Exeter Advocate, 1903-11-19, Page 3"AND SREASA WIDO
God &. Singieci Wr. Out .04aQn of Bi
FavoritO Ta4g4ters.
tEnteree aCcerdlog to Act eR ow 1714%,
raiment, of Canada, IA the year Pee
Pooseed hliee Retetteti eed Thee%
Wnt, hallo. of Termite, at the,
Popertment es Agriculture, fltteesent
A despatch. from Chic -ego says
tee. Frank tes Witt, Telmege Preach --
4 front the following text: Luke
trusted in God his love and protec-
tion stud care failed yea ? Was there
ever a, time when Chrest wes not
willing to stand by the cradle of
Your living child, as in eldee times
he once stood by the bier of one who
was the only sen of his mother, and
she Was a widow.
But thotigh in dne sees° the
consecrated widow la rich, TO she
shall he far ricber in the net world,
saute unselfish ect performed on an Wonitell, Whore have yott loved of ell
windy day." human beinge the best on eertli?
The sermon which tlw Christian incZtstrii Ott% af:tsbweerr.in olule°14 aTzycl
gentlemen, pregclied in the cable ear ray children in exiother Way and My
of the Brooklyn bridge is certainly sisters and brothers in enothee wey,
true. Everywhere one con see many But. teking it all in ell, t loved tny
Aindneseee Manifested tort those husband hest, truly hest. We were
%ii id, -Ad she was a. widow, who are in distrees. if these people One in thought & one in life and one
Tee rieh widow! Who ever heard in distress are worthy of bureau in everything, My oncb ambition In
of such. e title for es eermon on this kindness. And so. stelose. though life was to please him" yes, I•
Weir yee gay, "that is a bard
text? Petter Cali her "the poor .you feweY have had ;maw bumps and ,thlitle soar answer is correct, The
widely," the friendiese !miaow." 'knocks, as that indignant passenger irelations between a herhand and a
train. though you may bane had isenti your one desire was to live for
into the ,wife are so dose that you were one,
°the hopeless widow," "the dying bad wife was trying to get
widowd-are, t hi ng but " the rielt ";tr
winding its wey out of the Syrian ',thieves and Murderers front timo int- dF'ter
practieed upon yon -for him and to Please him Now. my
bereft of her husband. whemn.....ated 005s -rowan end eite is al -
widow." This furzered Procession -injustices
city is tete of. the mese pathetie ',memorial have stlwaye felt that wie d'ola react/ heaven ond meet the loog V'
ie - to be the
;spectacles al the goseel history, llow ';dowe and orphans woro thee. iehiti_ eeparoted father of your bebles, do waa IMIde nme•ried in!nttast of uhe studtes,,
welt beertbreals is centeined in quake prey -you have also bad Many you ia,?!t feel be vv,u1 be Plefill to
In spite of these handirahs. slie
°woe Reese phreses. "A dhad mall- Ifincincsvs showu yell and yours. 111,1"w 14°W LC)" "aye w" el lif4114- 7 IT.44.1111zr acquires even the higher
RENEW WOMAN OF JAPAN education of women in Japan
- tire, Let ug hope the suffering bt-
separable from the transition period
EDUCATIONAL SYSTEN IS BP may lead to brighter future fur the,
FEOTIVZ AND FFFININQ- JaTPitac,nreeseihwaa°reet*.css, college to To_
In..spite ef Many gandicaps, She eyo, -under the elaarge of the imperi-
ls. Adopting Occidental. Itousehoni. fere especial attention
iS given, te etiquette -the court van
riety must surely demand an excess
One of the most wonderful pro- on the usual dtupperwed-and verse
ducts of the new Japan is the School Writing. Tbe empreso hereelt often
girl. She sleillies gracetully to hex „conies quite informally, among the
nvadetnY in the clogs and hinumo of leeholare, to invest the beet, spe,cie
old Nippon to study with docile fa- Mens of poetry, painting. sewing and
rility a European college eurrictilista cooklog. the students know of
eon at. least one foreign language, ea ner coming they hone a pretty efts -
the pioneer of the new education, tom of forming in line and eitiging.
