAME is the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod- erate. New Pianos .1 Several' New Pianos just put stock ;. newest styles lend the best makes. It will pay you to see them. Yon will be surprised .at the LOW PRICES at which we sell them. Organs of the Latest makes always in stock Sewing Machines t Cc. We are leaders in Sewing Ma- chines -the hest machines that the trade produces are on our floor for your inspection ; also repairs Need- les, etc:, for all kinds of sewing ma- chines, always on hand. Call and see us if, in need of any of the above. . WA A T QUITE RIGHT When you insist on having BrosFI�urHer � Our STAR FLOUR is made from the choicest Ootario and Manitoba Wheat. The quantity of our WiIEATLLtT' has been improved by sterilizing' it. 10 lbs. fol' 256. Give it a trial. It is "A FOOD" not A "FAD!, Our facilities for the handling of the chopping trade are unsurpassed: The new Vessot grinder is givinggreat satisfaction. HARVEY 17ROS. Millers. boughs, colds, hoarseness, and other' throat Strength. ailments are quickly, relieved byvano-Creno 3CbrT & EIOWNB, Chenttsts, tene tablets. ten eon s Derbos All drug¢ists. 'l"oranto, bntarlo. 1500. rind $1.001 all drUaglati., Feed your hair; nourish It; give it something to live on. Then it will stop failing, and will grow long and heavy, Ayers Hair Vigor is the only Hair Vii hair food you can bay. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. Whig Ayer used ae Vigor hort timBre it g after to grow, and now it e fourteen:inches long. Das seems a splendid result to mo after being almost without any hair," Dine. J. ii. lomat, Colorado Springs, Colo. It1.00 a battle, s, o. Aran co,, All dru fists .0 Lowell. Maas. Lor erzetesemeesioneeecese Shortao t SrciiN1n.62N, sol Wii C T. U. Notes At the regular meeting held et 11:Irs. E. Elliott's ont'4'vetinesday, February 10th, Mrs. Godwin, thevice-president, presided in the a>.,bsence of the presi dent through illness. A delightful Bible reading was. given by Mrs. Geo. Blatchford, Preparations are being made by the Supeyintenclent of temp- erance work in Sunday schools to hold a mass meeting on temperance Sunday March 13th.. The co-operation of the ministers and S. 5, superintendents is asked to snake this effort a success. A plritforrnmeeting will be held in which some of oily young people will be asked to take part. It was, suggested that our tensorial artists remember the. Sabbath Daly by keeping shops aimed and dnir,g no work'thereon. Where is the Sunday Alliance? Permission is to be asked of our lac- al railway agent to place a suitable re• ceptable at the station, in which to place temperance and veligions lMerit- time. It is the intention of our W. 0. T. U. to supply such receptable with readable. literature. Sir Thomas Barlow, M. D., one of King Edward's physicians, who atti'uc1- ed hull through the critical operation for appendicitis at read, time, and,who is, we hate read, n.. Methodist class leader, declitres that iutempee-. aline is one of the greatest crimes rf the English people, and one the great- est hindei'ances to the nation's pros- perity. He ridicules as a superstition, the idea that clay laborers need to be stimulated by tticohol, Intoxication means dismissial on al- most any railroad to -day, and the big trunk lines especially are merciless in. their enforcement of this rule. The C. P. R, has adopted a method of dealing with drunkeness, not to our knowledge adopted by other roads. They proceed against the offender as endangering public safety, and at present they have two engineers, one set Indian Head end one at Three Rif.