Exeter Advocate, 1903-11-19, Page 2'.444444444.4.944.4.4' !trio tight, with only a small inlaid with a desperate man, and had tale - table between them, As they sat eet his precalttions aceordiogly, with their elbows on the table, the Theo he turned mein to the sleep, boy's face and the man's were not a, ing man: "Awake," he said s1arp- 1 Yard away, ond the blue eyes and ly to Wickham, who awoke with o I the brown stared steadily into eocb start to full, clear consciousness, ; °thole Trevor's young face was set But. his memory went hank no ezto eete Ate, ewe ewe ODR, ease Kite IN* '541.4 gple :stern and hard as a, stone. By de- further than the silent wrestling ef 1 odetaderedeleadledereettddhelfdettaitatlettdidiedillidi08011441004.10gige*Odhitthg ST ONGER THAN DEATH A RANSOMED LIFE groes strange light grew beliind their wills before he dropped eff to his eyes. steady, lotense, the Wong clear purpose showilig through. lVickharit felt that •etrength vaguely, sleep. He was vaguely troubled to fold Trevor otanellog before. lifne Pale aztel oeszervnle9ingemsosesestelectn and put forth the utmost power of steno '4What mo:ahey tricks have Yon ClawIrdElt XVIII. -'(Cont.) this spirits was exhausting to his Hs- h5s will to 1.esist it T+ was " tenN$ He seeMed latoxieated by ,two stroug men wrestled -all their been playing? ' he asleed sharply, Twevor waitod on the steps till the 1 4 . ' ' muscles taut and exiling from the remember I tried to mesmerize you. door closea 00 them, Ile was puo. Jo3h as bY wine. snout strain. One agonizing nio- Did you by any chance mesmerize me 1 In the billiard rOOM a »lot Ito .. ., to ::.uam. 'ally ediedhain had been , . „„ , . ' meot, end Wickham blew himself instead,?" so aedioue to wale home with him :Walled ^reel continuously, with an and ho solved tbe !wink- by sta Wiz muttered a fierce curse, but the lire." otraight Leen, through the wood: th-e '1 vaice and .11.10.1111017 WIlich nettled Tre- wo da died in meaningless babble au The Man% face whitened with a W og they had come. ivor almost be,yond endurance, But . r . 4 Ardel's fronk geed humor wets slow lihs 111.)8* Re telt his dooselousuess sudden fear- "And I told you?" ;t 9 take °deuce.. lee retorted only . • foiled, in the deadly struogle, Ile "I did; and questioned you of your :undertone of scornful triuumh in tits n. t.0•11 of the path, a hundred, slippiog from He tried to turn "You held bare your beert te n,e. yawls from the point where oo, challenging his eyes °may; but Trevends steady You told me of Murder three times Ilickhands auxiety to eorry h tbssi*1°Iiall1,:tdielstd: his eyelids closed Softty, will and i "A Pack of lies -mere fraud and had irdt, he found the secret ofhmo hundred up.I.:Ytgekoeb,:uhlitiou gam held them. mercilessly. Then ottempted And mum Accomplished." home twain. With a fierce throbblititg id.ered 4nd firtY c/dds... alld the° ".'"'"'eelf-conselousnees vanished together, trickery. I know leeW tho thing is of his bdart recognieed Lucy 'ette game out trimophautly in a doz- land he lay back in the chair in a done OS Well xte you I Was eoni=. Ray on a low instic seat, with down,. brealts. „deeo shop at, the mercy oe his Inas- pelted to eoy just What. yon wanted LM eYed. Lead sad pate face. so tost 1,oviedhatti in urmuoneterfuatd1:rira sa"..ii in thought that she did not see or toshowo what a man can do NvIlen "Do you knoer inoes" Trevor asked. . "Iwand the troth, and you told "Wonderful! . me to say,' tiorr t ter. hoar hint. ,oe it tO, Me. - ilio rives his miad-lifs whole mind- And the sleeping man answered, .I. „ e he started up with a little frigh- - " SulePose I did, My dear young • th• " know you, Vivian Ardel." friend," he broke eut in angry de - dance. "Suppose I did, you. damned Young devil; What are yon going to I do, about it? Who will believe the I -thee outlatidiell story of a jealous School- eenee cry as he tore:mod, her shoull dt te A,rdel beamed at the compliment. thNi a lablt wE'll gb°st °f a• lie sot the red and white balls close 71.111.k.:asiclusuw,vec.,..tulateourbelite. tolitzsu, lor: '1, Imcdzi the in sptzhe,:ilitsrletoto) tricruarm 1 4,wto aerea , pi t i dil I hoot weeping-. lleesie stuba oral tee like. including 02011 ePagreeetwoaiuratthlet elevanillee4tit ggatiltil , 4 . a i• 4 ..4 . A ter "What is it, ',newly* or, sow; oean 'ifolftri etiohlionli ad . then coutrn i 00 zw004,,..., sot1y tt, 1a11y s too nu o ier wa • , x p 0. s hfo°2. Yer gineeteld/s. 701141:411seYgt7nogil Parer alai rags, olO boots awl &beef; opdoiot. „how , f , I, part. - ' catnip from :Trott and vegetables: l ' 'gib; hu.411-04" b4, -"1 7n ugt;deartid. °in::: dumant of the in it.' 