Tbero are thorns in her path, too, with. deeply bowed beads. nonio , of
unthawed of by the occidentel etu- tier own charming verses no greet
dent. The foreign language begins
at.tho wrong end of the book, aled.
reads frou. left to eight instead af
up and down; she finds didleolter 111
concentrating her atteetien wheo
raised on a chair and impriaofted by
a desk; her Wadded 10.1140.00, eMnforte
cible, in her tireleoa, paper Walled
home, to far too warm for the stove
Ante (Duly son of Ids mother. soul she "old leiddisb folaiore tlwre wee seep- livedfr sh .4,114 •41(3934 ? 'hben cation. and. is almost oainfallv
sews a widow!" ee.ei now a wife posed to be in Aiderlev Edge Ire- edave: " 14-11 'YOU U°l. 011 ns t excel fife v toxin
o n er
her. /he little peeresses Wear ak-
ar31/eous, holl divided skirls, a cos-
tume that in the land of the rising
sun, indicates conservatiem, which
Is tile antitbesis of the 4"rational"
W0/4104 of tbe west.
TeXt Qt the nieSeenz Rrov, ac*,,
Xxj 20-21, Golden
TeXt, Prose. xx., 1,
Inasmuch as drUnikards aro AMOng
those who eafesot inherit the Itiege
dom. ot God, we eannot be too ears
nest in our eflorts to prestot the
Lord Jesus Christ to them as the
One who loxes eveei tlient 414 is able
and really to save them end the
only One who can de it, but we
must nut forget that thieves, the
'etOun revilers, extortioners and
all unbelievers are listed with drunke
mats ated murderers as all oe their
way to the lake which burneth with
fire end brimstone, which JR the eec,-
and death (1 Coe. 9, 3,0; Rev.
FITS OF INFORNATIOnT, xxin 8), but since venal such shiners
have been washed, sanctified and Pee.
Nnbo of Knowledge Wniclt tined tbe name of the Lord Jesus
WOuld be Well g.now. (3. Cor. vio 11) others may, and it.
The population of the earth sloub- is far those who 1‘.°°w g°511e1 to
itself 9,00 years.
give it quickly and eerrestle. to efil
*ha have not yet received its
About 200 tone of refuse are ewept
althea her besnand and a 'mother' great cavorts, And in this 0.-43.-erit d it • " " c`PP s s-
• As I write these notes (April nnn,
frla es a ;Fon have done for yosir,direess aeote ocher alio oright eyeS 311. °11 Lundell streets (lSilLY-
1903). hove before me S, Had--
with only a child bode^ he- 'Poe Sas WaS concealed. seid tke tederhl, niti°tandrett told hie? "Oben cone of my ;studsing by the foggy Rare of the/ The Scilly Islands produce yearly ley..s invit
loation to attend bin tedus
is slowly Wending her Woy to the 'hundred and ninety and nine borso i
on, unnt.sewdow,es thhiii
er• ne, gee aeriou leng after her eldero aro 700 tons of flowers for perfume -mak ty,dieat annivevaary at the eid men
a In a -II"' (la "I* and rr'141•'` A!! 001120 loohed up at those gathered about aelcep. Iler own langnageby itself,
winker only iq the evolve. The ' forth and fight for any Wooer woo bee wane ann said. **Now.J hope presents n fair field for her indnetren
rien widow?" Nonsentan Change would blow for them the rinht,
sow fanner, Steven, will be satisfied for itt ordinary reading and wriliug
the title. Call it "the Poor widow .1aigle call. No sooner did nom' Into- with what 1 have dorie for his child- at least 7.000 characters are used.
