Exeter Advocate, 1904-2-18, Page 3TRS GRSP AGAIN,
A Suggestion as to,How to Guard
A.gaiust the Trouble and. Its
Pernicious After Effects,
Every winter influel'rza, or as it is
more generally known, the grip wales
its appearance in Canada. Every
few years it spreads and assumes
alarming proportions, From all
appearances this is one of the years
in which it will seize upon a great
number of victims, foe; every day
new eases are reported. as it., scar-
let and typhoid fever, the flier ef-
fects are often worse than t'ue dis-
ease itself. The sufierer is left with
EL debilitated system, shart of breath'
upon the s'lightes't exertion, subject
to headache and heart palpitation,
affected by every thence ' in t -he
weather, and in a physical condition
to invite the attack of more eeelous
diseases, such as pneumonia and
A 'timely suggestion as to bow to
enable the system to resist the in-
roads of thegrip and its after el-
leets, is Given by lip's. Emma Done
eett, St. Eulalie, GZue., who seas
"I had an attack of the grip which
left' mo a sufferer from headache,
pains in. the stomach red laner:II
weakness, I used several medicines
but found nothiei'g: to help me until i
began. to take :Dr. Williams Pink
Pills. When 1 began to, take tbese
pills;I was very much run down and
very ,weak, but they soon began to
help me, and after using thein a few.
weeks I was not only as well as ever
but had gained in flesh as well. I.
can hardly tell you how pleased t
aur with Dr, 'Williams Pink Dills.
for T was feeling very hopeless when
I began their use."
These pills euro by making new,
rich red blood, thus strongtlieniiif;
every part of the body and enabling
it to throw off disease. You can al-
ways avoid imitations by seeing
that the full name "Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People" is print-
ed on the wrapper around every box.
Solei by all medicine dealers or sent
postpaid at 50 cents a. box or six- for
$2.50 by writing to The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
The Dowager Empress Mario Feo-
'lTorovna •of Russia has provided a
sum of $,55,000 for an object which
will commend itself to humanitar-
ians. It is to be given as rewards
to inventors who devise improve-
ments on the present methods of
dealing with sick and wounded in
the :field.' The competitions, in which
ingenious persons are asked to take
a part, are three in number. They
comprise the best means of finding
and removing the wounded from the
field of actin; the anost convenient
teem of stretcher for conveying the
insured to dressing station's; and the
most effective exams of saving life at
sea. J-.ccording to a statement fury
nisbed by Viscount Knutsford, the
chairman of the Central British )ted
,Cross Committee, the competitions
rare entirely open.
When infants or young children are
restless and cross or peevish it is a
very certain sign that .they are
not well. The mother may not know
just what the trouble is, but she
can depend upon.it the trouble ex-
xits. Give the little one Baby's
Own ''Tablets see how promptly it
will be changed' into a happy, smil-
ing, good natured child. The little
one will sleep soundly and naturally
and the mother will also obtain her
much nedded'rest. Here is the proof
given by Mrs. John E. Ramsay,
Port MiP, P.E.1 , who' says :—"My
baby was cross, restless and 'tid
not sleep well, but after giving him
Baby's Own Tablets he becarne bet-
ter natured, sleeps well and is grow-
ing finely. The Tablets have been a
great blessing to both baby and.
The. Tablets are a prompt and cer-
Iain. cure for such troubles as indi-
gestion, sour stomach, colic, consti
' pation, diarrhoea, simple fevers and
other minor ailments. They always
do gond and cannot possibly harm
the most delicato child. You can
get the Tablets from any medicine
dealer, or 'they' will_ be sent by mall
at 25 conts a box • by w . iting to.
The Dr. Williams'. Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Interesting 'Gossip About Some
Prominent People.
From h'.a youth instil now the Em-
peror of Austria has been a. great
sportsman. go has -just killed his
two thousandth chamois, in Styria.
The German' Emperor has shore
servants in his employ than any
ether monarch. :¢3together they
number more than 8,000, about two-
thirds of them are women.
Miss Julia Neilson, the celebrated plied thousands who are now suffer -
Actress, performed the ceremony of ling as I did can find relief and health
launching the Baltic, the largest as easily and promptly by Grape -
Nuts, If . they only knew what to
do. Sincerely and Fraternally
yours." Name of this prominent
physician furnished by )'ostuan Co,,
Battle Creek, . Mich.
