Exeter Advocate, 1903-11-19, Page 6impipkwegrogmeasoisegempege
Iv e escaped r Tim nu drew
the curtairs across tho Foench who -
dews And tweed aavagely to The wo-
man. "Well, haVie you nothing to
say to your husband eiter ten years*
We have commutdeated with $ir Petex'
Xerkhens, and doubtless you will
hear tram hint In due course."
The second letter was from Sir
Peter Maokham,
"I have near(' witil deep regret of
the death of my old friend, Major
Intucbester. I understand that yoxe
have been, made aequainted with, the
torras of his will. aeon I gladly ender -
take the trust placed opoix
shall be pleased if you oda melte ar-
rengementa to tate up your abode
tt thhetwynd Manor. end I will do
myself the honor of calling upon you-
enk very gleA to see You. Jun. , us. Thursday ukw,t,"
"Then show it by getting me sone- And on thcetollowing day Sir Peter
thg to eat and some 'clothes. ' Markt' _eta drove tip to Holly Treo
must get out of this beemd-oorove rig Ville., Agatha opened the door.
Milo is in the /loose?" "I an Sit• Peter Markham. I bare
"Noboden I AM alone." tO See Miss hfory Sinuchester."
"I am May Winchester "
"That's lecleat as I most bide bete „.,„,, •
for a bit Until the Ime and cry is," 'You eriPrit•P rue. 1 had
. litve xaxs, wiactest_t,rio i--tnat iso tEay, I expected
ter '2" I a much ,youngeee-eree,—
...teco forget toat yoo nave ;two "I Imre seen much ecirrow; perbaps
owaY ten yeers. Jinn.aleny eigh:Itbaetooeceouts -01' it- MY lather and
teen Imo; but oever mired ;aboutImettner zeintreted Moan a-eare ago,
bit down aod nate emote supper and 4311" IriWu glIe died
obeli I nfat ,5p, about clothes:" hes, yes. of course. I heard t
Note ore Jooneng blooniteg
comfortolne. Now bare ,yoa
**Molter Wt.:id:ester rendts eve
XII•eontt1 from India for nis douglity.
"And yore cotter the /et; does Mara'
!mow anythtag ;Snout her father?"
"Yon k230‘27, that we ogreedi]
Intel mory; outi John ttinclieeter.
went :oway And oever set foot in
helot a.galo. We3, my dear,
uu ore PrePAred 1,0 come with mo
Chetwynde Rory and 1 will tee' to
your life happier."
tlr IA
4, ROB," is MY SON: there
wo of tis, you will
322arked the landlady, "are soon's
that's garxt ouVe goes ter ther 'ors-
pital. 'E ain't long ler thie world;
rammonia, te's got. An' see 'era
misso king -into is my Livia', ye e owes
oe, matter of two pound now, I
Owe yer five days, az ' that 'a till
Sat'd'en, If I ain't paid yer goes
rith lea"
And so every owning when Mary
CoMe Iletne from her weary tromp
she speed her time in the sick moles
room. On the second cIV the de-
lirium left hirn. and he emeld con -
Tem rationally.
"Who ore your" be 'leaked.
ttI Ant the lodger from be law
below. I am glad you ore a little
"Have Too been uorsiog me?"
"I have done what little 1coald,"
"Thank you; 1 nave been hod.
FAIWY anYbedY troubling thennaires
;II:font tee. What la our ammea"
1e4w French."
"Mary French 1"
The Sick an started from his be
net glared ot her with wild eyes.
"You—Nary French
"Yes. why are yeu Surprised r^
"iltwaxwe I—I. moo Jim Feeneb."
"My father 1"
"I—your lather—no. "
"But Agotba—she told me."
"Yo u Jezebel 1"
If° sprang towards ner, but o
etong arm seized him by the throet,
and he was faced by Itory Markham..
"Back, yo o seoundrel; on your
knees. Miss Winebeater, please leove
us. I will settle with this fellow."
"Miss Winctieeter 1 What did you
eall thiS Woman? Miss Winchester?"'
