Exeter Advocate, 1903-8-20, Page 3cows. XL�Iml YOUR, X-OUT:K SRUT. AIL m(Qn4er banquet has ji�4 been There is 4 great deal in ILgeeping your mouth shut. Tberp are more givem by A, woAltby land-owaor My r -op Quim�perle), Franco, to cqlel,�rnte the a IX JP, in the world wh ahnultancona wedding of, his four toot in No siocW aff* o never open louth without putting OL childrOn—two song aud two 44ugb� have any idea of, You lers. 'No fewer than 1,600 pests 111,1,1111n, 14ror"001, but if you keep yo is covap*e.. with - X0 down to the feast, W1140% took mouth shut Who is to ) r Know it? Gea- -V pla-cointboopowgir. Tb.p bill4f Ceylon Too 10, the, f160AVerally you caa Size up the folks who, fare I out the, aeudws_ J, Avee�� Jo I will 'Igvt there," we getting thero, , , .ft gao Ing Abou 44 vads, . Q 1 3.6 Too the world pr9ducear or have got thero by the way their, VQ md nly in 104,kd JOWL 'r Jaw ban ;'o mayoCcasloA_ tasUng tawbs,, and enormous other meats And eatublos� �io 1Av- 1� �q 94 Of ha'VII the VLlly meet 4 wisQ man wandering isit was, the scale oiooroa th 4 wpt$Nng done 04rly in, thlo IdAy, About wltb his mouth Open, but IXgt though tl�e 1,00 gaeg -a - '01 1 t1ling. It is what pecl- at, , rpllol;t 4 45 11 ala �Z$ tp eye ry and Green., have 1140 m* t a !,I.d to guiliega AnQ Well ple say and drinIc c1liefly that causes tites, th tw thent to a 'he Once pro wa -than eno-ugh, lapA.A te4 -m _;S, morie Ir 1pf &inl, try OSAIada"C t P, for All, XQT their tbiret, Alog, ma gistrAte, it they bA heir a kept their lepted, for the guepta emptied %ort mouihS arbut. they would pot have Blu ri it, or t M leave barrels of wine And fift"A Of said iruril, it, bre fo4plish cideri beoldea 411TOMMg *1 :nX'QcJA TO TO FURTHEST SODTH Scott will have to blast his WAY Out, fish, Are Cau t with hooks 14 the eLw of -a lifillid Towering above this broad a -ad deel)l mouth th= through the *oil. . 'The UZUSU TWI Q JVboL goc$ abQU ... ..... .. bgy aild on its very shares rises follow t with Ilia i Dbon TEA1 ��S IN TJ�[E :10FA-RAOX, Mount Erebus to a height of 12,OW mouth Open may catch A few ffles in WHY TROW 013 feet. it is Ono o . f the loftiest Val- the aperture, but be is not likely to Good gh! 3) _11sepovery, Carries 09 can.os on C.Vlb. cAtch anything very valu Q'VXWL]) r3Y 'Uniolzi T00% lwlearor the . able tbAA DR. WX=,TAXS1 =X ICY VOLCAN70. Way, It is the $allow who sets his Its enormous mass from, tile level Wtb and co wmquently shuts I II Ylon T e Reneired interest in Antarctic e,�� 9>1 the fFcA to its crater, over two mouth VlAo -gets these.s. Sulfor4rs IXQTA TWA Iklsegsc. are W ploration is gr.,al�ened by the grriv- miles above. the ozeau, consists for caroAt rgrit 4ma MZ0144, not rDx- Al in Son 7,;,rAnO o of the A �p Cannot 11# Cprgd The, fragr=cc md. tioch creamy A%c elief ship tbe greater part of eruptive and porupolAt With, other Qf the Prifish expedition lected rccl�. It is upw in at state 01 that 1,.