Exeter Advocate, 1904-1-7, Page 8jII ia:{7l4��1}U fll�i�4f�t1� 11! a1t1rs� U0f10 Fretlij There can be no /ossi- ale fault to find with your ap ea � cl r �f i' , the nee 2 datites are measured It an exert w ay. � Ttare Style or garments we make is a serffIcient guarantee of first-elassvv,erk: AR the new up-to-date FALL SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS "AND PANTINGS arrived, Prices away down, W. W. TAMAN • Merchant Tailor.. "iir �. ea -•q6" saisnrIFvri LOCAL DOINGS. 51 51 January will be a, great fur . wcoat antki tat Steivttrt. Every fur coat tin the store will he offered at . away- iioprices, tvn. School xe-opened on Monday. R. Holmes of the Clinton New Era, has p..txrt:ha.sed the plant of the late ,.forth Stua. ,;.i' The. Exeter hockey team goes *to r.:.",Lorzdozr to play the St. Johns club of Unit city on Friday night. Miss Oora.Foweli most pleasantlyen ter:taaiued ea: goodly number of her friends to a very,pretty `' At Home'_'. on New Year's night.. Matte seriousenquiry about "Dix Treatment" forbad Colds, Bronchitis, Influenza, La Grippe Coughs and Ca- tarrh, at C. Lutz's Drug Store. „A, load of yonth y(nth and beauty of town, n were very pleasantly, entertained at. the house of Me. and Mrs. W. R. El Hatt, Fairfir'ld; on Monday night last. Many >a glad band -shake is given Ed- war Westeutt those days because he has recovered snf6oieaatiy well that be isa.hle to be ont around calling on old Mends: Mr. Jas. 'Westeatt, of Douglas Man., a:fortuer resident of TI'sborne inrenew- g his subscription to the Advocate says;—"We ; are getting'beantifttl win- ter weather, good sleighing and every- thing is prosperous.' A very pleasant evening was spent otthe horns of Mr. and Mrs. ohn.. ]itchell, on Friday evening,. when ' etbaout forty of their relatives ossein. F,aled to greet their son, Mr. Wesley bride arrived on ` hell' a his who Mitchell, and their wedding trip from Grand View, Nan. During the evening they were: resented with a purse of money. . and Mrs. Mitchell intend spending %monthor six weeks among relatives and friends here and in Crediton he - rove reboiling to their future home in the West. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held in the •lib- rary room of the Town Hall, `to-tnor- &nw (Friday) a t 3 o'clock. A full re- port of the . Women's Institute Con- veii-tion, held at Guelph recently, will Fre reel and discussed. A full attend azure is requested to arrange for a spec- fal meeting in connection with the Farmer's Institute on Friday, Jan. 15, at;. which Mrs. Colin Campbell takes part. .All ladies wishing to become members for the corning year will have an opportunity to join. Miss White, Mrs. A. Hastings, Pres:: Sec'y-Tre•ts.- The "Stoddart American Hockey Girls," a roostridiculous aggregation consisting of two girls, three boys and aeouple of blanks, carne here on Wed- nesday fright of last week to play' a a,ie of hockey with the Exeter team. sort of aa;me was played and reside - ed in favor of the Nevous by a large was L.. miserable exhibi- tion. It < < s a miser< bie call )r tion. The clnb management was led en believe that this was one of the few ?Real girl 'hockey team from across the border and advertised it as such. It proved otherwise for which the Dev eras desire to apologize to the many 'who attended that night.. The, best we have ever used Moon- ey Bisruits.'Stcwrna sells them. Oh in!but they're good, F• rt .7P iiRMINEVAMATEMICKNERgiiiiMgRI rr Now is the time to prepare for the cold a,r,d inclement weather.. Ptepare for it by ordering asuit from tas—the very best at low prices. AN OVERCOAT 'will . antere9tyon about bow :sod we eau give you the latest in a . Ohesterfield or Double - breasted Overcoat inw a. Tweed, a Beaver or .n; Cheviot, erred ging- 1p - Lowest Prices JOHN TA I L o n, rokita fipe the Et'0 t, OP Do you want a bargain io either a l<uly's or gent's far coat. Stewart. is offering the best values we have ever seen. 'rho ice harvest C commenced, the quality being very good and isextrenie- 1 thiek compared withother years. ,. Watford and St. Johns A. 0, hockey teams carne together on Watford ice on Tuesday night, when Watford won by tL score of 15-5.. The bellringers, accompanied by' their wives and many other friends, were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. L, Day Thursday might last. Oa Thursdav,Dec 31, Wm, 11. Salter, son of Mr. 