'PAW'S and rourse, but 1 hnew that Lucy laugh - a. sby, Itarry!" be said. ith, a a .I, ,, c. , .1. . Iran he deptedted 'in It and e000011141 . v ) uti oi - I to et , a . are cepa e tat coag " play with the butt end a the ;will was still awake, and in demo ed at Yon. !o to her now. I You catty got rot of. lead Pc°11trY, mutt more than Many ottlipooe. volt ageinst self-betrayal. his Bps' dare. ond tell her that her intended g '211reys--unless----- ' te'; f tirnet/volti,hde i'd: not core for one osed tight in obstinanco Adel -too husband, Colette' Wickham. is a Mere dexclost'votiltiresen$iaiTt 0,"beatitlidg eti‘t..esIptobs:11 tie' "There is 110 '111114.'SS` /IOW. You . /To had mother "Answer" said Trevor liven, more &tor. I defy you even to get Melo this way than fertilleer Manufiettur- "1st furg" an that "TY' 1 aria just tjousttility",na.nd. Ardel, with sternly than before. witted Ardel to believe you." or pay for them, and If butiml deep. wTildtlhie thuonconselous body goiverect Trevor drew the paper from • ly in the heap and cOVVIV4 With puloitt aborerrtioPrcirleIrli Ills:Z.1 ICx:Al.,1; ts111..ers "00(01 -night, boys: ake rear Intensity of the struggle, poeltet and luqd it tip in his left ham manure or soil. they Ara no your young life wasted. Harry. You .11 yourselves' went gaily ° 1 ° but stili oo word,, hand. out of roods of the otherra longer lo the way of or a Menace t enici you would love toe while 1 waso -what a old, loundoring baby it , . Theroh pressed his hAnd orlon his grfisP. Tho electric light glintod, anyone. for all offensive odors from IfZ„ to 1°.re-well' 1.1° II° 3°"'44'r is!" triekhain said to Trovor as they ;Wrfrteag..,, ,fr010 the lmerel of a small revolver them will thrs he alworbett. Biagi ' hi ri I an "You see and odd lei:es that cannot be cow. "Answer truthfully the questioo shall ask of you." "1 roust." ed•lidedtehiikeirtod'edoekseelieeddwdYeedlE0 i OR FARMERS *eoraolieblg anduProddthhie sY Tine" ih**"..irds*10****dle Oilstiod*o*diEdielf A compostr 1111AP., Nothing is of gre4ter Vai,M on the farm for gathering together a large Amount avoilable fertilizer evil year than conipost heap. It may stoamede. 'All wooden uteuslis rimed and serubleed, fleet with eel or loke-warni water to remove tted milk, and thee they aro covered with a coat of thick muslin of sleake lime. After ten or twenty intinutea or later, the chiums..(or other utend sils) are scrubbed with tho anti cold water, After which. they( are lowed, twice in worm water and At lost with water hot enough to Make the wood dry quickly. Irn44,4,1,4 TiIE MIXED RATION'. ..4, Mixed ration will nearly always giro more satisfaetory results then be lecoted m some out of the way olio one ineteriel. Oats oud corn Place, but the ideal spot is. if Pose with geott hay and fodder, can be tilde right in the borneyord. AIWY,- too,de the principal parts of a. ration, how, it should be built near enough while brae, oil Inoue and quite it to it SO. the liquid manure from the 1 number of other =Aerials ema be stables, and aa moo, oi ow solios g used to Make up a Yariety. Use o as is desired, can be readily conveeh larger proportion of corn during the ed into it, It should be at leost winter and lees during the summer, VAT.. feet deeper in the centre than at' iticreeqng the oats in the sunnuer the sides, and If paved with stones . and tem% the amount in the whiter, laid in eeineut will endure serf:tee Oats make one of the very best feeda for a long time and give excellent that can be supplied to home; and sotiefaction. It sheuld be of o hizo especially so to the worhing team% elifficient to hold not only all the refilSe on. the