% e. - 07 Iwal gpplicktiong 04 Ule'v CXzPQ0 '10 vels�,,Sel rQ2404 tho 4�, . M.Aking its way to t1w soutit P comparative quiesCetwe. N 91 tho a4r. tute of fl* tea are peculiar to Ole. Who return of the rolle-I ship Vitro- would. daro enter tile bar It it Were, TbetO b, WIV 040 w tq� gwo 440pegg. t1te con4tition of vlolent activity and that is by contst tutiopml r v0tq. in 31 O)p *rvram 0,0 8"n, $Oafortb. Ont. Ing Star to T;"Ugland front, iLbe nIDWIY JD0a(re** 10 q8=0 bX lext 14#4wed con, it alonel. Tho kidpoyx are 00 mclat ".Qrt- itiscovered Ant4rctic continent I-, for in whIch tile Jtoss ir--,pedition found dtan 91 thq =Vpous , lining of TU4e. b. Thoy r#pst Altor 4vew$ the TAIArpose of bringing bacl; plo.re It in January, 1841- Fruptions ickchi;M load 'L the b in -ppiles to th,3 0-.Nplortag ship D, - were toling place About ON' Jr ofty N.0ents ,drop balf 0 you bAya Found or 1W , Ig IMIt6t hfArtipw, aod WhQb A to @41irggy bload fit wo;lk Up kidat-yo colmot 40 co*t&ry%,, wbith I,& uow f�o,4114 In tli 0 e houl% and 04 each evekislan, cloud vlariqd. DvOlp.lew IEJ 'We Awtdt, AQ4 MR. 04pir w0k, go the blood In lkxft Je Ant and voleauie dust, appAr- IWSUA 1114AMIM91101k CAU bc talcou ORt bo FlAr AW r0XI 0 nearer tile Roulh Pole than a1w Q St t, itualtarod ", foul. 4knd U0 Kdooys vcsst-1 ever rcLached befk)re. Tile ently from. 150 to 11WO Anst in 441- Aud thig Who rcgtoretl to M normid Creen 0*04 1#40401 Cq44Jk$'On, J"R#rtqg Will blD got Are Itit clog � 7' X .4 vil Wt* poigolAQUX IM 1 (truing *StUr. Witen site, 104VPS meter, Was hurled thousands Of feet ever. Nine, cz4gft . orie c4eU4 out of tta Tha retivvtion of glow- by I suj� In tile air. C0,44rd%, WbIVb s 4904pir out An U OR- nQu COMIM the b94-40119" land rext Pleoluber. will 9 0 WArAu* *or" n -V dluctly Wsf-lpod -r ,41 f4tal 14 Ong (.Iectrie, Ing Java in the Crater Was dis . ft% ply, of guncotton anti I vkog. X)oWt nee 3 4 An the at- 114111CONed, and f�oulo ot the o4 -.lect that bcdtac # for rt focf,.S, Which will bf use, Iriver's of lye will To, Ono l9q,ndrod 3PPIlAre 101, .0 At '040 Toot Of tl tempt to free the Di9covvry fron-A her the Riw-1 party thought, they cotild p4l'y'9450 0 1)9afa=i(C#uA4d bygiv#rth g4tnuot J)D curcol by H01*6 1040 �rjr#1 'To- of 000y - Ou. frozerl lettlers. we streams of lava, Powing dowa tftnd for virculmn, Mo. th 'Ir. V+1pj4l1p 11. r�. .9cott, of tile p Xpro 'NNY QQ..TQ1440 bl. by M,116blpif ato blood wit .Oygl until they wore lost under the cov- I P-. J. Clip A,' Pillu-4to only nitiffi. prugglaUp. 740- U*SEru6H (IMANAN aft SLAIN Sold b J'OOA M U 444wip NCOVY , -11,3 in c4OURIland of 1,1115 1,1tt'St QrIP9 91 cipo that vAk*A tile blood ricb, red an About twelve uIlles from, tile PUla- AND THE and 4 luostsuccessful Antn1vtic, expedl- it of Mount V�obus risws Its sister xr. Win. 0611AU'd, of statorth, rion. 1IN ship, tile Dinovery. Cost In "ITO married ber because she wait $3150,,000. aud Is one of tile strong. mountain. Wount Torror. to a height OrA.. Ww Wovvd that Dr. Willi*=, about jo,floo ftet� MASAI WARRIORS. It is a vol.�Sllch a, brilliant conversationalist.** own Pluk Vill's will cure 00 mo;lt Qb. e9t wooden heats over constructed, s-* d! not stlo "Yes. 1 linow; but—** #-WeJl,, now The expedition is under the ausplcf,-i c4110 als011 thOU911 110-, 4 dioota c;wo of kidnoy troubit. To of tile Royal clet and the Royal it In a state of A.-ruption. Ito wlFilei he badWt for the $ame INCIDBINT. Iter of t roor bo Sun be freely saive Should I)oth. of theso monstor tJqW&T@of We CAM 4� lhgvo Geographical Clot and the Brit - I A activo agWa vwt W vombw. rail Afdqa� a Aprvbuxbt W�v tr4o per es Suddenly t4,golllo , Suftlad Rom UdnW trouble for tsb Govern rail d *1 54&�,tallti- 0 DO LIC0,-Tho billons ftnoby Ito r*InIV1qVM Al slob"Idy. there Can Ukt 140 dQuht of the IA440 Q gbout two �reouvll maid Mr. Holland, MO" X Ps UMT: a Coal AMOAQ14le Ina" ba tlLq Ag Or gc- 1�uIlKwIz"'T rOINT "souTI.T. the swp Which