Look in each package for 'a copy of
the famous little book, °The Road to
floating Marine Imonstere thatthe
launch of the Baltic occupied less
than, u minute,
Mr. .S.winleurne, who is reeevering.
from a serious illness, is undoubted-,
ly one of the greatest poets of the
age. Born nearly sixty-seven years
ago, his looks would sug'gest a. de-
cidedly younger neap. This, per-
haps, is accounted for by, Ms levo-
tion to. sea -bathing and long walks
in the country. Be is a on of the
late Adiniral Swinburne, but lras
never moved much in society., always
preferring the quietness of the sea-
side to
ea-side"to the more frivolous life of the
fashionable throngs
It ']s• told of the. late Mt^. , Stowell
Scott, who in tho world of fiction
was Mr. Henry SeftonMei'r'imen,
that his father repressed his literary
ambitions, and the young man had
to publish his earlier efforts under
the pseudonym wltieh subsequently
became so well known. One day the
oldman picked up one of those
books and said, "If you could write
ate well as tbis Seton Merriman, now
it might be worth while going on
witn it," The father : never knew
his son's secret.
Lord Iveagh, who has been enter-
taining the Icing at Elve'slen " hall,
near Thetford, England, is a slight,
delicate -looking man, who, never-
theless, is a very hard worker. He'
knowe every detail of Guinness's
huge brewery business., of which ho
is the head, and was early trained
to ,business habits. Ho has always
been noted for his absence of "side,"
and his half-dozen or so of millions
do not seem to weigh upon him like
the wealth of some plutocrats. In
his Dublin ofliee they used to eay
that while the clerks rang the bell
when. the fire wanted making up, the
head of the firm used to put on the
coals himself.
Queen. Elena's prowess with gun
and rod ie well known, but it is not
so generally known that she is, like
some of our Royalties, an excellent
artist, and owes to the merit of her
drawings her election as a member
of the &,academia di San Luca. Un-
like Queen Margber'ita, her 'daughter-
in-law is not very musical, although
site 'may bo regarded as an accom-
plished musician when compared
with her husband, who resembles his
grandfather in lack of appreciation
of any but the . simplest of strains.
In Italy the King and Queen always
breakfast together at seven o'clock
in the morning, without servants,
the Queen potuble. out the coffee.
The first Labor member in the Isle
of Man House of Keys has just been
elected. • Tom Cormode, the village
blacksmith of Santon, and• now mem-
ber for Peel, is one of the most
famous men in the island:. He has
read -widely to make up for the 'de-
fects of his early education, and now
at forty he is a well-informed man,
with a particularly shrewd grasp of
Manx national affairs: .A. local
preacher with the Primitive Metho-
dists, he is welcomed in all the free
churches of the island, and in the
season the visitors flock to hear him.
His striking originality, his simple
and graphic language, and his vig-
orous delivery make him a platform
and pulpit orator of real power.
Sir William, Huggins, the President
of the Royal Society, is happy in
having for his wife a lady of rare in-
tellectual power, who has been able
to give him the most invaluable as-
sistance in his work as an astrono-
mer. Lady Huggins, who had no
teacher, no friend to help her .in her
studies, started practical astronomy
at the age of ten, and with the aid
of a small telescope began malting
systematic observations of sun
spots. Alone she used to sally forth
into the garden at eaght with a dark
lantern and a stellar atlas to learn
the names of the constellations, and
alone she mastered the first princi-
ples of 'astronomy, of which she is
now a distinguished.. exponent.
Found the Food that Saved His
A good old family physician with
a life time experience in - saving peo-
ple finally found himself sick unto
death. '
Medicines failed and—but let him
tell his own story. "For the first
time in my life of 61 years. .1 am im-
pelled to publicly testify to the value
of a largely advertised akicle and I.
certainly, would -not, pen these lines
except that, what seems to me a di-
rect act of Providence, saved my life
and I am impressed that it is a
bounden duty to make it known.