farm. but the 11014 1 T/TH WINIMILL. ehereinent. and the meter After a. rainfall, without overfiewIng• Custt° The windmill Las become a Itezessole: fogs of weeds, grass, tender ahruos. ty on farms. In proportion to coin. and briess from the roadside, along ,- oi it gives more power and service titele fences, ditches, and waste Places. p any niaeldne or impleineot on the leavee from shade trees, Potato. to- f Not 17 -01 0, WirrdOtin - , Ot'at, op e e. 4 I help •you? Yon promised otwaye to trust me -as friend." "And you will be my friend. Howe; ry; always my friond." I.ONDON WORIdINO =LS. 444,112,44F Invest Their SAVingS in Trinkets Ineteeel of CASIO The cigarettedaahere in the OW reed and the Flast-end at London are wore left alone together. Ile paused -1 Spook. ' cried the third thne held IP s giltP pait, now feehod ut000tooy. prow. With a doadly sinking of his heart • • d in tones of concentrated commend. that?" be said quietly. veiled into firewood. or Moe nee of latew what was cozning. liter a moment to sip his brandy an • he They wero delighted with the public he ered of pain:, the. wards brtelie "Yes. SOO that. "What. is that- bin sorehte Otabelb" Inetainer, hhothnkli advertieemetit which a Wilco Court "I have promised colonel mem= ,soda, aud apply a lighted vesta care- . • t 1.1 . from, toe sleepers dine -44 notruereio big Sheet, of paper, scribbled on. rhug an mire twat w p, d and the aohes from the ores added to ;ca.,e nes glees of the fact that Vila ,fully to one oi Ardel cnowee ted to he his wife. It was the only way !.o.a.nuas. “it bard to bellow that ;ed Dessie Blythewood." (How does it concerti Thor' boom .jowellery they wear is not the worth - out of all this tangled maze. Ile: its contents. Wash water. man was once reputed the keenest. "Ah. guessed it." Trevor Ildlttere "It Is the detailed confession slops. and All kiwis of ttetati. in feet. less atua ht filiWrt .60411staken for. begged me bard. It with a deep ledrawing your crimes. written with your W" 50 "SC' intelleet in Europe. What 0,0110r. ed hlluselt ohould he c011ected Pelee in the lint la real and gelatine oe Mae dee that I told him. that I had no love:toll trarsoonaavon from that to adof his breath, Then to the sleeper hand. eignod with your OWtt 00 CCOWS0 of a year it will mato a flee:lighted in by the lotidee of Tate West. to give, Lowe he seed. would come .1di,„. tummy d 1 1 1 o e;,stersily: "How was the minter tinunistatably yours." epate se too - wee posit of valuable killdeer for tho end• A Nonag jewtsd eighreltee in time. and if it never can. liking fkonda to ho horribly aferod of long done?" The light- fell e, le -"ion thoe PoPetth garden or any Mod of crop at %ow maker Inifitioreesen4ly Mod! her lover would content him. Half a Wide dtw iat one tow. 1 remember... "It was so '111/1Pla's!"""Illith "h. --fi linettvelY Wich"I° 144ew ne sP°144 small coet; if tltired up or turmoil ;her the return 4he at, two elogo-,.. votion-never wanering, :never falter-. oAfraid of mow. ill'eadful words ell his liesitation 1 the truth. Alt the bravado died "444 over spate frequently the pile wird wont riugS te hint ediven her mid ti-Oeit (gain). I could see that he was ter-' .."1"S' Pld "-at never he". -., ,, how. with 0. Whit in ghastly Riede ibaeet. huddled up in his chair in 'Sainrfe story? i suppose now le. . * le disappeared. Ho spoke quite &vie* l,of him in a moment, Ile dropped 1be thorouody mixed. mod and aii tam, wed wider a lovers. dieL /riteio i ing-he Weeded, had given hint some ribly in earnest, and I had not the ,.lhop'pe'nhed whdn you were a baby, cite his own cleverness, "I was with 'complete collapse. Ills 'Mice -Cagle heart to refuse him the poor boon .mras on trial for murder. your father ilter by appointment in the morning dn broken gasps. "Why do you tore he had sot his heart on boxing." full hour Wore the body was dote+ mo like this? Whot do you hopo "It comet be. You have not Id(lende'd me' but It 1 Wonderful Agdel of those was •Ardel---t be i. --ea daosoehet 'found. She was like a sentimental i for? What do you want met to do? If emoted the cost. Lucy -the long. saved my me, ere enestnerieed a Itigrets, deviling one moment, raging there is anything—I' Then with It damned perjured witness and tore the next. She showed me a letter :sudden burst of uncontrollable rage eh erlees. loveless life at best -the . bitter rnavallime remorse if you find - your father ,she bad. written. threatening to cern- as he realized the trap in wideli be 1 ' ver • heart Olit too late yonr love bas been given • in putt suicide if I deeerted her, and the to another." ised the confession brilliantly She smiled at his earnestness in ci-OSS-exaMination, and between them grevolver with which elle meant to old .