Exeter Advocate, 1904-2-18, Page 4I eter AbuoC13 Sanders a Ozeeole. ProPs, TILURSD,117, IMU. 18, '04 •••••.- •••1,01..N.Woommumuspiel.r.... NOTES 420 COMMENY'S THU IT.A.P. THP IMYSS. Japan has fifty Rusela is a cows - millions of people try of hianatasitie$: and little fertile Forests, Heide hor- lano. Her fields :we ses, herds, inine$, Stuallandscattered. fisheries; It is a: "Volintnie streteheS land of great rive aretwerywhereand ers. It, is a coun, nothing grows on try of peesants, them. What teed ,who look. to the le tilled is highly Czer as their little tillee. She hes lit- Fether. Religion tle or uo cattle or Is everywhere and sheep and feu -here- t (iteration n owhe re es; no stables or The peasaet is a barns ; pest- hard drinker, and um She gi oweriee he is in debt to the and. medically pro- uturea But Ids pagatee fish in all voting men mareb her At -erre -the t\0 to tight for Holy main suarees of the Russia, All over people's diet. The that great eonntry areinv,e sobsist- Yoh see line aftee - enee is low down in Hue (if pemeant the eeale, Japan youth in coarse has land hunger, nniforna and rifle Corea and Manchu- in head marching - ria, unlike japan, for the Czar. It are fertile eountris is still the country . es that the Jape of the knout, of long to till. great cold, of poll - The Jap has no (deal persecution. faith but faith in Yet a land Where -himself to use the milliotas of people resources of dealt: live and • die in ation to get past hope of political those who hat him and social salvo. - from his share of time The Ressian the things of this has faith; faith in world, power in- his religion or in eluded, a ravenous his country or in desire for which has both; if not either come with his end- of - these,. then den new birth at the faith in the grim - opening of the twen- nese of his desti- tieth century. The ny. The Russ, is Jap is the extreme the t;,.treme of of faith of no kind, . faith of - some kind. * Particulars are published of a wonderful new motor invented by Peter Thornley, Bueton-on-Trent en- gineer, The invention is considered of such importaece that its development may result in express and railway en - eines running tystce the present speed at only haLf the cost. or of Atlantic, liners crossing from Liverpool to New York in tlaree days. The motor is almost small eriongh to -Varela NVennING,—On Tile:elate Feb. 2nd, the home of 'Air. ttt Demuseta Was the pc:KW of a pretty event, when his niece, MiSsi Meerison, was united in marriage to Mit Morton Tialiott. The iiuptial knnt, Was sedurely and neatly tied by the Rev. Mr. Miller, in the Peetteuce of only a few invited guests,. The bride wee eetiree in a very pretty cost:Mae and as She sto01 beside her betrothed looked very bewitching, After :the • Ceremony was perforated and coirgeittulations eXteeded : the bridal piety adjourned to the dining room tyhere the beautifully arranged table was all prepared, to serve the weddiug ettimett The beide is not only popelar and accoMplierhed but is an ideal housekeeper mad' we feel certain. that •ShO Will look Well utter the cow - forts of iter home. The groom is one of our progressive farmers aud is an n11. 1010111 gaud fellow mid we pee:diet for these young people a life ,of aess lual prosperity. The gifts to the bride were nurne-rovis and eeeful. The ;Ageing couple have retereed from their honeymoon trip and have, taken np housekeeping on what was Vernier-, ly known ati the Meltins' farm, east :of here, and where the best wishes of all remain with the& . Clinton Ailsa Craig won the hockey notch played in the rink here Wedaesday by a sere of 7 to 4.—Mr. Geo. Ziegler, for same • mouths accountant at the Severeign Bank, left a few days ago to join the staff at the Milverton branch. Mr. Zeigler WEIA very popular with our citizens. In musical eircles, too, he will be missed—J. Hayes, who came to town some six years ago arid started it laundry in the old'Oombe block, and after in the Sheppard block, selling out to the Chinaman last fall, left last week for Sebri ug v file, Where he launch- es out in the hotel business. His fam- ily followed 'Wednesday. We wish them eyery success in thew new home. - -An explesion ea,used by gasoline gas took place in the basement of the resi- dence of Mrs. MeTaggert. Sr., about 7 o'clock. Stinday morning. A hole was blown through the floor in the hall- way, the carpet was torn up and in other ways the force of the explosion was shown. Mrs. and Miss McTag- gart thought at first that the report was caused by ice falling from the roof but soon the smell of smoke caused a hasty investigation. The alarm. 