"For 3 year's I kept failing with
stomach and liver 'disorders until I
was reduced 70 Ib. from my normal
weight. When .1 got too low to.
treat myself, 3 of niy associate phy-
sicians advised Inc to 'put any house
in order' for I would be quickly go-
ing the way of all mankind. Just
about that time I was put' oda diet
of Grape -Nuts predigested food. Cur-
iously enough it quickly began to
build me up, appetite returned and in
15 days T. gained 6 lb, That started
my return to health and really saved
my life,
"A, physician is naturally prejudic-
ed against wr•itieg such a letter, but
in this case 1 am willing to declare
it from the housetops that the multi-
ship in the world, at Belfast, the
ether day. She had simply to open
a hydraulic valve, the act releasing
the great ship from the stocks. So
perfect now are the arrangements for
The harder you cough, the worse
the cough gets.;
i TPI Lung
ure Tonic
is guaranteed to cure. If !t
doesn't benefit you, the druggist
will give you your money back,
Prices: S. C. Wsnte & Co. Net
f3c. iso. fi •.ef±oy. N. Y„ Toronto, Can.
The architect of the neW Union
Station in Washington says ft will
be the most ornate as well as the
largest in the World: The cbst is
Stricken With Bright's Disease,
all Hope of Life Was
Iter Restoration to Health Causes
a Sensation in the Medical
Donors Gave Her Up, But Dodd's
.Kidney Pills Cured Her
C oanpletelyi.
Collingweod, Ont„ Jan. 25.—
(Special).—While Canada stands
aghast at the terrible inroads
Bright's Disease is making en the
ranks of. the brightest and best of
her citizens; while the medical pro-
fession stand helpless before the dread
destroyer of life, Collingwood has
among her .citizens one who knows all
its terrors, who has been carried
down by it till the portals of death
were open to receive her, and who
to -day is a strong, healthy woman-
a woman who knows Bright's Dis-
ease in all its hideousness, but who
fears it not,because she knows its
Mrs. Thomas Adam is this lady's
name, and she has• now been a resi-
dent of Collingwood for a year and a
half. Before that she lived in Btu -k's
Falls, where she is widely known and
Highly respected. Mrs. Adams feels
it her duty to spread the good news
all over Canada, all over the world,
that she has found a cure for
Bright's Disease, and that that cure
is Dodd's Kidney Piiis,
"Yes," she said, when interviewed
regarding her case, "my friends can
tell you how terribly ill I was. My
doctor pronounced it Bright's Dis-
ease and Sciatica, but 1 got no re-
lief from anything he gave pie. It
was Dodd's Kidney Pills that drove
away the terrible disease; raised me
from my bed of suffering, and made
me a well and happy woman.
"I was for years troubled 'with a
pain in my back, at times T would
have ' to keep my bed. In March,
1900,1 got so bad with pains in icy
back and Trip that 1 was more help-
less than an infant, and at timee.
gave up all hope of getting well. T
hacl no power of my back or limbs.
"I was for eight months an inva-
lid, and my sufferings during' that
time were something too terrible for
words to describe. My doctor said
I had Bright's Disease, but he could
clo nothing to give me relief.
"It was then a friend of my hue -
band induced me to try Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills. I had no faith in them,
for I never expected to get better.
But I tried them, and I' thank God
that I did. They brought sue relies
almost from the first, and after tak-
ing throe' boxes I was able to do
lay own work and look after my
"It is three years since I started
using Dodd's Kidney fills, and I
have not had a return of my trouble
since, When T feel a little out of
sorts I just get c, box of Dodd's
Kinney Pills, acid they drive all the
pains away."
It is needless to Say Mrs. Adams'
friends all use Dodd's Kidney Pills.