• 1' ed off the nooso that wasIdo it. It was that put the notion was caught and crushed, "Oh! you dainned. devilish young cub: I wish I bad put a knife ora bullet through ready to troconie avallalide to tede dentelly it wee fetend that the three 'dente as soon as applied. WerY hdlind Vaht. about $78. dollar paid out for commercial Not wort; girtR' jtattvittly trtp tilizers, that could have been eavsoll'igenttine, But, a eerprielug (comity by hodidng after a hoeneonade anti- of it is. and emend the foreign girlie 010 efluallY US goad in ovOrY rosePert 1,who ntake cigarette:, especlalle, the Is dhsoltrtelY thrown away. In"e:'11.01liett 41001S. it is altruist all real,' over, when vines, stubs and men .atid often very costlen thoegli they lihe, or crop:: sown for the purposero‘eveorawy preelsr onantwo tO A loth,' ore plowed in where they grow, the df great value: poor spots of the Mal get tho least due reason of this is it such -curious contrast wtth the ' • t at t loser woo MY 'wad. I knew she would be yOu long ago." The Post moment benefit and tile flab places the most; v'ggoiris earn high wow,. At ono largo, smooth boyish face. itightening round my Beck. I pingue to me all my fear mastered his ra e and his voice Olt the other hand. le." Putting eit grateful to Ardol aud all that. a curse' and zt grue.the plucic to kill herself; so I saved ly know what I'm saying, Trevor, outioti ti she would never have logain took v. whina tone. '`i bard- i cooTpostothe order Is 'reteresel. TO ,itt,„uleticeesen,t17, 1,b,„":41/ an fvtikl%Ittrinntl worlds ways You have rowni I sort of thing. of course; but Soon illte; 1 IOKIV ItitiCOSt of trattirortatilon to;hWanatromdd ,i'7 17"‘ "My poor Rarry, how wise in the .ver•v time of life, unless t' -he lost Dr floor Ntl te0 Made 1M• OMR. A your own tersnS. What's the price - n I el° t d',11-ipoor average ma titeit, earnou,, the, Ardel shookd revivet and the hope se tua' "But ho may bow, the power vordiet of snicide was a sure thing of your silence -If it has a price , - ola o ' ete trushed or pe, rminated to die in fi;pend notch on the nimbienese and happy myself, the next best, juries came near hanging me. Ptut Trevor slowly-aud tho abject wretch , the' rompost, and the vegetable mat- isUroillw9 of their fingers; and, the:ugh of that has gone. If I connot I e ' but tor that devil Weevil. Ills per- ' don't want to hang you, said is to make another happy." tho:g still?" -Not he. It was dependent ort you, in your Wisdom, proved me ut- shivered at the word -"If 1 eon hedid ter is worth at fertilleer priests from .hoginnerS find it difilintit to mato. $4 igloo to eight dollars a. ton. Howe, la weeh, and the linnees ef W100'8 'But you don't know this man, his mind. and went with his mind. it. I don t want even your death dit is le k, c az N manifest, that a farmer, ' never berowe quick enough to earn Lucy. If I were to tell youP, In those days a kind of red fire used Ilaie:,e.ate '. . , • 1 • 1. s „Atm then there was a note of in- an my conscience." have coented th'e cost. rIg not how I used 0.1ways to hove a C14,14 1411!3 eld"hdr ttbebdroubdle., I left her letter (tn but words don't matter, you know. pailowZmandleweoeruzlOg thttsdLileoldlegejsull Tiolfzft olds wore at pioet. rate% ano likely to fall in los'e again lot some rib° ing In tit° PresPa" melt who could search your heart ;tne a lie her revolver on the You have me dowo and. ean mak° nod in, ret pests di w ow. • !ti, thmeauel eigureties a day is a She stopped him. by Et look andtO h gesture full of quiet