'W. Salter of this place, took. unto hianself a life partner. The Brus- sels cels Pest of List w eek contained the e following:—Tbeennuing little; archer Cupid has won ^another victory. It was won on Thursday at the comfort- able borne of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Ro-' zell. of the 10th concession of Grey, at 12.30 o'clock, noon, when Rev. T. W. Cosens pronoutreed, the mystic words, making W, ii Salter, of Brussels, and Miss ..Kate E, Mozell, Haan end wife. Miss Bertha -Armstrong presided at the organ audgave the weddtug march in good style. The principals were un. accompanied. A nrost becoming cos- tume ofwhite muslin was worn' by the. .bride and she carried pink carnations. Congratulations over an elegant din- ner was served after which the newly married' couple left on the afternoon train for a short wedding tour to Toron- to and other 'places. The °presents were costly, numerous and useful,• one being a fine chair from 'the, Brussels Methodist Sabbath: School in which both bride- and groom are teachers. Mr andMrs. Salterwill take uptheir 1l residence in Brussels. They ave a large circle of friends, who wish thein long life, happiness and prosperity.. Mr. and Mrs. Y. Salter.and Martin Salter, of Exeter, and John Salter, of. n parentsbrothers Landn= and of the groou , attended the wedding. Lost.. On Thursday, Dee. 24, a small leather pocket -book, containing a sum of money. .Finder will be rewarded on leaving same with Sias HANDFORD, Exeter. Card of Thanks. I take this opportunity of thanking the ratepayers of the village for their kind and liberal support in the Muni- cipal contest on Monday last. Levett. Write the R. Forbes Co., Limited, Hespeler, Ont., for particulars of work in their. Woollen •.Manufacturing and Knitting Mill. RELIABLE firm, wages every week. GOOD PAY, nice work. Steady employment fora num- ber families once boys and girls y fourteen earsa and over, also zx youn„g women. Good private aecommodation at low rate far hands desiring board. Farmers' institute. Meetings are to .he held in Exeter and Brueefield, on January 13th and 16th, 1901..: The delegates are W. S. Fraser, Esq., of Bradford; and Erland Lee, tsq., of Stoney Creek. Subjects of interest to all.- will be discussed.- The iscussed.The services of the noted singer, Miss Anna Beckett, of Detroit, bas been se- cured for the 'evening meeting in. Ex- eter. A lady speaker will also address the several meetings and ladies are cordially invited toattend and assist in making the meeting successful. See large bills. Thomas Fraser,Esq.,Presi- dent, Brueefield; S. Smillie, Esq., Sec- retary, Hensall. tinualMeeting.' A The annual meeting of the Stephen & Usborae Branch Agricoltural Soci- ety will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday, January 13th: 1901,`at 1 o'clock sharp. when officers. Will he elected for the ensuing year, the•financial statement received,. and other business transacted, The Dir- ectors will rucet at 10 a.m. on the. same day to consider the awarding of prize money now dee. All parties• having errors in prize Money from the last fall fair should meet the directors at this meeting. All uncalled for prize money will become the property of the society if notcalled•for at this meeting. J. J.•ALLrsox, A. G. DYER, President. Secretary. A China' Wedding. :OR New . Year's 'night, twenty yeaa's.ago, Mr. and Mrs. John Parsons, were married. They are both'aliye enjoying good health and givepr°otnise to celebrate many more similar occasi- ons. To celebrate, the event they in' vitedabout thirty friends and relatives New Year's night and a right pleasant .evening" was enjoyed. The company toasted the health of Mr. and • Mrs. Parsons, who have passers twenty. years of married bliss and with the •oo casion renew the nuptial vows of twee: ty years ago, are now. enjoying the re- ward of lives well spent and the respect of their many friends and neighbors. The presents received by Mr. and Mrs;. Parsons were very pretty and formed a beautiful and