Exeter Advocate, 1904-1-14, Page 8r11W strop lis fsLilA® >aA?#1( &? 1 PERSONAL. r1 ! ' f 1ui's i1stl _ it Is P[81.11 ficourate • Th.7 n canpossi- ble be�4.4 �i.Cr � osi J. ble ault to find wwitli .: lir c ,. ool/anCe if the clothes are a aeasitred ?'Z as exert way. Make ser'iousengeneyabout "Dix ,Agrleunteral Society Mcotiter, :Russ. Ethel Farmer rettuned to Tor- r Treatment" for bad Clolde, Bronchitis, 5 The annual meeting of the Stephen onto Monday, after spending the boll- � lriRtenza, Le Grippe .Coughs and Ca- and Uelior'rxe Agricultuxol E,00iety was doe's with hex parents here. tarrh, at 0, Lutz's Deng ;store, The St hr • 'o� gar me nts we neake rs a suffleieq': gu:lrilntee of first-class work., theI new u up-to-date ll FALL SUITINGS OYLBCOATINGS ANI) PANTINGS ar1'1Ved. Prices away down. W. TAM AN AN J Merchant Tailor. AL LGC DOINGS 'N Akjekj Watford aiid St. Marys tied at St. Marys on Friday night, 5-5. Riches consist not so much in money as in character and friends. Mies, Ida T Dempsey, daughter of Ir, Andrew Dempsey, of Toronto, for ale r- 1yof this place, ryas ,mareied'ast the veeidence of her permits, on Dec, 28, to. 'Liman, Brix L . airH rt n Mr.0.A of J. Mutely, rY Y friends here join in wishinr, e herself and husband. much. happiness. The Council elect for1.004. niet at the town hall on Monday, Jan, 11th, at 11 o'clock and took and subscribed to the different declarations of office in the Presence of the clerk. netrnug-,-. Muir --that council adjonrn to Wed- nesday, Jan. • 13th, at 7,30 p, tn. Glass measuring cups, the handiest things in Charlton's Fair. Fresh Roasted Peanuts always in, stock at Oharlton's Fair, Exeter. The Exeter and Watford hockey teams played at Watford last night. 'Godev. E. A. Shaw, of Kippen and Rev. win exchauged pulpits on Sunday. Several hockeyenthusiasts accomp- anied the team to London Friday even- ing. a Messrs Handford & Elliott shipped catload of horses to Winuipeg on Sat- urday. Trying to run business without ad- vertising is like burning a lamp with- out oil. The Huron Presbytery will meet at Clinton on Tuesday, Jan. 19th, at 10:30 o'clock e.m. lir, John Hawksbaw received word on Friday last that his sister, Miss flawlcshew, of Luau, was dangerous- ly ill; sntferjng from a strokeef pav'aly-• sis, Word has since beet) •received that the patient has somewhat im- proved but is still in a low state of health. Mac Vincent and other local talent. as well as Rev. Archdeacon Davis, of. London, and O. H. Merrifield P,H.C,R. of Monctdn, take part in a free enter- tainment in Oddfellows' Hall, Exeter,. en the evening of Friday, Jan, 15th, under auspices of Indepeudent Order` of Foresters. The Junior Hockey team drove to Hensall on Friday night last and play- ed a game of hockey with the team of that village. Good play was 'indulged in by both teams and those ,present were plesed with the game. The number of goals scored was small and when the hour was up stood 4-2 in fa- vor of the home team. Mr. Wm. Trott has recently sold his property on Main street, and is giving up business in town for the present at least. The building south of the post office and occupied by: Mr. D. Hartlieb as a repair shop has been purchased by Mr. Win. Howey,' whose sons will es- tablish ;a drug store on the premises, while the building, in which Mr. Trott has for years carried on a boot and shoe business, has been purchased by Mr. Jonas Hartlieb, of Dashwood. While welcoming Howey Bros. to town, and wishing them suceess`.we hope that Mr. Trott and family will continue to be residents of the village. Bald-headed men have good heads for business -for the manufacturers of hair tonics. If a man has money to burn it is an easy matter for him to find a girl to strike a snatch. • Don't find failt with people whose heads are filled with putty. Remem- ber they emem-ber.they didn't do the lilting. Mrs. F. J. Knight gavea very pretty and cheerful "At Home"to.a number of her friends on Tuesday night last. Don't call a man a fool notwithstand- ing you otwithstanding'you might not fall short of'the truth, hut it would be mighty hard to convince hint of the truth of your statement. There were registered with Division Begistrer of Usborue township for the year 1903, 38 births, 18 males and 20 females; 21 deaths, 10 male