dignity, "Don't. Harry," she said gently, but fitmly, its not like you to CATARRH OUSE DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25 speak ee of the absent, Don't let Li seta direct to do diseased tills folly that will pass away tempt parts by the Inemovad Mower. you to injustire. Don't spoil our Heals the ulcers, clean tha air friendship by hasty words for which you will be sorry presently. Re- member I am Colonel Wickham's promised wife." "And you will keep that promise at all hazards?" when he was in earnest. There's no "The man. that saved you -Dr. Ar - "May God so help me, / will keep more mesmerism in them now than del -you were gt•atefule to hira?" ray promise, if he holds me to it, in a pair of big glass beads. I "'Not a bit. You saved my life though the whole world slander fancy I could mesraetize him if to please yourself. If you had him." wanted to." known everything, you would have Ile :Owned from her in anger; but "You hall) praetised mesmerism, let me hang." half a doeen yards off he came back then?" asked Trevor. "Why did you try to murder Vivi- "Miss Ray, - and he wrote) hastily with love and hope re -kindled He seemed curiously interested and an Ardel?" I hereby release you from your in his eyes. excited. "Whyf why because wanted you engagement. do so to avoid de - "germ yet, Lucy," ho said softly, "Ohl Just an amoteur. It seemed out of the way. Luey Ray loved .served public disgrace and exposure "even yet I will not despair." a thing worth knowing. I can man- you, or I believed she did, ond for myself. That was all, and for her tbere ago pretty well with a. good sub- loved Lucy Ray. Wasn't that rea- (Signed) Edgar Wickham." WAS TM meaning in his words. But ject." son enough? She was the one evo- He blotted the note, mechanically the courageous confidence in his "I wish you would try your hand 'man in the world for me. Body and folded it in an envelope, and direct- ed it, "Miss Lucy flay." "Now," he said to Trevor, "let us swop papers." Trevor sullied, "I mean to have lt31.°•:t!lairt'eo's;e1;ou, Wickha.m. You will read - shan't have both." I think will. I cannot ily imderstand that. I hold this ,that dried sugar -Deets make an an as a life assurance. I will so eases in a herb; but on the other Icellent fodder, which can be used as arrange that at my death it will bo read with a short explanatory note ddo is generally acknowledged a sebstitute for maize. When profl- 0. solent mockery in his voice, "Don't beat about the bosh then. "Had you no pity for the girl that What must I do for my We?" loved you -no remorsu tor her mur- "You said Just now yeti were go-, things so often piked in corners to etto maker likes genuine jUwellery in der?" Trevor asked. ing to America. You must feo-, feed weeds or thrown in the road to Ithat it is her oltenhee The g000 "None -till there was danger 1 ,alone." he under foot and in the NOY for MI lire •eern ebeolay, ano, 'mown,: g might be hanged for it. When the "I'll start, in a. week," and he i indefinite period, Peritalts, aud dumli millet* distrust of banks. yet White danger passed I was glad that I had inci.e.‘•:::,1wito„urraatc•dilsigtlitleilndodoolgegedly. "Stop! thore's one thing more." tdieleir iliirsporletatudie,i).nd itiroll;11,.eSd l‘g*C11.01,u 1113: ;1,1111 kt to ..iitturnil.anid Ttohereaavree It. t. them in the comPost heath The fere thrifty. their savinge berame a, bore "A letter to Miss Ray. " nod mixed with the surface soil. In and still more afraid to early it "You terturirg young devil. Yon Joking it out, hrsgln at., tl'e Iltr•Alet Pima with them in the form of cur - don't want .me to confess noyself to learner ard throw back a.1 the coarte rent eoin, for thee They minim only Lucy!" i material 15 ft 110W bean.. .11,0 ObjInt in,* It me be robbed, out even he, I would spare her, not you, Itoi mixing it with the eurfate •snil is li;impterl to vomit some of it in un - that pain. Less will serve. sit i that it will eerve as a mitten ill C00- ,....ended dirotions, down again at that table and take serving ndoisture . tiring,. a otnIroVloi d'" h i So they 1 Urn their money into jeto be• preventing rtudd 0 apo .ati