'was sounded mad soon assistance carrie, but fortunately the •fismes had died out and about the only damage done was that meutiotied above, What caused the explosiou is a conundrum. The residence has for years been lighted with gasoline gas, brit has not been be carried in a typewriter cese, and is is inclosed used stuce last fall. The gasoline tank so compact that everything was some distance from the house but except the dtiviiig wheels. The new the pipes had not been disconnected.— ' 'motor is capable of developing 1,500 Mrs. G-oodridge, one of the old resi- revolutions a minute, and giving fifteen dents of town, died at the residence of horse power under a pressure of 200 her daughter, Mrs. W. Murch, base pounds to the square inels. line, Hullett, where she has made her In even the bestrailwaylocomotives home since the deallegif her hosband the steam is admitted after the piston 10 years ago, the sad event oc- has moved from five inches to eight about curring on Sunday, at the age of 83 inches along the cylinder, thus form - years, 3 months. ing a vacua) of several hundred cubic inches in extent to be filled up before PRESENT.ATIONS.—Saturday evening . an ounce of power is exerted. Mr. Geo. Coot, who has been. in the Thornley has devised it valve which employ of Hodgens Bros, Palace Store will admit it given quantity of steam for the past two years, severed his con - every commencement of the stroke, nection and on Monday left for Toron- -and is so nicely adjusted the ex- to where be has taken a position in , pensive force of the steam admitted is the office of Ellis & Co's store. Setur. just sufficient to drive the piston at the day evening while at work the other -end of its journey. The most modest employees of the store sent a, slight 'estimate of the saving in coal is 25 ner memento to his home—a fountain pen cent, while the simplicity of the motor so as to be there on his arrival.—On is such that the inital cost is numb Thursday evening Loyalty Council of -cheaper than the existing types. It is Peyal Tempters held a social gathering actually claimed that one ton of coal at their hall, some sixty members be - will produce as much power as eight, ing present The early part of the ev- tons with and existing types. It can ening was spent in playing numerous be worked just as well with compres- genies While Mr. S. Andrews manipu- •sed air as steam. lated a line gramophone. Mr. W. J. * Fluker occupied the chair and there was a shore program of music, instru- CONSERVATeYES GAIN 1 SEAT. mental and vocal, after which Mr. and By-elections for the House of Coin- Mrs. F. W. Watts were called to the enims were held in eight constituencies front and on behalf of the council Mr. 'Tuesday, distributed over the Pro- John Cooper presented them with a vinces of Ontario, (Ineliec, New Bruns- handsome easy chair, accornpatied by -wick and Prince Edward Island. Six it well worded address. of the seats contested were held. by • Liberal representatives a,nd two by • Lv.DTG- TOWN. —M r. Geo. A.Rorke, • Conservatives. These tatter two, both who for the past eight.years has been in Ontario, East Grey and East Lamb- foreman of theleachine room at the ton, again returned supporters of Mr. organ factory, has resigned to accept Boer:len, and by increesed • majorities. the position of superintendent of the In addition to thee the Conservatives furniture factory at Meaford. On it redeemed St, Johns, .N. B., until re- being known that be was leaviug the cently represented by Hon. A.G.Blair. employes its his department presented The other. constituencies went Liberal, as before, the net result of the day's polling, tieing gain of ono seat hy the Conservatives. * The annual meeting of the Usborne &• Hibbert Fire Insurance Company was held an Monday. There was it and active Oonseevattye. tie was it huge itttendauce and the report of the member of Wesley church and bide- ' aualtors was very satisfactory, -show- fa.tigabie in both chnrch and •Sunday ing the society to be in a most flour- school work.: He was an (Melva of the ishing condition. The retiring dieec- chueehea class leader and a Bible class ••••••••,...