- ers, serving sentences of four to six months, respectively, on this chargt' as a result Of intoxication,and that ton without the option of a fine. This may not be leaking Men sober by le=gal. process, but we are disposed to thick it tends that way. Railroad meat state that the two instances of hnpris-. relent, referred to above have done more to promote total,l abstinence among their ranks than has been the result from Tiny or all past Weasur es to enforce sobriety. 6y tie LAIRDROSERISOUUNE.S: Commander -in -Chief Refuses the'lnspeotor-Generalship. War Corresponeleut'ii•llileme *oersted Ivy the ?11lit4r7^*ilotr.Yioo sed Gots Cha:ip British Postsge-yic•.ry Gibbs Ex^ violnr now no Lost the =salon - Irish .7.day Join 'Whigs -Britain Ad- vised to dein Colonies, London, Feb. • 15.--Thei'e are rum- ors of friction between the Govern- ment ;and Lord Roberts, It is said that the later declined appnintine.nt as Inspector -General, end has been invited by Premier Balfour to re- main a member of the Defence Com- mittee, drawing his present seals di pay as commander-in-chief for the unexpired team of two 3"pars,. London, Feb. funeral of war correspondent Wil- liams at Nunhead was attended by many of the military. Field Marshal Evelyn Wood placed e floral offering on the coffin. London, Feb. 15,-(C,A.P,) Prem - ler Deakin says that 'by means of railway facilities the cost to immi- grants to Australia will be made not appreciably more than in Canei,da. Emigration from the Motherland should be forced by advertising. London, Feb. 15.-(C.A..P.)-The: Postmaster -General has agreed to al- low New Zealand newspapers to be delivered in the United'Kingciotn at a postage of one penny irrespective of weight. _.. London, Feb, 15. -The bye -election Friday for member of Parliament for the At. Albans division of Hert- fordshire resulted in the Liberals winning the seat. 'rile vote was 3. Bamford Slack (Liberal), 4,757; Vic- ary Gibbs (Conservative), 4,625. Liberal majority was 132. The. election was in consequence of the resignation of Mr. Gibbs, who is a strong Cianaberlainite, and was due to the fact that the firm with which he is connected acted as agents.. 'for the Admiralty in the purchase of Chiltern warships, which, according to custom, called for his resignation. - Mr. Morley's : .i.tnondivant. London, Feb. 15.-(0.A.P.)-To- night's important division on Mr. 'Morley's free trade' amendment is anticipated with the keenest interest, Urgent whips have been sent out to bring up every member. A. rumor is current that the Irish party will join the Liberals. Sir Gilbert Parker's View. The first public meeting of the Tariff Reform League Women's As- sociation was held at the Duke of Westminster's house Saturday night. Sir Gilbert Parker presided, and many of the nobility were present. Sir Gilbert Parker said tariff re- form was an Imperial necessity, and in the end would result in an Ini- perial development undreamt by doc- trinaires to -day. .A. telegram was sent to Mr. Chamberlain at Cairo wishing him luck in his cause. Sir Gilbert Parker said if the 'Motherland would not unite with the colonies in a great effort towards wheat production, we in ten years would paw more for our bread. Henry Chaplin said the objects of the proposed fiscal change were to secure better markets and to , draw the colonies a little closer. Mr. Franklyn, M.P., said they had been asked to offer a compromise to the free fooders on both sides of the House before the critical division. He suggested a .two -shilling bounty on all wheat grown in the British Isles, with. a bonus of two shillings to farmers who keep their corn in stack until