the pen in your band. Now write; ' rotted it Mere*. And those who know them (liner ittngudaii:oci:e.optsl.toroughle is, the better results it mill give for :say ihere They perebase chiefly through their are few buyere so expert. who desires to 1;eep his farm the in the week, an ordinary smart highest state of fertility. eon 00 'girl will total op to 87 and $10, nothing better then colleet those,. llut mother roneon why the cigar- passagatratops dropptaga la the. got tins trouble out of my bre throat and PeWWWI7 0/4"31 Blowecheaply and safely." Catarrh and Hai Vevey. r , free. An &aura, or D.A.w. au, as nun der nothing to you?" licit:Loa Co., detente and Betel* ''Nothing; but haogiug i$ a great voice cheered bor. She felt the load on her heart lightened, as the leaden day vaguely lightens while the rain pours and the clouds lower, when the sun, though hidden, makes his power felt through the gloom. Alt through the day and well into leather -covered emir in which he cat. The trick with the broken foil the night, Wickhain's exultation con- sat, and the two faced each other was a neat thing. I'm glad it didn't timed unabated. Tho exuberance of squarely under the glow of the elec- come off though." "Why glad?" doesn't, matter to me now a pin's point whether you live or die. Lucy Ray has promised to be nty wife. I have gained my end. I will marry her in a mouth." "And then?" "I will sell out of the army, take my wife to the New World, and live happy ever. afterwards." Trevor got up and quietly fetched a blotting pad, paper, pens and ink from as adjoining table. "Sit up close to the table," he said to 'Wickham sharply, who obeyed bim like a child. • Re put the pen between the speak- er's fingers. • "Look what's before you," be said. Thc eyes slowly unclosed with the vacant look of the somnambulist. "I see Writing materials -nothing anore."- •"That is enough. I want you to write." • "Write what?"' "An account of Your murder of Bessie Blythewood as you have just told it to me -an account of your three .separate attempts on the life of Dr. Ardel." Without .,an instant's hesitation, Wickham began writieg, rapidly and fluently i». his own. peouliar hand -- neat and elear-while '.1:1revor looked over his -shoulder. "Sign!" he said, when the, writing Was finished, and •cVickhain signed with a flourish. Trevor took the paper, blotted it, folded it, and put it away in the in- ter breast- pocket of his coat, that alreridy bulged a little from a small revolver, for he knew he had to deal on me. Mesmerism has always a soul I was devoured with love for fascination for me, but I was never her. I was not fool enough to let mesmerized." any manes life stand in my way. I "I don't mind if I do. Just look tried three times. I don't know how rae straight in the eyes."the devil you slipped through each WiCkhana wheeled round the gr -eat time. You have more lives than a St ard ure f r itchin Iles. When Electors and Surgeons, Medicines and Oper- ations Fail, You Can be Cured by Dr. Chase's Ointrnenta There is always some standard by which the Merits of an article are measured. Among ointments the standard is Dr. Chase's. If a dealer tiles to sell you and other kind he tries to clinch his argument by say- ing "This is as good as Dr. Chase's." Don't be satisfied with substitutes or imitations, for Dr. Ohase's Oint- ment is the only positive and guar- anteed cure for every form of piles, Rev. Wm. Thomas, Brownsville, Ont., rviltes : "As a man of seventy years 1 am grateful to God and to Dr. Chase's Ointment for a cure of piles which has caused mo endless annoyance and much misery. The itching and burning was almost be- yond eigiorance, but Dr, Chase's Ointment brought quick ro'ief, and as the trouble has not returned, I have 7.reason to believe that the cure is lasting." Mr. Duncan Mac:Vicar, Oaledoita Mines, N, S., writes :-"For a num- ber of years I have been troubled with bleeding and protruding piles. I tried serera/ salves and ointments, which only afforded me temporary r•e- lief. Sometimes 1 would be laid off from work for weeks. One day last winter one of your books came into my hands, and after reading