****.•"•••,". •••• Pains in the Back Z0.14011 Me, jam Hey, jr., of the Goshen Are symptoms of a weak torpid or etagriant condtaon of the kidneys or Ilwr, and are a warning it is extremely hazardous to neglect, ito important Is a healthy action of thee organs They are emnesoely attended by loss of energy, lack of courage, And some- times by gloomy foreboding and de- spontleeey. el. was taken ill with kidney trouhle, and became so weak 1 contd, scarcely get around, took medicine Without benefit, and finally decided to try Hood's Sarsepaettla. Atter the first bottle I felt so much better that continned its ose, and six bottles made me a new woman. When my little girl was a baby, she could not keep anything on her stomach, and we gave her Hood's Sarsapa- rilla which cured iler." Mus. Thous Wallaceburg, Oat, Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures kidney and liver troubles, re- lieves the back: and builds up the whole system. Dashwood Many of our people, both old and young, are laid up NVit,11 Is grippe.— Everybody is anxiously looking foe Spring. ---Mr. E. P. Paulin has his brother-in-law from Witigham engag- .ed making cement sills for the win- dow' e and doois of his new house.-- Qearteely meetings will he held in t,he Evangelical church here next Satur- day and Senday. Rev. S. R. Knectal, P. E,, of Berlin, will be in. chroge.— Mrs. O. Beaver of Crediton held an :Auction sale of her household effects on Saturday last.—Fire broke out on Monday morning in Mr. Henry Gum- thener's dwelling and before being no- ticed had made its way to the garret and for it time it seemed to threaten the building, but fortunately the fdam- es did not break through the roof for if it had doubtless nothing would have saved the building. The men put up a stubborn fight in coping with the blaze, notwithstanding the effects of the extremely cold weather, some be- ing covered with ice, while others saf- ffered from frozen feet, ears and hands. Mr. Ceuenthner and the owner of the house, Mr. Fossel, wish to thank the citizens for their assistance and noble work. The origin of the fire is a mys- tery, but it is sopposed to have caught from a spark from the kitchen stove igniting in the gable end, near a win- dow, aud worked its way up the sid- ing as nothing could be seen of the fire from the outside save the smoke which escaped through the crevices. Noth- ing whatever could be seen of the fire or smoke from the inside. The chim- ney on that end of the. house had not been in use for years. Mr. Guenthner's furniture and clothing were somewhat damaged by the water. The loss on the building was fully covered by in- surance. line, has sold his flue eeerel delver to a ge tlete a n Tu c kersie tie —m ;reel Bechler perehased eine Ores; Of land Qn the Babylon line froin Wire. MO. P. s. Faust hes. recovered treat herrecent illness. -tOite trustees have hist:Med tine Pew emulate)! in one publie school,—Mester Theodore Fos- ter, soli of Mr. Logis Foster, who: has been quite ill, is reeovering.aaThe $on of Mr, Masse, Of St, ,Toseph Who unt derweet critioal opeitat'ion a, few days ego, progressint; favorably.— Rey- E. Schuelker who has been ill, is recovering, —Mr. J. H. Beat,Son, who has been 111,111,1g,er. of the $ov erei gti Bank bere:NVIll lettV e 'shortly. .:He :will he sticeeeded by Mr, Peffer, of ,Milvert ton. --Mrs Ed gs .itla gel, who. lies been in the employ of Mr. D. S. Faust for some thne,.severeel hie coeneetion with thet establishreent, aled Will, it is said, engiere with Mr J, D, : Mernee.—Mr. JtitulSehitfer who has Coen conduct- ing the lintch'ering businese in too for the peet three years; has disposed of the:eel:lie te•Mie Harry Yeeghlut.— Mr, Daniel gOehler has purchased the barber business of Me. Hare nees. Mr. Keehler le:Wniug tbe business and bias engaged Mr. Harness far a theme -Tether eyed-11°1mm, Who bas been pastor of Drysdale Parish for the past few years,, left last Week for. Aig Point, where he assemes charge of a large congregation.