'1`liey find that a remedy that icures
'fright's Disease easily disposes of
all the, earlier stages of Kidney, com-
They have a curious way of utiliz-
ing wives and daughters in some
parts of India. If a man wants
money he puts these members of his
establishment in pawn, and his cre-
ditor detains them until the debt
is discharged, The custom varies
in different localities.. In Mellore
the.. Yercalls pledge their :daughters
to creditors who may either remarry
them or give them away, and a man
who has;, to go to gaol deposits his
wife with. another, family of her tribe
until his return. In North Arcot
unmarried daughters are frequently
mortgaged, and become the absolute
property, of the holder nn'til Iiquiila-
tion. When looking for faults that need you." Johnny --"I'd rather stand up
correction use a mirror, and not a �+
Professor—"In China criminals are telescope. and tell ,you.
often sentenced to be kept awake un-
til insanity and death result. Now, all in Their Action—iarmelee,
s Veg
Shen all other corn preparations fail, etble
Pills are very mild in their action.
how do you suppose they keep them try iiolloway's Corn Cute. No pain what- They do not, cause griping in the stomach
from falling asleep?" Little Girl ever, and no inconvenience in usiug it. or mese disturbances there as eo many -
(oldest in a small family)—"I expect pills do. Therefore, the most delicate
they give 'em' -a baby to take care Suitor—"Will you give me youranI take fern iteanh et fear o unp Cererl
of.' daughter's hand, sir?" Mr., Candid— resto children withont imposing the pend}-
"Certainly; I shah be very glad to ties which fellow the use of piLLs not so
Shirt waists: and dainty
linen are . made delightfully
clean and fresh with Stan;,
light Soap.
Consumption. of earth as food is
said to be conunon not only in China
but in the Malay archipelago as well
The testimony of many travelers in.
the orient is that the yellow races
a,re especially addicted to the prac-
tice. In Java. and Sumatra the clay
used undergoes a preliminary prepar-
ation for consumption, being mixed
with water, reduced to a paste, and
the sand and other hard substances
removed. The clay is then formed
into small cakes or tablets about as
thiek as a lead pencil and baked in
an iron saucepan. When the
tablet emerges from this process it
resembles a piece of dried, pork. Tho
Javanese frequently eat small figures
roughly' modeled from clay, which
resemble the animals turned out in
par pastry shops.
Sonne curious experiments have
been male at one of the Royal phil-
anthropic institutions in Copenhag-
en, For some years back the sev-
enty boys and girls in the place have
been carefully weighed every 'day in
groups. of fifteen and under. Thereby
it is proved that the children gain
weight mostly in autumn and in the
early part, of December. From that
time till the end of 'April there is
scarcely any increau.'in weight. More
remarkable still, there is a 'diminu-
tion till the end of summer.
One of the remarkable industries of
Paraguay is the preparation of es-
sence of orange leaves. More than
150 years ago the Jesuit priests,
who then ruled that secluded coun-
try, imported orange seeds and
planted groves, which have now be-
come immense forests, filled with
small establishments for extracting
tho essence, which is exported to
France and the United States for use
in soap and perfumery making. It
is aka employed by the natives in
Paraguay as holies ointment and a
hair tonic.
The Bishop of London has had a
happy thought: A few 'days ago he
welcomed as his guests at a dinner
party the several couples whom he
has united in matrimony since he
was preferred to the See of London. •
Each lady was garbed in white, and; "Must I go to school again, mo -
with one or two exceptions, the cos- ther?" "Of course, dear. "Why,
tome was the one the bride wore on another, I heard you tell father last
the day that made her a wife. Very night that I knew a lot too much."
appropriately the gathering closed
with a short service of 1hanksgi.•ing.
An American .showman itas made
an offer of $60 000 for the bed bed
an dU , Order of Chosen Friends
18,233 ..�.«. ..+..... ...1894) ... ... $204,025.
20<17 19 00 ., . .., .. 208.620,-
,4 ..... ..... ,..».�
22,574 1901 ». ...,.., 238,3130..
23,829 . 1902 864,012.
25,000 ... 1903 ,.» .,.«.,«. 400,000..
Apply to the Recorder in your own town, or
Grand Recorder, Hamilton, Ont., or Grand' Organizer; Hamilton, Ont.
dS �+
aa.'arere. eaderieesateerele a'• ace:
OAP$ BE H.010 IN
Pali% Wash Basin% k Pane,
� I
Any Fire' -moles Grocer Dan Supply You.
r: Gt+�+.f•:ts %? nitre -.Jaw 3 �t:':atii'•�i�i Wx Yn`?,A1` w,�H^�:., 1,4+,' �".i ..#Rs'j'.�-tU:.
Jigs —"Did you know Lawyer Rolls It takes Mne tailors to make t
was lying very ill?" Jaggs—"Oh, anan, but only one Christmas to
that is quite a change for him," break him.