Is Fmava hl 410 Joy I 11� L ra5a g-luib b1s P'llment 70, 'i bitu uto , Ana 4vows tt* wqdd.V�40 4" 0 1102944:r* i;=pa7nJ4t,d I it,* Irouble would bo cv Captain $Cott. Wter g0ting Us k"A' their 1101�0- gloulay. The camplalat Is 2not 4o daugor ftmws n47--tOlm YA Mamued by Ava-zimm pw.,r. VON* 1.10 1 Would to ungbit to ohip Into, winter quart4mrs 400 inufs Of fte slefto V%redation -widelt o4ri m it, Is disa, gmejklile. yet no OUQ nee(I tug F&9,04;#?b- Ukcu " Q0 #Pa by a "amfm- rk-,Zt,bt,d tito pegwe�rt poant to the rmfftr .'am k liho Can pTapro P'Arall wettk. ^ud I havo oftott mdovad savil, fartber south Almn ever 44�p Winter- Ve iirtly for weel,4 al a time. I t7dod Led 114'feM. led .1 �r'lk'ftQ $0140A Nile. LIll-depart shneMoton 4ftaliloplall. liver an altv, roporteal to fte J�Qyal (geographical A 4 azll,�g the elfecti Of 01,10 In tile a, nurmter of nWdIcirea flald to to a Which Ar3"0DQ11 OUT thP IM 270 Moulach tbvr w'4101re vueu to our* for kld4wy trouble. but I found 0105 ROOM 040 SQiAth r0lel, Mjell- Soclet��r a'3 Tallows. aud'(419 vigor of azion. 111"Whivg to 14*10 we until on *0 ad- lug latitude S-11 degives 17 u4nuttoa. ..CQuqm0n&,r 14;vott. Pr, Wilsfin LLOWATS vko of a kfiDad T began the we of and oitablivhlng a world*,q rovord for Rull mysolf. W"th 22 (logli, I(Tt Alao Georgo 111p the x4oNu. �lour brotb- fbip on flIC419 on Nowultoer 2 of last! C PILLS AND Ur. Wifflomal Pink PlUs. Oeso tho forthest point south. r - 'r prait 4 -F -Qu an properl.�7 vitebe4l ?" pill" 60(hi began to make their good Tho Vicgoviery left Vngtand In Aug- YVA - WO 44r"W tito �51ed�-3 Oumelv", I Jitck: "No. It It -was It, iivould be in felt, auld after ualvg ttom for iL-�t, IwIL, and JNtva, Vi;,41and in p,�. utli w3ing the, dogq for Anything but tile bacu-sard 1*# 0 1 N T M E A141T Jkliout a mouth evory vablive Of the cp#411for of lbe futile year, carr3ftg 11151tvalice. 314)"t of tile thile wo hkid tvilublo had disap e m ('s we used %Yberever the wbite man pcorad, and I bavo ralIpplies for threo years. She enter- to di'019 A ilhout fiv, il - ant 4ot itingo had s, I single aymlittem allied tile ifo lltpl: an lhvp bolt 4 41 n for the other sled, co There araallumberof varldlestifeArwi has *at his Zpot� 14,3 of t r,t r ffollmvwla Corn colvivill remove any of pie ro. Dr. Willianw, Flnit that year, And. fluding an Inlet PrIng 15 mllaW to g"t the advanewo o them, ". l9nyour drugslv4 and gar, a I = roved a great blec*irg throngh tho towering ice barrier, five.", battle at Quce. Tha maxil w3rdor Istryint bit I to wwa and T. vim alwayoglad to my vatile to an 191ano, at, thA southern W1.5 a IIQL%.Qv4,%1S 91,4TURsT =.r. 114P611h, of tte tV b*d 114teo $Uqtghr4 to get Tgatd tht Wt. & oud word in their ftvor." extrejulty of whielt are llointn Ere- A 111tOMISING MIDDY. 9 P. cvw%tfvo madiclue Dr. WJI' bus and Torror. In thils Ml avMurdo HE UOULD NOT On board a man-of-war on -the Mod- 11%wal Pink Pills, have never yet aftV the Ir TIES FILLS Tur. OIN=U=T, Still peLnIled in. V Iterranpita Station there is a mid- art a wanderfally r.rampt end Oractivil,.but 6 dm reittot beeline oput l6nown for 014 400n equalled. Th47 build up *4 by the ice. but all on beard are well, LIOB HIS SRO& allipilla". Whom %?a will call Walters, tcaut 0*4 b"11.0, amody. for all dhoMen Son# Xn4 Ill, Ain artotteno. a 'Cumadam blo6d arM marveo, Siva now stvangth and firiewific Investigations are pro- who, from all accounts, is C4 prou2i W 1%4 Liver and ftwole. Thty, vlosave and 404 iklotloa )1#14 to its 1411=C0 quite enable the body to reAllit dia. gressing thiely. 