"What do you neeeten 1r MS
lady is lifise Mary WirtCheAder,"
"She Iles, the false Jezebel; she
ray wife, Agatha, Vrench--Agatha
Vreuch, the cennict's
A pierotWenewfe1—I--el coughing seized bine
About the
•• 00 House
l3eetten fa t imparts A delicious fla-
vor to chieterr if toned for basting or
bake three hours. About hali
hour after the puddiug begine
cook stir it from the bottom of tInt
dioh, Uwe), do not stir it Agana
Soneetimes for a chaoge add.
roundeng tablespoon of chopped
°rouge Ornelet—'11sree eggs, 8 tate*
lespoonfuls of powdered evgar,
orange, using the grated rind and 3
tablespoonfuls of ,juice; ibeat the
yolks of the eggs'with the sugar to
a cream; add the grated rind and
the orange luico, then fold in light -
and be souk on the Ileor exhAlieteci• It in cookieg teo Mach sQt haS Tr I
1Y the beaten whites of the oggs,
A thin stream of blood r42), frOM wen ot • t ride ado th —ove 1,can &Wet ryIo pan,
11 a a ' Put jrg a teaspoonful of butter, rob,
ht!srlheaulibes"; she is mat gary c"411.4ourtatemalacata'atii% ',rebcrtrva Su*.ar t° bing it round the side as well as
ehester, She is Agatha, ow the bottom. of the pan. When the
11141" When Peaking a beefsteak pie re -
'4:417; Rmie Ital'Ilr rrFreexincchh' your daugh- nlirverer every pwareitiiclaesp_?f liki:te.s as mit abneouittottestal;::::&lea:pieaouarn7 tteboleoolcett:yo„otimi epleiott
te:',.191:. nn 1 no gia lcnown ash_st Pit both greasy and indigestible, is a delicate brown and semis cook -
o elean mirrors remove the 11Y ed tlirough.
3*117 French is tbe real 41aTY 1/311- ete.4.ine by rubbing with A cloth dip- edges over :ulttztret atr4tsurnr°11: ti::
1}14,4 ped in methylated spirit. Then Pole to a Bat dish. sprinkle pleotiful
"Rory. the AMA is road; let
mil with a WOOlen cloth and POWd" with powdered sogar.
"Re quiet. please. Maw did you, ered blue^
me hem? Why, man, time are in a When marble isspotted scatter
dyirog state." over some powdered borax where it
"-A,Fe. I ant almost done for; bet is stained Or Soiledand then woe's Disbworeldng is tosally considered a
se—mory evincheeter. the reat neo. tho marble with warm water. using disagreeable took although it would
oats An want, and I COMO to—to get o AMMO- not be an easy matter to aceount
"She ;old you lies. Agatha is TR" nomiey soniebow. 1 didn't know my To set delicate colors soak the for the averalen to it. It inOt
wife, and your Ilanae is not rrench,h wife Was hero .-."" *for ten minutes preViona to washieg 0PW dirteV work unlese ono is
1You are MS,17" Winchester—daughter 'Wbere is she? Tell me. baxa,In a owe of tepid water. in which careless, and the hands tieed not be
hof nieSor John Wester, now oat ireieTted for her day after day. Tell 'O. teaspoonful of turpentine has been roughened by it. Scrape all the
India " Ire—Ste iS nvr promised wife." - tombs feone the Mates into ft, bowl
to stirred,
Apply glycerioe to a scold directly
celdent howens and cover it
with strips of rag eoesteed Joe OFeer*
Me, It glycerine iS not at 13112X1 tap.
ply salad oll in the same way.
Gat -tails dried end pulled apar
into donna are said to make a capi-
tal fillieg for sofa, pillowei, This
tetail down (1(4'5 220t absorb damp.
to tell, P•rr nOthing NO long AS tho / t4kO tLe othhenement el 'Belt wley waa tnis leept from "Thoule BeAVVO, them 13 50ArleOn0Jb I empty tixem into a,slop pail.
enotey oteneo." ';'Ildetteor," sole?"'
not pgie the dishes oP indlacrim-
to look after her, 1 ant dare; you the e
"And tlo you wean to aay iibot voo i, In a very abort, sneeze oe tinge il "17022e father oral mother lived nieowM find her addren here. 1.---
le nand together, There obould bo
telY. hut put all the dishes of
bat -o teiat it op alt tots time: Agatha Frelleb. Mies Winton. the. baPnily cad when your otother died Ife dropped on the deem In a /nide
a clea-n dish cloth or mop and at
Agotba, py ti3O ,sray. „hot is yolte4couviethe wile found herself conofort. Your :other weut to ludich Itud lett 444 'heal). Itar'Y Placd thus uP "4
least two dry towels. These may
name .iew 9" 0 &Ay ledged at elle,twynd Wanor us yOU sittle os. You Welre n little 'rented 121121 to his Own hod. while a,
of linen.