pleasing array. The ADVOCATE joins their friends in wish- ing them many happy returns of the anniversary. M Municipal Elections. Monday last was tnlci alelectioncoon day intown and it was one of: the cold est days of the season. The respective candidates in the reeveship contest worked ardently fromthe e ,opening of polls in the morning until the close of same at night,'while the candidates for councidipla.yedmore indifference and seemed to take little or no active part in':bringing out the electors ---in fact very little canvassing was dope by any of the council candidates, However, a large vote was polled and tl e'10 i' auneii'will be c' ' r" . . a 0 c on► is of p men ofpractical e . r' x l ae ape lenand 'rap- . - able knowledge of the dutes that de• volye upon there, all having sat at the: council boardin previous years. The reeveship con est reselted in a victory. for Mr. Bissett by a mejorit sof 48 over 5 J Mi., Levett, the second highest eatidia date, while in that of the council Mr.. Armstrong headed the poll, 'receiving $3 ,0ore votes than the second. highest, rtlatn. Following is a sriritinory:— Foit RriltCv7 ^ Dolls 1 2 3' 4 Total 13awden, Wm, ;10 19 30 02 —121 Bissett,,W. G. ; 60 46 81 40 -•--171 Levett, W. H. 28 26 29 46 —129 Fon Govt, cx)J ' Armstrong, I 78lfl1__ Oa 45 � llitvie, Jos.s 41 36 23 :57--157 Deavitt,A. S. 2f1' 24 22 30.!-102" Hardy, L, . : fi3' 38 52 . 57.200 Muir, John , 38 48 64 06-206 Taylor. J. W, 47 49 86 88-220 Wood, John 46 .' 31 91--t Death of Joseph Hodgson. The .folio wit;g taken from th Tinges (Mich.) has reference' to death of a former resident of fie Soo the sill f t 1 lsu andbroth-Peon-law 3 M V n t n t x 4 A 1'.. ..i k Berson of Creditor). While xc=sid Hensill deeeaasedfollowed. the a.?a tion of Insurancetigent;-Joseph son, a well-known and tench res resident of Algouguin, died :at hi on Thursday about noon after a illness from blood poisoning." r ceased was in the employ Of t solidated Lake Superior compo 'd> ed ore orb de- Con - and besides conducted a boarding 1t'ruse at Algonquin. He was 49 years 'o1 at the time of, his death. Besides a„s,l,d- ow the deceased leaves a daughters Miss Mildred Hudson, and two s"oils, Aubry and Norman. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon from St. Jameschurch, the arrangements being in charge of the Masonic fraternities of which deceased was a member, The services were conducted by Archdea- con 'Lord. Officers Installed. At the last regular .meeting of Leb- anon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A.F. & A. M., the followipg officers were duly' installed for the ensuing year, viz:''—I. P. 11L, Bro. L, H. Dickson; WT. M., Bro. T.. A. Argos; S, W.,. Bro. W. C. Huston; J. W., Bro: W. J.:Heaman; Chap,, Bro. G. A. K. McLeod; '1'reas., Bro. B. S. O'Neil; See'y, Bro. C. 11. Sanders; S. D., Bro. W. W. Taryman.J.rD.. Bro. Thos, Fisher; D. of 0. Bro. 't . Sweet; I G., Bro.: J. T. O'Brien; Tyler, Bro S. Sweet. At a meeting of Court Harmony, No. 61 O. 0. Foresters, the f ollowinl of- ficers were elected:—C. R., D, A. Ross; V. C. R., Charles Birney; F. S., R. N. Rowe; R. S. F. W. Glacitran; Treas., T. H. McCallum; Ohap.W. Harding; Gee. Hill;J. W.,'HenryS, W. Ge , Gould; S. B., John Norry; J. B., Wm. Creech. The following were elected to office in Advance Council Royal Teniplars,of Temper•ancefor term commencing Jan. 1.st„ 1904:—Select,Councillor, T. I3. Mc- Call u nr ; V ice Con n cilor,: Mrs. 1'. Brooks; Rec.-Secret:try, Annie M. Vincent; Financial Secretary, May Gill; Treas- urer, PeterFraayne; Chaplain, Rev: W. Godwin; Herald, Thomas Collingwood; Guard, George Heiman ; Sentinel, Clara Ouch/lore; Organist, Pear' Rol- lins; Press Reporter, Osmond Walker. Council Proceedings. ' Council met at•eall of Reeve at. Towns Hall, Jun.5, 1904. Absent Councillor Gillespie. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and coutirtned. Creech -Cob- bledick—that the fence .viewers' be paid balance $6 of fees, re award Cot- tle vs. Barnes. -•-Carried. Hawkins— Oreech—that the following accounts. be passed and orders drawn on Treas- urer for satne:-Ross & Taylor, lumber, $5.10; James Dignan; account, •$1.90; >do.,� r Jas. F. Russell, 5.05• Vt G. Bid - sett, livery, $1.50; W. J. Bissett, sund ries, $3.46; (deo. Cudrore, la,hor,, $11.25;. W. Creech, do., $5.50; C. B. Snell, elec- tric light to Jan. 1, 584.78; W. J. >Bis - charity to Mrs. Delve, -$3; Do., Mrs. Sutton, $3; W. Harding,. 