1141 11.14.1. 4"t thllth'1.11�im. rtzsIgs mactrally, as' *140 moot tbrol't U4 C M10. Aluceng Ow complaints curtd :Lieutenant .411401wlton. of the ICILL ZODDIS XIDNX7 'R=s Ing youth. as witntlas tile following Xh,.t by tolon Wile 4ro rbeueiAtleim, nor- DROVE A'%VA)r lus ltm=_ yarn. N . vot4ord. pamlysds, St. vitule It t . returned to oil n The midslilpmen -on board used to ManufActured only at 7S, Nesv Word Street (late S3s, Oxford Stmt), Londom I'mm ( a ago. belu tal%.l the liforn- T"Tl=. weet iwxco. JadiselAton, anaftals, lung tar to ow Aland, and ]its tahe their Watch forward, and every tMiltiles and the troubles tho* WAlce bour It was their duty to i tu Ilvan of #0 znuw women law- port of what had been done and Story at W. X. Dixon h&s sot tl%f and write up ill* weather colusizas of discovered cheered ilia hearts at the Able. sold by all i*McIAo Iloalors, British selentl5ta to Clio full, Z&izy Itiver Settlement tile $bip's log. or salmt "%It paid at 5% per bes Tawn. The captain was walking -the wen- a& Cis. six boxos for $2.50, by w4ting President Markliam. of tile Royal, , te ther side of the deck, when Ifidship- OUR Don -1 Um� fm tbo W. Willi*tift' 3Xedlolne 'Go'09'a fillIcal S(IelOty, c0milicating BOA*wic1c, P -O-, Aug- 100 -(SP 18a) mian Walters came aft to Writo Up BRANDS. o', 1VooIMUe, Oat, Mon,t *Xq a on the preliminary report broughtiby --Wn%ozg 0% sattlera hem the curit the 10S. at %V Vdc4_-*AJy the the lientonant. Auntivileed that it bus at VAIlium John lXxon of Rhautda'. Tbo baroraoter-ni mercurial one- King IgifWard Experiment boon proved rogeinsively, that,, tile t-imu in causizgimch tift. T)m with no villo *4#A cuft. was hung in the captain's cabin, and MIND greater part of ilia Antarctic region tk4ry of fte eure, as told by Mr. Walters. after baying read it, h Is v. vast continent as Iftrg n biroalf, is as follcmwz other 4nd M as )XX() ed himself liberally to the capt ell� DMOOTORY CURIOSITIES. Europe, Dr. Frederick A. Cook, of *4D%iring tile suphror of JV014 34 ain 64 HeadilFht 'Ilia London, SlIglAuld. 3)lrQCtOrV- Brooklyn, who Was the surgeon and hall an s.11ack of Typliold Fovtr, ant sherry on tbo cabin 31doboard. in __21k interior IlLilgieft expedi- #Xer 1 got ovler It Itboom*tiont got walking the deckthe captain happen- brmxt% contains more than four pages Of anthropologist of tht led to glance down the cobin sky- If "Brawas" 111L its cou4mrcial See- tion sent by tb6 Belgian Gave I# TAX ,rnment Jift. I bad painis in ray back wiA in light, and saw the midshiputful's 'tion and another page Ill the Court a few years ago, said: ray r1glit hip so bad kb�t I bixd too . , USE p*Aton. But the 118milbs" stick to walk aj�d bad ito proccodings. When Walters camo up Put '"11he Biscovery expedition is ilia UsO a t on dock to bei've the log, the o. oven this fte rocorld Into more fn- most remarkable from a geographi- comfort in sleeping. laddmased him as followst captain 4A Victorian signMeauce, monopolizing no lower cal standpoint "or mado into those 1141 could scartely droso myself fox , tlmn nme pages all to tbamselves, Ifow Is the barometer, &?t* 44 seas. Wo now have news of Irst nearly two months. and for three or II Little Com 0 Irarry" and "Johit"I being re--zpon- the 11 rk four weeks I could not lkre =Y TI9M Walters saluted. NUL