oateio too uototious. fi, I ern4rsed 4 t L To the girl whose position ste bad ',lied. Agatha gave you mar oarria,
to Aarotho Wioton," '61,ietoreied she gave not a thought- even tiaul kept you in ignorance 50 that -
•"Jitu. Itneoch made my married Mar14" Winchester. Joito then. and We wero exewly num..
errant was ,dispatebed for a, (tee-
Sir Peter Martbans was ineredu-
Abe Mall She bod betrayed woe for, isle() could 'GM the quarterly remit- loom when be heard the etory, And
**And Mary Winchester ?" IWRSOITAI, POINTERS,
**15 stillknown -irs 3,12rv IN -4. ell #. ;Patton, and her /Ito was Ailed*nth 4tanfe5 WhICIA z -our lather sent. And tried to obtain AO interview with would 't da" ever 14"Ir
°You are cles-ev, Agattoe. not what 4 ta" jarribl"Qn" 4°4 tbot; was t°
then ot into troubran
le, d spent Agatha. but she had retired to her . tOS About Prominent Pooplc
edx,uf :ay clotiwa, mum, boxe15ef0MQ tile roistrer7s of ehetwynd 'ion Years in
have None ah.
aIS the 'mtge."
thee: t one."
T nao-4 go out for tton-,. Morkhara fetiling tont. sir "Yes, and Agotine govo me up to Rory Went uP 1.4011400 the!to„,, • etc, tew 0
,,MOU0r. Other by a 222arringe with "Beog o
t Yo" eseuFed 2" moorleho had gone. 1 s
h I' ..1:matTette:oesto saute potatoeS. mall AFive hundred thousad dollars for
, bouseneepers will twenty coxwerto Jo tb-, WM. Kulrelik
o g hock to the old fashion. is to Ineetve for his tour io Recent -
room and locked the deer. In the! Af*" "Ing 41.4v4 On in Placa at
On, the World* Stage.
Peter hims-eli. !tile PaUce• But theY "14441' bald' first Ira 14 4141 144t '" 1.4aart' a utast ,'Oil. oven the best. costs very little ber in the land of the Ozer,
he's 1312rstinir With tOy he held Mary in
me, Agatha.; 1 t441,-.0 poea rhow,otr*-ottiog fellow Of twenlyeave und puid 'Were taking roe hack, For two days us Arno: again.
at„0 et/Lite ttoatgot with Reno' Matelthaote was a high-spiolted ; me. I °Wed tkel° agsul " t--",' '1•• - • ' imam than butter. ond less of it is Ring Oecar of Sweden, it is eaid
that it wee you who pot, Ino toZot, oftgettha consideroble attention; but lay 242 a direle, wet to the in. I Jim French Was alive wtero RoqlreqUired in cualiflug' is a speculator on a fairly largo
tea yeaws :von' Sir Peter won completely faeeinated.'n4 aux o wreeh. now, I shall never brought Mary to eleetwytal hol000r.1
- Ifordwood floors Should not be !Innate. and Imo made a largo amount
"Olt, elira I's .. an eel,-
^:ote the eheatoo ct rii.,,, word a , ( get over it; hint I should LAO to find ,but 30 t 0 0.01- rig Q 0 ed, a ter
a bta. „114/ / mo st,tv.p hahle y ore tread *nae a, desiroble deughterein-, Ler."
It go s% riet:eriftl IlOWS 1424ed to ltory thut elle' Agatha Sret. 1 should like to tiod ' rrugArca a State212
tO IeT proper itodtion. Pond rub the door well with a, woolthUUS /4 4"7"Ctila/41" /t14 Vban-C4
NA that restored her „parts of turpentine and crude oil tPr•ivatelY ielYilig 111: ollt.efibe.wer
I j ,
ItilNd ;re' exalt' .of MOnthS, and then Sir Peter by 044 1"741111"4-* teener heard of agelii, aud Sir Peterl Melt together e little mutton fat Mr. Andrew Coat -mole gets nt least
it is better to to uol Of Melney by deallog Stotha and by
years- goo: toe other live ,trolad Lo..,0 Natters %%vet on smoolm: for Their colate1:540022 was interrupted Sneeirily ON 1105tible. Agatha eva9,ttare.