Jeggs-"A amigo?" Jags—"Well,
from what I've heard of Lawyer
Rolls, most of his life ho has been
'lying' very well."
Unequal ed—Mr. Tires. 13runt, Tyenll-
inaga, Out., writes;—"I have to thank
you for recommending Dr. '.'Monts'
lealeotric Oil for bleeding piles. 1 was•
troubled wich them for nearly fifteen
years, and tried almost everything I
could hear or thank of. Some of them
would give me temporary relief, but none
would effect a cure. I have eery been
free from 'tire distressieg complaint for
nearly eighteen ino:•ths. Ihope yen will
continue to recommend at.t
Mr. Winks (looking over the pa-
per)—"Cheap Drug and Co. are sell-
ing all sorts of patent medicines at
half-price." Mrs. Winks—"Just our
luck. There isn't anything the mat-
ter with any of us."
Minad's Liniment ment r r Cures Curs, frac
These two desirable quad Scations,pleas-
ant to the ttiste•and at the snare time ef-
fectual, are to be found in Mother Graves'
Worn Exterrnivaror. Children like it.
ding, furniture, and other contents The' man who is really great is
of the Royal bedchamber, just as willing to leave the discovery . of the
they were on the night of the as- ,fact to other people.
sassination of King Alexander and ` IraQueen Drage. of Servia. The Gov- ®Catarrh and Colds [Relieved
10 to 60FAinsates.nne short puff of Or
ermnent has decided to purchase the ' breath throngh the blower suppled with awewhole of the articles, and so prevent
the possibility ofclay . a.,, __ being bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder diffuse:
this powder over the surface of the nasal pass
acquired for show purposes.
How's This
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Uki�lli.Y' t (lo„ 'Toledo, O.
ages. Painless and delightful to use. It relieve.
Instantly, and permanently cures catarrh, ha)
fever, colds, headache, sore throat,' tonsiliti=
and deafness. so cents.—41
"Papa," said Tommy Treadway..
"Now, Tonuny," replied Mr. 'Tread -
We+ the undersigned, have known F. way, "1 shall only answer one more
J,. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly' honorable in all question to -day, so be careful what
business transactions and financially you ask." "Yes, Napa." "Well, go
able to carry out any obligations made on." "Why don't they bury the
by their firth.
:t i• r+ t "'R i; A X, IVholesaN le Druggists, Dead ,Sea?"
�` iCaNNA
7tiAItVIN,,..Wholesale Druggists, 'I°led°,
0. Hall's Catarrh Cum is taken Inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of. the. system. .
Testimonials sent.. free. Trico 75c. per
bottle. Sold' by all druggists.
Hall's family fills are the best,
Toledo O. 111\I,1)I1,iG
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans
with Lover's Dry Soap a powder. It
will remove the grease .with the
greatest ease.
Grandma—"Now, Johnny; sit down
and tell me why your father whipped
non Lusa cures no m Cnua get rid of it, for it's always in my
. • pocket."
eechlees and Paralyzed--
"� I ad valvular disease of the heart
writes Mrs. J, S. Goode, of Truro, N.S.
" I suffered' terribly' and was often speech-
less and partially paralysed, One dose of
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gave me
relief, :tad before I finished one bottle 1
was able to go about. Today 1 am a well
"Them he doesn't want: to be called
the Hon,. Mr. Smith ?"
"No. It's an unpleasant reminder
that he used to be in politics and,
with strangers, it might hurt his re-
For Over Sixty Years
Mis,', WsSsLow'e Sooxnts° slMtir has been used bl
1niilione of blethers for their obildren white teething.