CANADA . ,sible for a column em.b. Nearly really swrious and remarkable wo shoe or put my right leg at zW left "Steadily 'rising, sir-stoadily rls- ON olghteen pug are a u led by done in ilia Interior of ilia Antarctic. knee. Ing- 7. public-h(Alses, $I-. being all that are MOUMIAINS AT 111133 POLE - ,3ry br4*her advised me to " The captain then asked: SLEEP CAUSED BY SHOCK. The barbed-wire fence which the u' d for bakers' shops. "The expedition has proved that I)Odd,., lCidney 11ills. and after tak. "And bow Is the decanter. air?" Canadian Government have luat built tha, great ice barrier in the south is Ing three box9s, I began to walk, Walters was taken aback, but. along the frontier botwten St. She: "I've noticed Dr. Singleton e g ntic glacier, and behind it is a do my work untl ]we Aq) Y03, al'-,cies. with a steady voice, replied. Maria, Daskalaki, a pretty girl of Mary's Lake and Sweet Grass Bills calling at the bouse of that young I it mountainous collixtrY, that Aud the beat of it io, I have Mid no ",Steadily falling, sir -steadily 1411- seventeen, is the object of a popular itost nearly $25,000. It is for 'the widow almost every day. ShO 2MSt pro ably extends to the South Pole. man:108:113M since.", Ing.*. subscription of money to take her to 4 purpose of preventing cattle from, be wetty ill.!'- He.: "Not Ilh only The fact is that there Is quite likely I)odWs Xidney PiUs take the uric This reply was too much for the Paris from Athens in the hope of straying. a great south continent with huge acid out. of the blood and the R-beu- captain, and, bursting out laughing, getting her awakened from, a sleep 4 mountains running tbrough it cover- =wUsin goels with It. he said: that has lasted for months, The ed with masses of ice. It is probable "Young man, your bright reply has histol -j of the case is unique. The Flies - us has been hold by Antarctic eNplor- saved you from punishment', but girl suffered from a chest affection, Why it in a Dangerous Time For ers, that- this land is a continivation con- and, being absolitely destitute, was Carry Sale'Sman (recommending blue neck- hereafter I beg.of you not to vou given, a bed in the hospital, where, The Little Ones. of Australia and New Zealand, from ti, �vith large pink spois)­"But suit the decanter as often as when near recovery, she was so which it has been separated in the wouldnit, you like ano lilto tilat? 1,11, do the barometer." frightened by seeing a woman dying contagiolm Baby's second summer Is congid' distant past. slid a dangerous tI` in the life of selling a lot of them this year." m* "Ther, is a remarkable simllarity Sarcastic Cu.,donter-l'In deed! How For Over 51xtY YeArs in the next bed that she lost con- ovW Infant becanse of the diAuVb- Jfa vved by sciousness, and has now been sleep - between the animal and plant life clever of youN n'iJ&WT50LOW'8 SOOTHING STRUP bastsen 119' focti to tAie ldigo�Aive functions cau-s- there, and in tho-islands at the south -v cry Tka of motberd for their children W11110 tG01W Ing for live months and a balf. She Itsootbas the child, Faftem thelame. allayspatn. Con$ ad 'by culking teeth duAdng %be hot wets. and 1i th* has since been removed to her par - of the eastern continent. 