sons+. IF"- soit ted oftet, ton Dow. osno bee goiee limey Not whore.** Rory mad n„ines were oenrreod as lien cloth moietened with tioe mine. that tite,y would tie wanted for street
improventeuta lox coureo or (hue.
o :tuesed Ifory whin Ids inteeenome leeto; "I'm glad AN y-er're reeoveeed Ter Mottloo,
Ste led the co
owl thee returre
SZ;e way ra•
• of Oren ehteneetwo
venni eenity have paeseel
tee, ehe she not thieehi
. room,
door,. in the =titter. ji wits,, cos yer tnenleet's done4 ate st• son ai happienea cannot mimes a; a luttle of it over tne edges el hoot
liond tarsus:on them ell. Ire is
‘,4-0trn7",ari 4424 mie mars VEV1 014011111134 rtber Athell, any 2120r0 conetn" onnet'.shrstithth et lin narrow escape from nales. where the Stitches are. This 'WWII' IgVer tar 110%)ill'es. and
os be eanteon d tee las and beeswax and When II hid rub 44:1d letters a 4;13' aba""bralks'
1„at but or ;1; - AA a friend." Ave 11ior roam' An YOU. t00. 22215s "MO conivict°5 wife," Leudou Tit., will render your boots quite weans,- everY ullatiP5ug inmates af "Slab°
aro awakened from their Moo:utters by
i414".iii yelLsi slont /2 A neautitool lodv-tite. "Ifold your noise. woman; l'ecat
magi ' he 11 aohe shall Ave ,4,07 good baked with pea. on or. piper, who is *bo en duty doorieg
Limo, and Ted kidney beans ore ilthe Merry Oftlfie evoked by the castle
eornoend eiet what mom ;-•-exatt e'er goes on Sard'y." proof.
look earae 'into ber foce, ot 1, Loaf. here. RIMS:. if .You thnet o"aw by 'Saturday, ad Bits,
zeturn epoinite ()here:thing. stoat '14"Yr".. ker° 1 1111V' sErADow or TICE ASSASSIN. Maury 'white beans ai prepared. ,Idirtil:*
'week astronomer M Joubert
formne arta rae:oifm are mv "And 111 be the lirst to congratn. IARII settle both our Accountn.
Green or dried beans linty be used. head of the st. 4sevies ()hForratory.
rrosn, if oe is he”, evislarrow ./ into you. dad. Goodbye, .1%1a 01-P,1 OU Ilitiott evening, wbeh oil wa3 at Toil who gave poid penal_ l'he dried ones must. of caurse„ be lake IDad all lds convert% iiamed atter
. . .
, .
vont lett. I old do it. I tonst, and t° Ile 61rutuutW •
lirifq, the sick =an tomee from lile ty for Greatness, soaked before bal:Ing.
1.3 e WaS stars. lfe has a Vronos, Jupiter;
sto tafitib. dre,:sm fer,d left itte., owen, more you ore ft) mach iail beard failed to hide the hollow in ,the hhutgitter er over a score et the also useful for eleanioTrali:ecto17011 e,,ITroolv.litoitlittoletintesi tirarrategr:.:Llisi:1:1
bonen, 1.1.terimm a horawin she: lore with Mary VII tell you--iVe 41,1hisi- ehrehn. highest personages in the world dor..grel.T.ta. ! .
eleonge. %there Ohn rate; up NeW Seta-, 4031, u Crown of dolicn Lairs"
drove ta too neutron toevheile ol„; lasgbing fare, a pale og wao etoo, "1 nolSt have money toodolit for 1
I:er sake. They cruet reeeeqUitle ille ,
- Jug the last cenatUry. 'Within the'''" . , .
t; dlipatttillt. inelmaInflit'tle turpentine, them Castor ont.I Pollux.