of ',narration peek." :bond die and theceeneterY twfl hod WM," 'Yes. yee. wornaro your bus- nod, scholars. owing to the admisture
tolled the :knell when his body was ,band not troy ontNleto you at, chmese must master .talea as
A VITITN( TITLE. etterieo to its loSt resting plan then have done your task well. It bits many,
rations, I Want that ben seemed to cell forth bus-nlieen a hard Journey to travel alone, nddi VIM 10 le peW wester . ray O
tne. i hoxo chosen. I want to ,dreds of helpers to your Aide from but at the Pod of the journey You learning. so far. at leaet, ehe iitee r
g,hcog how oleo. wout4n. „so. desolate no:eases as clerk. as the eaVerns of will bp Rich. in his blessing as well es tinned that in on, Law in nee Ries
"s ihe eue ia the text man find cone lAlderley,r Mae. Every true and that of our Saviour. the dear tux sun. tvonn the proverbial ntup,
solation in life tool in Oat perform- faithful widow Omni."' gathers ChrfSt,
ance of lier• sluts and in the wawa- tiround her true and faithful /simile. Tint% utdowa of Nein and widows sPr:es"turodi"gt. always hare Leen Pala,
ht of Farrone and America and Widows Daitnyo anti nil: Silealin'Itiatil'alef.St44sru.ditehd:
the of ituritentitv, end, mom than }; The consecrated widow is tit%
the art of stowing and. shutting
ow; o. into resources. of nintoeJL tbe heights and depths and intense- neeferever $04 man be. IL eau non
ee !we I1.'nevi h„noule rielt toe hen, ,tieS of the love ehe bears toward rich. Go ahead braYely and truly. nom banding of
toe min gin. where, eine aye too `those who are dependent Online lier:i,nnenfen the battles tbat are before.' V°154° te"uP5,
warn- i'Atilovtivito Intent -a to this iwn one:, of the inevitable laws 01, y011. ellaist obeli be your protector gliT 07115in vfcvwer isclon v4lar'afr:nndtse'labaolIrd.
isoic eatiqUerileg uotuinatite. war*" Ill" w° geWaRY value in this world. Your rewards for st,, are hey eneeette ulnae, that no
th0.0,3iwan and tens titj thou,. hut article loot in proportion to ',duties well (lore await you in the ri-a-,si-o-iptiv" ma.-areig- aess for
ewes te„teeee dies bare tr(mms he_ tvliat it is worth to If it costs rent. Tbe truest way for you to be &nnnennnn-nTeins, tonn'in''""th-, -Sanarene
reit eif the 4'0)0111=11On Wien Oure‘lanthiPK, we care for it, but little. If true to your dead 'husband is for you '`,,,,7nlaT,..-te-o."•;-
snehn nttb Ionia in toe tennonge an at PaSta 1114C11, we value It much. 1 to be true and noble tasks; God bag
tn81ns nn entke sell -1
o eouttne4 onn wowing enter your borne. You show me the given to you to do been ilemeninee 44°"s's'V5-Si°n /1/419"gli a th°41)"g1114"1117-
.,Itia. .ria.y limo been nen is an reerthre Or Your traveis. YOU say: ; that (Isnot noon's 4111 About, a wid0flagn of haw to net an all cr'`e4151°88
tis t aie Dule ;ono Loopy. went 1,"This in -a rug I hnuOltt in ranliae- 'ands trouldes. Ire eyinpailitzed with '"`"lual'°4*taat °Tr trivhlin-tflgether With
.1 ∣ rich in tiweir oppartsii*. eus, llere is o tbe corrowity -gunny et logitit, In Itabitual politeness and doom,
- Ott o tionbl stovire nit hire Ivc&r.F tOntul India. 'Jere is a; his great l'enrt there Is ft:v=140(11Y for ht the derawlitne°t eiaS5 S/S 144°-1
tem Th ainincialtitto of winning in,
To ti%4.^ they been Iteeoute boomerang of AUStralia. Yonder is who slilliggle and Miler, and the
Laafre mother; mit in pt .t pe
nit ,innoin exampleo of dot ieo Dot Oils picture lo toy treasure. It cr more generously bestowed tben Irking from. tho floor, and of bowi
)g. Auloy miosioin 310 Water street. Nen
It is estimated that, American volt, in which he y • "1 h v
travellers alant/Ally epead proved beyond a doubt that lAthus
000.000 in thirope. Lord Jesus Christ. and Ho alone1
ounces and a hell of grapee can bs IDS OW11 oh:nighty power.
are required to mole; one glass of without the aid of drugs or nests ots
d wine.
of auy itiotl, in a moment and font
The finest shops in a Chinese city ever and east out from the
those devoted to Oro sale oin brain, the blood. the stomach and,
iabox-e all rise. the imagination, the
) ord3,, Euro/wan eountry winch hell -bona appeatilevelowe
iand 1115awrt;v1.nd.,::ath-rat° thwl 1415..1,'vb°y1wittitihn lannyilis atoning blood a soul
said that c„t•inlanganal..a:g1nh;ts ktilr'ePatdifureel powaesr.4" UTttblee dthevil-;
arger hands and it ee nn 0$ the great deceiver. mocker,
rago women, ,atroner, ever going ehcalt as a roar-
Tim higliest A -tot -tower in the neeoiug whom ola:„.7 do.
