Exeter Advocate, 1903-7-30, Page 6"the after he was graduated for ALWAIS
you hea entienasts yneg st/E1,7 encouraging the. gisiwieg of cotton
UNAWARES. getber.
to make nets to catch the fish, giv-
ing a helping hand. to the growers
of lead and other meds alloyed to -
Open a tin of sardines. 'You are TRE SUNDAY SCHOOL
JULY 26.
and manufacturers of olive oil in
e Italy, and also assisting Welsh tin
PRACTICAL Appticitaip 1114:iiattrbaors. onalIpieurewbasoya: bittloghwt aisellottuveit
to take your own piece. You are
in total darkness about this matter.
Rev, Frank DeWitt Talraage Preaches a Ser
your boy. 1 do know tbot Cod Showing Ilow Yova- Every Rio
iaent Does Some Trade a
mon Upon the Barnyard Symbol, -
10k S )0tt. Thouelt under Gsod Good Turn.
wing it. way be dark -dark at times
• r as a dungeon -yet I do allow that of you throw a stone at a dog.
petered according to Act, 92 aro
liawent et o nuade.. in tae year One peace, se semi), you oast rest and above Geol. s sting is God. s all see -and fail to Int 't
x ,
Teousend Niue elundred Aral Three. Peaee for your soub. ing t -ye. What God did lie did for n you have waeted
: by Wta. ot *reroute, ehePTitinst hint. then, mis is:ascii° fox' nothing. eparteserit, Agraulture. tit:time.) A SYM.80L OF TRUE LOVE. "(Id MIMI:ire.
brother. 'trust hint and have faith mistake. you haw
God's wing is a protecting wing. as a chiekiin under the darkness of an p„nt of lo„colior
denPaticle &Out Oldeago says: Then aro two lauds of lane. The the hen'a wiag trusts mother's TN, atone haa ham
ReV. Vr410,74 Ve Witt, Tat/gage preatiaei one is a cidekenlites is love,
Olen in its passages
atatigine that
your time and
But this is a
turned a certain
energy into heat.
warmed by frit.-
tiusaugh the air,
Text of tne Lesson, I. Smi =v.i
18-23. Golden Text, I,
plate manufacturers in their struggle
the Stip41"eizevar:t Saul, and
against the Aliaericaa invader. What
is snore, Yawn you tbrow away 18. And
enipty in you are giving employe Saul said WAtO hillla Illieosrsdetl. be thou
limit in still a fourth industry. Old of the Lord. I have performed the
tins of every deseription aro now col- colinuanthueut or the
lected and melted down to be made In ourPrevious studien in this
int o sash -weight s. portion ol' ,Scriptiare, in lettin and
i Fitt on a new pair or paterit-leath- 189'i"helvie b,egsart at are 1°1; now w°
el- boots, and you laaVe assisted not aro 3,1•4"seo• “;1 study RIM), YerSO 10,
only the tanner and vilifier, but. al- 1 so it is Practical). tl'" S'-'11"' Con
'cli ti s r -s
.thow 37; a: moo goetneretai, at evorti strange sight and tatown lit • et •
eou s iou A AnNe our remise. groun , ono certain partietes of the so the trade in eggs. Eggs are coin ng the ot s reperi e
used in tie+ preparation of line teeth- note veree att. "The stnitagtihi
ed Irina tee fonowirtg tones aeon, i arraut coward. She will run I do not know why in your old age sz5.11 inore by its rontact with tbe
ii.„,iiiiie e0,,,,iitete,,,, ,,,ei Whee. the little boy thrours a stmt. and now in your pie:tithe' weakness air have also been heated. of course er for gloves and boots. Go and ' of Israel win not lie nor repent.'"
thia heating is so slight that the . get your photograph taken. and you and Num. anailie It, -God is not a
napoe'tie. -in.. eat`heivet7ii Kir' iiihis ' at her she would run to the op.poe you must work or be dependent up-
conseientiOus ehristiail. I dO , a rifle against a target, the rise , of common act of daily life involves so God n'ever changes Ills mind, but. al-
so-- i Ping' to hell) along in the retreat. and
W30 t.,ti-11.2.ilieTtgatutibe-,‘ itc;,:nust,i,3 11114ny ttahrewt;toulits, i mann different trades and industries waye does just NvIlat Ile knew from
Lv4r.tioo.!vite‘lritels:t.iniotl:Suabar(11171;13:i'estib:alet4,Tititt;avj lotl: lire:, iiisffin',eileiktiiiistil. t:ii.', iiilct"tilr°,1;0°Ze illic!'s Is%111noett! t1;:z101TisiLldlisll'Urs):):1111111.1"2-1s that to calculate them out for oae 'tall -eternity that /le woold do. 110
ee eoe a/..,,,J call it aii inetaiiiii.ir.i Then there is no cowaria's lieart into the light of the Lingdon" iif rose' Plainly perceptilale to anyone dein onlY in the- lift* of an average /mew how Saul wooloi turn teat_ how
it is, iii fact, impost...1w to do than the Imre, It of this articlei-Lone hien anal when Iii* would put David
tisetitiotor oo the worii oi tat, ihatihi Teen tante is no danger tete tem riot 'his Bre eit in total darltnees and as',
always foreseen whin Uti. ehantees.