—Miss • Clara Sureeus Ints returned from Saginaw, Mich. Parkhill Wrn. Munro, of Brandon, Man, is visiting his parents here. His friend, Mr. Kilpatrick, accompanied him here and is a visitor at his home.—Mr. and Mrs. Win.Dawson spent a few days in Bay City daring the week. While there they attended the wedding of it relative.—Mr. and Mrs. John ltIcRob- erts itttended the funeral of .the late Charles Harris at Brinsley on Thurs- day.—Mr. and Mrs. Earle, Who have been spending part( of their honey- moon with friends here, left last week for their home in Brandon, Man.—Mr. Wm. Ritchie. who has been ill with plenrissi for a couple of weeks, is re- covering.—Mr. Wm. Rehder received Word a, few days ago. from Wapaha, Man., informing him of the death of Mrs. Joseph Robinson. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Rehder and daughter of the late Rieha.rd Mothers, of McGil- livray. She was aged 42 years. —M iss Kate Leonard left last week for Brown City, Mich.. where she intends remain- ing for some time,—There died at her home in the south end of the town, on Saturday, Mrs. Murdock Johnston, aged 82 years. The deceased lived a great many years on the Centre Road before moving to town. --john Sample who leftbere for Maryland, Virginia, few weeks ago, met with a series of accidents and delays. Enroute e.outh, the train on which he was a passenger became mixed up In it collision and he was badly shaken up, so badly that he was advised to return lsorne. On this letter journey be was snowbound in New York state for 36 hones and ar- rived here ou Wednesday. He has re- covered froni the effects of his him with a handsome paw of field Thos. Preste who lia,s been. itt hts glasses, aceompanied:by an address. home in 1VIceillivray, has resumed his Mr. Rorke, who was visibly affected studies at the High S'ahoolliere.—Mrs. by the expressions of reg,ard contained D. Munroe met with a serious accident in the address and by the presentation at her home a few days ago. She was made a suitable reply. Mr. Rorke is a descending :the ateps at the hack of the good citizim and it hearty sympathizer house when she slipped and fell,larea k - with all good work.e, Heis a staunch ing her arm in two places.—John C. tors, Messrs. Norris and Passmore, wt re re-elected and Mi. 'W. B. Beavers 'was Appointed sectetary-creasurer. 'Hereafter two-thirds the 'value of ani- mals destroyed by fire or lightning vvill be allowed and this includes tlie loss of any animal getting killed with- in a radius of twenty miles of the own- ers house. Goderich : On Monday morning Joseph Craven, a prisoner in the coun- ty died in that institution from Bright's disease. The deceased who - was nearly 80, entered the jail in Sep- tember, 1902, on it cherge of vagrancy. He was discharged in the spring of 1903, and re-committed in September, from which time he had been suffering from the complaint, but for the last two months, during which he had been wider close medical supervision, he had gradually faded away. teacher. The vacanews which his de- parture makes will be hard to fill. Mt-. Rorke left Thursday for Meaford to enter upon his new duties. Mrs. Rorke and the boys will spend it 'few weeks in Mt. Forest. We are all sor- ry to lose this estimable famtly but hope they will find Meaford a pleasant and profitable place in which to live. ACCIDENTS.—Joshua Pearen met with it somewhat painful aceident to his left hand ten days ago, whereby the third and fou rth fi tigers And part of the palm was badly squeezed.—Nurse Connolly, at the hospital, suffered a painful injury Tuesday evening. She was preparing something on the ra age and, not cooking as fast as it might started for the basement to get some old shingles, but in her hurry she old- cleetly missed her footing. and fell down the steirtvay, spraining her "rtnkle. " Pluckily she climbed to the top of the cellar stithei and summoned assistance, when she was caeried to her BiliOUS ? room and the injured ineeiber attend- nizzry? Headache? Pain grabbed ti hold Of the press side of feed ed to.