world is at' 105101'41in' ivour Pet, ea, el), but the iamb of
Tile fall is 240 it. ;God is able to save to the uttermost
The IMMO* huilditigs Eoglaind,oll who come unto God by Ilim (Deb.
aloce are valued at a sum opproach-Otil..
ing S1.2.10„entrettien Our golden text (en.& 1) aud xxiii.!
A dealer in artificial limbs esti- 1.'0, 21, aro SiMple,, clear, strong
mates thet, iltitSise0 Ezeglisifulea haVe `Stattraents and words of warrriog
• t one or both lego. 'wliith front to orall no comment, The
In 0,, Chicago bospital the Shia of rl 'fact'. -ore before or eses always and
aJ diviee hel and eniteelation are nor. clogs and vandals. of ;fitting on. and frog' has ireen successfully graftvd everywheno, both in the dolly parers
the band of a patient. and in ortuol life. The filade re
titg Well tie0.0; 1 ith ill the foith with lw°4 11)3Inted hY a spatati master, i upon tbose who bear that beasleot, log with grwe in her tight ono-'- King George of Greece haa had his twit.ho'it roluhre nlio seem doililern
rahvb thiht. Ithols Ilea tam). to test ,und was placed upon the leads of al of 'Man berea.vemente-wilowhood. ter bows are often literally to the saloon railway carriage built in afe'y to choow the Iloverth' and
Tara. the woe and sorrow and con -
to, 1,,nannns and swannes alr (t„d,7 illenican cathedral. One ntgon that Tbio love and all bleesiuge It beings gronntla remember. France •at a wet of 6150,000.
"I'm."' 'InesSr recof:sied :II: ,2•pturte are t: be
searo ago the average . . ' • % • ;
The arrangemesits of flowers is a A hundred -
flee in 04, ihestds and deptim and ,pore was eta out or its frame and 111 mate You rlell Indeed.
he worth at We'd $"d OW I myself sidering that a flower Yaw in oftm tailors' Woke was 140 in., tiOW it is i'
nod, aloe e oil, rid; irs eternal as t , •••• . • •
nen an temporal rewords. It is in 1/ahl 'WO° for ft, Yrs. I value 1,577,6W COOKIES. Me sole furnitere in a room. Much 88 ite
cfound in Om. ix. 20-25: I. Sam
time is epent in tiemonetration f c
rhibgthlo aled in. -whin, at vane love. i carried away. That 'denim must
ord, r to gather 0 few "bluebells" 1 f.i,lhalotsatural nliM" alt 81.1.' °tiler Fos" marlyt4. aaill'en Itl.eneener mita llgitertt °Ciet7 :1; nird'gli rvi.:148-1101. p4ritwOissitbatlevernar'
non, . . 4 ,,.. ; . 4 RM. X .4 14 : I.
fieen off the grant's or the deud Iwo tm - • t "Mt me Co latleb 3"°"' iiii" C"aline 11111°Y Nakes 3°° bow
litebuTutpuliellinogt bti-etiogre°aIriflettslt. our
imust welt, I met
. i ol badge hearing o• !hit= at his best estate is altogethe.r
Nonni tool fathers that I preach this t'Y'..
SELF SACRIFICE. Dozen a Weeic.
nvanity ilni. :mix., 5), which doubt-
s --i mon. I woulti ring these fiend Jon leoson. number.
trentnen in 41 effiNit paean of Kahn TEA mARINCL. 'Banyan treeti are rbezmalawrihoasblodrofoopr 1 (lehlsod.mespanos Aissaortisafr.onvt.„1,11iel,g1ra2e,e2o2t:
tied the widows, the numberless 111 44tfutu tett thhish18.-(1111° a (Ur' •tdiol°wifiaettO Viii“isti sloi!olegd and take root Illeb. ie es. concerning. the woos ot
Wisheas Of the preeent day, who are threat thing from ordinary? tea mai:-
'the drun'hard
ening thee, etrength ond go on win- inge-is a very serious study. Tho as "Panda Mams'
edoe vietury after victory for them -
seises'. their little ones and for
delightful lesson. and Important. core eheen trimssav ot sses us recorded in gratification of their carnal appetite.