Hie lino 'of makes', and to iiii lie is
, aithout ce.i..cting other thines out -
i, i sttid to roperit. Man. on tie* tetra
for good -to theta tied love God.' ... , i i .., - .., ., o , .
bill of the barsiyard zeiatets,:n -tee: The otilair dait' I with Wi•llkit°°g '.•41)*11111, X A I o 1 -, 1. Win l'y us a: bil‘'. "'''`"";ieh" 4140 an g''''''" Int° GZ'IlE1141)4-1' /-11:1 Ilsrary, revents wszen he changte his
Itamoitiy peeitheeti. riiiiiit anti left in a farso AMA/ 0X0laing tilv 1101:3•:"S in no r,°". 'I' eir S. e e, ts your lungs pure, bet comes otie vim; mind anal diase what he had not in-
oefetice of her yonut, r the stalis arid tere cattle in *Sze "we,' lirv6 Pr'sse." °"" lqn 11-St`1811Wr3`. CZUlr*N1 with eartionie atid gas. This tended to ma In chapter xiii. wt.+
c,. 1%. F.13 of Sairtoneeage
this iii s_vite oi iiiit. iiiiaiiiiitaid , meets, waile a oat Al:R.g Was manning dturr;ng tb"3 da." of anti atili(liaihi- 1 gas is east aS esfanatial to ;Rent life
e Re Fennel I:interesting. see how Sant bettan to do itielienty
se is over renote lint thesis wizo, - . . „.
rigiats oi tee lives, tetioas oitaternal a mi.- , "e . a i -a. 1 -',,' -.1 ' 4 we il",, 4 , ' • • ' ' . I * • " ' and by disoltiiiiiinee forfeited the
steeetions aro ilOing erteinili la- ties thine i iteard an eionied visa -tang, on. orrav,: *ilia:- a-sir:ie.,. alle:nsiittliiii: own life and health. Ity the time a, i /[4' a blvii,,,,20 i, iyozrfu irto)
it ,izingdont Leine 13. llt.
iiiivedinst Cantina. The mon. Lesser., Itut liF tniinilit mit liiiig' of it. As I ailne-4 will lit chlhaini 41 W" 11 "01.fS,' folly 150 14x53 breethed out 1 le eitaity wiellt alveoli 1 ilea.
0014, tort thiligs to mow ozoo.t.v , stivixtil iiisto the hiiiikiiiiro urop,,e ei atm las wing and the *Coil lifildo 01 ' eivelehsit earbonie acid ga,i to raal1/44it. 1 10,1.412.7,12.4,7:147.ra ifunt.:11,4•s,.1.trver.dnii tcotiinerftot.al:-enenitioti,lospolionolLoldlli;;ietiiii:tdit.o !waned,.
etas ri* tea . - no, mi. e ' '' Few a hen lying tinder 0 1 k`ard. I.:heaveu roll in. I do hnow that 1114- thc, wood ni ,.., ,,t....,,,, ,,,,......„ ..„.‘,. , H +I n p ,,
, 1 4.15n 1141., t , 6.11110 l5p;irllli t 1ZA WS&
protesto from uzau or bilu against; called to her. but iehe it insiii not. I der stieit cluuhll"'s 7s°11 wild 1" 1".• is. theriet;TOr. 44tpTit"o 71:-o'c's'ilq:17 that 1 ovvrY 1.000 males, g
kin. 04:limns ultder ber winga." 2 danger. If she CCIAld ay, slie trona).
;shove:a-4a. tutiotiatiorio jilt° vie baritti site side of the yare Just as fast as n'thet.it- standroint s'-'11.-1' cautiot appreciate it; • are giving little extra work, to mart that Ile should die, nor the
wia are now., tr",tiog to bateu! sue ran go. iieepirts uer „slugs flap_ envoys eitten to have aoan raitiaM1 but in tile ease of a bullet nred from lioine silver miner in l'aeicieo. Fivery Son of Man that uticalllai repent."