'rebate on scales, $3.50; S. & II. Agricultnrttl`So eiety,refnnd taxes, $17; Trio. Gill, bat--' once fees fenceviewers award. re. Cot- tle vs. Barnes, $6; W. J. Bissett, psi. - tial: refund taxes, E. Hunt, $3; Jame Gould, sr., $3; Treasurer: Usborne Town- ship; use road scraper, 50c.; Mrs. White labor, 50c.; S. Sanders, Sr., .cemetery note and interest, $714.60. Cemetery aeconnts as follows, Jno. Mitchell, lime 60c-R.13."Sweet, account, 35c.; Stan - lake %8 Song lumber, $28.44; Ross & Taylor do..; $1.20.—Carried, Hawkins —C.reeeb—that the following taxes be remitted:, Mrs. Delve,6.80; Mrs. Sut- ton, $6.37; Fred Knight, $3.10.—Oar- tied: Creech -Hawkins --that the fols. lowing persons lie refunded taxes in part: E. Hunt, $3; James Gould, $3. Carried. O reech—O cib bl edi cls. --that S. Sanders be paid the arnount of ceme- tery note.and interest to date. --Car- ried. Council adjourned Sine Die. G. H. BISSETT,Olerk. Exeter -Won -5' to 3. The first, chanipionshiphockey match ever..played on the: Exeter rink took place on Tuesday night between the St. Marys and Exeter teams, and re- sulted •in'a :score :of 5. to 3 in favor of the borne team. .Afairly large uniu ber of people were present to ,witnese,. the game in spite of the very cold, weather and the lateness of the of the game. _ It was after nine o'clock`when; the St.Marys' team came on the ice,. hecanse the train Wets satire three hours late. The game ‘vas play, ed in a friendly• and sportstuanlike manner and Referee, James Rankin, of Stratford, petlailized very few et the players. Two of the home boy`s and one of the visitors went the• fence for short periods. The game thronihout was comparatively freer from rough- ness. Owing to a disputed goalthe. referee was obliged to Change the St. Marys' goal umpire,, who in the opinion of Rankin was unfit .for,the position. His successor was also slightly blind on one .occasion bit was-a1l;rwedto continue :to: do .duty behind the nets. The two goals clanged .by the Exeter boys .were.. not allowed while the one etatrared' for St. 11Zryrys'. was allowed, and the Official scoreisasabovestetted. The game was- well contested eliiring,. aha°whol a e time ue .)f1a a good oc d in p 9, >a drviduaI as well as good combination work was indulged in by both teatns. The excellent ,work _ofStewart in goal for the visitors putt away. inaay a hot shot, Whilethe whole St. Marys' te:irn showed that they were on to the game and would on a, fernihttr rick put up a game the ekceitence o£ wbieh •eonld not, be disputed The work done. by the .house team was of first.-elass order. The forwards, were, at thernscrives all the way through while Ford at cover point and Ross at point were towel's of defence s Y strength men. The Exeter AS n n n. h x t,er goal was ably defended by 11.lyei•s, who stopped shots thatlooked like winners., A feature of the'genre..vas the lifting by Ross. who" puts Chit puck from en to end of the lurk and directly on the )ppostn6 netsis with a. n tcr ttr itv `hit is rather staggering. to the, deft nCe • ir1ell at the farther end.' Many remarks of surprise and pleasure were nzttde tiy spectators who not looked t l oke t) iuz sere]) an interesting find exciting ntiti;l5. The first goal tvas.scoeed by St, Marys and was quickly followed by two for Exeter, and at half tittle these'ot e stood 2.1. In the senoed half the f,oys foram the stone town seore'd t'vo goals and the home team scored three goals. The 14I•trtvs--•(liirzl, Stew- art; points, ]ranker; raver,puirit, Prtb, les; forwards, St/ ickel?,tohiny.i,rn, Dun- seiblt,; Chat/Mat. ' .1+Exottyt'--Ooakl, 143i - et s; point, Russ; cover.pointt Ft/rd; forwards, Hawkshaw, hickey, Ba ek den. Newcombe. Wood Wcoafntaed. f sat. wood, ood,greenor•ir : At the Exeter Woollen Mills. Inck's ]Forcests for January. Following are Rev. Irl, R. Hicks' weather fore.ists for January, As the first storm period will have elapsed be- fore this appears, itis omitted, Second storm eorod—teg