and 11 ternarleS; 15 marriages. Several church,sheds in the country surrounding the village are reported to have gone down under the 'weight of snow which has been accumlating; during the past few weeks. Rev. Robert McHardy. evangelist of Toronto, preached in tine James street church on Sunday last and is assisting the pastor at special meetings being held in the church nightly, During the winter months the regu- lar W. 0, T. U. meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each month commencing at 3 o'clock, the next will be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph the 20th. Cobbledre Dont slander the ch.Lracterof a fe- male. Many a noble -hearted young woman to -day rests under a cloud of suspicion because some low-down sneaking unmitigated' scoundrel has told a lie in regard to her conduct. Miss Ida Link, of the Commercial House, met with a painful accident on Wednesday of last week. It appears she was about to close her trunk when in some manner the lid came down on the third finger of the right hand, smashing the finger badly. held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday afternoon of this week. The iimrncralreport was reed by the secretary, Mr. A, G. Dyer,, which showed the Society to be in tirst-class standing and the business.of the year The �c Ld `e Pl e 1 ac d a most satisf:rDtorily G > i 4. , officers and directors for the eneuing year are as follows: -President, Peter McTaggart; let vice-president, Urges Ballantyne; 2nd vice president Jos. Senior; Directors, W. D. Sunders, Ed. Christie, John Hunter, W. D. Weekes, John Moir, John Delbr'idge, John Alli- son, tern. Russell, Win. Elliot. Lamport -malice. A quiet and pretty house wedding. took place at the residence of Mrs. Susan Quanoe, Main street, on Tues- day afternoon at the hoer of 5 o'clock when her eldest daughter, Miss Mary Ellen, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr, Wesley Lamport, son of Mr. James Lamport, a prosper- ous and popular young farmer of Stephen township. There were pres- ent only a few of the immediate rela- tives'of the contracting parties, who were 'unattended nt the alter.. • The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Hannon. The bride was beineti- fully: gowned in a navy blue suit and white silk waist. Many pretty and useful presents were received. After a wedding supper the happy couple drove to their future house south of Crediton, amid the congratulations and well wisheses of their n ,umer ic as friends with whom the Advocate heartily joins. Brantford Courier: -"A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr. E. H. Dyer, of 29 Murray street, it being the celebration of ;Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Dyer's twentieth year of wedded life, or their china wedding. Amongst the guests from a distance were A. G. Dyer and daughter, Carrie, of Exet'er,, Ont., -Dr's and Mrs. R. H. Steinbach, of Richville, Mich., Mrs. G. Baldwin and son Freddie, of Seaforth, Ont., Miss Mary Fisher of Exeter, and Miss. Beatrice Steinbach` of Zurich, Ont., beside many friends of this city. A; great many pretty and valuable gifts were presented the host and hostess." Mr. and Mrs. Dyer's many friends liege. will join in wishing them many happy, returns of the occasion. ' Farmers and roadmen generally are respectfully solicited to assist in keep- ing the roe -de -in the best possible con- dition during the 'winter season by taking, whenever practicable on all: main roads, the right half of the cen- tre track immediatelafter it is open- ed, thus preserving 'throughout the season a uniforinly solid roadbed, ',of practically three' . tracks width and making possible greater security and more rapid travel. is is also urged that. where -such roads are held to be too badly drifted that bees be organ- ized toplace them in such a condition as will adinit of this suggestion being thoroughly tested during ,the present season with a view to its general adop- tion with the succeeding' Anter. Ex- changes plea§e copy. Wood, Wanted: 200 cords of soft wood; :green -or dry. At the Exeter Woollen .Mills., • One day last week Harley Sanders, of Stephen, sustained quite a painful injury to his head by being struck with a piece of ice thrown" in fun by his brother Charles. The wound was