Ivo would tiare tutt lauti 112ei heating within ten widows breast. God. shouid in the evening' Cane el. picking up the staat /teasels,. individual would occupy meedi more hionie Ile Mimed have to bear with
' Ids; ;place. conies to a plasei
witliout panhicitig SOnle 11°11 Answer5'
ores/ breant aiel the ontieerechea' ruce ror Young- `s. blind man beta to be led around, faiteteing
esto,ts. Wt. wo4ad aosie tete yam' beine l'ciVga tiee..es of dans as a •to Ullt 1 41° resnit. Yea cannot even be:estate
gereoti displace tte, ciaakorp, go v are assays protectilig wirigo. 4110W tilal'a tliingti woes;
tried o :dims Ler te if of what I ;await oral trait a Clasen Pist alult' ter which your breath has helped to ore 1:itt elfl t
- - 1'4 tun uf Kaw anti'l, this ''''sctoo‘ivailiihtinaivi:::7illoY oatRsi Ireton
11 et* vi.1 'e tools a stick and nate hor it b0111 -,re in him "104101 va" Uh': hold in osition tile iailwavt lines The Salvation Ara • has been1-.51144 Id J(8'* 11v' puts 14N own
VW time Christ littered thew', words i • ft lee- life fulnui n vindir.!'eaeircling blot loving wing.
the let d • -------1tfusee r pArtly formed in similar took. sitoeblarking business in Coven- Plain calutatina- AZ1 thing.s are
(^ailed again and again. aud then brother. toy staler. can afford to ,
his inettetin.
;your etiair may he ***do out of tan- eine ton of cork occupies a sluice
c°n1^Turcr" 11'114'44'r. It tholigkt to le n eteden nest. Then Wager- W" van trust hint 'make or that the siki,pers which of two cubic feet, ilstroy oll fvt-ry.s ret for proffessett.
einitio Christ men' in ow twit. of a, frig-Min:all Ian aying 'dereeese of nie eliadoess of nodes.; ynn travel maY have granted a monopoly of 'tlte street 4. rmt,strutli4011 on it. mid di„olatv/i
, „ the and outraged mother %lying
inociern 61 the 001411'4;Am:: no and nty deg. (big ri.4,it
CIAO:ions -still found Veer automat ore direction. 1 in ,the, other. Theo
shelter under tlie Wigs of the bell, the ben caileg sotaie to 1,3-r young
desist wed the ateenbig of Ids Biwa; . wing, .- eved •
and our I.ord's hearece !writ -tato u8-2 aud gathered her chieketts tarter „
hen, (.t1 and open to the eyes of Hint
Pilt_iTECI'lti.N TO A14... n
1-,p /1440 318 statqa,„ „1 W161%11104 WInlin W1, 14441-4* tO 1114 43441 all
The 01,:ehen9 hen. -': It OF A I,1131/' OP et AL. 1181*1 - 1. of tfierolavy 1/coo,eon el., Min. unless ('*1814 413 forfateen and
:other's voiee. Al her call they 1.1 „//i. /diy
*11* *10*, tluiy C4re doing and dad:, 1. has action of ourin Gemini towns at a totalw111:1: ;f;24:81:1' xt,t0n1114.1(1 21;1:
toriataesinb,:o gieolitcginouquowi::,rWta.,betvelext%sialiftiitt .s."1,1:440"iFst1(.(iFoi ift;dt14e; nets:le. leixA:841.i.164.31;!ifjpe.r1:4:11:tietiv:i.t: tritiz)ItItiltit4t:111:17:titt.1 .1171):::t:tctilais:tv7". Anicoi ZS:
der L' -'r v4•CalZ14.$ tbla cviira" eigeiree, tea, ono fois ". ' ti di 'SS Of 1116 calla Ria -
;has, 1.211, m your eon. (' or become m.asialt.
litic 1 Mee tve mig t ion we 0,141- A
r ° Z• A.A. au to'
4114 - Nou put a, lump of coal on tee women are norted for, 141„ 17, Th.,,n sanaud saw moo
wept 0„;,.r c,irit41 Care' 04)1141(1 144* pet„,,,y4ting, wing! over all W1841.to repent of their sins tho 4041,40414 overloane„, ,tr.1 tr.t ktosr. counted for by the, fac-t that thoy., the Lora halm said to inc. thi)ka
teazle when la. wad the Naos stews sYrolud ot In4Y tva. invitilter. the protection of the divine
a& a •Spatiol aivinO WYO. tw'r tt"4"° 1141*,;`•tf4at (1,°(rb5freh it. (10% wine; is twig enough t
ro. If it 'es ;Ole a d outv,, yet their coitiVenteriti. Timis is nee Keil, intley awl I will tarns teem
1134ITalits aisrasidti:Oh 1111Vtie‘if,a, o'llOTFOION rind (184,; t° 3" 111'. /1;1311" (*f; Ilk" I- ^t• eat plentifully of onions. Arid 01/444o lam. may mi.