home 01 llie rad stOriea drunlien-
But though the value Of home ara
Wen may bo Judged by the criterion'
silver and gold others are some -
blues Judged by the hiOlter ,standard
of flesh and blood. 31 15 order t0.
few your child. 'who had been gripe
ped 'with the poi:anions bite of a,
dangerous terpent, you bad placea
your mouth against the bleeding lips
of the wound and suched that poison
th. the paternal as wellan the nut- , into your owo system, would you
teenal opportunities whieli are Oiler- itiot love that eldid more for Whom
ed to the consecrated Christian you were willing to Inman your life
theshood of the present centuryb thau 11 you had given to her a mere
'Some thee ago a beautiful fared 'offm log of silver and gold ? "Yes,
ludo we going through one of the yes 1 Of course you would. The law
great department stores in ColOms Is univeroal, greater the seed -
bus. 0. She saw there a large -eyed, flee we make for our loved ones the
witlifunlooning cash boy, who Was fp eater"becomes our love for them4
wittelliog her and ber son. "My This premise is granted. "whero,
ebiid." said she, "would you like then, eau you lind licher, deeper,
to go borne and be my little boy? :truer sarrificeS and therefore richer
There you ean have money and play- love than that exhibited by a wid-
things and horses and carriages to .owerl mother toward her helpless
nods! your Me happy, as my little +children? Tenderly as you and I
boys tifis lumpy?" I do
not Joy° our children, does our love glow
'e "
know. mum, whether 1' would like • with such fervent heat as does that,
of the widowed mother who hue todei
There isn't a woman in the world
who eann, find something to do to
make money if she is willing to
work hard enough." says lliss Curti -
line Purdy, of Chicago, who, after
giving up school teaching as being
too hard on the nerves, found her
voCation In making cookies.
A willingness to work had certaln-
ly to do with it in her
case, as the sum total of the cook -
les she hos made in the last eight
years reaches a million and a half.
Stetting the firet day by nutkieg
tbree dozen, she soon had a patron-
age that celled for J00 dozen a week.
This kept up for each of the fifty-
two 'wens durisig eight years
amounts to 1,577,600. As this
number is only lessened by tailing "0°11 hor "unsels ist Perfertl°n,
to "bake" less than a balf a dozen lantl probably in a. few generations
times, Miss Purdy probably holds ' tniddlthelass girls will make their
the record in unassisted cooky mak- salutations and- their ten minus the
Geer a route whine extends for exquisite politeness of the Honorable
several blocks north of the °limits" Etiquette.
and east of Clark street, and which =SIG ANI5 PAINTING.
site travels regularly every other
day, she is quite as well known and
neigland's oldest organ is In,
nuMber and depth of the salutations, parnsion street coo .cegational rilto only retools; and della erance is
- n' Church, -irslington. It was built
the order of serving -eve vtlf no in to he round in Him who for Olir
fttet, front heating of the Water do .„„0 for weaminstec Abbey, Inteanie a Van of Sorrows and
the washing of the tiny bowl -Is 're- "" 7acquailated it it it grief. was made sin
During the present century 400
seribed. by a rigid and elaborate ell- !mourn lives, $125.000.000, anti 200 or us °ad bore our bilis in His own
those things or not," he -answered.
a papa? . et and warned and denied herself
nllas your little boy'
quelte, a Mistake in. which would be mon bade holt lost in fruitless ed. ihody on the eross, took our place
fatal to a well-bred girl's reputation. forts to lind the North Pole. ie,„„, ,
onolet• wrath that We might lake His.