Aug. 1; also a shilling bounty on all colonial wheat, and Glad - stone's shilling registration duty on all foreign wheat. A bounty on Brit- ish wheat would supply food in ;time of war and assist the farmer and federate the Faripire.. The duties On coffee, cocoa and sugar would be reduced by charging the foreigner market, . toll on all luxuries from abroad. Don't forget the old man with the fish an his back. i For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing comfort and health a l h •in •ln t wherever he goes. To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons lie gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the" old man v,pith the fish are now grownup and have children of their own. He stands for Scott's Ern.ul• S pure of cod fiver oil --a delightful fool and a natural. tonic for children, for old folks and for all Who need flesh and Died From Dumas. Toronto, rob. 12. -John Quirk, a G.T.R. conductor, • died' yesterday from burns received early Tuesday morning. He has been in ill health for two months. At about 3 o'clock Tuesday morning he arose and in some manner his night clothes were ignited ,front a gas jet. He tried to heat out the flames, but before he was rescued liis face, neck and body were ;badly burned, and death en- sued. Deceased was 27 years of ago, and a native of Toronto. • Nine Mouths For Biarnnly. Windsor, Feb. 13. -Joseph Cedar of this city was ,,esterday sentenced to nine months in. the Central Prison,. on acharge of bigamy. Cedar mar- ried two . Windsor • girls -Nellie Bas - idea and Cerrie Westbrooke-in eight i months. Cedar is a simple illiter- ate fellow, and did not realize the enormity of his crime, pleading that as, his first marriage was unhappy, he thought himself at liberty to wed again to have a home. Pound Dynamite Hidden. Liverpool, Feb, 18. -The customs officials yesterday morning found, 18pounds of dynamite and 3,000 detonators in the possession of an Austrian emigrstnt . on board the White Star Lino steamer Majestic. The Austrian's trunk had a false bottom,in which the dynamite was concealed, The n1an, who gave the naive of Ivan Sjnbeano,je; was ar- rested and remanded until Pet.. 20;' • Turks hail i1t(lgnrlurts. Berlin, Feb. 15. -The Frankfurter Zcitung's Salontea correspondent telegraphs that a Bulgarian band numbering 5.00 has been attacked at llehtlmbala by Turkish, troops. The Bulgarians fled 'at night,'Iceeviee 12 dead on the field. The Turkish loss ii''.ias one Man killed arid 'two ' Vound- -MA€iKO' 'R#::POPTS . I Up to the pi os t,t the ,Tatpnnese have `• heed, eminently' St eeessl•ui 152 the war. It' I)1 tho roports be tree they have • c8Pttn•ed 01• destt ffed tt large nutnher rata, Prices Iirrrt, With eelieat on the Adyanaa-,Live Stook IVern etc -fixe 1'.8Cast Quotations. Satul'da)' Et"en5eg, leen. l3, Liverpool futures etc ed today %4 high- er than Feeley, tied eon futures r/si1 to %311 higher..' At Qhicago July wheat closed Wee h5giter thee Thursday; July corn tc higher, ant July oats is higher. rOIC1lIC-, enennienre. l,oudou C4lcise-uWILiett, 0n pas,$•,120, rather !preop. ti izc, ou pa sa„e, iii•/11, but 5105. aetive, ltirls-Cle ee-\Vhe At;'tone limn; Vete, l ell8„5 2•,18 Sic 11Y tail Aug., tC One. 1t0tu'tone tum; Fein, 31f te; Kay tud Aug', 291 i.I 1 t)L.'i:i L''olloirlea ale Linc cioslnA gilotutl0us at lniportaut wheat centra to dayi JLI811 Feb. 112ttty New York yTs/.4. C hietti;o ;)ttl%s 1'alcd0 .100'/2 xt1+y'/e edit I:meth No. 1 N Ji13 041/201 Tont. ;i'r.) 5 r. r:.t ;,^iiia-,,.•..._ .1• Gratn� `. Wheal red, Welt 50 $91/, to 50 90 11, heat, while, bush 0 Sgt 'Wheat, spring, buidi , 0 eSS 11'lieat geese busl1 ....,, 0 78 0 79 . 