wortLs of wy tt,Nt 1 vvouht ,I4,:, to ti,,,,,1 • - ^ • • • L.oris 4,mas$ elni%. lint thengli '-, i "'l 41"1 41 M.41/11114. ci ' In Now nieoland. whines SI„litIMMO, Then he r.m- old 1" 1 -• h
, I /110 oienaiei man egri ea lialf ;
go0li4 r4 1- fthaatebcuajrlikaTe\.(31w 1re.401!i7, 1.larF.q-7C1-l:o:d.pr:-ot:tvt-;ls o73i"v'd 'ittg.yrivul 'VIl,lAnilrrg111131'1.4h5g enouh itoh'ls1
r. „„l,,nl;„;e,i„ll.:,7,,,:, 4;4
:„2; „,; , ;:_-1.1i44,7rsl,,4'm4 1ss sitetat YVarly i. 2 o. e-ogit olu.nt, oi4li. ttli• isa L1,sowRn11 si ighat tti4*4 t 4.044
. nsi
frcraldteaieee:o;i,or.,;1:4,::vt:.1;Isi:,14rt 3i42123441)8 01:d1;14'te4841i13 14:e%Vb..i5a%lll
rtnrItIVIS t%irtir4:11 1.41°71:-1141a rT-41.5:11r4aTI'ler174'411-ei; ;:.41114 4g1tInillf 1114J1l4441 11Z•441:q4411T2.1 VIC!! fill:
C21ll5e 1 am KePavisigi thin .0ise8i1 IA'A'" 4 :0414447" t 0 1140118l, 114,` laiirsidoliere, thomith they :may route 14v MI, 0-140
lteg.1'k...0, „. ant4n„:,4""2',":"er 1, • *, 4$44'*2%4. 4,444g!".1 Amitelially Ing4us to laieonien owe estainition-rese t
abiae thz124 af h. ,.),4ll tIr4100 KS >11ilJett biz, iii-siiiiiiiinsthere OW0 Foamalio !44!4'. foe ti1"14"" at
W4'..` lalgM at the age of fifty. rota at ,tu,,laher how, leittihno woo ruaroeteetioly
to awitlein at the ern i-eo o on the reel. but. tie ae least aa lie 4OHI:111.
tvhof,i„ce 8of pi
A10,-4. 1011,A *4' icn this very lia.;Nag..-.,c1 ;6:1"4/;J;r `4altlir4i43 ;.u/1ll 5;111:7ri 1 thlat ols the avetrage leo lia,i 141.4 1 t1a11feu ill. co,1111 _ :.. ,'1.-i- i.'vid'`-:
1,i1.0 v.id,it tsoutgl of leW-tthIk^i24,1 tioht„11'•114.w oft.ii vould I have gathered )C:7:fT%i`alout I!, l541114'41:44441:i4"9t!1fFI;i'lii
tne Ian eno: too litort tiine tie 111tby ebadr01 11g0t1111144 % "ta:r',"','""4"- L4 e amount Cg avcorronted pe140niic4Itio1
1(1 011 th11 woch and continue it I •
tlicet t.,,i7o1(142;1;11 ftiti:t IrTA:o.‘‘tir,AVA3r4t:siTwIAI:g'''. i'r"" .' igealrdetit:;FCr'1,11 tharlelilto 1 ii!!‘?':.;" ultitil 14:111111; tv17t.litits:::::lailiilill, .17:ee:',41vruni IC11:4:e.111;e3;:t1:111:1;iiriatbiii:;(erftowolloi IllitlifilzhiT all w''t4iliertelailitlittl f'-i9ot. 'I'liii:tt-flelsil , :::11.1:11:4441"I':::atri;;troliialaftlitilltarei1:11:11rEllfira"t:Iviti 1 ulr";11ir:Eci:141::::71:11';I:Sit11":1%111;.g4:41,1:::114:tc:::iattil'aliit4ri it
1,1w hoped to travel was wro-etied in a
A LIFE GIVING' WING alit beton. it crumbles down into two mamas of tobaryo. lied 11
• 'en110,,ion and P'eure. told reoret, of 'come- lie invites. lo ;steads with '" . 1 itho tip t ;Iv a. Ll WA th
10 I" So li AAA . t • a , 1
• *
nting vaMiug, IA • ii,nr,-/Ai eititieri might be one of caninilete protertion. litbat is the et -retina t irli 44 ° r°1`e "III • itga of aintoly it fie , bell"! till one stromm, but own
l elhi,flgiovf.
it/"1"1.i1" 'ri'd3 (1 lit' intuu'diatelr 't 1Ps,inibut if ,t hee will nor croiniwte..
pTtrealiiened in fatilentti'i. no,f war, ahraryve bdeeesn.,:air• 4,1 'hal ;///'4i da It '
wia, not
w11,g To 0,01,oe.sier,,W entintY togther ad rev- s,,,a he can dono more, Till. •.... as ,white ash
liut in burningthat coal you a
turned *3* *I1 God riknif‘ s f thgodlsy 11151M uw're Own tvtritlargethemothrntaroalutoluen'eI'24 --------------------------------------------------
ematiul teionniopenet and Inloved nebad been sabet upon manthey vo antount of energy for til pur34te2e
of her ntirOMM.