quite deep and lengthy and several stitches were required to close it. 1I C CD= i. Death oP Hrs. Kerslake. Death on Wednesday of this week invaded. the borne of Mr. John Kers- lake, London Road so.lth,aud removed from their • midst his beloved wife at the age of 57yeers, 6 months ancl 29 days. The deceased has been in de- clining'health for several months, con- sequently her death was not unexpect- ed. About nine months :,ago Mrs, Kerslake underwent, an operation for the removal of a cancer from, which she never recovered, and coupled with other diseases,gradually sank until the vital cord was snapped. Deceased was highly respected as afriend and neigh- bor and her death will be one of•deep regret in the neighborhood. She was a daughter of Mr. Chas. Rowe of town and leaves to mourn her demise a sor- rowing husband. one son and four daughters,who will have the profound sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement. The funeral will take place to the Exeter cemetery on Saturday at 2 o'clock. Lost. - - a sura • On Thursday, Dec. 24, all -leather pocket -book, containing a suni of money. Finder will be rewarded on Ieaving same with Silas HA,NDFoRn. Farmers' Institute. Meetings are to be held in Exeter: and Brucefield, on • Jitnuatry 15th and 16th, 1904. The delegates are W. S. Fraser, Esq., of Bradford; .and Erland Lee. Esq., of, Stoney Creek. Subjects of interest to all will he discussed,' The services of the noted singer, Miss Anna Beckett, Detroit, have been se - red' for the eveningmeeting in Ex- eter. A lady speaker will also address the several meetings and ladies are cordially invited to attend and assist in making the meeting successful. See large bills. Thomas Fraser, Esq., President, Brucefield; S. Smile, Esq., Secretary, Hensall. about' answers to Invitations Many persons are ignorant on the points of etiquette that relate to the answering of invitations. Frequently on account.of uncertainty as to the proper time or wording of a reply one is made to appear rude, when such was far from the intention. Like all the prescribed forms of good manners, these' are based on the principles ot courtesy and considerateness toward others. The rules are simple, but in certain details invariable, and anyone who wishes to move in good circles must thoroughly ''understand them. In the DEL1Ni ATon'for February there is an article on the subject that can be consulted with entire confidence as to its reliability. Etfterington-Saxton. The following from the Free Press' of Saturday has reference to a former resident of Usborne, and a son of Mr. Stephen Etherington, of Usborne. This week.. the home of Mr. F. Sax. ton, 410 Lafayette- avenue, Detroit, Mich., was the scene of a very fashion- able wedding, when his eldest daugh- ter, Florence Louise; became the happy bride of IJerbert Seymour Ethering- ton; a prosperous chemist and druggist of Chicago, both former Londoners. The ceremony was performed by Bev. Blackford, of Detroit. The beide, who was handsomely attired, ;was given away by her father, and Miss Laura, sister of the bride, made a dainty little flower girl. The predoininetiog col - Ors, which made a very pretty effect,. were pale blue and white. After a sumptionis.`tvedding breakfast, Mr. end hire. Etheringtou left amid showers of rice and cengratuletions for London, Sts' thc, aro th(, Lie of where the° ar tv ct y €, grooan's sister, Mrs, L. L. '1 alpor, 521) Talbot street, before leaving for their future home in Chicago. A megnifi- cent collection of gifts testified to the popularity and high esteem in which bride and groom are held," • Now is the time to prepare for the cold and: inclement weather; Prepare for it, by ordering a snit from us --the very best art low prices. AN OVE O. w,i11 iutereetyon about now and we can give you the )latestlatest in • a "Chesterfield" or Double- breasted Overcoae. in a Tweed, a Beaver or a Cheviot. Lowest t Prices Perfect PittingliaarlatMairaMilsaiamiNallamiara WJ ELO • T A I L O lir 0prio:t,Ito alit Exeter 1?osis:t7tiace Mrs. Ranson is confined to her bed with a serious attack of illness ;aud is not calacced to recover. Miss 1Xyre Pickard, ,who_ bas been visiting friends in town, returned to bee. home Loud o Sat a c t y Mr, F. E. Karn has been. confined to his bed during