laud -V,trd. Ulth a ligiA iaugh be 5wung him., with this heard." ilafit nine years France and America. aPPtv To tue' Stained Parts. then Poi- Th0 We Finieritus-Professor Rain,
1 bat e each lost a Preeident, Persia ISI"vItil a diaSt"" of Aberdeen l' nivelfilly, like many
xev;,. whm,e5tvt, cotaicc_..r, "The Mediates'. you aro ajora),s" bed and dressed. Ms C irpentine cleans tin or rine and satorn, ami a Veollti. In complet-
:;tnero lately; what is the attraction9 genot and Polo, and his newly -grown !Muttons hose failed to provent ,makes it beautifully bright. In is Jug the himilly..lirmornent he has the
..4tro, 3-04t loaltror fs,t, nittt Frentn„ helf over Ile Pl4Ce and t001; O. path Slipidhg o Jelot'oF ipto hifl P°ekt4lbel, shah ko. rem its tatteen, AUstrist To Neep -flowers fresh mix a little otable men of humble origin, wan
"You will tind Lim ot Maly Tree ' aut 4 thP Shrubbery and walked !remaining coins he tool; a tichet, at itiervia, her Xing and Queen. ThollYauval ' .
Itseo and ;tau will find that fact. On we occasion he Jocularly
., op 1I* 3' drommi toe reeoirer .weleal slowly along until the sound .511reding• into tile country.. ler, purer soul was never realeased," OAFS, "Gentlemen. my wife may be
where she eolleil ot a Icirge drarery ,dor; but 1 am descended front the'
estoblislanent and osbed ter Xritot ale b"s1"AP•
eroucloing down Oho reefed e through i as rasa a erib to crack as I've eVer NVIlen the Zak() Of Devonshire% bro-
..... ther was murdered in Phoenix Park.
French. ' The .sigitt that met her eyes model Aogataig
I6eeuu t ; at a small statIon be ney preserve to -day
in tho winter .011t.erew tigrahitilicypwtsitor goreattsostdon;aitrr: and
dd titlinedr; OefollisIttattennet2r3in*aenyie is nom.
ployees Jose about lo The nh011 Wan CleFed and the 001- 1,'"
depart, •Atarx main claslvd in his arms the slight , waning
1 eart stand still. Rory Mark-. pinged into the dark rood. After Palate at $t. Petersburg the room
a mile be -climbed a wall. in which the torn, shattered and al boors, makes a nourlebing drink, had built a land of light Norwegian
Idaced In a moderate oven for sever- ing ii not oattiuul• and she has Just
Frecoll 'peeled Agotha mitla surprine filiPle of rt. girl. Her bead wos on before him lay Chetwyami Manor,and bleeding hiesander 11, was carried which is rtearly ronii to cream. cariole, in whirl: she dHves about
"You are surprit,ed to tee mei; dear. ,ids shooitier and her Hoe uproiFed to ,.he hid in the dazwP bushes until the to die, rot erything remains to this ,111,ten with stewed fruit or preservo in linns-swm In 8431nalilaud Ludy
but roy nelrfl Is IMPOrtaul, You 1)i.. Arid the goo was Mary French 1 lights should be extinguished. hour as at the moment tioo life left ;this 15 °xeelltukt*
Agatha sat in ber luxurious bectobis tortured frelne. Hardly .40friiiiinigg doughnuts have a het, Ca"talice.s
hone otteit ached Me about z.nur; Mill: nelnelesS SOPS Agatha With -
and irooan brushing her long hair before ghastly was the 2:ten:oriel of his 'water on the stove, tionally picturesque, for it convisted
a soldier's grey flannel shirt, worn
costUale was unconven-
tell you an:11441g about him." . iliatlY is r !the betiFehold of the Grahams be .the blood-stained coat of 1 is pr
c- co- . without scale. if follow'
father. Ife Las come borne at last." drew; leer was in her heart.
the enirror. A Wild exultation fill- ,deeessor, which came unexnected1„, and as ootelx doughnut is taken from
me to Lim. HOW 1 lia.Ve lunged tO
nOty father. Agatha? oh, tele for the niOnient silo know not what
to do. An hour later she met 'ed her heart. Mr plans hurl suc-, to the hand f
s ,o poor brederick env- .
, - " the fat plunge it for a second in rolled tip, hluthi trousers, rind a.
open at the. throat, and with sleeves
See him 1" Doty. ireetled beyond bar enoet sanguine ex- ,elonshoi the 'water, then drain The dough-beoncho-buster's hat. She rode mo-
tley dear. and z.ow you win under. foiislied .our charming ieltll In the raistrese of Chetwynd Manor.