l voltility. 11421 whY ought slielter. Whatthe terrorand 14,e1War2ning your 2'1404U. 'Von aro. let
tilh'se woelid
that :lieu peeialyto have hatieed noeri of thattonwinwowtirg looms a aw quantity al the
slleg nighte. illey winilam' to 1'a 3'1414%'23'1414%'231J to bis lleavenlY outlned in the Bible. but the mage: tuunulaeturn 44,5 141410414(11*)
'would free(todenagthete
during the', t'ud that '114;1 (11111itt 10' nut 'ant eeneeiVo. They are but. dimly ."In" carbonic arid Awl which 'You
drOWn411 1121141S5 11" wing,?Father for caring for Min arid ION anal aro t„rritryloa. eamlioo n tand so very poNsibly liellung the
as a waterproof coveting' was !loved Ann.s ev,Ty day? I never lohe Like Inavest cheat. and through it ;tit "trIalik's 1111 Z•.uat. garawt til grnw'
fain, lack of warinth, peen as a ht.,,, 4.1,41 thowatith-1 and tk.ns of thousands: : the sinner
and eirnFeienre. will reprttaeli Tho asi's fr°111.:‘..our WM° Will 1),‘
placed Over theta, MT VoIllAl Alio.: a. trip in nty hie, and I have tra.v.!utemory
with th/ro „ad words. to-itani•ow monitor; thrown into the
tle babywouhl die Intil.",t) tile 14114.•!lif 114i1".$• 1141 1 realire the innutner.:..ye would not... "3 3** was of- du *3)38 amt. If Your 'town in an
tl:Ar lienory 11101 tirelimil him up inable dastgitrii, which everywhere be- fon d to all who would COMO. but .-eolunnieol ono, 11 (2*. will be us.41 to
las vrib or ',21 14,1.104 Lint up Iwo lawSet no.. One 41114,'4s( 110(1 .sigin4.4.1., 'Jen, 44, .31343 new. Neu 4.:„.10,1,,d. gielf produce heat to drive a. dynamo; so
warm side hi 1144,1„ 114.0. is life., one 42* 141*. saiAtelilliatl, 0114. 1411111re (10.3 1'0% that win lie th. In011t, 601110 111 their energy may return to
et:Id is death. 'lite 11.e4'8 wing is i tn the signil linhts to work. and , terrihle part of that nevfoil fateyou in the form of eterti•ic lighl.
soneithing nvire i l,ual a inure poetic L110.4111 is rett(h• to r.,,aelt out ber bony
Mane. It meows Mat Its witruilho arms oisid Inge the breath out of m4*.
not only hatches out the eggs, hut If yom (Ill Lilt iltliilVI‘ Willlf. I Hay,
atol by deVOCkils Mal* honao Hight When trirtelianT :Make
digging the coal out of the scut -
NATIONAL =TITUS. *le you gradually Wear the scuttle
cbt Leas alter theY UV' 8a12°111(1..111 Ililir berth, TIM% o the ,„ tint. Von order the maid to throw
Care 1.11r 1110 0111142 in 1,1%0 irtillOhe iling in tdielance coming The Weea Was °nee Used ter ,it away. and you never thatth that
making of a soon is inSt iln- 11 44.1' and nearer untilwith one
portant as rigi,t primal al condi- wi shrent. the limited shoat.; past , VtaiOVIS Manufactures. in so doing you are aiding the mart.
utacture of trunks and boxes. The
*ions. and realize the prevalent dater- 'Iliere was a time once when the 'old conl-seuttle is dug out of the
Otil's wing is alwolttioly esseratial ere, Tiien thank Clod that he cartb,d conionon nettle was not 111 . tuatnIly municipal rubbish -heap. the IWSt.1144r".
f" the develoinnent 431 131r3.tu_111 for and orotected you in a physical des341114,t1 weed it is now. .Pt 1(414 did thins cliuped out. cut into pleaes 0
The Bible diet ale tly SaYg. sense. The brealting of one w1te4.1. not root it out of e.xintence, or shun suitable size, punched with small
"Ye must be born agein.That the Mistime of one rail, the sagging. it as a nuisance, but cultivated it tulles. varnished black, and used by
metins, "Ye mast be a God produe:
.' of ono bridge girdie., and :,,,our train /for use as Nod. for clothing. and for the tenni:maker to protect, the corn -
tion as well as a man jelobletionwould be derailed and all its occix. paper manufacture. It certainly ors of cheap trunks and box,,s.
I am the phasieal child of my panis would be burled into eternity. does not look inviting as a food, The sinnplo ordering of a joint
earthly parents. That does not , i4.e . 01
nueesarily imply that I am a , t 0418 Winut a p
- ••• 1 seam "s •tt tl vet during the Irish famine him- beef for dinner involves pulling the
strings of an almost incalculable
number of different trades which, it
everyone gave up beef as an article
of thet, would cease to exist. The
butcher of 1903 could make no pro-
fit out of the- beasts lie kills were
he not to use up every atom of the
ox's body besides that lit for food.