the past week, because of a severe colt], 'leis improving. Miss Georgina Knight, after a few weeks' visit, with friends in town, re- turned to her home in Inlet ten Wed- nesday. Miss Olive Hooper returned to Lon- don Monday, after spending a couple of days with her aunt, Mrs. W. G. Bissett. Miss Nellie Davidson, of London, ar- rived here Tuesday night and will visit friends for .a few days, the guest of Mrs. Thos Oke. Sant whcx°,has been ou a two weeks' visit to his sister, Mrs. Esli Heywood; returned to his home in Crediton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Spacknnan, who. have been on' a few weeks .visit with friends in Talbotville and St. Thomas, returned home, Th irsday. Miss Clara Vosper was confined to the house on Monday because of se- vere cold. There Wee 00 teaching, in her goon as a consequence. Mr. Jos. Smith,, of Detroit, arrived here ou Tuesday evening and will spend a few days with friends in town,n , the guest of Mrs. Pen. Sanders, Herb Ford, the Devons' star cover - point hockey player, is laid up with a severe attack of la grippe end will be time. thegame for a in i to unalle Mrs. Richard Penhale and family and. Miss Annie Hicks left Saturday .for Toronto, where they joined Mr. Pen - hale, who left .last week With their household effects. Mr. S, Powell and son, Willis, .have returned from their visit to friends in St. Thomas. Miss Etta Kitson accom- panied them and will remain here for a couple of months, Hockey. :The Exeter hockey team and the St. Johns A. C. of London played a good game of hockey in London- on Friday night, resulting in --favor, of the home team by a score of 5 t 1. While there was nothing of a brilliant nature about the game both teams put up a very good article. The • score looks as though the ,ggamewas somewhat of a runaway for London but such was. not the case as the visitors kept'thernhust- ling all the. time.: It must be reurem- tiered that the London rink:is:mtach larger than the Exeter rink and that facthandicapped the Devons. .J i he visitors were on strange,ce, in a.rink of a much-letrger .size than they, have been used to, and this must be coneid- ered in , judging the respective quits of the two teams. The 'work ,of the St. Johns' forwards was better than that of their forward opponentsebut the work of the Exeter defence wa's ex- cellent. The score at half time. was 2=1. andthe game was anybody's up to' that time. In the second half the staying` powers and superior work of the ' home forward line was clearly shown and they scored three goals. Some of the London players are feet and: the slowest was not Frank Taylor, an old Exeter boy, who played goal for London. He stopped many good ones. When the home game is played here, on Jan. 26, the Devons will have a dis- tinct ` advantage because of being on familiar ice and a smaller sheet. The following is the line up:—Exeter—gaol Myers; point, Ross; cover point, Ford;- right wing, Hawkshaw; center, Hic- key; rover Bawden; left wing New- combe. St. John's -Goal, Taylor; point O'Malley; cover point, Thompson; right wing, James; center, McMahen; rover, Casselman left wing,, Woolley. Mr. Jack Brown, who refereed splen- didly, was struck on the nose and slightly hurt in the last half. E. W. Borne was in Stratford Mon- day night. Miss Mable Kemp is visiting friends in Seaforth. Davidliaylow returned to his home in Oriel on Tuesday. Miss Addie Taylor of Brewster 10 visiting friends in town. Mrs. T. Creech and Mrs. P. Robert- son are visiting in Hensall, I'1iss Roxie Eacxett returned to' Brantford Monday morning. Mr. Tilos. Handford left on Monday. for Winnipeg on business. Mrs. Johns, who has been quite ill for several days, is recovering. Mrs. John.Hawkshaw left Saturday to visit friends in McGillivray. Miss Merle Gould is On an extended visit to friends in Brown City, Mich. Master Young Creech is visiting in Zurich, the guest of his grandmother,. Mr. J. A. Stewart has been confined to his lied for several drays! through ill- ness, W. Nelson, after a few days' visit with friends here, returned to the Soo last week. Misses Florence and 11 a Carlin]; are visiting their sister, Mrs. R, Elliott in Norwich. Mr. Thos. Prior who has been confin- ed,to bis bell for seVeral days Lb'oragh illness, is improving. Me. Thos. Elston, svho