1"U'videntlY ind coll regulate$ shevtomRe and bo o.O13 a botda ! Wilson's . X Toenty-11,10 33e sure and ents' house and awakes every five A In t% ve slightly lesis degree beat rame y for bilivibcaa. it was once all land. I MIENT waoid iq araggista throughout theworld. bt* aiwaXner Is a 'time of dainger .The expedition has also shown ENGLISH SPAVIN L k for- Maio. Wrs$Low*a SOOTHING aya , up. 2344 or six days, but falls to sleep again -t I T014A as Is shown by the in- noTes all hard, soft or calloured lumps She eats that this Antarctic region if; the Re, almost . immedlately. croamea ooa�h Tuto among thon Idur- nil blemishes from boraOS, bloqd spayin. railways killed 589 out of scarcely anything. She is, however, I Fly Pads coldest place on earth, contrary, to eaurbs. splints, ring bone, sweeney, kiftes. British f�ho 1wait-ed, tar=. Of greait IYAer- ns, sore and swollen throat. conghs, 0,0. their 575,834 employees in the course very sensible in her. waking moments IQ every motiher. therefore, i, a what has been the accepted opinion. Pral hill the filies d of When we were . down there on the =350 by use of one bottle. Warranted of last year, and injured 14,607, but at the slightest sound falls back aLn aratively recoM dlWovery the mosb woudorful blemish Cure evOr disouse gerins too. 11ra. David Lee, of Li;dsy, Belgica tbough around on the other known. Th unconscious; R side of the earth, we discovered that eg Drove Pimples; Away. -A face d Ont.; waltos as follows cove with pimples Is unsightly� It 'Wy little girl had a Imr;d Ive 90ti the coldest winds frolli the 960A no or 'teeth She was lover. south, where Lthe great 'ice continent tells of internal Irregularities which d bi Phuld.803 time EFFECT OF FOOD. h should long since have been 'corrected. MInard's Liniment is use 'her her apparently. lies, We may expect to A scientist has recently been in- The liver and the kidneys are not per- :Csbs towgue was conted, JIB In, t healthy broakh- offenAve, an�d she vomited hear of valuab]6 magnetic work be- vostigating the effeet of food, par- forming their functio. he nles are vvjiT they should, and these. LPIM Xx of our ing done by the Discovery party in ticularly vegetables, on the human to et 'That dentist calls his Ofn'.cO a 3M, -10 curdled rn-Wc, On the advire you know that the blood frotests JL dedtlar I gave her Baby's'Own Tab- character. Re affirms that a dict of Parmelee's Vegetable Pilli will dri-ve 'dental parlor., isn't it ridiculous?" We are getting them, lo'-Jof tha.m. Wu&n no began t4proving at carrots am0liOTatcG harshness Of themall away, and Nvill leave the skin t,lt is ind 6d. Ire should call it a 0iev trire iwill bold thfut they con'.8 to ox. 14'er. an74 she I b%b we get vre hold.,, *,Thobest Is thw ohaulv$ She luild not slept well af, character and reduces nervous irri- clearandeleau. Try theni, and. there 'drawing rocom., Thave our Pa dnt pd,luniatle IPd Tnux. It Oils tability; peag creato joyousness; will beano�lrer wicuess to their excel- tho GA603 of t 0 wadna together so tbttt VIth tdr -Awt at n- lence. playit that. oUM1ywM,e)1.y0hC X r -V for albott t1wee mon'ths, an'd I PD. C. RTQ9t&R3)S & CO. t * il have great fai-th ill whilo tVrnips have a depressing i Motlier Graves' Worm ExterminatO w G r a"v ri,c%k'rn916 only frain Was almost worn ou caring. for L P Ma y "" iL jear Sirs,r fluence. , Cabbage Is good for pul- equal for destroying warnis In It"NS MTO. CO., Hernia her. NothUig d d her uny-906d un- A=qAJ-.11)lS'L1NIX0E�N7T, as lasit year Julius; --"Would' you like to live hRs no See that ypq geb the t1l. X gave har the tablek�i.