—Wellie McCool of the New Era while feeding one of the presses back o your eves? It's your and not realizing thatthe"Inov. gdclime close proximity to the •U Use Ayer's Pills. ,d' Aoat in its nmverneets, had his nng- fl I11 bl .....ent laxative; a vegeta e. era badly punned,— On Taesday meats of eon fining her to lied for the remaitalee of her days on earth. In tonse unecconntable way she slipped, end in falling, broke the hip holm. Al- t hough everything is (lobe to amelior- ate' her ,suffering yet she is not free from path, aio.Ayaroo., very larpentable accident happened to Sold or 60 years. 1,6wonsma... Ales. Dmsley which will likely be the Fraser, of Lanaon, who has been firing on the G.T.R. with headquarters at the tunnel, arrived home last week, havieg resigned bis position. ---Betsy Cameron, an aged woman, *hose home was in the south end of the town, died at the borne of R. Monk, Chaelestowta on Wednesday afternoon. She fell on the street a, couple of weeks ago and the shock no doubt hastened the end. Botaitit EXPLODES.—The town of Parkhill was settling down for the night Wednesday when the whole pop - niece were suddenly startled from their homes by a terrific report, accompan- ied by the breaking of glass in a ma-, jority of the houses in the place. In- vestigation showed theethe boiler at the Harrison grist mills had exploded. The explosion had completely destroy- ed the boiler and engine house, bed torn the west end Out of the two story brick mill, had demolished a driving shed, and had severely; damaged the story-andeahalf building occupied as woolleri null a few yards a way. The eceiie of the explosion was visited by tiondreds of people Thursdny, and the fortunate' fact that no one was in or about the mill at the time was cote - merited (mole with keen satisfaction. For deepite the great damage done by the explosion no one was injured. The boiler Was An old one, but a new en- gine had been installed. The cause of the explosion is not known. Tt, is stip- posed by some that when the mill was shut down for the clay- the steam had risen until it WA beyond the capacity of the boiler. The loss to the woollen Mills will be several hundred dollars. while that to the flour mill will run iii - to a couple or three thousand dollars. The grist mill helonge to the Harrison estate, John Hamilton beitig the head miller, • The woollen mill is owned by Neil Mathewson, Want your moustache or eard beautifisi hroVvn or rich black/ Utte BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rillost. 1 X tIALtai tnikiEVA. Ansa Craig APEOINTED MAN -41031R 0A.1,IPIIIIILL- FORD.—His many friends 'here wilt re- gret to learn that Mr. T. E, Bell, the popular manager of the Staudard Bank is about to be removed from out midst, having been transferred to the Oamphelltord branch, in which town he acted as teller for a number of years. While we 'realize that this means a promotion for Mr, Bell and an increase in his salary, yet we feel loath to lose him. He has been a • good. citizen, looking always to the advancement of the town's interest. During his stay of about a year and a half with us as manager of the loottl bank he has made for himself a host .of friends. He left to take charge at Campbellford and we wish him every success 113 his new field of labor and extend to him our hearth est congratulations. It is not yet known who will be appointed to the vacancy here. DEATH 05' MRS. THOS. BOWMAN. -013 Saturday morning, the 6th inst., An - me Minerva Faulder, beloved wife of Mr. Thos. Bowman, passed away at their home on the townline, just west of the village, after it Very briefillness. Deceased, who was a daughter of Jos. N. Faultier, Ilth con. McGillivray, was born hi 1882. She was brought up in McGillivray, being married from her father's home there in 1899 to Thomas Bowman of Ailsa Craig. Since then she has resided in this vicinity. Her death came as a great shock to her many friends and she will be greatly missed as she had ever a smile and kind word for everyone. She leaves her husband and one little son, Russell to mourn the 'toss of a lovieg and faith- ful wife and kind mother. Mrs. Thos. Austin, of Sarnia, is a sister. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Bowman in his grevious loss: CRAIG -WIN AND LOSE. —On Wednes- day night Ailsa Craig went to Clinton, and administered to the Clinton hoc- key team their first defeat of the sea- son in EL fast, clean genie by the score of 7 to 4. The Craig 7 were defeated inExeter by 7 to 5 on Thursday night. Ailsa Craig team lined up as follows: --Goal, W. Alexander; point, D. Mc- Lean; cover point. H. W. Morgan; for- wards, B. 'White, P. Parker, A. White lind O. Alexander. Deleware plays in acesicsiesesseezieciec44-'sese5ieeesesvesez•isieeegiee4e*szeociefit Ailsa Craig on 'Weduesdayn ight, Feb. tit Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup Bronchitis, Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria CRSSOLENt IS A BOON TO ASTiiiNATIOS Cintsolmso ISO long. established mid standard remedy for the diseases indicated, It cures because the air rendered strongly antiSeptie Is Carried over the diseased surfaces •• of the bronchial tubes with every breath, giving prolonged and eonstant treatment. These 05 it corismaptive tendency, or sufferers from chrome etoneettis, find immediate relief from coughs or inflamed conditions of the throat. Desoriptiva booklet free. MILES oo,, 10511, Notre Panic 65., elontreaa Canitiliab Agents Cresolene .illseptic Tablets dissolved in taut month are eff'octive and safe for coughs and irritation of the throve. Itle a box. ALL lidtilOGliSTS 551 fAVTA1.1; 10 tee r'Mle 66I CURED bliTEIOUT CUTTEIC), rilF,':73 OE LOSS Or TgMla No matter how lonr you have suffored or betbarotisly you have. been treated by surgeons, by cutting, stret g aat eerie:lee •we 0511 70110 l'iVC'ti'OtS OUt' ME ridoD of cericre it. Our t eatmeti t original wl a 30 yeara' experience in t he re s.nrcial d isease a. The stricture the canal is painlessly absorbed and hence moved f vrcver. Any d:scharge, 'which often ac.. companies stricture, disaprears, the inflamed ratriace 14 healed up, all scalding end berning sensations cease; the Xidneys and Madder become strene oriti al, the sexual organa reFain vigor r nd vitality and the patient feelo OA life were worth livteg. cases aro treated under POSITIVE' GUA.R41,1: 1YELS 'CR iria Mrs 144 Nv maTrior) TH'EA.TMTaltZ.-n will cure 7s-05, and, maks a mac of you. Hader ita influence the brain becomea active, the biota paritiec eri that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal op; the nerves become strong? as steel, so that nervousness, basttfulnesa and despoadency dizappear,• the oyes hem .= bright, the face 510 and clear, energy returns to tit.: body, anti the moral, physical; nd sexual ,z1 systems are invigoratt a; ail dceins ceave—bo wore wastn front the syt.tem. The various organs become natural and r f-ei yourself a 1," *1 vuti knew 74, marriage cannot lo a failure. We invi te the n.filicted to eonrult tin conflilea ,4 and free ( 5 chlrite. Don't let c,pmeks end fakirs rob you of your ittrti-caim.N1 dounrs. W17,‘ Yot, OP. 1:0 PAY. We trent arid b-ro N F.VVOLTS IrED [Ty, stBriTAT., WEA.17.NWAS, EMI& SioNS, RYPurras, STizieTt-ny, KIDNY and BIADDER DISE a.SZ5, cad tin diseases peculiar raeu and, weincs. Oi3AfaUL'farL'iDS2 FRE -E, (Ilhistrated), 4^. r"7-977:RWW5,5W7,17.-W-4,27,,k,Tirr g, eitte It tumble to Call, write for astif.o.l1 .0!".7!1:!2: for E.Y730 t'N • C7“_-; " "rfr RS. El 6 ig Et.1.34 F48 Sligalv Eg.!, DETZ-2011T, MOM .2 Qnr IS n rclitfritt. rigimitt iSzcartraty. ^0. • 3.3Nc. usiness riticiples Farmiqg A farmer should have just as careful a business training as a merchant, banker, manufacturer, or any other business man. Should understand all the intricacies of financing; knatv how to estimate accurately, work out interest and discounts, keep books, etc. A course in the Forest City Business and Shorthand. College includes all these studies—are -weight by a thoroughly competent staff of experienced teachers. Every student must pass an examination prepared by staff of qualified examiners before receiving his or her Diploma. Booklet fully explains courses, costs, etc., FILEE for a postal. fCsoCe J. W. WESTERVELT, FMK, • • si;Orri ..1 •• • •N,_ Y. M. C.A. BUILDING, LONDON. azilalaraaripaidleataleriandone•Vall, night, Feb. 190. ' VAR1 CEL 17th, and Clinton plays here on Friday et Desperado Shot at London "Shorty Billy," one of the worse CURED TO STAY CURED. 