ItbeetheM the child, mama the going. n1!a$3gain pares
brbtran,eclyfor Dierrhms..'rwentyeare eenta,. bottle „
Sold: by druggists theeu(ihout'the world, lie aura ani was
somebody stole nae hat,
tek for" Idea. Wrxer,o`W's Soo'rerxNo Same"
Rambo.—"You're always talking
RIGHT AND WRONG. I about my drinking too much, and
"Don't you think. it is .wrong. for !about whisky being bats for me; and
your busbalii to bet on horse races" 1 all that. Perhaps you don't know
said the prudent woman. 4 i that the scientists have found ottt
"It is, very frequently, answered, there's alcohol in every human.
young` Mrs. Tor/tins. 'The trouble ; body." Baldwin—"These why' can't
is that you can't tell when until af- yon' be satisfied with what you've
ter the • race is run, and then it's i got? What to you want to keep
wefnan "-4a
Mike --"Did ye attind Casey's funer-
al?" Pat--"Oi diel." 1:4.ike—"Was
wt d cellothe Wt.m C i A I sod bowels en ii 1b he I ye wan av' th' moor ee1:5?" Pat--"Oi
n o ,
carefully prepared.
Wife—"You do not speak to me as
affectionately as you used to, George.
I think you bare ceased to love ane."
;kIusbard—"There you 'aro again!
ICeased to love you! Why, I love you.
'better than nay life. Now, just shut
up and let me read my paper."
nervousness and Indigestion
Relieved 9n 30 Minutes.
The Rev., Father Lord, Sr., 7Jfontrecal,
(;anada, says: "1 have been u. sufferer
fur 20 years trona organic heart disease
nervousness and dyspepsla and liave
doctored both in Franco and America,
with but temporary relief 1 tried IJr.
Agaew's Heart. ('ure and was indeed
strrlirised att t11C imntedIstto relic] t oh-
taInccl. . l nm firmly convinced that it
will cure tarry case cif heart disease and
will strengthen the nerves and stom-
Or. Agitates Liver Pills ore the beet. Onty
los for 40 doses,
estimated at $1.5,000,000. • Inside
the structure there will be playing L A w N F E IN
fountains and terraces int the Rain-
style. Among the novel fea' '
titres will 1,e an invalids' room,
where doctors will be in coaebtant at- Iftlestfuctlblid., italtdsonrs, Perfect. Only 20 Oasis per running reef.
teudance, and in addition there will • idapplled; by us or horn dealer'.00
he swimming baths, Turkish baths,
grecs lnortual�y chambers, tut PAGZ' 1fl.L wV$NCIA CO. LL*slhited, «• Wtdkorvilloi Montrinkl, Winnlpsgv St,' John
lard's. LIr brei t Curls 1 h iiaE
The three firms of the United,
States, manufacturing antitoxin
have combined to raise the prices of
the product. Secretary Pritchard, of
the Chicago health department', de»
scribed it as a trust in the tr'ailie of
l:tum.an lives.
They are a Powerful Nervine. Dyspop
sia causes derauaement of the nervous
system, and nervous debility once cugen-
dered is d1111m-dr to deal with. There are
many testimonials as to the efficacy of
Parinelee's Vegetable Pillsin treating
this disorder, showing that they never
fail to produce good results. By giving
proper tone to the digestive organs, they
restore equilibrium to the nerve centres
laoac—"Manama;dais€ said our
bodies are info a machine." Mamma
"Yes, my son, they are_" Jack
"Well, do 1 have to take cod-liver oil
to oil up the machine?"
.1 illard's Liniment Cures 'Mawr('
England's pure. speech mission —the
suppression of bad language— 'oi
which Lord Woisley is head, is car-
rying on an active campaign by
means of public meetings and the
distribution of literature.
Severe colds ars easily eared by the use
of Bickle's .Assts -Consumptive Syrup, 'a
medieine of extraordinary penetrating and
healing properties. It is acknowledged
ey those who have used it as being the
nest medicine sold for coughs, colds, ita
fianinration of the lungs, and all affection
,f the throat and chest. : Its agreeablenes
o the taste makes it a favourite with
,aches and ellildren.
Homer Fox, of Kimball, Va., aged
21, bas died through his blood dry.
ing up. His case is very uncommon
and puzzled all the physicians of thee'`
The Governer's Wife a Prison.
er.—Mrs, L. A. Van Liven is the wife of
the governor of the county jail, Napanoe,
Ont,, and was a great sufferer from rheuma-
tism. When the best doctors in the corn-
munity and "specialists" failed to help her,
she buried her sceptism of proprietary
remedies and purchased South American
Rheumatic Cure. 4 bottles cured "'her. --4s
The use of tea and coffee has been
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