- Xow her I cured aL horse of Rln&-bone, ith nionary complaints;. while lettuce acts your life over again?" Edgar -"No; ebildren. and adulttl. as m se&ative upon the bunian fraime, genuine wheu puicl).&Sitlg�. foo;d digexis properly, hor breath is Wve bottles. but I'd like to spend over agaim.all Env-dW, her torguv clean ar:id-Ae JSL .. IX blistered the liorM', bu;f in a, Owing to thq opium contained, in its the Mo)ieF I have spent."' to ORANGES LEMONS quiet an'd good. I can strongly re- -bone a1fd I milky juice.. Mrs. Waring6 war. pleased month there was no rirlg # dorroxerM the tablets to other moth- hemeness. f say I held my agee very well.. 3grs, We have.Mexicans,, WE no The -reat demand for a ?leasanto, �ssaoe SL ers aS they cuTe'd my baby *11 unequalled -'Mr- Thos. Brunt, Tyeud- reViable antidote for al affect fl -")VhY shouldn't you? Think an DANIU, L NITFUCIRLSON SnapPe� California Navel HAVE viotbihg else would.'� Four Falls, N. L D. inaga, - 011t., � VvrR..0S:-"1 baye to ibank 110 tears of practice you've hadi" 'Valencias, and THE the throat and lungs is fully met N�itli in of t l3a:byls Own Tablets are sold by yo.n. for recoininending Dr. Thomas' Bickle's Anti.06USUnIptive Syrup. It isi sevilles. BEST iile-lectric 011, for bleeaing piles. ILJV.11�9 a purely'Vegetable Compound and -acts all dedjez.� in medicine or will be thein foi! nearly fiftee'l', pcomptly and inagically in su dulng,all troi.-Lblc�l Ivith Keep 01nard S LIDIMant in th, Hnst 'five ceinfs a SeIA positpaid at 1,,%ven�y- .11'ears, aDd tried almost everything a of Carload every week. A114 the above at box, Uy the Dr. 'Williams Medicine Some of tbelli ooucrlis, colds, brAchitis, biflammat,10 �ould bear: ar,tbink of. tbelmigs, etc. Ir, is so, p4xlatable that a market prices. We.can also handle.your Coqn.paix7.. lvoiLld give me temporary rellef, bub none child Nvill nm refuse it, and it ig put at a Edyth-­Yes; I have decided to _.77;t-blishing the would 'eftect a cure. I have no tllatLNVffl . ,_ . Butter, Eggs Poultrj*o 11 -1 1 w been price I not exclude the, poor from marry Jack for the' purpose of Citizen: "Say, can't you giveL I-ny tuagne le po e. fi,oni the distre-ing complaint for 11 ts benedt.9.. Maymc--"Poor fel- Maple Syrup and other produce to Adlran- oon a job in the corporation WoThg?ll A _. more reanarkable spot could 11cirly eighteen naoittim -I hope you wi forming hiln." d'6 t0LreC0JyJIn(-11d it," tageforyoP. Mayor : "What can a: hardly be iniagined than Kaafunclo condime Nagsby="Soa that little girl's iowi Is he really in Iieed. of such W11 'i Di.9' ,Us DAWSON G0fAJffJSSl0NL Go," Unlited., heroic treatment?" "Do,? TMy, if he cauld do anythinIg Day,, 0 covery is now I I beautiful �golden hair?" Waggsby- t., TOMONTO. -Iyself.'L' I nz� d up,, -by tho gre,�t ice b�rrler, �,T.achjjies are used in E;icilv fox-, ex- __9*r_W*a& Market 3 I'd employ �im 11 Pe . 0 "It isn't real gold. It's only plali SMITH A.CAM"Gli 9 Y -Z (Wise I -lead) Disinfect-, now closed tightly, and Captrd deal with 8�000 caullUl kill T X U Lever lonons a. clay. Ono woman "land one PATENT to The let IVIlLiell admitted -Che sbip is tracting the oll,froin, lemon -peels. ed. t Fach Inachino can IV -2te f'J .03 too unt Soap Powder is a boon to any ge a inachine, and their pay ISQtUE No. S11 '�6me it �Ysslnfects and cleans a� Mind's Lh IM,e flt U MbefMaB'S [fiend poy inana " hik fat Maid's and tdo no AM A-4-5& is 16 6ents a day. )as sam,,� two. ton,=ADA