baslbeen visit ing here' for seveval weeks, "left Friday for Muskegon, Mich. Mr. Win. May, of Mitchell. is in town looking rites, the interests of the Mound Life of Canada. Mrs. Geo. IT. Bissett has returned from apleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. W. Down, of London, Mrs. ra, A., .Rossepent n few days in Clinton during the weele, being called there owing to the illness of her claa ngh- ter-indart', Mrs. Win, Ross. Mrs. Thos. Russell, of Saginaw Mich., who has been on a; visit to her mother, Mrs. Stonehouse, at Belgrave, spent Wednesday and Thursday with her sister, Mrs. C. Birney, en route for her home, Mrs. Piper left here Monday for Lon- don to visit her daughter, Lon, :'who' underwent a ' surgical . operation on Saturday last for an internal trouble. This is the third operation Miss Piper has undergone within six months. Brinsley. - •'- Mrs. Wesley Bice, of London, is very low at the home of her mother, Mrs. Row.—Miss Maggie Gilbert is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Rich. Carter.—A number of young people spent a pleas- ant time at the home of Mr. Moses Pierce one evening hast week.—We are sorry to learn that Mr. Wm. Windsor still continues very low.:—The Bishop will confirm a large class of young people at St. Marys church on Sunday,. Jan: 24th.—Messrs. Lester Lewis and Linwood Lee are busy cutting ice. Sarepta Elder Bennett arrived at Mr. Gray's last week and is now conducting meet- ings at Dashwood.—Mr. Russell Bas- tard and Miss Maud Bastard left on Friday for London. The former will attend • college for the winter in that city. Russell will be missed.—Mr. W. W. Walper of Exeter North- spent Sunday with D. ,Schroder.—Mr. Saru'l Beaver is getting home brick for his new house to be builtnext. summer. We are glad to note that Edgar. Brod- erick is around again. 1 Fliimivi11e DEATH, or ME's. JoHI/s.—On Thurs- day afternoon. 'Jan. 7th," 1904, Eliza Whitlock, beloved wife of Richard Johns, Sr., departed this life at ;her home near here, the funeral taking place to . the Elimville cemetery on Saturday. Rev. W. H. Cooper con- ducted the service and gave a very ap- propriate •and beautiful • talk before leaving the house. Deceased, whose maiden name was Whitlock, was ,born in the Parrish of Langtree, County of, Devon, England, on Nov. 161b, 1823,. and in 1844 was united in marriage to Richard johns. They continued to re- side there' until 1849 when they emi- grated to`Canada :and spent one ear in the township of Pickering, coming in the spring of 1850 to Usborne and settling on Lot 12, Con. 7, where they continued for some thirty-nine years, transforming it from virgin forest to a splendid farm, After retiring from active labor they continued:, to live near the old home which had been so long the scene oftheir labor, toil, trials anditheir triumphs. Mrs. .Tohns was a faithful wife, a good neighbor and en- joyed the respect of all who knew her. Site was the mother of eleven children, and by precept. and example taught them to be truthful and upright in all their dealings. ' "She being dead yet' speaketh." Fox' some months she was a greatsufferer but bore it all with pa- tience and atience,and heroic fortitude and in the. silent watches of the night, when sleet) forsook her eyelids she would tell to those who watched with her of the early days of life in old. England, of the eccentric Billy Bray, of the jour- ney across the ocean which lasted many weary weeks, an] so on down throngh the 80 years, for her memory was clear as ever; but the great reaper crime and took ht,r,'-and she leaves be- hind her ran aged husband with whomi. she ltd spent fifty-nine yearse-yeore full of toil but blessed with success,. three daughters, one in the North- west; Mrs. Thos. Cncl'xxore, of Exeter, and one at home, and six sons, who carried her remains to their last rest- ing place. Five of the sons are feigners within a axile and a half of the old hone; the voungcst son resides fu Ex- eter, The pioneers are nearly golte. --_- "Caawkins always takes his whole feta- tlout with him i t his automobile W1101- wen he goes. W y "' "What for7" "He ii afraid 9f he doesn't be might run over some of them by 2nistake."