ilii;—This'. period extends from the 7th to the 12th. The days of the greatest storm proba- bility are the 8th, 9th, 10th and llth. As we enter this period, look for change to Warmer in the west, winds will shift to southerly and easterly and the barotneter will fall. About the 9th storms of rain and snow will set in, and during the 10th, llth and perhaps the 12th, they will march eastwardly ae''oss the country, 'I'iird storm period -Reactionary;— This period is central on the 14th, 15th and lab, The moon will be in con junction= with earth and sun; or at its new; on !,, •:: 17th, and tltis•fatct is rea- sonably cerin to prolong storm con- ditions ones' the 17th and into the next regular stearin period. The prevailing cold will soften about the 14th and the barometer' rill fall in the west bring- ing a renewal of raid and snow—most- ly snow—as the wave works eastward during the irsth and loth.' It is a.rare thing for storm conditions to break up immediately preceeding a new moon. On the 10th, the Probabilities are that. a4 dis iag ree spelltitable o 1 ' ra' ny, snowy,,: sleety weather will last from about the. lath' and 16th, into the regular storms period following. Fourth storm period—regular:—This period is central OD .the 20, extending from the 18th to the 23rd. The proba- bilities are that most parts of the country will enter this period in a per- turbed, .if not stormy state of weather. A marked increase of vvarinthvillle noticeable on and about the 19th with possibly winter lightning and thunder. Look for rain about the.some •time, turning into blizzards and snow` and. sleet,as the storm areas travel east-• word across -the -eau country :the 20th, 21stand 22nd, Ahih barometer stiff norGa ives e1Y winds and it cold wave will push close on the rear of these storms. ' Fifth storm period—Reactionary:— Th'e 25th, 26th and 27th are the central days of .this period. At this, as well as other storm periods, a perceptible rise of temperature will set in early in the west, failing barometer will quick- ly ensue, and cloudiness, with return of rain and snow, will make their reg- ular march eastward across the count- ry. Before thecloud and storm areas have fairly reached the central to east- ern states, high barometer, cold winds and clearing weather will be following close in the rear from the north-west. aireenaasyneaviasagrovnroarzonous 2MC.eLWIRAAWOA9JLA RAI PERSONAL. David 11ttylow,' of Oriel, is the guest of R.N. Creech Miss Ida E. O'Neil, of London, spent Thursday last in town. R. N. Creech sent- a fete days last p Y , week litOa�turd County. Hiss White, of Woodstock, is the guest of Miss Cora Powell. Miss Carrie Dyer has returned from. .visiting friends in Brantford. - Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wanless left on Tuesday.morniug for Duluth. Rev. 'Ten Eyck, of .; Hamilton, is spending a•.few days in town, Miss Kate McFall.spent New Year's with her father in. Seaforth. St. Mr, Win. Nelson, of Sault St. Marie, Ont., is visiting friends in town. Miss Nettaand Anna Mat tie spent New Years'. with friends in Wingham. Mrs. F. W. Collins returned. from a pleasant visit _with friends in Clinton,; Miss Cartie Dearing has gone to London, where she will l ernain for a Mr. Geos Eacrett - spent n. few days with friends in Brantford during the week. . ' Miss H. Walrond returned Monday frorn. Woodstock where she seaat her holidays. Miss Roxie Eacrett, of 'Brantford, is a: guest at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. L. Hardy. , Mrs. Dennis Holleran, of . Brant- ford, is the gnest of Mr. and Mrs. Lamhrook. - Miss Charlotte Drinikwater, of Lon- don; was.the i=ndon;was.the guest of Miss Nettie Wal- ters a few days last week.' ' Mr..W. J. Stewart, after spendirg a few days with his grandparents here, returned to Detroit, Monday. Mr. A. 1:Ioskin and wife of Brantford spent a few days with friends in town during the week. > . Mr: andMrs. J. C. Gonld, after spend- ing a few days with relatives, return- ed. to their home. in London, Monday. Mrs. Stephen Hogarth• and dangh tens° enjoyed Christmas) week with Mrs. Swinerton and other fr'ienns in London., ; Garfield Mr. and Mrs. G<t lf• eld Sheere after a few weeks' visit with friends here re- turned . to their home in Brantford T.uescl< it. y Prof. Hogarth joined the other menz- ber•s'of the fancily it) the nsctal re -un- ion at the old homestead '`Elt/id-ale" on New ‘Years Atay.. Mr. W, S. MilJyntd, of•Lucknow, re- turned home Monday after spending the Neiv 'Year's .vacation with his friend, Mr. 0. W. "Moncttr.