Ile reduced gentlewoman instructs glory. dlis love is better
.., Seotlo.nd Yard authoritieS report r,r,:ton to
In these dainutynpaollsil,arbuatn
din"glil'iralile. that 31'000 people "en boat in Lon- 'io'illfuennInc'ieliPlia.tt8e:l0ctimSwonLaln;121;e141e)e\eintniitel•
are growing
too engrossed. In -sterner studies to :dove that he bath to us He 1 tikes
don last year, und much the same
number in the preeeding year.
pay hearty attention to tho minute During the last hundred years the luP 3..fis nlItIde In us. and ell is wen
telecase„ tmielonytss, of hoolodb.TavaolatTleronfodiye eta, list Li adlite 11031510neleanngttiz.e,algiseisa. te dwpitetiol xxite„,e .,; iftiorel.1.10:11dooililigilsittr'n.‘,1,1111.0111itlzr.;,01:11ielecc; ti(iteiriis. the)ailt: ti4.11;f .
tedn,thhesdno.fetig%1;:;tinniet3irocfatnhievneldrite !other form, we bebold llim and
isli Isles ntuabers 198,000. Germans
iLobeirdi.dthgare tilechanggeld"!:• into Itillies
bold first place in point of numbers,
llitesians second. French third. `11,113age, fron1 glory to glory, by the
Statistics show that the standing 'NOM. of the Lowritlekt?dlisCothr.e ibieharlt8 0).1:
'man by nature that it refuses to re-,
etnimatibert.r coninteinaennatdaefeluvuall.sopethat4nodf the .80 deoPerotelY
Music is always taught by women , ceive correction, but glees it elf up •
nearly double that of the United , .
or blind nersons. Aristocratic maid- statc-.s. • to its own way repareltese of the %al
ens learn the biwa (lyre) or note anan i,l, that there is ulnae's but a atep be-
Pariin bathers are legally
r a s um nen( co, aloe t. s of
pelted to wash their hands tlt.ter 4" ----ling "Ile that tieing often
attending a customer before waiting .i.,;"0"d" ehrhenetil, hil, neck shun
on another. They inust also use t svuldti"ei,n; n'
. i be destroyed, aud that with -
for their welfare? In order to almost as 'welcome as the postman.
I go with you, will his papa be my
th.pa? want a papa. nuntastn raise them she has to pay for their Probably in three-fourths of the
education and food witb the price houses which she visits she is the (harp), and middle-class girls the
mum, before my papa died I had all
those things, and now that ray papa
is dead I have nothing."' Ale yes,
of blood. Does not that young
gill's grathiation day address mean
more to lier mother, who perlia.ps
there was pathos, unfathomable pa- had to scrub for it as well is sew
thos, in the answer of the little cash together the white dress in which it
boy. But that ensurer is not true in was delivered ? So, 0 widow, by
n reference to all fatherless children. your very Sacrifices I see with what
'When their fathers died they did not intensity you love your children be-
all lose everything. Their mothers cause of the self denial and the toil
not only remained their Inntin'rs, „vou have given them. I3y the very
but they became their fathers also. sacrifices which you have made for
0 woman who art a widow, 1 syrn- their physical, intellectual and sphi-
pathize with you in your sorrow and tual development I congratulate you
your hard lot, but let Inc congratu- upon the heights and depths and in -
late you, too, on • the opportunity teneities of your maternal affections.
Cod has placed within your reach Of It is one joy to plant a garden with -
honorably and heroically performing in a stone wall inclosure for your
a double duty. In a paternal as own eyes to see. It is a greater
well as in a matennal sense you are and a holier happiness to plant a
accomplishing muth for the tempor- flower garden. that others may enjoy
al and the eternal lives of your chin also.