the tes- timothels of Mr. Donald MacLean of Ta.rbot Vale, NS., and Rev. S. A. Dupra,u of Belleville, Ont., I decided to give Dr. Chase's Ointment a trial. After using two boxes of this oint- ment I found myself completely cur- ed. What I suffered from that awful disease would fill a big book. You are at liberty to publish this, as it may .be the m,eans of conviucirg some poor sufferer, such as I was, that there is a cure for piles. To all sofferers from piles in any form I would recontnend Dr. Chase's Oint- ment as the only cure." Dr. Chase's Ointment, GO cents a box at all dealers,' or ledmanson, Dates & Company, 'Toronto. To pro- tect you against imitations the por- trait .ancl signature of Dr. A,. W. Chase, the famous receipt book au- thor, are on every box of his reme- dies. ,own countrymen and co -religionists, land generally by weiglit. They al- ILSE OP LIM; IN FACT°1117. low the seller very little profit. tool The Danish Deity Instructor'D. :often obtain tire jewels at prirea io 13oggeld, in a cent lecture, dwelt which would astound those who put' - at length on the use of lime in but- 'chase through the ordinary courses. ter ft"oetotp iolelsi.this that it may be ne- gold with' but very slight loss; mete is way they can, whenever they He said that there is often occa•o- desire. turn their jewellery back into cessaxy to distinguish between clean- what they lose in interest they gain' ing and disinfectiug. It must, be in the pleasure of possession and dis• conceded that the cleanliuess -with which wo-for practical reasons - must be satisfied with in our factor- ies in no way satisfied the strict de- mand of the hygienism width must be applied in ngliting contagious dis- BEETS FOR FODDER. German fanners have discovered by Miss Lucy Ray." "Then I refuse." "And hong?" °33ut if I give the letter, .what se- curity bave I?" "My pledged word; while you keep faith, I'll keep it. You must not see Miss Ray again. Yoe leave here to- morrow. and leave Weight:0 within a week. These are my teems to take or leave." Without n word Wickham heeded hint the note. With his hand still ready on the -trigger, Harry Trevor watched him slink from the room, and so pass for ree-er out. of his life. (To be coetinued.). + SOWIDY OF CANCER. At a meeting in London, at which the Rest annualereport of the general committee of the Cancer Research Fund was presented, Sir William Broadbent said he thonght that in the course of the work now heiug in- augurated the na tore, calse and cure of cancer would be. arrived et, n,m1 Mr. Balfour remarked that there was every reason to hope that the inves- tigations of the counnittee would ul- timately prove successrul. Al Lhougli it was deemed premature to make any detailed statement of the experi- mental work in Progress, it was Pi- dicated that ,considerable- iMportance is attached to the study of cancer as it occurs spontaneously in the lower au imals. that the best possible cleanliness Is orly sacked and stored, they are equally deeirable 08 account of the kept without difficulty. One of the health of the cows and thedevelop- effects of this use of beets in Geo ment of their disease resisting poly- many is expected to be the proven. ers, as it is of great, importance in tion of over -production of sugar. The the securing of five and uniform dairy products. Ten or twenty years ago beat was used in the fight against bacteria. Steam was employed liberally, and the result was the warping of churns antUcream barrels. The floats wore scrubbed with boiling water, and it was oven proposed to seala the -to remember what to forget, drains which increased instead. of Australia. will oll'er a bounty for decreasing the smell, 'At present it the production of irdn and will nisei is an exception when a churn is pay a. bounty to agriculture. beets will be utilized for foddet Whenever the price of sugar falls toe low. Amateur artists are not dangorout even if their designs are bad. Tim secret of popularity is alwayi AS GOOD AS A CIRCUS. • Mrs. Newyfe-Did you enjoy your dinner, ray poor man? Weary -Enjoy itt -Why, ma'am, I almost laughed neeself to death oVf..., dose croquettes! •