Thus you are encouraging the mak-
ing of buttons, of tooth -brush hand-
les, of billiard -balls, of matresses, of
mouthpieces for pipes, of chessmen,
of' brewers' isingla-ss, of gelatine, of
rennet; also of many valuable oils
and medicines, such as thyroids,
thymus -powder, glycerine, and neats-
foot oil, as well as of that terrible
poison knowe as cyanide of potassi-
After you have eatea your joint
and boiled the bone down for stock,
the remaihs go into the dustbin, but
do not end their career there. Either
the bone is nnaIly boiled down into
glue, or it is ground up for fertilizer
and passes to the market gardener,
who uses it perhaps -to grow the
earits tomatoes or now potatoes
which you will eat next spring, As
an alternative, it is possible that
you are indirectl3r doing a good turn
to the match trade for old bones aro
the chief source of the phosporous
With which matches are tipped.
You order the cook to make a
itual child of God. But some day over us. It is a protecting wing. It dreds of poor people existed ontirely
Ottt 131 the cold, damp. dvstroying. 'covers 418 as a- hen shields her on it, cooking the young plant as a
cbicliens from the threatening hawk. Green. There was a method of
storm. of sin I di-ate/nine io cre0p
ulVic.r God's spirituallife gating POWISIt TO RESIST. blanching 11. by "earthing up," as is
now used for sea, kale. Animals,
WrIM. As soon as 1 am under that
oiliener I feel the divine life begin to Cod protects us in a spiritual while refusing to touch tho growl/1g
oreep into ray life. to love sense. The Bible says. "God is nettle, do-* our it eagtaly when made
my a,
Heavenly Fatfithful
Father and see hira who win uot surfer you to into hats, and 124 Itussia, Sweden
as he is. I hear him telling ine be tempted beyond that 44 are able. and Ilolland it is InoWn several
'what 1 ought to do and saY- As a ha- but will with the temptation also times a year for fodder. The com-
tnaii being by plaieeng his heed up- male a way to escape, that ye may mon name given to the nettle in
ori an eleateic battery iminetliately be able toibear it." What does that some languages raeans "that with
feels a. thrill as the galvanic cpr- statemoit mean? Simply this: Here which one sews," for the fibre was
rents circle through his body the is a nian whose whole nature is used as a, thread seveiul centuries
peti4410a,1 body and the mind and the gnarled and twisted by sin. He is ago. In Kareschatka, the nativcis
dormant apirit all feel the wee -with
and the glow and the creative and
developing power of God's wing as
soon as we place ouroelves in tlie
receritive mood within the radius of
the divine tough.
011, the creative and tlxe creating
epiritual power of God's wing!, We the fatal pitfalls which are yawning grass" manufactory, devoted to the
cannot afford to be olio inioquent at in',. feet. Save me, 0 God, savo industry of weaving cloth from. this
without it, Sir Henry Pliavelock, mei" Will (loci answer sua ch and the common nettle."
the most famous Christian soldier,
at the time of his death, in the Bri-
tish allay, so felt his spiritual de-
pendence upon God that he dare not
and would not let any clay pass
without at least two hours spent
in. ciese.st contact with. God's wing.
If the army was to ma.ren at 6 in
the intorning then Iravelonk rose at
4 seal spent the iixtervonirvg timo 11*
prayer and Bible reading, in talking
with God and in having God talk
to him. "I can affood to neglect
every pulpit preparaitien,,, mice
wrote the great Robert Rale, "railats
er than. neglect my primate devo-
tions and saerest solitar3r cora-
mutdon. with Chrlsit." On, my bro-
ther and sister, are wo trying to gee
divine life by merely ensiling 'kilo
eolith with man?. Are we trying to
be gospel evangelisits, known and
read of all men without having our
peaitent hearts beating agaiost 'the
giaat par'dorring, spit -Haat life giv-
iag heart of God? Como under
Goci's to -(1 ay. 0011.10, that we
softy have life aeld havaiit more
nnnclantly. Listen to "the divine
call, and come to the divine Shelter,
and as the ehickens find unties the
h wing cof,t and safety and
by a, corrupt oust. a drunkard, a
libertine, a thief. ale wants to get
under thc protecting shadow of
Cod's wing. When he arises in the
morning he kneels by his bed and
says: "0 God, ani awfully weak. I
know not which way to tura unless
I look to thee. Save me this day
from the wine cup. Save me from
use tho thread for fishing lines and
cordage. In Prance it is used for
paper. In Hindustan. and China it
is woven' into grass clotlx, and the
Scotch. have prepared, spun, and
woven it into as good. linen as the
fax makes. The Chinese nettle
yields a fibre. as soft as silk, and
there is now in Dresden a, "China,
pleading prayer as that? Oh, yes.