The consecrated Widow is rich be-
lt is amazing how many kindness- cause she has been able by personal
es there are in -this world if only experience.to prove the certainty and
one stops to catalogue them. You faithfulness of God's prorrinns. A
can see those kindnesses manifested lifeboat is sonietimes used as a pleas -
everywhere. A few years ago a man ere craft along the shores of
was caught caught in the crowd that surg- sachusetts and Long Island. You
ed, into the cars of the Brooklyn can see the fishermen take and rig
bridge. He was jammed this way in it a, small sail and go spinning
and that. His hat was battered and, over the waters, while they laugh
cru'shed. The more he vehemently
denounced the people as savages the
more he was hustled and pushed
along. When he was at last seated
and was still complaining a gentle-
man' next to him turned and said:
"My friend, I ant afraid that you
have got into the condition of only
looking upon the bad side of human
nature. Now, have schooled my-
eelf to look upon. the good side, and
to help me in 'my task of looking
epee the bright side every day. I
carry a notebook and jot down 'eV-
ery good thing I see people do to
other people. For instance, to -day
be my way to the bridge My hat
blew off. I chased it, but before I
could get it three other men whom
I had never seen before ran after
that hat. One of them caught it
and brought it back to me. Now,
that action. was certainly 'unselfish
be his port, and yet you can see the
and joke as they draw ix) the blue-
fish or the shad. S6 people some-
times ese the gospel life -boat merely
for a pleasure craft. When the sky
Is clear and the sea smooth they set
sail for a frolic. But, oh, m37
,friends, the lifeboat is a far different
craft when on a stormy night the
11 fe sa.ving men launch it into the
surf to fight their way out to the
ship agroued in the offing, where it
is being shattered to pieces by the
ceaseless bombardments of tbe
mighty seas. And the promises of
God, out of which the gospel lifeboat
is made, mean far moreNto a widow-
ed maliner sailing the seas of life
alone than they do to the young
daughter who has always been shield-
ed from every StOrtn. And 3 -et,
mother,I would ask you a pertinent
question, which I know you will cm -
ewer well. Though you may have
bonen your husband many ,years ego,
was there ever a time when if you
y personbesides the e car- • sameien Or guitar. Dancing is not
onl tl letter
rier Who delivers her wares at the an accomplishment much esteemed by
' i •
front door. The good reputation. of e 1 g Sr �nby 1 ic e -p a combs.
Near Malcolm, West Australia, a: Tcal.d
t eee'11
rel,ned•v," idT(''r" :, 9; ‘.' 3; I"...
her cookies makes this arrangement fenSMM not it pleasure -but painting
satisfactory avery important one, to purchasers and leaves and taught gold mine is worked by a lamely of h`l'i' ' 17°L xxx. 3; Prov- xi; Id -
is ,
her unmolested by janitors. she with true Japanese conventionality, father, mother, -end some children, But there is an end, an "at the
roams with a dainty and attractive The master arrives, squats on the and is giving out gold at the rate , last" when -he that soweth to the,
basket, and house mistresses do not taline (mats), and begins to draw, of $75,000 per annum. Viesh shall of the fleob reap corrup-
allow her cakes to get to the kitch- either from a model or his inner con- In Sweden the rainceov stations atlinen" as truly as "he that sow -
en. In many eases the transaction seienee- Bis pupils, squatting which meals are served are known eth to the Spit it shall of the Spiriti
has developed. into a friendly feeling
which results in the "cooky woman"
being invited to rest, and the few
minutes' that- with her friendly cus-
tomers she considers one of tho best
assets in her business.
"When I began I tried to go where
nobody knew me, but now the hest
friends I hag° have been made
through my cookies. And I never
was so well in my life as I've been
working in this way, baking all one
day mud going out the next. You
can't make cookies over gas, though,
they are sure to be pale and dried
up," was the expert opinion given by
Miss Purdy- in conclusion.
The. Czarina of Russia smokes cig-
arettes now and then, and on her
desk there aro always a couple el
golden ancl engraved cigarette -cases,
a silver ash -tray, and a malachite
match -holder. The Queen of Italy
seldom smokes, but the mother of
the King of Spain consumes a large
number of Egyptian cigarettes every
day. The ex -Queen Natalie of Ser -
via owns a magnificently jewelled
pmeking outfit, and is very pe7Vtia1
to the habit. The Queen of RO11-
mania -Carmen Sylva-also 011-02 0.
large nuniber of gold and silver cig-
areete-cases, but She does not like
the aroma of tobacco. The Queen
of Portugal, on the other hand, is
around him, watch intently his 11)011,dashing strokes, When his sketeh is
complete, they endeavor to copy his
production, and not until a like ef-
fect in the same number of strokes
bas been obtaineil and can be repro-
duced by memory may they proceed
to another subject. In this 'the
charming conventionality of Japan is
easily traced, although its results are
not invariably happy, as when Ho-
kusai painted that fabulously im-
possible so-called horse which all
Japanese artists reverently copy to-
day, not because they think it like
a horse, but because Hokusal was
considered such a good painter of
horses! On lion:clays, which are as
common, luckily, in the Japanese
calendar as saints' days in ours, the
students march in gay procession,
carrying branches of blossonis and
banners to the parks, there to play
games and drink tea, and. sometimes
even to have a peep at a strolling
theatre, tbougle strictly speaking,
this joy is forbiirclen the fair sex
till after font,y1 •
The present educational system is
an effective and refining one. The
gevernment provides female normal
schools; 'the mousme grasp their op-
pOrittnitY 1143 eagerly as do their
brothers. There are many mistionary
and kindergarten schools, but ow-
ing to a recent and 'unfortunate frc-
floe with the Japanese government,
S03110 of the former have lately been.