13crieBeansy,, bush burp 0 ,4136 0 481% 1 Bean., httnti-piekea 165 Rye, bush ... 0 58 rens, bush'0 66 • Luci;wheat, bosh ,,,,,,., U 46 O'431fa Cats, bush 0 35 , , . Seeds A`c�ilce, N0. 1. „ 55 20 to $5 ,50 A s Ie goal, 07o. 2 4 60 450 A isiico, fitncy 5 75. 6 20 1000 choice .. 5 50' 0 00 lied, teary 0 20 0 S0 Red, good, No. 2 ..... 500 5 40 2'huaothy seed 1 00 1 50 nary and Straw_ Hay, per ton 57 00 to $10 50 Straw, ,sheaf, per ton 9 00 10 00. Straw, loose, per ton ... 00 ., , . , Prune and Vegetables -- 'Potatoes, per bag :50 SO to$0 35' Apples, per bbl • 1 00 2 00 rabbege, per Ari ) 40 0 50 Cabbage, red, eaeh 0 05 0'10 73e e is er Ieekr : O 7 6 p L Cttul` Ltlower. pet dot. .100 2•Q0 Carrots, red :.......:0 30 0 50. Celery, per doz .. , 0 30 0 50 Tu, per bat 0 Vege tab.le.sntui'aw 0 9035 040 0 50 Potiltryrnips- Speing chickens per pair,$t 00 to 51.75 Spring ducks, per pail 1 50 2 00 Totrkeysper lb , . 0 36 0 18 cess, per lb 0 12 0 14 Da.irry Prodtuee- Butter, ib, rolls .... ...50 20 to $0 28 I'itgs held 025 Isggs, nen-ladd 0 83 0.40 CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Unehnaiged-New York and Buffalo Lower for - Doge. TORONTO [ITV sT0014:, Receipts of live stock at the City Cattle Hark -et were 51 ear loads, consisting of 554 cattle, 1008 hogs, 620 sheep, 24 calves and 24 horses. 1exr orters-Best lois of exporters sold at $4.50 per cwt.; medium at about 54.25 to $4.40 per cwt. Export Bulls -Choice quality hulls are worth 53.75 to 53.85 per cwt,; medium to good bulls sold at $3.25. to .$3.5•. Export Cows -Export cows are worth 53.40 to $3.85 per cwt. Butchers' Cattle -Choyce pieked Iota of butchers'; 1100 to 1178 'lbs. each, equal In duality to best exporters, are worth $4.30 to $4.40; loads of good sold at 54 to 54.30; fair to good, 53.60 to $3.86!' common, 53.30 to $4,25; rough to inferior,' 53; can- ners, D2.50 to x2275. beeders-Steers of good quality, 1050 to 1150 lbs. each, at 53.75 to $4 per cwt. Stockers -One-year to 2 -year-old steers, 400 to 700 lbs. each, are worth . 53 to $3.50 percwt.; off -colors and of poor breeding , quality of same weights are worth 52.50 to $3 per ewt. Milch Cows -Milch cows and springers are worth $355 to $52, Calves -Calves sold at 53 to 512 each, or from 54.50 to 56.50 per cwt. • Sheep -Prices, 54 to 54.2o per cwt. - for ewes, and bucks at 53 to 83.255. Lambs -Prices for grain -led choice. ewes and wethers for expert, 55.30 to 55.75; barnyard lambs, at 54.60 to 55. Hogs -Beet select becoon hogs, not less than 160; Iles„ nor more than 200 lbs. eaeh, fed' and watered, are worth 54.75 per cwt.: lights and fats at 54.:50; sows, 53.25 to 53,50 per cwt„ and stags at 52 to 52.50 per cwt. .14A.sr 14ereef.e.r.I) i;.tTTLse ..1.0,1414T. Nast Buffalo, Feb. 13. -Cattle -Receipts, 275 head; fairly active, 10e to 150 10 e'er; Kline steers, $5 to 55.25; shipping, $4.50 to 55; buteherb', 53.85 to 54.75; Ilelfers, 53.13 to 54.60; cows, 52,75 to $3.A0; bulls, 53 to 54.15; stockers and feeders, 52.75 to 54. Veals--Retie!ipts, 380 head, 50e lower;. 40 to 86.75. Bogs -(Receipts, 11,200 head; active and lower iiea:vy, 85.60 to $5,70; .mixed, $5:00 to 1'"5.515;: Yorkers, $5.40 to $5.50; pigs, 55.10 to 55.20; roughs, 54.50 to $4.85; stags, 53.60 to 53.755. Sheep and Lambs-Reeeipts, 155,000 head; sheep, . ,steady; lambs, 15c to 25e lover; lambs, 54.05; yearlings, 55.25 to 55.50: weth•. ers, 54,50 to 54.75; ewes, 54,25 to 54.50; sheep, mixed, $2,50 to 54.50. ' BIIITiSix CATTLE IIA5EiST. Londot, Feb,. 13.