God says to this moral cripple:
"Come, my child, come ender my
wing, ray protecting wing. I will
surround thee with hely companion. -
ship. I will shut out from thy
sight the buzzards and the hawks
and the serpents and the rats of sin
which would destroy your life! Como,
my child, come. Come under t,he
shadow of thy spiritually protecting
wing." My friends, some of us have
boon trying to resiSt temptation in
our own. strength. Will you not de-
pend upon the strength. of God?
Will you to day as a Christian, ac-
cept God's protecting wing against
your besetting sin? That wing is a
pledge that God will not allow your
temptation to be stronger than you
shall have power goven to eesist.
My deae hearer, are you ready to
trust „God in darkness as wall as in
the light? You came to me the
other day and said, "I cannot un-
derstand why this trouble was laid
at my door.". Neither can I, ray
brother. I do not understand why
God should have taken away from
your side that young Man just five without absorbing their poison.
Happiness wilI never1 bo found so
long as your back is turned on duty.
Grief is the graving tool that cuts
the lines of grace in tbe character.
What would make El, model for one
might only make a muddle in an-
The fall of the coneeit at knowledge
is worse tban one of ,be densest ig-
Ambition becomes • sin when it
turns frorn the blessing of seivice to
the boosting of sell.
There is no way you can do greater
works than by the greetness of yotir
ordinary works.
]letter throw a stream on the
sleek() of your imaginations than
wait for the flame of sinful doeca
When a may buys a ,healthy peace
at the price of a sickly pride he
has made a good bargain.
Some men aght so anxiously for
truth's cast-off garments that truth
herself is ahnoet slain.
No lean ever yet succeeded in tak-
ing the gilt off the world's pills
plum -pudding to follow your joint
of roast beef, Thereby you not only
benefit the currant -growers of
Greece, but also give a helping hand
to the copper -raining industry. Coa-
per sulphate is absolutely essential
to the grape grower as a wash to
keep his vines free from a certain ex-
tremely ciestruetive fang -us.
Mines of difTeren kinds are bene-
fited at the hands of the average
person several times a day. -If you
write a letter, for instance, you die -
:timely encourage the iron -mining
industry. Not only do you wear out
a, steel pen, bet the ink you use is
also partly made from a compound
of iron.
13y reading your newspaper you
also encoerage alining, for tho typo
froi . which it was printed consists
to,,-teil in the army. Their ,8413,' !atilt *IOW and taatilt 141 it. ••Ay.
Veett 1 four 111*76.t1 ati rapid as that ':1'.a43er. I Thy er.,(eri., h,eol;
• eurrin• pigeons. henceforth all thitoTi to Locate
An ienglieiey widew. vale hop diedri'll," will. and (1.4 as Theo ha%
at 1-1.0 age of eigitty-eight. leaves 001fr'aar''*43 1411'4141 not all helisc..rn
dweendatatFv-text chilttrentitirty.;), daily' t .with tio419
114.441 grandc1 ildren. and forty -titre& Vt. 19. Wher,,fore then didst thou
.ti'ea-otter is row the engtlistst fur
in the world. Vive !armload dollars
is the prh.e of a 33r0-4.144ali 'rite '
creature is only cough; un parts of
the coast of the North Parkin%
The intetior 111 a gohichearing
rock was in:qiected in an Oregon
0111147; 110 V41100 411' ths Lord, but
icha fly upon the spoil and liaise
wit in the setitt ths Lord -
'the Lordvit ;0011 1/1i4t Witt
114 t1/1. WA it W414 1144.4 34403
flW 1„ but olr.y. :ow 141 01
010 venal:MA 'awn tn 'Mani iq
11.01341 nC. 8-48. 1.Lit being
town by 1414 ails of the Routgan rays.1 long and not willing 4..v.,at
mut veins of gold were 418 piainly ,iney Itenisa lie luel 311* 4)
as if they wevc on the *lir. tl eta 14,0 yearo in whiyiit to rtloent.
face. I VOIV,y always precettys pAgineul.