alt ardent lover of the weed. She closed.-
prefers a speoial brand of Geeman It is, howz:ver, open to doubt if
tobacco, which is sent to her at in- this new education ii the Japanese
tervals from Dresden. Her mother, maiden for the life ce eupprcesion she
the Countess of Paris, occasionally enters on her 'Quadding day, and,
indulges in a Havana cigarette or looking at the crampon le es and
two. smothered aspirations, many couSider
by the simple but suggestive picture
of a crossed knife and fork opposite
the name of the station.
At Panne Colliery, Rutherglen.
near Glasgow, there is still at work
a stationary steam-engine which was
built in 1809, arid has worked con-
tinuously to the present time.
It is asserted that thousands of
people in Berlin hear better with
their left ear than with their right.
The constrint use of the telephone is
given. as the cause of their peculiar
All the horses in the British -Army
are branded, each with a different
number. The lion' of the animal's
near hind •foot bears the thousands,
and the off hind foot the units, tens
arid hundreds.
The "Tsofar," or whistling tree
of South Nubia, is So called from
the flute -like sounds made by the
wind in its branches. The sound
is- caused by holes bored by an in-
sect in then
spines of the branches..
Old Gotrox hobbled iete the recep-
tion eociin, where he Sound les bride
in tears. • -. • •
"Why, , what's the matter, dear ?"
asked the old Man.
"Y -you dont 1 -love me .any an -
more," sobbed the bride of six long,
weary .weeks,
"Why do you think that ?" queried
the venerable head of thesslionsehold.
"NV -When you asked see to nernerra
you," replied the unhappy female,
"you s -said you would ,ggladly ' die
for me, d -didn't you ?"
"Yes, I believe I did," acknowledg-
ed the old bey. -
' "en -well," qperied the fair sonber,
why a -don't .you do,.it,,?"
reap life eveilasting" (Gal. el, 8).
Mow foolish indeed are those who re-'
"nee to consider the inevitable realin
ties of the future mid give themeelves
up to a present, transient enjoyinent,
like Esau, who for a mess of poltage,
despised his birthright, or like those'
who say, -Let us eat and chink,
for to -morrow we die 1" (Hein zdi,
16, 17; I Cor. xv, 32.) They are
worse than foolish; they are blinded
by the god of this world, or it may
be that, having refused the truth,
they are given over to believe a lie.
(lt Con iv, 4; LI Tbess. 11, 10-12.). ,
There maY come a time when Prove
i, 24-31, shall be the experience of
many, when because they would not
listen to God they shall call, but He
will not answer, and finally they'
shall have to hear Rim say, "Depart'
from Me, ye cursed into everlasting.
Pre prepared for the devil and his
angels 1" (Matt. =v. 41.) The God
in whose hand our breath is andi
whose are all our ways (Dan. v, 23),
is very graciaus. He is slow to an-
ger and not wining that any eheind
perish al Pet. iii, 0), and inasmuch,
as life in theSe mortal bodies is Sol
uncertain, how blinded the sinner
must be to continue in shi when God'
18 besece,hing Min to receiVe freely
the redemption provided in Christ
Jesus 1 (Isa. i, 18; Rom. iii, 24.)
The heart is ihe great center from
which good or evil proceeds (Matt.
xv, 19); hence to live 011t 1.74M'F,SS 17
and 19 of our lesson chapter we must
'first obey verse 26. Althreigh 1Dzek.
xxxvi, 26, 27, has a reference to
Israel and a future fulfillment at:
their rest oration , IVO may apply
much of it to ourselves, and where
there is the new heert, the peace or
God, ruling. the spiiit of God oontrol-
bug, all will be well and God &rei-
fied when Christ takes possei,,ion..