"Yon must be prep i "It 11 • • I... h i h 'ne t 1.1 tth II i -
area for a amigo t , tria gat Ot al 0. ave Y011, -e It 031$3. • e . 0513 -
ocurtain in bis room of the Lodge iro from greasy taste or feeling whoa T
shot, too, 2comultably straight.
was le pr eet ee oeo T . .
Iwo re,,e4.an pushed aside a I nuts are said to be enti
successor in Ireland. .Sir ' ' -rely free ' , .
tondo and always at a c,anter
, and
mond why 1 nave rettenoe rtfeeon to woods ? May I ask you who thel As soon as Rory noissed lifitry from e so treated. he Ron. Charlotte K.nolle s (pro-
f. e eonix Park, and there found ...,
h rh
xuu cau really =allege very well flounced Knowles) who has boon the
In spite of Mart 's quettiouhigs elie'„:.0b. I soy, did you isce us, is !boldly tusked where she was, and Mr.
as` leOne cursor, forgotten by those who lo you. this ;dna- constant attendant of Queen Alexan-
would say oo more mad they neared 9 r;Inehe.,Iter? Isn't she •splendid ?" ',Graham took an unctuous delight irq
P plan. ne ordinary teacup full dra. for the last thirty years, is said
St. John's Wood wh r to o • 1 - " Air. oltnelv charming Who is informing him that he had discharged
. t• e s o t letooves- - • • , • • i . - • he
11 brought bit there, and carried him
lac k
e (had. No wonder Sir George of flour is four ounces so that fou • Q '
to be tbo only lady not related to
Ed lt;* inmsom. slut?" lier for being the daughter of a. con-
iTrovelyart's hair turned white; that t c f I k *
ea. up u s nut ee a. pound. Sugar is
. i tbe Queen who calls her by her
She had timed their arrival well ,
•lier name is Arany French; she's i Oct.
'the beard of the **Red Marl" lost 1 1 . take a full cup litiVe. "Alix" In return nor tiajes-
heavier so do lootChrietian name, or rather its dionin-
As thee. appraocaled ITolly '
oreo yi la" the new go; erness at, floe Grainer:1W." 1 Rory was inconsolable and spent
;4, something of its ruddy hue. Moo (d) t to make four ounces. Shred- ty and tbe Princess.es Loulee. Maud,
they found a small crowd gathered. This was all Agatha required, and 'weary days looking for bis lost love.
!Balfour's life in Ireland was ono / ed suet is so light that a teacupful and Victoria always address AlltiS
round the gote and the house sere, after prolooging the conversationOThen came a stormy scene with his
is only two ounces.
roweled by poikeinein Agatha ono- she left him. Tne next day nfaryO:fottlier in the presence of Agatha, ilong vigil. Armed men accompani- Xnollys as "Chatty." She invari-
tioned Mary been, end they both Freed! received an anonymous let -1 "Rory, you aro making a fool of ed hini everywhere, even in the pH- loarthenware and stoneware pots ably travels with the Queen and
stood in the shadow. tei• : "lf Mary French does not leave 'Yourself. I would never toccept this 'met, of the golf links. The like pre- and pans for cooking are greatly to has apartments in all the palaces.
b ..
end Jim French in his convict cloth-Ilory Markham will be inftha.t Irrirget her." lot course for Mr. Morley, loot Glad- keep clean mod slow to burn, and nnalar quaint stories 01 his exper-
ts,. witffs his wrists-------------------------------.-ihter of a convict." 'I cannot do that, sir."
thing cooked. Eeathenwaro jars
give no unpleasant flavor to any-. fences as a prison chaplain. One of
Istone's biographer could not endure
parched out between four policeman.' 'This lettr was followed by a sum- "Then find her and marry her, ii"; the restraint, Went "neck or no- may be stood on the stave or in these relates how he took a reform -
rimy bundled him into a Waiting' mons from Mr. Graham, her employ- vou will, but you are no longer son ; thing" into his life as Chief Scare -
the oven equally well, and the con- cd burglar •out for a drive in the
rankle, and the crowd dispersed. i er, who deraanded to 'mow ii it was ;of mine.
tents will not suffer by remaiuing in country after an enforced seclusion in
lust gtochester_oeary-1tou•y, and canto out 'unguarded and
"Who was that ?" whispered Nary
e; true that Jim French the convict -will you honor no by becoming my ; unhurt.
them till cold. one of Iris Majesty's prisons. The
"That was your father, dini,', was her father.