` !qrs. C. Gleed, and two 'children, of Grand Rapids, Mich.,, -are visiting fri-ends in and around' Exeter, the guest of Mrs, Silas Handford. • Mr. Rich. P uhi1F, of Stephen, n, is this week_ moving his hotisrihold effects to Toronto; where: he will make his future home:' The family' will follow next tt ei 1L 1V1r'. herb. '1'rry .thick returned on Thursd.u- last, from Brandon, Mani- toba, wber•v' he has been for the past two or three years. Re will remain for two or three months. Mr. Frank Shit pton, of Medicine Het N. W. ,T., has,t'etttrned to his hone herr for the winter and probably permanently. ' Mr. Shipton has been severely troubled with asthma for sev- eral 'yea es and to better his condition event west. The change afforded `hitn tempol'ary relief int feet certain seasons of the year in, the west he is rnuchbet- ter while others there is no improve. n)ent on ntir noon elimate. "Unless Mr. Shapton's cotisitioe gets much rvoese he will reuittitl home. Additional Loerxlson 1st:t'arge, L • HAWKINS , Jobbers Dealers. We keep at all times a full and complete Hardware Stock consisting Of Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Coal and Wood St ov • s Furnaces, Tinware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Force Lift ce a :nd L� t Faxon s Eavetroughing, Paints, Glass,Etc. � Oils, Gas and Water Pip in and Plumb - if oJ f all. kinds a s ecialt�••r• • RS! FURS! FURS! Still a good stock to choose from. Although Christmas once more has come and gone, and oul b • Fur Stock has Undergone a great holiday selling', still there is avariety ood.to choose fi,om. g There will be plenty of Far Weather High yet, and to the many who have not Nigh Class Furs at Fair Prices already bought we wish to show some b Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, fine even curl and elegant finish, combined with first-class workmanship, at reasonable prices. Fur Ruffs, Cap erine s Gauntlets, Caps, Etc:, Etc. ' and Ladies',', Nltsscs Claildzeny s. Cloth Coatswe have some -good lines to dispose of at Rock Bottom, Prices. The Men's Department has some exceptional. values in Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Clothing, Etc. You have e our Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.- Among our New Year resolutions is one to make the Spackman Co. a better store than it has ever been; better ser- vice, and, if possible, better merchandise. If you have not been a Spackman customer. in the past, now is the time to p turn over a new leaf. Watch this space. We back up what we advertise. E. J SFA,CK AN.: Life's a Shorir Surrimer ! 1when life's so short.Don't listen Wil not 'Piave the best to.,others, Be convinced yourself that we carry the BEST. ASSORTED STOCK within our reach. Picture Framing, Etc. Satisfaction Guaanteed Furniture and -Undertaking Warerooms, Gidley's Block. W. C. HUSTON Pi'actiaal,Embalmer Funeral Director A Happy proms .peroux New. Yearr 11 �----- o A W e .delire to thank our many custonaers fortheir liberal patronage dural 1903 and on this the threshold of b • � another year we res. ectfull solicl� - continuance of their valued p Y 1. favors, We also invite all intending purchasers to call ' and in- spect our stock before placing then orders. We assure them that no effort on our part will be spared in. the future to make our services ••� even more satisfactory than ever. R E - & ATKINSON • ..,.: N Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Exeter, Out, CHARLTON'S FAIL few Year Goods ! New Year. Goods We have `ust, received one of the most complete stocks of New Year goods ever before shown 111 Exet r. Now is the Y .. :' n`, the c�lxolc e time to select your presents before ,Dods -ale taken, We invite inspection and we feel assured that you will agree with us that Charlton's Fair is the place for v,lletya eleg— ance and cheapness, C TON S' IR, Exeter ] M!