The linya, blot! of India spends ills, All the failuires In the 1A.541'4.1 wry -
tare time cateldng limitation itnoll live sta. laintre us in titilsig e.o11.1.114t
the% which lio faMens to the sides !Vint who never (shed eta* wlat loc-
of his nest, with nodal clity. On a oil to say tAti (1(t02I lIli Fatfiter
:ent 110 e011103 oho tu,..ly
(34) 24.1W113.'5 1.'i1-1145 Mat
341e4l...4e nine' tatoilm viii. 141, 38, 26,
!Pi. 11 is owe le m)4 it was
01110.0u.s. to go (ley by ditty ill the
dark ninitt a btiya's nest looks like
an electric ritrect,
In order to 3)41.7flor their Ninety.
tioititl expenses. twenty -live students
of l'eansvl,vanitt t hare
hired tberneolves oat for the boll-, etrength of thole. motile' "Fairso not
days as waitors at 'sr -aside loltels I mitt tliel.? Siure-ly I will be white'
eard es cooducttirs on 144.C1riC rs. 1 thee" (oitielg. vi. 11, lrr). And
Tom lltirrows, the ebienipion chili is for us sititil,c void clusernilly 10
winger of the worldhas just con-, obey witlan,,t (piteitioning
elutloil, at Cape Town, a porform-119).
ustce which breaes all reclines. Ifell 20, 21, Ased Said Rini it4'111-0 Sail: -
swung a. pair of Intliain elide; con- Ital. Yea, I havoi l)110).4it1 tIV wire of
'bite titled * * * but the insude took
of the Npoil * * to ser,,,itirt. ludo
Lord tjty (10,1 itt
drt• comfersvs to luxe seinen tate ,
nine, 40110 was rortailAy belle:fel
tee oit'ler to oinetiety, nail yet in -
seats tiatt llo host OlVoyod tiho Veftee'
of the Lovd. it is t;1 -.e trail story,
:so ciostanten to -day, of ktal,..c.:',Vh4g,
Oa wood of tile Lord (dein xtelli,
36) maxi of tiltiniseng that Indoes
last lecian just, aritat Ile stay% titeiley
woield it be for all 1111)10 ettnionae,
air'd feathers if they wouill take the
word of Clod to nteati ile23 what it
stays teed in the ligat of futallad
rirojiihecy road proph..'y yot
and be obedient. tittedes
tato-ughts are as fee abate: otors as
lseaven is above the earth, and all
ottr .thoughts naist he betaight into
captivit.er to the obedieine of Ohrist
alsn. lv, 8, 9, Close x, 21).
2.2. to oney is bottor
than staerifice mei to Learkect than
the fat of remiss
iehe fleet tlhoupOst i2* stscsifice iS
7101 Oar giving somethiao- th ii!ote.
but Gold giving sonsitilting to us, as,
in the ineeitieltioe. of Inf.:Alice; at
Ilion (Gen. iii, 21) wave Loved'
God by a, sacrifice winiith poineed oin
to the great saerifece Ctalvairy-
tatiglit Aidam and Eel° the way of
retionption. Msen's tatougat, which
'is frau the adversery, is that we
mast first give to Gad Oct projeltiate
Inine whereas we con. give Bam
uotaing usetil -we first accept inis
gift to us. We roust Best- receive
U.'s mercy, then we ems gilre Him' •
oneselives a ' living saceifige. Sea
.eatrefully Hee'*1 64mat. ix, 13?
7, S'a,cellice /noire 11110 disoboi
diced is not azte,padble .to aoith
This is the teaching of :nor. vii, 214
23. 33e:cas3s° - thou hlasit rejected
title woar,d of 'the Ladd hath ittea
reject:cid thee teo'ro. being .king.
See also vensie 26 add note , the( ,
Saul is gaid to be nullity Of rebe3
lion add stitinhonenesie. Whoever re
inots the \void of Gadmakes Ilini f
Ilex and nuts himself off frolin
hole and *neatest' •Yel67a
lintiously for forty hours arid a
A stib000lgirl at Lee. FeIgland, bra
been awarned a. medal for sieve -a
years' perfect sebool attendaiwe. All
the members of the family - nine
ntanber aateintied the Ramo
sehteol, and not one missed a siingle
To encoarage 'the ereetion of
betiptlful residences in Paris the am-
talorities award tairco gold modals
gar:wally to the designers of tihe
most artistic dwellings. The own-
ers of these Inotnes aro relioved of
half their annual tames.
The boys and girls at the public
achools in New York an marched off
to their class rooms ovary 'nominee
to the sound of the National An-
thems and are there made to take
a daily vow of loyalty, while over
the teacnor's (leak is hung the Stars
and Staipes.
A syndicate leas been formed which
will bear the groat expense ad risk
attending the eutting of what is the
largest known. diamond, the Excel-
sior. The Excelsior was found at
the •Tagersiontein diamond' mines in
189-3. It is the size of a hen's egg,
and weighs in its present raw state,
970 carats, which is nearly 'twice as
much as the Kohiuoor weighed be-
fcore it was rochited to its present
size. Specially constencted ma-
dhiuery has Ce be ereployed for cut-
ting t.he Excelsior, and great care
is esed in inspiring its safety. from
I.1dge-";---reinem."+b. er that a few
years ago she was seeking a
lifariorie--"She's got over that no'..
She's on the look -mit for an idiot
with plenty of money it .
Askins--"What do you think of
Pufaington?" Grimshaw-"Oht, he is
the kind of man who thinks that
whon he steps on one end of the
country the other end flops up81 the