411 Varicocele impairs vitality and destroys the elements of ; manhood. Surgical means should not be employed to treat pal tbis complaint, as operations always weaken the parts. We daily prove by successful results that Varicocele can. be cured tit without operation. Instead of maiming and mutilating the go desperadoes who have ever come this ,..(14 way, was shot and almost, instantly tri organs, our VITALIZED TREA rIVIENT strengthens the parts, ?A • removes all pain or aching, restores the circulation, reduces rri, the swelling, vitalizes the nerves nod establishes the vigor of (Et manhood. Our treatment is the result of so years' experience. You feel its magic influence during the first week. killed in London. Tuesday afternoon. His companion in crime, it men who (1) , te goes by the appellation of "Texas,' ' We cure Blood and Skin Diseases, Strictures, Varicocele, and who is known to the polios by no It riervous -Debility, Prostatio Troubles, Chronic, Kldney, Urinary ft - with burglary. et Question List Sent Sealed For Home Treatment. flg R. 5 INNEN GO. DR.SPINNEY, Founder of PAY WHEN CURED. RI Dr. Spinney & CO. and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. Books Free. other natne, is under arrest, Charged The shooting waedone by Detectives if; Thomas Nickle and flobert Egletou. Which of the officer$ actually fired the lec • The Old Reliable Specialists. fatal shot will probably never he et known. since both .fired at the sameTROIT, fkriiCH. moment. There are two bullet wounds fy, 290 WOODWARD AVE.,Alf ip the body, but there is quite a pOSSI vitz..31,35%vossIsas,Da9asaassissacsasaa.:3assies•aaaaais, bility that both were made by the (me eatt-- bullet. A poet-rnortem will reveal the Pact. It quite by else nee that the de- teetives came across such big and den- gerous quarry. They were engaged in looking after a matter that gave them a good deal of concern, but never be - fere bad they so much as betted of "Shotty Billy," and "Texas" was a fugitive from •crime not supposed to he in these parts. But as luck would have it the detectives were prepared for trouble, else the story to be told here would probably he that of the denth of two more of Loindon's faith- ful officers tit, the hands .of roving thugs. it is, one of the ttrifortuMite wretehes lies a, corpse at Smith's no- derteking Wareroorns Durglas streeteand the other sits a lone prison- er in the eteel cege at the pollee sta- tion, nursing wounds on hip face and head that anist be paSnful physically, and that no doubt convey even more painful memories. The prospect he - for ti him is one of long. inaprovetnent. .1.,,,,,,,,rewfv•:W411•04,41‘41110#0,4 ,4 ge. *) % ItYIS '' r it 411110,1 itirlek`efir4i).'"'""."' aro/ 1 Itilk Deserve yeer eon*. • dance. Theyhavenever s failed—won't tall now. 1904 Peed Annual Sold by all de, tilers, postpaid, free. , O. M. PERRY it 00i I Windsor, Ont. LATEST IMPROVED COLUMBIA RAPH BOYS AND GIRLS -- Send us your name and address (no money) and we will mail you, pre paid, 4.5 packages of our Ideal Mix- ture of Sweet Pea Seed. Sell these for us, return the money, and we will send you this beautiful little Talking Machine FREE. If you do not sell packages, return them to us—the try costs you nothing. . We make this offer solely to advertise our seeds— 50 t to sell the Graph°. phon 5. Write at once fin de- seriptieu Sf Graph°. phone ,atul fun details. If you want our Seed Ca- talogue, ask to it. 3Dsstrola. efe trutrriber, Soodarnon to tho Canadian Liciors.cioota, 401E41110100101 When writing, tiddress Depertment J -T, to secure prompt, reply. home of the bride's mother, Mrs. W. 3. Wedeworth. The beide wore A sty- lisli toe of navy Mite ceinels' cloth, White silk bodice and a lame navy blue pict ole bat. The young cooplo unattended and the guests were conr`f fined to the most intimate friends aria relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Collins have of Lucan. rhe ceremony sets Ipert taken op thetryesidenee 0411 p1tific formed by the Rev..I.AlcMillatil c,f Ave. Mrs, Collins Was for sorne time Andrews Presbyterian church, at the a Sttotessfill teacher of Smith's Fan& Litcao NIA Want) IN W—Au event of einith tnterest to maily here took plate in Winnipeg on Weil noscilty,3An. 20, when M lee M :Ley 4., danghter of Mr, D. A. W ads w melt, of Smith's Fdis, wee united ji mania gr' with Me, Frank Caine; of Winnipeg, fornietly