---N.Y. "Life." "Rather absent-minded, isn't lie?" "Ex- teenxely so, Why, the other night when. he got home he knew there was as seine- thing he wanted to dor but he couldn't remember `vliet it was until he had sat sp over an hour trying to drink" "And lid he finally remember it?" "Yes, he disco-vered that he had wanted to go to ted e lilyee ePhiludelplti.l '"Tress." :,x jobbers and General Dealers, .ur......i+.m s+,.c•pu+o . .w4 +..rw.w.w., . ,,.sae»mo y..,.mw...,,..n•—.,......._.,emr„ww.,r, ,We keep at all times a full and complete Hardware Stock consisting of Shelf and Heav • Hardware, Goal and Wood Stoves, Furnaces, naces Tinware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, -Force and Lift Pumps, Eavetroughing, Etc. Paints, Glass,Oils, Gas and Water Piping and Plumb- ing kinds a specialty. cialt �n +of allp y. L"� ��-;.,..,w.a:.-..,.t"ati,:'.;�-=a•^p`•asi, c:, :a^�-' y -ice+:.: ii1K:;,;�a, SIZISEHEZEMICON FURS!; FURS! FURS! Still a good stock to choose from. . come and.gone,srid our' Although Christmas once more has undercroneagreat holidaselling, Fur Stock.has � Y still there is a good variety to choose from. There will be plenty of Fur Weather ve • andto the many who have not. t, . High Class Furs at Fair Prices alreadybought w e wish to show some - Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, fine even curland: elegant finish, combined with first-class workmanship, at reasonable prices. Fur Ruffs, Caperines, Gauntlets, Caps,: Etc., Etc. In -Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloth Coats we have some good lines to dispose of at Rock Bottom Prices. The Men's Department has some exceptional , values in Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Clothing, Etc. aocmca$arsc celleA eHc:>aregca6c cmc •llreleralk Wishes fora Best Wis �•ur You have,our :ilk Happy Pro�enc erous New Year. pt n,c'Qc"H-Arm-grvrnrigrigrierw'1Tr"Qr'Or'yF'a"Qric'q` is Among our New � ear resolutions one to make the than it has ever been; better. ser- vice,Spackman- Co. a better store , if -possible, better.merchandise. If; you have not and; customer in theenow is the time to been a Spackman _ past, turn over a new leaf. k up -what we advertise. wain this space. e bac E. J. P AC N. Life's a Shor1 Summer! Man's A Flower... why not have the -best when life's so short? Don't listen ]] v. to others. Be convincedY ourself that we carry the BEST ASSORTED STOCK within your reach. Guaranteed tisfa,ction Picture Framing, Etc. � Sa, Furniture and -Undertaking Warerooms, GldleY.s .Block. W. C HUSTON N ■ Practical Embalmer Funeral Director A Happy and Prosperous New Year Ta All c We desire to thank our many customers for their liberal another the threshold of durili� 1903 and on this h e patronage �, • a continuance of their year we res ectfully solicitvalued p favors. We also invite all intending purchasers to call and in - sped our stockp�, before lacing' their orders. We assure them will be spared in ` the future to -that no effort on our: part p servicesmore satisfactory- than ever make our even y ROWE & ATKIN O N urniture Dealers and Undertakers, Exeter,eter, Ont. t. p e a CURED TO STAY CURED. If your blood has been poisoned with any hereditary or se- quitur -1 disease you are never safe until the virus is eradicated from the systeto. Dont trust to family doctors, • patent medi- cines, blood purifiers, mercury and potash, etc. They'willnev- er cure you—though they may help you temporarily. nave you blotclres, eruptions, tutting sons bone pains, itchiness of the r u of the hair, d s pe sic sto ctr, skin, sore throat, falhni,, out , Y 1 p weak heett—We eau cure +ou. YOU CAN PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED, rM ST " is the result of 39 years eerier ce is tl e treatment of thousailds'oflilood Diseases, If we fait in curiae; you, you greed riot pay us a e@tat, on. SPINNEY, We CureNerveus Debility, Blood Diseaasess,varlco" Founder of ceto and Stricture°, (without opera -non), Se),uat weak. br. Spinney do Co. noen,,tiritisry, Kidney Snot 0aeclrtr biormses. CQ�ISULTATI O RI R OOOaturro Ftf tz List o4 ueslions sent for. O F El"e. Q Homo Treatment. DR SPINNEY *c CO 200 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Moto. s Ali Bl' Bt TI Da Ma en, 0h< Mol on est A P ve 101 1. tai on 0 Al, or A Ii to• Dr. 1 fn' lac P0 in t} w fo of at la; if tl, til ry 11 in m gal at 111 m