-1.41,e cattle steady at 102c to 111/e per ib. for Am,erteau steers, dressed weight; Oan,Rdian steers, 10e to llc per lb.; refrigerator beef, 7%c,to 3e per lb. Sheep, Ile to 111/xc per ib. • Lambs, 14c to 141/.c, dressed weight. - Edward Martin, ICC., Dead, Hamilton, Feb. 15. Edward Mar- tin, 31 .0., died yesterday morning at the age of 60 years. For years he had been one of the most prominent men- of the city. He leaves five sons, who all adopted their father's profession of . law. There aro also three daughters. He was educated at Dr: Seassie's school.. In 1876 ho was made a Q. C. for Ontario, and in 1895 a Q.C. for the Dominion. He was the first Chancellor of the Dio- cese of Niagara and held the Posi- tion at the time of his death. Franc. and Siam. Paris,Feb,15- he danger r of a conflict between France and Siam has been, dissipated by the signing last evening' of a treaty delimiting the frontier between Siam and Cam- bodia, a French protectorate in Indo-China, securing substantial ter- ritorial and economic advantages to France and an increase of her poli- tical olitical influence in the country. 11iroo Li.t,ttlts l$y 1.'1 re. Montreal, Feb. 15.-A . small fire which took place late Saturday at the corner of St. Gabriel and Notre Dame streets was attended by the loss of three lives. The dead Are: Frank Clow,' aged 18, residence 1,- •818 St. Lawrence street; Louis Des- lardins (supposed to be aged 45), 1 and Miss .Chauvin, a typewriter. Sev- eral Were injured. Mr, Itorden Gone !Sant h. Toronto, Felt• 15.-E. L. Borden, was a'Tbronto guest for Sev- eral hours Sunday, en route to the Hot Springs of Virginia, where he tvi11 remain ten clays. no leij; for the smith .at o.'o.`-01ROk..,• - of the silent I'i shat)s, '•�,•: -mss �_ T4�. rl,. Miss Rose Peterson, Secre tary Parkdale Tennis Cub,' Cbl. cap, from experience advises ill. young girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex, to use Lydia E. Pinkbam's. Vege- table Compound. How many beautiful young girls de- velop into worn, listless and hopeless women, simply because sufficient atten- tion has not been paid to their physical development. No woman is exempt from physical weakness and periodic pain, and young girls just budding into womanhood should be carefully guided physically as well as morally. Another woman, Miss Hannah E. Mershon, Col- lingswood, N.J., says: "I thought I would write and tell you following that, byfollowin your kind ad- vice, I feel like a new person. T was always thin and delicate, and so weak thatI could hardly do anything. Men- struation was irregular. - "I tried a bottle of your Vegetable Compound and began to feel better right away. I continued its use, and`. am now well and strong, and men- struate regularly. I cannot say enough for whatour medicine diad. for me." -$5000 forfeit Iforiginal ofabove letterprouing genuineness cannot be produced. Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound will cure any woman in the laud who suffers from womb troubl�es l a►ifammation of the ovaries, kidneytroubles. hidne troubles. Wood's Phospilodine, The Great English eemefy, is an old, well estab- lished and reliable been 'preparation. rescribed Has sused oyer 40 years. All drug- gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being Before and defer, the medicine Sts kinonlyd that cures andof gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak ness, Emissions, Spermaforrlusa, Impotency/, and an effects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mentor and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.. Price 58 per package or six for $5. One will please, siz will cure. Mailed prompty on re- ceipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada, Woods rhospllodine is s.'d in Exeter by Drs. Brown ng and Luiz, Druggists. i FARMER Chopping and Rolling. li Giye its a call when you want chop ping or roiling done. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CHANGED 1 0II W 1• S,ES.1,)AY Wheat,., ... , 82 82 Barley- 90 40 Oats.,,, 20 410 'Peas, , .... 00 GO Potatoes, per bag., 1 00 1 00 gay, per ton.,,... .,.. '7 00 flour, per cwt., roller.... 9 00 2 10 1,0 20 l les, per 100 lbs . , , . 5 00 15 00 Live hogs, per (Mt 5 50 Dressed I -logs, , 9. 05 Shorts per owt.. , . Oq 95 Bran per cwt , '75 80 , ;r�t E i � . RIO HEAD OFFICE, 31013202;AL Capital Void llir 0,000,000 Rest - - 2,700,000 A"s,^enerel Bani:ing• business transarlell. In at most favorable cermet rates allowed on Savings Bankaccounts and Deposit Receipts. CommoreialLettera or Credit ieeuecl, available in China, Japan and other foreign countries,, Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in all parts of the world, THOS FYSI'IE, GeNeehr Menne, I:.F:IIEBDLON, Sure oNBnAscinEs d: Ctuisr INsrsosos CB DI T O 5 ON`s i W. S. CHISHOLM, Ma no ger, cmimirrobT ROLLER M1LL� le We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTING and CUOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. • SSITZ Exeter F6ol19I w) W.E HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF SUCH THINGS AS Straw Cutter Knives; Root Pulioer Knives, Root Pusiner''ss and All Sizes of Iron. Pips, (PLAIN AND GALVANIZED) WE MtkXE TO ORDER, Castings of Every Description. For Sale -1 hay l3rc sr# also 1 set 1200 ib. scales. GENERAL REPAIRS Mill at Electric Light Plant, • , Snell & Blatol fo ' 3 J I o lr fi ri,' h r .�• r3 o n m G 0 i Offer to the Sick se 1. -1- DR. SLOCUM, Lung Specialise • O11E DLM �r B �4 . p�, '� Or _ENIE ASAI;,. Envy Sufferer with Consumption, G terrd, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pulmonary and Bronchial Troubles If you have any of the following symptoms it means that the germs of consumption are in your system. Accept Dr. Slocum's gonerous offer. Are your lungs Weak ? Are you losing flesh? Do yea Cough ? Are on nate, thin and weak? Do you have pains in the °least? Do you have ringing in the ears? Do yon spit up phlegm? Do you have hot flashes ? Is your throat sore andinflamed.? Is there dropping in the throat? Is your appetite bad? is the nose dry and stuffy? DO you have night sweats?: Have you a coated tongue? Call your disease what you will, these symptoms indicate that you have in your body the seed i of ;the most dangerous of maladies. In order to let all people know the marvellous power of his system of treatment, Dr. Slocum has decided to give free to all sufferers as a test his free trial treatment. ONE WEEK'S TRIAL OF DRai SLOCUM'S SYSTEM OF TREATMENT FREE Nothing could be more reasonable, more generous than 'Dr. slocitm's offer. The Slbcum System of Treatment has cured thousands and tens of thousands of cases of consumption in all stages,of the disease. A systein of treatment that accomplishes more than any One remedy can ever accomplish. A system of complete medicinal and tonic food, treatment that destroys and eluninates ill tuber, culosis germs and poison from the system and 'assists nature in building up healthy lung r nd body tissue, tIvo essential fetietions fora permdnent care. Accept Or. Siocuni's offer to -day and be cured at Home among 'friends and loved' one,. Simply write to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 579 Xing, Street West, Toronto, Canada, mention your druggist's"name, and state your pest and e$press offices, 'aril. you will receive the treatment promptly by express. .Mention this paper.. •