1 Great political crisis like that burglar appeared to enjoy- himself
immensely, but when they passed a
penal servitude for robbery; and man-;
i work well; Mary load left. without a, upon her ears. It was the openinepublic, Britain's foremost statesmeu le< e
ward London. Agatha. had done her P-eaSah-
1 t
rapes—Pill a jar with road. and bearing evidence of the
prospects a sound broke principal figures. Unit:own to the
P' II d G '
"My—iny father 1" ,1 word of farewell to Rory. .,,atbreak alternate layers of grapes that are tm,„ing.
taste and wealth of the owner, the
of a window. The servants had I are shadowed. From the .
'Yes, ony dear, a professional ' She found lodgings in a street of! long since retired to rest: but she: of the South African war *i• ,4 Nro- just ripe and sugar, leaving the ..
burglar fairly gloated over it and,
to the Canon, exclaimed,
totieebreaker who killed a man by 'Tottenham Court Road, and corn- was a brave woman and felt no fear.1,berlain has been followed day 03.01 grapes in bunches after freeing them What a lovely little crib that would
tecident. Be escaped and asked me onenced the weary round of a friend- She went on to the landing and Hs- I
'night in his walks abroad by a from any that are imperfect. Fill
Lo hide loion, but someone must have less girl seeking employment. Day tenet]. There was an unmistakable akimil and powerful emissary of the jar o ith cold vinegex and cover T
be to crack, sir, wouldn't it ?"
King Edward VU. lilts now two
een. him. enter the house. dans is after clay passed, hut success did sound of someone inoviug about the tightly. emperors in his Army, and both are
1Scotland Yard. A man of Mr.
Your hiends all know where you
tory of where he was captured.
tad for you. my poor gi.e, it will be
In all the papers to -morrow, and the
wbere she was lodging a, man tossed nnd turned on the electric light. .A
not come to her: her money doludled .dening-room.
and soon she was penniless.
On the top floor of the house quietly opened the dining -room door.'
Silently she wont down the stairs..
I Chamberlain's spirit does not like
;lois whose peace he has to consider.
it, but there are other minds than teaspoon of butter fie two cups of
IsutTEirt= Z.Icimandlitortliel(eTpecio.Ontsheor Field -Marshals. One, the Emperor
the Clerman Emeror, has been a
only quite recently; but the other,
received his commission
Cream. Pu—Melt a roundirg of Austria,
erecayed coneiet 9" through the wood. he clept down the stone; and out •
•vir 5:
A few itiontea later Agatha glided to the night. :With one o$ bio few .
"its Empress Italy its Ring and carbonate of soda In the water In not neloamed of proclaiming the
Ville, S. John's Wool:" stealtiory tbe same direction. she ;Watteloo Station and eves soon "asset -sin does not reason. nob., t owe.rs will keep fresh email said to lois etudents tho logic
and hurried tway to Oxford Street. of 'Voices reached her ear, and, . "1 havo tho Plans all right; it in flaid one who knew blur intimately connected with the Thanes of Caw-
; ge . gain, it is a good plan
to keep them in a dark roma when
not required for *ISO.
Then the door of the villa opened, this neighborhood 'without delay, 0,onvirt's daughter as only son's wife. cautions were observed as a matter recommended. They are easy to Canon nforsley, of England, tells.
Prench j'ust escaped from prison, • An hour later Mary I4"reneh, broken And now as she sat s/owly brush- t throurh which Britain is now pass-
phere he is eerring fifteen years' thearted with grief, was speeding to- hog her tresses and thinking of holing a teays engender danger for their pretty house standing back from the
live, and you will be known as the on a, bed of eickness. Night after lean was kneeling at the sideboard; soldier for over two years, his baton
'Mr. Gladstone hated the idea of a
' in secret. The accident is not in-
frequently a better safeguard than
the sleuth hound. Mr. Gladstone,
popping across the lIor.90 Guards
and into his house by the garden
entrance, escaped unwittingly the
man who was awaiting him with a
loaded revolver in the main street.
Mr. Poster preserved his life by de-
parting quite by chance from Du.blin
by a route contrary to that chosen.
Maclaine Nordica, the famous voca-
list, relates with amusement that her
Urst fee was paid tO her not for
singing, but for consenting not to
sing. When child the great singer
had two elder sisters, whose singing
ionvict's daughter." night his reeking cough (lieu/rhea wit]] an oath he turned and faced
(bed • d
y-guaid, an lad to be tracked sugar. Add a few gratings of nut- being a birthda present from his
nOh ! Agatha, I could not, face it. the household, and when he slept he her. meg and the yolks of three eggs well Royal uncle on. 'Tannery 27th, 1901,
What shall do ?" ranfhled in deli ri um. Head ig th t beaten. Beat the whites of the during his Sad sojourn in England
eggs until stiff and stir into the at the time of Queen Victoria's death
pudding lightly. nutter a shallow In addition to being a Field-Ma.rshea
pudding•dish and dredge oneequarter in the Army, the Kaiser is an Ad -
inch deep with cracker crumbs; pour miral of the Fleet in the British
in the custard, then sprinkle the Navy, an honorary post conferred on,
top with. crumbs. Bake ann serve him by Queen Victoria fourteen years:
Lemon Layer Cake—Boat a level No European ruler uses the tele-
i.suagbalels.pt000gnetiolefri,matatedr oannedboerIcnupeggef, graph so ranch as the Em.peror of'
Russia. He has a secret code both
two-thirds cup of milk, two ,,,ups of for his Privai° and his effielal nes-
' flour sifted with three level toa... sages, and expends $25,000 ',a. year in
spoons of baking powder. Bake in this kin'd of correspondence. The.,
layers. Spread with a. filling made Clenattn Emperor spends $15,000 4.
froM the grated rind and juice of year the sarne way, and' he USee,
one lemon, one spoonful of water, a code which he has invented hint-
orw_haii cup .1 S4,gar e egg, and self, and which he ilncls very useful
one rounding teaspoon of butter. whenever he desires to cominunicate,
Boil ten minutes, then spread be- with the Caninet Ministers or other -
prominent oiteials. The telegraph •
tween the cakes.
is not used to any extent either by
Indian Pudding—Heat one pint of the King of Italy, the Emperor of
milk to the scalding point, then add Austria, or the King of Greece; but,
seven slightly rounding tablespoons on the other hand, 1(..ing Edward and
of corn meal and scald it. Add one Queen Alexandra use it constantly.
pint of milk, and skimmed milk will King Edward signs his private de,„
do as well as whole
cup 01 molasses, one-half lev71a-theaal-f Ttret,'c'heL:l'AtillebertguEeedul,v1Ntvellio". uroi.',v33a0y1.1.4-
and a pinch of salt. Stir Well, and tysl COnlle,ll, 11.-5, "171,0gliall.
lots must go away for a time be was friendless like herself Mary
xvhile I stay and face matters. They offered to nurse him8
lire sure to question me. I will '"E's got a pound or two," re-
live you money, and you most go
to -night. You cannot retttrn tile
T will rend 3rpur clothes on
lo you."
She hmeled the girl away and
found her a lodging for the night,
While she returned to re:iete the
policeman who Lad -taken charge of
the house. After satisfying his in-
cpiiiies she was 'art alone.
After thinking deeply for smile
time She toOk tWo letters from her
l'5ocket, both andressed to Mary
Winchester. The Brat was fi'0111 a
kraal of lawyers in India. '
"No regret to inform you of the
death of your father, Major John
VirlaillstQr, in a S/efirmish some
Weeks ago. By his will, made short-
ly before his death, we find that a
Snarl, of k,l..5v000 has been left to Sir
Peter Afarkharn, of Chetwynd Manor.
ii'arley Cross, Surrey, to bp invested
by him in 'English Secmities for your
benerit. The capital is to remain
der his control Until your marriage
"Agatha !"
• ',Jim 1"
For a nionlen they glared at each
lee,..t•e000 aegoeeeAsse5reeeaaieWoeoeeaaeghe4eeeeeon...
-- 4t 4IiIJJ ilJ
0I7.0 FOR A TRAMP.'t
W, AZ/
practice (for they also were 'Vine;
lists) was greatly disturbed by the
effort of their little sister to join in
their songs. In vain they appealed
and protested; the little one had tal-
ent and was not to be denied. In-
deed, it sometimes happened that she
learned their songs before they' did.
At last resort was had to bribery,
and the ambitious little vocalist re-
ceived a money pa3rment to <3=1re
her silence.
spoon each of cinnamon and:ginger ,Agus hers "Alexandra,' ' welt es qui le